«———-—:-— ~——.:‘v—:—-:—=—~_‘—:—:W—.‘zl “‘9 ‘ 111.11, .1..., . 1. _ “‘ .5 ‘ «11:13:- MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, NOVEMBER I4, 1966 The University Senate met in regular session at 4: 00 p. m., Monday, November 14, 1966, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Diachun presided. Members absent: Jacob H. Adler, Jack N. Baldwin, Charles E. Barnhart, Barbara Bates, John R. Batt, Wendell E. Beals, John J. Begin, Harold R. Binkley, Harry M. Bohannan, Thomas D. Brewer, A. J. Brown, Lester Bryant, Dana G. Card, Cecil C. Carpenter, David B. Clark, Lewis W. Cochran, Jerome E. Cohn, Emmett R. Costich, Glenwood L. Creech, Marcia Dake, Melvin L. DeFleur, Wendell C. DeMarcus, Kurt W. Deuschle, Robert M. Drake, Jr., J. H. Drudge, James M. Edney, Ben A. Eiseman, Herman A. Ellis, Norman H. Franke, Hugh Scott Fulmer, James E. Funk, Wesley P. Garrigus, Peter Gillis, Arthur C. Glasser, J. W. Greene, Jr., Robert H. Greenlaw, Ward Griffen, Jack Hall, Ellis F. Hartford, Thomas L. Hayden, Hubert P. Henderson, A. J. Hiatt, John W. Hill, James C. Humphries, W. M. Insko, Jr., Robert D. Jacobs, Malcolm E. Jewell, Raymon D. Johnsm1,RW Johnson, Robert F. Kerley, James B. Kincheloe, Donald E. Knapp, Wasley Krogdahl, Carl F. Lamar, R. A. Lauderdale, Jr., Leslie L. Martin, Herbert F. Massey, Marcus T. McEllistrem, L. Mae McPhetridge, Alvin L. Morris, R. J. Muelling, Jr., Vernon A. Musselman, Elbert W. Ockerman*, James R. Ogletree, John W. Oswald, Blaine F. Parker, J. W. Patterson, Doris P. Pearce, James H. Powell*, James Prestridge, John E. Reeves, J. T. Reeves, Wimberly C. Royster, Benjamin F. Rush, Ivan Russell, George W. Schwert, Den—Gaeh—Seaten3 William A. Seay, Doris M. Seward, Roy E. Sigafus, C. Leland Smith, Wellington B. Stewart, Paul Street, Thomas B. Stroup, Lawrence Thompson*, Lee H. Townsend, M. Stanley Wall, Daniel L. Weiss, Warren E. Wheeler, Robert L. White, William R. Willard, W. W. Winternitz, Kenneth Wright*, Wesley 0. Young, Fred Zechman. The minutes of October 10, 1966 were approved. The Chairman presented a request from Mr. Frank Browning, a KERNEL representative, to be permitted to sit in the meeting and report its proceedings. The Senate approved the request. The Chairman reported that pursuant to instructions from the Senate at its October meeting, a Program Subcommittee of the Senate Council had been establish— ed and programs for the year had been planned; that the December meeting will have on the agenda a report by President Oswald of some of the University's major issues, to be followed by a question and answer session. He stated that the faculty may mail questions to the President or to any member of the Senate Council prior to the meeting in addition to questions which may be asked from the floor of the meeting. The Chairman urged the faculty to send to the Senate Council any recommenda— tions they might have of qualified candidates to fill terms which are expiring on the following standing Senate Committees: Advisory Committee on Community Colleges, Advisory Committee on University Extension, Honors Program Committee, Library Committee, and Rules Committee. Mr. Carson Porter, President of Student Government, was recognized. He stated that he, together with Mr. Howard Shanker, editor of the proposed teacher- class evaluation program questionnaire, wished to report the intention of Student Government concerning this program. Following the report Mr. Shanker recommended that the University Senate go on record as endorsing the program and accepting the recommendation that Student Government be permitted to take fifteen minutes of class time on one specified day in order to distribute the questionnaries to the students and let them mark them. The Senate approved endorsement of the program and the allocation of class time as requested. *Absence explained \ 4A.,__.‘ —_ A A". A .A‘/,— —