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1986 PROGRAM , 9. E. 5
m 8 E g Twelfth Annual sympOSlum on
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A.M. distribution of neuroreceptors in a living human brain. The tech- E H o
I 10:00 CoffeeChemistry-Physics, Rm. 137 nique is called positron emission tomography, a powerful imag - g 8
_ ing technique capable of providing an unprecedented look at 4}- :3
1030 Welcome and Introduction, Rm. 139 chemistry of the living, working brain. Since the first successful a E g Chemistry and
. . O
10:35 Introductory Remarks study, we have developed methods for the study of five different a 5 a
Dr. Rosalyn S. Yalow neuroreceptor systemsdopamine, serotonin, opiate, ben- . g; 0
10:45 CYCLOTRONS, LABELED zodiazepine, and acetylcholineand have performed over 300 8 Q MOIeClllal' 8101093]
COMPOUNDS, AND PROBING HUMAN BIO- studies. Among our findings to date are that dopamine receptors a
CHEMISTRY decline almost 50% between the ages of 20 and 70 years in nor-
mal men and to a lesser degree in women, that drugs used to
Dr. Alfred p, wolf treat schizophrenic patients effect a nearly complete blockade of
G or von Heves laid the foundation for the tra t metho dopamine receptors in the caudate nucleus and putamen, that _ .
in 1313??" 1935 he til/as the rst to apply it to anin::l studie: vitamin B6 is an important co-factor in the synthesis of dopamine established in the memory Of
curiously enough to a problem in metabolism. The tracer method receptors, and that the total quantity of dopamine receptors is Anna S Naff
has evolved as one of the most powerful techniques in basic reduced in patients with Huntingtons disease while the concen-
chemical and biomedical research. Positron Emission Tomography tration per unit volume of caudate nucleus is normal or even
is a sophisticated application of the tracer method used to probe increased. -
and quantitate human biochemistry. A key issue is the nature of
the tracer used as the probe. Today, tracers for glucose I , .
metabolism, oxygen utilization, neuroreceptor ligands, protein syn- - - RADIONUCLIDES [N
thesis, neoplastic cell turnover, and general pharmacokinetic
studies are being prepared and studied in humans to assess both Coffee Break . t CHEMISTRY AND
normal and pathological states The compounds used are label-  3:00 RADIOIMMUNOASSAY: 1986 I
ed with positron emitters: mainly carbon, fluorine and oxygen and MEDIC'NE
to a lesser extent nitrogen. They are prepared in place using a D'- Rosalyn 3- Yalow
cyclotron and converted to precursors, i.e., substances which can Radioimmunoassay (RIA) came into being hOt by directed __
be used in synthesis of higher molecular weight materials. The deSiQh bUt as a fall-out from investigations into another, apparently
presentation will trace the preparation of the radionuclides and unrelated, problem, namely, studies 0 the diSh'lbUtiOh and
the labeled compounds placed in the context of the concomitant metabolism of radioactively labeled insulin. We observed that vir~ Speakers
biological methods used to allow determination and quantitation tually all insulintreated subjects develop ih5UllhblhdihQ antibodies.
of a particular physiological or biochemical process in humans. We appreciated that the methods developed for quantifying Ch"
Recent research in synthesis and application of antipsychotic drugs culating antibody to 1511" COUld be adapted to the measurement ROSALYN S . YALOW
and tumor probes will be highlighted. of insulin itself in plasma and other fluids. The concentratton of HENRY N. WAGNER, JR.
the unknown is determined Simply by comparing its inhibition of
the binding of labeled antigen to antibody with that of known stan- ALFRED 19- WOLF
dards. RlA is a test-tube method now used in thousands of
laboratories throughout the world, even in scientifically less-
P.M. developed countries, to measure the concentrations of hundreds
12:15 Buffet Lunch, Alumni House of substances of biologic interest. It was first used in endocrinologic
(Cost $5.00, Pay at Registration.) Please research and clinical diagnosis. Its applications now cover a much
retum card for msewaon. broader spectrum. Gastro-enterology, neurzendocrinology, plihar- Monday, April 7 1986
macology and toxicology, biochemistry, ateriology, viro ogy, _
1:30 NEW IMAGES OF THE BRAIN enzymologyall have felt the impact of RIA. Radioisotopic Department Of ChemIStry
Dr. Henry N. Wagner methodology, as exemplified by RIA, has shown the potential for 2 University of Kentucky
We can now measure how chemicals affect different regions opening new Stag m biology and medicme. E 3 Lexington, Kentucky 405060055
of the living human brain One area involves the study of drugs 9? (g 'c :3
in-vivo neuropharmacology; another involves the study of toxic g '3 .U tn 5
chemical effectsin-vivo neurotoxicology. Two and one half years c? 7* g; g a?
ago we were able to achieve the first quantitative imaging of the Informal 5C! hour L"   5-
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