xt7zpc2t7k5q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t7k5q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1990 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1990 Vol.61 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 1990 Vol.61 No.9 1990 2019 true xt7zpc2t7k5q section xt7zpc2t7k5q ____._______________—_____ ———————————h_ I _ if, . I _ ‘ 1 e . ' use 5 ii ' . slimmest. . . moments 1 NEWS?” ”1“ng am. or WWW . ______—_________—_______—______—____—__ . _. 1c1a1 Publ1cat1on of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce - Vol. 61 , No. 9 - September, 1 990 3 . .‘ _ _ —-—_—___————-———_———‘_———-—————-————— I . . t , ” ' I ‘ w 't 't ° ht 1 ews Bureau 15 open 8 , U 253w}: ' Even if your news pages aren‘t how to get the sensory details, how to : your news bHSlness ailing, most can get better. That's the keep out the trash, how to write good ', ’ aim of workshops for reporters and edi- headlines, how to create a team spirit - 5 tors in October. "Writing for the Reader" everything aimed at making your news 1 In last month's edition of The Kentucky Press, David Thompson willbe offered by KPA in Bardstown on pages better. warned you I was coming. The move from Floyd County to Franklin Thursday, Oct. 4, Bowling Green on Registration is $68 per person . County has been made, and since Sept. 4, I've been trying to shape a Friday, Oct. 5, and Lexington on Friday, or $58 per person if a paper sends three ‘ service for you and a challenging job for me. - Oct. 19. or more participants. Make check pay- ' This newsletter is the clearest part of the job thus far. On my first Award-winning writer and able to KPA and send to News Editorial ' day, David handed me a day’s worth of reading material to be gleaned for teacher Clarke Stallworth of Birming- Workshop. KPA, 332 Capitol Ave-I ‘ ' this maiden edition. He's given me pretty loose reins, so you'll probably ham, Ala., is the presenter for the 9 a.m.- Frankfort 40601- see a few changes. 4 p.m. sessions. Stallworth is a former The other part of the job is still formulating , and will be for some reporter, city editor, managing editor ’ . . time. It is developing as I talk with editors across the state and as I draw and columnist. He has presented his It S tzme I on my own experience as to what I'd like to see the News Bureau do were writing workshops for more than 75 I I still an editor, newspapers and is a frequent program Oct. 1 is approaching. ? a. I think of ways the News Bureau could have servedme. as editor . leader for theAmerican Press Institute. That means it's time to publish of The Floyd County Times. When the local school system, for instance, was Stallworth's workshops feature your paper's Statement of Ownership, . the subject of numerous State School Board meetings, we simply couldn't work on the computer, projected to a Management and Circulation. spare a reporter to cover them, especially since the meetings were always big screen with writers having hands on You're required to file on or _ on press days. We had, then, to rely on a free lancer in Frankfort or spend opportunities. He also throws in some before the first day of October of each . hours on the long distance line trying to track down an official who could sleight of hand to stave off boredom. year a form 3526 and publish a complete release information. . . statement of ownership in the second For other agency hearings, we generally waited for an official . "Better reporting, better wnt- issue thereafter of the publication to , press release that gave one sentence to the Floyd issue, or we waded "lg and better 94.11th {13151395 into which it relates. through a stream of 'Who you need to talk to is . . or "He isn't available higher readership, meh translates And . . . while you're at it, go now, but I'll give him the message." (Once Ijust about had a heart attack mt" more circulation and higherad ahead and complete the KPA Rate and ' when an official did call back at 7pm., just before deadline, after I'd given rates, WhICh becomes pr Of It," Data sheet and mail it with your state- , up.) Stallworth says. ' ment of ownership to KPA. How about That's where I envision the News Bureau as a service to you at , Among pomters the COPsult‘tm it? individual papers. For example, if a health care agency in your county has W111 toss out are how to entertain Whfle Thanks. ~ filed a Certificate of Need, call me and I'll go to the commission hearing mfomung, how to show rather than tell, ———-————————— for you, write a story and sent it to you, or call you with the results - whichever suits your time needs. Or, if your school system is on the state board's a enda, I'll be our v 32232? i{£1325ffiii-Zifiiiiffiis Or if you're having trouble getting a needed iece of information __rr be able to break through almost two centuries of red ope, but I'll give it a sweetie informafiOn “ 0r gaming access '- to it can be a challenge even When YOU're ~FREEfMth€aslmg here. This is a brand new service- No other state press association has anything like it. So, were making it up as we go. We welcome your ideas mesmtreseeneceorgebaeh and assignmenis. The primary goal is o be or service so you. Use mei sensaeeieonaissyuorncserermernarnnas Twooflo BookligWIfimeammNWPflwfl reereirnganarreasreaeeaeiaese News Bureau Director mmfimsuggesfimamwmm‘s ' 2 , . ., ,. , Allunvewdoescensazlzzs-ssziosimfieim Page 2 g I ,..- Regycling newsprint . . ‘ A p rob lem c an b e p art of a s o lutio n pl ,"fsg‘tt‘m‘tkv - Cm As this edition Of The Kentucky The slick paper used for inserts paving materials and garden nurseries. :szgiggifers 31‘: Press goes to press, several members of remains a question mark'in the issue of _ Committing KPA to work with David Hawpe, Louisville Courier Journal ‘ plan the state legislature are being presented shredded papers for animal bedding. the legislature 1n this env1ronmentally President-Elect g Cor with an ecological solution that could “ Until more tests are done, newspaper and economically sound enterprise, Celia McDonald, LaRue County Herald News 1 C01. also boost the state's economy, thanks —____—_—___ Vice Presl dent 11 beer to KPA. N ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Mary Schurz Danville Advocate Messenger ‘ . , , . . . we are willing to work With you 111 developmg this idea . mar Danvrlle Advocate publlsher for Kentuck ,5 farmers ,, ---D avid Thom son Treasurer ' ous. - a urz, executive rrector erry es, nton n une uner , ' MrySch KPA ' d' y ' P J Lyl Be T'b Co' Kat] David Thompson and general counsel Past President , . l calli Mike Judy appeared Sept. 20 before the shredders simply discard the inserts, Thompson planned to tell the solons, "I Larry Craig, Green RlVet Republican it} legislature's Small Business Task Force Thompson said. do think I speak for most of the newspa- if m or to testify on new ideas in recycling AnOther way to recycle news- pers in Kentucky in telling you that we Board °f Directors Il! Mu 1 newsprint. papers that's now being explored is to are willing to work withyou in develop- Elstrlftt Be ‘ T bune Courier l, Un t Schurz, in addition to being pulverize them for use in livestock feed, ing this idea for Kentucky's farmers." Delglclizs’ n on n ' l ,5 mor . KPA I v-ice preSldént, Cha3rs the .-I'I'?"'I‘I-:-I‘ -' DxI-I-L-Z-i'“Z-I'I-I-I-I-I-I-19'C-xI‘I‘I‘T" 7""*l""‘I*1"‘1'I'I'I-I-I-"Ir:-I-I-'-?-l-I-C‘I'i'I'C‘I'“??? I c: Z‘Z-I-ini-Z‘I-I-I-I-C I'I-I-I-C-sI-I I-I-I I-I-I-I'I'C- '2 I-I-I:I-'-.'I:I-1~'-I:Z~’~Z;'V‘ 2t"‘>‘;‘-I:I:I:I:I:C1'1:-1:I;Ij§:i}2'.‘l‘:;:j :1, :3‘11'jIjI_IjI:1*C:I:I:I:I;I:I:':I-C>C;. '-I:1:._ Jed Dillinghamy Dawson Springs Prwress E per ] assocration'sNewsprmt Recycling TaSk .'. District 3 T I for t‘ Fore- . . . Anexertmentthtswrkm Teresaneviewaean oouanews~ l W - 1’01“th out that the Idea 0f Districu l and. newsprint recycling was broached i“ ’ Charlie Ponmann, Franklin Favorite J the 1990 General Assembly, the trio TheresthEdhettte'Fetsmelttt’mldmee District 5 l man expressed thepreSS' desire to workwith themeswhetwasmtt’eeY’sntWSPehometarmersbeddmgtt’stsex‘te‘td C°lemant°ve ElizabelhtownNews l . ronment- CountyfatmsarebEddmngWI‘theegehtseldiii¥5fi§§ii€53%;: ' If? D's‘r'“ 6 i era“ The developmentwof small wrthyesterdaysnewsHutchmseshmaesmatm Demiveema‘hYIO'dhamEra ' acce that it is part of the waste product mlmbgstpblmh KenMeu.raincoumywewsounook : H081 problem/butweneedtobe.andwantto ExtenmnaeentTeeyencounteredsofarsthemadeque.. , Nessie-.11.... _. ' l _ 3 ”“3““ ’ ’ “be, aepa’rroreuie solution,“ ThOmps‘cm Hutdfinssa’id‘fl'i‘eesmaflemie‘ex-**cies*’offirefife’Sefit‘sfiétdaer"It's ‘ ’ John Del Sainlo ‘ ‘3 - , Dem‘ ‘ said in the opening testimony. penment defile-Pepe]? Shfedelet b9? .aIWay. tooslowforanykmdofvol- Ashland Daily Independent EditC A proven use of newsprint is as rowedfrom : 11}? state :DiVihibn. bf . ‘. ume,"hesa1dPlus,1tcannot outfittie‘f District 12 l servi animal bedding, the KPA group said. In §$S¢1i§yv§$te: ahdgpapers- donated by- 'f ' .Smed51:§hbfl enough, making it nee: Louise Hatmaker ‘ East. shredded form, it has been used by Asbury “ COHEgelelmorei‘The ,e§$»aIY-r.t°‘3mn them ltlhmughfifirauwi Jackson Times/Bealtyville Enterprise . man farmers in Wisconsin, Minnesota and countysuppliesatruckandtwo fin-613W?” ’gét théILdehirea'fiVeiinCht District13 had; Pennsylvaniaformanyyearsasbedding wkertpckupndenprtthlnghrd , * = Ghee“ . Pepe :zir-~-r-r-'-r-'-'we ::'- :: :22: :..,:=,:::';::z_:zx ' "E“‘ft =v . . g » r: :2; 5 ‘ , ' , » -' ' . V _ Manchester Enterprise 17,, L for cows. ,RQREEE:.:;;.::;;;;;;;..,32;;:2.;-;;:,';.-2' ,:;,.;.,,;2» a, :;.;:;.;';;_,: .g:;.: 12:43:... "fate: Six-x : Qee9:.ees:tt‘°’e..edeflitate Sis“ D' | e ThisyeanabouuooOperafions Thfarmelensdtmddthufnwpnnt 3:322"; son . amt seem—placement- PM”?"Depleted“WWW"so Lexington Herald-Leader ' P05“ Among the benefits of news- .,:;.;::::i'r" msmmsg - m an print bedding, compared to straw, are: Guy Hatfield . ,' dents better sterility, lack of dust, high ab—l SNPA names W.B. GRIMES & COMPANY Citizen Voice and Times, Irvine { f sorbency,lessexpense, betterinsulation committees Medla Brokers [Valuation Consultants State At-Large 0 T716 properties, less storage problem, fewer . . Over 300 Sold Slnce 1959 Steve Lowery ‘ asubi odors and faster decomposition in the Six Kentuckranshavebeen Dick Smlth - Broker Kentucky Standard. Bardstown , four-r field named to standing committees of Clarksdale. Mlsslsslppl (601) 627-7906 Assoclates Dlvislon tegral . - Southern News a r Publishers ”my G'Im“ ' Presldent Ralph Derickson Jul f . Newsprmtalsohasfewerheavy , . p pe , Clarksburg. Maryland (301) 507-6047 Universfl of Kentuck , y ‘ metals than straw, contains no fly eggs {Assomatign for 1990'91 by mcom- v Advertislng Dlvlslony ' exper and no 5 res and is less sli . mg preSI ent Ashton Phelpsof the j sectio p0 _ ppery . ' New Orleans Times Picayune. Your Partner Larry Stewart . millio Plus, improvements in mks, 1n- - _ Loursvrlle Courier-Journal ; . _ Home folksappomted are. KP A/KPS Central Office , . cludlng the advent'of SOY Inks, have Editorial Committee: Judith F 80 Y D idT Th E t' D' ect adver lessened the tox1c1ty of newsprint. 1 - 0r ear S. av _ ' °mps°"'_ xecu “’9 'r or i Th . d h 1 C abes, Kentucky Post, Cov1ngton. Bonnie Howard, Busmess Manager Donre ompsortthesttimate t at nifarlynil ' .Marketing: Lewis Owens, Lex- . Gloria Davis Advertising Director 3 cellenr papers in e 5 ate are usmg 5 er 1 s in ton Herald-Leader KP A ast M tr C 11 - ' - - - . 3 and that some have made the switch to rgesident) M' .( Affp' . e O rea V6 Reba Lewrs,Adm1nIstralIve Assrstant called , p . . . morlty airs. Buffy Johnson, Bookkeeping Assustant featuri SOY Ink, at least for C010“ _ ' James Green, Lexington Herald- G h. Sue Cammack, Receptionist . , ' The State Journal in Frankfort Leader (KPA board member). . rap 1C8 1, already uses all soy ink. .Smaller Newspapers: Betty REPRESENTING: The Kentucky Press (ISSN—0023-0324) is ‘ BOWIeE Berryman, Winchester Sun (KPA - Metro Newspaper Service pUbliShed monthly and second Class Enter}? m mam... past president); Wally L age, - éflverftisjjntg) Dynamifse postage paid at Frankfort. Kentucky, i Greem 'flflg‘ filiahf‘xtfieghfiu. P aducah Sun, and Mary SChurzr : Hoalsi‘sjlafAdvfipggll—‘C; Service $022128}? at afidlt‘lonal maflmg OfflceS. L Enterpr 5.51%: rrrrridifi fiwuigiq:;fi . DanvilleAdvocate—Messenger(KPA . ' Metre l—aserArt“ u crlption Pnce 15 $4 per year' P05“ . ; Lme, g ‘iiiii; Muhumem‘mfim . 'd Call your regional manager Io-Ann Johnson: master: Send change 0f address t0 the l with c , 4, "gm we Vice preSI ent). . _ y 9*"! aums:m.az':ri‘5;:!’jw \ . Kentucky Press, 332 Capitol Avenue, ‘ , an thiI , ‘ i i. _ Schurz is a member of the 1—800-223-1600 Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, (502) 223“. ' Jar .1 a Jlll ' ; i SNPA board ofdirectors. . 8821. " ‘ ‘ ’ ' ' , ‘ yc Page 3 ’ . 1;; FFrF,2;5g3;33-3;g-Fg;;s;:;:;;;;;:iff:- 1:12-53; 5 gay; 1;?» -.g;r;rFigigaggggggg . L: *3; , fii}"3'i”;1ie fggfffi;1iii;j'if;i;rag;’§§:»§§;..;;;1E1'jijEEQfQIfiaiii 3:35F'F3irFi5?§25'?Fiii.s7f:3Til} F Fifi? :3 I {5' ‘-; F:.f:f;'f§;".-.-. . . 3- . 3‘. .-_I. "1:355; liFfiizv- " , ;‘ . ' 1- .I:I:r: LL iii-":35 "-:‘EEE’E'I .535 1: 331.335": ;j;:§:.:;"'1:§:‘g.;-_:j- ‘: F. ‘ Z'E'} '2 '.-:I:I'. 3 ' , H'.'.‘=FEE-1151.15.15.”FIE? iii-.45.:~.3."":I'55i.‘31:I‘.I--'r-I:':I:':3-I." Fr F . JAMESTOWN r -—Russell chine is getting a real workout." tab which was distributed in a Wednes— Hewlett Packard personal computers, County News has made a dramatic LONDON "The Sentinel-Echo day edition of the paper and at the an Itek Graphix laser printer and a .i change,makingita"new product."With has beguna new editorial page feature, council's annual Literacy Luncheon... Digitek5000digitaltypesetter.Alsonew the Aug. 9 edition, the paper is being Sentinel Snapshots, designed to high— The Times staff also produced a special is equipmentformaking halftones from placed free in every mailbox in Russell light "positive events" in the commu- tabloid section inJune on vacation spots negatives and for full-page negatives...’ ? County, Dunnville and selected Adair nity. The first segment focused on a close to home. The paper picked up the The Herald recently took top honors in County rural routes. Total distribution Laurel County couple who sponsor check for staff writers to travel to some a window display contest sponsored by F F becomes 8000 c0pies, With 7784 in foreign exchange students. of the featured sights. The section also Harrodsburg First. 1' mailboxes. Paid circulation had previ— BOWLING GREEN -—Western represented a first for the paper: a full- SCOTTSVILLE "Staff of The F F ously been 2470. Advertising manager Kentucky University's department of color cover photo. Citizen—Times captured first place for F f Kathy Lancaster claims advertisers are journalism hosted 20 minority students CUMBERLAND --The Tri—City their float in the local fair parade. The F F‘ calling her. foraweek andahalf of interaction with News is sponsoring the third annual theme, "Stepping into the '905," was F MURRAY —-Effective Oct. 1, top minority journalists this summer. photographycontestinconjunctionwith depicted with newspaper items from ~ F monthly subscription rates for The Theyoungpeople were fromKentucky, the Kingdom Come Swappin’ Meetin', thepast,presentand future. Alongwith ' Murray Ledger fr Times will go to $5. Tennessee, Ohio and Indiana. The camp set for the first weekend in October at other staff members, riding on the float F Until then, the paper is offering a six- is sponsored by the Bowling Green Daily Southeast Community College. Pub- were great-great—grandsons of the late E month or one-year subscriptionfor $4.75 News, Frankfort State Journal, Owensboro lisher Jeff Wilder says that 170 entries ’ R.R. Pitchford Sr., who founded the pa- 1 per month. Out of county subscriptions Messenger-Inquirer, Louisville Courier- were judged last year and more are per 100 years ago. F for the daily will rise from $59.50 yearly journal, Lexington Herald-Leader, Land- expected this time around. _ . F F to $64.50. Price increases for materials mark Community Newspapers and LEXINGTON --Citing rising 1.. F. and laborforced the change, said general Dear Publications, along with Tennes- production COStS, management 0f the Meme, , F E manager Ted Delaney- see and Indiana Papers and DOW JoneS- Lexington Herald-Leader upped the ' F CAMPBELLSVILLE --T he PRESTONSBURG -The Floyd single copy price from 35 cents to 50 . ' Central Kentucky News-Journal is coop- County Times worked with the Floyd cents for the daily paper, effective Sept. MIIeanes f. F erating With the local fire department to County Adult Literacy Council in late 3. The. Sunday paper remains at $1.25. "~:55,:;5:.;§:::§;§:§5;5§5§;:5¥E-.';.';:3§5§5§3§£35335i5i5§3i553;g5i3§5Eigegffifiiéiiiii§i5EiiIii§§€§Z§§§i§E§Egi5E£223?gf§E:21?;EZEgEfrZ§§:ZE:§E§E§§€E_§§5;FE§.= F " acce tnews rint for rec clin _ June to produce a tabloid on literacy. HARRODSBURG -—The . F p BEIJIDTON "Emplloyeges of The Members of the council, along with Harrodsburg Herald has purchased HAZARD --The Herald-Voice F Tribune-Courier now have the oppor- newspaper staff members, prepared the acknowledged Its 79th year Of pUthe' i tunity to join the Marshall County tlonlnluneFWIthanarttileonthepapers _, . Hospital Payroll Deduction Program, egaww'aémce Edits: history. hl/leter Paul David . , F contributing $1 a week to the local cm 5; _ _ 'W» ”New...“ au traces the §tory0fowner§htp F ‘ . Hospital and Healthcare Foundation. - and changes m publication dates Since ' ' F F RUSSELLVILLE --The News- (- (fir . 1911 whenitwasbegunbyaChicagoan. F ‘F Democrat . is designating space on its , . @hB JJHIII‘IIEII'iEIIiBPpI'IEB - - »- County 1:13;;lfscliarsilfi _;:F;isB:::/,VF ; editorial page to list and honor local . F F , f bl' . th' E l dxti if?” *‘ , 1 I F service personnel serving in the Middle 0 pu lcazlonf .tls yefar. J u legged)? ' F , man whose wedding announcement .s A: 1. = E 3:: g g: 3:: _= a -— B an Dpar and edit rT r [B’Conn r F ’ had appeared the previous week in the 3‘ I {.0 $3.". Wig ryt e 1 . 0t $030 (I; piper; the widding 31;? postponed... ,. ‘ ~ -"';.':" __ _ _ _ :Efibjgmpe copies 0 non-su - F e 0 an Lea er an ews-Democrat, if_' ' , fi. ' ,3 along gwith a local radio station, co- _-' -. 1840' t at? it? is % K k1 MIPDEFSB?%1OM—J1gazne ' “ sponsoredaLogan County Chamber of 1990 . \- DnFlllCNes,C1tyfe 130“). e .1 es ‘mjo F; F Commerce breakfast last month. i ~ ' t} 1 a1 y ews,0 ere . anmterestmgartic e ' commie "The Kentucky / . r F. -. 54 )th £15" sewigaper {HWY buffs 1? MY- 3 Post spotlighted its five student interns .5/ n, » fight EFFI- __.__.__—‘ Kracul:lg e C125 newspaper eg‘acy, ; in an August edition, prior to the stu- ' " _: ' f g 1‘ 3-“ 2 i? :T H nuC es says t 6 past 1.00 years ave F dents‘ return to school. _ '5- ‘F f 1-" F {it F s7, N N I VER SARY seen more than 20 publicatlons come ' F LOUISVILLE --Loca1 readers ,5; ’ t i it. -———~——~—-—— :nfd god? thh e cggmumttly, lilrfif 31%;“ I F F ofTheCourier- ournal ma havenoticed I fl ‘ I .__- e ore e . mo ecen ry. 6. a1 y . F asubtle additictnzcolor. AZ4,000-pound, , ' ' F F ‘K F ELE B RA TI UN News, tracmg Its 011ng to.1911’ ls ap- 'F .3 four-color flexo-graphic press was in- ’3 FF ‘1' _ _T parently the only one w1th staying : tegrated into one of the press lines in J. I .- f .. F'- " h; l power. - - 1 July for use beginning in August on an t: F £3 . '-.:' i, g"; !_2' 5;; g"; ;;- _ - . MURRAY-Similarly, Todd 0' : experimentalbasisinthe neighborhood ' F ”F, '. ,_ ROSS 0"" the Murray Ledger 8’ Times takes 3 sections. The equipmentispartofa $1.5 F . r I ‘ .25 ”j, a 1001‘ In an August article at that : million project. ‘ ” 2...: . " . .~ F | . commumty's newspaper heritage, 1n- ; GLASGOW "The Daily Times ' \‘ .‘ ' - dudinghiSpaperwhichhasbeenaround T 1 advertising department won the 1990 ' ~ . — . ‘ ‘ . ,‘ er since 1879- F Donrey Media Group's "Award of Ex- v; C 1 ‘ ' . F " - OWINGSVILLE-—Aneditorial . ' cellence" for its 56—page tabloid section f " .1, " 'F L, . _ . t}, .: gear-FF _. “an? F in the Aug. 16 edition Of The News Out- ' called "My Favorite Pet." The section E : . t5” 4 ‘ chidh‘wb A 100k notesthatpaper's111thanniversary : featured pets owned by area residents. F t We” . .81; r} A“; ‘- ‘13-'97;ng With a recounting 0f the beginnings 0f r ‘ ‘t ,W-._..,rult7F-" ' ‘ "‘ as.— newspapers in the United States. F 2 ELIZABETHTOWN —-Floe .. . - . t ‘f Bowles, publisher emeritusof TheNews- 3 . éiéifipéésyeirdlisigaéi‘fieif5}; 13g): . PROVIDENCE ". The Iouanal-Enterprise celebrated the 'usieingaworkinswriter , . F F Enterprise has started an Editor’s Hot sesqulcentennlal of the City of Prov1dence With a souvenir edltlon what he thinks about 0,1th is ' Line, giving readers a chance to call in 'that was buried in a time capsule during a Sept. 9 ceremony. The like asking a lamppost how it " _ F with complaints and comments on tabloid included a written and pictorial glimpse of the City over 150 feels about dogs." . 1F F . anythingF.EditorDavidGreerreports,in years and was in the paper's Sept. 13 issue- . . - , - » - - , ’ . ...,.....:-.Ch1:is.t0p.her.Hampt0n. ’ F .a/IUIy Cblurnn,‘tvha’tfthe "answering ana- ._ , . .r , , - « . - '- - . - e F j.(fir/r".1"}.75"? xi, -; g , \:' ~. ’ 3 '1’" ire-W » * ‘ Page 4 . 3 a - 2 _ 2 . DARRELLHATHCOCKisthe HOLLY MOORE has joined department, KIM FRASURE has been state of Pennsylvania asaresultofbrain new editor and general manager of The The Gallatin County News as a reporter named manager, assisted by new staff cancer. He was 27. _ '_ Sentinel—Echo in London. He replaces and editorial assistant. Sheisasenior at membersSUSANCOLEMANandJEFF FONDA ESTES is the latest RONALD J. CAUDILL who now co- Northern Kentucky University where SAMMONS. Former Times staff writer edition to The Estill County Tribune staff. ordinates 16 newspapers in Kentucky she edits the campus newspaper, The FRANKCLARKdiedSept.6inhishome (Continued On page 5) , and Virginia for Park Newspapers. Northerner. Shealso hasexperiencewith ' _ Hathcock hasbeen advertising manager The Dixie News in Boone County. ' for the paper since 1987 and formerly The Kentucky New Era in SP] Chapter glves honors, awards ' worked at the Statesville (N .C.) Record Hopkinsville has added staff photogra— A former publisher and staff Cross; Continuing coverage, Calvin 6' Landmark. pher DONNA WILSON, a May members from five KPA newspapers Miller; Enterprise reporting, Gideon : The Grayson County News—Ga- graduate of Austin Peay State Univer- were among those honored with Gil and Ben Hershberg; Deadline re- _ " zette in Leitchfield is without general sity,whereshewasphotographiceditor Metro Journalism Awards from the porting, Leslie Scanlon, Andrew ‘ ‘ managerJIMALLEN for the first time of the student newspaper andastudent Louisville Chapter of the Society of Wolfson, Jim Adams, Robin Garr, .; in almost 20 years. "Major" Allen has worker in the public affairs office. Professional Journalists last month. Muhammad, Miller,Gera1d A. Ryan, opted for a full-time Army Reserve as- Joining the sports staff of The Five high school journalists CaryB.Willis,Hershberg,Cross,Rick ; . signment as Public Affairs Officer for Bourbon County Citizen recently was were given Lewis M. Conn Junior McDonough, Bill Weronka, Judy _ . the 83rd ARCON, headquartered in ANTHONY FARIS, standout baseball Journalist Awards. The incentive Bryant and Tom Dorsey; Photogra- Columbus, Ohio. Allen says he planned player at Bourbon County High School awards honor the late founder of the phy, Durell Hall Jr. ' -- the SWitCh before the military crisis in and Pembroke (N .C.) State University. Jefferson Reporter, Kentucky Business ThePioneerNews, Shep- the Middle East arose. Stepping in as LOUISE PAUL has replaced Ledger, TheArea Business Databankand erdsville: Criticism, John Roberts. 2 . interirngeneralmanagerisMARYJANE SYLVIA CURTIS, who retired as theAssociationofAreaBusinessPub— The News Enterprise, Eliza- ; SMITH, accounting supervisor Since bookkeeper and Jill—of-all-trades at The lications. bethtown: Continuing coverage, _ 1977- EDNA DUGGINS, editor for 10 Sentinel-News inShelbyville. Curtis, who The student winners were Melissa Muscovalley, Greg Kocher, - years, has been named the paper's in- joined the newspaper’s staff three de— Kristen Chapman, Pleasure Ridge Ben Sheroan, Pamela Lill; Enterprise ’1 terimrnanaging editor. , , cades ago, was feted at a retirement Park High School; Kevin Hyde, Trin— reporting, Chad Carlton, Kocher, KELLY E. MIRT, former ad- reception Aug. 10. ity High; Janice G.Smith, Providence Steven J. Paul, Karen Morgan, Tim , vertising director of The Owensboro BECKYJACKSON has left the High, Clarksville, Ind.; Travis Johnson; Sports, DarrellBird. Messenger-Inquirer, is the new advertis- editorial helm of The Trimble Banner— Schraffenberger, Floyd (1nd.) Central The Sentinel-News, Shelby- ' " ing director at the Boulder (Colo) DemocratinBedford.TERESALITER,a High; and Daniel E. Roth, Atherton Ville: Business reporting and deadline Camera. Stepping ininOwensboro is recent- EKU graduate, has joined the High. ' reporting, Duanne Puckett; Minor- TIM THOMPSON, former retail ad- staff as writer-photographer. Top professional winners ity/ women's affairs, Mickey Meece. : _ VWMWgemofg-theg‘épartanburg--n::~-r\r‘=v-n—nSUSANJALLA'ENn—«andra-TIM‘A'~'nwererby—paperrr- " ’ ' ‘ “ The Lebanon Enterprise: Col— » (S.C.) Herald-Journal. PRESTON are new staff writers at The The Courier—Journal: Magazine umn writing, Ninie Glasscock. ‘ ’ MARY CAROL TINGLE has Floyd CountyTimesinPrestonsburg. Both feature reporting, Bob Hill; Service Other awards went to the ' been promoted to general manager/ have experience with newspapers in reporting, Diane Hellenman; Sports, Corydon (1nd.) Democrat; The News, . advertising manager at The Henry Pike, Floyd and Johnson counties. Holly Holland and Pat Forde; Busi- Tell City, Ind.; Louisville Magazine, County Local in New Castle. She has CHARLOTTE MCFALL is the new ness reporting, Grace Schneider; Business First, WHAS—TV, WHAS ra— workedinbookkeepingandadvertising bookkeeper for The Times, and TRENA Minority/women'saffairs,Lawrence dio, WAVE-TV, WFPL radio and 7 atTheLocal fortwoyearsandisasenior HOLBROOK has joined the staff as Muhammad; Column writing, Al WAMZ radio. in accounting/ management at Ken- receptionist. In the paper's advertising tucky State University. JEFF SPRADLINGisthenew . . ,, , .., . ,. ,, . ,, , , _ , ., ., ,, V editor of The Clay City Times, replacing 3 '1 . JAMESMULCAHYwhohasioined The n , ,, : s 1 ., , Bourbon Times. A Morehead State Uni- S = ; , _j‘: ' S radlin has ex ri- :5iii:;}I}~;735‘?‘:,-:3file:eptember . :z"?;:::',515élififli;i . vermysraduate’ p . g pe :aigigteraiieedzteaueighiinzaiiiaéMimigtrigDept-s;immigrants:39:94:52izaiaietiieegeiastznalegeglalfl)z.~i;'s::-~z:::3,:,: ,- , ?‘Z‘I‘I2*E?E . eneewnhtheMSUTrailb’WMOIehwd sunughmuisgrggnumntgpoglgmkgmggmxowsNPAsptgoowegggggiia . News, Maysville Ledger—Independent, (404/256~0444) Grayso" WWI-Enquirer, Mi- Sterling 51,; 'i‘iEEE'Eié‘ 3 Advocate and The Curlisle Mercury. ctober ~ Year'5 School Bell award Presented by 0cmStatementofownershiptobepublishedmissueofnewspaperandfiledmthlucalpostalservme=9932355E..3Esiééiiiié-JE?‘ , . the Kentucky Education ASSOCiatiO“ at SouetyefPrefesswnallwmehstsconvention0ct1113GaltHouseLoeisw11e