xt7zgm81pb7z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zgm81pb7z/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1981 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, circa 1981 volume 5 number 2 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, circa 1981 volume 5 number 2 1981 1981 2020 true xt7zgm81pb7z section xt7zgm81pb7z CK 23 JA Central Kentucky Jewish Association Judith R. Levine. President ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FROM 1980 CAMPAIGN At its February Board meeting, the Directors of CKJA a1— located the funds collected during the 1980 campaign. Total income for 1980 was $182,835, of which $162,517 was con— tributed to the General Campaign,;$5,656 to Project Renewal; $4,900 to the Israel Emergency Fund; and $9,761 was received fnom tuition for Camp Shalom, Forum tickets, and miscellaneous income. The allocation of the $182,835 was as follows: United Jewish Appeal $106,980 Project Renewal 5,656 Israel Emergency Fund 4,899 Local expenditures 36,848 Campaign expenses Forum Camp Shalom Russian Resettlement others Allocations to charities 28,450 The funds allocated to charities by the Board include money to a variety of worthy organizations. Among them are: American Jewish Archives, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Synagogue Council of America, Anti—Defamation League of B'nai Brith, National Conference of Christians and Jews. As in the past the Board has al— located funds to support both Camp Young Judaea and the Goldman Union Camp in Zionsville. Special allocations were made to the Anne Frank Haven in Kibbutz Sasa, scholarship funds to Ben Gurion University equipment money to Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem, op— erating money to Kibbutz Keturah, as well as to other worthy Jewish organizations. CKJA EXPLORES AFFILIATION WITH CJF Over the past two years, CKJA has been investigating the possibilities of becoming a member of Council of Jew1sh _ Federations. This national organization offers consultative services in the areas of programing, fund—raising and adult education to Jewish communities across the United States. Anyone wishing to offer suggestions or ask questions about this new service, please contact Judy Levine, (278—2846); Allan Slovin, (269—5232); or Marilyn Gall, (269-6598). 1981 CKJA COMPAIGNS SETS $250,000 GOAL MEN'S DIVISION CAMPAIGN GAINS MEMENTUM Men's Campaign Chairman, Steve Caller reports that to date his division has raised over $128,000 in pledges, compared to $77,000 from the same donors during 1980. The kick-off for the Men's Division was a brunch held Sunday, April 12 at the Lafayette Club. Almost 60 men heard Israel Amatai, an Israeli correspondent, identify the major problems facing Israel and the Jews of the world. Steve and his captains, Leon Cooper, Alvin Goldman, Allan Slovin, and David Wekstein, are now in the process of contacting members of the community who were not able to attend the brunch. So, when a community volunteer calls for your pledge, please respond generously. Israel, World Jewry and the Lexington Jewish community depend upon your individual support. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY ADOPTS A PROJECT RENEWAL COMMUNITY IN ISRAEL Art Salomon CHAIRS PROJECT RENEWAL DIVISION The CKJA Board of Directors has voted to adopt a sister community in Israel. This community, Sela, located near Natanya was founded about twenty—five years ago by Libyan Jews. While families who live in the area are employed, the majority work at the lower range of the pay scale. Apartments constructed for 4 member families, now accomodate 10-14 people. Students lack study space and children have no where to play. Last month, a. Lexington delegation on a UjA mission. visited Sela. This delegation led by Steve and Susan Caller included; Helen Levy, Teresa Newhoff, Art and ffinmu— Salomon, Joe and Rickie R sennerg Davll and Elsa Bolotin, and Al and Ellie Goldman. They were impressed by tne oride and strength of the community me' a back committed :o the :dea or Le“ingtoa 7helping Sela si ’0 mprove the quality of “netr lives. All non j co u e to Project Renewal will be matched by the Isra 1i goveinmen: and wil- be used for the benefit of Sela, Everyone is encouraged to :ontribute to Project Renewal above and beyond his pledge to the annual campaign WOMEN ‘ S DIVISION CAMPAIGN HEARS COMPLETION The Women‘s Division of the CKJA Campaign marked the beginning of the l98l drive with a cocktail buffet at the Greenhouse featuring the noted author and journalist, Gerda Weissman Klein. Seventy women heard Mrs. Klein, a Holocaust survivor, recount her experiences during World War II. Her presentation was a most moving experience and resulted in an increase of 25% over last years gifts from the same women. (Women's Division Campaign continued) The annual Women's Division Telethon, took place on May 17. Gloria and her committee for a very successful event. Gloria Katz, chaired this year by We would like to thank The drive will continue for the next two weeks with personal solicitation of as many women in Central Kentucky as possible. event will be an education program in the Fall. Members of the CKJA Women's Division Committee include: Gail Cohen, Rosenstein, Chairman, Charlotte Baer, Susan Gerstel, Ellie Goldman, Simone Salomon, Judy Saxe, Libby Scher, and Phyllis Scher. Gloria Katz, CKJA SALUTES SUSAN GERSTEL AND THE FORUM COMMITTEE The final Susan Caller, Harriet Cooper, Penny Miller, Irma The Jewish community turned out in record numbers this season to enjoy performances by Gevatron, Murray Horowitz as Sholom Aleichem. Simcha Dinitz and The CKJA Board of Directors and the membership commend Susan Gerstel for the outstanding presentations offered by the Forum Committee this past year. Susan, and her committee composed of Harriet Cooper, Kenneth Germain, Ralph Janis, Larry Sherman, Mark Halleck, Marilyn Moosnick, Lois Germain, Judy Baumann, Libby Scher and Merle Wekstein, provided all of us with a well organized and enjoyable program series. involved. Thank-you to everyone who was Thank—you also to the following persons whose support as patrons contibuted to the quality of the Forum Series: Mr. 8: Mrs. Michael Ades Dr. 8: Mrs. Michael Baer Mr. & Mrs. Harold Baker Dr. & Mrs. Robert Baumann Dr. & Mrs. Robert Belin Ms. Marcia Blacker Mr. & Mrs. David Bolotin Dr. & Mrs. Louis Boyarsky Mr. & Mrs. Steven Caller Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Cohen Mrs. Gita Comer Mr. & Mrs. Leon Cooper Dr. 8: Mrs. Steven De Kosky Dr. & Mrs. Louis Dubilier Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Edelstein Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Gall Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gall Ms. Evelyn Geller Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Germain Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gerson Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Gerstel Mr. & Mrs. lra Gewirtzman Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Goldman Dr. & Mrs. Charles Gorodetzky Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hymson Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Janis Dr. & Mrs. Martin Kaplan Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Krislov Mr. & Mrs. William Leffler Dr. & Mrs. Michael Lerner Mr. & Mrs. Avram Levine Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mayer Dr. & Mrs . lra Mersack Mr. 8: Mrs, Jack Miller Mr. & Mrs . Robert Miller Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Moosnick Mr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs Mr. & Mrs . Stanley Rose . Ronald Rosen . Irving Rosenstein . Arthur Salomon Dr. & Mrs. Nat Sandler Dr. 8: Mrs Mr. & Mrs . Stanley Saxe . Herschel Weil Dr. Jess Weil Dr. & Mrs . David Wekstein Mr. & Mrs. Norman Wides Mr. & Mrs. Terry Wilson CAMP S HALOM UPDATE Due to an error made by the U.S. Post Office, many CKJA families have not yet received camp brochures. Therefore, the deadline for camp applications and fee payment has been extended to June l. Applications received later will be placed on a waiting list. Please use the form printed below if you have not received your Camp Shalom brochure. CAMP SHALOM APPLICATION — 1981 (please complete one form per chi/d ‘) Child's Name Nickname Home Address Home Telephone — Birthdate ____._____ Age: Years— Months_____._______.__. Father’s Name Mother’s Name Business Telephone: Father’s Mother’s Pediatrician Address .__..__.___.__..____ Telephone Person to notify if parents can’t be reached in an emergency: Name Address ._____________ Telephone School Grade completed as of June, 1981 m“ Camper’s special interests and skills *For additional applications, call Carol Arenstein, 272-6581. For information concerning any camp program, call Barry Remer, Director, 266-8460. I give my full permission for my child, to attend Camp Shalom, sponsored by the Central Kentucky Jewish Association, Inc. I understand that trips, hikes, and other activities may be conducted away from the camp site and give my permission for my child to participate in those activities. I also consent to my child being given emergency medical care. i have read the camp brochure and agree to comply with all procedures. I am returning this application and the registration fee of $5.00 per child. I understand the $5.00 is not refundable or transferable. I will mail the balance to: MRS. CAROL ARENSTEIN 1409 Rocky Mountain Circle Lexington, Kentucky 40502 by May15, 1981 POSITIVELY NO APPLICATIONS WILL BE TAKEN AFTER MAY 15, 1981. APPLICATIONS WILL BE TAKEN ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE!. Signature of Parent or Guard/an CAMP SHALOM LOOKS FOR COUNSELORS Camp Shalom is seeking a senior counselor age 21 or older; junior counselor 16—21, counselor—in—training 13-15, to work at the Camp during its 1981 session, June 15 through July 3. The Camp is supported, in part by funds provided by the community. If you wish to be considered for any of these positions, please call Mrs. Nancy Hoffman at 266-2380 or Mr. Barry Remer, at 266-8460 (after 4 p.m.). GUESS WHO IS ON THE COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Ken Germain, chairman of the Community Activities Committee, has invited the following people to serve on the Committee with him: Suzanne Benninga (272-9461) who is in charge of Pre— school parties; Karen Edelstein (266—5425), Israeli Folk Dancing; Nancy Hoffman (266—2380), Camp Shalom; Rabbi William Leffler, (277—87ll); Levi Rabinowitz (277*4889), Israel Independence Day; Fanny Miller (266-2400); and Cathy Rosenberg (278—2307), Jewish Fellowship League. In addition, Susan Gerstel, as Forum chair— person, is on the committee. The Committee sponsors a number of significant programs during the year, appealing to pre—school children, dancers, adults, and even bowlers. Please contact any of them if you want additional information about any program or if you have suggestions to improve or expand existing programs. NEED A TAX DEDUCTION? CKJA NEEDS OFFICE FURNITURE Do you have office equipment in good condition that you can donate to help CKJA furnish our new office? We need the following items: two desks (one with a return for a typewriter), two 6’ or 8‘ heavy—duty folding tables, desk chairs, file cabinets, an electric typewriter, a copy machine and chairs, etc. If you have any of these available, please contact Judy Levine at 278—2846 as soon as possible. We hope to open our office by July 1. TAX EXEMPTION NUMBER The Kentucky Department of Revenue has just issued CKJA a "Purchase Exemption Number." Those who need to use this number can obtain it from Doris Heisler at 223-2465. CAMPERSHIPS FOR JEWISH CHILDREN AVAILABLE CKJA has a limited amount of funds available to provide partial scholarships to Jewish children who wish to go to a non—profit Jewish summer camp. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need. For additional information or for an application, please contact Ms. Evelyn Geller at 272—8972, by June 1. This is a firm deadline, so please don't delay. ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE For a number of years the Central Kentucky Jewish Association has been providing $500 scholarships to high school children who wish to spend some time in Israel in pursuit of educational activities. In order to qualify, the student must return to Lexington for six months following the trip to Israel. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of previous leadership within the Jewish youth community and the potential for continued leadership. For information, contact Ms. Evelyn Geller at 272—8972. POSITION AVAILABLE CKJA Secretary wanted for 10—15 hours weekly. Schedule can be arranged. Excellent typing and organizational skills required. Salary negotiable. To begin July I. Contact Judy Levine at 278—2846 for further information. CKJA HONORS PAST PRESIDENTS At the March Forum presentation, CKJA recognized the leadership of its first two presidents, Chuck Gorodetzky and David Wekstein. Both have demonstrated significant commit— ment to the Jewish community and have demonstrated just how much can be accomplished by people who care. Congratulations. CKJA REACHES AGREEMENT WITH FOUR COURTS, THE LOUISVILLE HEBREW HOME FOR THE AGED The CKJA Board of Directors is pleased to announce that effective immediately residents of Central Kentucky who are in need, are eligible for admission to Four Courts, the Louisville Hebrew Home for the Aged. The Board was able to negotiate successfully with Four Courts for 5 beds to be available to older Central Kentuckians. The agreement is the result of good faith and hard work on the part of the CKJA Board and the Board of Four Courts. If you wish additional information about Four Courts, please contact Sue Friedman, at 266—5321. CKJA AWARDS FUNDS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS The CKJA Board of Directors would like to share this letter from Ben Gurion University of the Negev. The money for these scholarships is allocated from funds designated for "Other Jewish Charities." 23 January 1981 Mr. David Wekstein, Chairman Central Kentucky Jewish Association 835 Glendover Road Lexington, Kentucky USA Dear Mr. Wekstein: It is my pleasure to inform you that the tuition scholarships contributed by the Central Kentucky Jewish Association for academic year 1980/81 have been awarded to Miss Shulamit Ben Chayon, Mr. Yair Greenberg and Miss Iris Netanel. Let me tell you a bit about them. Shulamit Ben Chayon is a first year student in the Department of Economics. She was born in Israel to parents who immigrated from Morocco. She is one of 7 children in her family. Shulamit has completed her military service, and hopes to work in indus- try when she completes her studies. Yair Greenberg is studying electrical engineering, also in his first year. He served with distinction in the Army before de~ ciding upon pursuing a higher education. The early indications are that he will be an excellent student. Iris Netanel is a second year student in the Department of Educa— tion. Her parents and 5 of her brothers and sisters still live in Iran. Another 2 are in Israel, one of them studying at Bar— Ilan University, and the second.at the Hebrew University. You can see that we have placed our emphasis on distributing scholar~ ships to students in the beginning stages of their studies, as they are more unsure of themselves in a new environment, and less likely to be able to work on a part~time basis. We are most appreciative that the Central Kentucky Jewish Associatior is able to assist us in giving these students their chance. On behalf of Shulamit, Yair and Iris please accept this expression of appreciation. Sincerely yours, My W Yaakov Affek AN INVITATION FROM THE SLOVINS Our son, Michael, joins us in inviting our friends to worship with him on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah. Michael will conduct the service at eight o'clock on Friday evening June 12th, at Ohavay Zion Synagogue. He will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah at ten o'clock on Saturday morning, June 13th. It will be our pleasure to have you worship with us on this joyous occasion and join us for an Oneg Shabbat and Kiddush luncheon following the services. Sandra and Allan Slovin Non»Profit Organ. 5 (neutral $211111th gewifih us. POSTAGE PAID Aaantiafinn flnrnmnmteh BULK we Permit No. 719 P.O. BOX 23086 Lexington, Ky. 40585 Leflngton,Kentucky40523 i ___H Address Correction Requested Forwarding and Return Postage Guaranteed