xt7zgm81p47n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81p47n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1946 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1946 Vol.17 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, September 1946 Vol.17 No.11 1946 2019 true xt7zgm81p47n section xt7zgm81p47n "”" ' . , r . . .
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1 1}»221 l t or uccess u
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. i. i “1}“““1" P I I 5. Have you considered arranging ma
4 “‘1 11‘“;1““§“ ed BY Carl Webb’ Managel ‘ inery and handling operations to Prev.
.I 1.13: "“1 1 _ _ 1 ress ' ' ‘
Z “ ““““1“‘“ Many ImthhCrs haxe recently expf ef Oregon Press Associatlon accidents to employees, thus keeping do
1 ‘1 1111111 1 . - 1 ' ant la out or ‘ , .
11‘ 11; 1." .1111 an increased interest in p1 y l in - ~ nient point? state industl‘lal accident rate 0“ Payton;
i. 1 ;13. lit]? 1 ficient productiOH- Solne are p ann g accesSlble and come lley entr'mCC » f H 1: you “101)th a safety—color sche
‘ 11 1‘. 1111‘ . . nt struc- , 10 not have an a ‘ ' 1. 21V 1 _ ,
. '11 | . - rdditions to Prese 3 If Vou C . . . ,. . f 311 machines a
. 1 11111 1 buildings, some 4 ; . ‘ ’. . - (m1 delivering the -n Wthh mming parts 0 . .
‘ “1 ‘ i ““1 ‘ 1 11nd others are pl‘imflr‘ly Interested In for receivmg SUPPIICS 1 d our re 1 - liform color as a Wflrnlng 81,
‘ ci'l i1 “ 3‘11 tures, ( fficient use of space “0w finished PTOdUCL have you place Y I)?”nted a “I
1‘“ }1 1:1‘} .11 3 making more 6 ehing 11nd delivering platforms where there nap .
1 S1 ‘1: ‘ 1 - C ‘ ‘ . . .
; 1.";1 ‘ . 1 1‘ avallable- ~ 1011 of Office 1 1 5— l
.. 1 11‘ ‘ “,“"}11 Factors vary with each iieivspaper, ead}: would he the least interrupt General Business Police
.‘.‘ “‘1, ":11 1‘ *’ ‘ ac . . f'? 1 1 enouu
} 1 ‘ 1" 11‘ ~ - d h mmumty- T0 355‘“ e ,ustomer traf 1c 1 doorways alge -
.. 1 -1 1 1 4111.1 an 63C C0 . ( . , _ ich 1ou haxe ,
. «1‘1“- ‘1 1111.11 bul-ldmg . - e Of his own H e ou considered the “Gather 51 1. Do 3 I d lar e repa
1|11‘11‘111-‘1 ' blisher 1n makmg a SUTV Y 4- 3V V . -ns come_ to admit small machlnes an 8 ,
111 ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ 11‘ 1‘1111‘ ‘ pu na 61‘ has pre- direction from “‘thh r31 ‘ - ' P
‘ ‘}1 i‘}1 “l‘ ““1“ ‘ Operation, the ONPA ma g “Guide as the eiving and delivering barts WithOUt dismantllng 'hd
1 '1 111 . ' ( . ' r . ’ ~ i .
‘ 111.11111111‘1‘ red the follOng questions, as 1 1n placmg .301” reIc ' ~otected? 2‘ Have mu checked youi plans Wit .
‘1‘ ““1! ““1 ‘1‘ ‘ pa P1 nt Layout". latforms so they Will be most P1 ' - d? . '
'15‘15‘, 115.111 to Newspaper a . p ’ '1 red the greatest pOS- partment hea 5 . _ f
1:111 11.1 :11 , . 11 uestions 0“ 5 Have you consue _ . , . ~ 0. fians to pioVIde 0
. 11,111 .4511} NO dam! is made that a q . . . lie of 'm attraCtIVC build- 3. Are Vou liltlklnh l .
‘11 1‘ 1 1‘ ‘1 1 - 1 ~ . ~ x - . .
‘ “‘ ‘1‘}! “‘ ‘ “‘ ‘ “ each department have been ralSed- E‘ eiy sible advertismg ‘3 1 future eXPanSlonP ' '
1:, . 11 11 11 . , . . . - « 1
1. 111111311 11 }.1;.} ‘1 (161‘ will doubtless think of many more mg front? 4. Are productlon functionsI iequirin
1 111131!) 1111“1§11 ’ Tea. criter. however, that - 1 11iness well-partitioned fro“
; 11111 1 1111 11.1. ‘ It is the hope of the ‘ . - late OFFICE UNIT qulet and C em . 1 - i )ossibl
"l‘iiit 1‘1“ 1‘1!“ 1 ' uestions \Vlll stimu . ’ 'ld' — ‘g and dusty operations W11“ I ,
‘ Hi} ‘1}“1 the fol owmg (1 'de These queS- Controls Within the B111 mg HOLY d f CI? .
1:3].1I ‘1‘!1'1“11'1 d serve at a g1" ' ‘ . - ~ ' _ '1; heat an um 1 1 .
,3. 131. . 1.1; u ht an - . . - Ja] l1 ht eml .
i1} 1 1'? ““ij‘ tho 3 when mgwered to your satisfaction 1. \Nill you use natuial m aitific g I Has '1 thorough work analysts bee
- g 1‘ 1‘1‘111‘1 ; [101151 ‘ ‘ . / 1 1 can . - ' fboth? 3- ‘ ‘ , u
' “ i}; ‘1‘} 1‘“ ‘ ' ‘ will provide a baSis UPOD Whlfh y0l mg; or a combination 0 Le for made of past; present and expected prod I
' 1“ 911- 1“ . . 1'1] you ma' . 1 , ( s ace r1
1 i}!i1}‘:“1 11‘1‘1““‘1 ‘ start your plannlng- 2. “Unit plousions “1 , 'l' I and air tion to determlne equipment ’md P
111li‘il“! '1': 1‘”‘,‘."1 - f ced with 3 larger . 1 f temperature. humK It) ‘ . . 1 f ture? 1
1}; 1 1:15 11,1 “1,1; Many publishers are 3 exer contlo o (“med [0; tit: 11 . v
11!”;I1fi. :11! 111 ' . , r ' . , . . . I .' _ 10
. [2:735:11 1‘1 15.1} volume of business than they haxe . conditioning? 1 With‘ 6. Does your no‘vspdpel take piiouty ,‘
“ l'i 11‘ ““1 ‘ b called upon to run through the” ‘3 Do you want to control soumf .‘ 11 commercial work—d0 you attemPt .t"
“1“ 111111;} ‘11“ “ Gen " ' h increasing . . . 11 9 those origlnatlng a l' 1. use €01.
1} “15‘ 11.“: 1 ‘1 1‘ 1 thiS. coupled Wlt ' the bulldlnfl as “e a. both simultaneous 1‘ O 1
115.11.11“ 1 ,1 1 )lflntS 1"“ “ . - ' that m . _ of modern produce . , . ‘5 1‘1
t“1‘11‘1‘1‘1131““ 1‘“ ‘ Lxerhead costs, makes 1t 1mperathIe ks from the outSide tlilOUgh the “se mercial printing to {11] m where there
11.1.1111115‘151 ’ . - - otteneC . . .- - ' - ‘
12‘111‘41 “1‘11‘11‘1 Peak production be mammmed. B ~ ste s acoustical mateiial.’ . 6 work to do on the newspaper? .
111111} “1 ““1 must be eliminated and unnecessaly pt 4 Have You considered the appeaman ] 7 Have 51011 ‘studied idle time of em
. 1111:1111: 1 1 . ' mus 1 . . ; ma 5 1 ‘ ~ '
““ ‘3“!!! “‘ ‘1‘“ ‘ WhiCh cause fatigue and “as“: 0f “me texture COIOT‘ durabllltY~ Etc—0f m1: biece of CQuipmcnt to determine if CHI“
111‘ =91 ,‘ .11“ ‘ ‘ - - ration. ‘ 1 - l d floors '~ . voul' 1!
1“ :‘1'1“““} “1'11“ be reduced for effICient opil- hers in mak' used for the walls. (611111.25 “i one floor machine is 02111ng a return 0‘1 « II
. , 11111131 11 31-151 d kits of assist p11 15 f b iildinE is of more tian . 1 _
v. ; 1:11.111 1 1,. Pre are , - 0m 5. I 1 ‘~ - vestment? - 1
}“‘ “‘1“!!! “1‘1“!“ 'ing Iiiiniature lavoutS are a‘allable r? e have you given thought to construction t: 8 Have you reduced lost mom)" “,"I
’ 11:1..‘1‘ ‘ ‘l 1‘} ‘ I . ‘ V ‘ 0 1' t ' 1'1 0 ' ‘ 1 . ‘ ' .‘
“11‘“! “‘ “ the I inotvpe compalw- Amen??? h'nleiy accommodate the \\‘€l£‘fllt and \iIbratioI I e “15th effort to a minimum—«that 15; is ram
1‘31““! ‘ i 1‘ 2 / ‘ ~ ‘ntin ac 1 ( , - ea('1 mac 1111 “‘ - I at an
li‘l}“‘ ‘1 11 1‘1‘ Founders. and Millei IPTII d ivout sheets machinery? Ho“ much does and smooth movement thiiuPtec ;
i 231'?! . 1“ 1’, kits mC 11 e ‘1 - *eivll? . ‘ 7 '
‘1““"‘“““ ‘ ‘1 ‘I “ Company. These . (1 machines “0W 0“ the “0m “ h t lessen pomt? - 1 ti-uc
.‘ 21111111 1 ,1 . . h 5 times an ' 5 been taken 0 11 . , - . 11 mssilfle on _
1‘ 11,111 “‘ ‘ “fled m qualte] mc q f rter inch 5. Have precaution ? 0 Have you .noidcd a 1 I.
- 1114‘}: ‘ l ‘ ' I 0 one- 1121 ‘ . . 1. I a e *' ~' . , p .
1‘11! 111“! ‘ ‘} reproduced on the scale ii] )iece of the probability of fne dam g I 1‘ build- tions, such as posts, pipes, etc.. III
11 1111 ‘ [1“ Per foot Templates for eac ] d on 7 Does your building meet om f' 10 Hue you submitted plans to uiite
5 ‘1111‘1‘11 1‘ l ‘ 1 ' r (n e . . - . ._- C 65" _ i " * , . }
“‘ “ “"1“: 1 ‘1 1‘E “ equipment are made and then 11:1th t the ing codes With reference to wning1I 1r - h 't is for sucrg‘eS'tiOns to reduce hamids an
:1 C: (31 1 , 1 1 , - ' a ‘ - ' tinguls ‘ i\'1"1€‘~ . n ‘ .
E 1.111111 1, 1 } , - . out. It IS suggeste 1 , - ~ waste, bins. fire ex 1 - ~. est .
1% 11,1}:11 }l;1 making the 1113’ . the most desirable fagh— capes, ‘Cntllamls‘ thus reduce fire insurance I’ll I [el-
51:1,: 111111 '1 ‘ 1] ‘ ' ' , '
, .1. 1 1 ,. ut meet 1 . _ , . ,1 ~( extensum
“‘ “ ‘“ 1‘i‘ the Iago ease in shifting the CUt'OUtS Whlle er: MAC? ur floors wood or concrete and 1]. if )‘ou liaic se\ 61;] 1 t have 1101
11 2‘ 111 11; ,1, ion. 01” - . I' 1 that the 1. . re yo 1 - ted m , in the office an 1) 2111 - t ,
1, 5.111 1; }-1: . 1 rout 1t 15 suggestfl . d you kccp them pain . Phones . . to 53v
} .11., 1 1i . maklng the 35 d b 1rd if the latter 0 1 . . l 7761‘ or 51011111 SYStem 1.
I I1 1|-; k d to a soft-W00 Or 1 , 1.3 - installed a )U u a . e,
. , .1 ac e . bx “ea ~ , . . , hon
.‘1 ii } 1‘ :3 , layout sheet beht I of cardboard so that the reduce dust caused ; steps in calling mdiVldufllS to the telep .
.1 7 ‘ ‘- 34‘} 1' '1 or to '1 lICaVY S 66 . ilar . 1 rees— ‘ ‘ ‘
. , 1, ,1. . 1 - , ; v of Em) 0} . . 1,
I .- 13}. I ;: templates can be attached With regl Comfort and Safe? l Public Reception CenteIl— I 1 .
1‘. I. ‘; 1 . ~ ' ( distrac- ‘ if"
‘1 ““ f ‘ “““ straight pins. h {Ollowing 1- Have you thought to e.11mmrlte- 'n. 1 Does it present an attractiie first .
‘ ’1‘} “““ } }}“ Comments from readers on t 6 tion disturbance, fatigue. mterruPtlon‘ 1 ‘ . P
. g 1 {1312,51, 1‘ . . 1 preslen . . ' 1
l‘ -. .1: ; 1 1 1 ed. . , , . l1?”
41} ‘5 -"‘.‘1‘1‘;1 “31' (“lemons are inylt terference and hazards? ~ h -ful sur- 9 Have You provulcd a table “Iih c .
1'1 '11‘J1'1 11 ' ACTORS \*2. Have vou murdered 1“ em . “ . m m .111 down to 11“"
i} -“‘ 111‘ 1 5 GENERAL F ‘ “-“‘ d'ngS (convenient arrangemnt and at which custom - ‘d? I ,
- ., 35.1 11. . __ r un l 1 ., 11. - vzmt a S 11
iii ;‘ é! External Influences and Controls I 9 ' al comfort which hell) employees news Items or “ . s 1 er rat-1‘
1‘1 5 ‘1 “5“ 1“ . {business expanSion and l) “C ' - a , 1 1. 9; Have you (onSIdered a new pp 1 I1
12‘ 2 1. 1‘51 11 1. Is the trend 0 - f your to 2rd better production- .1 “guild .- . III es can be hung 30111:
1 1' 1‘ ‘1 lexelopment toward or away Tom ' a“ Do yOu have adequate cloak 1001:" ‘ 0“ “‘thh 6'“ Mug ‘ 1 h them? 1‘ ’
‘ 1 11; ( ’ -- . . . , 1r0u<‘r
1 “‘1‘ 1“ ‘ building site? ff' 'n wash rooms for your (“.ITIPIOYE‘35P customers m“) 100k t D F111}—
1 i . 1 1 '. tra IC 1 ' . s)ot ; ,i:
1 ‘3 3 131 1 2. “/hat direction. if 311')“. E d have 4. Have Y0“ prowded a “10m or 1 , Please Tum T0 ”gt“ I
‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘2 “ ‘ from Of your building heaVleStv anh t where employees mav eat their lunches? ‘
- , ,1 g, 11 . t t emos , ' 1.1”
. 2 . .11 entrance 8 1 ., 1‘ ' 1
.‘ } '2 :12 g} I ‘ -you placed your Publ‘c I ‘:
I51. ' . 1 ‘ ‘.
5 l .1 . m
; .1 ‘11 131 ‘ ' . - ”A
1, ."~ __‘A,¥

 i. - l
19 . I
, 46 ,- September, 1946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ~ , :
rranging m'. I; .
ons to prev . i
* d° Th Ch k * O T
e on paymnV 8 ”LC €71, 0771077011} l ,
ety-color sche'V ' V -
ll machines.
am“ “= I akes Shape ' ‘ ~ ' ~
5 large enou. .
1d large repa‘.
‘ -> ’ Raise a meatier chicken in less time on less feed and you ochieve a
plans with q . goal toward which poultrymen of 44 states are now aiming in the nation- ' ,
l wide Chicken-of-Tomorrow program sponsored by the A 8:“ P Food Stores.
to )1‘ovide f0 v
1 Evidence that American breeders are going to produce this bigger, V
ions requiriil better bird was apparent at the recent St. Louis meeting of the International ‘ l
ar-titioned f“; Baby Chick Association where 6,200 poultrymen held the largest agricultural V‘
which possibl convention on record. At this meeting a U. S. Department of Agriculture V,
j , official said: ' - ’i .
. ‘ é; ' I i l '
.malyisxs bet "I predict a revolution in the production and marketing 3
film“: produVV of poultry within five years as a result of the Chicken-of— j _
an space}; tomorrow program." ;
ke priority 0 A representative poultry journal has referred to the pro- ‘ _
)u attempt it gram as the ”greatest poultry news of the decade". , V l: I ,
316:: t;::e.:om The presence of Federal and State experts as well as V . i , V‘ _
er? ' agricultural leaders on Chicken-of-Tomorrow national and " V
. ‘ state committees speaks well for the project's future. ' ' , .
t tune of an i V
ermine if Eat! Poultry producers themselves see in the program a chance i
m 9" You" :" not only to raise their standards of quantity and quality, but .
. ‘j also to improve their income beyond its present status of one- ‘
5th ““3“?“ a". ' seventh of all farm income. ’ ' .1
-t at 15, IS rap] V - f.
‘rru )ted at an‘ A & P initiated the re ram and will continue to encoura e it because ‘ * '
1 . p 9 9 r.
>_ ' the Chicken-of-Tomorrow means another opportunity to offer its customers , '1
)Ossilfle 0‘35“? finer food at lower‘ prices and to its suppliers a broader market and a bigger : -
5-? W ' share of the consumer's dollar. . ~ 1.
L . t dc ’ . . . . . i ‘ i
31:11:121333',“ Sponsorship of such a plan as typlcal of the progressrve thinking ‘
mes? A g which has enabled the men and women of A & P for more than 86 years
. . ' to do the nation's most efficient job of food distribution. l :i -
extensmn telV v. ‘ -V,V .
)lant. have yé « v. ;:
system to Sal _ l ‘
) the telephoné ¥ ¥ . ¥ ,
mctive first In] . [VV .
down to \eril' . _ :1 V
newspaper 13C - V‘ i, I, V
3 hung so iha . V V
h them? ifil‘ . _ ! :
T0 ”M“ ‘ ' ' f. r 1‘
99:3 I , . :1. a 7‘:
. ‘z-" ’ , . - 4

 . EEEEiEE i E i
‘1! it .i ‘12.
E EiiEi '- i .
1_ E . . E
«HE Po e Four ~ THE KENTUCKY PRESS Se tember l946 ‘
E . l i . I E
Hi 4 its ~ 1
.E' i E; E 1?“ ‘
. Ii EEiE E i Official Publication of the Kentucky pire Features, 260 West Broadway, New Conti:
. ii ii i ii . be Press Assoclatmn York 13, N. Y. Nothing is said about the 4 I
_;- 1 .‘ I i-;;‘ _ 1:; '_——___ ‘ ' ‘ - . ' 5.
' i iEEE ii xEEFIE t : _ . .1. 3: Victor R. Portmann, Editor-Publisher content oi the nine inches of advertismg 'ile'in .
- liEE , Eiifl $15.,SS . _——_‘ , but you may draw your own conclusionsfl _‘ E
' a; ELEEE . i ii, Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexmgton . ' . . e a. Is
‘EEEEEE Ei , stamp to send in the order for this mag-i l
. 1 .E ,. in, . = j ‘; . , , ‘tra cu
igiiiii ; i Oh yes, it wont even cost the price of a E 6 H
- 1‘ {{iii i ngi 1 he Kentucky Press Association recognizes the fundamental importance minimum 0561.. Do such space grabbers be- -

, . in; . . . . . . -, . . . .Inr r
.‘ iié‘iilis ' (‘3 of the implied trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination of public lieve that editors are name or even morons? E E l?)
‘12;‘E“E ;‘ _ _ . . E /.

, i‘. 3111i; E | ' information. It stands for truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the pre- . “n“.hb

ii E11 ‘i 15;. sentation of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journalism. It advocates V 8 If
:E E’KEEi i iiEE strict ethical standards in its advertising column. It opposes the publica- Worn Your Readers Emu (.01
' ' E w‘fEi. 1 i; 1E1 . . ‘ , . _ .
'L i511; EEE EiEii tzon of propaganda under the guise of news. It afi‘irms the obligation of a AgOInSl' Fake Promoters ihat (U
.‘i.\ i EE: ' ~ '
. ‘EEEEE'E :i E E newspaper to frank, honest and fearless editorial expressions. It respects In the 1m of [riudul m offeiin hi 9' H
. g; 3‘? ‘ 31> . . . . . . . .. . . - 4 C “ 's W1C1
. i111 s E.“ equality of opinion and the right of every individual to participation in have been reported are stock sellinggschemes or accii
‘. EEEl 5 iii; ‘ ‘ E . . . E . A. .A E
,3 EEE-i EEI .li the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes in the m connection mm chinchilla farms, ar- ind on
EE iis 7.: ‘EI newspaper as a vital medium for civic, economic, social, and cultural com- thritis (mes, Ten1 estate promotions, sale of . 10, (
EE E]. if munity developmeNt and Progress. advertising space in fly-by-night labor vet- um me
. ii . iii .' . —_——————————_______ crans and other publications. photo (in East. C0
E‘EE LEE} 1 ' u . ,, lzr u ‘ . ' i Ether (E
x 1 ; E Volume Seventeen, Number Eleven about applying to come under the wage- [glow] ”lam :imi teie‘lmom nurlmg bE
; :E ; ‘ __—_________7_ hour act. The answer is, you dont; you are “ii“ "$0231?” a?!“ u-ent collefltions .for lusines
1‘ EE ‘:E E E Kentucky Press Association Officers under it already. No formal notice to the E; egec Clint??? h’lli 1; alioo ”bled ‘ 1. Ar
:,i ; E 1 . ‘ . . . . . ( ' r " i ( l
, . EEs E3 i Harold A. Browning, President . ' (liviSion is necessary. Just start complying 91‘1“} e“ (1:111 l‘ If f 0“ . ‘V‘rfi youlr 2. Is
I i EE.1 E- 1 , i Whitley Republicans W‘lhamemg with the minimum wage and over-time pro- EC“ 615' .to e on gnarc agf‘m“ a suct ‘minter‘
E' EE 1 E Fred B. Wachs, First Vice President visions proposmons. Perhays 't might be added .E l D E
E . 3- ' {’ E Herald-Leader, Lexington ' ’ ‘ i E 'K' O
1 31: , . "EE . 'd “’e note that the tendency to bring pa- that it is the duty of the newspaper to guard , 4 ~‘\
E 5;; ‘:‘ _. Tyler Munford, Second Vice Presz ent . . its readers against such promoterS‘ if they 5 ' ‘ n
i Q J . Union County Advocate, Morganfield pers of less than 8,000 Circulation under the ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ b1 1 .5 -\ri
. i if I . Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Manager . act, through their Job printlng departments, succeed m mulcting Eour Cltlzem‘ the ame E‘atalog.
jI iEEE: .E iE Unrversrty Of Kenkay’ Lexington is still apparent and recommend that all may be yours. nercia]
i‘, EEE‘ ii 2; EE 1i Dism'Cf Execut've Committeemen B papers keep their payroll records as required _____._.__..__—____ E‘ 5 Do
1‘. . 1 19: - ‘ ' - . . . ' ‘
E . '1‘ E 5’ Cha'rman’ James M' .Wllhs’ Missegger, £2; by the act. The following information m files
{i -‘ sEEiiEE denburg, (Fourth); F'YS‘: J09 a “6’ . - - A Bl' d W l d h
‘5' ‘E ‘E i E‘EilE Democrat, Paducah; Second, John B. Games, should be available and must be kept avail- re In 0n 0 S Ellplicat
I ii ,‘E it‘E Park City News} Bgvginiglzjliie?gith-Vlii able for four years: Good Business? E, at hc
E i ii‘ ‘EE Wynn, Courter- 0“; ’D ocrat ’ Candllton' (1) Name in full. (and on the same rec- , , . .
. . '53 .ii 311 P- Sanders, "’1' em ’ ’ , . . . \our hired man is not too sold on blind lews O-
_‘ ‘. H Sixth Enos Swain, Advocate-Messenger» Dan' 0rd, the employees identifying symbol or . . ' ‘
‘i 3i.- i c . ’ d c ty . , _ want ads to begin With. When they are
‘ 5 2‘ Ville' Seventh Norman Allen, Flay can b f .1 . 1 1 f
, ; 1 9 ; r i . i i , dd niim er 1 suti is user in p ace 0 name on _ , . . 1. Do
i j .‘ Times; Prestonsburg; Eighth: J- “7' He P“, . ‘ k _ 11 ‘ d . used, either unintentionally or otherWise, to ;
‘, E" ;E . E Advocate, Mt- Sterling; Ninth’ Kyle White- any time, “or or payio iecor 8’ (2) Home mislead or give false impressions they are Er news
E WEE i; i 2 head, Enterprise, Harlan; State-EeregthSey- address: (3) Date of birth if under 19: (4) er lal A d hen thev are designed to 2. Is
E [ii el mour B. Goodman, Enterprise, iza e’t own; .. , . , .i , _ . v Y ) (_ . n w i ‘ . .
E E ' E’E' Immediate Past President, Chauncey Forgey, Ofulupatlmi 1“ “ hufh }emE:]0E ed, (:1) SITE take from your community. from your very “Om or
‘2 ,1 ‘. - 0 (av anc name 0 tie (a on w 1c, [16 , . ' . -
. .' ., ‘iE iE . Independent, Ashland. ‘ , . Y readers. sizeable sums of money With tenu- ““68“
._ iill ___—————«—4#- employees workweek begins: (6) a. Reg- 0m rem 0, Emma, these little fifty. 5:. Do
51 . i; 1 ular hourlv rate of pav and, b. Basis on E . ' ‘ ( E E Eat rep
; . E i . ‘ . ’ cent claSSIfieds deserve rettv careful scru-J -
.‘ 1; i'E1 NATIONALEDITORIA'ah-I which wages are paid: (7) Hours worked t' d . e t' to P ’ bone, 6
. ._ ,1. , ‘ “t 2 / inv an mv 51 a1 n.
l l" E! mfg “ASSOCIATI each workday and total hours worked each g 11 .4 Do
i; ii ' we; I - / / ' .. . We humbly suggest that you get the in . -
« , 2E1, w“ workweek, (8) Total (1:11le or weekly l' .
! iEE ' . l . ‘ ’ . f , ’1 name. address. and actual business conneC- "5 (”.9.‘
; LE1 ____________—_ “r“‘glt‘t‘me earnings or “ages, (9) Tota “on of everv person leaving blind ads of Vmueni
3i i v , , ' , , ' _ K
.E El U d r YeeklE m ertime CMeSS compensation, (10) anv description. if thev sav in the ad or in Elvr
. EE 2; All NEWSPOPers n e I‘otal additions to or deductions from wages tl '. 1 . f tionl that they repre ‘ “El“
1 . -. . . . . ', lC‘ll‘ persona in orma . '.
.E ; _ lSlOl’lS )aid each dav eriod: ll Total wa es aid . . . ‘1.
i EEii Wage Hour PI'OV inch (1“ ”1203 1 (19) D t f g P t sent a given firm, contact that firm and in- , DO
. i, . . 2' *i:.( _ . u
E E EE It is perhaps well to remind all papers . 1 the 11 . f, .1111 E ) 111C 0 [nymten vcstig'ate reliability through Dun 8c Brad- iE "td\e1
E. EiE i E that regardless of your circulation, you Em 1)" 1) “(EC coverec )) paymcn. street. vour banker, the newspaper in that :2- Ha"
. i E come under the general PTOViSiODS 0f the —————O———— town. or your Central office. l'lrage?
E ‘i i i wage-hour act. Papers With less than 3.000 S ace Grobbers Belie e Also. that you insist upon seeing the pl‘OP‘ t» 3_ Do
{SEE ‘E circulation, however, are exempt from its Eat A M _ V osition and all of the material that are hie?
EEEEi'w minimum wage and overtime proviSions. ' OI’S re oronlo given to SUCh persons as answer the ad. Eecutive
i l r . . . . . . l E - E
E Ei'E The child labor provismns. for example, in return for giving away nine inches of The hometown newspaper is lauded as
,E iEiE apply to all newspapers; that 15 You cannot free advertising space each week for one the guardian of democracy and the symbol E~ D0 ‘
E Eli hire a person under 16 to do any work 1“ year, you can receive comic features in plate of American freedom. For a few cents i'EEerem“
i Eli the mechanical department 0f VOW" bUSI‘ or mat form and an Ingraham ‘Vrist ‘Vatch classified revenue no publisher can afford i2. Is ‘11
i i; hess. all free of charge. Your advertising space to lose the implicit confidence of one sing]e 31H Ofllt
l E i E Publishers who are approaching the 3.000 is free. and features are free and the watch subscriber. — Minnesota Editorial Associfl' E3. D0 7
i E mark have asked this office how you go is free. The proposition is offered by Em- tion. ieiiing i
, E . . , . E
E , E
. . EEK 1‘
.1 ‘gEi ‘ ' E
l til;
\E l ‘777 _

 .. .
_ 3
5 September, 1946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page FIVE 3
13,) New icontinugd From Page Two COhIPOSING ROONI blLRl‘XYIXl’lNG ROOlVI 3 '
‘ t . . . . . . ‘i
aout. the : 4. Is this unit of the Office easy to keep SlugLasting Machine Department— .\lat Casting Department— ‘3 .
vertisin 3 . .y l -
iclusionsg 116“” and attractive? 1. Do you have ample clearance around I. Do you have your pot insulated to 3 '
his mag - 3‘ 15 1t large enough to accommodate sev- machine without wasting space? save heat and to help keep down room tem- ._ ‘
,r 33ml customers at a time? 2. D0 on take advanta 'e of natural terature for comfort of stereot er? 5 1
ice of a ; 3 _ f _ d' 1, y g yp ;..
Obers be : 6- Have you mace 1310‘ 15‘0“ 01 1SP 43‘ lighting without having operator face a win— 2. Have you taken precautions for safety 3. j g
morons? “g printing samples, “6‘” pictures, etc.. dow? of worker and protection against fire? i
i 1' DO you have files 0f your newspaper .3. Is machine placed so that foreman can 3. Do you have sufficient ventilation or 3 '3
—' “““13b16 for customers? see operator? air conditioning? g 3
8' If reception center “(1101“ shop, have 4. Does operator have to walk around -l. Are the floors smooth enough to avoid ‘ 3 V
' ”‘0“ considered “thng a large Window so machine to dump stick? loss of fine metal and be readily cleaned? 3 ' '3
hat customers can get a peek at the shop? 5. ls dump and proof press near machine? .3. Do you have an adequate work table - _’ 3
gs Which 9' Have you given thought to hablhty 6. Do you have repair work bench and on which to paste mats together for cast? 3 3
r schemes r aCCidents to general PUMIC’ bOth mSIde a parts and tool‘storage cabinet handy? 6. Do you have a stereotype saw for saw- ‘
rms, ar- “(1 out51de the building? 7. Is floor in such condition that metal ing cuts belore they go to the composmg . 3
“ . u . l i
5, sale of 10' Can you ariange office 50 customer shavings may be easily recovered? room? / 3
11301” vet an meet any department head and receive 3
(1 t last, courteous service without disturbing Hand~Set Department— Pig-Pouring Department~ . 3
)10 0 en- . :
irsing by 31101 departments. 1' DO you 13"“) type (annets most he I. Do you have facilities for handling 3 l
. quently used in the most convenient loca- metal or must it be carried? .. 3 f 3 '
ctions for Business Office Work Department— tion? ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ .3 :l 3
d subject “ 9 ' 1 1 l 1 l l 2. Do vou regularly clean your metal and w .3 .1
'arn your ,4 1. .\ie telephones comeniently located. Aic B'K s s ugs exti quuic s inc tiin have n m” tamer for (”my 3“ ‘ 3
11 ch '2. Is desk used by counter-attendant near spaces located to save steps? . .3 3 ,
a su . 3 3 i 7.:
b dd (1 ounter? 3. Do you have sufficient ilat»top work PRESS ROOM i 3
e a e x ‘ _ ’ . . . . . = ~ ~
r to guard .. 3 Does bookkeeper have some privacy? space near hand composition section? Newspaper Press—— 3 3 l .
. 4. Are subscription records near counter? 4. How recently have you weeded out ,. . . 3 3 3 .
'S; If they ' , . . . . 1. (.an vou maintain an even temperature 1 .
- 3. Are paper samples, Franklin Printing worn-out and seldom-used type faces? _‘ , . 3, 3
the blame . . . . and humiditv the year around? 3; . ,
atalog. printing speCimens and other com- 5. If yours is a concrete floor, have you ‘ , 3:, 3 .
‘ . ' . . . . ' . . 3. Do you have wall-racks for extra press 3:1 3 .
ercial printing essentials together? strips of heavy floor covering. such as lino» l] 3 ' 33 .3 3
' . . . ro ersr if .3 i .
-——. 6. Do vou have a safe or fire-proof vault leum, in front of cases to protect type when 3 u 3 . .
' .3. Do vou have ample work-table room 1 3 ii .
ir files and books? If not, do you keep a dropped? 3 . _ _ 3 .3 - _.
. . . . . . adlacent to the press upon which to pile . 3 ‘
- Nlpllcate subscrlpthn llSt In :1 safety bOX 6. Are your type cabinets so arranged '. _ 3 . ." 3 .-
' ‘ printed sheets. . ‘ ‘
. at home? , that more than one compositor can work . . 3 : .
~ 4. Do vou [’JC-hl 11 cuts before )lacm i
' d at the same time? ' )1 g I g ‘
l on blm ews Office ‘Work Department— them in the forms to save press time? U. 1 5
, the are ., . . . 3 3 y . . _ . . . .
herwii‘ie to 1. Do you have suitable storage facilities Assembly Department— 9‘ If your newspapii f0“? 15 “0t attached ,3; 1 1.
i . . t iress. is it locatec near) ? ‘ ‘ .
. they “.6 r news cuts? l. Are aisles clear of obstructions or do 0 l i Y i i
' l n u u u . i ii
’ 'gned to 2' IS news room ad3acent t0 COmPOSlng printers have to dodge stones and type ("ab- Commercial l’rinting Presses— 3 . _
eSi ' ' _ , . - i
Y - c ' .. , . . . . ‘ . ' i .3
your very om or do you have good communication. inets as they go about