280 Resolution Af f i rminrig power to remove or appoint temporarily Point of order not sustained Amendment proposed Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 17, 1873 Nays- John G. Allen, Andrew Steele, G. W. Elley, C. T. Worthing- ton, G. W. Givens, In. L. Williams, R. J. White, R. C. Ricketts, W. T. Withers, L. B. Wilkes, willia-m E. Rogers, James G. Kinnaird, R. A. Gano 13. The requisite majority of the whole Boawrd voting aye the substitute was declared adopted - Curator Z. F. Smith offered tie following lies. That in view of the proceedings of the last fourteen years and the powers confered by the Charter and bylaws of the University it is the sense of this Board that the Executive Committee has the power to appoint or remove temporarily Professors in the Faculty during the interval between the meetings of the Board- Curator Worthington raised a point of order that the resolu- tion was in violation of the Charter- not sustained by the Chair. After free discussion of the Resolution the ayes and nays were called for. Curator Steele moved to amend by striking out the word removal- amendment lost. Pending the discussion a motion made to adjourn till to- morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Session of Sept. 18, 1873 . Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. Morrison College, September 18th, 1873 Board met prayer by Curator W. L. Willia~ms, Minutes read amended and approved. Resignation of Curator lost Motion to refer vacancy Motion to amend Point of order not sustained The Chairman of the Board read a Communication from Curastor Yost tendering his resignation as Curator which on motion was accepted. Curator Campbell moved that the vacancy be refered to the Committee on Nominations. Curator Withers moved to a-mend that no more vacancies be filled until the number of Curators be reduced to thirty one unless it be necessary to do so to comply with the requirements of the Charter. Curator Jno. Aug. Williams raised a point of Order that this meeting being a called. one cannot consider this question- The Chair decided it not well taken.