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The University Senate met in the Lecture Room of McVey Hall MonfiaYr [ ‘3
December 14? with Praeiéent McVey presiding. ‘

The minutes cf November 23 were read ag nrnrnvo

The Ccmmittee an Duplication of Courseg presented the folloWing new 1
cowrbes and Phauges in cairaes, which were anprcvcv: .


‘11» D:nu
7 i; Animal DiSeaSBSo 4 credits
equisites A. P. 116 and 126 or equivalent.

apartment of} Mrkets and Rural Finance M,
(a) Drop M & Ra Fe ZOlaeb, Research in Marketing and Cooperae '5‘
f on an mi sabs ti tlte Ma & R. Fe 202a~b, Special Problems in

Marketing and Rural Finance.

Open to graduate students who have the necessary training

anf ND lity to do research on individual problems. The

ccur;e consista of individual work on some selected probe

lem related to agricultural marketing or agricultural

finance” Prerequisite, apnroval of head of departmento

3 credits« Each enesrere ‘

(b) Add the %llOWing new courses:

”/ Mo & R Fe 203a+bp Seminar. Analysis of current prob1ems
in the fie Id of marketing and rural finance. 1 crelit. !
Each s me taro

V My & R, F. 204, ?esearch in Marketing« Types of Research 1 5'
in marketinga Laying out the research project. Analysis ‘ '

of data» Frerequi81te M. & R. F. 198» 2 credits.
Second semester»

Collegg of Engineering

”The Faculty of the Ucpartment of Mining and Metallurgical
Engineering proposes the following changes in the courses leaém
ing to the degrees of B. S. in Mining and B. 80 in Metallurgy for
the purpose of strengthening said cou'ses and of keeping the
Curr101lum in step wi+ h Drogress in the fields covered.