xt7zgm81p74j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81p74j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1983 1983 1983-02-21 2020 true xt7zgm81p74j section xt7zgm81p74j O e t t
' " Caballero“
‘ .g. ‘ v.1 The Wildcats showed Vanderbilt that
- ‘.‘ i ' their January slump was a thing of the
\_ / post as they beat the Commodores 82-63
' ' . l x, , \ \ ‘ in Rupp Arena. For story, see page 9. ______'
Vol. LXXXV, No. 118 Monday, February N. 1983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky
é a I”. I“! it . _ _ “ uXINOTON -- Dr. David M. Goldenberg. a nationalty rec-
~ it“ . » - r v, .,,._< '3' ’ ognized UK cancer researcher, has announced he will be
’ ¥i\ I «V; , k ’5’ by leaving the University for a new research center at New
”1., h. “5:41; i , , thLy“ . ' " '{c ‘ . ’ _ ~, ' . Jersey University of Medicine and Dentistry.
l w§}vfi#,lm if": "' ‘ . , h .r' '1' v ,. .- ‘ Goldenberg is best known for his use of radioactive
- .» r':~ .2 . . ., ~ '.- . I 3
' ¢ 'xé’f‘ji" [fig-3t, Jacié‘éj __ y .7, . ‘9 ‘ " ‘ " ' i1; markers to detect tumors. He will head the Center for Mo-
;s',:'c;;%;i‘x$a+§ . set?" “of“: ”Ed "'“' ’ / '2‘ .. lecular Medicine and immunology.
é‘:‘?"‘£’»ifi§>§f§i ' . V' ~,,‘ c ‘3 .. A . x ." 2'1"} When contacted last night, he declined to comment
’;;€}¢.'tér .. 7 I?" . Q : , f ” ‘ t about his departure.
19ft, . any“, say” .. . , in“ '. fi“ ‘. ? $4 : :- _. g}
. . ma - ~ WW .. oars ' - ~ s " '
; .. , .» so" , .. . “h. a“. "Mt? gyro: , it? 5,. _. \ gt ~ Searchtor new MSUpreeldentnerrows
yr. " r, t 't, w a r.‘ “-31.1", *Hf. r \ .{_- I. ; w; - g, . . . _ x»
' j" e. filial! '. , . ' 0Q)“ . 93"W12t39 an irmw "- ,3? r
’ ’3; t‘” r/ .37).. r-i'“ '9, , 3533893“ gig ‘ J: . .ng * - K muenv — Murray sum University officials say two Ken-
W , ' , - "A no“ .-3?fi?“'u§'}{¢is. _ “" if, "{‘Qvfi ii on - . L . ,, f .1 \ tuckians, Dr. Marshall Gordon, a Murray professor and ad-
\ _ . J * ~ sgag; _ - ministrator since 1962, and Air Force Gen. James Allen, are
' l y . {:4 among the seven educators still in contention for the MSU
. , 1% 5 ' ' "‘c;.‘, presidency. The officials asked not to be named because
“ ,- , ,. . . ., . .. a ‘ ' . . " they are close tothe search.
’ ' ...-. ”Law-i0 ”2M ‘0 ' "’ ’ M ‘1'" . . - 3' 7' . . .
i , ~*. * » 3 - _ ' ’ _._ g . ' ‘ g “r; ,. The other candidates include administrators from univer~
r - ‘ .1 ‘:_ 2 6:. sities in Pennsylvania, Texas, illinois and Kansas, the atti-
‘ l l j J I ""' i v' ." V . , 37 ’g i: ‘= . cials said. Richard Frymire, chairman of the board, declined
.. ' l . ' ‘ ‘ 1 “Mg- . " " . ;~* Friday to confirm or deny that the search had been nar-
_" u“ ",vmmm, 5,0,, rowed to seven candidates.
{ summer in Fabruary? The search for a new Murray president began last July,
1 when the board voted not to renew the contract of Presi-
E Amy Wullenweber, a sophomore home economics maior enjoy the unbelievable weather that has entered Lexington. dent Constantine W..Curris. which expires Jim. m. A can-
‘5 (left), and Jennie Williams, a sophomore communications They were catching rays on the Kirwan-Blanding Complex. "°V°'5Y ”MW“: “M“ f”. °f ”'0 “9‘" ”W” resigning,
} major fished swimsuits out of their closets yesterday to four at the request of Gov. John Y. Brown. He appointed
3 replacements, and the new board began sitting through
' I I abOut 300 applications and nominations for the president's
= U K S water bl" Increases 93 ercent "°‘“‘°"‘
Frymire said no date has been set for announcing Curris'
successor, but he added that it would be before Curris' con~
Kentucky-American adds extra $59,000 to annual metering charge tractwnsout-
‘ it) \l \itl \.I(ill\.\‘ti\ crease for UK to 93 percent — from and dining facilities use about half can submitted the 52 percent rcqucst EPA” “V0". to W, m “y.
ScmorStatiit'ritcr $256,0m to $494.00) annually. Blanton of that. and students using these in PSC hearings concerning the rate
. said services will pick up the tab for the increase. Blanton said he cannot i'ig- ., . .
. — . , t
l'K's rate increase :5 part of Ken- rate increase and the water meter ure out why the PSC granted a 72 :IASH!NGT°" 2;: MI lag“? h. m“ Enwronmental
i K .\ uaicr lull \Hll incrcasc apr lucky-Americans overall 42 percent charge.he said. percent hike, He said. however. it is rotection Agency icla w 0 ast W.“ d’fl'd ° ”W”
P pl‘iiXimLiit-l} vii pcrccnt in thc ncxt rate increase approved by the PSC if the additional $59,000 charge possible that oral testimony in thc 50590900 for her testimony, Will appear Wednesday betore
war twcniisc oi a ncu' charge added for 63.500 customers in Fayette were not enough for University offi- hearings might have persuaded the the Republican-controlled Senate Environment and Public
1 to ll.\ ri-ccni ratc incrcasc for thc (‘ounty and parts of Scott, Woodford. cails to accept, Blanton said the 72 PSCtoinflate therateincreasc Works Committee, Sen. John H, Chef”, R-R.l., 0 mm
L liiiicr‘silV in ihc Kcntuckv-Amcri- Bourbon. Jessamine and Harrison percent rate increase is higher than “We've got our budget officers .
> ’. - , ofthe n |,s d est r .
‘r "1‘” \‘I'li‘l‘ ‘0 “('(‘i’rdlnil '0 JIH'k counties. that requested by the water compa- and our lawyers looking at the hpa e ,0. y. eday , , ,
. l’ii.ililiil1 \icc chanccllor tor admin- Laura Murrell. chairman of the ny. data." he said. adding the l'nivcrsi- _ I e committee '5 one 0‘ six Pam" Pmb'w EPA‘ hand~
ir'IXI‘IUH PSC. said the increase was based on Kentucky-American engineers. he ty will not appeal the rate incrcasc “"9 0f "‘9 51-6 b'll'O" WWW-Md WW“ '0 clean UP
Blanton and yi'sii‘rila) that Kcnr a usage and cost of service study said. met with UK officials last Sep- until the reasons forit arcknown abandoned toxic waste dumps. Lavelle, the former assistant
[illliikiii[Milli]?Ciuirilighmhtiffdiii: sumo: thheyd bra: conductgdi Shethsaidtrl‘JK tember and constri‘ugted a. cgof- neBlantgik 815th aegis :K‘FdWlll r290! administrator in charge of the program until being fired by
i 4 ' i" ’ k' k " s i- “ a en payin 655 an ey serVice repor w ic prOJec a x w M er . ens. cn- . o
- pcrccnt ratc iiicrcasc for ['K. which needed to be," necessary rate increase of 52 per- tucky-American \'l(‘€~pr(’§ldt‘nl. to President neagan, last week Shfldf' 30mm from the
“in Hitifl'm‘fll LN 'l‘hurfidui' by the The University is the largest con- cent.afigure Blanton called fair. discuss the increase, House Energy and Commerce '"V03ll90'30m subcommittee.
. stoici’uhln'Scrm‘c(‘ommissmn sumer of water in the area. using Murreli said she was not familiar . By the end of next week. Blanton A second House panel. the full Public Works Committee.
g 'i‘hc $39.01!) ciiargc. for thc usc of over it) million gallons per year. with this report. daid he hopes to have discovered tried to serve Lavelle with anothersubpoena,buttalled.
‘f \Htlt'i‘ ”H'U‘l‘x brings lhc total in- Blanton said. Universny housing Assuming that Kentucky-Ameri— whatledthePS(‘toitsdcmsmn
, i " Mondale to announce candidacy today
If," I l l
h UniverSItIes a ree on unds _...........
f, "v . Q)‘ dale plans a speech to the state House at Representatives
3 ' _ 1; toda , when he is ex cted to tormall announce his l984
4. i’ _ . . Y 99 y
it 4. , PreSIdents reach agreement in rare show of unity Pres'demw'cond'dacv-
- - - Mondale. 55, has been regarded as the front-runner in
. .. ‘ ‘ _ the Democratic field since Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass..
in STEPHANIE WALLNER we}; 852m step imam. (“h ““3” “8"" "“5““ withdrew from the race late last year. He is seen as the
. . . St w 't sai n y. . ,
l ai'hd Thé Xgocgtild Press “I think this is a refreshing development for highcr best known, best organized and best financed °f ”‘3 ”"3”
" ., . ‘ education." Albright said. candidates-
, ' University of Louisville President Donald Swain said
' ' ’ ' ' 7 ‘ ' d ‘ " '7" the presidents had their disagreements during thc proc- W
‘- oss, “But we have ironed them out. " "win" 0“ P7500 GI.“ m "If
i Kentucky‘s public univerSity preSidents. in a rare Carter feels that the agreement was reached as thc
1 show of unity. have agreed to support a revised formula presidents further studied the difference in the needs of OPEC member Nigeria broke ranks and slashed 5" official
i for distributing state funds to thcuniverSities. the universities, “Low cost and high cost programs all price by $5.50 a barrel yesterday, threatening .0 "‘99."
Northern Kentucky Liniversdy Hresment Al). Al- must be conSIdered. he said. r\ program 1“ ”iii," a price war within me once-mighty cartel over the world's
bright announced the agreement Friday to the exec- neering requires higher funding than that of an cdum ' tted , ' k t .
JOHN DEAN utive committee of the (‘ouncil on Higher Education. [ion and teaching program," 9 U _P° '0 90"" ("0f 9.
Albright said the presidents voted to support the for- “The formula is one we can support and go to tho lcg- Facing economic crisis because of reduced oil demand,
. . mula atameeting Thursday. ‘ islature with." Swain said “We can do more for our Nigeria wants to increase its rovonu. by boogfing output
Former NIXOI'I alde "The preSidcnts have had long and intensive dis- selves and the public good with that strategy than an} estimated at boo.ooo7oo,ooo barrels a day '0 1 million,
cussions." Albright said. “We have all made conces~ other." market sources said
SIOHS for the sake 0f reaching agreement. recognizing Staff member Ed Carter. who was primarily rcsponsi ‘ . _ .
Jahn Dean to speak that the formula is notaperfect document. ble for developing the new formula. said changes \H'rt' .The (”l '° 530 ° barrel came “"0 d?” d‘“ "Wm"
t0". ht t cause m “We have agreed and now can support the formula made in the formula to respond to specific conccrns chief competitors for European soles. Britain and Norway,
'9 a u use policytobeprepared bythecounmlstaff."he said raised by the presidents lastyear lowered their official North Sea crude prices Sit-$3.50, to
David Carter. UK budget director. said yesterday he He said the revised formula better addrcsscs two of 330.500 barrel.
——-——————“\ .s'( U.” “1|!an thinks the use of the formula in the past as the basts for the key issuesin-the last dispute ~ adequacy and equity Nigeria's announcement brought new pressure '0 bear
\Nul“.\I,lH“rm“. distribution of funds was incfiective. The formula was in theappropriaiions. n . P rs' n G If OPEC m mbe h t' .
' l ‘ dcsigned to be an operating instrument.” Carter said There will be three public hearings ncxt month on ihc °' 5" e "l U . 9 '1. W ° fl". mee "’9 ""
"It should bc used as a reference pomt along With other formula before it is presented to the full council for up Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to respond to the British and Norwe-
sources “ proval. gian challenge to the cartel's grip on oil prices. Representa-
.Ioliii iii-.in \Vliitc Housc counscl ('artcr said studies from the Southern Regional Ldu- Harry ‘Snyder. executive dlrfl‘t‘iitf (“”th colllmiill' ”:1 “V9! of the member nations had no official reaction to Ni-
. _ , 4 .. . . r I . s ' .' “ . .
,0 mm“... |.,.(._\m,.m \‘mon. m” (allon Board and the ongomg analysis .0{ higher educa the presidents and the counu minr r. (m l\( t gerias announcement, although some reportedly had been
\ y.” “mm,” H “(.m”,.l.,l (M tion in Kentucky. conducted by Price Waterhouse & C0” convmce legislators of the formula s \ulut‘ .ind lht‘ll‘ sin t‘ ‘t
NIH)”, in...” ““1, ,l'mdpd 2‘“th m are also used as references in demding the actual needs cerity expec ingi .
‘,.,‘, I . ”on?“ W,” l”, ‘ucm... I; thc ofcach university “It is extremely important that we scnd a mcssagc to
- “In“; H, ihc ‘mwmt p,1.§tc(.il;.,fl,,q, "According to those studies. l'K‘s state appropria- the General Assembly of our agreement on this." Snyd
hm", h ,H,” h m1,“ “mum” and lions support is iii) percent of that of comparable bench» er said,
I, .uvi‘, , ,‘HW‘W Wu” 1 I mark institutions and institutions in the southeast.“ “We have some people “h” rcmcmbcr thc hm mm, . \
l') .. H‘l" mic into thc iiiblic limo (‘arter said. and are going to be hard to convincc that or havc madc
i ‘llld'kllt'li lit‘ iiirncd llilltiriil‘lnl for A formula to determine how Kentucky's higher educa- changes and reached agreement." Snydcr said
“it. Qmm. “umrgm. (unfinnm tum dollars are Spread among the eight public unn'ersi‘ Albright said that while the pros‘ldcnls will support
‘ ‘ ‘ . ties was first used during th91982 GeneralAssembly. the formula. they also want it studied further ““c ho
Hr was thc lost to publell) inr . . . . . . . _ .. _.
. ,, - . The univerSItv preSIdents. unhappy wtth the changes lieve it canbeimproved in the futurc. hc \dld
ciiniinatc iii-sidcnt Nixon in thc , -, . . ‘ ~ . .
. H . .\ m mu“. m ”u. l)l‘("lkvln in their appropriations created by the formula. fell into Carter said the formula has to bc roused Nth _war I"
Hiliiplhr,’ . .c M 1m. l):in](xvr'"|(: V... 099" disagreement and indwidually IObbled the 19815' meet the changing needs for the univcrsitics “i think
i. i “lit'hirlirliniiwun iunp 1" in?» l ‘ ““05 during the 5955“)" before a compromise was the formula has been taken as far as it can hc Likcn
“ll“:hltfiuli ' tlic ltrt':ll( in ‘llk'tinh was reached n'ghtnow."hesaid
. l' l i L \\l t - lions-i; T‘sls‘l‘inl; A spccml committee composed "f "‘9 presidents. 513‘? Albnght said in a later lnl0r\'l(‘\\ that hc thinks thc
(inylmpy .;‘\.mn‘.ln( .md ll ig‘imdol Finance Secretary “Ob?” Warren 3"“ counCil staff presidentswillstick with theircommittmcnts
' ”,m '1? “-1 T|i -‘th - covcr-u )‘Unt‘ members began "“9“"?! 0‘“ formula last summer "‘ "NOW." was completely haPPN bl“ ”1i" “i“ ""l ”W Partly WM‘Y CM warm ted-yr wlth a M.“ In the
”thIlim l(l(l’\llllllll(\l tiii l‘l ‘itllllllllls‘urod an effort to avert such divismn in the future main issue." he said "Everybody was willing to makc mldm
it c .i‘ '. 'i ‘i s . ‘ , r
. _. . , “There was a part of the formula that wasnt used concessmns
null?“ (,1 .I:‘;?.11gl~r|,:111::,rtn‘iitIf}:(’3: 135‘ year Wthh created much d‘SCUSSIO" Thursday." “Over the last couple of years. thcrc has been a grow "my “My '0‘ mild W9 M”. e l” "I M
"if “f m ”2“. “admin"; of tho (‘arter said. “There is an allowance in the formula for ing rapport among the institutions There is a rccogni M“ ‘00.
ll'lrlt':l:lt‘lllhr ‘ requesting funds for new programs. What this means is tion that this has higher possible valuc than the institii increasing claudlne. 9m with e cit-nee at
“m” .iiw “mhmnnm denials that a univerSity can request funding outSide of the for (ions gomgtheir separate ways. . ‘ . Ml... Ind. high Inthemmhhwefi.
‘ 5 MAN . mula ‘0 developa new program UK Praident ()tis Singletary could not he reached for
'9 '9”. “This shows a new level of matunty it is exmting comment
. I 1 ‘
‘la ' ‘

 . . v, D
. ‘ ‘ l._ y”. . .
Ké‘i‘b“ el
II“ “III." Audion: W John Ollflln M|¢Iy 'Iflm llnl t. lIdIbI 1.0. VIMIIIOI DII ("Neil
lanai -n (root Newatdiloi Attxiditot spam mtg. SpIualP'otottsiditui rhototdimr Gruohvufdituv
JImou ldwln Mum ,k'bu- "k- S-"« It" I. manor 1'. 9M flat-00' IIOMI Million I... VIn nook cori- An.
Muriugiogmiior timoiioim tor AutmmIAiu Editor AnutantSportI Editor SpuiaIPiototu Assistant (hiotPhoiogiuphoi op, “ti-h t v .-v
________—______—_—__—________—————.._—. .—————————————_—.____—_—
. I
Center remains use 088 as a
I I I , I) , t
nee e e ucationa ac: It i. . >
r - I
‘y _ t ' ' :
\ 1/ \ '
tin the corner of Rose Street and Euclid non-University groups are Using the facili~ . ‘
Avenue. there is a rather large building that ties. l
could house many activities. but some peo— As director of the Center. Holly Salisbury
ple have been having problems deciding said her job decsription stated that she is 1, t
which activities should be scheduled there supposed to book outside acts before univer- _ Oct! 3" 1’ .
and whether the building has a real function sity functons. If this is so. why then did the fq‘ttt" ‘ 4 i
that benefits students at t'K, university spend over $4 million dollars on a 1/ Arts ,. i
The Building in question is the (‘enter for fine arts building? ’ f , 5
the Arts "Somehow. along the way. the school of / /7
in a rm-ent article in the Kernel. there was tiiusic got the idea this center was supposed ' // » [J t
some discussion as to the intended function to be a school of mUSlC building.“ Salisbury i’ \\ t
of the titllitilllg The discussion centerod said recently. Somehow the building was § fifty; . t
around the issue Who or for what reason supposed to be used for the school of music 3;! Q 3 gvvx‘ ;
was the building intended for“ and the school ofart. What happened 7’ . .355: §\ t ft \: h t
“it" tht‘ hhttthhh t‘t't‘t'tt‘tt t” enrich tht‘ edu» Profits from commercial acts are crucial l / t i‘ t
catioiial background of L'K students'.’ If not. to the success of the center. she said. Salis- / i § f\ " // * . s' l ‘
“‘h} \VitStthUttt . bury has to supplement the $6.000 budget “if, E a é! ‘/ . ” g ' i
”thttt‘hts t‘htt area t't‘S‘dt‘htS hh‘t‘ t’tht‘t' from the t'niversitv with approximately $22.- , t,” °., . ' s ss’ , .3‘3 1" ' ‘5 i
. . x t ) . _ ‘ . . -. V ‘ . 4 ‘ ~ . . . ,/, t ,1 _\ ‘s: \tw‘ Mn .. ‘ ‘ {(vv .\ x mm.“ 7 . '
pidkt> 5(1 dbldk It” kultm d1 6\ CHIS. \\ hdt 0‘)” front renting the hall to outstdv aCtS_ - (0/;1/ (l . . \\\ I wt: ‘\\ , t \ .Mwi‘o .\\‘\‘\“\\§&3§§&»tt\t _ ' i I
m ikes thet'enter tor the Arts sos eel-il" .. ‘- ~ - a, x” _:- \:Es\\ \ y t‘ i» J ‘m>i\ixt\«“- ‘t .. . . - r s ,-
‘ ‘ , > * - .p ‘ Without the outs1de income. she said. the «a ,,, - ~~;;:- s§\>\\\ \ - t , 3 i t
. t-j- ,. t . -- V . . i . . - ,' _ .‘ x; ”OKLA. r t , a -
hi .i 1.).o lxtintlstoiy. only the ait and center would be a whiteelephant. . t. . \ ., titty? H .i . t . _ v t i
music department were scheduled to move ll h b ‘l _ _ _ _ . ‘ _\:s y m : t t
,. x . .. ~ - — ) . . .- s§gi .s \s t . .~
into the proposed structure Ihe theater de~ At? ‘t lother ta‘nhpus t“ dangs LOHSId9F£d s t ' ' E§§§\s\\ \ ~ ' . :3 t
partment was to remain in the Fine Arts “ It; t (plants etauset ey do not sup E . , _ K\§%§s\\§ ’ . mm ‘ ; t;
. ‘ m ‘ x . ~ . - ’ \1 \s\\ , i ‘t \ ’ i
Budding turreiitly. neither department is in portt “n“ ‘9'” §§‘\\\\ § . * ~ ‘
thestructure \or will they ever bethere There is a “look but don‘t touch” attitude 2 §% {Xx . ‘
Phillip Miller. conductor for the ['K Sym. surrounding the center. People may look at 5 . \ x I, ‘ .
. . . . \ . \\ -
phony tirchestra. said that many requests the art exhibits and listen to the concerts . :..;. . _ Q- afl‘ ~~ v’, ,
, . . % '\ m ' ____________.
tor concerts and rehearsal times had been and lectures. . \\ W A .. “3—13 .
. ' ' ' " \‘ ~ —~ -
refused the group. in many cases because But don tcome in to have any classes.
P bI' t' t h ['1‘ ' d If ’
U [0 I930 [On 0 omosexua l y we we as sexua ear
I sis realm; .t: ar'ziie iii Fri you know the guys witfi the our sexual feelings while having they would emerge withan apron on blouse bit.you know» txsttpttitwuhtthut ofthe closet
t‘“ ‘ ht'm'" “WU”? " \H \ ‘Hm my.” htttttt' ‘ttttt ’htt.‘ tt‘tt" thitt h” ‘t‘t’ them t'titllhtt‘tt tl‘tttt‘t' US on bOth TV and a bra beneath it I believe that with the freQUent rc- I think that as long as you keel)
\7t'112‘sfil" 3"" 'tit‘ Y‘ialtt'\ ‘1 ltt't'ttlt' retary out there watits his iob. but and movie screens This is so we This is onlylogical ports of gay guys approaching plugging at the American public atid
\thtN' ‘t‘W-t- ’t‘t'i‘tt‘t‘t’t-H“ ttdltttt‘h th this is nothing compared to the line will be publicly accepted because we When accosted by a gay person. straight peoptti are equally m jest wearing them down. you “.1” “my .
‘tht""ii”’h "7”” . HN‘ that “it” t‘t‘ th-‘Ptt‘t‘tt h.‘ tht’ naturally think “t‘ itrt‘ tht' ”hh' Pot” h0W0Vt‘r- it Pt‘t‘mh can‘t help bUt Though I know little about gay men tuallv get the right not to be dis ~
“7‘“ "Ft "'1“ ‘t“"”t“"“h t““"‘"t"'t“tt t’t‘t‘St'ht't‘ "t d lWN’” “h“ b ktt‘mh Ptt‘ ”1 tht' \Wt‘ld Who think about sex. wonder why the person chose him. it read "Dear Abby"i. I get the im- criminated against professionally
h." with ""1"! ”tithm'th“ “W “m“ ‘1‘” WSW“) 'ght‘r'hg th“ titt't that t“ ThtS leads t0 dotthts 0t masculinity pression that gays cati spot each As long as you live in America. how '
ottiei Y‘i‘tiltitl‘trliits such .is may ks and ery'oniz elso got here sotiiehow and I and other insecurities ipardon my other itakes one to know (met and ever. you cannot hope for general
aorta-r. shoes siirpi 1st‘ t don tthiiik it was by sptiL-osillp male viewpoint. but it somehow that they simply bother people to get acceptance
t with” “ i‘” “"“h ”5th ”mt 1‘ h “t‘ are ittt‘t‘lttt" tthlhts’ trtttttttt' seems t0 come naturallyto mt" alaugh out of it I am afraid six is iust too big an i
Ad:- H t it imam“. it}: lit“)! \tw ' Emanuel dealing with [he ”Wm“ sexual Thus. the." ththk tht’}' may be gay The problem is that. while with issue here. and with the moral ma ‘
"'"t ,“t A”: ‘_“ '\'t‘t""“"‘ _‘ "’ t1“: ~ "“ w “”hththat't’hh- surely .‘tth htU-‘t real where tht‘}‘ didn‘t think they would other minorities the fears stem from Jority ithev don‘t rate capitals iii niv ‘~
"“‘ "”1" ""' 'V‘“""“””“ 'I m“ , BROWN 11“ htt“ t‘mt’ttt’hith.‘ tttWt'tt‘httttL’ 5'“ turn out to be black or female while a feeling of inferiority and fear. opinioni and several other factions '
\"' 'Irt".t "l "i"ii,‘.l Tl'y tti “ ~ ' I ’ ' .. ' . ,. , . ‘ _ "
rt (.11. i I,“ g“ in“, h It. , ‘1 it! {hi ”2”“ rpermutation '5 . the} htdeUSt :15 much chance. gays are hitting people on their feel- attempting to control what we watch
it?" ‘ “"“i‘ t""“""'t.‘ " ““ “t "‘tt thtt-‘U Pt’hptt‘ are trtlhfl t“ Pt‘otcct This is (specially had in view of ings of inadequacy and insecurity see and do until everyone is' the
MN "Ht“..i'.‘ it"; . the” ”551““th ”tittflhthtltth ht 1‘ tht‘ ti‘t't that tht’St' are probably Any ad person who has insulted the same and that includes il'm sure
\i' It it“ “'t "“ _ I T‘Twuit} . . trying t“ make gays and tt‘Shthh“ .lttkt’h' to twist" with, t know that. as intelligence of man often enough this willprobably lx‘tlrSltSt‘qully'. ‘
tat. y't‘t it‘l‘ anyone ever eating lht: I believe that lhlS'lS basically due (tlSappear. or 3i making it look like a black. l hat-ti often laughed at the knows that you don‘t 0‘.” attack The best you can shoot for right
"n” i"“":’ ‘tw‘tfi'x' “ft-“V" “t “H t” th" t‘tt't th‘” mankind h‘” t““'””“‘ the.“ disappeared . uncomfortableness of white people people through their sexual prefer- now would be generalapathy
‘.\"lllt. r t. \ltt'tth ht‘it Attit‘httt“ U-‘t‘tt t“ ttt'tthhtl “1th fear. ht' tt ithh‘ [.01 s face it “llllt' $01110 tx'bple when in a room with nothing but mi- ences. Guess Who's Coming To Din You‘realmost there '
vi pli‘h its up \Inxxriow 'flt' usual. ical or financial. but we have yet to may wander around with the tcat' nority members lt is funny because ner. however. was a bighit
l1 ta loesr ' tu-thi-i no I could learn how gei over sexual tear lhis that the.V mit.‘ b0 itttitt‘ht‘tt tt.‘ a 1““ the fear is unreasoned iremember l wonder if gays are a bit too sen» Through the i’xtetistii' use ot in
‘i‘t‘riiith Mid ti“ “M ”int‘flt' t‘ prttht‘tlt.‘ t’t’thtt‘t‘ “" him‘ never mg htitCk street Rant-I. N“ ”t tht‘th Utls Day and the Knights Of “.\.'a- sitive. though. They have offered no vestigutii-e reporting (it its- best. we :
“ti. 4‘.“ -""’ it umtlht‘ ”“httrtti‘ tK‘t’W‘ héttt t“ (tt’itt “‘tth WNW" “‘1‘" “‘0'“ to fear that tht‘.‘ Wt“ tN'ith' ”1‘ tional Lampoon's Animal House?“t evidence to say they are being him have now managed to narrow down
hint“ fit ‘mwtmt’rmmv m hem” _ recover “"th tht’h' 5km ttt't‘ Shad” I believe that women often find secuted I think that so far the only Emanuel Browns motor and status
he ~ -. - .i tilt'tttililllldlltly People are already sexually \yarp- darker ()pposcrs of him may he £lt~ amusement in making fun of men thing that would be admirable for to computer “,0,“th tnmhmtm. uc '
Ytiift‘h 'It'ldtttttil'i'itmtl '.\illtt’ people ed in this country. due to the fact tacked by a group of angr} house and their women are sacred taboos them to achieve lS to get and main- counting sophomore and Tibetan h
'tht' \ «WI ‘YH' titr'b 'Wi‘t'uttt‘i’ that “c are hippest-d to suppress wives and mothers. but few believe ithe old drop the keys down the tain the iobs back that are lost when Monk won- doing our best ' l
“' k ' t I h' ' II ‘
QIC [1988 IS no a aug mg ma tter, ESPECIa y on campus 1
l‘ s i irzriw Pure and simple. it neral when it is sunshmy and allsortsof room t)y'l)th(‘rp(‘t)pl(' coughingrage tialpeoplt’ ly though. l am only getting 2t: .'
\tltilii : HI = :m in. Hay tug walk bright" It just doesn tseem right Next time. the chow line is long at Tht‘ tlrst person to tt’itVf‘ appeared t have. however. discovered one words per cough ’
..".L' pi.e=_i:~.mi.._. .itiei: :‘ :s no de When I die by mod. it had better the (‘ommons t'ateteria. I am going t” t“ tX’ it tnath major. YOU (‘Hh 81‘ th'htl through my malady Being t 19.11955 t Shttltttt “9 grateful In It
“We ttytvj \tttlgttttp. outside should be a tttgtttttl grey. dark day A to start gagging and go straight to ways tell who they are The math sick at Us is about as fun as listen- way. though At least my illness
be ,iga‘rs‘ ‘ne .azi misty rain in the air would be a tilt the front No waiting forthesick majors ususallyiwear blackrmtmed mg to someone run the“ tthgt‘t‘hitltS do“ ”0t ”thtt't‘ hitVIhE t“ lN‘ tht‘ ’ .
[‘iuix'fl']; .it' im. tut». ztoitt- perch in is-hingtoui-h I have learned. however, some glasses with a piece of white tape on acrossa blackboard bathroom Since moving into the
the 'li‘At'f l _tll(l(‘l".\t‘l]l a terrible places are not the most appropriate the center You can usually tell Saturday. l did something I am tower. l have had a recurring night
ti)!"'.jtt- up: AuQAKtintf Below me. places to cough A crowded titttt-titor them because they have their calcu- still regretting as I write now The mare
tt~t.t,...tc to“, “first; 'nrowti toot t5 such a place Yesterday. I know I lator strapped totheir belt day was Just too much of a tempta I dream of having to desperately
r.t,ts .it-yw- being tossed and girls came very close to being pushed out The next person to leave was a lion L'K was going to play \'an(ler- use the bathroom. But iii my dream. :
“ht... t...“ Lintah/lm.’ \ll thts and Scott between the Sixth and seventh floor philosophy mayor His raggy. shoul- bill. and pnuemonia or not. I was they are all being occupied! Uh God.
ant-r.- .t.is l trapper: mgh aboie in WILHOIT on my way up der-Iength hair and patched-worked gomgtohetherc tht‘ thought "t tt 5“” “‘hd“ Sht‘t‘r“
{:3‘. won; . tilightmj .tnrt atom/mg The library is another place where jeans gave the impression that he I still feel a. little guilty though up my spine‘ .
wry. .tt: not: why itoos sickness coughing t5 frowned upon it never was a non—materialistic. metaphysi‘ During the Sational Anthcmn. while The doctor said I'll probably be ,
hat..- m ivy-t“. itt; the most tflttttttttt fails. someone t5 always creating a cattype of guy the crowd fell silent. high above in down and out for another week or
weekendsotiii't‘tiisyour But no This past weekend “up coughing hurricane as you try to _Thc only person who remained in section 23]. l was coughing away so. .
l‘ “N M} t M”. “N wonderfuloutside studyforacalculus exam t'ie room was what I guessed to be a But. I remained patriotic through In the meantime. I hope the
\it K peoiiicwtl h ”.m- Twice. I tell compt-Hm to venture Just to be a pain in the rear. 1 Us pre-med student Amid her ChPlTllSr my ordeal My right hand remained weather will take a turn for the >
P 3.,” h... t K Wt M‘til‘ltitit'll ”utmdti mt” the warmth and sun- ited the hbrary yesterday Quietly. I try and biology books. the girl calm- firmly fixed over my heart while my worse At least that way I won't be
the!) t-xi-rvtmt- else should be iiitser shine As l strolled about the (uni ttp'tt’t‘d thtt’ tht' Stt‘d." area Sttt'htty- 13‘ “ht hhd Stlldtt'd “Why 'l‘i‘y‘ its I left covered my mount (9th Bless ttllSStngttKimuch' .
abie' to light l'hoiigh' \(i plex area. around me birds sang. I placed my books upon the desk l might. I couldn't rattle her. She Just America?
yum i it: .t, k i Mht ttii- “Nth” trtgtmtct‘tptt andlcoughed. leaned hack in my chair and waited sat there Even when l generated _ As I write now. I am still paying Scott Wilhoit. u journalism/tele- ,
to tn' . Int-Jr: out void outside I l' is funny how [X‘t’Dh‘ act towards torthefuntol’x‘gin the coughs of coughs. she still just for my excursion last Saturday night communiculions junior. is an an
it hit .tt. “I” ..t t”, itmt tc lt’ t.,,« t, om” cttk ”mph. l haw found that Within five minutes. my little satthereignoringeverythingldid. to Rupp Arena Normally. i type healthy Kernel senior staff writer
tum-r... in i- ...i. .-- or been to .i it; when people are sick they are gtwtt hacking had erupted into a full Now who says doctors are not spe- about 40 words per minute Present urirthrnelcolumnist
Attempt'n to d t ' th tl'f b ' ' h d d ' '
l' -..is ioiiie to iii. .‘it-ntioi; that death is when the brain dies A flat contrasted with a morcdevclomd movement These are so caught up children and tht‘ ("N t" Sttt'tt’ty at latter method '5 "thhtht‘TN" It t'tth
3hr an: mm" or letters recently [it]; often referred to as an irre brain I mean all of this to su est in their "absolute" morality iie. large ‘WhtCh all to" ttt‘tt'h “‘Stllt5 ht‘ 800" that tht‘ "answer‘ l5 "0 ith'
pi'mtmt .’. in kernel are generally versatile come. gives doctors tho that 'rha s we are not thinkin abstract moralitvt that they are fromunwantcd regnancvi swer at all. but rather an attempt to
9‘ p g . . _P . .
ti..si~ii now the premise that life be right to pull the plug on the lift-sup about this issue in the proper terms blind to the human suffering which A partially infuriating posttion is legislate de facto Judgement on any
giiisat con. epiioii port systems which could support a in the first plat-p socompletely infuses this issue that of those who object not only to who would violate their personal
If this issllfllptltifl is true then lifeless hulk of nevertheless living Perhaps we ought not to be thlnk~ With a morality which places abortion but to sex education and code of sexual conduct Such people
what .ftitiill 'hi- 11189 of identical cells which. I should add contain ing of it as an "either or' kind of "prmmples" above real world open accessmility of contraceptives are extremists. and they must not
twins \rt .ye to conclude that they the complete chromosome structure question ihkp‘ “is it black or is if human suffering. they smugly reject as well be permitted to he the ones who
are the same person" Hf course this ofthedeceased white'i" ». but uupjjl to be thinking ot an irrelevant consideration not only Their "answer“ to unwanted preg- forgcthc laws on thIS SlthH‘t _
would be absurd but it is a paradox __—____ a ”more than less than" kind of of the suffering mother. her rela< nancy is either abstinence or to the
“hlt'h "Mir-1th t’ttttt‘“ ””ht th“ question llkt'. is it more a reddish tlves and loved ones. but also the rhythm method As the medical Molly [sum-s McLeod is- (in arts .
starting assumption of those w ho Gun! orange or a yellowish orange""r l suffering of the world's unwanted term for women who depend on the and st'ii’nt‘cy t‘ri-shmun who IS also a
whim” «t ”Eht "’ ht" ittht‘h‘t OPINION believe such a position would allow
”W" us to use our language in ways bet
.i it“. mom am. ———————————— t... 5...th to a... .9... and M. 31-00" COUNTY by Berke Breathe“
to reint assumptions which lead to Why not apply the game criteria to cult ethical problems raised h." the W m
ttt‘t”\"tttt‘ t”""'“-""”«‘ It t'ttt'IW‘ the beginning of life which is applied abortion issue mm A Mfi‘ OH NO THAT’S JUfiT were M’ (70.
that ittthtttlflh «I tt‘rtlh/Ptt "Hg may to its end" This approach would. b) At any rate. for the reasons outr Y LMPOSSIM cm W "MATUPE 6M1!
bt’ lmnfl Ht Wt"? M‘YN‘ tt ‘tufiht the same way. provide the solution lined above. legislation which would HECS’NWiJ TAKE lN My ‘ CONE; m ‘WM 56 m .
ht't ht‘ Wh-‘tttt‘rt‘tt it thfitlht't human to our original paradox Identical arbitranly “define" human life as W; WM. Mysa; m ' .y ‘tgthmftu " '
htt‘ “htt‘h t'éth Lt) “tittm '0 tht' Sam? twins are two different persons be beginning at conception itherehy ”I” , WAR \ i 1'“ A“ SWW‘KNU . ~ t
rights granted to the people we meet cause they are two distinct con outlawing not on