xt7zgm81p706 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81p706/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1981 1981 1981-09-04 2020 true xt7zgm81p706 section xt7zgm81p706 _ J , J J JJJJJ J . J JJ _J .JJ._, JJJ,J,.,J. ,J 2’15”.- J, “MI ww1Ja-5JaJ_J.J‘.JJ J , J J _ J - «wow; forgot-waJ‘ “raj. :, ‘WJJT‘TJW'JHJ. l€'~“"-="_‘"53'3”? J.".3"e.“‘ata,‘:':"J‘,-§"<’J'_.;{J§l."tthl‘r’Z’JtJ‘f, 733: J'?’ :. “WjfifilUV Jr"‘h'sh2J1,-1 r5; J’J;_'J 'J '3 J '
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However, intermittent rainshow‘ ers ' '
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» _ tuate betweeutheuppersosand up- . 3
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' ,- 7 Vol. LXXXIV. No.17 University of Kentucky f ‘
J, ‘ J 1 a: Friday, September 4. 1981 An independent student newspaper since 1971 Lexington, Kentucky J J
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J} m— ieriJJJtJelecommunications, Donohue J J J J JJJJJJJJJ g JJ J .J a. . 4 . ,. J JJJJ. JJ ‘J:
" Semor Staff Writer Updating equipment is another Jfli ‘i‘ . 8’ smash ‘af «3%. 3». 5...? h m ' , ~" I hi?
_ m“ hurdle the fledgling department ,. J» v ‘ ' ' ' | j
' ' must clear. a 3 ‘ I
, The bom-again department of Drennon said telecommunica- i h , ' I -~ 3 3:3
telecommunications will have its tionsis“desperately hurting on the ' a I J , 3 ' _ 7 ! ,
growth stunted by budget cuts; issue of equipment." 3, a J J > J .. a ”V i:
however, it will survive, says the “How long can you go without _Q Q ’ “e: I. , ;
department's director. repairing equipment and without t ., t. , .. .'. M... J r g ?j J?
Thomas Donohue said he is facing buying new equipment? This has L; h ‘ ‘ ‘ a ,
an ”incredible challenge." been going on for two years and it ." if , »- w. are 9, pr at ._ _ ,. a. J i" , _ - . J
- “The latest budget cut was a will probably go on another one and J r" ‘ , _ W..- - .3 ‘ 5)" 6 “ .. J J _ J ‘ ‘ ‘ -‘- -
shock. I was prepared for the first maybe one after that," he said. ‘ N J. " ‘ , W. Jr” ,
: one. It muddies the waters at great He added that he realizes worn ” ’1 ’ * - ., . f" '
deal,"he said. and outdated equipment is a pro- - : ... . ’ ' I 4" ' x ... . ‘ ~"‘"""
Donohue's hope for the telecom- blem affecting all colleges. . ‘f ' M
munications department, establish- To fill some of the need, the m l, run-u... .
ed this semester, is that it will department is “undergoing a con- ' . . ~ 'J
become “a nationally known in- solidation of production facilities : V
stitution where first-rate with other departments in the .
undergraduate and graduate University,"Donohuesaid. 3, J J ._ , - ....._. .. ‘5
education occurs." Enough space to establish the Mr" :4; L : ”t
However, Donohue, who came to department is the third issue on ”1";th ' J ‘ i; . ,. g
L UK from the University of Hart- Donohue‘s mind. » a, » : a. 5
J ,g ford, Conn, where he was chair- “We are hurting for space," he Ti
' 1 man of the communications depart- said. - B J_D_ VANHOOSE/Kernel Staff :1 ,
1 ment. faces problems in ac- The department was planning to only Academlc y :‘E
comodating increasing enrollment, move into the Kernel office, 113 it
‘ updating equipment and finding Journalism Building, Wthh was to Business freshman Doug Hawkin and Kimberly Murphy, an undecided freshman from Louisville, find a couch in the Student Center Great Hall a E
enough space to accomodate the have been vacated when the Kernel comfortable place to study. t3
department. moved to the basement of the Jour- '7
The college is one of the few nalism Building this year.
academic units in the University for However, a lack of funds prevented A H de ”ment hrced to cm 9 absses
which student interest has grown in both moves from taking place, and
the past few years, said Herbert telecommunications was forced to
Drennon, dean of the College of stay in McVey Hall. W And next semester, funds for part— be.“ Money-saving alternatives in The department has had monetary
Communications. “There were some renovation Reporter time faculty could be eliminated clude cutting more courses and difficulties for some time, Thar-sing , .
“Most other colleges on campus funds (for McVey) but these are altogether, Tharsiiig said. This could limiting enrollment and majors in the said. UK has not increased its budget 1
have either grown or declined one now in limbo," Donohue said. m——~——-— result in the closing of several crucial department of fine arts, he said. to meet inflationary needs since 1979. P23; ‘.
' or two percent (in the past few Drennon said the University , , beginning level and studiocoursesfor Art studio courses werethehardest Therefore, a large financial burden ’5:
years).The year before last. enroll- should consider giving telecom- N‘he courSes offered by the hhe the spring semester. hit because of their usually low enroll- has been placed upon arts students in
ment (intheCollege of Communica- munications more money. arts department were canceled Faced with money problems both merit sections. normally scheduled the form of higher lab and studio fees.
tions) was up a; percent. Last year However, he believes “it will bedif— because there was not enough money now and in the future, Tharsing said for individualized attention. Thar-sing said the department :f
‘ _ it was up 17 percent, and this year it ficult to do, and we can‘t do it at the to pay part-time instructors, says the the department will be “trying to Lithography, art history and art has not received any new equipment
‘ will probably be up 10 to 15 per- expense of destroying other department chairman, and the Shha' determine what the next tactic will education courses were affected also. See “Art ”page 10 ,1"
' . cent," Drennon said. valuable resources. " h°h may get worse. ' '1
“The current crisis has made it He believes establishing the ApprOXimatJely ”300 was needed m
extremely difficult to respond to department was an essential step employ part-time instructors to teach I
- WW... Pa Pot used in cancer stu b VA doctor
I Hiring enough faculty to ac- Historically, telecommunications left “hm no 9th" alter nativeJthan to y
’ l comodate telecommunications was separate, but in the late 19705 “ht them, said Robert Tharsmg, ac-
- » é students will beone of the first pro- the program was assigned to the :lhg Chghmah 0f the department 0!
' ,i blems the de rtment faces in a - ' ‘ ine 3" ' ———-—-— . - : ' ‘
i I comodating stifdents. c hmmrllgczftlzcnf “3:832:39 3th: “our ““131 1°85 mum have been B‘vJANET FARM“ 53;“? ashhflhiffmirtgehzmltmgtiggt 3:13:23? grildilieyaoosfudimiuigg
‘ l :1 . - : - much greater if not for the flexibility Reporter ‘1 05 3 C - W P3 - J _ Y JJ P s
, Donohue said he hopes to attract quality 0f the program declining at ., . . who wants to try the new approach. the VA Hospital. A high percentage
’ 7 faculty “by offering them positions a time when student interest was Of our faculty, Tharsmg said. —~—~——-——~—-—~—A~~~k—— «nos is not marijuana like you‘d of patients seem to like it "
' ' - - Thirt -three students were affected .. . . '
l in a 0011989 that 15 ngowmg and has sharply accelerating and when the y . . . . buy off the street, DeSimone said. Of the more than 40 chemotherapy
. a lot of flexibmty (m teaching and revolution in communications was by the deCiSion to cancel the courses. In the fight against cancer, "It's synthesized from the same in- patients at the VA Hospital not all .
0 - : .. - - ~ but Tharsing said he believes chemothera can be a useful but .‘ n - - » . - ' -
J research) built in. beginning to have an impact on . . . . py gredients Will be partiCipating in the pot pills
. He said he has PUt Wt feelers to every aspect 0f culture,“ Drennon everyone was shifted to Similar painful weapon. Similar studies of this nature done program
, - - rto identical classes taught Dr. Phili DeSimone is willing to . . u .. - ' ~ . - .. -
. professors m the country who have said. mm?“ o . . p , in the Southeastern region have Im afraid of addiction, said a .
‘ J national reputations. Out of those “With such a significant industry atdifferent times. . . . . haveJhis chemotherapy patients “he found that the majority of patients middle—aged man who asked nottobe
who have responded, “Two or three in contemporary life we needed to Beth Hoge, a senior majoring in art marijuana to make the treatments seem to be responding very well," See "Pot," page 10 ,
. are very interested." improvetheprogram.to set it apart studio, was one Of the students af— '55 unpleasant. ”9 is chief 0t
‘ “If the budget is there I can get and to give it its own identity," he fected by the cancellations. hematology at the Veteran‘s Ad‘
them," he added. continued. “I was pretty mad at first," Hoge ministration Hospital and associate
The growth of students in the Interest in communications said. “We found 0‘" at the last chairman 0f the department 0‘ Funds recommended
department may beslowed by mak- should continue to rise, Drennon minute. _ J 3 medicine at the UK Medical Center . . 1
ing the program more rigorous and said, “so there is little risk in shif- “We were S‘mhg ‘h class and the Soon, marijuana in 8 new form n .
demanding and “by discouraging ting resources to this area." professor d‘dh't show up. We went to Will beavailableto VA patients. Mari- for tallest Ky bUIIdIn J,
: non-serious students from majoring See"Telecom," page 10 I find out where he was, and then we juana in tablets, each 5 milligrams, ' g
M found out the course was canceled." will be offered to alleviate such side .
7 LEXINGTON (AP) — An Urban The state‘s tallest building current. ,
. a e u, r mm 3 County Council committee recom- ly is the 41-story First National Bank
. mended yesterday that a $123.5 of Louisville.
. . . . . million bond issue be approved to “I didn't want to build the second-
Several options are available to dormitory residents to allewate problems a... a World c... Center that would 1...... madman mesme." we.
be the tallest building in Kentucky. son said.
By 11mg] BARR students from all over the state as Fortunately for the student whose students, said students who are hav- The matter now goes to the full The proposed structure would in-
l Reporter well 85 the country are assigned personality conflicts with that of ing roommate problems should first council for consideration and later to elude an 850-car garage, glass
- i “unknown"roommates. his/her roommate, the University has talk to their floor resident adviser. If the state Industrial Revenue Bond elevators, a lobby of shops and
. 5 —~—————~——~r———~—— Fr J] the] J t'b] J mediators who can sometimes solve the RA decides the conflict is valid Oversight Committee. restaurants, a landscaped ”"999
l .. . ,. equen y, eas compa ' 89 these problems, and also provide enough for switching, he/she will con. The council‘s bond review commit- and up to 586.000 square feet of office
( 3 .Oh no, my roommate s a preppy, all posSible people end up together m policies for changing roommates sult the dorm‘s head resident. tee voted 4-0 with two abstentiors to space.
' t wailed one dissatisfiedJstudent as she a dorm room —. smokers “nth non- . . . “We like to resolve these problems recommend approval of developer Wilkinson's application to the hex-
unpacked her collection of AC-DC smokers, alcoholics With teetotalJers, when differences in Personality are at the head rosi dent level," Pond Wallace Wilkinson's proposal. ington Economic Development Com— '
- albums. . . . the devoutly ”“8qu “nth the Blble' ‘00 great to overcome. , said. The head resident will then act Wilkinson said a negative vote by mission estimated the building would
J . Problems ineVitably arise when unconscwus. Rosemary Pond, associate dean 0f as mediator for the two parties con- the committee would have killed the cost $77 million to develop, three '
' cerned. However, if the conflict re- project, Conventional financing years to build and $1.2 million a year .
‘ ' mains unsolved. he/she will arrange would have been timeconsuming and tooperate after itopens in 1&5. :
" ' _ _ for new living accommodations. competitors have recently emerged, It also said 95 percent of the city‘s :
‘ _____- x. <._-:' —= _ s ‘ ‘ __. —— .j ; But many times it is not that sim- he said. office space in February 1900 was oc-
,_... " fl g " ple.“We are so tight on housing,“ Energy centers are being con~ cupied and that the area can absorb ‘
J ‘ Pond said sidered in Louisville and Knoxville. 760.0005qu feet everythreeyears.
: ~ ' \‘ There just may not be another room Tenn. Wilkinson said. and West The application said the center has J
J - . available. Also. finding a person will~ Virginia Gov, Jay Rockefeller is toya "preliminary commitments“ for 88 to 9
~ 5": ing to accept a roommate who has ing with the idea in his state. 40 percent of its space and neetk 315.1 5
I h ' ‘ already had conflicts can be difficult. Wilkinson's proposed structure million in rent to support the 25-year f . .
. ' . Pond said “Who wants a dud'?" she would be 50 stories of concrete and bondissue. J. J
‘ I added. black glass on 1.26 acres nowoc- Wilkinson said Wednesday that six ” "
' - The housing officmls WI". however. cupied by the Phoenix Hotel coal companies and two financial in- ’J J ‘
J ‘ t ’ ' ‘ do “everything possible for the stu- downtown Aeontracttodemolishthe stitutiom with energy division have - ' . 3 s
’ dent who has encountered irrecon; 73-yearold hotel was signe Tuesday. expressed interest in leasingspuce. - ' J 3" 31
. . § n - _ ” J cilable roommate problems. she . . ou‘
. — ’ said. adding thatswuching room- ' ‘~ . ~;~‘"-:;‘.‘_.;‘_
J , r; -- - - mates shouldbe done only as a last I Slde i f "4;;
_ ,. I I l . l l 3 t ! ‘I Q I11 3 I C 3 . r950” , -.‘r
2 I ‘~ ', ‘———I " 1‘— ‘i I Adjusting '0 the 'dimxncras'es of a A pictorial review ofthis week‘s weather scene highlights pagesaando. ; iJ 13%;.
I '. .' l 0 I l ’ j, __ 0 new roommate takes time. but the ‘Jif;;'J.~;&, f:
; ' -, ‘— " ‘__‘ - h rewards of learning about the way The Kernel Board of Experts predicts theweekend‘s winners ~andlolen. J Mia-1?;
., J J another person lives are often worth Soopages 1
., the inr. : few weeks of confusmn. Pond The final installment ofthe RickBuehner story opears on We 6. - Jig;
;. y s sai. g J JJJJJJ
: t
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f P‘aeraie)‘ Ian-orig Editor u.“ m...


inglhhiejgfi ‘ Jacki Rudd Leslie Michelson ”"9 6- m Steven w. bowther John Griffin Kirby Stephen Q
"I ,s;: 0., mm, WW Bllruu Glide mutant sport. Editor mutant Entertainment adiio. Gr-phic- Editor ' s

origin 3-1“ "‘5. I .

y pr re on “ml 2 n
south-r. " it“ i,- 3: 1;

fall ' off f' Id ‘ ' .
owmg - le incidents b

2 fl'f . , . o ’- a.
I f ‘ ‘ ' ' Tomorrow is the day that many students That’s enough rehashing of a two-month-old . . . In a PIE-game ‘Wi’eer ew +Oday,

-' have been anticipating. story. It’s sufficient to say that the whole 9.“ I»:

, The return of tailgate parties pre- and post- episode was an embarrassment to University Gov JOh Y B 0 313* Ed “1 + h h ,
- . ‘ . . . . a o w P

~ ‘ i game celebrations throughout Lexington, a officials, the football coaching staff and n r n a e as \ o,
_ ‘ l chance to review the performances of some Wildcat fans and, more importantly, +0 d OF fhe ' Id ,I, .‘e d ’ n
‘ highly publicized recruits, the opportunity to distracted public attention from budgetary grown "-6 W1 Ca mascot) an _

. ' ' erase memories of several embarrassing decisions being made by the Brown ad- 0 B i ft
losses during the past few seasons - yes, ministration. 5013365 ed 'l'he mar qu'e 83 l. 2
tomorrow’s 1:30 kickoff will usher in a new Although Brown’s actions were incorrect, l

' ‘ Wildcat football season. some of his reasons, however, are worthy of as ° 1,] 1 fr]- C ad.‘ Ha l b
» This year’s squad features many proven thought. The governor claimed the University a POSS! C re? aceme 0 O h - c
veterans, some considered among the top in had been degraded by off-the-field incidents _ . it
the Southeastern Conference, and several in- occurring during Curci’s reign here. 6‘er! a 0““ hd‘i‘ be reacha’ & We’d: C
. experienced players in starting roles, and it It has. The incidents, which involve dif- n
will be facing most of the top teams in the ferent players being arrested on sucha varie- 7 . _ ‘ ' l,
. southeastern United States But this is nothing ty of charges as public intoxication. burglary a

new — each year’s team is described in this and rape, have not oniy created a poor public

- manner. image, hill more importantly have resulted in .
. . a poor relationship between football players e
, The difference this year is the amount of and other students. n
. pressure being brought to bear — not so much Most people do not agree with the adage o
;- on the players but on head coach Fran Curci. “bOYS willbeboyS"which Curci has applied to Si
: For those students who had more productive these incidents. Students and fans do not have i ' C
. ways or spending their summer leisure tune the right to demand that their team he an an- s:
than to read of such Juvenile gomgs-on, the J u- nual contender for the conference champion- iii:;‘52%afissizisisisisisiiiési a

‘ ly 9 issue of The Cat ’s Pause reported that ship; they should continue, however, to
1' Go.“ ”h" Y' Bro?” Wes "gammg a cam' Pressure the 003°“th Staffs athletic ngl‘am u

, , r palgn to have Curcl dismissed as coach. _ officials and University administration that '

, 835mg his attempts to dictate to Prwldent recruiting be sufficiently selective t0
~ one Smgletary and the University Athletic eliminate those men who appear likely to .... * .
’ Assocmtlon on a belief that “8 losmg team for threaten the safety of Lexington residents. 1
3° years '5 “°‘ g°°d ‘°’ the sla‘er" 3”“ ‘UP' The “boys will be bore” thinking is outdated ~ ~ ' - ‘ if???{3555353}iii;i53*.‘f?f7* -

. ther shocked fans when reports surfaced that as well as sexist; regarding actions of this y‘ . ~1..., -:~:-:-:-:-:-:-‘:Z:':f:§::i:::.:..._...,i...._.;.;.;:§§§::§:.§E::S;E§-:§;.Egg-$15: l

he wanted the UniverSlty to hlre eX- severity, students should be expected to -\\ so», vs“-~ts‘\"»:»;~~.~-:--?:t:»‘:c‘~~‘\‘,\‘~“~?x..:.:2,\‘ ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.~.;:;.;.;.;:;:;:-:-:-:~:-:.;.:-:.:. ‘ :-:d:.:.-.i:;:;:;:;..‘ .-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~:r:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~:t:~:r:~:-:i:-::;.;.;:;:;:;:; :,. . .V
- professmnal coach George Allen. possess mature habits before enrolling here. :"
——————— ' l
" ' W Id A d ' G ' ' ' ‘ ' ’
\ , I ,'
. or ccor mg to arp Innovative Leaders fighongatov war. ,.
a .
" it ' g
5:“ A writer's job is to imagine atranssexual. that tries tosurvive the life it has in- “W" grabbm fa m
g everything so personally that the 110 . This is all very bizarre of course. vented, . . .
’ tion is as vivid as our personal And itismeant to be. But Irving hasa Again the violence is undercut by W mm mmy mm
. if"; memories. _ way of making their absurdity seem the thoughtfulness. Theexploding of a
ll — The World AccordingtoGarp From the slat? it mUSl bestated our absurdity. The character’s bomb is almost always followed by Scipio Africanus heain’t, but the
i; that ‘10“ m ‘5 a he.” 0‘ mme- He thoughts, ambitions, and fears are the warmth of a hug. “Only an oaf or second the aircraft carrier Nimitz
‘ It is hard work and great art to make 15 a rare type 0‘ "OVChSl who can. be never far from our own — no matter a meanie could not be touched by a docked in Naples the higher-ups O | I O I | | O |
‘ life not so serious. both technically perfect and 1m' how normal we seem in comparison. novel as eager and bumptious and had the pilot in charge of shooting
— The Hotel New Hampshire aglnatlvely wonderful. He can 8° to or as R.Z. Sheppard wrote in Time, cuddly," wrote Eliot Fremont-Smith down the Libyan airplanes on the does he think he's back with his 9
U extremes to prove a pomt or make the His ( Irving’s) world is really the in The Village Voice. television shows. models in the movie studio? 5
;. Three years ago The World Accor- reader uncomfortable, yet make it all world according to nearly everyone.” But what separates Irving’s Far from resembling the great In Washington. it “'88 Walled I l
5 ding to Garp was a book that begged seem universal. Above .8". his Simply, Garpisa great book. characters from those of other Roman general who made that that the decision to put the fleet in l
, g attention. It received more than just strength 53 fertile, unusual imagma- The Hotel New Hampshire, mean- novelists is their commitments. They part of the world his, the chap in theGulfof Sidra was Admiral Ron-
‘ is; casual scrutiny. however. It earned lth- (I knew that l“ Icould'render while. is a wonderful book. It bounces discover how the world works and the blue naval uniform was your nie’s personal one. Whilethepresi-
g undying affection from a large legion any sentence l 00““ imagine Irvmg many of Irving's old reliables (bears, still refuse mpg The world of Irv- ordinary cookie cutter type who dent pushes his toy boats around
of readers both repulsed by its horror told Rolling Stone once; The? the 0'“ Vienna) off beliefs — that of father ing is actually the world of purpose. preferred the language of the world's oceans. administration
-_ and touched by its reality. People did ly problem was "“88"!th IL Win Berry that human beings can sure Or as John Berry, Hotel's narrator, bureaucratic militarese to chests puff out. administration 3
i not read it, they comumed it. They That has '98?le been a problem. Vive a life led in hotels; that life is says: “The way the world worked English. Like his superiors heused mouths suck eggs and exhale a a

e ‘3 spoke of it with an eye-popping. cult- Gt"? l? a umque life ”sz3’, °f love. serious but art is fun; that we must was not cause for some sortof blanket graceful neologisms like off- verbal meringue about freedom of '

like eagerness. They pushed it off on lush "Ole—nee anti eccentrlclty that. keep passing theopeiwindows cynicism or sophomoric despair; ac- loaded and vectored. thescas.

.. *4 friends relatives classmates. much 0‘ the, “met 8°“ be)?“ The imagination is still there. and cording to my father and Iowa Bob American military officers do

. 3‘ anyone who seemed worthy of shar- realism l0 drive home real paints. thesurprises. There is a new twist on (his grandfather), the way the world what they are told. Tell them to in Woodrow Wilson's time, a

- mg m theexpenence. Sh“. 1“th (’06 this Within the form. almost every page (althoughlmllad- worked — which was badly — was shoot and they shoot. The reason president who also enjoyed over-

. They read it, as Griel Marcus would He never breaks the “118 merely to mlt .we begin to expect them after just a strong incentive to live pur- for pushing them on to the TV was matched Showdowns with smaller

_ _ g write in Rolling Stone, as “hOth a show "Emma“ in them. . 8Whllel- posefully, and to be determined about to pumpus up and make this small nations in lesser weight
j threat anda promise.“ I should know. GGVP 15 actually a story about m- Before the reader is finished, he or living well." (only two dead) Mediterranean in- categories, the phrase freedom of .
. i [was 0090‘ those people. dependent. 800d 9°39"? who often do she Will have encountered 8 rape vic- That simple passage sums up lrv- cident into a triumph of arms and the seas was taken to mean the .
f l was hardly alone. Over three "0‘ produce 800d I wanted to take tim who dressesasa bear; a real bear ing's intentions probably better than will. , sage passage of merchantmen. l
_ .- million copies of Garp have been sold the Mt people and make the worst who rides in a motorcycle side-car; a any. “Sure, it’s a world filled with ter- The president marked the day of But to talk of freedom of the seas ,
, since the book 5 release. The wires things happen to them [Wing said homosexual literary agent who sleeps minal com, a life filled with lunacy this, our greatest naval victory in connection with American ar.
pushed the book 5 author, John _Ivrt later. 'nlecontradlctlons are embedd- With a dressmaker’s dummy; a foul- and sorrow," Irving seems to be say- since the Battle of Midway. by mada that appeared off the coast l

mg, 39 to the top of the list of serious Ed in the characters: 8 celibate mouthed movie star who marries a ing, “But life goes on. As long as you ascending the bridge of another of Libya is like talking about the

- American novelists. m0lhel’ Who becomes a kafiwomhh black ex-profeesional football player; get obsessed and slay om, As aircraft carrier on theother sideof freedom to sit in connection with

' with the affection has come ac- for thelemlnlst movement: an twelf- a dwarf writer; a midget circus; a long as you keep passing the open the world off the coast of Califor- an two-pound gorilla.
claim. And fame. Irving’s mug grad Pmleclll'e lather “'0 create“ “ml" rock band named Hurricane Doris: a windows. As long as you have im- nia. Wearing his gold-braided
. ed the cover of Time last week in ac— ly tragedy through .3 playful, child named simply “Egg”andastuf- agination." commander-in-chief hat and The gorilla sits anywhere it
cordance withthecompletionof film- dangerous dl'lVth habit; a 10Vth fed dog. After all, it is truly hard work —— presiding over the electronic wants to and such a fleet sails
. lng for the meme versnon of Corp and Wife “th ends an affair through That's just for starters. The story and great art _ to make life not so machinery controlling the u_s.s_ where it damn well pleases. The
the release of his newest novel, The castration; healthy women who itself spans two continents, vulgarity, serious. Constellation, the man looked like agglomeration of naval power
Hotel New Hampshire, which hit the remove the1r tonsues ‘0 protest rape, tragedy, incest, anarChy, John Clay is a journalism senior aSouthern California caricatureof could fuse the sands of that desert
_ book stores last week. r8905: 8 l°°thall Player Who hecOma lunacy, fantasy and the Berry family and former Kernel sports editor. Libya's Col. Qoddofi, enamored . country into glass.
; with the idea of power and .
» . monochrome. anchorwoman
—_ Athirdpartylookingonmight f fl . ‘ ‘hieff 1..
it. be pardoned for seeing the two or eomous misc ‘ or .
s f im racti l assassins to bump people off in
' men as a couple 0' p ca other people’s countries. He may
. crackpots, facmg off in a contest of .
pride and swagger Col Moo-Moo have been born delinquent or who

. ' W W leader is Wt ‘0 justice Will 001' Finally, W 3W5” is W M will havetoanswerfor himself but knows? Stones about plots to

. , ., . duty terminate. Instead of looking at wrong, we would not be in error. nor . Mr, moans Momma shows assassin” .°°'- ”WM” “a"
‘ g lhave ”'0 Qh‘lfihohs for the author thisas an expense,weshouldlooktoit would we ever be in error, when it As one who rales and raves only him tobea bad risk when it comes been circulating for months.

. . . of Reagan militarism: a threat to as an honor. Never before have so comes to the termmation of com- when something really gets my goat. to moving fleets of ships and They havebeendenied, but then.

4 world peace: 1. What Xvorld peace? many W on so few for their munism; and we should thank the Iwas ina stormofunusual amplitude planes aroundtheglobe. it was regarded as preposterously

,, , a , " 2' 0n "hoses'de areyou. safetyandfreedom. Lordf l 1' over the dearth of crossword puzzles . In college and in the memes bad taste to suggest the CIA was
.~_ o . . _ _ _ 0" 9°09? “‘9 Mr. W" and in the Kernel. This lack was ample after ROTC and through the 1930 trying toknock ofde Castro until
. ~ ' . Your total misrepresentation of the P909“ "l 0‘" Wm“ 93"“? “‘0'“ those true "Fm” “’m' “'0'“ be “33 enough for me to start to assert my movie years, our leader sol-youv eh it came out that it was attempting
':'~ {7‘ situation can and will add to the com- to believe that the “’0'“ 3 801118 ‘0 be 3W himself - We Md let ”‘9 discontent in a written form rather gads, in the cavalry. That was his to put exploding cigars in the
y, fl,” plot: if not partial misconception ‘ bum “‘32" We :ike m recent mm with the Libyans than orally pelt the ears (1 a Kernel mnfion for contemporary Cuban dictator-'3 personal stock of
yaw, ~ .lroooyliold by so many Democrats mm M“ It military serve a, a minder that there are staffer inner-room. geopolitioe,a Emptinply convic- Corona-Coronas, or whatever leaf
titles m "am” 11" “a“ 0" U'S'A' " leader-r In a mtehell mm m forces of evil out there. away from But my pen had barely been wedd- tion that it's been downhill in the the world’s only charismatic com-
get: ’3 no longer No.1, and the only way to M ' or the 'l m" of the . ed topaperand the ink Mt yet dried, military sciences since the Con- munlst officialsmokes.
pigeon once again sellieve that status is W311"; We mm m M m ”m- """W‘!" m” u” whenmyevilendwas nvertedandmy federate charge was thrown back . .
fie WM foreign policy. - . end of this great nation than the can plan: melted a“! You bet that . by the boys in blue at Gettysburg. The overawmg of the aborigines
35,5335 .. .. mgofthedawn. smile was upon my face, for the Cut as they say in the movie h” “I” been explained 88 ‘sen-
mgr, ”e Our role as “tom of world swiftly, lfweare tobeabletocirve ' ding a signal" to the mulling.

r... . . "is W m m , crosswordpunlewas allveandoutot scripts, to Ronald Reagan off to
aw; peace Minot over. Not mtil the last I9 0M8" Jenni-Paul it, retirement! There it sat, stowed serve God and country in World Why someny signals? Arewetalk-
e 5;; communal and radical military policy. Undecliledfreehmn away amidst the ,m, m, and a War II. but don't cut too far. He ing in the wrong language to the
.. mcoum byBerkeBmthed norm-m.Mmmet mmlorodtoomoviesludlo W“"‘