xt7zpc2t7j2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t7j2d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198603 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, March 1986 text GSO Newsletter, March 1986 1986 2019 true xt7zpc2t7j2d section xt7zpc2t7j2d LEXINGTON GAY SERVICES ORGANIZATION P.0. BOX 11471 LEXINGTON, KY 40575 ' . - ' Ls; v “WNW?" é ' -, ' -' ’ a" ‘ i , , V ', - , ' > ~i~ , . £5me _ . " ' ‘, I I ‘ , - V " », ‘ . 7 , “:55:g’ffiiI.:525.3:}:51:52.55522;-E’s-«zvfiééié’i V2; w ., ' " " . . .‘v..-'.:~..I '- ‘I ', " » I ' v “4:. . A - . ,. ”W; 3:: , , -M fl“??? :1 ,, . ,. . >. . I x . ' . v - > CA , ' . I ’ LEXINGTON’S GAY <3 LESBIAN NEWSLETTEF? POLICY ;5p5s;gfieéegggeeeggsfigggengfiggegeeecsnesesseeguehm lf ou would like to advertise in the BSD . ‘ ' - ‘ Newsletter, please send your camera-read ad co y ____Please put IEIUS 0" the 559 'alllng llSt to sag, PO Box 11471, Lexington, Ky. tosls. rle Including a free subscription to the Deatti'l‘ineA ford ad subnéssggn IS the 15th of each monthly BSD newsletter (delivered in an non . ny a 5 receive a er the deadline will u, - - . not be guaranteed to be published in that issue. “Mk9”. meme" , Ads may be submitted camera-ready or rough. ____Enclosed is $10.00 (or $5.00 ior students) Rgugh copies Ere subjgct tobagditionaéD charges as for each membership in 650. s own in ra es sec ion e on. G . will not be r responsible for typesetting errors in ad after _-__Please 19? IEIUS know how l/ge :3? be sore printing' advertiser is responSible for proofing I anlDVEd in 550 0? other gayile- ‘3“ organ— heTfids they submit for puglication. izations by calling _--_-_____ E 9'1 0r reserves he riuht to censnr , , _ —--——--—---- advertisements which are deemed ln oor taste and ____or writing. Phone 3 to edit due to space and/or graoealical errors. Erotica,‘ fantasy, or sexually explicit materials, _____-________________________________ or ads with sexua. innuendo, will not be accepted i;;é];y for publication. K ___--__'__-______—-_______-_-__~____ _______- RPTES Street Address hpt # Eishth Pave s 8.09' -7——-~---———--——---——----—--———----~—~-——-——- ou3rter rigs $15.00 mi Half Page $25.00 _____________________________ _____,_________ Egll nged :40.00 State Zip assi ie 1.00 (up to 5 lines. $ .95 1 ,V 1 V ;n i=7; Each additional word) ”all t0 BSD! P.0- BC" 114/1. LE1”, kl 40...“ i Typesetting Sifi.03 ‘ Screens $ 5.0fi DlSCOUNlS: The 650 newsletter is Bublished eonthly by the Lexington Say Services rganization Incorporated, 1/4 off for fine. P.0. Box it: i, Lexinggon, Kentucky $0575. 650 {S 1/7 off icr lEno. a non-pro l organiza ion u use purpose is 0 iii off {Er non-prnijt groups. provide educational, recreational. social and referral services directly involving or relating to Placement of an ad in the 639 Newsletter DUES 9‘Y’l’551‘“ P'DPli- NUT denote a person’s sexual orientation or a Viees 0' oRinions eXKressed 1" stories 0' h e, , s , - e, , n ' letters are t ose of t e writers and do not LUSlffizs s custoee prcierence. ' necessarily represent those at the BSD board or the 7/,5 nfiwgletteg :tatf. Publication oft the naee or ‘ p o ograp 0 any person or aniza ion or other DIRECTORY entity in articles or advértislng in the newsletter 7 *7: is in no way indicative of the sexual orientation 630 Be linE""""""""""""“""2*1‘O*:J 0t such person, organization or entity. BSD Billboard...............,............293-6Za4 Subeissions for the neesletter are welcoee. All 650 Newsletter, Eeneral...........-.-----299'0952 subeissions becoee the ropert of the Lexington Advertisement............2?3-3809 Say Services Organization, lnc. All SubeisSIOns BSD Recreational Events..................273-004B eust indicate the full naee and address at the authoré although ng gzline will b: publisheg ' ...................252-3110 wi hou pereission o e author. on-ori ina Slggltgafgxlhgggfill???.....,......1......2bh-3759 :atggial eust _indgcatghthat thgthpegaon has given - 1 .- ‘_2 e- 5 is or ereission or e use a _is' er naee in gggeggglLEggganugnthe Bleugrass Empire. 023-353? the goalicgfiiona t Anopyegugisuzeissggns canggt ge - """"""""'Z""“ -~ 1' acce e . e e i oria s a as e ri a gay anqttefigéflhn$flfiglat5 0+ Kentucty::::§g3_g?§§ altee subeissions iincluding advertiseeenlsl to litt‘r‘léaie/nvuun......::::::::::::::.EYE—mg mt nuthshme "mu-ants- Louisville Crisis Hotline..........(50 - u i Owensboro Bay Alliance.............(502) 685—5246 'ncinnati Sa‘ Switchboard......,..(513) 221-7800 A fiational Gay lask Force Crisis Linei800l 221-7044 CQVEP Phfltu by D.E. Daniels NGTF AIDS Crisis Line.....,....,...(600l 221-7044 £2 I _., ,,l is the suhgect or his orana. i a, Joe Peep, producer of the Public Theatre in r ;.m;5 H;,,,a , lfifih , NIC erites the following about the play: . :;Naw;2“ffi€etda%heihafi "lt reverberates uith the social and personal Implications of that issue”.Ihe__liornal___heart ‘ M . ' "neg: reveals its origins in the theaWe orEphocTe-s: : We, Euripides, and Shakespeare. In his moralistic 3‘ '“ ;}v§g§@%§h§%§§” fever, Larry Kramer is a first coustn _ to ~‘ :c;5 . reggae assess nineteenth-century ‘lhsen and twentieth-century i 1.. _ In _ n _ udets and other radical nricers or the trans. _' “5 “GR-mi- HEHRT at the heart aI The h’ornal Heart, the element it , . I . . that elves this donorful eolitical olav its { , _ Larry hraner's The hornet heart, “filth essence: is love - love holdlho firm under tire. ; CTIBBE lh?l EUOlTGVEF51ii, tflhli 0?_HI?5 _l5 She not te’the ultimate test, facing and overcoming 'l glegfis “iii be ETESEOlEG 55 ,5 Liilfifitfin ?§B our greatest fear: death ..l love the ardor or ,i aortices’x organizatzon-soonsoreo_ .project this this gig§_ its hgfiiing‘ its terror and its g month. lfiE yperlornanceq dates at the production gindnegg_t' " I niii SE fiarch Aisle andep-EE. L lhgflglayl is oart lhe Actors” Solid of Lexington is oleased to g 53 “§?,5Ltgl e Gull? Uf L?EIOSLGO 17?9'55 9E5}0O he one of the first theatres in the United States El hurrahild SEIHB PfEsEUlEG at 159 Theatre {outside hen torhl to present the Normal heart. El iflhfififlgfitthtih‘ls lgflaied ED téféi;q%§5§fhiéfll: hhilelynountins such a production'hay'aooeaF'feasy {1 Fr. ;*:Mr1_=fl“id;_l: r??? ?I_E“P hIersilde h?ff tron the asoect or TBUtfilng on a play." reelsclty g, ea?5E?;EU,,1”=“9fi ’“Th :Igr ids} 795? Fuse #9411 Birector tor ASL etc Chaney eaolains nhu doing a u mmarfiirh‘ -ijflJiiésieh-i rcc‘a the hi Heatr soeclal ll presented Lat the hfiblli ihfiillfi and starrec xdrai occasion for the‘aFoEE?_-'TEEEE'E§ain. we’re also ll figvlfi 1? the 5930 3919 53 H93 heats fit $35 EEEET to he the torerunner in hringino the finest in ‘l Elafee oy 9991,3r9?51 .yHE 95?? Q? Eh? SEW EDIE contemporary theatre to the heartland of America. : :nacesoeare resciual. 3? “35 QTQUUCEE BY 05? has; he re excited that this slay conolnes a social I .; 5C5 Fifi f5? §559?,§ln9 EUQEhS ott-Broadnay. _ conscience with a sotic scrlot and store. he've ’5] 5%,;éyngt hllléamififiithins 15 ahfllUET eeanole made it our business to than nhat’s hsooenlno to J. l gl_ é“ Hi“? drama lhéi “53 an_eyen §PO§€§ TU“ 55 hen tort {and the norld as netll in regards to 3‘ mar thanlhemflogae_ ataeeapatfhe theatre and topics that are current, both 3 : Erfifih:3“9eérs 1? hit; 33et3-§§ a hfi{5 €99flffifif§i politically_ and socially. .lo educate as hell as e 7‘ i0::}§:t JD é gay tfidhle 3.?IEE?EF EB Lfihfls- sue enlighten as our main goal because we teel that ,;; flffft‘r_=13l:lu the mags Left Han L It??? this is something that re community needs to 5. l flees forever.' ‘ soils asr_ls 53115. at the have, it we don’t attenot to arise and teen this 0. ; heartstrinos and deals SEECltlcally with one facet to the American theatre, then we're not d ti couple's emotions, Theufiornal Heart oisolays the really doing any ion. This 'tg nhat mate; as o 11 factual side of A108 and is much more statistic- agIIErgnt grga other theatrical argon; is l l priented. in fact; it isle chronological study at leuinoton.” 1 . l ij cIMEE, because lhgfltglgo in July; lifil. and sons _ the play _35 being directed hy the hctors' _ . around hay, egos, all one nniie staging in hen Eoild Frooucihs Birector. Barr: 3. hiilisns. noose P t tort City. oreviees direttinn credits intlude ’nioht hother. T ;y hhat makes hoth oi these olays so very Coaorilncts. Con; Each to the Five-Emfilne, dieny I 5; important to the theatrical world land, indeed; eean5 sissy been and geronica's nose. or. n g: the entire gay and straight populations) is_ that Eilfians sill also he playing the role o?_Eruce in ii tne theatre in emerica is once again beginning to the production. he expresses his sentinents shoot I I cane ournino,'.soc1al issues anu orano them to the the project: "l’n terribly excited aoout this ‘ ti stage ror ouhiic and private scrutiny alike. Such playg it to? no other reason than we re the tlrst i ;y a trend can only mean that we can expect even more drone to do it in the hinterland. it should he a 2 fl conscience~ninded plays to find themselves on the happenino for the Leninoton audiences and a very y 1 Broadway stage in the near future. special 'haooenino tor Leninoton's oay audiences; y r . The Normal Heart will he an important play This olay has guts and we’re in the business of y 3y for Lexington gay audiences to see. In its brutal disotayinn thee for all to see. It should he a l ;{ approach to the subject, the play can often be excellent" torun for discussion and commentary. ! ,y viewed as ”oftensive“ and “unsettling" to many he the play orooresses. it hecones a very l ., factions. including the medical institutions that diiiicult stay to hatch.”' ‘ l 31 didn't pour enough money into tundlng soon enough 16ther members of the cast include Raul ;{ and the legislative branch that didn’t recoonize Escudero. Daryl Glenn. Ran hesser. Bordon Russell; ;y ggcfeoigggéganyytal fit was well i{heyohu‘ control: georgeanne Boncan. Hichael Ihomas, Perry hilliaos, _y _z_ , .:__y, _|oue/er, is ..aner s re.vent nan :urs: and_hichael Brandenburg. 1 y i plLCh that 11 any change was LU occur in respect The oerrorhance dates are March 12 (which is :l to research implementation and a closed performance for Lexington Gay Services y awarenesslprecautionary measurES, it‘eould have to organization member/’supoorters only) 13, 14, is, l cone tron within the gay community itself. This 15, BO, 21 and 23. Reservations can he made by i i THE RCTDR’S GUILD DF LEXINGTON PRESENTS i HE NOR} ' '9' HEAR I I I— DIRECTED BY BARRY wILLIAMS WRITTEN BY LARRY KRAMER SPONSORED BY ‘ THE LEXINGTON GAY SERVICES ORGANIZATION LEXINGTON PREMIERE MARCH 12, 1986 8:Q@Pm THEATRE DDNNUNDER FOR 650 MEMBERS, SUPPORTERS, THE BAY AND LESBIAN COMMUNITY, AND GUESTS. PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE (330 AIDS ALERT PROJECT. TICKETS: $8.00 To $50.00 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES: RECEPTION , (""L. SLIDING SCALE, DONATIONS CUMF'LIMENTARY CHAMPAGNE a OVER $8.00 ARE TAX DEDUCTABLE REPRESENTATIVES FROM Gr TICKETS ON SALE IN ADVANCE, LIMITED — BSD SPEAKERS BUREAU V. SEATING AVAILABLE. _ COMMUNITY HEALTH TRUST Ar 0 ASK AUNT MARY sailing 233~lfill. Dear Aunt Hary- i an ’8 years old and an . . . a d The March 12th prolier shoeing .15 for 550 beginning to wonder if it.is possible to find 'Elhetiéi ehphhgggrel lhgrgayulll Lsghlgh Eh::g:hhe sonegne around by goe, say over thirty bui ugder 3“ . r , ue - . abou 48, who wan s and is willing to nor a a reception "lgh the CBSt following the 5hhh- lasting relationship. Many of the younger men I Representatives {'0' the 950 peakers Bureau and meet are interested in committing themselves to a the Culflunlty Health Trust "111 be 'aVillable Ito IIfE partner! but we really have 50 llttie in ansuer any questlons- FreE AIDS lIteraturE "In. commnn that the chances of anything serious alsgthe egge 3V3113h19~ The tfirheggge Alhg. Alhlt developing are very limited. it seems that the "19, "1 9” h suppor e er men l meet who are n a e and unattached are so PFDJECL VDUF donations (over ‘8-00) are tax hltter and cynical {hag any attenpt tn fora a deductable. lasting relatlonship is donned almost before we begin. its not that 1 don’t understand trying to protect one’s self fron being hurt, l've certainly A ad ny share of disappointment and heartache, but hgmngmn i would like to think 1 have learned from those experiences and that what I have learned will make - me more appreciative of the right person. But how PRIDE in the world do l get around t e walls to find out if they are the right person, and how do I let them know me without opening myself to more pain? l’m not yet ready to believe . must plan to spend the remainder of my life alone, but must admit $100 PRIIE that l an approaching that point. i an afraid A design contest for this year’s Pride Ueek logo that perhaps i am becoming as cynical as those I is being held by the LeXlngton Bay and Lesbian have complained about. — alone. but not by Choice Pride Ueek Cellittee. A $100 prize Ii 1 go to the hear filone: fine of the iascinatlng lessons best entry chosen by the coeelttee._ the these of you will learn as you approach old age 15 that this year's Pride Nee ls fDur Con-unitles Cultural line is _not your enemy, as you_ undoubtedly Celebration.' The 'logo I111 appear on buttons and believeo in you youth and probably still believe: T-shirts. All entries lust be received at P.D. The old saylng itlme heals all sounds“ ls mucn ”theft"; tilllltll'lil llili ”l.‘.‘i"llilld22‘ 3' ”Show.“ lélléliiolihaie' a l'llzolzealsd s .- a . _ a that date. All sub-lesions becoee the property oh strengths. Anything of true value and quality is Ehe Prigg :eeklgollltgep. The Doleltte reserves Enhancadtgy time, ‘andlthls sfiams to be to be most e Fig 0 a or on r as. .rue in e case 0. re a ions lps. The foundation of any lasting relationship LETTERS TO THE EDITQR M be trust, and the only way to earn to trust someone is to take the time to get know them at Bear gen: their best and at their worst. Of course someone lnant ygu r5: returning my letter. 559 who has been through heartache in the past may newsletter: and the services they provide are very dggggrt the bSroEbntcthemggéveEltterhut ihgzrmgié 'm-ort‘rt o me. a t p y . c . -. o l. a 1 F lfignpg for the addregs ynn nave me_ haybe 5 cynicism is a person who longs to trust someone can send ofi for some helpful iiterature. ’ You just 35 much as ye” dh- The hle way around the have been a oreat help to on, walls they have built is to allow them the time it n.5, — Langiéy, hentutty takes to learn to trust you. At the same time you ' will be learning to trust them, of course. Doesn't that sort out nicely? So. my advice to you is, step out of the Nfih l a . . eneration and allow the good things you want in ANY INTERST IN FORMING A ; lire :0 develop over time. i thinkflyou will be c :LF W — _ _ c r, very p eased with the results. hunt ary Gj{0 T ryng a _ ’ some exce ant adv1ce from my ear no er a UP *N r. ”T“ STERLING MOREHEAD: W lull always remember: no sure, no GLORY. A"“A? ' “L - yould you like ttg nritgeég Aunttl‘lary'? Ssnd CALL: . 0‘ _ . _, your etters to: Ann ar . Pos ffice ox MT STE‘ LING MARK' 498 2135 ilfin’ Lexington, llientucly} 4057.5.l If yog would a l A _ . _ i e a personal re y please inc ude a s amped ”CREHEAD JIM‘ 784 4161 1 self addressed envelope. All names are strictly confidential. # HCC LEXINBTDN ART cOMI‘T Efforts are under ea! to investigate and Eoss:bly_ establish an EC Metropolitan Coeeunltx f gurgn) lasldex}lf‘?ton'43? gill 2955:!“ my. than?! t a e o ce . roe nay, u: e a (350 TB SPDg‘IS‘TD‘E i‘RT CONTEST 7:30pe on Harch fith. Interested persons are Y - ‘35 encouraged to write: Rev. H. Dale Hiller 9.0. ‘H , ~h . t' 't'n Lg : r t Box lid 6, Lexington KY 40571-1686. In addition . El you, yea let; ms W} l“ ~ Listugfih you can call t e 550 Phoneline at 231-0335. (All 5‘95”? t0 “5,05“? 3“ “Us” Gal ”9t 3 P31“ . H" correspondence will be confidential.) Irite or call “53““? ““55 YD“? “WEE- . 559 ‘5 59mm”? 3“ toda ...or better yet, cone to the BSD office on art topleswcenweelmn "1“} W Frillslssl- narct 4th at 7:30p: and let's eeet and discuss this J“? Lam“ “Harem“? b9“ WW“ and .opportunit God has graciously rovided. Let’s PW‘ESSIOW all 0“ 3 519m Gunmen“ “Eli‘s proclaie 'treedoe and justice for AEL' by the grace . Thales”? three ”le‘lmes ‘3’ EMPEUUW of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Fainting/’llragurtlg, 3? desilgn (scllllpture, mobiles ’ etc.l, and pull ograp..y. leere m l he tuc- winners in each category; _ an anature and a professional MUSIC QND QIDS mm- “.9!” ”Gt telling which ‘5 l'mChW' lhat's hhat Friends Are For by Dionne and . . The entries "11“ he on *T-‘ll'lbil at ArtsFiace Friends {artist Records} has maue1lt'to the too . liens: lanes-loll:henna more n ewline- ll? mun. nul- ‘ Lil "‘D I‘L‘ld'nn '1. N = .— " th .,_ perroruen oy Dionne haruick, oce‘ne vlonoer Gladys ‘ ,, e .3“ ”3:. “v.03? 4" “”“°”"E‘.ng.L 9,9”‘95 'rinight. and Elton Johng has raised over $503,060 ““t“ ”9“ noncn. 9‘“ Wit assureo "'9‘? H be for the hmerican Foundation for AIDS research. great. g , ‘1 _ L + _. Bar‘ora Streisand’s single Sooenhere will share‘its H" nlnnlng E19595 EH1 “505“? LEE Engi‘F-‘TLY Pl proceeds equally with PRU-Peace and the hmerlcan ‘ ecu. “he éfg planning ‘le donate 90:9 9* F179 ”nil-‘5 Foundation for hills Research. if you {eel a trip ..s area l1 rarles an ouseuns an EUCElBl’l ne ~ _.- , - 1 ,--- g, . n '- others at the annual benefit shoe.” said the event Egueénesnrgafl figitcg’itn‘s 0”! ‘IS “r ‘ {3&9 organizer. “Ne hope that the donations will raise " " ' " ' anareness of_Gay people and their early offerings in the Cfiemumll- . V, elnRCH BSD FORUM: The organizer Isald that it someone slants to THE NATIONAL IMPERIQL CGURT enter without sionlngthe uorll. that. would be SYSTEM acceptable and would not influence the Judging. ‘ EVEFYWE 15 EHCQUHQE.” enter whether you "do hondav‘ harch 3rd the imperial Court o? have ever held a haunt brush In your hand er net? the Eluegrass Enpire ulll tall: to sag about its :* ,YGU are ”WHERE WE" us a 11“? at; P09- lunctinns. he'll look at all of the aspects of mice Bell 11471. Lemotnn. Kentucky 40575- the Court - enlcn should not only he informative and interesting, but also eye—opening. in fact, you'll see and learn much more ahout the Court SCHTIE‘CJHE‘ you know is gay. . . than Y‘all 59; “dill? ‘3’er Elli?” thEYtSPPWUEg _ an! .— - .. 2e oar TEQOTL ano coneunl y lnpuL neglns T‘tt’e Tme‘me at neon en. The program begins at 8:30 Fh YOU love. (380 Refreshments are provide . 293-6734 CLRSSIFIED . . . hale or Female: Share lar e 3 hedroou house in The 650 billboard 1| lam! It “I ”WWW" Cardinal Valley, momenta includes utilities. of Forbes Road and S. BFOIdIIY. can 354—6119 Fitter 4mg pn- HDSPICE VOLUNTEER TRAINING KMTWI 1’. my Ioeen interested in eeetieg _ others, call Karen, 2 9-3292 beteeen b-lOpe. If no Comounity Hospice will be starting its answer, keep trying. volunteer Training program honday, harch 3-. 1985 Personal: Shv sensitive '2? "Near old Gldfi would 7“? PH {it the HOSPlCE 955199 19‘3“?” at liOé like to net letters from men 18-35.. Please send NicholasVille Road. Hospice oral/Ides Slllled photo SAGE and first letter to: Earl elurluue. professional cafe and V0 “MEET support t9 l‘lbfi fiethany Road. Nicholasville, Kentucky 40356: terminally ill patients and their talflillleskt Spine Gllh only. - ' u er duties ircl-ude she in or oa mo 5 :lcsusirst‘iang with edrands iasdid gtransportation: i in ”‘3: my ‘5 t bgdroog, triple 1: page companionship and support. For more inforoatlon, :59 gas! tall 33:25:93“ 9 1"? ICI, ‘1 9“ 0 I please call 275-5344. ’ ' ' . Images Wants Your Body! Tan Special - 10 Visits $25 Call For An Appointment IMAGES HAIR DESIGN 3517 Lansdowne Drive Lexington, Kentucky 40503 2 73-2 30 l ._/ ,1/a%T/// / fig/é/é/kaKegwc: r/: / _,—, ' ' ’ I , 77'7/3/l/7/w5/ [24677 was 1' A '?7)///27 %/ MIL: / I‘ . ,. /. , //. ‘ \ ‘ r ‘ 3:1“; // //////, i ,y ,i furnxzz, I ‘ / \Jc' /( ,//,/./,/,7 ./~ w,» ‘\' . ~ . l' V ‘E' ‘ ‘\ .x «77% III/77W ma“; ‘lfl/I/Z/WZ/Z/i I’,/\T1\V‘\ / ‘7. U@¢/’:f H / 1:,1/ fi/IV4%./‘// , ”at ' (i- 71/ '32 ’;/-33' fl¢€\. 1“ 7 ' fl7iiif7gé’é ‘ .W/é. ~‘- @324 . J7 ... ,, («15‘ i) ‘ “z .' e ”as“ "-e/\ Z’.\/ " a (w 3 é .. as: "53¢ \ ’A‘ 7‘I / . 7- 33d’w3‘ If ,. \“‘$~r"'+§‘ri “Ml 3». in , 3 .- d « . ' VIII/XII /, I» \..st». .. . ‘ \ ‘ ‘ I ‘ VI 9.217%} '1‘ m ‘77? ////;\4\\\\ @} qIII’W? /% W) ffl‘ 17,37: 7%" \l ‘\\ 77/7 1%. 1’; .7} \ \. A ,‘i " I 1'74“!”77/7 f‘; NIH/lg ' Q; ilk/7777K 3/, ‘ r§\~‘l 5‘ ., _))//'l\ &/\ gal’Z/Egfil A. Jiliihiflf‘i/ /1=’@;m / \ é a } .Tc’1a‘aiz %t (f l. 5/ . < x .N- t V I,-;\_I.\¢.»'n-.:A"‘é/I L v. \/ (k \v ’T v; ,11\\\ I . .3 {T9111 N “\7/ \s .3“. 1 2.. ///7/ ".WNK'I'l‘VZ/uf’ ‘—./o° / / : . . . / \‘. I "’ //'. f ’ ‘4’ u 4 (WK/(y ,f “$1.1. / . K, I. I! . ,_ “8‘67, \ \‘If (fix ~ ,1 77/3/4/,;///,///7. fl//N§7//l/l I K W1“; E ’ T\ '7 I'/ \T 7““3743577 ‘i “I I. V I' ‘ E 3"“ N}: 3 '3'%77777/771/// “4"«9 ~. WI, . . I, / ' r I fill“ “37);” \Cf‘iw I. '/ M" I I1 *“ -‘ 3 -» 7“" it“: ll 3 ' "“'3‘i‘é\.<