xt7zkh0dwd41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dwd41/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19341005 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 5, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 5, 1934 1934 2013 true xt7zkh0dwd41 section xt7zkh0dwd41 Best Copy Available THE KENTUCKY KERNEL FRIDAY EDITION SEMI-WEEKL- KERNEL C Y UNIVERSITY VOL. XXV. OF News Flashes BRITAIN TO BUILD DEFENSES Bristol, Eng., Oct. 4, INS) Virtually abandoning hope for world Cards LABOR HAILS VICTORY 8 an Francisco, Oct. , (INS) Organized labor, rejoicing and Jubilant, today announced the "first major victory" In Its fight for a week and a 100 per cent closed shop. The announcement which cheered the labor chiefs and delegates attending the annual convention of the American Federation of Labor came from Frank Feeney, Philadelphia, international president of the Elevator Constructors Union. ur RED LITERATURE IN HAVANA Havana. Oct. 4, (INS) Charges that Soviet Russia is maintaining a propaganda office in Paris from which Cuba and other countries are being flooded with red literature were made here today by Jose Orau of The Department of Latin-Americ- the Interior. FOOD PRICES MAY SOAR Washington, Oct. 4, (INS) Retail food prices are likely to soar 10 or 15 per cent above those that prevailed during the first half of 1934, Secretary of Agriculture Wallace warned tn his book, "New Frontiers." Pleading that the processing taxes on bread and meat, now in effect, are "the farmers' tariff" Wallace frankly admitted that "food taxes are hatei worse than others." PLANNED UPRISING FOILED Vienna, Oct. 4, (INS) Thwarting what they belle ved to be a plot for a new socialist revolution In Austria, police today seized papers bearing coded instructions for a widespread outbreak and followed the seizure with the arrest of many Socialist leaders. The Instructions for the coup d' etat were found on a cyclist courier in the Forisdorf section of Vienna. The papers, which were not dated, were decoded, and revealed plans for the placing of machine guns in strategic points about the capital at the outset of the planned uprising. MILL TOWN TENSE Bridgeport. Pa., Oct. 4, TINS) Extreme tension gripped this mill town today in the wake of a bloody wave of violence culminated by the killing of a youthful by- ed stander. Scores of textile strikers and strike sympathizers nursed painful injuries inflicted in the rioting that broke out with intense fury late yesterday. MARTIAL LAW FOR SANTIAGO Havana, Oct. 4. (INS) Martial law was declared in Sanitago today following a night of terrorism, in which scores of bombs were exploded. Fourteen small grenades were set off here during the night. There were no casualties. SEARCH FOR EXPLOSIVES Bridgeport. Conn., Oct. 4. (INS) Persistent search for 10 cans of polnot. a high explosive, stolen from the Remington arms plane here, was carried on today by police and by scores of unemployed men and workers from the plant. The deadly power of the explosive, believed the most powerful yet developed, and the fact it is readily set off if not carefully handled, has added extreme danger to both the thieves and the searchers. Company officials authorized large newspaper displays warning all against touching the cans if found and are offering f 100 reward for their return. JUST ANOTHER STILL New York. Oct. 4. (INS) The largest still found in New York since the repail of prohibition was In the possession of police and federal agents today following a spectacular raid on a West Slst street garage. The still had a capacity of 1,500 gallons. Nine men were arrested. . STRONG ARMS FOR U.S.. VIEW Washington, Oct. 4, (INS) Definite, indication to the rest of the world that the United States intends to maintain its "strong nuvy" policy if the other naval powers refuse to disarm, was seen today in President Roosevelt's selection of Admiral William H. Standley, chief of naval operations, as the leading naval member of the American delegation to the preliminary navy discussions in London. NO MUD FOR VANDEBBILT 4, (INS) Southhampton, Eng., Oct Slipping quietly Into England aboard the liner Bremen today, Harold O. Vanderbllt. succesful American defender of the America's cup, resolutely declined to engage in a contest with his erstwhile opponent, T. O. M. Sopwlth, British yachtsman. mud-slingi- INDIANS THREATEN 'WAKPATH' Magdalena, Sonora, Mex., Oct. 4, (INS) Unless a revered Image ot San Francisco Xavler. patron taint of Sonora and miracle healer, is restored to the Cathedral here at once, Yaqul Indiana will "go on the warpath," tribe chieftains declared today In an ultimatum to federal and city authorities. Navln Field. Detroit, Oct. 4 (INS) While a great crowd of 40.000 rabidly partisan fans went wild, the Detroit Tigers declared themselves back in the fight for the World Scries championship this at- tcrsoon, by defeating the St. Louis Cardinals 3 to 2 In the second game in 12 innings. Goose Ooslln produced the climax hit, a single to center off Walker to drive In Gehringer with the winning run in the 12th. Before this happened Schoolboy Rowe and Bill Hallahan had engaged in an epic battle of pitchers with Rowe giving a most marvelous performance by holding the Cardinals to one hit in the last nine Innings. Previously, too, the Tigers had to come from behind to even the score in the ninth at a time when all seemed to be lost. The Cards opened the scoring In the second inning after having tried futilely in the first inning to score With one on the "Schoolboy". away. DeLancey reached first on a drive off Oehringer's shins. Orsat- tl hit Rowe's first pitch to left for a triple, scoring DeLancey. Duroch-e- r and Hallahan ended the Cardinal threat by popping out. Again in the third Inning it appeared that the Cards had resumed their slugging of Wednesday, when Pepper Martin, speedy St. Louis third sacker singled. Rothrock sacrificed Martin to second. Manager Frankie Frisch then failed In his (Continued on Page Six) BODY COMPOSED OF THIRTEEN MEMBERS First Meeting of Year to Be Held at 3 p. m. Today Dr. Frank L. McVcy in a letter this week to Dean T. T. Jones, announced the appointments of seven men, one from each of the colleges on the campus, as representatives on the Men's Student council, highest stu dent governing body. Each dean sent Doctor McVey a list of three men In his college whom he recommended, and from each of these seven lists one appointment was made. The newly selected men follow: Charles C. Graham, graduate school; John Evans, College of Law; Phil Ardery, College of Arts and Sciences; Harry 8. Tray nor, College of Engineering; Edward Carvill, College of Commerce; Robert Martin, College of Education, and Harold Miller, College of Agriculture. In addition to these appointments, an eighth has been made by Dean Jones, that of James Miller to represent the Men's dormitories. The Student council is composed of 13 men in all. the other five being namely: members the president of Omicron Delta Kappa, Henry McCown; the president of the Interfraternlty council. Waller Hunt; the editor of The Kentucky Kernel, John Day; the editor of the Kentuckian, Cameron Coffman, and the president of the senior class, yet to be elected. The present method of choosing the personnel of the council was adopted last year, when a reorganization was effected to lessen political evils attendant upon former methods. The first meeting of the new group will be held at 3 p. m. today In the office of the Dean of Men, at which time plans for holding the election of senior class officers will be drawn up. The question of freshman caps is expected to be decided, as well as other matters which fall under stu- , .: . . i uem r jur iukuuuuu, 411s president of the senior class, when elected, will take his seat In the council. Score Only One Hit The photographer for the Kentuckian will be In White hall, first floor, during the remainder of this week to make pictures for the yearbook. All senior, Juniors, members of fraternities, sororities, clubs, and various are reother organizations quested to have their pictures taken as soon as possible. The price is one dollar for the first picture and 25 cents for each additional print. WSGA Passes New Rules of Privilege Women Students in Hall to Have 11 o'Clock Sunday Permission 1 .t-- WOMEN'S GROUP HOLDS 1ST MEET YM Frosh Cabinet Holds First Meet LAST YEAR'S HERO Bearcat Machine, Dominated by Sophomores, Boasts Powerful Line. Military Fraterni- 15; Capt. Scudder REVENGE FOR 1933 DEFEAT IS SOUGHT Is Drillmaster DRILLING BEGINS Bids for freshman students in the basic military course to Persh ing Rifles, honorary military fra ternity, will be Issued during the week of October 15, when recommendations from Instructors will be turned In to-- Captain Irvine Scudder, drill master of Company C, first regiment. National Society of Pershing Rifles. Eligibility to Pershing Rifles, a major campus activity, is based on excellence In military drill and on member of the basic course In the general attitude and aptitude. Any R.O.T.C. unit of the University has a chance to be among those recommended. Recommendations of promising freshmen will be turned in by the military instructors about October 15, and those recommended will re ceive bids from the company. Eli gibility for Pershing Rifles, which is a major campus activity, is based on excellence in military drill and on general attitude and aptitude. Any member of the basic course in the University has a chance to be among those recommended. The officers of the Kentucky chapter are: Captain O. P. Reuter, First Lieutenant Milton M. Magru-de- r, and Second Lieutenants David F. Difford and John L. Carter. An election will be held next Tuesday night, October 2, at the regular chapter meetinc o choose (ram the sophomores a sucoessor to Elvis J. Stahr, outgoing First Sergeant. Company C, under the instruction of Warrant Officer George A. Knight, has won the Fifth Corps Area drill championship the last three years. The chapter here was installed in 1931. These victories have given the Kentuckians permanent possession of the Scabbard and Blade trophy for this corps area. The unit's victories have been won over crack drill companies from Ohio State university, the University of Illinois, Indiana university and Dayton university. This year, because of the transfer of Mr. Knight to Fort Hayes, much of the work of carrying on falls upon the shoulders of the faculty advisor, Lieutenant P. E. and Captain Irvine Scudder, new drill instructor. The fraternity plans to have smokers occasionally through the year, as well as dinners and a dance or two, besides its regular thrice-weekdrills. Juniors who are .out this fall are: Calvin Cramer, Bruce Davis, Ralph Rughett, Pelham Johnston, Tommy Lisle, Elvis Stahr, W. C. Watson and Ed Wehle. Sophomore members are: J. H. Bell, C. Bennett, Harry Bullock, Richard Butler, James Chester, Balfour Connell, E. M. Deats. R. Denny, Fritz DeWilde, David Flanders, Bazil Gilbert, E. B. Jefferies, Labe Jackson, Sid Kelly, John Ike Moore, 8. G. MacDon-alJames Norvell, Tom Riley, O. D. Sparks, Bob Stivers. H. Vice, Bill Watt and Dodge Whipple. ly d, Wildcat Game Looked Upon by Cincinnati As Stepping Stone By GIL KINGSBURY Sports Editor Kentucky Post (Thl mrtlcle reviews the Kentucky-U- . C. from Cincinnati angle by a University of Kentucky graduate of clau '33.) Ime Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 5. Spe cial to Kernel Cincinnati's Bearcats tomorrow will make their second move in two years to reach the big name division of football. At 2:30 p. m. on Nippert field, the University of Kentucky Wildcats will meet the University of Cincinnati Bearcats. Kentucky, after two weeks of playing under wraps, is ready to turn on. Cincinnati, after years of mediocre football, is ready to make her' bid hotter than an asphalt pavement In July. There's no secret about It in these parts that U. K. is being used as a stepping stone to greater heights. Last year when a poor Kentucky team eked out a win over the best V. C. has produced In years. Bearcat alumni got out the rubber hat and talked of building a new stadium. This year, if they chalk up that fondly hoped for victory, they'll probably want to annex the state. Don't be fooled, Cincy does have a good tca:u. Last wtek's victory over Ottecboin, a ni'llocre opponent, was only a fush oi what they can do. The supreme test will be against the Wildcats. Kentucky will have to v.'itch Billy Bchwarberg, Covingtci boy who cavorts at quarter for the U. C. club. He reminds Big Blue fans of the late lamented Shipwreck Kelly. He Jerks those knees high, he drives and he's as slippery as the Paris pike after a sleet storm. Seven sophomores, graduates ol last year's handplcked freshman They team, also bear watching. rode high last week and promise to do more of the same this week. They, didn't come to the Queen City Just to fish in the polluted waters of the Ohio River. The Wildcats best bet will be around the ends. That spot is U. C."s weakest. The middle of the line is as solid as the Bank of England and passes scarcely will be effective against the shifty, speedy backs of the Cincy team. There are few injuries in the Cincinnati camp. Even those who are ailing slightly won't be missed. Reserve material Is abundant on the Bearcat hillside. Experts hereabouts are predicting that the margin of victory won't be more than one touchdown. They're not naming the team, however. This much, too, seems to be the Cincinnati' is popular opinion. out for big games. If she can Kentucky, the Bearcats will take be well on their way to what they In that consider the heights. event. U. K. will be cast off like , an old shoe. If the Wildcats like that o. k. Nothing much can be done about It. If they don't care for that treatment well, Cincy has to be told in concrete fashion. The Cincinnati Dutch have lined their skulls with pig skin and are in a football way. ' hard-head- ed CINCY CONTEST He is now playing professional football with the Brooklyn Dodgers, which is owned by another famous Kentucky player, John Simms "Shipwreck" Kelly. Fittingly enough last week Kercheval kicked a goal from placement against the Boston Braves that drew considerable plaudits from the New York scribes and fans. Kelly also starred in the game, running a punt back S3 yards which placed the ball In a position to score the final touchdown via a pass by Chris Cagle, former Army The final score was 10 to 6 in favor of the Kentuc-klan- 's side. BIDS ty Issue Bids October FAIR WEATHER IN the lad who beat Cincinnati last year by the margin of a field goal In the last quarter? SPIRIT FIGHTING CATS PRAY FOR Remember Ralph Kercheval. KING'S CHARGES Two new rulings regarding student were passed by the privileges associaWomen's tion at a meeting last Monday night in Boyd hall. Mary Carolyn Terrell presided at the meeting. The first new ruling gives women students in the halls the privilege of 11 o'clock permission on Sunday nights and will go into effect imme diately. As a result of several complaints, the second ruling passed, prohibits men students from dormitories and sorority houses after dances. The report of the treasurer also was heard, and Dean Blanding explained the finances and appropriations made by the organization. Plans were made to continue the houses WAA 'Announces Plans for Sunday afternoon open building, being and Women's Dance at Gym on Night of held in the were made for enter suggestions Tulane Game; Riding Class tainment at Sunday afternoon open is Discussed houses held by sororities. The Kappa Delta representative The Women's Athletic association told of a moving picture show the 4 sorority had had from campus snapheld its first council meeting at p. m. Wednesday In Mlss AveriU's shots taken by one of the girls. The office in the Women's gym. The meeting was closed with a brief meeting was called to order by Mar- discussion, on campus politics. garet Wtirren, and the necessary reports of the officers and committee heads were submitted. The chief announcement was to the effect that W.A.A. and Intramural are sponsoring a dance to be freshman cabinet of the given the night of November 17, the V. The C. A., under the sponsorM. night of the Tulan egame. in the ship of Jack Carty, held its first Alumni gym. business meeting of the year at A horseback riding class was anInstallation of 7 p. m. Tuesday. nounced. Lieut. Murray Benton, a officers for the forthcoming year member of the Cavalry troop, will was held. were instruct the class. The Lexington officers The Hollowing Cob company will offer a rate of 25 elected: Arthur Plumber, president; and cents for five persons to the riding William Leet, class. A meeting of all those Inter- M. C. Forbes, secretary. ested in riding will be held In Miss The year's work was discussed Averill's office at 3 p. m. today. Those and the following committees were who are unable to attend at this appointed : Program, William time may see Miss Averill during Leet, Robert Olney, and William Stone; Membership, Frank Ellis, the day till 4 p. jm. Other announcements were as fol- and M. Blevins; Social Service, WYNNE ON BROADCAST lows: Hockey play will begin at 4 Ralph Button, L. Cleveland, Lloyd Mahan. Willard Llnberg, William p. m. next Monday on the Held beLeet, and Thomas Coons; Social, Coach Chet Wynne will be interhind Patterson hall and In the event of rain, the meeting will be held in William C. Cropper, Willard Lln- viewed at 7:30 o'clock tonight as a berg, William Rodman, William feature on the weekly Graves-Co- x the Boyd hall reading room. Davis; Pub- program over Station WLAP. All tennis matches in the first McC'ube. and C. L. licly TV'omas Coons, and Clay-toround must be played off by tomorCongleton. row at the latest. The cabinet wishes to extend an The next W.A.A. council meeting to all men students to will be held at Miss Averill's home invitation attend their next meeting which Thursday, October 11. will be held at 7 o'clock Tuesday, The Horse and Hound show will October 9, In Alumni hall. tomorrow from 10:30 a. m. be held till 5 p. m. at the Iroquois Hunt club. DEAN JONES MAKES The entrance fee will be one dollar. Fired with enthusiasm by an FFRA JOB PAYMENTS early season victory and Puymept cf 11.395 to 136 men for di iv n by an Insatiable desire to by Kenrevenge last year's F.E R.A. work completed during the tucky "Big Blue," deieatCincinnati the month of September begun at 1:30 are rapidly wh'pping Into p. m. Thursday at the Business office Bearcats midM-asoto according form. George Farris was to the dean of men. All Boasting one of the heaviest lines operate the check room at all reguli r ttudints were paid off yesdunces held In the gym during the terday, while supernumeraries are to yet to tear the sod at Nippert stadvear. at a meeting of SuKy Tues receive their money today at the ium and the best set of back on the U. of C. record, the Bearcats overday in the Alumni gym. Farris same office. flow with confidence, a confidence served as check room operator last Due to the fact that the Federal that may either cause their defeat year. government supposed that the Unior victory. It Is tin same confiAt the meeting, it was voted to versity would open about the middle dence plus the choosing of a regufinance the expenses of the five of September, money to pay for only lar backfleld that is causing Couch cheer leaders to the Cincinnati game, and Bam Warren, Dick Boyd, half u month's work, or 25 hours per Duna M. King much In the way of man, was sent here. Since school tn headaches. Robinson were ap and reality began September 10, the The trouble with the lineup seems pointed as the permanent comma workers have put in 35 hours, wd to do with a superfluity of star tee to arrange all Deo rallies. the money for the extra ten hours sophomore material. Fans who witMajor B. t. Brewer attended the meeting and appealed to the tsua.y U to be Included In the November nessed last year's brilliant contest payroll. of will recall that the greater part of members to iixaisor a free-wi- ll The women workers were paid the Mr. King's team consisted of sophfering at the homecoming game, for new first of the week, as announced tn omore. Tula year there are more the purpose of financing the Tuesday! Kernel. soph sopha that as last year's uniforms for the band. I Y Big Blue Team, 31 Strong To Leave Today for Queen City JOHNSON S PASSING SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Game to Mark First Chance for Wynne's Men to Show Offense. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE STILL ON Final Results Will Be Announced Later; Invitation Extended to Freshman Girls Frances Kerr, chairman of the finance committee of the YWCA, reports excellent progress in the annual drive for YW members which began on Tuesday and will continue for several days. Final results of the drive on membership and finance in the near future will be released. Special invitation has been extended to girls who have not formerly been members of the YWCA vet and to those who have not as ""J"W Joined tru year to come to tlie building office in the Woman's during the office hours, tf:30 a.m. to 12 noon, and 2 to 4 p. m., before Tuesday noon to enroll as members of the association. The annual recognition service will be held at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday In Memorial hall. Sarah Whitting-hil- l, Y.W. president of the 1934-3- 5 C.A., will conduct the service. Members of the senior cabinet and the will also sophomore commission take part. Music for the event will be under the supervision of Virginia Murrell. Sorority members of the finance committee are: Alpha Gamma Delta, Alice Daugherty, Marion Pin-neAlpha Delta Theta, Evelyn Alpha XI Marrs, Feme Osborn; Delta, Hazel Brown; Chi Omega, Katherlne Calloway, Phebe Turner; Delta Delta Delta, Martha Bittner; Delta Zeta, Louise Payne; Kappa Delta, Betty Earle, Nancy Becker; Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mary Cary Maynard, Jane Freeman; and Zeta Tau Alpha. Ruth Averltt, Babe Those who are supervisMartin. ing membership work in the dormitories are: Mary Sugg, Marjorie Hensley, r, Margaret Redmond, Eleanor y; Sned-ecke- Martha Christian, Margaret Markley, Nancy Trimble, Mary E. Collins. Ruth Hallmark, Sarah Boiling. Town girls on this committee are: June Freeman, Virginia Marie Meyer, Ruth Ecton, crara Innes, Mary Gunn Webb, Elsie Riley, Frances Garrison, Dorothy Perkins ,and Nell Shearer. Bos-wort- h, Kyian Photographer Is Located in Gym Annual Dance Planned Gym Following Clem-soGame in n p. Cincy Hopes To Revenge Kentucky's 1933 Win George Farris Is Given Check Itoom 7 p PERSHING RIFLES Honorary writ ritiii MI." week New Series Number 5, 1934 CHUCK FULL OF WILL GIVE i Grudge Fight Expected As Wildcats Stalk lo Home Grounds Of Cincy Bearcats VOIR riCTIRE 1935 off "Schoolboy" in Last Nine Innings that end. HAD MADE? For Detroiters ARE ANNOUNCED disarmament under present conditions, Great Britain has decided to Each College Represented by a Delegate Appointed build up her national defeases and has formulated detailed plans toward by Its Dean strike-ravish- r Goslin's Hit in APPOINTMENTS 12th Wins Game COUNCIL n ISr .- S , KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, ERIDAY, OCTOBER MEN'S KYI AN PICTURES MAI m frosh team made a regulur piuctice of drubbing the Varsity. These, to gether with last year's men, have flooded the ranks of eligible appli cants for regular positions, so keenly have they demonstrated their ability that lust season's stars or slutted have had to be bem-litto new positions. Men like Yeager, the "Will o' the Wisp'' halfback, who twisted his way to an Conference title; Ray Nol-tln- another half-buc- g, k, and Cari Williams, unani and mous choice for captaincy's, have seen their jobs taken over by newer men. Nolting has been shifted to fullback, Williams to center, and Yeager sits on the sidelines. For the lust two weeks the black and red grldders have been busily engaged in perfecting their pass at tack and from all indications they will take to the . against the (Continued on fage Six) All-Oh- io i By MAX LANCASTER Kentucky's Wildcats 34 strong-w- ill leave at noon today for Cincinnati, where tomorrow, they will meet the strong University of Cincinnati Bearcats, In what promises to be one of the hardest games to be played by the Big Blue this year. Accompanying the team will be Coaches Wynne. Grant and Twomey, Student Manager "Hank" McCown, Trainer Mann. Equipment Manager Striplin. and "Daddy" Boles. The Wildcats have yet to show their real strength and with a little favor from the weather man will unlease a passing attack that should result In some touchdowns. The scrimmages during the last week show that the Cats have strength in running plays as well as passing. Langdon Hay playing from the fullback position tore the frosh line to bits during Tuesday's and Wednesday's practice sessions, and, with his ability to punt and snag passes, will prove a valuable man in tomorrow's melee. A pleasing sight to the few spectators at this week's sessions was the accuracy with which Bert Johnson, the triple-threhalfback from Ashland was shooting passes. He missed his mark, and With such men as Rupert, Bryant, ana Farris. to receive them Kentucky should (Continued on Page Six) at sel-r'a- m WEBB IS HEARD BY KIWANIS CLUB TVA is Subject of Address Delivered at Luncheon Meet at Lafayette Hotel Tuesday, October 2 Prof. W. S. Webb, head of the of archaeology, anthropology, and physics at the University, was the guest speaker at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Lexington Klwanls club, held Tuesday at the Lafayette hotel. The theme of Professor Webb's address was an interpretation of the Tennessee Valley Authority project. fEom which undertaking he recentrj departments returned after an eight months' leave of absence, as one of the directors of the project. Professor Webb, In his address, spoke of the undertaking as a whole and described the work which has been done in the last year. The speaker asserted, however, that the project was the most Important hi archaeological circles of the lust few years, due to the fact that evidences of the earliest civilization of the country would be lost If the valleys were flooded without proper research and exploitation. The National Research Council and the Smithsonian Institute obtained permission and funds from the government fo1 purposes of excavation and preservation in the affected area. The area to be flooded is one oi the richest fields In this subject in America and excavations were ac complished in approximately 818 square miles. The Universities of Kentucky-werAlabama, Michigan, and the recipients of a good deal of materials unearthed in the excavation processes. Juniors, seniors, and members of all campus organizations are urged to have their photographs taken for the 1935 Kentuckian. in the basement of the Alumni gym at their earliest convenience. The ptjee of a print will be $1.00, and 25 cents for each additional print. The Lafayette studio, official photographers for The Kentuckian, be gan taking student photographs are Wednesday. All photographs expected to be completed within the coming week, as there will be no return engagement of the studio operators. According to an announcement released from the office of the dean of men, the Kentuckian dance, feaAM FEKA voikers are to report to turing a popular local orchestra, Deau Jones' olfice today between 13 will be held October in the 1 :30 and 4 p. m. to receive their pay Alumni gym, following the checks. football game, Cameron Coffman and Jimmy Miller The University club will are the committee in charge of the Friday night at 7:30 o'clock lameet the dance arrangements. Judging Pavilion on the Experiment Station farm. All former club CU B HOI SE NAMED members are cordially Invited to the meeting. culb girls, who The group of have rented the house at 609 An Important meeting of Sigma Court for the school year, PI Sigma will be held at 4 p. m. have adopted the name of Shelby today in the chapter room of the hall for their new hum. Physics building. Kampus Kernels 4-- H 4-- H H Uax-welt- * Best Cop THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Tapre TV o Of TO AG STUDENTS fand Janie thought Bt she was going to cry. In fact, she was certain of It. Then tears ran down her cheeks, and there was no doubt whatsoever. Jack angry at her. What had become of their laughing friendship? Jack." she sobbed, "I'm "I don't really want to smoke, and drink, and kiss the boys. all of them anyway." Jack was realizing that he was really seeing Janie for the first time. How soft her arms were, and how red her llpst He wanted to kiss her more than he had ever wanted to kiss a girl and wondered if she would let him. He felt it was well worth risking, at any rate. And of course Janie would. In fact that was Just what she was waiting for. CATIX MrNASH Jnrlc Trannor bounded up the front ter and awunir htmsolf up on the porrh railing, meanwhile ftmtllnft at the alrl noated In the wicker chair. "Hl-yJanie, old thina;," he said. Janie, as was her cheerful and unthinking habit, responded with laufth and a "HI there, Jackie." You Janie was that way. laughed carelessly, harmlessly, with her, and then you took someone like Evelyn Talbot to the club dance, smiled soberly Into her eyes for lonir moments, whispered Into her small provocative ear while you danced, and later watched the moon from the shady club balcony, and Rot lipstick on your face. In Evelyn's dark eyes were many promises, but in Janle's clear grey ones there was Just friendliness and honesty. Janie was a great little sport, but Evelyn. . It appeared that Jnck had a reason for coming. Evelyn was to have a birthday soon, and Jack ranted to get her something really nice. He wondered If Janie would be a pal and help, him out? Suggest something. Of course Janie would. She always had. 80 she named another one of her own desires, a frivolous little handkerchief box she had seen in the art store window. Jack thought that would be first rate. and was surely much obliged. He'd do something for her sometime. Meanwhile would she save a dance for him at the party tonight? And naturally she would. She always did. But when Jack drove away, still shouting his thanks, she sat very still In the wicker chair and thought. For it was pretty clear to her Just how she stood; would always stand, as long as she was guileless, helpful, honest Janie. That evening she slipped down from her room and bid her parfrom the dimly-l- it ents good-by- e hallway, so that they wouldn't noshe had tice the extra make-u- p used. She had never used before, and found the effect surprising, but was afraid her mother might find it still more surprising. The party was the start of many new things for Janie. Something like this: a. . N-n- ot LOOKING . BACK October 4. 1929 The dormitory men have established a club, which will be called the Men's Dormitory association. Alpha Delta Sigma, national honorary professional advertising fraternity, will hear President McVey at their formal opening today at the Phoenix hotel. October 2, 1931 The old warehouse on Limestone street has been remodeled for the physical education department of the University. Members of the University staff and heads of organizations are urged to issue news announcements early. October 4, 1932 Classes in golf will open at U. K. Prof. J. C. Jones announces arrange ments are being made for both men and women. Professor Lampert reorganizes the University Glee club. October 3, 1933 New radio listening centers are being planned by Prof. Elmer O Sulzer and Harris M. Sullivan. The Kernel will Include a picture section. A rotogravure section giving collegiate news happenings on various campuses will be presented weekly. hp-sti- her first cigarette. Smoked rather successfully while Jack and Evelyn were sitting in a comer talking intimately. Effect somewhat spoiled by a fit of coughing which Janie was sure ev10:25 eryone, including Personnel Bureau Activities Named rllt for forgetting: to tterved turn wipe the lipstick off his face. 13.10 her first real conquest. She sat down beside Alex Morton, notorious Alex, called Alexander the Conqueror, and not without reason. He was getting quite plastered in his smioth, polite manner. When Alex got tight, Janie had noticed, he never talked funny, or anything as crude as that. His mind merely became very Intense, and his eyes very bright. Janie sat beside him and tried all the familiar technique she had ever observed. The lowere