xt7zcr5ncx84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5ncx84/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers Contest 2005 text Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers Contest 2005 2005 2019 true xt7zcr5ncx84 section xt7zcr5ncx84 . . ,,.,. ’VV
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55:3???5'55}'siié:5§§55-vér.i Interesting, good reporting.
weEkly Class 1 Category 5 - Best Column
First Place — Flemingsburg Gazette, Guy M. Category 10
$5 . Category 1 - Best Editorial Townsend Best Investigative Story or Series
gl‘ 3 .~, First Place - Tri—City News, Jeff Wilder Columns regarding church v. state are obvious- First Place — McLean County , News, Jonna
, Suggest a consistent page layout with an edito- ly biased but well—reasoned and entertaining. Spelbring Priester '
:l i: rial on a local issue, local columnists, cartoon and Second Place — McLean County News, Jonna Far—reaching series that back up accolades with .
1’ :il -j letters. Tell readers to keep them short. Spelbring Priester numbers. l
it; { Well-written, easily digestible pieces about Second Place - Trimble Banner, Darren Pike
, :1 , . l Category 2 simple things that readily appeal to readers. Well-written story on timely topic. Wish
_:., " -; Best Spot News Coverage Third Place - Trimble Banner, Darren Pike reporter had more sources.
ll :_ '_ First Place - Trimble Banner, Darren Pike Well written column about pedestrian issue.
i l _, p * Concise, thorough coverage of what could have Category 11
’ : been a highly sensational story. No holes and fine Category 6 - Best Sports Column Best On-Going/Extended Coverage Story
" adherence to AP style. Informational lead graph. No Entries First Place - Beattyville Enterprise, Edmund
. ‘ Second Place - Trimble Banner, Darren Pike Shelby ‘
l l ’ Good lead, thorough reporting. Wish headline Category 7 - Best Sports Story Excellent chronicle of a big story as it unfolds. '
,, Z'» reflected lead better. Solid writing. First Place - Flemingsburg Gazette, Brad Laux Best news reporting I’ve read all day. Keep up the
il” l l3, Third Place - Tri-City News, John Scott It’s not often that I’ll read a lap—by—lap account good work. ‘
: l . . . Good analysis using outside sources to confirm of a track event, but Laux’s reporting made me Second Place - Flemingsburg Gazette, Charles
l violation. Wish there was a quote from a council want to finish this one. Good work. Mattox
f member. Second Place — McLean County News, Jessica Interesting story, good follow-up.
l : Honorable Mention - Herald News, Judy WeSt Bratcher Third Place - McLean County News, Jonna
’ x’ Wright Good game story on volleyball playoffs. Spelbring Priester
p.15 3; Got the facts, although adherence to grammar Third Place — McLean County News, Jonna Good reporting and follow-up. _
FI- occasionally wants. Spelbring Priester
12:33.; Another good high school sports story, this one Category 12
m Category 3 on football. Best Business/Agribusiness Story
Best General News Story Honorable Mention - Herald News, Scott First Place - McLean County News, Jessica
U) First Place — Flemingsburg Gazette, Charles Morgan West Bratcher .
< Mattox Good job covering less than exciting middle Clear, concise account of a buyout that will ,
,, I: ' 3- Nice use Of narrative elements in a general SChOOl football game. obviously affect the area. Timeline a great - 3,
II" news story, good job of including background info touch. .. , “’"“ ‘-
, _:U r on story in second paragraph. Category 8 - Best Sports Feature Story Second Place - McLean County News, Joanna
Second Place - McLean County News, Jessica First Place - McLean County News, Jonna Spelbring Priester
>_ West Bratcher, Jonna Spelbring Priester Spelbring Priester Localized a national trend in a clean concise
,2’ Good reporting, nice quotes, flows well. A good read with quotes and detail giving an manner. _
III-I. Third Place - Trimble Banner, Darren Pike insight into female football player. Third Place - Flemingsburg Gazette, Carolyn
x Good reporting and balance. Second Place - Flemingsburg Gazette, Brad Schwartz ‘
.- ' ,‘ 5 Laux Ode to a crop of the past. Nice agri-feature. -
3"“ : Category 4 - Best Feature Story Well done story on former major leaguer that g -,
5L“: 7 First Place - McLean County News, Beth would have been helped by better art or pictures Category 13 - Best Headline . ,
Wilberding from big league days. First Place - McLean County News, Jessica
3 Great angle, well written. Nice way to make an Third Place — Flemingsburg Gazette, Carolyn West Bratcher “
. l ' ' otherwise boring story interesting and engaging. Schwartz Second Place — McLean County News, Keith E.
- , . ; Second Place - McLean County News, Jessica Another good feature about local athlete in lit— Bratcher
' West Bratcher tle known sport. Third Place — Flemingsburg Gazette, Carolyn _ , . :
l , ' Neat twist in lead. Interesting story, off—the Schwartz .
l , ' radar of typical news. Paragraphs a bit choppy, Category 9 - Best ‘ _
l. watch for flow. Enterprise or Analytical Story Category 14 - Best Spot News Picture
2 p ' , Third Place - McLean County News, Jonna First Place — Trimble Banner, Darren Pike First Place _ Trimble Banner, Darren Pike
‘ , l': , Spelbring Priester Excellent piece, well written and balanced! Good shot, tells the story. j
’2, ‘ : Cool quirky little feature, well written. Second Place — Tri-City News, John Scott Second Place — McLean County News, Jonna ‘ '
l ' .- Honorable Mention - Flemingsburg Gazette, Good news analysis, but be careful not to edi- Spelbring Priester
‘ ‘ Charles Mattox torialize. Third Place - McLean County News, Jonna .
H Nice lead, but watch that you aren’t slanting Third Place - Beattyville Enterprise, Edmund Spelbring Priester ' » '-
1 , l 5 your writing in favor of your subject, you can be Shelby ‘ ' '
i l enthusiastic without being too slanted. Also, Watch Interesting and complicated subject, consider Category 15 - Best General News Picture
length of leads (and all graphs, for that matter). putting official sources closer to top of story, dig— First Place - Trimble Banner, Darren Pike ‘
Honorable Mention - Trimble Banner. Darren ging around to find the other side, what do their Second Place - Tri-City News, John Scott ' ' i
\ Pike employers think? This perhaps should have been
> . Neat lead, good extensive reporting, but don’t broken up into a series. Category 16 - Best Feature Picture , '
bury the current story under the history, bring Honorable Mention - Flemingsburg Gazette, First Place - Trimble Banner, Darren Pike A
.;3 graph up in text. Charles Mattox Very moving composition. . . I .

 , . _ . . 1 _, -. 1r!
5 - 1 5 - 25'».
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. . ‘ h We” 5. -.- .1 GIVE U S 3 SI 1] ’37
1. ”' av . . '
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123.de Mayor cm Hatfield stated, 1*! intend m mum- modding infrmav ”s 1 “a: “5%“, 3 v 11 «a a 1 . . L' 'f 1}
Lian mnmming a t); finamm,m>d qr bad. to inform the public of our aim» ”1”” tax-2:15;;--....5 ’855 7 1.V5-.5;ff¢=15.,,__ zfjij.~v4~ fl, '5' . i l h b r ’1‘
‘ i o n to a “.5' «mi a" news “m m that m“ publish it . @3 , ”(gs/Wg’ 1. , 1'; r]- S owers r1 ng .5 f. . L13
. That 3:! mt what happened at. a meeting cm May 30 a! the Cumberland . "v ’z"i151“"iiiiiiéi51i's1...:2. “ V: I i -1 ‘ n . "”
The mwitng ss-vss termed a ‘aimial «Mummy murmur ‘ The city is by g " "13?: . s a"; i In Stratlon 21.1- 1’77;
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1 meme:- :shnll appear in the minutes. Gymmwm and radian a! the enter “Q“fix:“%’afi§g%’§ , ‘f, “"71; .5. I ’ .2721... 5 » ' «a
5 gnm‘y mom-um; man be limited in the emerge-my for which the marveling in 73/1"- ég *1? ' My.“ e m“ v“ H if;
The rmrdt‘dmmulm admitted lhclcgfilliyoflhvmwumnfl cheysmmt igiv/‘Egélw’r' % g. fiwfi "o é; ”z: ’W .3 ' :16
“the m Ii malfunction of equipment and possible pollution or river waver exagnagégtgfté 4" sW ...-..W ,3; ..° 5 55 f5?
endangrrlng the. health at Citizens and since this problem has existed for tgzgjfihfi’i’sfirvt gr; as} @931“... 5 . ,‘3. ’1 11-‘i'1.;.95£m;::b£;%g - ’1 . 1. ’5’
5 mom than ihm weeks Maya;- Carl Hatfield determined that this was am # ifi’éfiafis d1 5%? >1“? 3'5 ,3 38% g; 5 ”'31,; 5 5 'J
emergent)". <. “db’fiv‘s is; $1 43’? ..="V.’1= m 4’ it)»: ”w Some of the f; rs t- lace wznners for i "l;
The fact that the pmblnm had existed (or three weeks gave the Mayor is! §T$Z§ 15;;
. Honorable Mention - Flemingsburg Gazette, Organized and well-executed; In-housc pro- Best Business/Agribusiness Page m 37.3,
. . . . . - )9: I. l} .2]: ': 15"
Carolyn Schwartz duced editorial Will be something readers Will No Entries . ‘,5 511.1151. 5133’
V Honorable Mention - Trimble Banner, Darren keep. Cover is a little busy, read font is a bit dated 5 5 ,U)... ;I
' Pike - looking. All in all, good job. ' Category 24 - Best Lifestyle Page ' .55.;25'5‘ 5 1 1 :23
I 11 Category 17 Second Place - Tri-City News, Staff Certificate of Merit - McLean CoUntchws, 5”!" ‘1 1- 5 M
. . Best Picture Essay Editorial organized and useful, ShOWS hard Jessica West Bratcher 1 "-17. ff}: ' 5::
(Spot, General or Feature) work of staff. Photos should be flush with .5... "1' .155 fig:
” First Place — McLean County News, Jonna columns, watch capitals and passive voice in head- Category 25 - Best Editorial Page :11;
.Spelbring Priester lines. Clean ad demgn, overall great resource for First Place - Flemingsburg Gazette, Guy 1 . 5 :5;
.. MW.
Strong photos, good compOSition. readers. Townsend . p 1,;
- - 1 - Second Place — McLean County News, Jonna Third Place - McLean County News, Jonna A suggestion would be shorter columns to add 5 5 ‘ i
_. Spclbring Priestcr Spelbring Pricster another columnist or two. Suggest also an editorial 5; ' .111,
- Like the different takes on the prom. Great design, cover immediately draws reader, on same local subject each week. Columns are C; 5,;
Third Place — Trimble Banner, DaIren Pike looks like a daily. Nice use of white space. fine, good work. 1:
Well done, good story. 71:7" 1_.5-f [,3
1’ 1_ 1 Category 21 - Best Graphic Category 26 - Best Front Page 5 5;:
Category 18 - Best Sports Picture First Place - McLean County News, Jonna First Place - McLean County News, Jonna 7;
First Place 5- McLean County News, J onna Spelbring 5Pricster Spelbring Priester .5 {‘53
,- Spelbring Priester . Good way to Visually conceptualize a potential— Good photography and deSIgn. Perhaps too . 5. 51:5
1 I 1 ‘ . . - . . . . ‘ n _..«l
5 5 Love the unique shot. Very different. ly complex story. Good use of text Within the much weight given to features on front. Prefer gag-:5. 5 1
Second Place - Lyon County Herald Ledger, graphic. thinner mast. . .1
_ Jody Norwood Second Place - Lyon County Herald Ledger, - 5 . a:
_ . Great action shot. Category 22 - Best Sports Page/Section Jody Norwood ‘ " :1:
Third Place - McLean County News, Jonna First Place - McLean County News, Jessma Well-desrgned full quotes and photo box. .53 ,. ~ - . .5;
_ Spclbring Priestcr West Bratcher Shows news balance. Don’t like pink sidebar. 5'5,‘f55:7 _ ‘1 1 E?
‘- Caught the facial expressions. Diverse coverage, nice blend of features, news, Third Place — Trimble Banner, Darren Pike 5 " ff}
‘ . ' 5 good photography and design. Good leads. Mix up template for front and lose Gothic capi- 5::
'- .. ‘ . . Category 19 - Best Sports Picture Essay Second Place - McLean County News, Jonna tals at bottom. Nice photography and color vari- 2* . 1 :1
‘ . _ - 5.,First Place '- McLean County News, Jonna Spclbring Priester ance for mast. Good news balance. 1 ‘ ' .. 1.5;}
.3...-...5_......ufl....c......_,....-.. _....--.__.... -..i.-... . ‘1 f . 5,...«/
_ : . -1 5 . . £5 _ . . 5 . ,5;

_ f5 It’s hard to get someone to talk about a
_ weekly Class 2 Category 5 - Best Column drinking problem as frankly as subject did.
_ 11.23 Category 1 - Best Editorial First Place - Henry County Local, Brooke Well presented and informative.
1 5.5} First Place - Henry County Local, Melissa Melville
: Blankenship Columnist writes with humor and intelli- Category 10 _
E . 3 Excellent Editorials on local issues. Keep gence. Her columns about her family and Best Investigative Story or Series
5 up good work. A little long but good com- home are true slices of the real America. First Place - LaRue County Herald News,
1 ments. COUld use a better page layout. Second Place - News Democrat, Phyllis Linda Ireland
i Second Place ‘ McCreary County Voice, Codling Great job on a subject all too familiar but a
i: Staff Her ”Mother Nature" column is excellent lot of folks don’t know it. Great information.
‘ Good subjects for an editorial. I'd put a and worthy of any newspaper in the land. Second Place - Union County Advocate,
‘ 13'53' headline on each. Like your placement on Others good, but a little light. Leigh Ann Tipton
. If page too. Third Place - LaRue County Herald News, Great information on a story that’s hap—
{ AK - ' Third Place - Greenup County News Linda Ireland pening a lot of places. Good job.
i Times, Cathie Shaffer Writer perfectly captures her slices of life. I Third Place - Greenup County News
T .1 _L GOOd subjects for editorials. Suggestion, feel as if I know her, her family and her com- Times, Cathie Shaffer
.' use 14 pt type for editorials so they stand out munity. Good job of reporting, good information
i’ E}? figgffi against columns. Keep up good work! for the community
1 if" Honorable Mention - Citizen Voice & Category 6 - Best Sports Column Honorable Mention - Spencer Magnet, ‘
i »I‘51fEi‘I}???I";i Times, I eff Kerr First Place - Cadiz Record, Scott Brown John Shindlebower
f "3,321.29; . 31’ Suggest editor write an editorial each week Good local content.
125:"; on a local issue, separate from columns. Second Place - Hardin County Category 11
‘ Readers Will like it- Independent, Martin Hepner Best On-Going/Extended Coverage Story
N Nice light touch with a human interest No Entries ’ ‘*
; ;.vfisg.}'§’j§l;iL553: Category 2 - Best Spot News Coverage entries. '
: 0) First Place - Falmouth Outlook, Jackie Third Place - Henry County Local, Tommie Category 12
m 5 Vaughn Kendall Best Business/Agribusiness Story
4 Great job Of reporting. The dog story was Nice sense of humor. First Place - Cadiz Record, Eric Snyder
especially good. Keep up good work. Honorable Mention - McCreary County Are sunflowers the new tobacco? A sur—
. In} Second Place - LaRue County Herald Voice, Greg Bird prising and enlightening article. Visual .
i U News, Tom Pitt ~ details are good, quotes carry a reader 1
: f.;§‘.g=;; GOOd stories, gOOd work. Keep after the Category 7 - Best Sports Story through till the end. " .‘J, . .. .. .
‘i >- meth situation. First Place — Union County Advocate, Second Place ~ Citizen Voice 8: Times, " .
‘ Third Place — Henry County Local, Melissa Adam Smith Rhonda Smyth
" and Blankenship Nice writing, good detail, interesting topic. An interesting profile, how one man carves ,
i x Second Place — Henry County Local, out a niche for himself in fading agricultural
Category 3 ~ Best General News Story Tommie Kendall environment.
I.“ First Place - Henry County Local, Brooke Third Place - Union County Advocate, Third Place - Citizen Voice 8: Times, Jeff _
I.” Melville Adam Smith Kerr
Nice detail, writing, good topic. There were many entries focused on the
3 Second Place - News Democrat, Phyllis Category 8 - Best Sports Feature Story tobacco buyout issue. Kerr’s article dealt with
: :‘¥?.;",:?V-:'_i Codling First Place - Union County Advocate, the issue comprehensively. ,
- g11,39,1‘522’.‘gigiii Lots of good research. Story was interest— Adam Smith
.- ,1, :9; ing; perhaps too long‘ Great lead, sets scene nicely. Interesting Category 13 - Best Headline
1 Third Place - Henry County Local, Melissa feature. First Place - LaRue County Herald News,
_' _ 5 ::"' Blankenship Second Place - Spencer Magnet, John Linda Ireland
_ “5 Good topic, nice writing. Shindlebower Good headlines but be careful not to trivi-
: Nice feature, well written. alize a serious news story. ,
. '_ , ' Category 4 - Best Feature Story Third Place - Leitchfield Record, Angelia R. Second Place - Leitchfield Record,
f First Place - LaRue County Herald News, Hawkins Stephanie Hornback
_ fl ‘ Ronnie Benningfield Neat story, off—the-beaten path. Third Place - Leitchfield Record, Jenny
- . _ Great story on a subject that many men Searcy V
p ‘ ’ _- fear. Thanks for the story. Excellentl! Category 9 Honorable Mention - News Democrat, ‘
' ’ , '- : - Second Place - News Democrat, Phyllis Best Enterprise or Analytical Story Phyllis Codling '
i ‘ Codling First Place - Spencer Magnet, John ‘ ,
Excellent story on What some consider a Shindlebower Category 14 - Best Spot News Picture
. " . fading industry. ' The series, ”Make Yourself at Home,” First Place - News Democrat, Phyllis
Third Place - Spencer Magnet, Robin Bass clearly stands out as an informative and thor- Codling
* i - These kind of stories always make great ough analysis of the growth and problems. Second Place - Spencer Magnet, Robin Bass
.' features. (300d jObl Second Place — Cadiz Record, Eric Snyder Third Place - Leitchfield Record, Angelia R.
‘ , ' Honorable Mention - Henry County Local, Article with wide appeal. Good photo and Hawkins ‘
‘ Brooke Melville interesting interviews. Honorable Mention - McCreary County
, , , Honorable Mention - News Democrat, Third Place - Henry County Local, Melissa Voice, Greg Bird .. ‘7
Lorrie Kinkade ' i ‘ Blankenship ‘ " ' ; .

 _ ”a - 7 - _ 7 7—7 we «”7: - -7 , ' i.
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