Q The Historical Rsc0rds Survey was created in the winter of 1955-ZG
F as a Nation-wide W0rksPr0gr€ss Administration project for thc "discovery,
A preservation and listing of basic materials for research in the history
of the United St&t&s."l Under the direction of Dr. Luther Q. Evans, the
1 Survey undertook an extensive program for thc inventory of state and
Q local archives, early Ammrican imprints, church archives, and collections
Q of manuscripts. Pursu&ut to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act
fi passed June BO, 1939, thc existence of the Survey as a siuglu Nation-wide
§ project sponsored by WTA itself was terminated Mugusb Bl, IQSQ. The
[ work cf thc Survey Mas ,=. continued within the individual states by locally
f sponsored projects operating within the national WTA Historical Records
Q Survey Pr0gram.wh1ch continued under the direction of Dr. Evans until his
{ resignation and the subsequent appointment of Sargw»t B. Child on harch 1,
Z The North Carolina Project 0f the national Historical Records Survey
E was established February 1, 1936, with Kr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of
Q the Forth Carolina hishorical Coumdssimn, us Sircctor. Dr. Crittenden
Z resigned as State Director June BO, 1957, and was succeeded by Dam Lacy,
E who had previously served as Assistant Stake Director. The work of the
Q North Carolina unit cf the Yistovlcal Records Burvuy was continued by the
g North Carolina lisboriual Rccwrds $urv©y Project established Scptcmber 1,
`F 1959, and sponsored by the Eorth Carolina Histo: cul Commission. Mr. Lacy
" resigned as Stats Suparvisor on Lpyil l, 1940, to aqccpb an appointment
11 as Assistant tc the bircctor nf Lisicr cal Records Burvcy Projects in
iQ Ȥ;sh1ngt0n, D. C. H0 was succccdud by Colbuyt F. Crutchfield, who had
{Q served as Assistant Stats supervisor under Ly. Lucy.
QF The present inventory of the racords of the local Government Commis-
1 Sj.OIl is a section of *0%; IIlVGEL`\3OI`lf of     g11·.¤·es fi   OBEBEEE
Q} being prepared by tha Hcr¥FrYE5;;EE§;Yi1stmrioal Raccrds Survey Frcject.
j  The inventory was prepared uu ·s`,.· my tho supervision 0f Branson iaylcy,
Q District Supervisor in charge of yublic archives. Field work was donb ky
F Jum©s'H. F&rk©r, Gcovgc L. bmutumdj ani Irs. Willa Saul;. The inventory
{ w&s read for the sponsor by Dv. C. O. Crittenden of the North Carolina
Historical Commission aud·was edited by Lira Mahal S. Lrodic of the
E Library 0f Congress Iabional Technical Project mf the Tistcrical Records
i Survey Program. The Suyvcy is imdubtad to thu m0mbOrs 0f the stuff of
Y the Local Gnweymmcmt Commission for their generous c0—0p;r&t10u in the
  1.;.mh 1941
5 A _ _ _
{ 1. `Works Progr ss Adminishration, O£E£jjj£g;j];2;[Qgq& £2¤"EgE) ucv1sgd
 § J1~.1y 2, 192*;.