xt7zgm81p487 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81p487/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1943 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1943 Vol.14 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, July 1943 Vol.14 No.9 1943 2019 true xt7zgm81p487 section xt7zgm81p487 .~ : :3:‘E§ l!
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W artime Advertzsmg Changes Procedures 1 l . -
i 13:le ll“ f .:
Merchandising and advertising in awake andron the job today, that to- with being protected. The time to get ”,ll l
times of war present many varied and morrow we will be out. It’s a survival protection is while you are in a healthy ‘ fill
lperplexing problems. of the fittest, a test of a man’s real condition. So it is with your buSiness. ’Q fill ll
In the first place, merchandise is very fortitude and ability, and the. person lf you want to keep it healthy and grow- l “‘1 It :
hard to get, which makes merchandising who gets up and goes after busmess to- ing, let s don t neglect advertismg now. ,f 612‘ .. l f
ldoubly difficult~the merchant HAS to day l5 the one who “”11 be here when My Dad was a pioneer in every sense fl llllll fl 1
1sell what he has. . It’s a continued hard thls 15 all over. of the word. He was reared back in the ill]! fl . ’
fight of ordering and buying, ordering That’s as true in advertising as it is hills of southern Illinois, and as the l rlllllll
and buying, searching the markets for in merchandising. It is a bad thing country grew up around him, he moved ' l‘ llll: ‘
Sfomething, anything to sell. After plac— when a town or an individual thinks on — Missouri to Texas and then to ‘: fill
ing an order, comes the problem Of slow things are running along Well enough western Oklahoma, where he followed inn , :ll ;
deliveries. There are substitutes, infer- and therefore decides to quit advertis- the cow trails and chuckwagon trails to l 3“ “.
’ior quality and skimpy cuts to worry ing for the duration. That town or that pick a place and build a home. Today I’l‘ ; {l '
'with—and then the problem of closing individual will wake up to the fact that on that home place stands a town, Vin- l {f -‘ ll
resources. War production always comes business has gone elsewhere, and will be son, Oklahoma, a monument to his fore- ‘1 [if ‘ l, '1
first in times like these—but when mills faced with the problem of double ex- sight. 1» {,4 j. 5'
convert to war production, it adds to pense of trying to get it back—and then What was the lure that made him . mil 1/!
the merchants’ retailing problems. will probably fall. move on? Advertising—[he stories of Séiil’il
~ Besides the difficult merchandise pic- It’s like the farmer who, finding his the glorious opportunities of the golden l illiv ll
lure, there‘s the problem of help turn- cotton field doing very well, thought, west, not only for the present but for {l ll ll
over and training new, inexperienced “It does not need a thing. There are the future. That is what we must do in .‘ lq ll
llelfp in the art of service. One thing we just a few weeds and small grass, but our advertising. We must make it so ‘l ll‘ ll
must on in our store is service—WITH they won’t amount to anything, so I’ll real, so appealing, so attractive that 3l lgl» ll ‘
ASMILE. Our customers have troubles . go on my vacation.” 'While he is away, people will be just like my Dad. They l i ll., l5 l
of their own and are not interested in the storm clouds rise, and the rain de- will want to go and see for themselves. ff, ti, ffll 1‘
01“ng 30, we try to make them forget scends, and the weeds and grass begin And when they do, let’s make it our l l" 3 :
theirfworries for the moment, feel at to prosper and grow. When the farmer business to see that they find it just as ‘13 . l l
easefin our store and feel that we ap- returns, the crop he left growing so we advertised it. I believe that if you l li1‘l 1 .3
Premate their business. Yes, I know nicely is all choked out, and what little have something good, and you know it Ell. l‘i l ‘
that people will take a lot right now there is left looks pale and sickly. So it is good and believe in it, tell it to the l filil I
and will wait for you to get to them is with the business that forgets to keep world. But be sure it is what you say ‘ ll lllll l ‘
(fiven if the service is poor. But the time its name before the people with a story it iS- " , . l”; “ll
Tlsh surely coming when all this will of values and service. We must face the facts. Advertising ‘. llll l ,
foggefnafld the store that has the 915‘ You might as. well-drop your adver- is changing. erstefrday we advertised :11 (fl l .1
of Service eart, Wlth that friendly smile tisingfwhen busmess is good as to drop With one thing in mind—to Increase sales - fl l‘l ll =
‘Sel‘vice w‘,11WI11 reap the reward. Yes, your insurance because-you are feeling for the time being. VfVe did not think ‘llf ll ‘
[Ore We i1 fPal’ blg thldendS- There- well today. The time is coming when we could have a sale if we did not cut l f 5,: f *
fl. ’ “315‘ on serv1ce first. you will not feel so well and you Will deep into the price of an article. But 1! ill. 1; j‘
We know that if we are not wide want that feeling of security that comes today our advertising looks far beyond l llil l
. l 1;? x
» ' a. .lzi‘m -',.. _
f .1 f fff ’1, ilfi til .,
fi ' ' V ' ‘ ‘ ' V A U y

 1 . Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1943 l July
‘ i today’s sales, building for the future. him to advertise—and he’s too tough a the copy you have already written,butjl_0rg€ GI"
' It is a wonderful opportunity to build nut to crack, anyway.” good advertising practice would dictittSTOle Lll’l
: > . i quality into our stores by adding better But the time has come, or will soon that you condense and dramatize Eel The s‘eri
, ' i lines of merchandise, nationally adver- be here, when you will need to scratch )’01‘.(l the news form. in Kentuck
. “ tised lines that build for prestige. a good deal more among the pebbles What you have left, of course, is tri successful c
I ‘ Then there is the ever-changing pop— for your advertising instead of pecking actly what you would have had ifl’OHl cording to
' ulation in our towns, new customers up what is on top of the ground in open had gone to the merchant with displaljftion engine
who have to find a place to trade. Who sight. advertising in the first place. But your editors, op
. is going to reap the harvest of thee new To begin with, it won’t pay you to merchant friend is prejudiced against‘tesenting
l i , customers? It stands to reason that the read this article unless you make tip advertising because he doesn’t under-i tinting 13
business that advertises is going to get your mind that it will take hard work stand its functions, and undoubtedlyprhe tunic
' them, for all they know about a town to develop the small advertiser. It will would have turned you down, Because Ind. July
. is what they see in the newspapers. So, take some talking, and some study of he has been approached on the “CWSiLexington,
. let’s not overlook the new customer. his problems. angle first, he knows what he is doingi lIlStl‘llCtlt
And when they come into our store, let’s Secondly, it won’t pay you to call on It is becoming more and more 01) of the LiI
l 3 make it so very easy and pleasant for him unless you are willing to sit down vious to intelligent advertising salesmeii ”Marty” I
‘ j them to trade that we will tie them to in advance and write otit copy for not that it doesn’t pay to write copy and [Gland Carl 1
' t “ us. one, but a series of advertisements. It spend time in selling a small nierclianttgineeh ho]
. ‘ Again there is a double opportunity costs you as much to make a call on a a single advertisement. ling at nine
for the wise advertiser in that there is small advertiser as a big one, and un- Lay out a series of 13 “news “Ol'l'ufclinics, tor:
. so much money to spend just now and le_s you can sell him several ads at the advertisements before you call on the 0f the ma
1 fewer things to spend it on. Since many same time, the revenue from small ad- merchant. Once you have sold him on, four o'cloc
. . lines we have been in the habit of buy- vertisers isn’t enough to justify your the idea of buying “news story” ads in em taking
1 ing are now out of production, the time—you’ll make more money by clos- your newspaper, it won’t be any niortitiomoundt
-‘ money will be spent somewhere. Who ing up shop early and going home to diflicult to get him to sign up for ”(Lion The
‘ is going to get this increase? raise chickens. ads than it would to get him to Sighplimented
: May I predict that you will see a de- . If you'aren’ttsold on small advertis- for-one, In addition, you should eii-I tion offere
cided trend away from heavy advertis- 111g, con51der this fact: the average news plain to him that one advertisement were loud
‘ ‘ ing days? We have concentrated our ad- story in newspapers, by actual survey, Wlll not really pay out the way he thus presei
.; ,: vertising on two or three days of the is only 100 lines, or seven inches long. should expect—it takes a series of ma- Manager
i. ' week with the result that now, with Unless you believe people don’t read the sages to Sink into the minds of the huh-'5 lice, also :
.» point rationing, we are unable in many news, you are almost forced to the ad- 11c. Thirteen weeks should be the mini-l Lexington
. t . . cases to give the service the customer is mission that a. small advertisement has mum schedule. [produce t(
: . entitled to. So we are going to be forced a good reader-interest, as well as a large . If you can sell one merchant 13 seventihg the fan
i i to spread our business out over the one. Naturally, your banner story on inch ads, of course, you have eqttatlled‘ friends. F<
. week. This will result in better, more page one will get more readers than a selling one merchant a Single 91-inch! ed the Eva
‘l , even distribution of linage for the news- two or three—line paragraph on page ad. And you are in a better shape finally Kentuckizn
5 1 :‘ papers, better service to the customer, four. But the small news item gets at- Cially, for you are building a steady Ill-t ]
_. i and more business at less overhead to tention, and the small advertisement come for the newspaper without \t'otl' BMW“
" i the merchant—C. E. M7orthen, Manager, gets readers, just as the large news story dering each week where copy is totcomtlt News; Benin
. The Burr Store, El Reno, Okla. and the large advertisement, from. The ads can all be set tip 111‘ all 31mph Par
" _________ ' Carrying on the analogy of news in vance at odd times, too, instead of all cieliiieeiititl-th
More and more as the weeks go on, advertising, Frank Fehlman, noted ad- coming to the Shop at the last minutt New Era; ‘1
it is evident that the larger advertisers, vertising expert, believes that advertis- before deadline. liiiiéiin’dvl
who have been the mainstay of news- ing can and should be sold as news. No matter how small the merchant W. Eager)?
‘ . ‘ papers, are reducing the space used to This gets back to the basic point that —even if you'can only sell him Olie-iftd‘l iiiiitil‘cim 0‘
i an extent that the advertising salesman merchants-and especially smaller mer- copy—by selling a series of 13 adveltlsttEnteifiiltzeyl
.. must look elsewhere‘ for copy or dras- chants—don’t understand advertising. merits, it Will pay you for your [1111?“ ‘ '
‘ tically reduce the size of his newspaper. They neither know what it’s for nor how But you can’t“ sell the ayeragetsnsltattt Bat-(lstown
" The average newspaper has only be- to use it. ‘They do, however, understand . Elemhalif 0:1 d “Riel-115213 —I?et ftgzwstflEtd]rttblishi
. ‘ gun to tap sources of advertising in its news stories and believe in news stories. now .W all: ah vehtismg1 15. Each him: lintilzirdgiiui
é city. If you have the courage to 1iSt all Since your prospect understands news, gopy m IS an 5 ant aléplt. re 'obrl Brandénhurg
business establishments in your town, put his story for him first in news form. rom that has“ to do an 61:) 61:“ J “93ft?“ Cam
l you Will find that you have never dlS- Write out the item just as though it James Seymour, Georgla ' ‘_,_ Clgiei‘soer‘:
la. cussed advertising with perhaps 25 to were going into your newspaper on page _ —__T——_—”_——TT' [gags Mrs.
. 50 P61" cent Of them, or at least have one. Write the headline after your news Woodford Sun Incorporated IBiiiiiiitlBliEdi
not tried to do a real selling jOb With story is completed, just as you would The Woodford Sun, Versailles, wa Reprodhctigli
that many or more. in any news story. incorporated this month for $12,500 b1) :23ng w
I. In the past, spending time with the “/hen the news story has been writ- Senator A. B, Chandler, J. Dal1 Talchrihndi‘d
l ‘ smaller business houses probably hasn’t ten, translate the same copy into dis- bott, and Robert Humphrey. The 5113 iohtowniri;
i been profitable enough to be worth- play advertising. You might want to is the only newspaper in WoodiOEd OcldiiliiiiniiI-R.
. ‘ while. A little discouragement has put use the same headline and some of the County, having recently consohfl“ phuS Regs;
i you in the frame of mind that ”Oh, same wording. In some cases it might the Sun and the Blue Grass ClipPerv Scigliiivme:
E > Jones doesn’t do enough business to pay involve only putting a border around formerly printed at Midway. 0’ C. F
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.all . cl‘ - lne ’ hi -‘€~ . ger ham , Publ. tggs .‘Olusv- 1’ ]01. “211', rInt , an Cr 1‘ 1)1‘ 1110 ”“5552?
011 h 111le 0 C10 Cago ‘ IVIC) ’ G ’ Be). 151165- ’ N11” 1116 '15‘ )5011 1’ 1L1" I. - €15 . Ce 0f C(Iu- 1 0111().- O ‘ :1fi11455‘5‘5‘5
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any em ,Ock 1 ’ Ian €162 1c lnm [h & 11111, . exde v. R 1-1. 111- 133 Per 1313, 1 5!. . .a .,
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[3 ad ladllpaleagery Insboro Ralph Weeks 0)d Recqibe, H CHM Hozdld, F Lind, Dq' J01]Cg cOrgelocfv B —___ nlCd I] ’ “001-, W 15 are ‘i {555515 ‘
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 . I~ _ Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1943 i Jul
1 fig of the nation, according to Sanford’s re- This book, writes Lester L. Day adi WPB A'
‘ I ’ - . . , i -i
, E,” . port. He said that each paper in the versmng manager of the Sentinel, “c0“. O 001’
I , ‘ Kent P1,. 38 country Will be asked to compile infor- tains 4,800 reproductions of a four-inch n
, .‘ .55.. mation on what it has done in its com- advertisement, four of the ads appear Followi:
. ‘ u . munity to promote defense and the war ing on each page. It makes quite a Siz-l tween re}:
. Official Pg'i'ialscstgrsogiaiibii KemUCKY program. able volume. Each ad reads: ‘4,800 ads! and retail
' _ , An 8-page clipsheet containing gen- for only $1.80. This book gives you al vilian Re
' ‘ eral information on the home-front w r - ‘ ' ' i I
Victor E. Portmann, Editor-Publisher ' O-k conservative picture 0f how many ads son, WP
‘ of the press throughout the country Will you receive when you insert a single july 13 z
.' u . Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington be put out again. this year by Medill advertisement in the Evening Sentinel nate necr
, , .__——-————— SChOOI 0f Journalism at Northwestern The space used here (one C01Umn,four' and othe
, ‘ Kentucky PreSS Association Oflicers univers1ty for publication in local pa- inches) if billed to you at fifty cents lessi points an
. _ . . . ' i ‘
Vance Armentrout-._.;;;ggirili£ier Journal, Louisville gem, in. cypnriecuon With the week.. An ten per cent, thirty days, would COSII (I) Increi
Joe Richardson....-___.-w_.~.~___.._Times, Glasgow . idea klt Will be furnished to editors 331,80 net. Where else could you P05" and adeq
. . Vice—President - - . . ii u
‘ . Victor R. Portmann________.___U. of K., Lexington as advance promotion data' Slbly secure 50 mUCh adVGI‘USlng for so V01ume‘
; ‘ Secretary-Manager . Co-operating in distributing informa- small an investment!” of materi
i ‘ ‘ District Executive Comm1ttee tion to editors ~11 b [h 30 fi ld ,, .‘ . _ d -
1 Tyler Munford, Union County Advocate, Morgan- N . l‘ltéld e_ 16 _ e_ mani SO {hm 15 anOEher way 0f ShOnglhei crease ]
3 ‘ field, (state—at-large). Chairman; Chauncey Forges. a ers, ationa itoria assoc1ation ant ' ’ ' a
‘ . ‘ Independent, Ashland, (state-at—lai‘ge), Vice-chalr- g . ~ . b.1g_ moneys worth In newspaper advtr-i Proper C
v . man; First, Joe LaGore, Sun-Democrat, Paducah; American Newspaper PUbllShCrS 3580- tismg to a small—space user who is some- On ill]
3‘ Second, John B. Gaines, Park City News, Bowling ciation . bl 1 . II t. Of
1 ‘ Green; Third, John H. Hoagland, Courier-Journal. ' times una e 0t 1€FWIS€ to grasp the plC- Ta iOIl
‘ Louisville; Fourth, James M. Willis, Messenger, ture " i into CEEC
‘ x Brandenburg: Fifth, Virgil P. Sanders, News-Demo- ——————————_——_———‘ '
1 crat, Carrollton; Sixth, Fred B. Wachs, Herald- D Th M A F Q _____________________ ald Nelsc
Leader, Lexington; Seventh, Walker W. Robinson, - .
‘ Herald, Paintsville; Eighth, J. W. Heddon, Advocatf, oes IS eon ree Press' ”We Are SOFT But ,, Thls i‘
, Mt. Sterling; Ninth, Harold A. Browning, Republ- . . _ . _, .
i , can, Williamsburg; Immediate Past President, Harry The Agricultural Adjustment Agency Y merchantA
_ , ‘ , Lee Wate‘figld-t Gizetlge: 011$“- cz b has forbidden its 200,000 field employees Under the caption “We Are Son The X
en uc ress omen’s u ,, . . . '
V‘ ‘ Miss Mary E. Huttozi, Herald, Harrodsburg, President: and State: county and. local farmer com- BUt’ Th? Wlllard: Times has Prmledl tabllSllCClr
Miss Mildred Babbage, Breckenridge News, Cloverport. mitteemen to distribute information a 3 x 3 sticker which is mailed to pet‘ quate sul.
, First Vice President; Mrs. J. 0. Young, Journal, Dixon, . . . . civilian I
, , Second Vice President; Mrs. Mary Henderson Powell, about A.A.A. farm programs to the press, sons asking for free publicity. The no- 1 ,
, Record, Stearns, Third Vice President; Mrs. J. R. . - , , ‘