xt7zkh0dzf08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dzf08/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-09-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1977 1977 1977-09-23 2020 true xt7zkh0dzf08 section xt7zkh0dzf08 Sources say Simm

Kernel Staff Writers
copyright rm. '0 4‘. KentucU Kernel

Editor's note: Ken Kagan and
Charles Main have been researching
the controversy about the detention
of juvenibs in Fayette County. This
story is the third in a three-part
series. It contains their observations
and conclusions.

Bureaucratic and legal decisions
surrounding the firing of Fayette
t‘omty Legal Aid Director Clyde
Simmons were influenced by outside
political interests, the Kernel has

Simmons was fired Sept. 1 by the
Legal Aid Board as a result of a
disagreement over Board policy
when he filcda class action suit on
behalf of juveniles held in the cumty
jail, according to Lyle Robey, the
board‘s president.




In lcsing his job, Simmons may
have been the victim of a powerful
emerging political machine in
Lexington, according to sources
close to the situation. ‘

Sources close to the case, who
have asked to remain anonymous,
said that the dcc'sion to fire Sim-

mons was all ected by considerations
other than board policy, which in
fact contains no written or explicit
mention of opposition to class action

’l‘he Kernel has learned that
pressure from Fayette County
.ludge l’aul (indgel, who was named
as a defendant in Simmons‘ suit to
free the juvenilesfrom the jail, may
have been a factor in the board's
decision to fire Simmons

tine of the sources said that when
(:udgel learned he had been named a
defendant in the suit. which called
for criminal penalties to be imposed.
he “called ltobey and raised forty
kinds of hell" and demanded the
dismissal of Simmons.



an independent student new

Volume LXIX, Number 26
Friday, September 23, l977

" Kernel

University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky


Xerox copiers possibly
affected by new laws

Copy Editor
This is the second of a two-part
series on how changes being made in
copyright laws will affect the

When new copyright laws go into
effect Jan. 1, 1978, Xerox copying
procedures will be affected,
although students may not be aware
of any changes.

In the past, students and faculty
have had virtually unlimited access
to literature rerroduction. The new
law, however, primarily stipulates
the amount and use of such

This facet of the new lawwill have
far less impact on the University
than the changes in musical
copyright use. Those changes will
affect UK greatly within the

Kernel Staff Writer

One group of women replaced
another group of women this fall at
Hamilton" House. The former
cooperative residence hall for UK
women '3 now the meeting place for
the UK Woman’s Club.

The club began leasing the house,
located on the comer of Limestone
Street and Keeneland Drive, on July
1 last summer after the University
decided to close the coop dormitory.

in an interview last spring,
Rosemary Pond, associate dean of
students for residence halls
programming, said the decision was
made because applications for the
coop had been declining. She also
said the house was in need of
significant repairs, in order to meet
safety requiremenb for a dwelling

financial and legal implications of
law enforcement.

However, the fines for in-
fringement of the reproduction
copyright law are the same as for
the musical copyright law~$250 to
$10,(X)0 per violation

‘1 don’t think the burden (of the
law) will be on students," said Bill
James, law librarian. “It’s going to
be the responsibility of the people in
charge," such as the librarians, he

The main “catalyst" in the
creation of the law was theltm legal
case of Williams and Wilkins vs. the
U.S., James said.

In this case, which challenged the
copyright law of 1909, the publisher
of medical journals brought suit,
alleging that practice of a govern-
mert medical research organization
and its library in making
photocopies d articles in medical

At that time, Pond said the
director of safety estimated that
renovation of the house, ap-
proximately 70 years old, would cost
$37,400, a figure University officials
considered prohibitive.

Because it was a coop and housed
few residents—12.women last
semester, life at Hamilton House
differed significantly from life in
regular dormitories. The women
were an exceptionally close-knit
group, because groceryushopping,
cooking and cleaning dities were
shared by all residents

The residents paid lowerfees than
those at other halls—$165 per
semester plus a monthly food bill
and social fees. Residerts were
required to demonstrate financial
need and to resent three character
references in order to live at the

Hamilton House, which operated

journals constituted copyright in-

The United States Court of Claims
held that photocopying should be
considered a “fair use“ under cir-
cumstances that the federal non-
profit institutions were devoted
solely to advancement and
dissemination of medical lmowledge
and that such copying had been
going on since adoption of the 1909

The suit was dismissed, but raised
many questions regarding “fair
use” and copyright owners' control
of their material. Subsequently, new
copyright laws were passed on Oct.
19, 1W6.

Under these laws, Section 107
presents four factors thatthe courts
have traditionally considered in
determining whether or not a given
use is “fair": the purpose and

t‘ontinncd on back page

as a women's coop dorm for 34
years, began to lose its attraction
about three years ago. Residents
last semester acknowledged that
demand for coop housing was
down—there were usually 17 or 18
residents-and said that a greater
selection d grants and scholarships,
and more housing alternatives
probably distracted potential

The lack d applications and the
general disrepair of the house

generated rumors during the past,

three or four years that Hamilton
House would be closed Finally, last
Febniary, itwas decided to close the

Several residents suggested last
string that a lack of publicity for
Hamilton House on the part of UK's
housing off ice resulted in the decline
of applications. However, the
women admitted that living at the

in a recent interview, linlicy
denied that asstrfiuti. ”l was in
t‘nlit‘ornia when the suit was filed
(Aug, 25> ltobcy sard.‘ ‘I didn't get
back until the next morning (Aug.
20». I did not talk to (iudgel until
after the suit was dismissed by
Judge Meade (late in the aftcmoon
of Aug. 26), and all we talked about
was the fact that the suit was
dismissed and that the juveniles
would remain in the jail.“

(Meade has since altered his
decision. (in Sept, ti he expressed
cmccrn over the county govern-
ment's failure to act quickly in
making plans for a new juvenile
detention facility, He ordered that
the case be reopened.)

According to t‘tIllltlt‘llll‘dl minutes
of the board meeting in which
hinrnrons was tired .of which the.
Kernel has obtained a copy i, liobcy
had a different cxplaination for the

ltobey told the board he was in-
formed by a phone call from titrdgel
“the first thing in the morning" that
legal Aid had sued Lexington-
Fayette t'rban t‘ounty Government.
.lucnile ('ourt Judge Anthony Todd,
the jailer and himself, and that the
press was covering the story.

ltohcy regarded Simmons‘ action
a “serious misconduct." according
to the minutes. leading him to call
Simmons immediately. lie con-
sidered calliig a special meeting of

ons’ firing politically motivated

the board. but decided instead to
wait until the regularly schedrled
our-ting on Sept. 1.

At another point in the meeting.
Julius Italher, another board
member, told the board, “The
problem is in the prayer (in-
troductory explanation) of the suit
which asked that criminal pemlties
be issued against a Fayette County
judge, which I can't fathom. JuQe
trudge] is a sincere candidate for
office and for improving conditions
for juveniles."

Rather went on to tell the Board,
“There has never hem a problem
with Mr. Simmons until his wife
started running for office."

i onlinued on page ~l


decline Velma

Into 'The Deep’

\ohody caught his name. but a golden r'clriei'cr en—
tertained the t‘lnssrooni ltuilding audience by diving

into the water to fetch sticks in the Patterson Office

Hamilton House becomes home of Women’s Club

house had its disadvantages. They
said that freshman women missed
the opportunity to meet people they
would have, had they lived in a
regular residence hall. The women
added that Hamilton House was not
included in north campus activities.

In fact, although the residents
generally said they disliked seeing
the house closed, they admitted that
they had plans to move to regular
dorms. Hamilton House residents
were guaranteed University

Pond said she thought the low
number of applications could not be
attributed to lack of publicity. She
said that the availability of more
types of financial aid competed with
the coop concept, adding that the
application dropof f reflected a lack
of student interest in coop living.

But while students have lost in-
terest in Hamilton House, the UK

Woman‘s Club has gained plenty.
Peggy Parker, club president, said
the group will hold most of its
general meetings there. A crafts
room will also be set up in the house.

The club‘s first activity in the
house was an August ltmcheon. The
“first big function" will be a general
meeting and tea on Sept. 27, Parker

in addition to its own meetings.
the club is permitted by its lease to
rent rooms for other group
meetings, Parker said. Though the
club has not determined which
groups it will allow space, Parker
said the groups will probably be

Park er said the club has no plans
to renovate the house within the next
year. “Atthis point, the first year
will he a trial year to see how we fit
into the house and how it fills our
needs," she said. University staffers

‘f‘owcr fountain \\'edncsday. The dog is fast becomlng
a regular feature on campus.

painted the house exterior and
cleaned the windows, while club
members did extensive cleaning

The club, which had over 460
members last year, provides social
activities for its members and aid to
students, Parker said.

The club awards three schdar-
ships yearly, totalling $950. to
women over 25 who return to school
and need financial aid. Also,the club
maintains a student emergency loan
fund, from which students can
borrow up to $50 for emergency
purposes, Parker said.

The club also serves international
students through a frost family
program and a lerlling service that
provides horsehold articles

Club membership is open to
University faculty and staff
members or wives of faculty and
staff members.




tniir Shalash. the owner of a grocery that was
dynamited last September, has file 3 3200.0“) suit in
Fayette Circuit Court against two men convicted of the

Donald Garrison and his nerhew, Clarence Covington,
were convicted in June of the bombing, which clued
aboil $521M in damage. Garrison who owned a rival
grocery, was sentenced to five years in prison for second-
degree arson and t2 months and a $500 fine for second
degree wanton endangerment.

Although he attended a tints-plate fundraislng dinner
this week for mayoral cmdidate Jim Amato, Jack Hall,
Governor Julian M. Carroll‘s chid execuive officer says
hi support is personal in" official

“I can tit-Hikii‘ w -\ 'hc t'arloll nd


ministration has ever asked me to support Mr. Amato,"
Hall said.

Arnalo‘s ippunenl, Joe (iraves. has charged Carroll
with interfering in a nonpartisan race by his endorsement
of Aniato. Carroll sa id recently he was exercising his right

0 errforse a frierd.

llall sen/ed tWo yearson the Urban County Council here

and was ”('5 than of students.


\n air mass mutainini: radioactii- li-lulr ti».
t'binrse nuclear bomb test is moving acmss the country
more rapidly than weriicted, leaving little trace of in«
creased radialion along its pathway, federal officials said

Arthur-flies said the leading edge of the contaminated
air was in reach Ihe East (‘oast last night instead of today.
is t‘ill‘lll'i' iiiwhc .ii , ,. '.r ‘ r'. -

'rllrlllisrlt'li- . . ..

rim-incur ,. ((-

'l‘lie landmark blotclon-the-Mountain in Hillbum, N.Y.
embarked on a new policy of catering to homosexuals
yesterday and irate local residents said they feared it
would change their community Some citizcrs threatened
(fenionslr'al ions tut side the motel, which advert ised itself
as the “ultmiate resort for gays in the. Northern slates."

'l'he upset residents talked of enlisting the support of
Anita Bryant. who led a successful campaign for repeal of
a Miami area ordinance prohibiting housing and job
discrimination against homosexuals.

In H itiziim \i-fliit'k to President f'it‘ll‘i‘~ 'i”"fl\'

llitlil~‘ _. "l.‘l » ‘l it ~‘ ...‘. t".\

'fhe crucial (est vote was a clear defeat for the
l‘r-(sidenl's priposal (o mntinne federal price controls on
gas and marked the latest in a series of blows his energy
plan has been dealt by the Senate.

f) .It

wsiigai ions and an morriam future. The former burner
din‘c'ur and his wife flew from Washington to his
imitllctnwn of t'alhonn. 6a.. on a private plane that he
(erred himself

\leanwhilt‘. I'rcsidcnt ('al'fer begin a hurt yesterday
for a ,‘lItTI‘SStl' who is emain to face toughter scrutiny
hair Lance did before behg confinned as the govern-
incnl's chief hudgeimnker.

In .\tlanla, chairman John Slembler of the National
I'ank of Georgia, said lance "can have the job of chair-

l' ti u art's it ‘(il'tul‘n‘w ..


'l‘orlay will be sunny and warm with a high near N.
”there will be increasing cloirfiness (might with a chance
of rain by iomormw morning. The low tonight will be

..,. . ~ ~ ‘ 5-4» “W“ ‘onmrrnt near (to

l - i-rl. H;

, \.~-i\l.ltttl l'riss (lispatihes






l‘ riltu-ln-rnlel
Steve llulllnuer

“running Editor
flick Gabriel

I-iliturtnl I'ldkor
Joe Kemp

Nun Editor (‘ch Photographer
\‘manne Durham Illll Kill"
hoot-hie Miler S00?“ Editor

Marie Mitchell quit "tbbltu

Arts l-Irlltor
'l‘om ('lark

it Ill \(‘lhl
“ll".illl l-'ro.'.ite

(‘opy Hilton
Judith Euenon
Lynne l-‘unk
lhtJy l'earce
l'hll Rutledge

Adv t-rtblng Manager
Tiny Gray




fl editorials 8: comments


Indifference hurts energy bills

Remember the lime when President Jimmy
Carter sat down and had a talk with the
American people about the energy crisis?

His was a doomsday speech which stressed the
need for conservation and sacrifice.

Trouble is, no one takes Carter seriously.

The people don’t want a conservation tax on
gasoline. They are opposed to his “gas guzzler”
tax on automobiles. They don‘t care for his plan
to let “new" oil rise to match the world price.
They won‘t even tolerate his efforts to halt
developent of fastbreeder nuclear power

BUL if OPEC nations decide to produce a tight
energy crunch, the people's reaction will be
predictable. "Why didn‘t someone tell us months
ago. This is a conspiracy."

Carter has warned us to boredom. CBS-TV
recently documented the dilemma in a three-
hour prime time program.

Our indifference is insane if not self-
destructing. This country pays out billions to
import about half of the oil it consumes. Not
surprisingly, a staggering trade deficit results.
And if you think the Alaskan Pipeline is our
energy savior, forget it. The percentage of oil we
get from other countries has gone up since the

I973 OPEC embargo and will continue to in-

A CBS-New York Times poll reveals that 49 per
cent of the people don’t believe an energy crisis
exists at all.

Unable to see the future beyond tomorrow,
these folks need physical proof of a critical
situation in the forms of gasoline lines, ration
coupons or no lights.

Sharing this same short-sighted attitude is the
Senate Finance Committee which rejected
Carter’s call for a heavy-tax on “gas-hungry"

The Senate, or possibly a Senate—House
committee, could kill that illogical move next
month if it decides to ban the manufacture of
gas-guzzlers after 1980.

Other pieces of Carter's legislation are in
trouble in the finance committee which is
chaired by Sen. Russell B. Long, D—La. Not
coincidentally, Long‘s state is a major oil
producer. The bills in jeopardy are:

~ Crude-oil tax, which would raise the price of

gasoline by as much as 8 cents a gallon. Its
purpose is to force conservation.

_, A tax aimed at forcing factories to switch to
coal from oil and gas.


.'/ a


Retention of federal price

na: ural gas.

Long‘s policy of protecting his state’s interest

brings up the theory that everyone is out for



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controls on

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himself in the energy problem. “Let the other

guy suffer," seems to be a recurring theme.

Carter will make another plea by 1980. The
newspapers will write more editorials on energy.
But you don‘t want to be bothered with it.

Uncle Shill: EPA gives wrong figures

\l'.\SlllN(tTON—- The last few

merit could guarantee the quality to



weeks have seen a hullabaloo over
the inaccurate EPA gas mileage
figures which. by law, must be
stickered on every new car wind—
shield. The same figures, not by law
but by manufacturers‘ desire. are
featured in most television car

lt'sa dreamy set up. If automobile

von hoffman


makers lie in a television com-
mercial. they'll have the Federal
Trade Commission on them. but the
knowing use of inaccurate in-
formation cranked out by the
govemment brings with it legal

L'sing t'ncle Sam as a shill to sell
merchandise is an ancient practice
dating back to the turn of the cen-
tury and before. The question first
arose with govemment inspection of
meat. in the poorer sort of high
school history text. we are told that
an aroused public, shocked at the

sale of rotten beef by the big meat
packers for our soldiers in the
SpanishAmerican War. rose up and
demanded reform and regulation.

_.\ real hummer

The facts were different. While the
taste of the stuff might have left
something to be improved on, no big
meat packers sold any rotten beef to
the army. it was as true then as it is
now that nothing is such a bummer
in the food business as palming off
poisoned food on your customers. it
also kills repeat brsiness.

The major meat packers led the
indignation parade demanding

governmmt inspection of beef in
interstate commerce. The big

packers‘ business has been

damaged by fly-by'night com-
petition selling bad meat in Europe.

The situation had reached the point
that a number of countries
prohibited the importation of
American meat. The packers
wanted a federal inspection system
so that the United States govem-

foreign customers who prefen‘ed
their beefsteak without salmonella

The light in (‘ongtess over the 1906
law wasn‘t a battle between the
reformist forces of corsumerism
and the Reef Trust. but over such
questiors as. “Why should the
people pay for the packers' in-
spection instead of the packers
paying for their own inspection." as
Sen. Alfred Reveridge asked at the
time.’l‘be answer was because the
packers had the votes to stick the
taxpayers with the cost of providing
them with an invaluable advertising

The consequences of selling
poisoned food are such we must now
have inspection even if the
manufacturers can cash in on it. Of
course, what we don‘tknow is if the
system actually keeps bad food off
the ma rket.We know it doesn't keep
all of it off. Vide the recent cases of
sales ofspoiled roast beef. Never-
theless, who would care to stop the.
inspectionof food to testhow much a
differeme it would make?


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\\ lio‘s served
tut bow is the commonweal
served by the Department of
.\gricu|turc grading foodstuffs?
\\ by should the l'S. governmentix‘
grading the cut otmcat we get at the

Safeway or at the t\&l’! lf Safeway
thinks some of its beef is prime, why
ctui't they label it on their own say-
so'.’ Moreover this kind of service
extends to hundreds ifnot thousands
ol’prtxlucts. if you pick tip a can of
olives and it says that the size of the
cdibles therein is colossal, that is a
t .S. government grading term.
Nor is the trend toward backing
.tw ay from such activities. The wine
industry is pressing for new.
exacting labelling regulations, a la
that provided by the French

government for its vintners. The
purpose. of course, is for an ad-
vertising and merchandising effort
that will kick tip the pricrs of certain
w ines which will now be special and
expensive because l'ncle Shill says
they are.

All ofthis is to be done in the name
ot'constnnerism. When itcomes to
the consume r‘s health and safety we
have no choice. Thus it‘s insane to
permit dangerous microwave ovens
to be sold at the appliance stone. but
should one of the manufacturers be
allowed to use the govemment
safetycertification in its advertising
as it does‘.’

Government action beyond
minimal health and safety
ultimately injures consumers by

misleading them, as in the EPA gas
mileage case, andor dampening
their motivation to look after
themselves. if people are con-
stantly, although erroneously, told
that ever vigilant Uncb Shill is
spending h's nights in the labs
testing, rading and checking out the
merchandise, why should they give
a thought to fending for themselves?
Why should they join volunteer
consumer groups whose mem-
bership now represents a fraction of
the populatior so small it‘s three
miles to the right (i the decimal

By doing less the government may
do more. The policy should be, Uncle
Samuel will try to keep you from
being hung but not stung.




After reading the Letter to the
liditor in the September 19 issue of
the tx'ernel regarding William
Frigates distastefulness, i really
had to feel sympathy toward Ruby
Webb. and those like her. who take
It‘rrgate‘s dog cartoons so seriously.
Ruby was upset over Fugate's
September ti cartoon, conceming
Melanie lt'lynn. She was so upset, in
fact. that she has threatened to
“probably never read it tthe Kernel)

I off er a suggestion to Ruby Webb.
Try reading the Kernel when you‘re
in a lighter mood. Read Fugate‘s
cartoons with an air of casualness.
lion‘t become involved with any (if.
indeed. there is any) social come
ltlt‘fl he wishes to make. Take his
cartoons for what they are meant-Va
cheap laugh.

Don Amcnt
Economics freshman

For Graves

In light of Jim Amato’s recent
pledges of support towards UK, 1
think we should analyze that in
relation to Joe (lraves‘ record not

It is very easy to promise
something that has almost universal
appeal, in fact. Joe Graves has in-
dicated his support for UK.
However. Joe has a proven record,
whereas Jimmy has only what may
become hollow j' tlgcs.

.Ioe, for instance. has been a
strong smportcr of ERA. historic


preservation (he was president of
Bluegrass Land and Nature Trust
several yearsago), he supported the
Red River Gorge before it became
popular ”968». and he was in-
strumental in the passage of the
La ndlord-'l‘enant Act, something
man. students can appreciate,
myself included.

i know there are many students
who will say, “Local government
can make no differenceto me.“ i ask
that you think back to the issues of
t‘ivic t‘enter Parking tSouthhill)
and funding for the Rape Crisis
(‘enter and then reconsider.

Larry Schneider
Urban Studies junior

Backs EAS

The fart and flappers come and
go. Somehow the people in the
Environmental Action Society stick
to their guns Whetha it’s partying
on the governor’s lawn to toast the
end of another muddle-headed dam
or sponsoring an energy conference
to educate us all, students know we
can be courted on to be in the middle
d all the madness and a clear voice.

We don’t believe in leaving it up to
the experts. if everyoneknows about
the irsanity abomding around the
Marble Hill nuclear plmf then
maybe the experts planning to make
a morbut in evolution by making us
all glow in the dark won't get a
second chance.

We‘re students like you who came
to a point in their life where they

éW'M.Mr~tw~W~r. t... t , -. «.

said, “l’m mad as hell and I’m not
going to take it anymore.” It’s like
you suddenly wake up and realize
His 109 isn’t going to help make the
world a nice place in which to live.

This semester we hope to expand
out efforts. It takes a lot of bankroll
to stand up against the special in-
tere sts.

Drop by and stay with us at
Memor‘nl Hall the Saturday as EAS
presents a benefit evening of live
jazz by a very taented group of local
people: Park Avenue. if you’ve ever
heard them play, then wread the
word. They’re the only band at a
local bar to get a standing ovation.
Exactly what that means l‘m not
sure. Anyway, how many times have
you seen that in a bar?

Help us keep recycling alive and
enjoy jazz played the way you
you‘ve never heard it played before.




Letters and commentaries should be
addressed to the Editorial Editor.
Kentucky Kernel. 1” Journalism
Building. l'niversity of Kentucky,
Lexington. Kentucky. ttifitli. Letters
and comments must be typed. and
must include the writer's name,
auldress. telephone number and
classification. Letters should be
limited to 250 words. and com-
mentaries to 750. The editor
reserves the right to edit material
that is submitted. or to shorten and
matrim- letters and comments.



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‘Relaxed’ auditor Atkins speaks
to Young Democrats, lawyers


Kernel Staff Writer

State Auditor George
Atkins. a UK graduate.
visited the UK Law School
\l'ednesday and told the
audience he felt much more
comfortable standing in front
(f the class than he did as a
student sitting on the other

Atkins appeared at the
request of the Young
Democrats lie is just one of
many politicians who will be
invited this year to a forum
for poiitcal expression.

Relaxed and enthusiastic.
Atkins spoke of a “new ex-
pectation people have for
government. People are more
aware. Politicians, because
ofconimunications. are more
accemible. and so people

Too much noise
results in hours out
for fraternities

By .\.\'l'i‘.\ it. S'l‘l‘lttilld.
Kernel Reporter

it you walk by fratemity
row during the week at
around 11 p m. and see the
parties breaking up, it‘s not
because they were dull
Fraternities have new, more
restricted open hours this

i’arties during the week
must end by it pm. and on
Weekends they must end by i
a In. Last year all parties had
to be over by i am.

Mike i’aim, assistant dean
of students and fraternity
adviser. explained reasons
for the new hours: "We had
too many noise complaints.
and the fraternity scholarship
is not what it could be."

Fraternity rush wasn‘t
affected by Ill‘ new hours. but
there is someconfusion about
when the hours take effect

Kappa Alpha member ltick
Baker said. “'i‘ne hours don‘t
go into effect until next week

[he heuluiky Kernel. lit Journalism
lluilding. lnisersity 'll‘ Iteulut In.
li-unxton. Kentucky. mitt. is niailrd
Ilirtimcs weekly during the y ar t \t cpl.
hul'tlays and exam periods. and onre‘
wt ittly during the summer session.-
Ihid tlil\\ postage paid at lt“lfl“lln.l
her-link». ltl'ill. Suhsrription rates are.
Illltit'tl itprr y: or, or our tent per yr ar


‘ l’nllishtil by on- Kernel l'rcss. im.‘-

and founded in ”'1‘ lb: Kernel began as l

. [Ell t )Idl'f 'li lliitt IEII' paper has been '
‘ published continuously us the Kentucky

Itvrnl‘l \imr i‘Jifi. i

\du l tixing is intended only to help the
reader t-ui and any false or IIHsI-R'ltflfl I
adwnislig \hllllfl he reported and will ,
l-e inn-stipitrd by the Iditors .td .
u [1“an found to be false or niisiiudlnx i
‘1 will he rr ported to the flctter Busim“

linen and ionnm-uts should he 1‘
addressed lo the editorial page editor, i
lit Journalism Ilurlding. lhr) should he v
i) put. double spared and signed. ‘
t'lnsslitalion. phone number and ad-
d1 i-ss slmnld In "I hided. letters should I
not urn-d 2:30 words and comments I
shtrlllt‘ he no longer than 730 words.
l‘rllnn rest-rte the right to edit letters i
and tllntl’lll nts. i


'4" per hour

9 1| m

Ilene! III ‘I'ecl M eel.

Klee-nail u. 10-0313


. ' .inverter.—mtttrfiWaemmm-w‘w -~ ~ "“

so they dont interfere with

Adolph ltupp couched.
Speaking of his party af»
filiation. Atkins told the
audience. "l‘m a Democrat,
and l‘m proud of it. My party
is the party of opportunity. It
is the party of John Kennedy.
a (‘athoiic from the eastern
aristocracy who didn‘t seem
to have a chance people said.
“It is the party of Jimmy
Carter. a southem man from
a rural background with no
money and no national
political base. who could still
be elected President The
Democratic Party is the
partyoi opportunity."
Acknowledging he will
likely be a candidate for
governor in M9. Atkins said
he was confident he wouidbc



t.|*tt|ll.l~’. \'|'l\'|\.\'

‘politicians more act cssiltlt"

expect much more now than “an age of accountability."
they ised to," he said. This involves asking
Atkins called the current

. brokers. but by the people."
political climate in America

Asked if the Democratic
Party's credibility has been
damaged by recent
countabiiity, the public disclosures of favoritism in
demands answers, and will the awarding of cmtracts by
not tolerate evasion of their the (‘arroil administration.
questions. Adkins said. Atkins said “The damage is

At 36, Atkins is one of the
youngest elected state of-
ficials. iiewas elected mayor
of his native liopkinsviile.
Ky, at 29. While attending UK
he warmed the bench when

questions like. “is it right, is
it wrong? Is it good? Is it

Because of this ac~

things to
governor has said.
our rush ‘”

ltut Steve Sirnrns. vice
president of Phi Sigma
Kappa, said. “We went on
\\ nth our rush parties as usual
because the rule wasn't
't‘llt‘t'Iin'i until 'i'hursday
aitcr rush,"

tocover those things up or
ignore them."


we are proud of you!
Good luck
in the Sigma Chi Derby

We love you. the Actives

Fraternity lllt‘l‘ill'fl‘i‘S cx~
pressed little disagreement
with the it run hours. but
some do tortscc probicrns.

Ken Hayes. Sigma (Ihi vice
president. said, “If pmple go
out to a party and drink a few
IXV‘I'S. they"renot going to go
back and study afterwards
“'l‘hcy‘ll probably go to ’i\vo
Keys or sonrpiace like that.
and t‘ncnthty'il be on the road
driving. which is also had."

UK Horticulture Club
is selling
Red & Golden Delicious apples
at Geode Barn (in front of stadium)
Thur. & Fri. Sept. 22-23 3:30-6:30

liushcl soon it! ”I. S.‘,tltl
'. hushel Siloo T. lh.St 33

ii‘ratcrnitics hate ~i‘.’ open
hours when they can en-
tertain women in nonpublic
areas of their houses. This is
12 more than last year.
although not all houses take
advantage of all the hours.

elected, not by “the power

not done by bringing these
light. as the
damage comes when they try



l'UCKY KENNEL, l'ruluy. September 2.3. H77




. ‘ J.
l V.'




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