xt7zcr5nd278 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5nd278/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-04-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 1996 1996 1996-04-04 2020 true xt7zcr5nd278 section xt7zcr5nd278  





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WEATHER Showers today,
high near 6 5; showers tonight,
low near 35,- cloudy and cooler
tomorrow, high near 5'0.

BAUER IlP illorehead State defeated the

Cats for the second time this season last night

at Cliff Hagan Stadium. Story, page 5.




' Few students attend hike meeting

By Chris Padgett
Stafl‘ Writer

Seven UK students, six males and one female,
showed up to voice their concerns and ideas at a
bicycle safety forum sponsored by Joseph Burch, vice
president for University relations in the Student
Center last night.

The forum was held in response to the lack of
success with last fall’s mounting and dismounting
policy and at a time when more bikes are being rid-
den on campus because of warmer weather.

Burch said some policy or program needs to be
considered for implementation to improve pedestri-
an and bicycle traffic on campus.

“This is a serious issue,” Burch said before the
small audience. “I believe it is important for the
University community to examine traffic safety in
general on campus and consider what viable altema-
tives UK may have to making traffic, foot, bicycle
and otherwise safer.

Burch attributes the recent demands for a bike
traffic policy to dramatic changes in society and the
evolution of Generation X. In the late ’605. very few
people rode bikes to get around campus, he said.

“They were not very fashionable, and only a few
daring souls chose to ride,” Burch said.

As years passed and the layout of campus
changed, UK officials urged incoming freshman to
ride bicycles around campus.

“During the early and mid-’SOS we pushed for and
more students to come to campus with their bikes,
and as the years progressed more and more students
did decide to come to campus with their bicycle,”
Burch said.

UK’s endorsement of bikes on campus came to a
turning point in 1994 when Charles Haywood, a fac-
ulty member was struck by a bike as he was walking
to his class. “This was one of the first major inci-
dents of someone getting struck on campus,” Burch
said. “We then began to realize that having so many
bikes on campus at any given time could present a


An advisory committee of bike-riding students
and others interested was formed by the UK admin-
istration to propose possible solutions to the prob—
lem of traffic safety.

“It is important that pedestrians and those on
bikes are both given equal and fair treatment in the
policywmaking process,” Burch said.

David Sweeny, a student who attended the meet—
ing, argued that designated bike paths would be wel-
come on campus. “The paths would provide riders
with the opportunity to stay out of the way of pedes—
trians,” he said.

Students, faculty and staff who are interested in
offering their opinions on any possible new traffic
policies on campus can attend the second forum on
to be held Tuesday at 4 p.111. in the Student Center.

“We would welcome any and all to attend," said

- John Scharfenberger, associate director of UK pub-

lic relations. “We want to allow every individual staff
member and student to attend this forum.”










Fairy good day /

TOOTH “I“ Children learn about dental health at the Dental Health Fair Day at the Salva—
tion Annyyesterdaly. The event was sponsored hyfive UK students taking part in a service prty'ect
funded by the Hea th Professions Schools in Service to the Nation. The grant provides $70,000

. over three years fi)?‘ the program.


By Gary Wull
Stafl” Writer

The Kentucky Kernel board of directors last
ni ht selected Brenna Reill as the paper’s editor in
chief for the 1996—97 schoof’year.

The board picked Reilly, a journalism junior who
currently serves as the Kernel’s news editor, among
three candidates after four hours of interviews.

“The University community will find Brenna very
accessible and receptive to the concerns of the stu-
dents, faculty and staff,” said Liz Caras Petros, resi-
dent of the Kernel board of directors. “The card
thought Brenna would do a good job at building a
cohesive staff.“

In her tenure as editor in chief, Reilly said she
plans to focus on recruiting more staff in every
department — especially sports, where she hopes to




Sorry we have: been out of
copies of the Kernel for the
past 3 days due to extensive
Coverage of the Wildcats

' _ National Champions ' ,- _t
We are currently 100 pg _ gay
into the possibility ‘ ,.

- ' reprinting extra co
~ u these issues. Please






provide better coverage to the lesser known sports.

. Reilly, who’s from Florence, S.C., also wants to
reorganize the news desk to establish a features edi-
tor who would not be involved in the rocess
of making a daily news budget. The fgatures
editor would be able to concentrate more on
advance stories, she said.

Though she has a lot of plans for next year’s
Kernel, Reilly said she must be realistic.

“If we do something and find it’s not work-
ing and doesn’t save us time or make our paper
look better. then we will try something else,“
she said.

Reill said she thinks it‘s important that the
Kernel eeps up to date with technology.

“Newsrooms are changing across the country,
and it’s important for the Kernel to be on the edge,”
Reilly said.



Reilly chosen as 1996-97 newspaper editor

As news editor, Reilly said she has learned it’s
never too early to start planning and she knows the
importance ofa reliable staff.

“You have to go out and find the news
instead of waiting for it to come,” she said.

The other candidates for editor in chief
were English juniorJacob Clabes and jour—
nalism sophomore Jennifer Smith. Mike
Agin, UK’s student media adviser, said this
year’s selection was tough.

“Any of the three candidates would make
a good editor,” Agin said. “It’s like winning
the national championship — there's only

To become editor in chief, candidates must sub—
mit an outline of what they think are important
issues facing the Kernel and provide a brief discus—
sion of what they would do if they became editor.


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April 4, I996
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".8. olticial may
have lllflll ill plane crash

VELJI DUL, Croatia — Scrambling over rock"
cliffs, peering with flashlights through sheets of
rain, rescuers last night reached the wreckage of
the plane carrying US. Commerce Secretary Ron
Brown and 32 others. At least eight )eople were
confimied dead and the rest presumed 'illed.

Reporters at the scene could see the plane rest—
ing on its belly on the top of a small hill in this
coastal Adriatic village, near the port city of
Dubrovnik. '

The plane’s middle was burned.

Croatian police and US soldiers were searching
for bodies and survivors —— an effort complicated
by the heavy lacing of landmines in the area from
the 1991 war.

“Only a crazy man would go there,” Miomir
Zuzul, Croatia's ambassador to the United States,
told Associated Press Television.

NAIION Ilnallomlier suspect arrested
LINCOLN, Mont. — A former Berkeley pro—

fessor suspected by relatives of being the
Unabomber was taken into custody yesterday while
federal agents searched his cabin near a mountain
pass on the Continental Divide.

A member of the Unabom task force, demand-
ing anonymity, told The Associated Press the sus—
pect was named Ted John Kaczynski and had been
using many aliases.

For several weeks, federal agents have been fol—
lowin the suspect.

A ederal law enforcement official said Kaczyns—
ki was taken into custody so that he would not
interfere with the search of his home, but he was
neither arrested not charged.


Freemen criticized lor religion

JORDAN, .\lont. ~A The lireemen’s religious
beliefs, even more than their anti-government
political views, may frustrate federal efforts to get
them to leave their barricaded ranch.

The Freemen’s rejection of government and its
monetary system ultimately led to the charges on
which two of their leaders were arrested March 2 i.
leading to the standoff at the group's 960—ac re

Amon other things, the two were char ed with
bad checfi schemes, and conspiring to kiciiiap and
murder a federal judge involved in the foreclosure
against the ranch.

But after a week of being confined to the snow—
covered ranch, watched by federal agents who have
a direct telephone line to the ranch compound, the
Freemen are showing signs of leaning more heavily
on the racist Christian Identity teachings that form
the basis of their politics. ‘


Jones loans voice to phone commercial

NEW YORK — James Earl Jones stands in a
New York City hotel suite engrossed in something
atop the mantelpiece of the room’s fireplace. He
hears someone enter and, without looking up, says,

It’s the voice that welcomes people to Bell

Atlantic. ‘
It is a commanding, but not

unfriendly voice and becomes less
intimidating when followed by his
broad smile and outstretched hand.

Dressed in black slacks and
matching blazer with a blue but-
toned—down shirt open at the neck,
he settles his 6—foot—l 1/2 frame
into a too-soft chair to talk about
his new movie.

“A Family Thing" is the story of a white man,

layed by Robert Duvall, who discovers he has a
black half-brother named Ray Murdock, played by

“He's a simple guy, you know," Jones says of
Murdock. “I’m not often asked to do something
with this simplicity.”

Compiled from wire reports.






Students want to calm tempers;
invite campus to violence-tree day

By Daniel Soudor
Stafl” Witter .

The Students for SocialJustice, a campus organi—
zation romotin relevant social issues, is sponsor-
ing a Day Wit out Violence: A Celebration of
Peace. The festivities will be held free of charge
today from 11 am. to 2 pm. in the Student Cen-
ter’s Free Speech Area. '

Member Chris O’Bryan, a forestry sophomore,
said everyone is welcome to stop by and enjoy the
Lollapaloozalike atmosphere.

“Students can wander through when they’re eat-
ing lunch,” O’Bryan said.

A number of activities will be held, ranging from
booths sponsored by other student organizations to
live music.

Nothing is definite as to the nature of the bands
that will perform.

,...-..-._.-. . T"—



()’Bryan said students probably will bring their
own instruments and play in an impromptu session
from 11 em. to noon.

Then, a PA system will be set up from noon to 1
pm. and a public speaker, who has yet to be deter-
mined, will address the crowd, O’Bryan said.

After that, students will be allowed to speak.
Poetry recitations, songs and some spoken word
will highlight this segment.

From 1 pm. to 2 p.m., several discussion groups
will break off on their own. Prison issues and t e
recent attack on Tanya-Marie Cole are two of the
many topics that will spend some time in the spot-

Other campus or nizations will be present at
the Da Without iolence. The Sierra Club,
AWAR , the Black Student Union, Habitat for
Humanity and Amnesty International plan to par-

. 3...___..~-. -. ._.___..._-.. ._,_ _ ._ -. Q.


f...“ \n

Representatives from the Martin Luther Kinng.
Cultural Center also will be on hand.

In addition, The Students for Social Justice dec-
orated the Free Speech Area last night.

“We’re going to build a chalk quilt on the side—
walk,” O’Bryan said. “(Today) we’re going to draw
a centerpiece for it."

Any student who attends will have the opportu-
nity to add to the quilt.

The Day Without Violence is celebrated on a
national level. It commemorates the assassination of
Dr. Martin Luther Kinng.

While this tragedy will receive some focus, the
main theme of the event is to inform students about
present social issues.

The Students for Social Justice was created by
Moya Hallstein and Michael Dorn. Both are UK
graduate students.

Meetings are held every Thursday in 108 Patter- V

son Office Tower, be 'nning at 5:30 pm.

In its desire to ring campus organizations
together, the Students for Social Justice have set up
an e-mail account at mobilinlsv.uky.edu.

Anyone who wants to learn more about the club
is encouraged to write. ‘






1 M April 4, I996, Kama», Kernel




Speaker to discuss racial tensions

By Aaron 0. Hall

Findin the relationship
between and racial tensions

and how the two can be used to
solve racial problems is the focus
of a speech toni ht at Memorial
Hall. Wa e Fe ton, a senior at
Asbu ' heological Seminary,
will 5 are his knowledge of the
role religion plays in ending a
problem that continues to plague

the American society.

“Blacks want reconciliation on
their terms, whites want it on
theirs,” Felton said. “Jesus Christ

is the real solution.”

One of the speaker’s goals is to
combat stereotypical views races

have of one another.

“I hope to eradicate the black

stereotype,” he said. “When
whites think of blacks, they tend
to classify them into one area.
Blacks are just as diverse in poli-







Ben'amin Abes

Ashley Shrewsburv ...................

Tracie Purdon


Advortlse In the el. W
Call 257—2 66

. Newsroom: 257—1915
Advertising: 2 5 7-2 871

Fax: 323—1906

'1 E-Mail: Kernel@pop.uky.edu

Lance Williams.......................
{genniferSmith ..........................
rennaReilly ........ ........... ............ ewsEditor
JeffVinson... ..... ......... .. ............ ...... ..... CampusEditor
Alison KlghtExecutive Editor
MattFelice................... ......... .............................EditorialEditor
ErinBacher........... ......... ..... .Desi Editor
...... .............Ke Editor

........ ...Chief Photographer

......................... .On-line Editors
. ................. Asst. Editorial Editor
Chris Easterling .......................
Julie Anderson ..........................
Dan O’Neill ........... . .............

ason Datolo

ClaireJohnston ...... ........
Matt Barton ..............................

An teas Gustafsson ..................

........................ Asst. Arts Editor

Sheri Phalsaphie.... ............................. . ....... Asst. Desi Editors
John Abbott, Natalie Collins, Scott Gordon, Brian rivett,
Melanie Sawyers, Jeff Vinson, Tiffany Mite.......Copy Editors

Editor in Chief
.......... ........Mana ' gEditor

................. Asst. Sports Editor
........ ...............Asst KeG Editor



tics, social areas, religion... .”

As a teacher of social ethics in
Jessamine County’s school sys-
tem, Felton confronted his stu-
dents’ stereotypical view of blacks
head-on. He was happy when the
students finally admitted to being

“It was delightful,” Felton said.
“I knew we were on the road to
recovery.” F elton was even happi-
er when he received calls from the
students’ parents complaining

about what he was teaching his
pupils because he felt his message
was reaching everyone.

Mark Jacus, advisor for Chris-
tian Leadership Ministry, said that
his group phls eight other campus
Christian 0 ' tiqns wanted to
bringing Felton’s religious mes-
sage to campus because “laws to
tolerate aren’t cuttin it,” he said.

Jacus said that a though it is
important for religious followers
to act towards a reconciliation, he

realizes that tonight’s speech is

nizations. “We are certainly guilty


not the total solution.
“Christians need to
subscribe to the Chris-
tian world views and
follow them,” he said,
“but because of human


Jacus said he
expectsabout 200-400
to show up with an
estimated 10-20 per-
cent of those being

nature, there will non-Christians. He
alwaysbe jerks.” [MD added that many of

Jacus admits that ahead tonight’s regular
problems do exist not v meetings were can-
only on the outside. - . . celed so that students
but the inside of ngg”?:* could come. But it will
churchesaswell. ”I see ' ’3. . not disappointjacus if

some tension,” he said M:
ofthe divisionofblacln *1 '


the, attendance is lower
' ’ *1. ' because he “thinks it



and whites in city

churches and UK’s' religious orga- 2

will be a good step
toward racial relations.”


Research details the plight of black youths

Stafl report

Lynda Brown Wright, an
assistant professor of educational
and counseling psychology in the
UK College of Education, has
won a prestigious National Insti—
tutes of Health Career Develop-
ment Award.

The $539,000 award supports
Wright’s research efforts for five

Wright, who came to UK in
1993, researches the plight of
black youths who come from
environments that place them at
increased risk, including prob—

lems related to cardiovascular

Her previous research has
shown that black youths who
have a strong determination to
succeed but rank low in econom—
ic resources may be at greater
risk of developing physical car-
diovascular risk factors (such as
high blood pressure) than other
black youths.

Wright is focusing her cur-
rent research on the relationship
between socio-economic status
and environmental stress in
blacks with the risk of develop-
ing hypertension.

“The information gained
from this longitudinal study will
be very helpful in the develop-
ment of effective primary and
secondary intervention strate-
gies,” Wright said.

Wright was one of five
national winners of the competi-
tive NIH award in the heart area
and one of 10 heart, lung and
blood area of NIH.

“One of the purposes of the
award is to help me to develop in
new areas as a scientist,” she said.
“My interests include research
that involves cardiovascular
physiology, so this award will
allow me to enhance my skills

and knowledge base in this area
as well as related ones, such as
biostatisticsand advanced epi-
demiology, as I strive to become
a more proficient researcher in a
new area.”

The award indicates an inter-
est on the part of the federal
government to support this type
of research.

“This award is a significant
commitment on the part of fed-
eral agencies to support her
research efforts and is recogni—
tion of her outstanding scholarly
potential,” said Fitgerald
Bramwell, UK vice president for
research and graduate studies.

Separate tall lashion previews
highlight the ‘Iess is more' idea

Associated Press

NEW YORK —— Geoffrey
Beene and Calvin Klein, both
masters of minimalism, each made
a case Tuesday for less is more as
the semiannual round of designer
shows neared a close.

And Monday night starred
Isaac Mizrahi, who never met a
color he didn’t like.

Ever the fashion renegade,
Beene bypassed the main, central-
ized show site behind the New
York Public Library and staged
his fall preview at his midtown




tions next fall.








A R. kfib

Bicycles are very important at UK. But so are pedestrians.
Last fall the University instituted a voluntary bike dismount zone. It didn't

Bicycles continue to be ridden in the heart of campus, all too often at
unsafe speeds. The need for bicycle safety remains.
Plans are being discussed to create bike routes and initiate new regula-



4.m.T sda
R m26 KSt n










Wool car coats in harlequin or
zigzag prints, and wraparound
wool vests with asymmetrical
hems and skinny leather harness—
es, underscored the architectural,
linear mood of the clothes.
Taupe, charcoal, black and choco-
late comprised the somber palette.

“Here, people can see fine
merchandise — how the fabrics
are made and what exactly makes
the difference,” Beene said. “I’m a
little tired of overly produced pro-

Presented on a group of mod-




Portraits for the 1996 KENTUCKIAN, the official yearbook of the
University of Kentucky, will be photographed beginning Wednesday,
March 20, and continue through Wednesday, April 10, on the
Student Center Mezzanine between the hours of 10 am. to 2 p.m.
and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Please sign up for your appointment in the Yearbook Office,
Room 032 of the Orehan Journalism Building, Monday through
Friday during the hours of 10 am. and 4 p.m. or call 257-4005, or
see the photographer.

For the yearbook pose all students should dress
profeaalonally (males should wear a suit ‘or sports jacket and
tie; females should wear a favorite top or dress). Hands
should be properly groomed. as they will show In some pom.
A graduation cap and gown will be provided to seniors by the


els and dancers, the line show-
cased such Beene trademarks as
simple wool jumpsuits, black jer-
sey gowns with cutout_ backs and
sides, and cropped, simple

Short, slim wraparound skirts
with shaped, curved-seam jackets
were accessorized with dark,
cabled opaque tights and dark

. On a lighter note came Beene’s
fanciful trademark gloves, in ani—
mal print, or in red and black hor-
izontal stripes, or with multicol-
ored fingers.

Next came Klein, who typically
offers one of the most understated
collections of Fashion Week. In a
season that’s hardly bullish on
bells and whistles, he’s minimalist
in a major way.

each day.



Here’s the simple formula:
Ion , menswear-inspired coats;
mitf-calf—length dresses; military
jackets with epaulets and flap—top
patch pockets; hoods, cowl neck-
ines and turtlenecks; _and low—
slun belts on flared pants.

C othes are cast in dark shades
of eg Iant, black, forest green
and in igo.

There’s an occasional touch of,
say, a violet crepe silk shirt to off—
set the eggplant, or acid green
against spruce.

It’s a collection that makes a
strong statement in favor of the
cool and collected.

In case you needed any
reminder, look no further than
the models’ pale complexions,

ulled-back hair and somber















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FBI sccn checking
Capitol records

disco/rum Pratt

Louisville lawmaker says FBI
agents are again snooping around
the Capitol.

Democratic Rep. Tom Riner
said FBI agents have been
researching voting records in the
Legislative Research Commission
library in recent weeks.

The LRC has not gotten any
requests for information or sub—
poenas from investigators, said
LRC Director Don Cetrulo.

However, the LRC library,
which includes records of com-
mittee and chamber actions, is
open to the public.

The FBI will not confirm or
deny it is looking into more cases

of corruption, said Ken Bowes, an
FBI spokesman.

Federal officials announced last
summer they had closed the books
on Operation Boptrot, the federal
investigation that led to bribery-
related convictions of 20 legisla-
tors and lobbyists.

“The actual Boptrot case is
over," Bowes said.

“However, that does not pre—
clude other investigations of gov-
ernment corniption matters."

Riner made the allegations
Monday during a floor debate on
a hill that weakens the ethics code
that lawmakers passed in response
to Operation Boptrot.

“Throughout this session, FBI
agents have pored over the
records in that library,” Riner


- ‘ ~_-‘.t-.u ..


“You might be embarrassed to
ave voted to weaken our ethics
statutes today and then at some
point in the future you find out
there are new convictions and you
have to explain that discrepancy,"
he said.

Riner's speech didn’t persuade
lawmakers, who passed the bill
sponsored by Rep. Ron (Iyrus, l)-

The bill weakens the Legisla~
tive Ethics Commission, the
watchdog agency over lawmakers,
and reopens the door to unlimited
wining and dining by lobbyists.

On Tuesday, Riner offered
more specifics to back up his alle—
gations about the FBI.

Riner was in the LRC library
several weeks ago when a man he
recognized as an FBI agent
entered along with several other
people, he said.

Riner said he had previously
met the agent while talking with
federal officials about changes he
could propose in ethics laws to
discourage corruption. Riner said
he later talked to a library worker


Strategic management scholar Will teach leadership
GDIII'SBS at Gatton COIIBQB as endowed chairman


Gregory Dess, a tenured professor of "image—
ment at the University of Texas at Arlington, has
been selected as the first chairholder of the Gatton
Endowed Chair in Leadership and Strategic
Management at the UK Carol Martin Gattoii
College of Business and Economics.

Dess, 47, fills a newly created chair, the
tl‘ird such chair at the Gatton College. Fund-
ing for the chair is provided by a portion of a
$14 million donation to the Gatton College
last year by Bristol, Tenn., businessman and

UK alumnus GM. “Bill” Gatton.

According to college Dean Richard Furst,
Dess was the search committee’s top choice,
as the result of an extensive nationwide search.

Furst described Dess as “one of the nation’s lead-
ing scholars in strategic management who has pub—
lished numerous articles in the nation’s most presti—

gious journals."

Dess also currently serves on the editorial board





of Strategic Management Journal.
Dess will teach at all levels within the Gatton (Zol-
lege with particular emphasis on courses in leader

He will assume primary responsibility for
the new leadership course included as .i
mandatory course requirement for all MBA

Dess earned his bachelor’s degree in 1971
from Georgia Tech, his MBA in 1976 from
Georgia State University and his Ph.D. in
I980 from the University of \Vashington
where he focused on administrative theory
and organizational behavior, business policy,
sociology and research methods. He has held the
post at the University of Texas since 1987, during
which time he also received a Fulbright Lectureship
at the University of Porto, Portugal, in 1984.

v at :w snatch“; ,' ,



By Adam Wilhelm
Still] II 'riler

It's that time ofthe year again
to enjoy the outdoors and one of
the most popular places to relax
is the Red River Gorge, in east
ern Kentucky.

The gorge offers an assort~
ment of outdoor activities such
as hiking, camping, rock climb—
ing, hunting and fishing
spanned over 28,000 acres ot'the
Daniel Boone National Forest.

“Red River Gorge has virtue
ally about everything," Donnie
Richardson, District Manager of
the Daniel Boone National For—
est said.

Safety is on the minds ofpark
personnel when visitors flock to
the gorge. The primary cause of

serious injury at Red River
Gorge is clitt talls.
According to Donnie

Richardsonddistrict manager of

Ki’mmh Kernel, lily/nailing Jpn! 4, [9% 8

Students flocking to gorge should
keep satcty in mind while hiking

Use ofcommon sense urged by par/c oflii‘i/IA

iiigtoii) that's decent," l'jbei’eii/
said. “It's .i pretty good pl.ite to

l‘ilk‘lc‘lll. said the .llt‘J is .l sate
place, it \ isitois .IR‘ siii.iit.

“Don"t go there .iiid p.iit_\,"
Flierenr said. “Because ii'you do,
you're going to get In trouble "

I‘dk‘l‘ctl} suggests going to tlic
Gorge with someone who knows
“11‘.” he or she is doing.

Red River (iorge attracts
50,000 \isitors a year. Richard.
son said \isitors come to the
rugged area to enjoy the beautir
fiil scenery. He said many stu~
dents spent Spring Break at the

lo get to tlie Gorge from
l.e.\ington, take Interstate (i-I east
to the Mountain Parkway. 'lake
the Slide or Natural Bridge exits
and follow the signs. The drive is
about .iii hour long.



$ 1 O/MO


(606) 271-3333


the Daniel Boone National For-


est, an average of one to two
people die every year while at
the Red River Gorge.

“If people will be careful and
use common sense, then the
Gorge is a safe place,” Richard—
son said.

Several people were injured
in 1905, but no one died .it the
Red River Gorge last year.

However, in 1994, there were
four fatalities.

By followin a few safety
guidelines, Ricfiardson said he
believes accidents can he avoid»
ed. He gave several recommen—
dations to avoid injury, such as
not drinking while climbing and
only hiking dtiring the daytime.


Betsy Eberenz, a sophomore

: i\n‘
,1“ if,



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I ;








primary windows

See your schedule book
for specific dates and times.

Today! 1,!



secondary Spanish education,
has been to the Red River Gorge
several times.

“It's the closest place (to Lex—


Sherman ’s Alley by gibbs 'N’ ‘Voiyt

Ahoy, Mateys



f Uh-oh, maii'5 here!
Just some “disgruntled

postal worker/mental
. breakdown/Uzi” humor.

When I snap, you‘ll be
at the top of my list.






Problem. Maiiperson

I'll say. You’re supposed
to use a stamp, Bomgardrer.

You can’t just write
Ll'm A Veteran” in the corner.





Advertise in
the Kernel.

CallZS — g







April 5
12:10-12:50 pm

Raleigh Kincaid, Baritone
David Cooper, Organ
Clyde Beavers, Cello

Central Baptist Church
1644 Nicholasville Road
(next to Central Baptist Hospital)







I tiItt‘AtiiH flint/i8
I Nil-‘1.) .‘til
‘ t in




., , S (I)
\I’dl‘i‘A 1


(Fittixituit‘i‘i t t’.‘l 1.1M
I 'l r le”i."‘tt‘,.ri N! S





My years as a US. Coast
Guard recruiter should
count for something.

U56 3 stamp next time
or you'll be getting your
mail at Leavenworth.








290 S. limestone

‘ (Of/70! oil/intuition as“ Mowefl -



233° BWWW2999


Coast Guard, eh?
Where were you stationed?


Coffey/ville, Kansas.
Ican‘t stand water. Just

seeing a ship makes me
spew like 01’ Faithful.








Don .'t sleep your summer away befon
your student organbation III-mm
[hr the 1996-97 aardcmic your.

All student organizations need to be registered
to participate in university activities and


take advantage of many ms! For
listing of services, check out the S. 0. C.



5»; by Room I“ 5m.” Cm.

{j snaps/v7- omq/v/znnoms cm
”pick up

. Y~ III on


'1 Le" '91:]: , f:


N . >14: 1.47


Advertlse In the
Call 257—2


e'_ WW


















 ‘ "“WWHI“ -...". .


I MMMH. 1996,10urudthnd

iiov. Patton vows not
to veto current hm

{imitated Pm:

Gov. Paul Patton says so far, he
does not plan to veto any legisla-
tion approved by the 1996 Gen-
eral Assembly.

The legislature ended its bill-
passing session Monday. Mem-
bers are to return April 15 to
consider overriding any of Pat-
ton's vetoes. When a bill
approved by both the House and
Senate reaches Patton’s desk, he
may sign it into law, let it
become law without his signature
or veto.

So far, Patton has not vetoed
any bill and sees none in the off-

“Of course, a lot of legislation
passed the last week or so,” he

said before addressing the Jefi'er-
sontown Chamber of Commerce
on Tuesday.

“The review process is ongo-
ing, and if staff comes up with
any problems, we'll take a look at

Patton said he has received
only one request this ye