xt7zcr5nd10m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5nd10m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-06-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 26, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 26, 1980 1980 1980-06-26 2020 true xt7zcr5nd10m section xt7zcr5nd10m ' C C
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'l'be Lex—vnl News
vol. I..\.\'II. N0. loo Kern 21 University of Kentucky
Thursday. June 26. [980 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
# #
. W 1- . ' -t “ . , ' . . fi . . .
. - _ i f .. ~ g» . __ FinanCIal aid
.9. " , . p: . .. . . . 3 cuts planned
. I _ W .I. . . , . __ _ for students
‘ 2,.‘3: . ”I. . .K'
i: . - . . '--~z-.. ’ a. .
. f; u. I. III III"; ' f K‘ - _I ‘ ' ’I 1‘ ‘ by congress
. a .2“ t ..
i; I I . I " _ A} By WALTER PAGE
é; .. .fi ’2: ‘3'... ’ V , t. 4...." 'V ‘ - ~ new 9’3”? Occasionally. Congress stretches its
I, 5 - II '5'"- Iég‘ § W._, "'7 I ' I. V 9"“ tentacles Into a college student‘s
’2 if. . I, 1.. I I ”z... pockets. touching his very life his
I ' ,5; 4.5;? II I II .. ., usé finances. [his year. a large number of
II II I I I , I ‘ I .mfimw II I ‘7.- I ,a 51 students may find themsehc‘s short of .
”5;. I... I' III .. " " . f7; .. “chatter“ III_, -. mwkfii‘ ‘% funds. as L ongress TCVICWS and amends
I5; , ':“'- ~ -' at?" ="°‘- “3‘wa [egsavhwfl Its Higher Ed ucatlon Act II theIsourcc
:3 .' 2', , / i; Ii. ea???” ot Ia great deal of student finanCIalIaId.
é s . . III " ' I 1"th I. \i H; luesday. the Senate passed the final
m .. 4 -.. II II I/é I‘ I» if? ,» ‘ ,i‘ f: f " " ' "" copy of the IHIglIer Education Act oi
‘ ‘ .., - . - ‘r’ ‘ '-_~_I fit ,I‘"’I._. ;I {m '~ 1980. including a last minute amend-
. l ., 1 ‘ V .. H». .. We ment requiring sweeping changes In the
--’~ ' : "1*“ ”newer, . '~ " ifiiwfi-n“ guaranteed student loan program.
I. I th" by BENJH‘: VAN HOOK At l'K. the possible repercussions
Pr'nce In a can? could be tremendous. one official said.
“looking thorugh our hooks for the
A Prince Albert tobacco can serves as a pillow for Albert under the bench. The two were passing time in front of the fiscal year beginning Jul} 79_ mer 2700
l‘oley while his niece. three-y ear-old Terri Nichols. plays [7K Medical (’enter. students ruffled guaranteed mam
through KHFAA (Kentucky HIghcr
' I l / l‘dUCdllOll Assistance Association)." ‘
Most Of KentUCky River 8 oaks to c 088 said Dave l’ratcr.administriycassistant
in charge of the loans. “We have no idea
how main rcccncd loans from out of
By \\ AI] [R PAGE duIII dated '\plll l. NM) ”1.1th the dch- Ington Yaught ('luh. " l hcy I'cccncd state. but wccstimatc bctuccn |00() and
man “not \ltlll UlllUul Iccoid hundreds ot letters. a lot tronI organI/a- l500. lhat's 3500 to 4500 students who
locks tInc IlIIoIIglI 14 coch 25-1 ‘ llt‘ll\ and a lot from interested could beaticctcd at l‘K alone.
lock ()pt-Iatoi ('bailcs Hullmun Ian lllllL‘\ of the KchIIIckx Inei \botit Pt! IIIdeIdIIaIs." "lII—statcstudents goIIIgto l'Katbout
IIIoicIlI.III l2.000boatinIIougliliislock llllle “Ill be .Ittcctcd b\ the possihl} ('huck ‘ihuman. u\\l\tzint Intorma- 2700 of them. rcccned 54.700000 III .
on tlic Kcntnclu Rl\L'l III N70 last shutdown of locks lI\c through l4. IIoII otiiccrtorthe District l'nginccrot lcdcrally guaranteed loans Within the
\c.II. lIc"|ockcti”.I tc“ Inuit-than l.000 c\tcnding tIonI [llsl .Ibo\c l Ianktott to the (’orps. said "Because oi the past ll months. " l’rutcr sald.
( oIIIincicIaI tI.titIc has been iIIIII- llcildchcit. \\l1L‘t‘L‘ the south toik oi tlic iL‘\p()ll\C. Ihc ('orps ot l‘nglnecrs for years. many students have '
cvstcnt tot \Cill\. Hailinan silltl Inci hianchcs oil decided It was Incu‘ryonc's best Interest attended college on Interest-tree. tcdcr-
l.tiiI\ III \1.I\. ttIc( oips «It i lllllllL‘L‘l\ \n oppoitunily \\-l\ coco loI public to hold a public meeting on the \llUll- all} guaranteed loans obtained through
tallctl tlIc opciatois oi the Kentucky Icsponsc Iollomng ll‘it‘.1li11tlllltct‘lllt‘lll :Ion."said local banks But. It the cost—cutting.
RHCI locks to l ouis\ti|c.Ind told tlIcnI “\nti the public Icspontltd .I lot lchyonc Intcrcstcd \Hll haw an budget-conscious Senate has ll\ way.
that ilic( oips llllL‘llll\ tncltIsc locks inc iIIoIc than they c\pcctctl."s.nd (l-ll\lll('l opoiitunity to speak at the meeting. to that option “ill be limited
Iluougli H pciiiiancnih \ Incinoian- lllll‘lL'l. IoiiIIt-I ( oininotloicot the l er (‘onlinued on page 5 ('ontinued on page [3
CAR D la n'ng egistration demonstration
") | .\| R.\ \\||_|,|.\_\|s HHIIL‘C “huh t‘l-Hh t“ tlt‘H‘M‘IHH-ltt ~1' Hit! ”It: lllL'llthl\ also pioposcd scnd- would be illegal. but sucks "pCatcclUl
”it‘I'ttt' “'“ltttt l““t ”NIH“ MW“ [ht UIHNI" in}: \pk‘ilhk‘l\ Io \UL‘Iill l\\llC\ classes at resolutions of International ditlcrcn—
‘\\'U‘“l'“i‘ 1“ mt‘IIIhi'I \IIII llflw t. .I.I! lt'kill LlllllL'llL‘\ toI .Itlditionalcii'» ccs "
InlIItiiIatIoiI «\plilllllllL' \\lI.I1 “ill edition oi IiIltIInIation Since Its organt/iitiun In l‘chrutuy. '
llli‘ lt‘\lllgttill (Ulllllllllt-t' \ydltlsl llilf‘r‘k‘tl ll lllk‘ (llitll 1*» lt‘ltislIIIL‘tl “it: t“ lllt‘ 2““le hih sponsoicd ll lltlUtll l0
R“~‘""”‘”""'"”"HW“"Hm‘mt‘mm’mt" distiibutcti .It lllk‘ dcmunxiianon \ llic lc\il1)_'lun ('-\Rl) recently present opposing \Iths on the draft
" d“'”'”“‘"”"'” l" p'”"“ “FNMU‘,” \lillt'llk'lll opposing IunsIIa'IoII .smi ixiiud L‘\t.ll‘l|\ll a campus bianch of Issuc and a rally with scycn anti»
"" m“ ‘h‘m ( ”Hm” l‘l‘m‘ ("H h" ”W signed in st‘\t'l.ll lllL‘illl‘t‘l\ a: tin i x t \Rl) loci \lccltcl. steering coinniit- registration speakers. lhcy also helped
‘l""““"“"“"”” l“ "'l‘” PM“ "1 m" \"”' Inlgltill t lt'lL'\ mil .itm ht t':‘..’l1 m: In ’Hclllht'l. \tlltl that Ilicpurposcol the send people to ;I national demonstra-
‘1""' h'"“"‘ "I H". lt‘\lllllltlll rm“ lllt‘ ptt\\|l‘llll\ ..I ~p.t 1 <3. w ..tIiI/;ItionIsto“oIganI/copposition tion against registration which In
”W“. H” m" “"1 ‘1‘” ”l ”FMMHHH t "RIVs goals IlIII'HI'l1 I-Ht'” ‘ ‘-t I" " ’L‘lll‘t'dtmt' ‘ltltl tht' draft .. “CU’M' \Misl Ington and II dcnionstiation com-
liit- I. \inILvttm pump umpciating on .I l‘ttllllillll \llI l1 .l‘~ \uwul H‘ m. '.' to \lu twi IlIc meant/anon docs not Inciiiomting the immwihm of the Kent
unit Ihc national .Inti it'ilistiation com “I \l' “i" -”"' "“\““‘3‘1 “I 11"» “W“ ‘3‘ ""*’-“ """"°“"l"”'““ “h“‘h 5“”? ‘ht’t’tlntl‘

 ‘ \nne \\. ( harles 3.]. Robinson Paula Anderson
li/imr I./llr'/’I(llHIl!i'/ll [alt/oi ( o/ti Iii/mi
I |
Jacki Rudd Benjie Vim Hook David ('(mper I
tlumleme [Ill/(II I’hu/ni-iu/i/ii lt/lltll X/mr/i [ill/4H l
ed’torials 8: e ts‘ l
v I comm r) r
. t r
' ,r l . . .7, .. _ , W , , "NH _ if A _ NW W... .c,,4..-....,..._.. .fi.... . ci¥m _.,Vi. . ,ifi_ ___ 77.,Viiicd . . . ,7...,., , c. ,
. . , .
Who WI// vote In 80?
‘ _ I I I I
, Apatl ly bel Ill Id llO-VOte lllOVGl l IGI It Ill primaries
. . ' 7 “I‘m not toting in ‘80." 'l o those \\ ho did then and would [10“ ita suit- it}; merel) because ot a national no—vote mm'c-
Heardthat one j.ct'.’ lt‘s popping upallmctton able candidate made the ballot. se\era| points ment that has I'Is mots In (rpm/ii. no] in "
. . ' phone—iii shorts. on bumper \[lc‘lsL’l's. in dinner should come to mind: (mini/mire.
comersation It‘s getting to be more than a trend; l) Abstention does no/ count as a ‘no‘ \ote. Because there simpl_\ isn‘t any excuse to pass
_ ' ' it's almost a campaign slogan in itsclt, Most eligible Americans abstain lrom \oting as on \osember‘s \ote is hen one can always cast a
‘ . let‘s lace ll, lht-re‘s a solid point in this little is, \ote \iith a write—in. Perhaps it doesn‘t count for
. phrase, One must admit that the lk'ntoct‘atic I) lhc s_\stem pros ides an out tor those “ho anything; but it counts at least as much as not \ot-
incumbent isa tine human bcirigatid the Republi- are unsatisiied \\ith the listed candidates: the ing at all,
, ‘ " n ' " leader ‘Uls a dashing tigtirc it: old \\'ll' \\ " -—in \i -, - - - . .
. - 9‘1 pd“ . k. . * ‘ ‘ “IL ,( u . . . Once a man in is Americas highest ottice.
' lilms. but neither is \scll-suitcd to the toieigii and ,1) \\ itli or \sithout am indi\idual \ote. the , . . , .. , - ‘ -
. ‘. . ' . . excuses are useless. Americans ptit him there. It
. domestic problems that plague the nation. ( arter man \\ tilt the numbers tsins.and America is stuck . . . . . .
' - , . . . he doesnt li\e up to expectations. the utter has
is not an economist; Reagan is not delicate \sith him. lhose \\ll() crte their consCience as a . _ . .
‘ . ) . no one to blame but himself ll be neglected his
. - enough lor an ettectne torcign polics And And- reason not to \ote \sill ha\e the same I resident as \ote
erson‘s a dark horse. those \\ ho actuall} do \ote, '
. ' ‘ With a lield lilse that. none-ol-the-abose looks Mam ol the students attending 'i'K at this time A )tiung ‘0‘” cango to the polls ”1 \”“"”n”
.7 " . . . . . - s s- - s u s- I |
, .. prett) attractne lia\en t _\et \oted in a Presidential election; thisis 0' h“ “m ““5 home. HL ‘4” “"I‘ ‘” ‘*‘ nun
. ‘ But one rntist be honest. Man) are Using the the lir'st opportunity tor most. Man} uouldn't choice or he can ignore the Claim” .ompletel}.
poor choices as an c\crisc not to go to the trouble haw \oted regardless ot the circumstances. Man} Lllh“ ““5‘ h‘: “m ”“5 he hm no ”“5”” 1” teel
‘ ' . , ol’ \oting. lliis is made clear b_\ the lack ot \oter' more \\lll not \ote because til the names on the gutlt}.
turnout at tire primaries. Ho“ man} ot this_\ear‘s ballot. It's a (raga/i that man} “ill establiish the But \ihich. “hen one is honest. uould I't'll/ll
staunch non—\oters “em to the polls in "'3‘.’ habit oi not \oting \sith this. theirtirst opportun— ease one's conscience?
» . —.-————-'—~_————— V \.
‘ l r ' r 7\\ *t'
' . . \_\ . O I... (\0‘
7 _...____—————————— ., c \i BRING Goat) . '
.i 7‘1- ' Tm ‘ i '
Grad school not easy trig pct \iccls ln graduate school the ‘l "s.:‘;} it. EL’WNGI I‘ 7 .
niiinhei rises It) too—Son pagt's pct “gt-t. :, cf} WE BRING "
lhis is in response to.|ett lloxietton‘s per course \ot onl\ is one c\pectcd to i- RESI [ct ' ‘. GOOD . .
I . commentaii in the June I‘) edition ot leiiicrnbei \ihat one has read lot a (co ll P ‘ch THINGs b Lire,” :9,
- i the Kentticks Kernel months. biit tor the rest ol onc‘s lite ll ,4“, \ l 9}
, , - lhc graduate course in .loiirtialisrii 7\nI\onc in \iithropolog) “ho has a II/‘V’Jii;<..,, l ‘, ll " s ~——-77 / . L.
' ' must be cstrenieh casx ll all that \1i leaching \ssisrantsliip is espcctcd to l GENE ”I i’ [I ’1‘ ‘r.' ,7/‘\\ “‘ :fi
Houerton stlI\s is riiic l’er l‘_.(p\ l shtiltld earn a trill-course load and to reach (20 :lELECTgRALJ ' lr‘ . Vi \ (—44- ch . ‘L \7 .
i I change l'L'l‘l‘ (”Isl lskHL‘ \Htlitopologx hours a neck oi‘ticialh, cor‘isiderabh rl . ’C , L‘gll . W' l ' . 7~AV ‘.
‘ I‘ 7 tor Journalism \\c li.t\e no students more than that iii .lc‘lll.tltl_‘.l tot air // \A 9‘ 3* Jr ”:CIC‘ Iii" I "'
",L uho are llls‘iittlc‘ that lsL‘CP\ us \\L'll iiclo\\ the 7.)?" .' ll ' ’I: 5:} 31‘ I l»- s l»
.. . ‘ -'- ‘ 5 any -, _
. 4 Mstnl} passing time PMUU “HI 3 Z T—qs/ .[KPMTT i l” / / t. / W—)' C?
. . 5 [\tremel\ insecure larii iiearl\ U tears old. and tlieisin. . ) t“ s." / -’ . ' i
. . . . _ ‘ a C, . IVY" .I ,’~— . é ,
» . 6 (ant get a rob glei patent or a t\\o7I\c.ir-old daughter I us: KC“ \7.‘/'\ /l x. 1.0 ' Q
. 7 Don‘t care \\h\ thc\ d1thClk‘ li\e on tood stamps. public housing. a . , 7.? i .- Hik,‘ v-1": l ' £2 ii." i
. '. It's l\tremcl\ psetidountcllecttial medical taid and the pittance taht the 7'7 " {-3 ' “N iLr ell g.) .5..- \ )
. “c are not stibtectcd to discussions I rii\ersit\ Pith trtc tlcssdediictioris lot 7 " J (R ‘7 ‘ " 7 \ ’ . ’ _ 'T I 4:—
" - \\hicIIh cart be classilticd as "rittcili tisu- tuition higher tuition than that paid II .. J: 3;: b/v’: - "I‘ \ I“ . i
less ()iir ptograrn is corisidetabh b} tit'idcrgrattuatcs ilani not doing this ’ ’ ‘ 77 ’
more challenging iritellcctualli than 1‘" ill” "-“l «Us dll,‘ ”ill“ .L’lddlldls‘ mm-
. 7' running l1) miles a do} students or ni_\ acquaintance \\ c are ""“““”~—
. '. . ltirthcrmorc. [“kad at d responsi- struggling and no matter \sliat our
’ hh‘ pitsition a career position lot laniili situations are. \\c are all \Ii-ug-
, I
, ' mm" than It) \cats betoie deciding to e/Hic ti' _L'ct through school and do a l etters I
,' . return to school. and I can guarantee .L'W‘il li‘l" ~|l ‘i‘ll‘isihlny “s‘ are good .it. p0 Icy
I I 'I Mr Houertonthat m.‘ prmmmlflh “d. tor our oun bcriclit and also tor the
. , I’ . a piece ot cake compared to (iiadiiatc l‘k'm‘l” “l \“s'lk‘l‘ ”1 t—‘k‘mli'l letters:
. . \‘h‘n‘l ”‘ch “““ld h“ ‘l‘l‘il‘l‘nl‘ “ll?“ ( ”lnmlim‘nw‘ l'l‘" tlttil “l \lr H““’ \liolilti he ‘0 lltlcs oi lessand no more than :(Nl\\i)l(l\ llic\ \llHlllllk'Un7
I I l “Ullld ban- to take \\i)ll-\ homo .ti eiton s \\hich irnpl\ that leaching cern particular issues. concerns or e\cnts ic|c\.int to tlicl ls coiiiniuriit\
- “oils incitinic. or entertain clients iii \“l‘li‘l‘l‘kl” ”“l lV‘l‘k'sl lllk‘” ‘lllils‘lllN ’
. ‘mI\‘ iimt; hut in (nailiiate school_ it“. that (iradiratc School is .i “liistiri” a Opinions:
. e\pected aicragc «lax runs in .ippiiru snap. easi \\.l\ to lsill some time heroic Should be 9o lines or lessand shotildgneand e\pl;iin a position pertain-
matels llor l2 lioiiisaiitl rlieuoilsuu-t‘ lacing tl‘.c"re.tl"\\orld dothecntiteaca- trig to topical issues oi interest to the l ls toiiiitiiinih
. . , istfior d.i\s \ptitig Hrcals isa (Hm. rm detriie coriitiiirrriti .i great disser\ice.
I . catching upon “Nth. \L‘Yttcslcr limit. it and the\ should not be printed iii \\lt.it ( oritribiriions should be dclneied to Room ll-t Journalism. l niu-rsit)
. used to “or t. on ihcw. .. m1 is. .ittcr .ill. .tn academic iotirrirel of Kentuek). |.e\ington. R). 40506.
. 4 tllssc‘llillttitts
. I” undergraduate courses_ one I\ Deborah J. Donnellan. M.A. lot legal reasons. contributors must present a l K II) belore the Aiwti'.’
tt‘qullt‘tl to read one or tuo textbooks Department of Anthropology “'H h“ "M" 1“ “(mm m“ m‘”“"‘1
, per ci)lll\c_ pct haps tofio Wilt" iii ”Mr Graduate Studentr' Teaching Assistant

 y , . y ,. . . , -» .
THE KI‘ZNTl'fK} KERNEL. Thursday June 26. I980—3 . \-
Jorda l' ht E 'II " *
n en lg ens vansw e commencement . ,
By NANCY GW'NN “ .. .-.w._,,,.....e...,” .- ...,,,.., _,,..- . M. mm, -~¢ .- .u-My.-,,... m.” "‘N¢m-~fifl.ml .........,....... , . V
i. . ‘4' , > i. .. .
Vernon E. Jordan madea speech last I , - . - f; ~ 5_ . L. x .i . t ' .
month at my brother Malcolm‘s com- 9 ‘ ‘W- . t, " . a»; “<31 , .
mmencementexercisesatthe Universitv i "t :7,” I ' 1" I ' ‘.”'\ t w ,2. k) i .
. . ' 0‘ v ' . . I - v .1 :. 5 u I ‘- ‘ ‘
ol Evanswlle. My brother graduated in g ' 3 "'§ "’ " . 'n '- ’ ‘5 g a ’ V . . ‘.~' . ’ .
, our hometown, Evansville. which likes“ ,1 2‘3?" x” 4!, ' - ' : a .‘ '. ‘0’ g ; § r V s -
Ft. Wayne is in Indiana. Ronald E; y 2" ~ .15“ r ., ._'- , E .” g,flm3 - «43‘1" b . - e i g : .' 1
Glass. the black detective on Barney; » " '- a; ,fl, - 3., t ' ' I V 'i .
Miller. was there too. ~ '- ' aw ’ . sf 4 f? ‘9 «W ' i Y
He had goiien his B.A.at the Univer— ' .-:.‘ . iv;.~t;ms. s . - . ; 7.." ,' L ,1 . . . '
sity’ of Evansville. and had returned to g .« . .' 9 ‘6}, 5,1“ . v ’-- ,’ .. 7
—“‘_“——— 2 9‘3",» 55", '..‘ .' l -
§ 3’25: ws- «1 ‘~ - V '
staff column . a - its. -» vi?”- . . » l ,
-————————. ,/ J we... -‘ ~t l , -~.
his hometown to snatch this year's l . , ,n ,3. , "“35”?” (f ‘ ' " g , f -. . ' g
Medal of Honor. Jordan was awarded ~ ' ,’. ‘5": «f' ' W“ ,. l s' . , ‘ 4“ 5 ' 1
an honorary doctorate. l " . _ ," f," . "’3 I 1. zgijlfi “ -, ‘ »‘ I . I . ‘. ‘ . ,'
l heaveda heavy si h w'h I saw i e "l' i . ': ' ; H" 3‘8”“ -“ . .5“; " A 6’! , . - .
2 ,g e." =_ /' 1' i” ~~ €;'- ‘ . M _ .W‘. » ,’ j, / , ', ’.,
these two men sitting behind the ' , _// J; I r-» ... 1;», 1' ‘p’l 2 I“; \‘V ._. _ '1. kl / , . , l . , ~ '
podium in a crescent aisle of chairs. 4,“; 52;” ... " sf, ."' 3.3,); "'1’" I. 3.5 5‘ _s,‘ t s\'. > " '1'. ’t 7.5.“ ‘3‘; ‘4‘, {/10 . I? 1‘ . .' f
Ihey sat like symbolicyiew'els in apublic mz- ‘Hvsfy ' 3_ J. - 45‘ ’w‘ .~“ in‘ 5 ; - ” \‘K‘ 9 ' ‘ i“ ‘5. I " J t '
decoration. Jordan wiped his brow. “1.1. . . 'i 5' 4.3"" Iii. 1:33} <51 . ; a. WELCME .' ‘1‘} .1 ’ . . ' . E . . -
then commenced to tell about our chal— ' .. - i I '-"'~‘ H ' N" ‘7 - ‘. ' i“ 3 t.» e. T." I. mfl/A I i ”w l. i i i I ‘
lenge in the ‘805. .. \ .‘ .. . \ V M 1 ~ ' l Vi .‘ ‘
About a dozen black familiescameto I \x ' "\‘Hn - y . -. l ' l w t' f .
watch theirdoien graduates. The I00to ti ”3.3",” . 2%., *sz .__ '0‘ .- f” ‘m l .- ' '_ '
l ratio sat acrossthe stadium. alone. ina ? W§.Mfizfik '3' L535"’”.{”,L‘fyéf \ . . f .
separate section trom the crowd of 500 g 1 ”swf‘FfTLa-w; 31"..,-».~.r._. ,'~_N' ." .'-‘§’.M.. 1" E I g £_ ,
or more. “.1“; .-a£hi\:.""”"'. . .~ . i l :
Wiping the sweat from his forehead { ' ' ‘ “mm w..-..»..«.._u_.m,...c-.......-.. _PWM_ . M J . ' 'i
‘ again. Vernon Jordan talked about ”MW ”MM-h MN“ W m-..” l "M V _- . ' . > ‘. _
"coming out of the darkness." He said about. and then laugh it off. Gene "()h. he must want them killed." I mother had been stabbed to death and t' ‘ '
that America was experiencinga “dark Tichenor. a political opportunist who groaned. Someone told ‘l'ichenor that mbht‘d 1" h" Pmls's‘l apartment a few '
midnight.".lordan was right.because he likes to say something where it can be he had to be kidding. Then I reali/ed 3'08“ 880- l “OHds‘er how he could I i .
really had one hell ot'adark midnight in printed. told me a pretty good one. that it was all a joke. haye left her there. and I wondered it fl , ' " .
Ft. Wayne seyeral days later. “Did you hear about the letter Larry At the end of the commencement. Sht‘ had “CC" “’hht’d “can"? CVCF.‘ bod} ‘ . ". 'I i
“Dark midnight" was quoted in Tm“. Hopkins wrote to Carter?" he asked. Ronald (ilass madeashortquaint ‘right around town knew (ilass had money 5 .‘ . ' j
.Ilagau'nea week after Jordan was shot. "NO." on' speech after Jordan had stirred eye- “()Id people ney er want to mom." a , , ' ' '
He was quoted m the same article as “Hopkins wrote that iI‘Carter wanted ry body who cared. and bored eyery b— Iriend "I "1|th explained Ihat must be '
saying. "Help me. He been shot in the to Visit Jordan in the hospital. then ody' who didn‘t. ‘0- “10) ”H“! NM £10! Ith alter aw hile ,‘ " i .I
back." every American. black or white. who is "Well. that iust destroyed eyery'thing Moung must hs‘ lUr young people i i . '
Wiping the “H.“ trom m, torehead. in the hospital. should alsoreceivefisits the first guy said."groaned my brother. lhat‘s what .loidan was trying to sa\ 4' " i. i' .‘
like he had done seyeral times before. Irom Carter at the taxpayers‘expense," bCCaU‘C he knew the townspeople too "Hall's ”ll‘sl'l'tlhl .. "”CIP ”ls? [‘6 - '
Jordan talked about what eyery Isn‘t that ridiculous." I laughed. still “Cll. been shot in the black " ()h. I inean ‘. ' y. ‘
audience wants to hear the potential not knowing it was a joke. loo bad Ior anybody. that (ilass “back .. "“ C nth (”the out it! the duty ‘ ' .15
l N America and demoeraey_ lwo weeks “Hopkins wrote another letter to and eyery' other public tigiire ol his race lsncss." he said I wonder it Jordan has g 3 t ‘
later (‘arter made a speech about .lor- (iarlt-‘r 38km; him Ml} he was wasting isn't another eloquent L‘l\ll rights leader CH" “Ishs‘d hr s‘ould come out ol his : - . '
dan and used the term "conspiracy." the taxpayers‘ money on Secret Senice like Jordan. My inouldeis slumped. délrl‘mWM l‘il‘ kldlknc“ hunt: “It“ \lsiti i '_ I ‘ . .
Political zokes expound and abound men lot' Amy. illlhil because she walked What can an actor say" LIVCP‘ “I (“WW ' -‘ ' . .
in these [mu-e \obody can allord to d“ to school with two black girls e\ery- Ronald (ilass wiped his lace ott too > ' . .3.
anything but tind something to “0”} day." Itchenor said. I-yeryhody in town knew that his Nancy (.‘wi'nn isajournalism senior. ’ ' ‘ ': '
'i ‘ ' 1
Summer sends all back to the drawing board “ ' ' '
Bt \Illl. R. (QROBMAN “4‘.“ (“her than summer school Ps'riod. a time to ieeoyer and H‘L‘UPL‘HIIt' cleaily ’ .' ‘5 ‘ '

‘ Indeed. summer is a slow and la/y li'oni the long months of licayy mental llist lllv.‘ on Him! l-I\\H “huh needs . " . ', . .
Summer school is not one ol the nor— period ol interscholastic limbo twist acti\ities and pursuits constant tiiinining and \\.IIL'l ing ' "i .i ’
ma! unnersity school sessions. :\t I‘K_ reality and tantasy a dormant sports Symbolically. the academic \Illlllllt‘l thioiiglioiit the summer months_ in}. \ 1 _ i .
“noiinal" means that it would haye to be season. It is a time to dream and a time tot teachers is a kind ot death while the mind icqinies this kind ot nuitin ing and _' .‘
accompanied by either Wildcat lootball —_——_——- autumn is a tcbitth. an anniiall\ iegeneiation Ideally. it is .i time to y -' ‘ _
oi basketball Stiminei school is prim— repeated seasonal cycle lherc ate sitd~ iethink. ieticad. iegioiip. IL'lIIlt‘lJIdlt‘. g' . ‘ . i' .

ai‘ily an optional interim period sand- commentary denly no more student minds to mold. and sometimes eyen reimcnt the w heel .’ ‘ .
wiclied between two regular school new theories to generate. old lectures to Ihen. when late August ariues. l reap =. . y .
icims. mostly Ioi neryous secondary __._________._—__ rL‘étCIthtc. or conti'mersial ideas to test pear magically in im classroom ncwl\ . ‘
school teachers trying to I'C\I\C old cre— to lily a moment Ior reflection and In classroom discussions ()ne tisiiall\ wisc. itist as Athena sprang loith at lIL‘I . ‘ ‘ .
I dentials or earn new ones. eriant stti- reprogramming ie\erts to the mutant ol piiie test-arch. birth. lull-grown and completely ~
dcr][\ nugklng up IYICOIIIPICIC ”r luflcd [hr KICIII \“nyfinc' ill academia \CI’\C\ “I’IICh many PI’UlC\sUl‘\ IMIIIIIIICdl) AIIIIICd. IrtIIII IIIC llL‘tHl til llt‘l IIIIIIL‘I llIltl ‘ ~ j
credits? o\eily consctcntious tinder- as a soil ot dc-tottilicalion tank School DWI”. 0T1“ Ills‘ \Ils‘m PHN‘CNs ”I course cieator. /Clls \nd lhlls (mother \cai ‘. '- i
graduates attempting to graduate early. is user and there are nearly tour months 'CHMII/"IH‘H “W's“. “I C‘WFW- se\eral hch’m‘ ‘ -
and tired piolessors needing additional to rest and energi/e I oi some II repres- "C“ UNIV-'3‘ "TC being PWPi'Wd 1" ”W.‘ ‘ ' i -
income tor those summer months not cnts a change. where inteiesting alter- 4”“ ‘WW‘H‘HHHH- Neil R~ Grobman 5‘ 3" assistant pro- "
eoyered by the research Ittnds they nale employment allowsone tocleat the Questions emerge “ it) didn't I haw fessm of English. His summers are usu- -
might have had ll their grant requests academic cobwebs and poisons lrom “”16 I” ““W ”1" lims‘lt‘ 0' ”‘4“ htmk" i") "“’"’d for W'i'i"8~ research. deep
had not been turned down, the brain. Iorothersit ,‘fl timetolorget. Should I eliminate this dated course philosophicalcontemplationand sitting '
I rankly. Ior most prolessors and stii— tilled with relaxation. sitting in the sun. material" Should “‘0‘” Ih" “’I'“C "C“ “I" 0" M‘ neighbors‘front IIWH‘ I" "I“ .
dcnle [he \untn1cr\ ier \L‘I’_\ uppguhng. and (“her il\\0lIL‘d summei \p(lfl\ dIKl IIIIICI SIIUlIltl I h&l\k‘ \Illd ”In ()I (ltH’lC uenings telling stories and j()k(’\ "\P'fl . .
especially it they are used iii creatiye amusements: Ior still others. it is a relit'l that" ( i'" I WC‘C'" WC“ and ““9“ "WI" couple of beers. ‘

 4-11”, KENll ( Ky KILRNI:I.. Thursday June 26. I980 ”77* V A_0_7_A7A__ _,fii, 7, 7 7 W“ 7-”,
UK B d f 99f I I I I
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o r o lrustees m In IEXI RA _ .
a g g T (@420,
I e W, ‘ 7’ F
v l smut!“ '
- . . e Karma I
’ ' 0 d eter mlne " U
I ‘ resents i”
I , . I l? b " ’ 's
' l’lunx lm Ihc “NW-Kl mccllng. but “in dclmcd lhh uwumng upprmul IHL'lUdL’ U \l The ; ’3" Journal's,“ “orRShop
. V ,. _ y '— ' . . ‘,. , l
upcIIIIIny budget and I‘upllul )I‘III hccuusc Ihc Kcnluck} mIllInn I'cnouumn ul l k Lex H I ews In J) ”I‘m“ [h‘ I‘""‘/
gmhqu-Ilun pnnccls “ill be l,ch\|qurc run lulu. uccm’dlng m l n I my Id hu III I III) a nd ' ' ' ' ' " " ‘ ” ’ '" " W” "W" '
amnng the “crux dlscussL'd [0 Jack Blunlun. \IL‘C plcsldcnl rcplaccmcm nl Ihc mol on Ihc
uhcn Ilncl K Bnmd nl lrmIccx lur hunnc“ ullmrs old I'Inc Arlx BIIIldIng. lhc Arum/I. All/m IJIII I..mn..lmn Hulldlnpl nnuuu ”I Kcnluclu
Hitch lhlx I “dz” . lI-nngnm k\ 40‘le Mpnlhlhhk‘d Lunch k'lll\\kLl\ IlIIIInpIluwprlngundlall
“IL" IHUCIIHL' Ix \L‘hcdlllcd lUl \\ lllluln Sllll’glll “I“ ugmn hL' th hmud “I” ”‘0 dl\t'll\\ \k‘lHk'\IL'l\ .Ind \wI-kh IlIIIIng Ihc \UHHHK‘I wwmn
v . ‘ ., 4 - - - H III. In; .d.Il- III .k-I ~k JIIill\-,h I.
4 2 p m on thy Imp llnnI ul Ihc ‘h‘mm‘m 0‘ ”M hmnd. \L“ hudgct I'L‘\I\IUH\ lm N‘W—M). “H. i“ no i’L ,p” l- ”flu: {n vi” “L \ _ U rum 1 {n
. m 'mh ‘I\ In ‘IUdL‘ \" l \ nunv Iulcx .III Ill-Illk‘d SH n.” W ‘0 \LH](,\IL[. \_ IIH mmmu m um kk‘nl pII .
, l’uIIcnnn ()HIL‘C Ill\\CI ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' 1‘ uwwmtc dcgrcc pmgmnh In m” ,1\.,1,nh..|I-II
lhc uppmml ul Ilk' hUdgL'l, ""d ld-‘m‘ ”“5“" ““"mm Ihc cnmmunn} collcgc \_\\ICIII
“huh Includm \≪lllL‘\ lm \UPL‘IHHCHUL‘IH ”' I'd—“'1” and pmpmcd .Imcndmcnlx [U Harry Sherman Julie Bren!
‘ I lucIIln Illld \Iull. n lhllAlH} (“W”) “mm“ Ihc gowrnlng lL‘lllIl;IIlI)ll\ nl lI/Iummu III/mum [Um/mum; llummu
: dccldcd III Ihy N111}. hmIId ( ”In” ““1”” prnlchx Ihc hoard,
‘ Changing SG’s name Sign of '51 )JOIINN lanlolpu” I
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= 3‘ ll\‘\ | AP A] ( l ~IIIdI-I.I\ HIc hmvklct ]\ u SIIIdcnI (HHL‘I'IHHL’IH UHILLN '°‘ O“‘.‘:g\'“ I° " Ht
- A ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ «N‘ufl‘» M" “ suo' HOURS
. M,- \\,_,V, gIIIIlc In ~III\I\InI_I MI Ihc I [CHUCHI \Inglclun hm yHL'H usi‘ww“ . fl
ll]l\k‘l\ll\ 5(1 33.0“” lnI HIIILL' 54'] SJJME 254'6'39 “a non-nu m
\ Hume clmnuc. .IIl\I\Inu \Iurgcnn .Iluv Innnunu'd HHPHI\L'IHCIH\ ‘CflossWWTHECWNERCEBU'LD'NG 30:00 “7 79°
, (NHL-[me‘w .Ind nlllu- Icnmlli IlmI \Indcm (mwrnmcm \\Il| \Illllicflll ~.IIII thl Ilu- -
_ m,“ \u'ru dm‘mfl thy Ilcnh ”IV by handlmg \I‘Ik‘l IchInIInn mane) \\I|l hc mud In p.mIIImn —————-———_
\H\\k'd IlIIIInu \Iudufl and “I“ IlInIIhIIIc Iummmu- Ihc «Illu‘c InIu snmllu IUIYH]\
. ' - . ' I. .. , II [ICHIIUH\ l H lllL' l.I|l LIcn cunmnIIm~ “l” h.l\‘ II a ' ‘ - . .'
V (murnnunh \kttlnd IngumI PP ‘ \ ‘ 14LX111g1()11 SCCICIIJI 1U]
Hum-“1mm“ \(IIHH ”IL-1min, During Ihc [CPIIIL \IIIIgL-un nun “Ink .llCd \\IIh «lulu .IHIl
A full “huh “I” change ”M. dl‘k'll\\L‘\I planixnlm 1;: \pcyml Illnmcin HIngkInIIn k'\lllll.llk‘d 508 East High
m , , ‘1‘“! Iran I» Hldlldl‘ I].III]“I1"\\ I
V namI >l Ilu IIIEle/dllIHl lmm l ‘1“- ‘ ‘ H ‘ ‘ l ”“1 I” 1”“ “PM (Belwpen Kentucky and Woodlandl
l k \IIIIlL-III(ununmL-IIIIIIIlIc “"'1‘”‘l-'“” H1” pldlllllhllllll In ”my “Cd”hwnmpml‘l [hr 255 8547
.. ,. l K \lllIlL‘nl \\\IM.‘I.IIIUII lhy llllnIL'I \ HIUIIIPMHI. ‘1 nulcd [‘IIHCL'ICd I‘IM ml the ImpIInq— —
- ‘ mu \punwycd m ”Md 5””, IIHHHAIIHI IL-nIInIxI'cnI ul .1 munlx l\ \l’h‘ M
‘ ya.” \I. PlL'WdL'HI. .mIl \lw m-m‘ lddlL'dl mm: In I K H] ()n .IIInc 24, Ihc \(v hcld .I EXPERT TYPING
l'yuulL-m mm HIHI'kInun. \k'lfl‘lk'nlhk‘l Hint-nu.plunnuc \lllnllk‘l chcuu’l}: .Ind .I\\L\lgll- Theses, Dissertations,
. ‘ du‘gd \ IIH' 1, J y, -- . \ll ICIIIAIIKL‘ [11h NIH]! \u‘ IVIL‘IH Inccllllg III L‘glll “In on
, I I I I ~ 2~ kknlknl > . ‘ _‘.. ~ ., Term Papers
.  H. ,. . ,' - 'f -,
' T 0 VI O I
, I «mm “ | hp punplc .II IhL' dd“ l\- f? :3 ‘\ '._. , O .- =.
2m: \unlcu‘nccx l1.I\I' .kaul In x ‘3' ..:_' i o 'o,. - f... f i
In guy “I” um NIHKIn‘IlhmIr —— ' —_—‘\_ o......... '7
. V . -.
My! In .Ill \lndcnh .II IhI' Inn 3., - ‘*
'IIL'IMC\ .Ind In .Ill ll.ll]\h‘l

 ' ‘ 'i v r . ,‘ 's./» . , ,l “1 "1. " "
‘ . __ _ -, ‘nm: ,i‘...,‘_-‘>
rm: KllVl‘l (m KERNFL rhunda, June 26. i980_< , . " >
, 1'. ‘ ’. it“:
K I I - . I l ff. i It 2 ii
en tucky I'IVGI' acking "1 com merCIa tra IC l
‘ ('ontinued from page I \ldcrflllun tor )curx hccuusc t)! npcrutc lhc Inclu hmc hccn (idl'dllk‘l mid. "Hcculhc at l 0! cxumplc. | c\ingtun . ., i ‘, ' " I -'
h ld l 76 7-H) h thc drop in commercial trullic. kept tip héhcd on nccd tind thc public ruspunxc. the ('(trpx (lr£l\\.\ .ilnimt till nt |l\ witcr g . "f
(1‘ ’ um “I (”I 2:: “E\'[ L cconnmic tactors. rcd ml’CJlnd loclu ti\c through 14 did nut might dti u innrc thumngh tinin ‘ihc Kcntuch riu'r " ‘ - '
(.f’llilllfim‘d \nn k H“ numunux [Lgllldllnlh dLLl- gut th lldlllL nor thc \tud\ lhc inccting \huuld Allnttml 4(ll11llilungdiitflh diiih ‘ ~
)1 .xx ) 'ntinz , . . x . ., ' . ' , .-
ll” ‘- ‘ ‘ l“ ‘1" 40“)“ sums and pcuplc lll\0l\Ld, maintcntincc. hpr Hut. thcic l]C\L'l \ccmx tn during thc \umnici. lhc kcn» \‘.~ . ' a- =
‘ ' ' ' " ' ' ’ ~~ ' « . t . . , . . ‘ '
2(1):; “ULI PNPdlmE ur 1" A lot ol ux hmc bun I’L’liIdPN thc minor ctiuuil hc umthing dclinitnc linm tuck} Il‘.Cl l\ l ("\lnglttn \ nnl} . ;. _. '
PLUP L' C‘PCC‘mb’ ”W “UNHSL ll “3* lilCIUI‘ the (‘orpx l\ uttering is gmcrnmcnt incctings likc this trtic. dcpcnduhlc \nurcc tit -' ' . u . '
' l . r u i I ‘ n I l .
“Wc‘rc trying in mukc thc JUSI d mattcr Of Ilmt. 1 \UP- thcuhscnccnicommcrciztltrail- onc. utitcr. Hullmzin \iild. ~ . ~
hcst dCClMt)” possible. thc Um, pow. said Bullman. ii l6-_\‘cztr tic on thc Kcntuck} i‘i\ci'— /\ number at tilticmlx me "It thc run I\ hurt. th‘ “utcr . ' .1
most in the public interest \ctcrun 0n thc riwix l hcrc nm cr u ill hc cxpcctcd HI thc inccting. itnpiiircd U! \lnlpl) nut thcrc. ' 7 ‘
and the government‘s interest. Bollmzin mId tht‘ ICIK‘F hC cninmcrciiil triil‘l'ic il‘ the} clmc ircluding nlcnlhcl\ nl thc lcxmgtnn uill git d1}. It wmc- ' ' i ‘ '
“hich muxt hccumc thc public‘x l'CCCIH‘d lrum ”W ( ("'PS Cdllt‘d thc luclu or lcmc thcm thc \Mi} (‘(,,p\ hUiIIL‘l'N and dock thing illippclh ut luck \(I ‘9. ‘ . ' I --
intcrcu.” Sch ti mu n \uid. [hfi' dL‘CNOH Pi!” 0‘ tin “im~ thc) arc ntm.” Hiillntzin \illd. nv “CH. and cit). \[lllk‘. and tlnctitcddt (limp l);tnicl Himnc i-r .. ' l
"“1““ looking 1” 1' “”213 going ill-”CC“ ()lC\1llUilIl(tnUl "”1“ ““1“ ”m" ”PCWIC U" niitionzil ulticiulx. ptuxlhi) Rd on thc tllll\klll\ tit timnl i' ‘ A ‘
. numhci' nl ltictnrs. tryng to “WY “‘0- “19'0"" ““1 ”PCW‘ th‘ H‘Cl Ciillttnill \L‘RHUH including (in\ John Y Bimui lcungtnn cittild hc \HIllUUI i . i ,. '
tiikc thcni it” in. and Di cutit‘xc. “U” 0' ”W “WM “u‘ ”01 "cco— culcndci." hc \illti “\Nc UPL‘H Hullmztn bk‘llt‘\€\ll‘i£ll \L‘llUttN “illt‘l thc nc\t din." H.illni;in - , ’
gning iin nppnrtunit) tnr pub- ”Umlt‘ii“) Ilhllht‘d" hccuuw nl ‘\pri| lund claw lnr the “inter pmhlcmx cniild tcxnlt 1mm lhc mid i‘ . '. ‘
lic input. “limitcd and dcclining uxc. \m. l lhc ('m’px “Ill inmlc- Punmncnt clmuic ul tltcloclxx "I (WWHUH “I“ «lit “I‘ll“!!! ' ' i
“l conmnics hmc hccn thc [ht l0”?! illVHilld that mUR‘