xt7zgm81p284 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81p284/data/mets.xml 1940 10 leaves, 28 cm; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.18: no.4/suppl books English Washington, D.C ? This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Supplement to Checklist of Historical Records Survey Publications text Supplement to Checklist of Historical Records Survey Publications 1940 1940 2015 true xt7zgm81p284 section xt7zgm81p284 J _“_° I I W, I - . g 1‘F1n\'-1·\K€ H ),sf) SUPPLEMENT T0 , i CHECK LIST OF HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY PUBLICATIONS · { { A (Issued September 12, 1940) Af Y December 25, 1940 ,A INVENTORIES OF COUNTY ARCHIVES: E 1 V ARKANSAS. 1 N0. 35. Hale. QV, 147p., mimee., July 1940) 1 VM N0. 50. Hot Spring. (V, 121p., mime0., March 1940) i ( N0. 260. Sumter. (x, 204p., mimec., August 1940) 1 CALIFORNIA, SOUTHERN; S N0. 7. Title-Line krvehtcry. Ventura. (ii, 155p., mimec., A 1940) COLORADO: I N0. SS. Legah. (V, 502p., mimec., April 1940) i Z GEORGIA: ` N0. S2. Clinch. (V, 52p., mime0., September 1940) A N0. 50. Echols. (V, 46p., mimec., September 1940) A ILLINOIS: v_ N0. 71. Ogle. (ix, 510p., mimee., July 1940) I N0. 74. Piatt. (ix, 266P., mimec., August 1940) A N0. 55. Livingstcn. (x, 250p., mimec., June 1940) INDIANA: N0. 65. Posey. (ix, S7Sp., mimec., June 1940) p N0. 75. Shelby. (ix, 415p., mimeo., July 1940) ‘ 10wA. N0. 97. Wcedbury. (Viii, 371p., mimec., May 1940) N0. 14. Carroll. (vii, 141p., mimec., July 1940) KPLNSAS: N0. 89. Shawnee. (645p., mimec., December 1940) KENTUCKY: N0. 14. Breckenridge. (Vi, 591p., mimec., September 1940) LOUISIANA: ` N0. 8. Bcssier Parish. (V, 295p., mimee., August 1940) N0. 6. Beauregard Parish (iv, 105p., mimec., Octeber 1940) MICHIGAN: l N0. 9. Bay. (539p., mimec., Ncvember 1940) N0. 52. Marquette. (V, 297p., mines., Nay 1940) MINNESOTA: A N0. 12. Chippewa. (V, 177p., mimee., September 1940) . N0. 66. Rice. gx, 128p., mimee., September 1940) N0. 67. Rcek. V, 120p., mimee., July 1940) N0. 71. Sherburhe. (V, 172p., mimee., September 1940) 2 :;. , .»» -4--- * ·—·-¤*·’”?i—1a' V v~—r ... . ,.._ __ _*__ U. A ` A _' _ I W ° A - 2 - _ INVENTORIES OF , z COUNTY ARCHIVES (Continued); ; ·——·-—-—-———-—————————-—————— $ MINNESOTA (Continued): ‘ ‘ F . 5 U No. 75. _Stearns. (v, 171p., mimeo., May 1940) {V No. 86. Wright. (v, 118p., mimeo., September 1940) y· N0. 56. Otter Tail. (xii, 184p., mimeo., November 1940) { Missormi. · No. 42. Henry. (ix, 114p., mimeo., October 1940) ( Historical Sketch of Henry County, Missouri. (Reprinted from I Inventory of County Administration of Missouri No. 42, g Henry County.) (15p., mimeo., October 1940) _ NEVADA: h A No. 12. Nye. (iii, 216p., mimeo., December 1940) NEBRASKA: H No. 57. Gosper. (ii, 174p., mimeo., June 1940) · NEW JERSEY: No. 15. Ocean. (x, 240p., mimeo., December 1940) No. 16. Passaic. (x, 228p., mimeo., January 1940) NEW MEXICO: · No. 51. Valencia. (vi, 256p., mimeo., July 1940) A NEW YORK STATE; No. 51. Ulster. Part II. (xxvii, 454p., mimeo., October 1940) OHIO: No. 24. Fayette. (v, 297p., mimeo., July 1940) OKLAHOMA: No. 51. Haskell. (viii, 115p., mimeo., July 1940) OREGON: No. 4. Clatsop. (v, 275p., mimeo., September 1940) No. 26. Multnomah, Vol. I. (v, 222p., mimeo., June 1940) History Governmental Organization and Records System of Tillamook County. (79p., mimeo., September 1940) Governmental Organization, Multnomah County. An Abstract from the Inventory of the County Archives of Oregon, No. 26. Multnomah County. Volume I. (82p., mimeo., May 1940) No. 54. 'Washington. (v, 500p., mimeo., November 1940) PENNSYLVANIA: No. 25. Erie. (vi, 574p., mult., August 1940) No. 27. Forest. (vi, 201p., mult., October 1940) SOUTH CAROLINA: 2 No. 35. McCormick. (vi, 155p., mimeo., June 1940) No. 41. Saluda. (vi, 168p., mimeo., October 1940 A TEXAS: No. 92. Gregg. (ii, 179p., mimeo., August 1940) I UTAH: ( No. 4. Carbon. (ii, 261p., mimeo., July 1940) I No. 25. Utah. (ii, 529p., mimeo., September 1940) 1 Reprint of Historical Sketch and Governmental Organization of y Box Elder County. (25p., February 1940) 1Q WASHINGTON: f? No. 59. Yakima. (vi, 455p., mimeo., July 1940) ,} **7** { — A _ ._, INVENTORIES OF » _. COUNTY ARCHIVES (Continued); R WISCONSIN: r No. 6. Buffalo. (v, 277p., mimeo., September 1940) INVENTORIES OF · TOWN AND MUNICIPAL ARCHIVES: . 4 CALIFORNIA: I Tit1e—Line Inventory of the City Archives of California: San 4 Bernardino. (v, 132p., mimeo., August 1940) MASSACHUSETTS: No. 15. Suffolk County. _ Vol. l. Boston. Part 5. (v, 549p., mimeo., February 1940) No. 6. Franklin County. Vol. 1. Ashfield. (iii, 108p., mimeo., 1940) MICHIGAN: City of Detroit. No. 10. City Treasurer. (iv, 72p., mimeo., December 1940) , No. 32. Department of Recreation. (iv, 49p., mimeo., December 1940) NEW HAMPSHIRE: No, 8. Rockingham County. I Vol. 4. Candia. (iv, 82p., mimeo., August 1940) Vol. 11. Exeter. (iv, 100p., mimeo., November 1940) RHODE ISLAND I No. 2. Kent County, West Greenwich. (xii, 200p., mimoo., I December 1940) T UTAH: A History of Ogden. Reprint of the Proposed Inventory of I Municipal Archives of Utah. (77p., mimeo., October 1940) vnnno NT : I No. 4. Chittenden County. Vol. 5. Essex. (iv, 102p., mimeo., August 1940) 1 No. 8. Lamoille County. I Vol. 1. Belvidere. (iv, 58p., mimeo., October 1940) It Vol. 8. Stowe:and Mansfield. (iv, 130p., mimeo., August I 1940) No. l0. Orleans County. I Vol. 5. Coventry. (iv, 64p., mimeo., August 1940) I I INVENTORY OF STATE ARCHIVES: C NORTH CAROLINA » Series 12, Regulatory Agencies, No. 3, Insurance Department :” (69p., mimeo., August 1940) . Series 9, Miscellaneous Agencies, No. 5, Board of Advisors of y Veterans' Loan Fund (22p., mimeo., August 1940) ,J SURVEY OF A FEDERAL ARCHIVES: ALABAMA: The Department of the Treasury. (174p., mimeo., Sept mber1940) The Department of War. (150p., mimeo., 1940) A ARKANSAS : The Veterans’ Administration. (46p., mimeo., October 1940) CALIFORNIA: ` Department of the Treasury, Part I. (xi, 98p., mimeo., 1940) Department of the Treasury, Part II. (v, 452p., mimeo.,l940) Department of the Treasury, Part III. (v, 453-705p., mimeo., 1940) Department of the Treasury, Part IV. (iv, 704-844p.,ndmeoul940) COLORADO: The Department of Agriculture, 5 parts. (538p.,ndmeoU Awyum 1940) CONNECTICUT: Department of Labor. (iii, 22p., mimeo., 1940) INDIANA: Miscellaneous Agencies, Part I. (105p., mimeo., October 1940). Pt O 2 l IOWA: The Department of War. (92p., mimeo., July 1940) The Department of the Interior. (22p., mimeo., October 1940) KANSAS: I The Department of Commerce. (llp., mimeo., August 1940) A KENTUCKY: A The Department of Agriculture. (125p., mimeo., October 1940) MAINE: 1 The Department of Labor. (71p., mimeo., October 1940) A MASSACHUSETTS: Miscellaneous Agencies. (128p., mimeo., August 1940) )» Veterans' Administration. (46p., mimeo., 1940) n I MICHIGAN: The Veterans' Administration. (50p., mimeo., August 1940) I MINNESOTA: The Department of Labor. (101p., mimeo., August 1940) T NEVADA: { The Department of the Interior. (178p., mimeo., July 1940) ji mm JERSEY . ;f The Department of War. (209p., mimeo., September 1940) — 5 - ‘ A SURVEY OF j FEDERAL ARCHIVES (Continued): A E NEW JERSEY (Continued): j The Veterans' Administration. (38 p., mimeo., September 19NO) f The Department of Labor. (67p., mimeo., October 19UO) Q The Department of the Interior. (25p., mimeo., October 19UO) E The Department of Commerce. (51p., mimeo.. October 19UO) IQ Nrw M xicoz I E The Veterans' Administration. (UOp., mimeo., October 19UO) E The Department of Navy. (Tp-. mimeo., 19UO) it NEW roar: * The Department of Navy. (5U6p., mimeo., September IQUO) ; Q NORTH CAROLINA: 3 The Department of the Interior. (}6p., mimeo., July IQUO) if The Department of Labor. (lOp., mimeo., July 19UO) .l Farm Credit Administration. (26p., mimeo., August IQUO) F oH1o: j The Federal Courts. (96p., mimeo., September 19UO) A OKLAHOMA: · Miscellaneous Agencies, (llOp., mimeo., October 19UO) j Emergency Relief Administration. (32p., mimeo., October 19NO) A OREGON: 2 The Department of War. (26}p., mimeo., July 19UO) » TEXAS: e The Department of Labor, 2 parts. (539p.. ¤1m60.. O¤%0`¤€1* 19)+0) Miscellaneous Agencies, 2 parts. (US2p., mimeo., October IQMO) , UTAH: { The Department of the Interior. (lN6p., mimeo., September ”Om“ V The Department of Labor, (U6p., mimeo., September 19UO) WYOMING: · The Department of Labor. (50p., mimeo.. October 19UO) ~ SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES. MISCELLANEOUS: FLORIDA: Archives of the Spanish Government of West Florida, East Baton Rouge Acts, Parts I and II, Translations and Type- scripts. (860p., mimeo., 19)-IO) J .. 6 __ ‘ DIVISION OF MANUSCRIPTS CALIFORNIA, SOUTHERN: Inventory of the Bixby Collection in The Palos Verdes V Library and Art Gallery. (iii, Ujp., mimeo., October 19**0) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: ~ Calendar of the Frederick Douglas Writings in the Frederick ( Douglas Memorial Home, Anacostia, D.C. (92p-, mimeo., December 19UO) IOWA: _ Guide to Depositories of Manuscripts Collections in the United States: Iowa. (vi, U7p., mimeo., June 19UO) ILLINOIS: - Guide to Depositories of Manuscripts Collections in Illinois (Preliminary Edition). (xi, 55p., mimeo., June 19UO) IDUISIANA: Guide to Manuscript Collections in Louisiana; Department of Archives, Louisiana State University. Vol. I. (iv, 55p., mimeo., August 19UO) MARYLAND: Calendar of the Ortho Holland Williams Collection in the Maryland Historical Society. (U5Np., mimeo., December IQNO) MASSACHUSETTS: Calendar of the Ryder Collection of Confederate Archives at Tufts College. (v, 165p., mimeo., l9UO) MICHIGAN: Calendar of the Baptist Collection of Kalanazoo College. (ii, l9Up., mimeo., December 19UO) NEBRASKA: Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in the United States: Nebraska. Preliminary Edition. (vii, Njp., mimeo., June IQNO) NEW HAM SHIRE: Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in the United States: New Hampshire. (v, Uhp., mimeo., August IQUO) NORTH CAROLINA: Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in the United States: North Carolina. (l8p., printed, July IQUO) ~_-ig; ’ ;¤`,-—.4~ .-. I I _ _A _ V _ ) —r~_- ` Y U. - y - I OREGON: ‘ Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the Oregon Historical ( Society. (ii, ljjp., mimeo., August 19UO) · Guide to Manuscript Depositories in the United States: . Oregon-Washington, No. 2 (U2p., mimeo.. December 19UO) WEST VIRGINIA: Calendar of the Francis Harrison Pierpont Letters and Papers ` in West Virginia Depositories. (iv, 587p., mimeo., October 19UO) AM RICAN IMPRINTS: IDAHO: No. lj. A Check List of Idaho Imprints; l8§9~l890. (Yup., ‘ mimeo., IQUO) ILLINOIS: A Hand—List of American Publishers 1876-1900. Compiled from the lists of publishers in Frederick Lcypoldt`s American Catalog 1876-1900. (ii, Ujp., mimeo., November IQLO) IOWA: No. 1U. A Check List of Idaho Imprints INVENTORIES OF CHURCH ARCHIVES: CONNECTICUT: 1 Inventory of the Church Archives of Connecticut: Protestant Episcopal, (iv, j09p., mimeo., September IQUO) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Inventory of the Church Archives of the District of Columbia, The Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Washington, Volume I. (37Mp., December ight; . FLORIDA: No. 5. Black Creek Baptist Association. (v, 20p., mimeo., July 19UO) No. 18, Northwest Baptist Association. (iv, 25p., mimeo., October 19UO) No. 21. Palm-Lake Baptist Association. (iv, l€p.. mimeo.. Juiy iguo) -· · Baptist Bodies, Florida State Association of Old Line Bap- tist, Composed of Missionary Baptist Churches. (v, lhp., mimeo., July 19UO) MICHIGAN: Dearborn Churches. (v, §Up., mimeo., July IQUO) Protestant Episcopal Churches: Diocese of Western Michigan. (v, U6p., mimeo., June IQUO) . J `··-—*·-—·e~ ,¤¤¤-hn-·$••··--———-————.ée...-...-...g_ `_ ,______________M,__:__'T._ _, A ‘ n - g - t CHURCH ARCHIVES (Continued) · MICHIGAN: (Continued) Protestant Episcopal Churches: Diocese of Northern Michigan. (111, )+lp.. mmeo., recenter 191:0) African Methodist Episcopal Church: Michigan Conference. (v, 2Mp., mimeo., September IQUO) Presbyterian Church in U.S.A.: Presbytery of Detroit. (v, Ghp., mimeo., August IQUO) MISSISSIPPI: Inventory of the Church and Synagogue Archives of Mississippi: Jewish Congregations and Organizations. (v, Ulp.. mimeo., November IQUO) MISSOURI: No. l. Inventory of Church Archives of Missouri: Baptist Bodies, Tebo Baptist Association. (v. 55p., mimeo., October IQUO) NEW JERSEY: I Unitarian Church. (32p., mimeo., June IQUO) I Transcriptions of Early Church Records of New Jersey: Col~ porteur Reports in the American Tract Society, 18Ul-ISNB. (iv, 1232. mimeo., July IQUO) NEW YORK CITY: Religious Society of Friends. (i, 22Up., mineo., IQUO) Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Long Island (Vol. 2) (x, 6Zp., mimeo., September 19UO) NORTH CAROLINA: Southern Baptist Convention: Raleigh Association. (iii, 56p., mimeo., July IQUO) UTAH: Vol. 2. Baptist Church. (v, Yip., mimeo., August l9UO) WISCONSIN: Church of the United Brethren in Christ. (iv, lj6p., mimeo., Ap1~11 191:0) CHURCH DIRECTORIES: IDAHO: Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations of Idaho. (iv, 129p.. mimeo., August IQMO) INDIANA: Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations of Indiana Marion County ( p., mimeo., IQUO) r-— ·· ‘ ~ _ V Y - < ·· V ~ -- ·->—····-··~· . *·* cws. .····r·- —· V .·»- .,.-,,,4.. · Y - —~ · U. ‘ -~ U .` S CHURCH DIRECTORIES ` MAINE: Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations of Maine. ’ (iii. 166p., mimeo., July 19UO) NEW JERSEY2 Directory of Churches in New Jersey: Vol. 2. Mercer County. c (i, 51p., mimeo., June 19UO) I V NEW MEXICO: Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations in New ; Mexico. (ix, j85p., miueo_. July 19UO) _ g OREGON: i Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations: State of § » Oregon. (iv, }OUp., mimeo., July l9&O) { MISCELLANEOUS: Q DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: i A Biobibliographical Index of Musicians in the United States L of America from Colonial Times. (iii, 250p., mimeo., December 19UO) c FLORIDA: Spanish Land Grants in Florida, Vol. l. Unconfirmed Claims. . (lxi, 57up., miueu., August 19UO) Q LOUISIANA: { Transcriptions of Parish Records of Louisiana: No. 26. Q Jefferson Parishf Series l. Police Jury Minutes. Vol. 8. g (ii, jU2, iii~lviip , mineo., July 19UO) ` Transcriptions of Parish Records of Liuisianai No. EU, , Iberville Parish, Series l. Police Jury Minutes. Vol. 3. § ‘ l901~l9l6. (viii, N70, lxxxip., mime¢,, July 19UO) ? Transcriptions of Parish Records of Louisiana. No. 2U. g_ Iberville Parish; Series l. Police Jury Minutes. Vol. U. ‘ 1916-1925. (viii, 558, ip., mimeo., October l9UO) 5 MICHIGAN: g Transcriptions of Municipal Archives of Michigan: Minutes T of the Meeting of the Village Council of Hamtramck. (v, r iguo) ; Minutes of the Meetings of the Village Council of Hamtramck. Q August 29, 1901 — July 26, 1905. (vi, j57, vii-xxiv(l8) g p., may iguo) f Minnesota; l Guide to Historic Markers (Erected by the State Highway ; E Department Cooperating with the Minnesoia Historical T Society). (iv, j9 p., mince., May 19MO) V ·-· 10 ·- “ l MISCELLANEOUS (Continued): Missouri: ,_` — Bethel Church Book. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Bethel r Church, l806—l867. (iv, 82p., mimeo., November 19UO) I _ NEW JERSEY: { Transcriptions of Early County Records in New Jersey. ~` Gloucester County Series. Revolutionary War Documents. , (V, imp., masse., August 19}+0) t 1 Check List of IU59 American Portrait Artists. (167p., mimeo., December 19UO) NEW YORK STATE: _ ~ Transcriptions of Early County Records of New York State: I Records of the Road (Commissioners of Ulster County — Vol. 2. 1769-1795. (vi, 175p., mimeo., November 19UO) NEW YORK CITY: — Transcriptions of Early Town Records of New York: Town Minutes of Newtown, 1656-1688. Vol. 1. Town C1erk's Office, Newtown, Queens County, N.Y. (xx, 209p., mimeo., June 19UO) Minutes of the Town Courts of Newtown, l656~1690. (ix, 5lUp,, mimeo., August 19UO) NORTH DAKOTA: Municipal Official's Hand Book: 19UO Supplement. (xi, 62p., mimeo., August 19NO) VERMONT! Index to the Burlington Free Press in the Billings Library of the University of Vermont. Vol. 2. 1855-1855, (v, 293p., mimeo., August 19UO) · Index to the Burlington Free Press in the Billings Library of the University of Vermont. Vol. 5. 1856-1858. (’y, 5U8., mimeo,, September 19UO) Public Laws of Vermont Relating to Duties of Town Clerks. (As amended 1955, 1957, 1959, l9UO). (xiii, 158p., 1 mimeo., October l9¤O) 1 WEST VIRGINIA: 1 Preliminary Bibliography of Materials Relating to Churches in t 1 West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky and Southern Ohio. `(im 1 15p., mimeo., December 19UO). 4 1 ‘ 1 é 1 1 Cx WA _y ..-.7 ~_;_rl `. .,_A{\ i W ii · I 4 3 4 I [ 7 V “ _ _ 1