xt7zcr5n9z6g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5n9z6g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19321021  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1932 1932 2013 true xt7zcr5n9z6g section xt7zcr5n9z6g Best Copy Available







"Amateur Night"

Annual Competition Begins
8 p.m. Tonight, Training
School Auditorium



"Amateur Night", the annual
Officials of Association and presentation of 8trollers, student Publicity Department to Ai
tempt to Eradicate Seven
Federal Representadramatic organization, will be held
at 8 p.m. tonight. The program
Year Spell
tives Gather
will be staged at the University
Training school, on Limestone RITES WILL CONTINUE
IS SCENE OF MEET street, and no admission will be
The program will consist of four Coffin Containing Jinx Will
More Than 50 Representashort plays, of about ten minutes
Be Buried Friday Protives Attended Confereach, picked as the best In the
ceeding Game
ence Yesterday
group of tryouts which were held
Dean Thomas P. Cooper's address
on the subject, "The College of
Agriculture and the
meeting," will open the program
of the annual conference of Cooperative associations In the livestock judging pavilion at 9 p. m.
today. The session today will end
the two day conference being held
More than 50 representatives attended the conference yesterday
representing both the eastern and
western sections of the state. An
opening address by H. B. Price was
followed toy several addresses on

subjects dealing with

Among the speakers
were: William Collins, of the Federal Farm board; Dawson Chambers, president of Burley Tobacco
Growers' association; O. E. Hurst,
Hurst Home Insurance company;
Thomas Johnson, secretary of the
Eastern Dark Fired Tobacco association; Charles Meacham, sales
manager; and R. O. Sams,
Federal Land bank.
Boone Hill and Claude Shemwell,
president and
of the
Western Dark Tobacco association,
who were scheduled to speak at the
afternoon session of the conference
yesterday, were not present.
Forced selling was stressed strongly In addresses concerning tobacco
yesterday, the speakers stating that
pooling and storing of the weed
would add much to the difficulties
now facing the grower. Heretofore
It has been the custom among the
association to pool the
cropu and thereby hoping to raise
the price of the product. The discussion also favored the establishment of more, yet smaller,
associations within the state,
as well as making smaller advances
In the future.
The program will deviate from
the discussion of tobacco today, the
principal subjects concerning dairying and seed production.
speakers besides Dean Cooper will
be William Belknap, president of
Falls Cities Milk Producers' association; John Brown, Kentucky
Farm bureau; Frank Lebus, H. W.
Fienemann, J. D. Craddock, Gaston Coke, president of Producers'
and Harry Hartke,
Pure Milk association.
Chairman Price will conclude the
program of the day with a summary of the conference.






LEADERS' Strollers to Stapc



last week. Of the 96 students try
ing out, those who were selected for
parts In amateur night are: Miss
Anita Murphy, Miss Elizabeth Anderson, Miss Laura Hickman, Miss
Kitty Reynolds; Messrs. Louis
Brock, Jack Williams. J. C. Hulett,
and Gorman Tye. The plays to be
given are: "A Husband Wanted."
"Now Wouldn't That Jar You",
"Thrills", and "Solid Ivory."
After the program there will be
several vocal and dance numbers
given while a selection Is made of
the best dramatic talent of the
night. Prizes will be awarded to
the boy and the girl showing the
most talent, by a committee composed of Prof. Enoch Grehan, Joe
Jordan, Edwards! Templln,
Helen King, of the university pub
licity bureau, and Professor Robinson.
Another Item of Interest on the
program will be the announcement of the names of those who
made Stroller eligible, from the list
of tryouts.

SuKy circle will


the publicity department of the university in staging a burial of the
Alabama jinx. The plan was an
nounced yesterday, and according
to SuKy officials, will attract na
tion-wiattention. An entire week
will be used In the plans for the
burial, it Is said, and news reel men
will be brought to the university to
film the stunt.

Six old Kentucky voodoo doctors
will be brought down from the
mountains of the eastern part of
the state to take part In the ceremony. Each day at 4 o'clock the
six doctors will march across the
campus carrying a casket in which
will repose an effigy representing
the Jinx that Alabama wields over
Kentucky. These doctors after proceeding across the campus will con-

tinue their march to the stadium
where they will perform their rites
near the goal posts.
After the rites on Friday after
noon before
the game with
the Crimson Tide, the coffin will
loaded on a wagon and paraded
through the streets of Lexington. A
band playing a funeral dirge will
COUNT CONTINUES follow it. After the funeral march
Is over the plans call for the burn
ing of the coffin and its contents.
The publicity department has the
assurance of the mysterious witch
doctors that
Faculty Ballots Are Coming successfully this performance will
break the spell of bad
In, and Results will Be
luck under which the 'Cats have
Announced in Tueslabored In their games with the

day's Kernel

Results of the poll taken by The
Kernel to determine the presidential choice of students and faculty
at the university will not be announced until Tuesday, October 25.
None of the 34 school papers which
are conducting a nation-wid- e
will make public the final tabula-

tions until that date.
The Princetonlan, dally newspa
per of Prlncton University, is sponsoring the straw vote in order to
ascertain the choice of undergraduates for the presidency. Other
colleges In all sections of the coun
try are participating.
The final count of student votes
has not been made, but it is ex
pected that they will total nearly
500, or about 25 per cent of the en
tire student body. The first two
days of balloting gave Roosevelt a

EVANS TO ADDRESS ASSEMBLY lead over Hoover of 59. Norman
Thomas, Socialist candidate, was
On October 27, Dean Alvln Evans trailing with 67 votes to his credit.
will speak at a special convocation Other candidates receiving a scat
on "Legal Ethics and the Defense tered vote include Newton Baker,
Samuel Insull, Will Rogers, and
of Bad Cases."
Niel Plummer.
Approximately 35 per cent of the
faculty members have returned
ballots which were sent to them by
mail. The teachers' votes show
Hoover with a slight plurality over
The active presence of a Thomas- organization on the
campus has resulted In the unusual
ly large number of votes polled by
the Socialist candidate.
Official national election results
Agriculture society will meet will not be known until October 27,
at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday In the Agri- but The Kernel will publish the
culture building.
returns two
university balloting
days earlier.
Senior members of
The Block and Bridle club will The Kernel staff are in charge of
meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the the ballot counting.
Agriculture building.


Students Cheer
As 'Cats Leave
Union Station

Monday, October 24th, Coach
Rupp will begin Varsity basketball
practice, equipment will be Issued
at 3:30 p. m., and the first drill will
follow. Coach Rupp plans an Intensive early schedule for his men
A pep meeting, followed by a
and plans to cut his squad to 16 Darade downtown to the Unian
after the men who play football station, was held last night at tlte,
gym on Euclid avenue. The
This year the Big Blue netters Alumni were given a send-oat
very fine schedule In pro- Wildcats
have a
spect. They will play one Inter- the station before leaving
national game and make trips that Blacksburg,P. Va., In where they will
gridiron combat
will take them from the Atlantic meet V.
seaboard to the Rocky Mountain tomorrow afternoon.
Students desiring to become cheer
Candidates for freshman basket- leaders were asked to compete at
ball will report In about three weeks. this meeting In order to be classed
as eligibles for the cheering team.
The annual W. A. A. camp will Both boys and girls were asked to
be held from Saturday noon until try out for the team, because SuKy
Sunday afternoon, about three Is anxious to have a girl on the
miles from Frankfort on the Ken- cheering team. The winning comtucky river. The group will leave bination of cheer leaders will be
from Patterson hall at noon Satur- chosen at a later date, possibly at
day. All girls who want to go, see the frosh game this Saturday.
Prof. Elmer Sulzer and his band
Miss Averill at the Women's Gym.
of Wildcat boosters were at the
Freshman caps will be on sale at meeting to raise the spirits of the
Thorpe and Sons at 125 East Main students. Dean Blanding had giv
street beginning Monday, October en special permission for all girls
24. All freshmen boys must call at in the dormitories
to remain out
the office of the Dean of Men for until the pep meeting was over.
their cards which will eutitle them
to buy caps. All freshmen must WHITE MATHEMATICS CLUB
buy these caps which will cost 33
cents, the fee being paid to the
The White Mathematics club held
dean for the card.
the first meeting of the year yes
The Men's Student council will terday afternoon at 4 p.m. in room
meet at 4 p.m. Monday In Room 4 109 of McVey hall. The meeting
of the Administration building.
was called by Dr. H. H. Downing,
faculty advisor for the club last
All freshmen men students are year, for the purpose of electing
requested to call at their post of- officers and faculty advisor, and
fice boxes for notices from the of- deciding on topics for talk
fice of the dean of men.
discussion during the year.

Big Red from Tuscaloosa.
For the past seven years Alabama
has consistently defeated the Big
Blue and the efforts are being made
by the university groups in order to
bring victory back to the Bluegrass
state. Pictures will be sent to all
large newspapers and films deplet
ing the stunt will be shown over
the entire South.
Details of the stunt will not be
announced but university students
will have ample opportunity to see
the enactment of gala scenes. Elaborate costuming is expected to attract many to the scene. At 4 p.
m. Monday the six men will begin
the week s 'killing and the finale
will be enacted at the pep meeting
which is to be held one week from


Booth, Com
mander of Army in United
States to Speak at Gym
Tuesday, October 25

"The World's Greatest Romance,"
will be the subject of a talk which
Evangeline C. Booth, commander-in-chiof the Salvation Army in
the United States, will give at 7:45
p. m., Tuesday, October 25 in the
Alumni gymnasium. Miss Booth is
recognized as being America's leading woman orator.
Admission to the event will be
free, and a special invitation has
been extended to students. Approx
imately 2,000 tickets have been Issued to Dean Blanding and Dean
Melcher for distribution among the

students and faculty, through the
of the university Y.
W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. The address was originally scheduled to be
held in the auditorium of Henry
Clay high school, but it was not
known at that time that the gym
nasium would be available for the

Although the program will not
begin until 7:45 p. m., the doors
will be open at 7 o clock. Following
special music prelude, the speaker
will be Introduced by Dr. Frank L.
Miss Booth is making a tour of
the country, and Lexington is Included In the southern portion of
her speaking program . She will not
speak at any other place in Kentucky on this trip. After leaving
her headquarters in New York city,
she will motor by private car to
Cincinnati, where she will deliver
addresses on October 22 and 23.
Monday she will appear in Springfield, Ohio, and will then come to
Daughter of Gen. William Booth,
founder of the International organization, Miss Booth is a leader of
prominence and Influence in her
own right, and a brilliant public
Tickets may be obtained from the
offices of Dean Blanding or Dean
Melcher: the university Y. M. C. A.
or Y. W. C. A., or from the Salvation Army headquarters, 618 W.
Main street.

Following the faculty meeting at
3 p.m. Wednesday, the luw college
announced that the registration for
this semester shows an Increase of
about 10 percent over the registration of last year.
For the year 1931-3- 2
there was
an enrollment of 99 students, while
this semester approximately
have registered.

LITTLE THEATER Petitions for Social
Dates Due Oct 31
TO OPEN MONDAY Must Be Submitted to Dean V. P. I. GOBBLERS
Melcher 'or Dean

Into Fast
Ghandi fasted for India,
Hammond for (.1.
Charles "Sleepy" Hammond,
sophomore In the Collate of
Arts and Sotmcr, broke a
three day faat at p. m. Sunday when he partook of a
rnnall bowl of Tractable soup.
This wan Slrepy's flrnt food
since the evening meal on
Thursday. At that time he
ate lettuce, naiad dressing,
rolls and hot tea.
fast was the
The three-da- y
result of a 3 dollar bet between Hammond
and two
friends. The bet was that he
days withcould not go three
out food. Up to the present
time the wager has not been
paid, bat Sleepy is optimistic
and has hopes.
During the three days he
went without food, the "campus Mahatma" did not miss
a single class. He said that
he wm not able to study quite
as well as usual. He did not
drink more than the normal
amount of water and did not
lose any noticeable amount of

All petitions for social functions
must be turned into the office of Tomorrow's Game First Hard
Test for 'Cats; Both
Dean Melcher or Dean Blanding
not later than October 31, accordTeams Undefeated
ing to a statement Issued by Dean
MADE IN PLAY CAST submitted,these petitions have been
they will be referred to
the Student council who
R. D. Mclntyre, Emily Har social dates to the variouswill award New Back field Combination
fraterniIncludes Kercheval, Bach,
din Are Cast in Lead in
ties. The council will meet NovemCassady and Johnson
ber 17 for the purpose of determining this matter. To date, only
With the dress rehearsal Sunday three or four fraternities have renight the large cast, In practice for turned their petitions to the Dean's
In their first four
games and leading the Southern
the hilarious comedv. "Once In A office.
Lifetime," will be ready for the
by virtue of four vicEach fraternity on the campus Conference
opening curtain at 8:30 p .m. Mon- has the privilege of submitting its tories, the Wildcats left last night
day. The popular
at 8:35 o'clock for Blacksburg, Vir
first, second,
play has been five weeks in prepara for dances ,inand third choice dates ginia, where they will play the
the form of petitions.
tion and the seat sale for the sea
Fraternities which have incurred Oobblers of Virginia Tech In their
son has been good.
debts during the past year, or whose first real test of the season. Desplay, a burlesque on the cin financial condition is not deemed pite Injuries the Big Blue griddcrs
ema world, insinuates that Holly- solid, will not be allowed to have a are confident of victory when they
wood did not know what It was all social dance
field ffiturday afternoon.
this semester.
about at the advent of the talkies, keeping with past customs, all so- take the
Last night the 'Cats received an
so a
small time, vaude
Cheas-apeacial dances must be held within
ville trio sells its act and cut loose the city limits of Lexington, which ovation as they boarded the
and Ohio train to begin
for California to tell bewildered pro means that the majority of them
their Journey. The Best Band in
ducers how to do things.
will take place either in the AlumMarion Galloway, as May Daniels, ni gym, or at the downtown hotels. Dixie was on hand In addition to
a large number of students and
of the trio, persuades George White
other well wishers.
Fithian, as Glogauer, producer, that
she can teach dumb,
John Drury and Honus Wagner,
to talk. Woodson Knight, as Jerry
although suffering from sundry
Hyland, fast talking business maninjuries, may get into the game at
ager of the trio, lands a romantic
Blacksburg, the coach announed
role and "goes Hollywood." R. D.
late last night. Both will make the
Mclntyre, as George Lewis, the
trip and will be used if needed.
none too smart third member of Game To Be Called at 1 P. M.
With the exeption of the two
act, becomes a
behomouth tackles, Drury and
Saturday on Stoll Field;
great director, accidently makes the
Wagner, who are suffering from
wrong picture; buys two thousand
Pribble Expects To
numerous ailments, the 'Cats were
aeroplanes, and falls into the throes
Win Easily
In Just about the best shape they
of Emily Hardin, beautiful, but
have been In all season. With both
dense aspirant for the movies.
FROSH IN GOOD SHAPE Ellis Johnson and Ralph Kercheval
Numerous others, widely known
in the lineup, the Big Blue has their
for past stellar performances at the
best offensive layout of the current
university little theater, are cast in
Coach B. L. Prlbble's husky year
the smaller parts of the play. In- ling squad will meet the undefeated, season.
Thursday, the Wildcats took a
cluded In the list are: Marguerite highly touted University of TennesMcLaughlin, Dunster Foster Pettit, see "Rats" at 1 o'clock Saturday aft- light workout, running signals and
in dummy scrimmage.
Katherine Davis, Whayne Haffler, ernoon on Stoll field. Coach PribJane Ratchford, Minna Bloomfleld, ble is highly pleased with the show- Their plays have been clicking
Lolo Robinson, Ruth Wehle, and ings that
freshmen have made well all week against their opposiAlfred Andrews. All of these expe- during the the week and he is con tion of reserves and freshmen.
rienced players, doing minute char- fident that his team will win by a
Wednesday, the freshmen and
acterizations, bring the play up to good margin.
reserves were handled pretty rough
the highest level of smoothness.
by the inspired varsity, who ran
Various resignations and changes went against afternoon the their their plays over, through, and
varsity in
have been made in the cast, but last scrimmage the
before the Wildcat around Pribble's boys and battered
the cast as it will open Monday
leaves for Blacksburg to meet the frosh until shock troops had to
night is as follows: May Daniels. squad I.
be brought to the firing line. With
Marion Galloway; George Lewis, R. V. P.
The freshmen have Improved Ellis Johnson barking the signals,
D. Mclntyre; Jerry Hyland, Woodand
son Knight; Susan Walker, Emily steadily throughout the seasonexpe- the varsity rolled down the field
stronger and
Hardin; Porter, Roscoe Stephens; a much team will go on more field to using their entire array of plays
and on no occasion was the deHelen Hobart, Marguerite McLaughlin; Coat check girl, Ruth Wehle; meet the "Rats" than the one that fense able to stop the plays without
two a gain being registered by the var
Cigarette girl, Frances Sargent; took on the Marshall frosh have
Florabel, Katherine Davis; Maid, weeks ago. The freshmen varsity sity. The new backfleld combine
against the
of Johnson,
Mary Andrews Persons: Chauffeur, scrimmaged
every day
Paul Mansfield; Phyliss, Dunster given the V. this I. week. Monday were and Bach looked impressive and if
and the line continues Its good work,
P. plays
Foster Pettit; Maid, Melvina Ralph;
Chauffeur, George Farris; Bell boy, they have been giving the varsity the 'Cats may surprise plenty of
with them
Walter Christopher: Mrs. Walker, plenty of oppositionhandicapped all people by their victories.
Jane Ratchford; Weiskopff, Alan week. They are have had only Rupert and Kreuter. Kentucky's
Asby; Meterstein, Carl Stutsman; the fact that season,
and that most demon ends, are still improving
Miss Chasen, Lolo Robinson; Ern- one game this on
the field is devoted and with these boys on the flanks
est, Alfred Andrews;
Glogauer, of their time
op the Big Blue's end defense will be
George White Fithian; First Page, to the running of the Wildcat's
plenty tight. Wildcat fans are
Donald McGirk; Second Page. Ray ponents' plays.
Little is known of the "Rats'' ex- talking of a berth on the
Stark; Miss Leigh ton, Minna cept
that they are said to have one ern team for both of these terminal
Bloomfleld: Lawrence Vail. James
Ralph Johnson; of the strongest teams that they men and some are even optimistica
Kammerling, Wilden Thomas: First have had in recent years. The only to believe that Joe Rupert has
In addi
electrician, Bill Watkins:
Second Information obtainable about their chance for
electrician, J. B. Wells: Mr. Flick, games so far this season Is that tion to these boys, the 'Cats have
Whayne Haffler; Sixth Bridesmaid, their game with Sewanee freshmen Tate Duff, Parrish, Frye, and Mur
phy in reserve, all of whom are
Mary King Montgomery; Miss New- resulted In a 0 to 0 tie.
The "Rats" have defeated the crackerjack ends. This department
ton, Ruby Evans; Bishop, M. E. Potter; Sullivan and Biographer, Combs Kittens for the past few years and is perhaps the best fortified on the
Blanford, and Voice pupil, Carolyn It looks as though the Kittens have team with a supply of reserves.
their chance to even up things this But the tackles are the posts
season. The queer thing about the that are wee this week; with both
games during the past few years Drury and "Honus" Wagner out of
is that the "Rats" usually beat the
three remainthe lineup,
Kittens and the following year the ing tackles, the other
Wildcats tie the Vols with both
get plenty or acteams using practically the same and Aldridge will Aldridge, formerly
men that they used the year before tion (Continued on Page Four)
on their freshmen teams.
The probable starting lineup Is
Members Selected for High
in Field of Gilmer at Hay at one, and either
Jackson or
halfback poBusiness
sition and McClurg at the other
and Economics
half. Prichard will probably start
at fullback. At the ends will be
At a recent meeting of Beta Gam- Long and Adkins.
ma Sigma, honorary Commerce fraKentuckian to Sponsor Dance
ternity, the following seniors were
elected to membership in recogniSaturday in Alumni Gym;
tion of their high scholarship in
Photographers Are
the field of economics and business
Through Friday
administration: Mary Ada Honey,
Nicholasville; Dorothy Salmon,
With the return of the Kentuc
William Selby, Paducah, and
Approximately 60 delegates from
Quentin Walker, Lexington. Prof. 10 representative Kentucky schools kian photographer and the final ar
James W. Martin, director of the and colleges are expected to attend rangements for the Kentuckian
Bureau of Business Research and the annual Kentucky Student Y. dance, the annual staff is ending
professor of Economics in the Col- W. C. A. conference to be held at the prillmlnary portion of the work
lege of Commerce, was elected to the university this week-en- d
of for the year.
faculty membership.
The Kentuckian dance which will
with Katherine
Officers and members of the Ken- Jones, Millersburg, president of the be held from 9 until 12 p.m. Saturtucky chapter of the fraternity are university student Y. W. C. A. as day, October 22. will be the second
president, Prof. R. D. Mclntyre; chairman of the meeting.
dance to be held prior to the offi
secretary and treasurer, Prof. L. H.
Among the prominent speakers cial opening of the social calendar
Carter; Dean Edward Wiest, Prof. scheduled to address the conference and is being used as a test of the
W. W. Jennings, Prof. Lloyd Aver-it- t, are the Rev. Richard Seebode. pas- practicability of holding university
William Stephenson.
Wlllium tor of the Louisville Unitarian functions early In the fall semester.
Tolman and Joseph Webb.
church; Louise Dohrman, Univer- Music will be furnished by the
The chapter Is making plans for sity of Cincinnati, president of the Masqueraders
with a unit of 10
the national convention of the fra- national student Y. W. C. A.; Dr. men. In addition to Custodian
ternity which will be held in Lex- Frank L. McVey, president of the Jones, two sergeants from the miliington in April, 1933. Beta Gamma university; the Rev. George Heaton, tary
two from the destaff
Sigma has 35 chapters located in pastor of the Felix Memorial Bap- partment and
of Buildings and
the leading collegiate schools of tist church of Lexington, and Miss will aid In keeping order Grounds
and subusiness In the country.
It was Lucille Jewell, dean of women at pervising the conduct at the dance.
founded at the University of Wisthe Kentucky Industrial College, The Kentuckian photographer
consin on May 18, 1907. National Frankfort.
will remain here until Friday to
officers Include Dr. William D. GorThe institutions expected to be
don of the University of Pennsyl- represented at the conference in- finish any individual pictures yet
vania, president; Dr. Russell A. cludes University of Louisville, Cen- to be used in the annual. With the
Stephenson of the University of tre College, Morehead State Teach- exception of the band group, the
and Prof. ers College, Berea College, Transyl- whole day will be spent in winding
John W. Jenkins of the University vania University, Eastern State up the list of persons needing inpictures.
Present plans
of Georgia, secretary and treasurer. Teachers College, Western Slate dividual
Teachers Colege, Sue Bennett Me- call for the makeup of the album
PITKIN (LIB TO REORGANIZE morial College, and Science Hill.
and fraternity sections as soon as
the prints taken this week have
The Pitkin club, a
been returned.
dinner club
Contrary to the usual custom.
Miss Marjorie Wiest was elected
equally of members f the Y. M. C. president of the French club at a the editor has decided to omit the
A. and the Y. W. C. A. will hold Its meeting held October 19. in Patter- pictures not taken this week for
first meeting of the year Wednesson hull. Other officers are Miss fraternity sections. This will per- day. October 26. from 12 to 12:50 Ann Coleman,
and mit the Issuance of the annual at
at the Maxwell Street Presbyterian Miss Mary Chick, secretary-treasan earlier date and give the print
er the needed time for his work.

"Once In A Lifetime" Cast
Is Ready for Curtain
at 8:30





pre-talk- ie

Men's Student Council Ac
cepts Petitions for Officers of Various Classes
of University
The Men's Student council ac
cepted 34 petitions for student of
fices at its regular meeting at 4
p.m. Tuesday In the Administration
Two petitions were rejected because they were turned in
late, and one was not accepted because the name of the candidate
was not listed on the university enrollment records. Candidates for
student offices are as follows:
president, Horace
Senior class:
Miner, Russell Gray, and Forrest
Elsie Bureau,
and Mary King
Nell Dlshman,
Montgomery; secretary, Jane Giv-en- s,
Mary A. O'Brien, and Mary
Elizabeth Price; treasurer, Jess M.
Herndon, James R. Miner, and
Charlton Wallace.
Junior class: president, Thomas
Cassady, Horace Helm, and Joe S.
Broadbent, Howard Kreuter, and
Ethel Smoot; secretary-treasure- r,
Miles Davis, and Ralph Edwards.
Sophomore class: president, Phil
Ardery, David Lawrence, and Os
car P. Renter;
erine Cooke, Anna Bruce Gordon,
and Louise Johnson: secretary-treasure- r,
William Davis and Elizabeth Jones.
Freshman class: president, Wil
liam Daniel and Howard Smathers;
vice - president,
and Ann Stevenson;
Mary Dantzler and
Sam Warren.
Each petition for class office
nominee had to be signed by 25
bona fide members of the class
from which the petition was usb- mltted, and with the exception of
freshmen candidates, each petition
was accompanied by a certificate
of eliglbllty from the registrar that
the candidate had a university
standing of at least one for the pre
vious semester.
Petitions submit
ted to the dean of men or the
secretary of the Men's Student
council later than noon, October 18,
were rejected.
The annual election of class officers will be held Thursday, October 27.


Girls To Sponsor

In Patterson Hall



The Women's Self Government
association is sponsoring a dance
from 4 to 6 p. m. Monday. October
31, in Patterson hall for all women
attending the university.
Miss Lois Neal, president of W.
S. G. A. is general chairman of arrangements for the affair. Miss
Evelyn Grubbs,
of W.
S. G. A., who Is in charge of the
music has engaged the Masquer-ader- s
orchestra. Miss Katherine
Smoot, decoration chairman, is having the recreation hall decorated in
Hallowe'en colors. Miss Billy Mad-do- x
Is chairman of the refreshment committee and Miss Hazel
Nollou is in charge of publicity.
This is the first social event which
W. S. O. A. has sponsored this year
although plans are being made to
give one entertainment for women
students each month. The organization plans to send two magazines
to each organized house on the
campus. Authority for this step
has not been given. Entertainments
sponsored by W. S. G. A. are entirely
to the





On Saturday, October 22, the two
state champion livestock judging
teams will meet at the university
for an all day practice session. The
two teams are the state champion
hol team from Stanford,
and the state champion
team 'ruin. Oldham county.
4-- H










Sixty Delegates
Expected at Meet
Of State Y.W.C.A.






* Best Copy

Page Two

The Kentucky Kernel



National Collw rrrnn Association
Ktnturkj Intrrcollrmnif Prn AMorlatlon
Lexington Board of Commerce
Official Newspaper of the Students of the
University of Kentucky, Lexington

Subscription t2 00 a year. Entered at
ington, Ky., Postofflce as Second
class mall matter.


. tdttor-tn-Cht- rl
MARVIN C. WACHS . . . Managing Editor

Before the voters In the city of
Lexington on Tuesday, November 8.
Is an Important bond Issue dealing
with a new sewage and disposal
system. It Is of vital importance
to every Lexingtonian and to the
personnel of this university for the
sewer bond issue to be favorably received by the voters.
The necessity for a rennovated
sewage and disposal system in Lexington has been apparent for the
last few years. Every time a heavy
rain visits central Kentucky, sections of Lexington are inundated.
The University of Kentucky has
been one of the heaviest losers in
the flood area.
Millions of dollars have been lost
by an inadequate system of carry
ing away rain water. Also, streams
in and around Lexington have become polluted, and unsanitary conditions have been reported. There
seems to be no obvious reason why
an inland city of such importance
should be subjected to the anxiety
of water damage every time a
thunderstorm approaches.
The new system calls for three
drainage districts, namely: the
North area, the Central area, and
the South area. It is in the latter
district that the University of Kentucky is highly Interested.
proposed channel passes through
the campus from South Limestone
street to Rose street, providing for
the relief of all heretofore flooded
districts on the main grounds.
Because the bond issue represents
a sane and essential investment for
all citizens of Lexington, The Kernel endorses its progressive program.
Because the University of Kentucky,
always a heavy loser during rainy
seasons, would greatly profit by the
passage of sewer bonds. T