xt7zkh0dzc2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dzc2b/data/mets.xml Ohio Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Service Division National Archives (U.S.) 1942 46 p.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.12/no.34 books English Ohio, N.Y.: Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Ohio Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Veterans Administration -- Archival resources -- Ohio Archives -- Ohio -- Catalogs People with disabilities -- Rehabilitation -- United States Military pensions -- United States Ohio -- History -- Sources Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XII, No.34, Veteran's Administration, Ohio text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XII, No.34, Veteran's Administration, Ohio 1942 1942 2019 true xt7zkh0dzc2b section xt7zkh0dzc2b :-: I D ' UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ‘ l' —'M‘"""""‘"""‘"'"'_—" ..-. ___..,...,-._..____.._.__...l—.r_—... ' ;' 3:331:'}_i'-;:-;§_f-_V_i . . “”le”W ‘1‘ M J“ H m M“ ; i . , .1 7?:355.'i‘.‘153343.553} f 1“ Ci “ C ‘ 4“» “‘1 W I *1“: NH 3 i INVENTORY OF . 3 . ; 123}: {.7}; L 323251335533; I 3313an ARCHIVES » .1 1 IN TEE STITIS I -' ;Z ::,,-',__", . 3 r .' , , ”Alf: _, . ' -. -:: ; . I a; ~ f . . ; 3'13::-:‘.-_:.' 7'" ‘ 1 SERIES 3511’ , 3'. , . 1 THE VETERAN! S ADE/EIIJISTEATION ' ». .3 :LV ' f ' I NO. 3‘4 . 52:; , . j . I OHIO , , . - . I ’ ‘ ! ' ~ 3; i’ i' ' , g , _ . SERVICE DIVISION ’ , ' - ' 9 WORK PROJECTS ADMIZ‘TISTl‘fA-TION jg ;' I l I ____,____,,__H__-._w__._. __,_,___. _. w-.- _l. , ~ g ‘ ',‘. :' ‘ “ I ' V [swan] ' ‘ . - Siaitfii’i' , ~ , . ,; f ‘ _ . - ' szwwnmv Io: vrfminm ,, . - . m ' unselfish"? U3. f‘lmo‘t‘iéiidfil _ : {5- . .. ' *‘*""*“i. ‘ _ or r' ‘ " _ :L . ‘75: we. . - "-~_F~*1:=v'¢':"-' .1 w w” / -- ,. v .. ~ iii?“ ’“ W’iw’fi‘a stigma“? wiwmawe’r‘m‘“ MWNMVWQ "e’li‘sfétfiffifiétifei ~ - ' ., -‘~ o " an: Isl-"1*: z x " ' ‘ ‘2“.3" 217199535? r =‘ x :‘v ‘?'i"‘-.“:“li’r-ifli'vzu‘i 3.; 7, _ ‘ . , _ ‘ ., 35:32 ‘ flyijials‘vgnh "t .- . ‘ ‘3 INVENTORY or FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE” STATES , a? . y " “its . , Prepared by "if'i'T‘tgirzn , The Survey of Federal Archives “by ‘ Service Division we . Work Projects Administration ‘3' , 5 1 {1‘ if”, _ . . ad The National Archives ' "’1.” lili- 1: . Cooperating Sponsor . . féifsfifi ‘ '31. 3" , . ‘52:? 3i :5; ' «19‘s! ' M “UR SERIES XII. VETERAN‘S ADE/EINIS'I‘RATION . 5“ ‘ NO. 31;. OHIO ' i ' Ti‘ézi'f' ~ - 7 “”3- .:.fn';e§‘ “'3 , ‘ . ' . at; . _ £19.51" . 2.2;. ’ a??? Vex-5?)! ‘ nihi‘. Columbus, Ohio , ’ w 7 v I " H ”‘11 The :Ilstorlcal Records Survey ’ 19MB "35"? ' Jilin". Alia". gig? . #31535: We: - . - "'1 ,- ‘ ‘ m , 1 ' 5‘ n» » The Historical RecordS-Survey- , . ' Philip M. Hamer, Assistant Director ' Frances M. Foott, State Supervisor _ the pro . ~ , 193‘ , . 0rd ‘ ‘ r- . - 1 ~ and V " ‘ of‘ , . . E V , . , con: Service Division ' gene in 1 ~ worl Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner assi Ruth Neighbors, State Director and ‘ > a gc ment $6395 in e _ . I . that . reco H . ~1 date ' oral or i WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION reco crip‘ sati F. H. Dryden, Commissioner ffina Carl Watson, State Administrator reco tory stan- mime< "See I1 Ovcrn At t} ‘ r ,' proje ' ' " 1 ' Survc ' Veter RCCor Colum 19MB I » iii _ _§§§FACE The hwguflsfirfl£chrfiuaflfliai§s is one of the Products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation-wide project of the Wbrks Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the Historical Rec~ ords Survey, also operating as a nation-wide project of that Administration \ and of the Work Projects Administration and a group of state or local projects of that Administration. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of Federal archives in the States. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series No, 1 is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the govern— mental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers Contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabame.is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. M, etc. For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: Title, inclusive dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), gen~ eral description of informational content, description of the system of filing ,or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the ' record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, des— cription of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying information, and Ifinally, the number of the Form 588A on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Invcn~ ' tory. This form is on file in the National Archives. When it contains sub— stantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." In Ohio the work of the Survey was under the direction of Dr, William D. Overman with Mr. William M. Verross as his assistant until February 15, 1937. At that time Mr. Verross became Director and served until February 1938. The project has since been under the technical direction of the Historical Records Survey with Dr. John H. McMinn as project technician. The records of the Veteran's Administration was prepared in the Columbus office of the Historical Records Survey. Frances M. Foott, State Supervisor \ Columbus, Ohio Historical Records Survey 191.9 in Ohio I CONTENTS 5 Peg; CHIELICOTHE 1 Veterans’ Hospital (not surveyed) . . . . . . . . . . . l CINCINNATI . Veterans‘ Administration Regional Office No. 2H . . . . 2 ‘ Adjudication Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ‘ Office of the Chief Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ' ' Fillance DiViSiOI’l o a n o u c I I I a I I o o I o o 5 i 3'- , Office of the Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lO Civilian Conservation Corps . . . . . . . . . lO Cooperation Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ‘ . Files, Mail, and Records Section . . . . . . ll 7 Medical Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ! Supply Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 J CLEVELAND i Veterans' Administration Regional Office No. 25 . . . . 22 9 Office of the Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . DAYTON , . ,‘ , i , Veteransl Administration Combined Facility . . . . . . 24 ‘ Domiciliary Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . Finance DiViSlOIl ' ’ a n o I I o a I o a o o o u u 26 ‘ . , . Office of the Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 . Personnel Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 5 . ' Records Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3O 2 _ 3 Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 ' , 2_ Medical Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 ! ... General Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 i ,y; Tuberculosis Hospital . . . . . . .-. . . . . M2 1 , - Supply Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3 . _. ; .5 Utility Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’. 1+5 . .. 1 i ‘ :..:'..-‘-‘I-"' i i -’~ - - "-"-~~~‘INTRODUCTION i The Veterans{ Administration was created in 1930,_when the Veterans’ E Bureau ‘-_we.'s_‘ cOnSolidat'ed Vithihé E'ed‘eral'v'EBoard”cf VOCational Education, the Tension-Bureau. endthe‘ Nationalfsoldiers Home‘s Prior to this date the‘Ve'terenS' Bnreezu heid’"beeil set' up for 36,118.‘,nd.mrinistration of E World War Veteranst claims. ‘ ' " ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' E In Ohio there is aVeteren‘Eacilityfiome and Hospital at Dayton, E a Veterans‘ Hospital?-a.t.TCh:I‘.lli’cothe',1‘lend-"71a. Regional Office, No. 25, at Cleveland. , When the,Survey._of..Federal_.Arehives waSIEmade there was E also. a fiegional :Cfificegf N0. 21%; at Cincinnati.“ This Regional Office 'has"since:been.IjConsdlldQJQed-t"I" ,l. . . E '. ;‘ I. I. , ‘ " ‘ VETERANS! ADMINI STRATION FACTLITY E - - -‘ ‘ E «not surveyed) ' » - ' s -' » , ‘ TI-EVETERANS' ADMINISTRATION - ' , = j; -- -' -' ‘v ' REGIONAL OFFICE No. 211- ‘ ' ; ' . Brotherhood'of 'RailroadCle'l-‘li-s Bldg”; ' 1 _ , _' g; leis-Vine Stuff; ~ f" '1 'EDEStabliShed 'asl’e.'Di'istrict‘Office of the veterans! Btlreau‘ _On August ; ' .'-..'. l0, 1921, this office became a RegiOnal Office on January 7, 1925. It continued assuch afterthecreationof the .;.l]‘.et.erens_' Administration 1 .; . ”in 1930;, 3A Diagnostic Generaloo 'fffnctioiaed' here from from. 20.. .1925 'tonAprill, V1;9_33.__.T1;1i;si_office exercises superVisory powers over all [vetenenns_i affairsiiithis region": Since thefsnrveyxms made, this office, ”nithallhits records. was _mOved. on June 328; 1937 to Dayton, 3 Ohio. where itlwa's.iconsolic‘faf‘ced ,‘with tlie'Vetemns‘ _Fac'ility whose rec— ‘ ords "were also survesed prior to the cOnSOlidation.‘ _ None of the records of the Cincinnati Office have been lost or destroyed. One hundred % twenty eight linear feet, oliinactive”records...duplicate papers. and rehabilitationfeldelfs 'fro‘filthefdat'e ,ij thefiling ._o,ffl‘the first claim 3 Regional Office, Cincinnati 3 = . 2 2f r__ ‘ f to October 8, 1935. and memorandum vouchers from July 1925 to June Off i 1933, have been sent for storage to the Veterans' Administration Supply and g Depot at Perry Point. Maryland. See Series XII. The Veterans' Adminis— off i tration, No. 19, Maryland, p. 62. . the I Adjudication Division :3: 3 1. MINORS' ALLOWANCE FOR SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Apr. 11. 1927 to date. g1: > Though the benefits to a minor cease by law on his or her 18th birth— 1 , day, exception to this ruling may be-had under proper proceedings in w cases where he or she has become permanently incapable Of self—support spe l by reason of mental or physicial defects. A child who, having reached rec ( eighteen years, attends a recognized educational institution. may be inc 1 entitled to a continuance of benefits until becoming twenty-one or mar— cal ‘ rying. These cards carry a complete index to all minors in line for gl - compensation. Filed alphabetically, y(0ccasionally, restricted, offi— (51 : cial.) 3 x 5 cards, 6 in., in drawer of wOOden Card Cabinet. R. 510. . . 2. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEYS, PENSION AND CLAIM'ACENTS, 1931 to date. ‘ This is a list, sent to the Regional Office by the Central Office, of and , all attorneys qualified to do business with Veterans‘ Administration the g Offices. This is kept up to date by the Central Office, by additions std . and eliminations.~ Filed alphabetically and numerically. (Frequently, . F114 g official.)' 3 x 5 cardsi 1 ft. 4 in., in 2 drawers of wOoden card cabi—. I fol( net. R. 510." (822). ' '- - - ~. I -i . - . » . . - , . ( 3. PARENT DEPENDANTS OF VETERAN, 1933 to date. FOrm 681, question-_ vet< . naire sent out by the Regional Office once a year or oftener to 5 , , app( . establish the number of dependents, what.prOperty they own and names ' eve: : of other relatives who might contribute to their support. On this data_ whi] 3‘ the Veteran's service connected compensation is allotted. This paper . reps 3 must be attested before a notary public. (OCcasionelly, restricted, finE A official.) 8% x 11 loose sheets. 10 in.. in 2 drawers of metal filing~ ( menl . case. R. 510 and basement. (821) ’ , '.: gar. 1n . M. MARITAL STATUS OF VETERAN, 1935 to date. Form 680, question— and].E naire issued by the Regional Office to veteran once a year to establish and his current marital relations by which his service connected compensa— ins I tion is allotted. It must be attested to before a notary public. Filed gugl ' alphabetically and numerically according to claim numbers. (Occasion. vote ‘ ally, restricted, official.) 8-1- x 11 loose sheets, 1 ft. 3 121., in 2 for . drawers of metal filing case. B. 510 and basement. (818) com; . ca t 5. VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION DECISIONS, Mar. 1933 to date. Special guz; f control file covering all differences between claimants and the Veter— guaz ‘ ans’ Administration and recording all decisions rendered by the latter, panj as well as every appeal registered by the veteran or his guardian. tax Filed numerically by claim numbers. (Frequently, restricted, official.) life 3 x 5 cards. 2 ft. 6 in., in 2 drawers of wooden card cabinet. R. 510. Fine ‘ (817 pore 2. _ 1 I Regional.Office,._Qincinnati“7 ’ .. - 3 6 . wens? 3313,0533; ‘.-‘ MEG-BOARD, is epie, 5... 1933 1‘ to! “date, . Weekly" " 3 office record showing number of cases handled by the Rating'board With':j Supply and without‘fierSOnalnQPEearance”cffélaimantsifalse location of theVV.”‘; ninis— office where appearance:was made.“ These records ere'ueed to check‘with ' the findings of the Rating’Bdardg‘aUDlicetesaare sent'to Central OffiCe _ afiterabeinngessed.up n by,t e Adjudication¢0fficer1“ These reports‘ J“; are generally kept for two.or three years, then destroyed. fFiled.chrons'; 1 t ologicallyv"j(0ccaSionelly;Erestricted, ofiioialg)“ E‘x ll loose sheete;' rghe' 3 in., in drawer O£_w00den~filln5‘cabinety;:H;L511ffi~(823)__. g,” .‘ .‘I ‘ 1n 7 ; : NONes-Esvtcn' 'CcismrSATION? ALLOTETEET, on; 1935 to" date. ,Form' 619-. ' ‘ pport special“queStionnaire,‘sent“out by Regional Office to the veteranu"V? T' y iched receiving nonservice ccmpenSation, concerning wife, Children, and .“'V?"Qi be income aside from allotment-or‘penSion,, Filed alphabetiCally.and‘numeriL3 r mar— cally accordingyto claim numberSs':(Decasienally;~restricted,.officia1.j’ " For. 8%; Lil-loose sheets, .3 ft., in 3 drawersflcf metal-filing case. , R,-510-.7 )ffl— (5319) . ; 2 ‘= - ' , g ' g _. 4 ‘ 510. _._._- (I ,v -- . . :e. ’8. .Aemmcsfcomnsromnncn, 'l‘92’l} 1924.,gconiein'e-‘ioetly letters _ . of and other papers-oi" official nettire’which heveteen transferred from . _ .on the active files in fig MOnypreparatory_to.beingisent-to permanent -f Jflf -OnS storage or beingfdestroyed, when permission to do ee~hes been granted; '- 'g“ lily. - Filed chronologically-endalphabeticallythereunder} -;(Never.). 89;”): ll _ cebi— , folders, 1204ft.,lin_6 metal transfer cases. :Basemefit storages; (935)= :ff_‘ . 9. CASE”FOLDER$,.1925utofdatelt Complete-case'reCords of incompetent” T3,’ gtion-, veterans and mines dependents of Veterans, for whmeEuardians_have»bemi ““‘g , 5 , - appointed? ”The listed forns;irecbrds, and actions are not included‘ina?” f ‘,, - Jes ' every case file,“but are typiCal of”these recorder? Failure oi.bank . {3” “‘d. 3 data while in guardianship, pension to dependent stops monthly allowancerh Z s_j“‘ a iper - repatriationfofiforeignsfiorn‘efiyserviceTmenywhold“up70f“approvaliof?i “ " ' Edi final accounting, withdrawal of funds, itemized statement of invest— Hp“ .. .ling ‘ : ments of wardJs estate, control service, inspection division,iaddusted~~, ‘11 ; . ' 1 service certificate record. report of tnainedfpsychiatric social.erker;fi ‘1 {h investment of ward‘s funds; correspondence between’regional officers ".]".;,.. >n— and hospital attaches, correspondence of Begiona1.Attorney'with.guardian‘ '2_:~ iblish and guardian's‘legelcreprbsentative, trust companies’ bonds, account— " ’ 3n§?* ing indexicardsi"Change of hospital,"court costs at appointment of IN” . _Flled guardian, supplemental disability allowance, delivery_of repatriatedks*nj " 3. 3103' veteran to proper authorities of his native country, veterants-requestvf7 .~ ’1 .n 2 for release from,hospital,rpower-of”attorney_with'right‘oifsubstitutiong' compelling guardian to appear-in court, American ConSulisfinterestgin,"*“- . case of veteranfs repatriation, raising of award, beepital visit by u T ‘ ’Glal guardian, destitute dependents of veteran, reduction of allowance to BTGT- guardian dependent; death of guardian dependent, building and loan cons mter, panics vs. Administration, compensation to Department of Public Welfare, tax refunds, continuance of service connected pension, U. 6. Government .cial.) life insurance brief face, disability allowance claim, statement of ‘ 510. Finance Officer of hospital, entry of application, surety bonds for cor- porate guardians, correspondence pertaining to investment by guardian ‘[i _ ‘ Regional Office, Cincinnati ’ _. in -M of ward‘s funds, sociel'survey report waived; criminal prosecutions of .f guardian,'érroneotieendor'sementsr finance.service statementy'chiei' , dz accounting divisioni'Qnited Stetes.Qourt summons, United Statps'veterans'». be Service; bond inVeetméntSLAreturngpf:eXcesS.fundsy'pledgingjof edjdsted.._, d1 {‘ serviceicertifiCate;vgfierdianis.resignation; entry accepting resigneé _« “ ‘ tionevveteren33_orgenizationedues;.sppportuof person~other;than claimant).- ‘? stop pamMent noticeb‘eXcebtione tnginal~accountin33'vioiations of trust, 1: 5 payment of debts,'feee in extraordinary service. eeperation.of accounts, a1 % removal of guardian,_qeth.of_ettestatidn; fiduciary account bOQKL_eXcepe-e‘ U 1 tioneito-ecGounting, dependency, compensation (minor); exemption from *-: . CE 3? taxation, unfitness of guqrdien, statement of seCuritiee; filing.of,’ u .-' ‘ account. increase quuardi‘én'vs 50:101.. hearing, of account, statement. 9f» _ :‘ deposit; releaeelredeipt.'changeuof_beneficiemy;ignardian_dockettrecorofi ~g nt 3 hosfiiteliZEtion~of‘vetereng.iependencywpey“allowance,uapprOVal of" " ;-15; a] W accounting; certified Copy of bond, value 0: veteran‘s real estate, dis4" 3 ‘ continuance of institutional award, custody of adjusted service certification, adjusted service certificete, bonding company's responsi- bility, guardian's financial dualificetions. specielL bank changes -~ “ DE ‘ effecting guardienShip,,requeet far and reportVon‘guer&ienjinyeetigetion,_q Si ‘ certificate relative tofllegelity of appointment of ggerdian end'adeQQacy 3 be ' of his befi&f seciel'sQrveig guerdien‘s-&ccounting;'resumption”df payments” ac surety company‘s accounting,"orobete court audits, apprOVel of'edjusteg _ - re compensation“neymemteg.inetrfictions;es to_preporatieh and filing"efl .“§>¢; st ?‘ accounte;_change’in“guerdienehip.,apthorityqtoxinvest in‘real‘estate{ de ‘ guardian?e5bond}'flirth certificate of minor, temporary record, thquni— H h form Veteran's Guardignship Act,,eccountbrief,'remarriegewyf’yeteren‘e3_'~ h widow;‘epoointment'cfjfiduciarymuadjusted'service.ceifiificete*record,jf 1‘ pa 1 final accounting befOre change in ggerdianship; probate count épproVel; .n. th of guerdien’g3feee,‘application to buy home. duties of trustee; correé: _ . ic 3 spondence,feleimenthements'Lconfidentialcontactreport-,Wconfidentiel~ f; ca ‘ social contact repert:"disbur§ement record51-vexuation-of'wardte estate, I, i application for reduction d£”bond for guardians, recommendations by 'f _K J Regional At'tdrh‘ey,'-"deeth_of: guardian. ;,.(:Qcce;sionelly’.' official.) . . Variouslyumifzed' ‘f‘o‘l‘de‘rze' ‘afndi lodsej—le'afibuckeyestimated 1%; j£1-'.¥,' in“ 68 , . 1" Steel m"5*wo'9dgéfiiéfiév’vger's;airframes-Leases.. a; An-oo.-..(-716~21.= 723—29. of “ 731—h6, 7h8e7h.~776§FTT71,719§8P3:76S~88.~191.4792}s795—801;-93u}.93$r;,i ' ca E 72. 1796i”799; 730;_793§“937)1} 51:,fijgn-1yvt 'Ib,'{9~fi Zlhfl:ul';Lflp:.e:H 1 _., .._.K '.' \. ..- Li': H: _‘ .: 1-1.: '.' , 1.... ,, ..l i 10. FIDUCIARYref-ACCOUNT;30013,; 1925‘_.;9¢;gate.-,:.;Fum15hédr the'guerdien'j ' to g ‘ by the Regional Office for his condenience-in keeping an‘accurete record y. me i of receipts and diSBQrSenente in account of:the,wardui.(Constentlyg offie a1 f Ciel.),rlO:x“IM*Vole;g}%fing,jinjgrafief cf steer filing‘cebinet;“ R,j¥005 , in j (722) :; {:gxfiiffiuiwffliptv Allin in :.‘::«fl gr:f"*971”=i ,‘ "‘I ‘ 1”” 51 11. INDEX ’-BY..'00UNTY)Z]19£6‘; "ti‘ojdeftef {A egress: index rifle-by" ebunty,“ , i‘ j . re. t: showing~the neneiqffiteterah; hie claim number, and the county-in'Wbich_‘vfi. da 1 1 he was placed7Und§r gfiardififiéhibf" Filed by connty and alphfibetiCellylj_ 1‘. ff 3 thereunder byinéfie,f?(Daily{ official.); 3 x 5&card index; 2 ftgh”in'“. 1' 3: j 2 drawers oflwoalciefi'ea'rd,capiné.p,'i,._;.a.- Moo. 4,.(7914), . , t. a e j” I] . Ti" ; ' " ' Sa_ : of w \ I 1 I I t Besi.pne1~_;0,ffiecee~r.QiIILCimati: 5 A a 3 0f *' 12. INDEX. OBSOLETEmGASES, 1926 to detex, Name of guardian.endiwerd.‘; j - date of his death” or.discontinuance of thelguardnauship. (Filed alphae '. J terans'~» beticelly. (Occasionally, officiel.) ’3 x 5 card index, 2 ft.) in.2. ." A feted.._, drawers of wooden card cabinet. R. MOO. (795) ” 0,5— ,, _ I .. .. ., .. _. . . .- ,. ':. "VT-«.3215. I simant,.' 13.. INDEX TO FIDUCIAfiiflsl 1926 to date. IGiving the.names of guards' . i trust, ians and'wards, and_déte of appointment, amount of each suretyfbond,3:‘n“ ( aunts. and date fiduciery.muSt file his firstIaccount. Filed alphabeticallypr : exgepv~;4 (Constantly, efficiei.)' 3 x 5 card index, 3 ft., in 3 drawers of wooden l gem - 1 . card cabinet. R. MOO. (778) ' 5 t_9f»_._u. 1h. [INDEX TO VETERANS, 1926 to date. IName of veteran.~his_claim"‘ . i acoré-: ~‘: number. and the county ianhich he-wes placed under guardienship.: Filed ‘ ‘ . 5;:s. alphabetiee1li.‘i(Censtenily;.effieie1.) 3 e.5 card index, 3 ft,, in _v . dls’ 3 drawers of wooden Card cabinet. 'B..UOOA. (175).I~f. -‘ 1?, :.“5' ’ '.= pensi* 15., DOCKET RECORD'OE'CASE5.PENDING}.1929Ito.eebe;- Ceeee filed and - ~ 3;; .. pending,'both'civil and criminal, by theIU..S._Veteransl Administration,r Efitiona_n giving the name of the beneficiary, the district in which the case has ‘ QqanY s, been filed and the cause of aetionaI the cases may consist ofjsuqh ‘., eyments» action as éiceptiOns to accounts, petitions and motions,:petition.fort‘1”: I ustedI_ ' removal of guardian..embezzlement, or any violation of federal penalng» - ! fl ,.ex.l: statutes. ‘(De11y,1erf1eieig) (12%,x'1u loose—leaf.books. 1 ft.,winI .;s.; te. desk. -R.Uuoo.“;(1797)', - g. f ‘ . . . _ 5: I_ ._v renfe.,1, 16._ DISABILITZ ALLOWANCE; Juiy 1, 1931 - Feb. 193A. IRecord of e11,.:2 Td.f} -. payments made Within the above period. 'They are CarbOn duplicates of - j OVEIL -n- the government vouchers. numbered from 67hOll to 1738M95. Filed numer— ‘ rréf. .Ij ically.”:(Seldom.,officiel.) 451x 8 loose-sheets,-98 ft., in 60 transfer ntlal~ ,- cases,"Bésementfsterese. £<935)1' ' . ' f': 3". - A.» ‘~f»1. state..-. ’.” .“'“. f', ,‘il' ' . 5 , '5 ..s 1‘ ¥.'\. _. INTI' . '1““_ 'II ',- IfFinenceIDivisionw. - u; - 3» ~ '- n 681 .',. 17.";REGISTEREDLMA1L_REOEIPTS. 1931 to date._ Filed byIdate.. (Seldom,:- #29: m. I official.) ’3'x 5 loose sheets1 1 ft. 6Iin., in drawer of-woodenrcard' ' 935’Q,e,.. cabinet. R. 612 and basement. (872) ' ., ‘ f. . 15.'flVARIOUs.CHARGEs INVESTIGATED BY REGIONAL OFFICE. Nov.-ll, 1926 - . .rdien;. to date.f overCharéee against the Veterans?.Administration; mainly for- .3 raqqrd e- meals, lodging,fenthranSpeftation. vFiled,alphabetically;y,{0ccasion-.I .' )flbffiif ally. official.) 28% xfll loose sheets with Vouchers attached.‘ 2-in.,. , Rt H09) , in drawer Of_wooden filing base.. R. 612m. (873);e .¥_‘»52.‘ . . r .~g Z1..;2;; l9. DECEASED RECORDS, 1927 to date.' Upon the death of a veteran ¢Ynufw . ' receiving any formIof compensation from the government; and when his .- 'hi¢h.‘~.; death has been duiyfleertifiea. his card is immediately placed in this« » Allylj_I; file. Filed humerieeiiy. a(Occas10neliy, Official.) :5 x 6 cards. ., I Vin ‘, .“U 3 ft., in 2 drawers ef'metel Card cabinet. H. 612. (899) ““"' ‘ 2O. EOREERfiREqORDs,_Eeb.'28,“1927‘ej1une 1932.. Disability eobpenu, . 1 sation and allbWanCe award caSes, segregated because of change of status I of case. All war service cases. including single compensation or . . l \ 5 J ;,i_;,. 3" Jafiegional Office, Cincinnati 7 7 .~ «lather? linitadntolcertain,date. Filed alphabetically._ (Occasionally, : 3;.pfficialrJ,LH x 8 slips” 8 ft.[ in 5.draWeré Of metal filing case. j ’rfi5nth. 6121'.(885)ge .;5J;_j'a..;Le{” _§;7'; A‘“. E 3,3 '4 .,[.;}i J . ‘ "281 THIRD PARTY, Mar. 1932 to date. “speciai‘eet ef index cards .-'VU bearing namagengyaddress of person in_whose care are mailed the vet— “ -Q .eran’s checks; they contain.also an index, the veteranis'name and ? 1;;Wi claim numberg. These cards are,kept in a Separate file;_ Filed numer- -~; ‘_igally,;VKOccasiOnally.fOfficiel{)gL3fi.5'cardsJ M in., in drawer of ;“Hl.wooden card cabinetLj Bpé6i?41b(891), :. ,,' ,3 I. _ '. f; "' “29; STOP”PAYMENTJNOTECEs.jfiuiy‘1;,1932 ie date, “Arneet‘ihe issuing I gw' of compensation checks to the veterans when an error is diSOOVered in w}; .computation, or when a change in~rating with subsequent alteration in Emil allotment has been made after prCVious.mOnth!s check Was issued. Filed _ chronologically. .(OCCasionally, official.) {5 x 8 loose sheets, 6 in., .4? in drawer of steel filing case. ’R.'6l2. (877) 2 '_ ,- J an; ; 30,-: ORDERS:EOE--glJJ’EALS‘g-ANO-LQDGII-NG.'IAug. 26.- .1932 to date. Requisi- * we“ ,tions of the Regional Office fer clients; furnishing them with accom— _:z.mod,a,tion;s accord-innate... contractewiith tre'staurantsfiand hotels; These 1 “s; ~;are_made out in triplicate}. EiledmelbhebEtically.._(Frequently, offi- seg. cial.) y,i 8.1eese_sheete,.2iftg 8'in1, in 2 drawers of Steel filing r~a case. 1R. 6l2¢jI(8§6) lfl.13:1;}1g :3:»13 . . i I3 r ,1. ,.3i, ,PAY acct OF U- s. VETERANS! ADMINISTRATION, REGIONAL OFFICE JV;M' NO;-2M,_Dec. 1932. .Disbursaments for hereonal Services On a monthly -¢'{ basis.- (Occasionally. Official.) .83 i 21 stapled and folded sheets, 54, 2 in., in drawer.of-w66den filing case;; Rt 612.'~(887)' .‘-. =- .32".VBUDGET.OF,FI§QALLYEAR5.1933Er'l936mi Schedules of.disbursements :rQQVBring all financial transactions ¢¥:th? regipnvdfiring the fiscal - ’Year.ug(0ccasionallx¢ official.) _$%.x+18 folders, lO.in., in drawer x.of wooden.filing case; JB.;6lB.j:($9ula ii-r' .- : ~ ,~‘ 5 .ae 33. U. 5. GOVERNMENT REQUEST FOR S?ECIAL IRANSPOREATION, Mar. 1933 * to date. Made by the Regional Office in behalf of the veteran and in pertain cases of veterans’ dependents,;fpr~special trips by railway or .v'x-bus tO'place_whare he is_wanted.£or medical examination, hospitaliza— ”gm-stion, or family.reasons; a-slip requesting.meals and lodging while on llg' the trip is includedi.,Formtwelve preCeding years; these_records are -fi~- to be found in basement.stprageau Filed numerically._ (Occasionally, official.) 1 x'sgieese eheeis; 2 ft" 8 in.. in drawers of steel filing 3 case. B. 612. (883). I ' . V ’“ V 1 i,, «3h., PEACE SERVICE, July 1933.te date.. Pension award records cover— j 1: ing claims for cohpensatidn outside of any war period or activity. ‘ i ,Filed numericallye.,(OcceSionally;,official.). 5-x 6 index cards, h in.. J in drawer of wooden card cabinet. -B..612. (880) '1 J .x1 35. WAR NON¥SERVIOE[.JulY 1933 to date. Disability pension award J 4' claims in cases where the claimant saw no active service within the L , - J 3 J J ’ J . J A‘ Regional Office, Cincinnati 6 g i divided”elietmefiijto_wife“er5bhila,:xDile¢=hueeriEQAiJ; E oiéim nether. f “sect! - (Never.) 5 K‘s agree, l7 ft.1 1h 9 drawersfofgsteelviiliug.deee(. '- _"I;539£ _. R. 612. (876) I, 3f}, “.1: f, ..7 J“. I," ii, :R, j 21. "DISABILiTYfiADLowANdD AWARD CARD, 1928n¢s1935eg5Eeee for 559:: ,‘x w j_ benefit offl'tlflfellyetei‘en"in”“loefs'es Where $h6fi6".8¢1‘fl;i10’jMQfm‘hdagepdefi’fiS:.iw’m " at?“ and them]; .elljotzierltj go's-sf "to the-z'veterengfi. Filed numrigeillt-IZ”; use." : (Occasionally; offi'oielli) 5“ 5 =X‘56‘ Gender; -~ 1’2 55%;: in; 8' dI-TWYYGTS 5553555551, ...",- " 5' 3‘91? L filing case. B. 612. (878) ge~;; Jig: “3-“ :u;;q« a __;ca ,‘ h . - - . .A ,.-',f ;.- .. 'w‘oo [I ;-- , ,. . , _ . :1 22i..DiSABlLl$$;Q0MDENsxrl0NLAWARD.GARD,aJunepigesuzil933. Beoeuse {: ;ge . i of various chqnééé'AnIfihezgfiewcehtroILingJveteransf ewarder.95rii¢fi*L .‘31 t larly the Edenemy Act of 1933L5tteée cardsvarewnewrcalled;iEficfiiVGQT3niaffl 0f j although at times they are reVited aha transferred to livejrecQEaSE'flli;uil 'pQ? c All veterans _i‘i$t'edllperforped wereervice. On these award cards sep‘a—k‘ “ all ‘2 retiog illifW’ldS 5115135355535". wiféfor child:isfdesi‘g‘nafte‘dg - F1195— , ' 9hr I: icelly.._.-(Ine9:51iriefiimm]; oceaeiphallm Efficiéls 9:245. 2:5 55.15.6185,.) A8 it»); ; .. m in 9 drawelj§;.9f steel‘filins 'C‘ag‘s'e‘aV-R.*512-141-(5797)n.‘.:.-4 _g . . L 23. Aiiieofeitgsjmiil‘ofi AEJIS‘*A000UAES-‘.v"ALs.o.rm‘cLU~DIEG?OTHERPAY .' 5 “a: j} 3 PATIENTS. EXQDDT,E;PLQXEDs or GGG;’$aEA l930ueeu¢eteeehRegepe,e§ ell 'J ,Tf ~“m°= J} expenses incurred ‘by'Tore'goiiig “veterans; flincmudds identeglvexelflpfifiioni h" air: .; relief, or service. Three copies and original are forwarded; tot-Dirégt'oflflf'j :1“ ‘ of Fineno.e,_; Washingtonmni.“ cheeparete from all reports. They ELI/‘9 H I' as ‘ submitted to the foreign. agvernmente with claim.tiers-retimhurseelent..1:5: ‘ . Filed..ohlfgonoiogieaily‘;_.".'(‘Qeca'ei‘ouelly. 'foiCial'.‘)-Ai3}18%_gx Lip-iioose,;,shee$$g; NCL‘ f 10 in,l,in desk draWer.';B. 612;‘*(8713‘1T ~~%*A>n» .“Ttflfi.¢¥ ljfiilu3337“f35reee “ v ' - , , - "2"I‘I‘1‘I,‘ ,r :1: I: -: .A;~"_,‘;I._ :11), }‘ Lye-ll} “V. . if: ‘V . I an. CONTRACTS, MEDICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE; 1931,: 1935, Lbupiibetes"tp; 3:“ 4‘“ of all such contracts filed in R._620, the Supply and'I‘raAlsportéLtiOii J “ Division. This duplicate file iii? thei-Fillaucei Division is mainteined Loot} g for, the» ozonveliiexice of ’the'AccountiJlg Department in making out various é " at vouchers as,per,¢ontrects;5 Filed alphabeticallyfibYTnflmfi$:9§:§ifmsgor u: H yff i; individuals; (Occasionally, ~"olffi'ci’al'. )3: 8-.er x -.ll:;l-0_os.e;,sllf:{eets.,n ,IO' ‘-ii1_...:__'_ ', ' "O ‘ . j} in drawer of wooden filing case. B. 6342;; 3(890)’; ...._._ j-‘ 1.]: " ' . 25;.,.;SJJEUL.A for. :JOLLLCTENJ.‘-;r9=31 rte eeAe-an 1552252113',Rem55655.1760017d7 T 3° 2 made out irreduplicete; "orle'fo‘r“‘theiiFf-~izzen6e :Divis-iqzx-fiile..:1t‘he,,othe‘r i‘ojr" ., , :0? Agent 95351319? 's £ilé,‘j :the latter being" then-U; :va,,’I‘.r.e'_'aggrj_ De’pértfiient‘s". ttis 3 local representative'in‘the;RéeidEAE Office. directly reeponéib1915¢,'“i}71‘ Ithgl ;‘ the Federal Reserve Bank of the district} Filed 9h399519SiééilyeIe-L LT'JCTf tgt _‘ (Frequently):Dfiioial,.)_M8955; 11 fielders and loose sheets. 2 ft”; ill " offj j? drawer ofjwoodeilni‘il‘ing’oa's‘eg "-N'RJ A612.“ “(-395)"? 4 ‘.rg'.-_.=‘-€,.j:",;3.:'~f .. :. _ _ case 26- PAYBQLLT PEESEE';“$'EEVICESZ L932 w det'érii'{55.555555584555559 31f * ' ii are prepared bimonthly.“”(Frequentlys-fJ‘ofrfic'imllf) 8:32:15: lirShfifiJGSy 1L in ' ‘ in., in drawer of wooden‘ filing ceee‘.’~‘--R. 6-12. £518.89)», “1.1, Fife €27.15 D; SGOVERNLENT EAL REQUESTJan 1932: to .daices.:l-.Sne.c.ie3a : m c :1 form, individueyilzx_eufoj:eot to lcrhazilgeefi‘somei'ere- 800d"-On'~di‘13i¥¥Si_-.°§€F‘_$,v-i}:;_._r.‘, % 7 ' ' L 1:: £1.11. ':.'~V.= ' Clai i 1 s if I . f . . g ‘1 1 -Regionel Office, Cincinnati 8 g ‘ period SpeCified byIthe government, or his serVice period was'short'of‘g. . ‘Q the required time to entitle him to CempensatiOn award or service cer?.'“ I o ’ tificate. Filed numerically. (Occasionally. official.) 5 x‘6 indexsz .‘ i .1 cards, lOIin., in drawer of wooden card cabinet. R. 612. (882)I 6 j 36. “CVERPAYMENTS ON ADJUSTED SERVICE CEREIFIOATES,‘193M'tO dete.,~~ -_ i Originete from disallowed adjusted COmpensation benefits, not discovered~u ~t ; until éfiér d lapSe of censiderable'timelj-Ihey originate-from.illegalu'ur a fi loans granted on the'Veterans"Certificates, certificates issued.erroe:-.'. t i, ' neously, and loans granted thereon. Filed numeriCally.V‘(OCCasionally+» x t .2 official.) I5 $ 8 index cards, 10 in., in single wooden card cabinet ‘ “é i near Ceebief Agent's deeki “R. 612.“(875)"5 s“ 7 " -:V '.L ’15 .:_ It ’ 37.)}ALLOTMENTflLEDGER,J193h5to:ddte.""8how all the allOtments paid.'w.‘ : “ and'due veterans in'thfs“region.lVFiled*chrOnologically;L (Occasionally,._a . official.) ‘12'N‘18‘vols. (5),I1Ift.v3i1h..-ee woodenzcebinetr- R. 612. g. t. 3erijEA ; LOnCINC; AND TRANSPORTATION GORRESPONDENCE, mar; 193M te-‘ ‘ f .,§ date.‘PBetween'V§#eran3}”guardians,“theiDiredtor'of Finance, and others d7 1; 3) concerning“disallbwédngUCherefend direCt'séttlement‘efzproposals;u"i-t=', A :3 Earlier documents”under this subject'ere to-he found in baSement stor- :~\‘ 2 1) age. Filed elphébeticallyi*