xt7zgm81ks60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81ks60/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19231109  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  9, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  9, 1923 1923 2012 true xt7zgm81ks60 section xt7zgm81ks60 The Kentucky Kernel







SINCE 1916

Class Gets
Drenching in Clifton



Experience of Sophs Responsible

ror Tf i
victory f




For the first time since 1916 the
sophomore class ha9 triumphed over
the freshman "hordes" in the annual
tug o' war held at Clifton pond last
Friday afternoon. Team work on the
part of the sophomores and a new
ruling providing that an equal number should be on each side is responsible for the victory-Lonbefore 2 o'clock, the time set
for the frosh to gather in the armory
to discuss plans for the day, the walks
in front of Buell Armory were crowded with a molb bearing a resemblance
Coxie's army.
to the
The sophomores were less demonstrative. At the meeting in tlhe chapel
each man was cautioned not to crowd
the calble hut to take plenty of room
and at the signal to get the jump on
the freshmen and pull steadily.
At 3 o'clock the signal was given
and the tug o' war began. The sophomores having won the toss for position, chose to defend the Rose street
side of the pond, because it gave them
a better rhance to pull the frosh down
hill once they were started. At first
neither side could do more than strain
against the cable. For a moment or
so everybody was at a dead halt then
the teamwork of the sophomores began to tell. Slowly but surely they
began to climb the hill, the walk turned into a run and the luckless frosh
were in the pond. The seniors who
were lending their "moral encourage- ment" to the sophomores assisted in
throwing a few of the survivors
whose valor dt the better of their
discretion, into the pond.
The sophomores spent a very en
joyable afternoon.


NOV. 8

Class of 27

$17,612 is


By OF Y.

A total of $17,612 was reported, as
tiic present freshman subscriptions to
the basketball building fund, at a
meeting of the executive committee
held in the Administration building.

The representatives of the class re
ported that there were about 300 mem
bers who had not been solicited as yet
from whom they hoped to secure the
remainder of the abjective, $20,000.
Another meeting was held Thursday
evening at which various plans were
submitted to the Freshmen for rais
ing their other $20,000, the most pop
ular one being that they be classified
according to counties and endeavor to
raise it from their respective high
schools. If this plan is unfavorable
other means will be devised.





W. C. A. TO BE HELD Other Class Officers Elected By The SHOWN



Students and Faculty Del
egates From Three

Discussions of Practical Prob
lems to Take Place at

Frank Herbert Carter, of Somerset,
junior in the College of Arts and
Science, was elected junior editor of
the Kentuckian at a Junior class elec
tion held in chapel Monday afternoon.
Carter is a member of Alpha Delta
Sigma, honorary journalism frater
nity and has been active in journalis
tic work on the campus W. O. Billi
ter, president of the class, presided at
the meeting.
W. H. Skinner, of Morganfield, was
elected assistant business manager of
the Kentuckian: Tames Darnell, of
Frankfort, was elected class orator;
Layman Mays, of Eminence, in the
College of Engineering, was chosen
as class treasurer, and Miss Annelle
Kelly, of Lexington, was elected class









Proceeds of Showing to Be Used
To Send Band to Georgia

Band to Parade Before Game;
Tickets on Sale By Su-K- y

The Wildcats are playing on forThe Kentucky Conference of the
eign soil this week and the fans will
Young Women's Christian Associa
be given an opportunity to follow them
at the
tion is being held this week-en- d
play by play on the
University of Kentucky.
This method was used last
There will prohably be 125 student
Saturday when the team played Cenpresent
and faculty representatives
tre, and those who remained in Lexfrom the following colleges: Berea
ington praised the showing very highCollege, Hamilton
College, Eastern
PRINCIPALS IN MARTHA Sfate Normal, Kentucky College for
In order to accommodate the crowd
Women, Kentucky Wesleyan College
that i9 expected to turn out for this
Transylvania College, University o
Saturday's game, the Woodland audKentucky, University of Louisville; BUREAU
NOV. 19 itorium has been selected as the place
University of Tennessee.
to show it.
Margaret Owens Chosen to Sing Meetings will 'be held in the recrea
Six Men Will Be Chosen For bers of effort y being made by memThe Part Of
tional hall of Patterson Hall to which
Circle to raise
Organization; Five Left
all women students are invited. Any
enough money to send the band with
girl desiring to become a member of
From Last Year.
the team when we play Georgia Tech
The principals of the opera "Mar the organization will be charged a fee
in Atlanta on the 17th of this month,
that," which will ibe produced the lat of one dollar. Members are eligible to
The Student Speakers' Bureau com- and all the proceeds of the
ter part of this month under the su all social functionsposed of eight men was organized at showing will be used for this purpose.
pervision of the Music Department
The discussions will deal with the the University last year with the idea
The band will parade the principal,
have been selected and announced as following problems:
Local Associa of spreading the gospel of progress streets of the city before the showing"
tion Problems, Faculty Relationships; throughout the state.
and during the game will render selec
Margaret Owens Instructional
Relationships, Student
Only five of the eight men from last tions.
Josephine Frazar Industrial
Student year's organization are left: C. M. C.
The plays of the game are sent di
Robert Clem Friendship Fund, National Conven Porter; S. B. Neale, James Darnell, rect from the field over a leased West
Elmer Barker tion, National Student Assembly, Stu Ryan Ringo, and Robert Porter. Be- ern Union wire and every detail of the
Sheriff of Richmond J. W. McDonald dent Volunteer
Movement, World fore starting the campaign of speech- - game is shown. In fact, it is as clear
Sir Tristan
Elbert DeCoursey Student Christian Federation. Miss making over the state this year, it is to the spectator as seeing the game itMinor singing parts will be selected Holmquist will have services of wor desired to add to the list six men; self. Memhers of the
from the chorus of forty-fiv- e
ship each day.
three of whom are to be active and will be in charge of the showing and
"Martha," which wa9 composed by
The secretaries who will be present three to be ready at any time as alter have tickets for sale on the campus the
Flotow in 1845, is a grand opera of the are: Miss K.atnenne lumpKin, miss nates to step into the line of duty.
last of the week. The noveltv of the
highest character. It deals with Eng Gladys Bryson, Miss Stella Spurlock,
For the purpose of choosing these
and the interest in this big
lish nobles and peasant life. Perhaps Miss Grace Lumpkin, Miss Louise men, tryouts are to be held Monday game should be enough to cause even
the best known air in the score
night, November 19, in the Little the most pessemistic fan to turn out
"The Last Rose of Summer," an Irish
The calendar is as follows: Thurs Theatre, where all aspirants are re- for the afternoon.
The game will
folk song which Flotow immortalized day, 3:30 p m., a joint meeting of the quested to be prepared to make a start at 2:15 at the Woodland Audiby putting it into this opera.
Y. W .C. A. cabinet and the Advisory speech of from five to eight minutes torium.
J. he
designing ot the costumes is Committee at the home of Mrs. Rob duration on any phase of the Universi- -- Kbeing executed by Miss Elizabeth erts.
v of Kentucky and its needs. The
Cromwell and the making 6f them has
Friday, Miss Jewell and Miss Bland tryout will be in charge of three prom- FRIENDSHIP FUND ASKS
already begun in the home economics inc will entertain witn a luncneon in inent members of the faculty acting in
department. Other departments
of honor of the secretaries.
the capacity of judgesAID OF ORGANIZATIONS
with the
the University will
Friday, 4:00 p. m., a meeting of the
Music Department in making the pro Executive Committee with a represen MEETING OF MOTHERS
duction of "Martha" worthy to repre tative from each delegation.
WAS HELD MONDAY Tuesday is Tag Day For Relief
sent the University at its best in the
Friday, 6:30 p. nv, the Woman's
Of European Stu- fiold of musical entertainment.
A meeting for all the mothers and
Club of the University, and the Y. W.
C. A. Advisory Committee will en near relatives of the women students
tertain the delegates with a supper at of the University of Kentucky was
The Woman's Administrative Counheld Monday.
the home of the president.
cil is planning to continue their work
The first meeting of the year of the
Friday, 7":30 p. m first official meet- Tea was served immediately follow in
connection with the Student Friendhonorary scientific society, Sigma Xi, ng. Aliss rioimquist wiu speaK ana ing the meeting which was called by
ship Fund by appealing to organiza7:30 in all of the secretaries will make a short the Dean of Women for the purpose
will be held Friday evening at
tions and individuals for support.
of discussing various problems.
the Science building, room 108. Prof. alk.
This fund, which is for the benefit of
C. S'. Crouse will speak on "Mineral
Saturday, 9 a. m., official meeting. to the inclemency of the weather few refugee
students of central and eastdelegates at the were present. It was decided that a
Resources of Kentucky."
All mem
Luncheon for the
ern Europe, has been in existence on
meeting will he held next Monday in
bers of the society are irtvited, wheth- University cafeteria.
the campus for the last four years.
er they are connected with the uniSaturday, p. nv, separate meeting of the Little Theatre in White Hall at
The Student Friendship Fund was
versity or not. Dr. W. D Funkhous- - the undergraduate delegation and fac30. All girls are requested to tell
started during the war in order to asr will preside.
their mothers of this meeting.
sist the students in the principal uniK
Saturday, 2:30 p. m., the undergrad
versity centers of Central and EastVISITORS TO LAW COLLEGE uate delegates will go for a drive and
ern Europe. The Universities of the
at 3:30 for a Blue Ridge and MontUnited States voted to carry on this
Messrs. H. T. Hardin, of the class real picnic and hike.
leaves Thursday for
Thomas Baird
work by contributions and Kentucky
of '14, E. E. Hardin, of '20, M. K.
There will ibe a meeting Sunday Chicago to represent Scovell Chapter is proud to
be among those helping.
Eblen, of '21, G. F. Gallup and P. E- morning before church ana anotner of Alpha Zeta at the eleventh BienThe students of Eastern Europe,
Ashby, of '22 were among those who n the afternoon. Sunday evening at nial Conclave. The conclave will be
Russia and Near East are actually bereturned to the Law College for a :30 Mrs. Giles, director of residence held at the LaSalle Hotel, November
low physical efficiency level. Fourteen
greeting before attending the
halls, has invited all women students 9, 10, 11 and 12.
thousand refugee students without
game Saturday.
living in halls, fraternity houses and
homes, funds and in a Strang land deoff campus boarding houses to a tea
pend on us.
It is our privilege to
Mr Samuel Lambert, of Hender at Patterson Hall. The tea will be
help these students by furnishing supChapel at the fifth hour on Tuesson, an alumnus of the University, is followed by the final meeting of the
plementary food to the sick and un- visiting fraternity
brothers at the conference at which Miss Holmquist days is compulsory for all freshman
Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter house.
will speak.
(Continued on page 4)












Program To Be Given At The
Ben Ali Theatre Saturday
The annual Armistice

day parade

will probably be led by the University

regiment under comof Kentucky
mand of Cadet Colonel R'oscoe Cross.
The parade will form at 10 o'clock,
Saturday morning, November 10. All
cadets will report to their respective
unit's on the drill field immediately after the dismissal of second hour classes
where the regiment will be formed under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Freeman, who is grand marshal of
the occasion.
The parade wilt be composed of the
American Legion, the Veterans of
Foreign Wars Club and various other
civic and fraternal organizations. After passing over the course mapped
out for the parade the cadet regiment
will attend the Ben Ali theatre where
several brief Armistice day addresses
will be delivered by well known







Page Two

Alumni Notes
Editor Alumni lecrttary
zenry that is awake to its duties and
is a great asset.
, opportunities
As in state and national elections so
New York, Nov. 13. (Second in elections among alumni has there
been a considerable apathy. Such an
Cafe Savarin.
attitude implies confidence in those in
Chicago, Nov- 19. (Third Mon- power but confidence never built a
day Regular) luncheon, Marshal
nation nor any institution unless1 acField's Restaurant Men's Grill.
companied by a willingness to
Detroit, Nov. 24. (Last Sat- of the Alumni Association
urday Regular) dinner, Dixieland
of every fordeserve the
mer student and graduate. Those
Nov. 26. Home- who arc active arc giving a finer supPhoenix
coming. Dinner-dancport than that 'falling to the lot of any
Hotel, 6:00 p. m.
other university in the South but to
keep apace with these others in the future more must be forthcoming,


work-Officer- s



The attitude of undergraduates
the most significant phase in the development of alumni loyalty. This is
esoecially true of an institution like
Kentucky just now experiencing a
tremendous growth in numbers.
No finer illustration of love for the
University has 'been given that at
Danville last Saturday. They stood
or sat in a rain that 'began more than
an 'hour before the game and continued through the afternoon but their
response to calls for cheering was
magnificent throughout. The majority pulled just as the team fought for
a victory to the
alumni and
us sat some
friends who complained of the support given the team, but across the
way the cheering sounded like one
mighty roar. It takes a different kind
of spirit to turn out a strong band of
supporters on a foreign field but that
is what Kentucky has.
The Wildcats tied a team that tomorrow may beat these victors of last
week. But winning is not the main
thing. The courage bred in defeat is
the sort that will spell success in the
years that follow graduation. That is
what makes alumni so valuable. Our
alumni have a right to take pride in
welcoming such associates as are now
in the undergraduate body.
end-Nea- r



University Will Announce Requests to
Be Made of Legislature

In the last few weeks hundreds of
former students of the University
have been taking a prominent part in
the political campaigns. Many of
them won personal victories, others
helped their friend's into office.
During the next two months every
his help to giving
, alumnus should lend
every state official and memlber of the
General Assembly a proper conception
of the needs of the University and edNo one who
ucation generally.
knows can rightfully question our
claim for a larger financial support.
The task is then to show the legislators why and how.
The Alumni Office will announce
soon the winners in the recent elec-'oiSo far as it is possible to ascertain the attitude of these men the
Alumni Office will be glad to make it
known to those who inquire. Many
of the legislators served in the 1922
session. Their attitude on University
affairs has been' recorded.
Among requests to be made by the
University at the coming session will
be appropriations for a general recitation building and a woman's building at $250,000 each. For the following year appropriations for buildings
will be asked to the amount of $600,-00pro. A complete summary of the
posed legislative program will be announced in the Kernel at an early



Thousands of dollars have been
spent in the last four weeks by the
governing parties in Kentucky to encourage use of the ballot. This is
citione of the greatest privileges of
our forefathers
gave their lives for it there are today
citi- millions who are indifferent. A

Newlyweds Hit Buffalo
Mr. and Mrs. Tilford

Wilson-Mr- s.

Wilson formerly was Miss Katherine
Tucker tooth graduates of the University, delighted their friends in Buffalo by making a two day stay with
them while on their honeymoon. To
trtake things more pleasant for the
bride and groom Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Benn Orr, who attended the university
and who arc now making their home
in Rochester, N. Y., were invited over.
The two young married couples and
several of the other alumni had one
grand and glorious get together, and
needless to say t'hat when that many
Kentuckians assemble they had a big
time discussing Lexington, the campus,
football and everything
with the University, even the Lexington Drug Co. Charley Graham,

section of Mississippi would be over.
The Tuscaloosa branch of the
American Legion has joined the University authorities in celebrating the
tenth as Armistice Day.
J'hc annual road race l! t will be
hdi' at the Univcr.'ily Armistice Day
attracted some ol th
greatest track men. This event will
probably be held 'between halves of
the football game.
Kentucky is a contender this year
for the Southern champion V.vp, while
Mabstna is anxious tj 'v'pe out last
y i. i defeat. Keen competition is
sure to result-Iaddition to the alumni and other
visitors, it is said the Rotary and
Clubs of Birmingham have accepted invitations extended 'by their
Tuscaloosa brethren and will attend in
a body, a private car having been chartered by each body.
Extra seats have been provided, and
every arrangement has been made for
the care and comfort of the visitors.
Over one hundred of the fairest coThey were
eds will serve luncheon.
selected by ballot as all were anxious
for the assignment. There was much
rivalry before the results
were announced. Birmingham News.
As for the Birmingham Club, wc
expect to attend in a body. We have
applied for a section of 100 seats. The
local rooters and those who accompany the team should prove to the
natives of Tuscaloosa that Kentucky
has a loyal bunch of rooters as well
as an excellent football team. E. J.
Kohn, Secretary.


Betwixt Us

I could give more and if future conditions allow, I will gladly vadd to this
amount. Best regards to all and particularly the grand old University of
Kentucky. Wm. F. Hart, U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, 204 Federal
Bldg., Lincoln, Neb.

School, Washington, D. , and will
organize and develop the Department
of Home Economics. Her sister, Mrs.
Ruth Bell Branham, is teaching in
Central High School. Miss Bell's
address is 3014 Thirteenth St., N. W.


"Here is my check for reservation
on the U. K. Alumni Train.
I want
to ride with the others on the 'Kentucky Boosters' Express.' Rush the
Kernel for I am getting anxious to
know what is doing on the campus."
F. D. Weatherholt (with Westing-hous- e
Electric & Manufacturing Co-- )
Y. M. C. A., 122 Chestnut St., Spring-



Thos. F- - Ott received his B. S. in
'07 and M. S. in '14. For several years
he was instructor in chemistry in the
University of Kentucky. During the
he was a student at the
year 1914-1Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and from there went to California
to take a position with the Union Oil
Company as research chemist, He is field, Mass.

Robert J. Raible has been awarded
now superintendent, lubricating division, of the 'Company, at Oleum, the most important of the "compensation church work plan" scholarships
at the Harvard Thclogical School.
Scholarships on this plan were award10
ed for the first time this year. Under
Hudson is with the
A. Schmidt Company, where he its operation a nunibcr of churches
university are unithas been practically ever since his re- the vicinity of the
in giving the scholarships.
turn to civilian life after service in ed
Raible won the Billings prize given
(business adthe World War. His
improvedress is 134 East Fourth Street, Cin- last June, for the greatest
ment in delivery. He is a second year
cinnati, Ohio.
His address is Andover
Fran-ceStreet, Cambridge,


Willis Ewing Hobson, who for several years has- been with the Island
Creek Coal Company, at Taplin, W.
engineer with
Va., is now mining
Crecelius & Philips, consulting engineers, 801 Wabash Building, PittsMrsHobson was
burgh, Penna.
Miss Martinc Bennett, of Owensbo- ro, Ky. They have two little daugh
ters, Ruth Bennett, born May, 1917,
and Mary Eleanor, born in December,
1918. The family are living at 515 S.
Graham street.


"I regret that my subscription to
the Greater Kentucky campaign was
delayed, but here is a check and also,
as soon as I am financially able, I intend to send another and larger check
Amanda Fork-nfor this campaign-(teaching in high school) Geneva,
Louis P. Gould, chemsit with the
Miller Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio,
asks that his Kernel be addressed to
115 North Adams Street.
"Enclosed find check for dues. I
do not want to miss a single copy of
the Kernel. I am back in Sturgis,
teaching, and Lillie Cromwell '21 is
here, too. We are always interested
in U. K., and especially as I have two
sisters and several pupils there this
year. Yours for a bigger and a better University." Katherine Reed.
Berley Winton is connected with
the Poultry Division, Extension Department of the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Address 1409
Windsor street.



L. Ehrlich, formerly with the
Missouri State Highway Department,
Last week was annual conference is senior member of the firm, R. L.
of County Agents and many of them Ehrlich & Company, construction
called in the Alumni office, paying engineers, Smithville, Mo. He mardues, or looking for tickets to the ried Miss Anna Dunbar, June 25,
Centre game. Among these were Wm-C- . 1921. A future wearer of the Blue
Johnston '16, Taylorsville, Spen- and White is Robert L., Jr., Iborn
cer county; Gordon Marsh '19, 1325 January 4, 1923.
Burlcounty; Will D. Sutton,
Mr- and Mrs. Mervin J. Kelly are
ington, Boone county; Carl A. Wick-lun- d
'17, Independence, Kenton coun- welcoming a little daughter who arty, and Ivan C. Graddy, Elkton, Todd rived October 6. She has been namMr. Kelly has
ed Mary Katherine.
Saturday brought some on their way been with the Western Electric Comgame; from pany since January, 1918, and holds
to the Kentucky-Centr- e
Evansville, Ind., Henry T. Hardin r.n important positicn in the research
department, at 461 West Street, New
14, nnd Mrs. Hardin, Edward E. HarYork City.
din '20, and Wm. Lee Smith
"Enclosed find dues for this year.
others came through the city
Please change my address from
way to Danville.
on their
121 North Seventh
who has been Dubuque, Iowa, to
Vail Baldwin
Ind. I am gen'Coal Com- Street, Terre Haute,
the Baldwin-Poc- a
secretary of the Y. M. C A. here."
Va., called to eral
pany at Roderfield, W.
Julia L. Van ArsdelL
pay dues and make a pledge to Greater Kentucky campaign. He is now
with the Farmers Supply Company,
Mr. and Mrs- W. C. EyI have the
821 Main street, Paris,
good wishes of many friends for their
E .M. Denham, chief engineer of son, born November I. Mr. Eyl is
Mining Company, at
the Southern
coiuulting geologist, with offices at
Williamsburg, Ky, stopped for a short 407 City
National Bank Building,
visit en route to Danville.



Detroit Organization Concludes Happy and Successful Year
At the annual election of officers of
the Kentucky Alumni Club in Detroit, E. H. Clark, '16, was made
president. The election of a secretary
and treasurer wa9 deferred until the
next meeting-Mr- .
iClark is an engineer. He is
with the American Blower Company in
their Detroit office, and is making
good at the job. Much of his work
calls him to the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, where he has sold
and superintended the installation of
the university buildings erected there
the ventilating equipment in most of
recently. As president he succeeds T.
E. Warnock, '03.
Meetings of the club in Detroit are
informal affairs held over a real southern meal at the Dixieland Inn. Most
of the meeting is spent in talking
of "the good old days" and looking
forward to the time when Kentucky
will take the place she deserves at the
head of southern educational institutions. In that connection Mr. Clark
recalled recently that the head of the
Civil Engineering College at the U.
of M. placed President McVey among
the three greatest university presidents
of the entire country.
Resolutions on the death of Price
McLean were passed and a copy sent
to Mr. and Mrs. McLean and to the
alumni secretary.

ex-1- 8,


Kentucky Alumni Will Fill Rooters'
Section Behind Wildcats
will have its
and Auburn-Georgspecials, the biggest special ever run
out of Birmingham to any athletic
event will steam out over the Louisville and Nashville Saturday, Novemy
ber 10, at 11 a. m. to the
game. The game takes place
on the campus of the University, Armistice Day, the annual


Alabama-Tec- h






Arrangements had been made to entertain a crowd of 5,000 visitors, but
it now seems certain that the crowd
may double that number.
Huntsville and Gadsden are. the last
cities to wire for reservations, while
Columbus has phoned in that all that

in sociology
at Columbia University this year, and
want my Kernel sent to 1230 Amsterdam Avenue, Box 27, New York City."
Elizabeth Jackson-Phillicounty
R. Watlitvgton is
agent of McLean County, address Calhoun, Ky.
"I was 'proud as well as interested,
to note the record enrollment for this
school year. I feel sure that the University of Kentucky is now on the
open road which leads to the front
rank in education. Here is hoping
nothing stops her." T. E. Sparks, Attorney, Greenville, Ky.
"I am enclosing check for dues.
Just can't miss another copy of the
Kernel because I want all the news
from old U. K." Ann Mary Risen,
teaching in high school, Toledo, 111.
Robert McAlpin is teaching agriculture in the high school at Wingo,
"Please send the Kernel as soon as
Ridgeway, Jr.,
possible." Sam H219 West Sixth Ave., Cleanfield, Pa.
Dewey M. Porter is teaching mathematics and science in the Union High
School, Granada, Colo. Address Box

"I am taking a course




George Matt Morgan has been a
lumber merchant in Cincinnati for
many years and is now with the Nicola, Stone & Myers Company at 1221
West Liberty street. He . married
Miss Florence Ziegkr, September 21,
1901, and they have two daughters.Mar-gare- t
L. and Anna Virginia. The
FOR GREAT CONTEST family resides at 3543 Epworth Ave.


"I want to compliment the member

staff who wrote the
and Lee game
review. I think it is one of the clearest presentations of a football game
I have ever read. No muddling figures of yardage and passes, but a
story that enables the unfortunate
graduates to picture the game mentally with pleasing results." Charles
Detroit, Mich.
Perry West and his brother, How- E. Planck, Free Press,
"I am enclosing check for Kernel
'05, were called home reard West,
I do not miss any numbers
cently due to the illness of their fath- and hope
for I like to keep up with activities on
er, who met with an accident while
Mr. West, the campus." Raymond W. Hanson,
cranking his automobileCompany, 714
care of
who is at the Good Samaritan Hospitgetting Old South Building, Boston, Mass.
al, Lexington, is reported
along nicely. Perry West is execu'20
tive engineer and secretary of the
Mr. and Mrs. R- - H. Cottrell and;
Engineering Company,
visit117 West 54th street, New York city, young son, Harry Jr., have been
and Howard West is assistant to the ing Mrs. Cottrell's parents, Mr. and
vice president, Jos. Baker Sons and Mrs. E. B. Allender. Mr. Cottrell, who
Perkins Company, White Plains, New is county agent of Marshall county,
attended the Annual Conference of
County Agents. They live at Benton,
Miss Katherine F. Bell, formerly
Enclosed find my check for alumni
dues, also pledge card to the Greater with Central High School, has been
Kentucky Campaign. I certainly wish transferred to the new Eastern High
of the Kernel






4,I am tecahing Home
Music and Art in the high school here,
so please send my Kernel to Lynn-villInd." Anna Bess Sargent.
R. D. Shipman asks that his Kernel
be sent to Shelfcyville, Ky., R. F. D.



No- - 2.

Dues and The Kernel
One Year


University of Kentucky,









After the cigarette "If vou bo in
side your father will smell smoke on
your breath.
"Oh that's all right he'll think it
was you who were smoking.'

for $3.50. Just after I had paid for it
I dropped it on the sidewalk, and be
fore I could pick it up a fellow with
big nails hi his shoes stepped on it and
punched out $2 worth of meals."


home wedding was solemnized last evening at 5 o'clock when
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Williams became the bride of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Richards, both of Bangor. Easton. (Pa.) Express.
A pretty


feeble-minded- ."


It lay

benieath her on the floor;
A thing of pink and blue.

She thought the dance would never
She knew not what to do.

Captain "Well, tell him we'll have
He ''Do you drink? I thought you him arrested for impersonating an of
ficer." Life.
were a Quaker?"
Hie "Hie I am
I'm sow
All Wrinv
ing muh my Wild Quaker Oats."
Tp I.awvpr "I liav ciiprpprlprl 5n
making a settlement with your hus- Stenog "Howdja spell 'senice?'"
Employer "Dollars and cents, or uauu mat is icuuuciuiy iau iu jruu.
Mrs- Triplewed
"Fair to both! I
horse sense?"
Stenog "Well, like in "I ain't seen could have done that myself. What
do you think I hired you for?" Bos
him sence"
ton Globe.
Wag Jag.

Drip "Did you notice any change
The chairman of the gas company
in me?"
was making a popular address.
Emett "No, why?"
"Think of the good the gas company
Drip "I just swallowed a dime."
has done," he icried. "If I were per
mitted a pun, I would say in the words
"Nurse, did you kill all the germs in
of the immortal poet, 'Honor the light
my "baby's milk?"
brigade.' "
"Yes, ma'am; I run it through the
At this' point a consumer jumped
food chopper twice."
up with the shout: "Oh, what a charge
they made!" Collegian Reporter.


Home-mad- e

University Lunch Room
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. POULOI, Prop.
Corner Lime and Wkislow


Regular Meals



Uneeda Lunch
A. B. GUNN, Prop.
529 South Limestone



lS53-- y



P. C. Talbut,

W. R. McCowan


( Dry Cleaning

Something Wrong
Doctor "How are my ten patients
this morning?"
Nurse "Nine of them died, Doctor."
Doctor "That's funny. I left medi
cine for ten." New York News.


Lexington, Ky



The Ohost Walks
Mr. Gorslinc was sweeping the floor
of the wagon off with a broom and
didn't sec the deceased descending the
ladder. From a report