xt7zpc2t7p4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t7p4s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1985 1985 1985-02-19 2020 true xt7zpc2t7p4s section xt7zpc2t7p4s ______________________________ ________________—_____—_


‘ Orientation ’ measure gets tentati V e ap l I

By_JOHN VOSKUHL Robert Zumwinkle, vice chancellor to a section of the Student Rt tits tee alwa s acce ts Univ rs't o ‘n- detailin the 0 ~ - ~ . . . . . .. .

Editor-in-Chief forstudentaffairs. and Responsibilities handbook fhat ion on pig-{oposedpamendnfenltsy if ptlhe ing opinions pr posal and ”We“ :i’nTgl'Sfieiffiewna,.§“j’,‘.‘.“,g u out ’ 1 . '

"The committee has examined the lists characteristics against which amendments reflect "substantive The committee will accept propo- polan have ‘llr("l(i\l » d d ‘23,“)

{APEOPofal to ametnddthe .U'llvfi'TSi' proposal ,fndzfindsnkthat tgere is the University cannot discriminate change."hesaid, sals for about two weeks before ‘ ‘ ' M“ Nlm' '

y rues o preven iscrimtna ion men 0 i umwi e sai . "But when admittin students or allocat- . . . ma in ‘ . . v . But Zumwinkle stressed th't t - 4.

based on "sexual orientation" edged we feel that the University commu- ing financialaig. th" the reV‘S'Fm committee passes terk g a find] damn“ on the mat committee could change its gang: . 'v I, ,

0'95?" to acceptance yesterday as an nity 5h9llld be able to express opin- A similar measure — one that pro- Pe psoppsal. u wm be sent on to Tim Freudenberg. president of the "n ”l“ PWP‘Ml. dt’Pt‘iiding on the ' 7 . _' -

offictal reView committee tenta- ionsonit." hibits discrimination based on sex- ,rfiS' en (ms A' Singletary. Who Student Government Asstxsiation "959‘”‘SNWOWM ' ,' I '

tively voted toendorse the measure. According to Zumwinkle. the com- ual orientation intheareaofUniver~ El, sakamet 9685:” fife”? the and a member of the committee. .. ~ ' - ‘~
. mittee oeCided ‘0 give the proposal sity grading policies —- was passed “T o rus 685' T e Board '5 em. said the measure should pass bar I do“ mm" m" "“mmmt‘e '5 ' w 1 '

Under the tentative‘endorsement, a “preliminary endorsement“ at a earlier this month by the University powered to add the amendment to ring unforeseen opposnion ' going to be impressed by Just num. - . ' . '
the Prowl Will be given extended meeting yesterday. The measure Senate. the rules “Unless somebody comes up with her «of responses but rather the . .
gin-3‘49”?“ bi.’ the Student Code passed after extensive discussion. he Zumwinkle said it is standard pro- Meanwhile, the committee will be some reasons why it shouldn't. I (“‘3'”) "‘ ‘l““‘"g“”“””- “9 W1 ' ‘ .. '
bewsmn Omrvm‘tteepand all me.” Sdld..Thf! committee has been con- cedure to seek UniversitYWlde opin- accepting written opinions on the lhlhl‘ it Will 80 [0 the Board." bald “959‘"le sh'iiil‘l lw submitted l .. l ‘

.rs of the bmverstty community Sideringitsmce late last semester. ion on important amendments to the bill from the University community Freudenberg. who served as the pro- written form to '/ 'kl ‘ m ' . '.
xii?!» mvged to‘Sme" written The proposeduamendment would University rulfi. Zumwinkle said the committee will posal‘s mayor spokesman (in the 329 Paltt‘rson tittiyilili‘tflte: 5hilllfl‘t‘rtl‘: . ' ‘ .

pinions on e mat er. according to add the words sexual orientation' The student code revision commit. place ads in the Kentucky Kernel committee He pomted out that the day.2\larcliti ' h ' '

' UK had m n air 5 0 " ”

a y F h ws ' » .
’ 5 :- I

rough starts . overseas -. ~ -( -

0 , . .

in early years c ,, ' - , . offerin S , ; .. . -

By ALEXCROL'CH l " _ ... . t ~. g ’ g - ' .

‘ {4w 9 ~ . ,. . ’ " v. ~ . ' .‘ _

StaffWriter 3 . 4'! W {fa i‘ 3 s ‘h i; ‘ Many can Study

UK‘s Founder‘s Day actually - "" ' (1% ' " ",l. . -

falls on Feb. 22. But that date is . "‘ . . ‘ » .9. .1 ' = (5 abroad; ChiefSUyS ‘ ‘

only one of many in the confused { y ' " . f " _ y . V l l , > .

early yearsof the University. . "V ..,‘ g. i ‘ _. 1, - y... ' t i B) )ll-Il.lSS\Bl-Zl.l. _ _

The date marks the day in 1865 i g, . 3.111;: l Staff Writer .

when the General Assembly l .1 V .a I, - I. , .

passed the bill establishing the . .1 “is“ '. it, 15%;?“ To promote gains from studying . .

Agricultural and Mechanical Col- ' ' -_ ', 4"”...‘3" ”7 7:9; :5" ' ' . ~V .1 abroad both educational and per-

lege of Kentucky as a college of v... _ " ’1'” f. w W" .,\_ ’ g . ' sonal. the office of international pro»

Kentucky University, But this '37:." . M. Q- ‘ . -. grams mil i-tiiit- ti study trawl talr . ‘

bill. too. had a complex back- i. 5.53:. 7243.3”? * I a." i» g . l 10 am to :2 pm today. tomorrow ' ‘

ground. ‘ 2'.» ‘ ’ 1”,. '“ A. h, ., U . ' *W‘. - and Thursday in 206 Student Center

Ultimately it goes back to the “fig-{W1 75 ‘ . ft. x There also Will be sessions each . ‘_
Morrill Land Grant Act. passed . ,A- $55? TE: . ' 1' '- j. .3 / do) in 343 Student Center with stu- .
by Congress in 1862. which pro- m_~ " ’: " ' . '55.: k . 1 dent pant-1's. iilms and slide shows .
vided public land or scrip to ‘ . . ‘ 3% _,,,U ” i M ' 7.3:}? 'r i from students vtho previously partic~ .
states toward the endowment of ‘ f * . . ' .» '. ' '. " ,. ipated in the programs offered - ~
at least one college. the aim of - , . > - , throughtlit-oificc _
which would be agricultural and 1' L , i . . V,» ~' " r .55; r a _ - Information and brochures will be 7 ~
mechanical education. not exl- ' _., '_ 1‘. .0- ' I" , 1 . ' . 12' -‘ g available from national tourist agen- ‘
cuding more traditionalareas, "' t to,’ A if: i. ' . .. ., .,.,‘.;_ ' . CW5 “DWI study abroad PFOEdeS ' '

In an address to the General 1 ' . ,- "ta , :5?“ ’ . {a h , - « j a offered in places such as Germany.

Assembly. Gov James F. Robin- / . . ~ gé %;. Ki " a .' g; ' r. .t _ France and Switzerland. Students. ’
son indicated he expected accep— ' .1 g; 9'. ”gt h. , ’ " ' ‘5 "=..’ ; i' faculty and stall are invited to come
tance of the federal government's t a " ’9‘ W ,. .W . .4, “ 5,42,. ‘ I - j i by and pick tip information and dis- »
offer, and it complied. Transylva- t j . . l . . i» f 2'? 33"“; "j . , M cuss studyingnbroad. - ‘ .
nia University was the only insti- ’ ‘ ’._ . 14.3%. V . . ' w ' . 1 A few Changes this year have been
3 tution to offer a location for the '7‘,“ it?“ . m . ’_ J is“ 2;... . ' A ”,3“? s -«"“‘ . .. . .' " ' added to attract more people to the
ri college. ’ .1 » 43‘“ .3 E ‘f 45 .3: 1.9“» _'S ' 35;ng ' " ‘ 5“ fair. “it s usually done in April but

The House of Representatives . “' fig} “ ; FN’“: l g f: {:3 M “is?!" \ . : .. ll 5 being iiiil‘it‘ earlier betause a lot '
was not inclined to accept Trans- . ’ l .‘ ‘7 i " iii? '. ,. .. “‘ _ .5 g 4 ’ ”l people in“ Shim lhg ”119F951 for
ylvania's offer. however. because I ‘ ' . a; - i an“ 2- r . summer programs with prices being . .
of its shaky financial situation " ' , . ‘3'! " what they are - Cheap."Said David ’
and the probability that the state l M, [J . ,2. . : Bettez. assistant director of office of ' ' ,
would have to support the fledg. ' "" y internationalprograms, , _
lingcollege, t Other changes include extending ‘ ,

The Situation changed suddenly the fair from one day as it has been . '
by the intmsion of dormant Ken» ,. in the past to three days “Three _ ‘ ' _
tucky Univeriity. whose leading ‘ 7 7' 'A "7" '7 #M‘ V" " ’T " ’ ”W ’ ‘Mmfi‘jl—“l‘l‘Q‘ZV gaysf Ill belle; t rthalidone hectausi: . . .

s irit was Jo n Bowman. It had . . . . 0pc u )' one 0 ”88 ays a S u 9h '
bgen seeking the Assembly's per gag: Halulml)(ll(ef;t)iiti(elh Hardeman. Robert Dotson and Leslie bration._ The celebration marked the 120th birthday of the “ill be in the Student (‘enter and : _
mission to move to bexington ' ems, enjoy some cake al yesterday S cele— Universny of Kentucky. pick up some information." said : 4 ' . ‘
from Harrodsburg and unite with Kathy Lynch. SlUd.“ abroad adVlSBr . ‘
Transylvania. Th Because the requirements for the V . j y ,

The Assembly committed the at aw ward age study abroad programs vary. Bettez . . .
bill which would have established said he thought almost any student . ' . .
the Land Grant institution at at [K could do something overseas. , . . ’ ' ,
Trans lvania and four da 5 later . . i‘Vt’iillilwerf‘.lu51lra\'9ling. ‘ = . . '
“,5th through a subside bi“. As UK turns 120, speaker urges future support, celebrants reminisce over cake TOdBYS schedule tor sessions at . , ~
It joined Kentucky and 'l‘ransyl- {_v_“_ ,_.__*___k-. __.__,m the lair includes a Peace Corps film ' .
vania Universities. making the . I I 1 By ALEX CROUCH islation enabled states “to teach iii 1 P m. “'llh a panel 0f Peace (‘Ol'P . '
Agricultural and Mechanical Col— 1» l Staff Writer the non-wealthy. farmers and \‘Ulumi‘ers it"ailéihlt’ lilr dlSCUSSl0h .
legeapart of the next-creation, i ‘ manufacturers, people who work afterward A panel of students Will _ . ‘ .

The new university opened in l _ , i Hoping to establish a campus with their hands. to establish a 8‘"? perspectives 0“ SlUd." abroad .

October 1865. but problems de- . ~‘ i tradition. the Student Activities people‘s university," according to for the academic .V'eaT‘SQmESlel‘ PTO— ' ' .‘
layed the opening of A&M. Bow- l, . i‘ v ! Board celebrated UK‘s birthday Babbage. “It gave the seed to a gram 3139-“? ‘ '
man bought the estates of Ash- i . . A , ‘ i party with about 15 people yester. major university on this site." T0m0rr0W 5 5955““ ihClude a ‘ ' ,
land and Woodlands as property = 0 ' ,_ I day in the Great Hall in the Stu- And after the difficult early 51"“ Sh‘)“ 0“ a Sf‘mf’Slt‘r 1" Nepal ‘

for the College in 1866. Kentucky .. ' i d ..- _ dentCenter. years, the University has gone by a th‘rSil,‘ Slhdt'm 31 1 pm. ' -
had not sold its scrip because the 1 ; The institution's 120th birthday “from several students to 20.000. arid a Panel ”l l'hin’FSily students ,

land market was depressed. A l e __ . ' | Was a special reason to repeat from 30acres to716." Will discuss the summer abroad .
committee decided to go ahead , ., . ‘ i the party held last year for the Babbage devoted most of his Slim.“ 8‘ 311i“ . , .
with the sale. since the federal wit. , Q t" I. r i first time in 65 years, SAB Mem- talk to the future. however. re- Thursdays 5935111“ ihClUdt‘S a -

deadline was approaching. and i . (Qt ‘ w- ' ‘ g ‘ gt . ber-at-LargeMindy Martinsaid. fleeting particularly on the last Slldf‘ Showoh Malawi“ presented by ' - .
the College opened on Oct. 1. g ‘ E An address by Bob Babbage. two years of ”unparalleled suc- a [WW-"ll." graduate SlUdt'hl at 1 ~ . .

1866. A stone plaque on UK‘s i.. ‘ _ r; A. l assistant to the president, on the cess in growth through private P-m- and a Paiii‘l Ol students Will '
front steps on Limestone Street 1 ‘ “”33 , y 1 theme of the University‘s future, giving." discuss “'Ol‘klhgiihmad 3UP m
bears this date. . .‘ - ‘3 nightlighhed the occasionhelt was The money that came in birth- . ' - .

- - . . ‘ = w t “3 00% aSSlSnlnen sai . da cards was alwa 5 nice. Bab- ~ '

“"933, {"“T‘igfiifi'ydiigifg, i .. . :(‘._;.?= “What do you say at birthday haze said; similarlyy “the really
{Egméonnectgfis with Kentucky ‘ . ' 9 time? What do you say when exciting thing is programs sup- INS'DE
University in 1878 establishing a l ’ , a“? 3’01”? 12°?" ported by alumni: advice. sup .
commission to seek bids for the A V M ' I 4 . ~ ‘ . . Babbage said he could play a PO”. referral, enthusiasm *
relocationofthe A&M . .‘ ‘ I . fig ¥ trivia game: "There are many that‘s the kind of birthday pre- Pm me... by Fruit Hm.

Determined to keep the college i , y} i :. things. to talk about." For exam- sent we could use every year." menu are currently on display in the
in their city lexingtonians of- AIAlesflG/Kcrnctsufl F39; 0‘: Xf’fixfemembfr ”Bacon Tysegloney also ls important, he Rudd] Gallery in the Sim Oeu-

. ‘. on th niverSI y. sauces or. a . . _ ter. For more, so: am
fifisi'fl §?§§e§'8‘i."%ib. 6.82230 Hunt. Bob Babbage. special assitant to President Otis A. Sin- The" '5 one thing In. the Past Since fan of usucould thinlt how m1
WWW...” are... barbed ............ ... .....v .,
' ' ' . car contest at ‘s i . '. ' ’i m
locatingthecollegein Lexington rt ay party yesterday M Grant Act. ms 1e g- See BIRTHMY‘WBS . “N“ ,._.-_'L_ ._ ..- __
South Carolina. For details. at
Dental students battle rural Kentuck t th (1 x mm”-
y 00 ecay i... m...
”It is not too hm but the
33' JANETSMIT“ the pediatric dentistry department. fourth grade. they can catch prob- service, but it's alsoa good learning a good idea of what to expect when recent decision from the and“
Wt" sald- lems early and teach good dental experience for the students," Mink they leave school. Cod: Revision m. h
_ The Gateway Health Department habits on a one-tome basis, Mlnlt said. W.~4.

.Every Monday morning at 7 a.m., works Wllh UK. trying t0 give the said. Chuck Shannon is a fourth-year Most of the UK students are from ‘

m dental students and one faculty WW h regular dental service. . The same six UKstudents go for a dental student who spent about 18 rural areas and plan to go back to

Mb“ drive two hours ‘0 Menifee Mlhh 808 Wllh the UK students on whole semester so they can become Mondays in Menifee County last se- these areas to practice dentistry.

WW There "'9' 3‘" free dental My mornings. familiar with their patients. matter. He usually saw about two or They will be better prepared for this

smite to the children at Baits 31- The dental problems of Menifee n. the mam, the ox students three patients each day. “The kids after treating the children at Botts ' on“? i .»

unentary. a rural school in the County arecotnpoundedbecause'the eat lunch in the school cafeteria so were great, they understood we Elementary.Shennontiaid. . .1 _ outggrgihc

cumty. water does not have fluoride in it, he they can identify even more closely wereprovidinga service.“ hesald. I“ III is ”wfi ‘

The program began two years ago said. The unemployment rate is one with their patients. The problems the UK students see The students in the dental school Q h the *1 fit , '

with a slate grantlto the Gateway 1! the highest in the state so that “lay often luve to use their own at Both Elementary are different are furnishing a very necessary and! 1* *fl. :5? .‘

Realm Department in Menifee Ooun- many families cannot afford to go to main-ca became other than the from those they see in lexington be- service as well as learning things g. m t b.- 1 ‘ “f”. ’5’

tr- ‘l‘he lute mud a real need neizhborlnl militia to see a den- three dental cit-tn the actual tin, cut-e tooth decay in so extenlive. they would never learn in texuiston. III-illum- .. raid—71st.

“'- d'm‘l treatment in the area be t“- imtrumenb and appliances are ltm- Melt of the chikhen don‘t we a Shannon said. “It gives you I 800d - .. ., _ ,swfiaa 5

“i- “M not In!!! a “Mine 3! mm with Wit-r! chil- itsti. Wit on it regular basis, 9mm recline when you leave there in the . ; deters... W”

Mt, D" John Milt. dialrman 0‘ then. {run W ‘0 "I “We are not only We and maid. this gives the UK students aftemoon." “ti-pf-


 2-KWYKML My, My M, 1‘
Ans Editor
‘ Vision Quest’ is more than just another teenage ‘ flesh flick’
“All he needed was a lucky break. “Only the Young") and Madmna, g . n.“ ' ’
andayshe moved!!!” . . . m Louden, (Matthew) Modine creates a who nukes a special appearance as t Wt?”
So reads the advertisement for the . a night club singer With her origi- Wm»
new teen movie wagon nggu character wzth character. Louden has mi, “om, fa- yOu» gm unmi. wig;
making it sound like a runof—the ‘ ' ' ' ' er." The vocals of John Waite, Ber- .. ”a
mumfih flick. determination, depth, humor, Intelligence and rs fin. We James mo and Pink ,.
Forfunately. that isn't the case, even — God forbid! — allowed to make Floydalsofilterinandout. ' __ _
. for “Vidon Quest“ is an entertain- - k To achieve the proper physique itinlrl “$3
ing film with more plot than just m '5’” 5’5- and wrestling skills needed for his “if
”Let‘s takearoll on thesheets." Louden dreams of being a doctor (“in role, Modine went through eight 3. w .
“Vision Quest" has a number of ,, . weeks of training. However, Michael ‘ fi- ”2,“; .- '
things going for it: good acting. a space )and consrders gynecology because he Schoefling (who plays Kuch, loud- ,. - I
great soundtrack, fine directing and u - - - en‘s best friend) has won many , " |
producers Peter Guber and Jon Pet- wants to 10"" '"f‘lde women tofmd thepower awards for his wrestling ability, a ~ 1
ers (with such individual accom- they have over (him). ” sport in which he excelled in high ':,e treated, it.“ ,
plishments as “Caddyshack,” “An — SChOOl- 16¢ “l, 1
American Werewolf in London" and Schoefling does an excellent job as 5-», egg. Jags 1" . ‘
, “Flashdance.") ("in space") and considers gyneco— Louden‘s relationship is not explored the self-proclaimed half-indian wres- N gig, at a: j l
. Matthew Modine (“The Hotel New logy because he wants to “look in- as thoroughly as one would like. tler with a mohawk — wearing "hit 3’
Hampshire," “Bll‘dY'l portrays side women to find the power they However, Carla makes a deep im- leather and cruising on his motorcy- , if- j' 5% it
Louden Swain, high school senior have over (himif' pression on Louden. Besides taking cle — whose tolerance of an abusive ‘ ' ’ $1“
‘ and wrestler — best in his weight his virginity, she even manages to alcoholic fatheristouching. ~ a '2‘ ‘3'” ‘
class. The woman with the power is 21- teach him a few other things about J.C. Quinn performs another g ‘“ 2
But —— as he claims at the begin- year-old Carla, a drifting artist from life, touching performance as a motel ‘ g 2;, g g
' ' ning of his story — this is the year New Jersey heading for San Fran Director Harold Becker (“Taps," cook Louden works with. Quinn truly w_= W ,, a
. . , to make his mark. Louden wants to cisco. Stranded in Spokane, Wash- “The Onion Field") does an excel- cares for the young boy, as does ,. sum, . ‘
drop his weight to 168 pounds so he ington, she gets a job to save for a lent job of revealing the world of Harold Sylvester (Louden’s English a. {1'
. ' can wrestle Brian Shute. undefeated car. In the meantime, Carla stays high school wrestling without boring teacher) and Ronny Cox (Louden's ‘2‘;
- in his class for three years. with Louden and his father. (loud- the audience. In fact, he makes it father). All play their supporting .
. It is obvious why Modine received en‘s mother skipped town with an- not only interesting but appealing by roles well. . _ .‘ '
the Best Actor Award at the 1983 other man, a very sore spot in his showing the extreme competitive- The fine performances and direct- _
Venice Film Festival; in Louden. past.) ness, talent and perseverance which ing that support this glimpse of .- .
Modine creates a character with . . a player must have. It's a far cry Louden Swain’s life make it a qual- t _, ~ l
character. Louden has determln- Carla is played by Linda Florentl— from Jerry “The King"Lawler. ity movie that isn‘t just skin deep. i W 'i
ation, depth, humor. intelligence and no. her first stab at the big screen. Becker has a big advantage with a KERNEL RATING: 3 1 '. j
. is even — God forbid! — allowed to Carla is a beautiful stone-faced great musical score. Composed and I, A_ .-__e-.*_#_ ,. {
make mistakes Woman Whme lndewndence keew Womed by Tangerine Dream “Vision Quest" is playing at North- 777 '"mOCOUmYOFWAINERIIOS "(111“;
He definitely breaks the dumb her aloof. One of the few flaws of (who also did “Risky Business”), it parka“ Southparlz. RatedR
, jock mold. also features such favorites as Jour- Linda Fiorentino and Matthew Modine embrace in ‘Vision Quest.-’
Louden dreams of being a doctor “Vision Quest“ is that Carla and hey (doing the main theme song LYNCARLISLE
Music of Burundi W are stimulates rept'l'an pr'mal cent 1'
The metal shop looked and ganlzation are as loose and sponta- Had To Be Fun." and gave them cular saw blades, and a motley “Whole Lotta Love," which the band corporates footage of sparks, weld-
sounded like the physical plant for neous as its music. There is no names like “woodblock robot," menu of conduit pipes, which are has rewritten as “Whole Lotta "18. and other industrial scenery ed-
’ Hieronymus Bosch Industries, Inc. permanent lineup of musicians, and "adolescent xylophone," and “tube beaten, knocked together, or banged Grub,“ or “Whole Lotta Drum," or ited to form rhythmic patterns, It
. All around the sheet-metal~and-cin- the group gets together to play just lodious ironing-board.“ All the in- onthefloor. whatever assonance the eight musi- will be projected onto the band
der-block room stood rainbow- whenever it happens to feel like it. struments are decorated in colors of What results is an irresistibly cians choose to scream at the mo— members while they play a piece
splashed, astrological-looking metal Its purpose? “Stimulation of the pri- Polynesian brilliance, utilizing to rhythmic, surprisingly melodious ment. Bereft of Jimmy Page guitar inspired by the film and written spe-
assemblages, jagged and gorgeous mal rhythm centers, the reptile startling effect the unexpected jux- and utterly enrapturing sound. It is chords, BW sing the opening riff cifically toaccompanyit.
as flowering cacti or extravagant brain!“cried Croxton. taposition of vibrant chroma with impossible to keep still while listen- themselves. A seme of humor is def-
bromeliads. The music is totally percussive. baremetal. ingtothisorchestratedchaos. initely a prerequisite for a Burundi Burundi Ware is fun. funny and
In the midst of this garden stood "We‘re just a bunch of goons who Most of BW’s songs do not have show. “We got this thing together unusual, and anyone can dance to
. Burundi Ware, various members of like to beat on things," said assail- BW and the contraptions seemed words, though the band members do and right off we knew it would never them (all you have to do is bounce).
' which were assaulting the sculp- ant Jah Distant. The goons include made for each other. In addition to a lot of yelling and stomping along be serious," Jah explained. “This is Be nice to your primal rhythm cen-
tures with an assortment of blunt in» Carter Suter and Mike Bottas (who Gron‘s creations, Burundi (so with “Indian Nightmare," “Love Me acomedy show,“Croxton agreed. ters and let the reptile brain take
struments. joined Croxton and Distant to form named because the musicians ad- Voodoo," “Indonesian Nights" and Spectators at Burundi’s next per- over. Slither on down and check out
_ Idiot Savant) Carol Paine, John mire the distinctive drumming style other originals. Burundi does seve- formance will be treated to more Burundi Ware.
Described by member JOhn CFOX- Baird, Hamid Ashki, and Jack Gron, practiced in Burundi — “Ware“ just ral covers which do have lyrics, than auditory entertainment, howev-
to“ 85 a “multi—mania n0n~musical the UK sculpture professor and completes the pun) also plays more after a fashion. The most notable is er. “We're moving more into multi- Burundi Ware “ill be in concert
extravaganza," Burundi Ware has Fidel Castro look-alike who is re- conventional percussionables such probably “Krogering,” a throbbing, media, not just percussion," said (or at least, more or less togther)
’ l‘fflnCBl'naled itself several times sponsible for the band’s unorthodox as congas, bongos, cowbells, xylo- chanting rendition of that thrice- Gron. The band has prepared a slide tonight at Cafe LMNOP- Cover Will
Since ll was formed tWO summers instruments. phones, the marimbula and the san. damned commercial jingle. “Day- show that will accompany “Kroger- be$2.
' ago l0? the lll‘St LlVe NOlSe happen— Gron created them for a Cincin- tour. Then there are the eccentric 0," a Harry Belafonte song, is also ing," and will feature a film by Sue
mg; the ensemble‘s methOdS 0f Or- nati show he titled “Who Said Art pieces of scrap metal, hub caps, cir- covered. as well as Led Zeppelin's Applebee and Croxton. The latter in- ELLEN Bl‘SH
ermann S EX 1 l . ' ‘ . “a, e ges S 0W may
‘ . f . thy l : <3; \ v. . .
. con us1ng but good , . . prompt Similar fare
- Works by an artist with what Stuv In his “Relluk,” Herrmann incor- l . ,( $13,?” If. The unexpected success of the .M'- “The composmons themselves end
dent Activities Board Visual Arts porates a hieroglyph motif in one 3 t ’7 v2? ”i e “cm chael Hedges concert Saturday mght up dictating the mmal tumnguand‘l
Committee Chairperson Barbara corner. The drizzled plum acrylic is l ”ii-2;! .‘ t, , ‘ “‘5 L m the Center for the Arts pPOmpted make Changes along the way, said
. 2 Wight calls a “national reputation“ thickly applied, and these glossy ‘ ' M 1e _, ' - 1%" ,i-QZW a promise 0‘ more such acts to "“185-
. » p . are on display in the Rasdall Gal- primitive characters are particular- a A I,» 2 . 5 . , l .. g» 1 come. Directorof the Center for the
' lery in the Student Center. ly eye catching in the context of lay- . . 1' ”v ’ i . " ‘ ‘. , i ' ' Arts, Holly Sallsbury, said I would Other techniques employed by
- Indeed, Frank Herrmann, painter ered shape. texture and color which i ’t I ’5‘, ‘. 1 ”‘ " ‘ " I We.“ have "9°" performances hke Hedges include an extensive use of
- and associate professor of Fine Arts fill the rest of the canvas. i ‘5, ' / I ’ , j: . . ' . "‘ l ”“5 mtheRecrtal Hall. harmonics and using both hands to
. at the University of Cincinnati, has “Relluk” also incorporates a form ! .’ ~.. . / Cb i -fli~, ‘ g; ‘- ‘ tap out notes on the neck. “It was
‘ ' paintings in private collections from which could be seen as bent piano ‘ _ \\ ' "to“: tn if; . ' , t, l The sellout crowd of seemingly like magic. The way he danced
' , ' New York to San Diego. keys, or as an architect’s model of l ’ J ’ ",‘7‘ , “3"". J a” i i _ 2‘.__ ‘ “upwardly mobile" people of all while he played made him seem like
.- . Viewing Herrmann‘s large acrylic the Golden Gate bridge, juxtaposed . l .,‘\ 'g‘ ‘5‘ gt“. , s ~: g 1 ' -. 38% rewarded Hedges with two an entity with his guitar. He was
canvasses, one wonders “What does diagonallyln the canvas center. ‘1' p)” ‘ . )Mhs ‘ '__ if”: ;- > standing ovations for his solo perfor- playing not just the strings, but the
» Frank Herrmann have a natlonal “Koszo” IS accented by cilia—like ' r . UP , ‘5. - . .' 1st,; I mance with acoustic guitar. Hedges’ whole guitar," said audience mem.
. , reputation for?“ lines flowing from its abstractions, _ ’ .s, ' «‘3 g > ; . ’_ ‘ " 1 Martin p-28 guitar was enhanced berKerryFluhart.
. .He‘r‘rrnann‘s‘ paintings. with titles and both “Reltas” and ”GWIII'da: , a *K ’ ll _',J », , ;::.- / with digital reverb to infuse space
like Zler. Relluk. and Koszo, seem to be from a “female series ; / ~,- § . ' _ g "a? t‘ ‘ and stereo chorus for fullness. Vocals are a new addition to
‘ are textured abstract composmons of some sort, WIth their softer light, - A ‘ 2., .~ ' 2- ‘5, H . - H‘ l ri and re-
.- ' giving little clue to exactly what formsandcolors. ' rt ‘ ’~~ ‘ ‘- Hedg 31 ha t ll tohi eds? musrc. '5 y Esh' op
. theyareabstracting from. Herrmann's technique, which in- . ' I ' . " ’3 red't :5“ ' ls woal 'nfl 5 sea) “:2" rrllovefsoae o f l: s ngs
_ -. - Whatever content Herrmann's art eludes leaving unpainted canvas ex- ' e‘ s A ‘ " 4.: r94..." c llded Eleargrmlilsmam; “at?” 1;; ,rea m ofm efn] 0 [Susie
. represents. it couldn‘t be too subver» posed. and varied styles of acrylic r ‘ i’ ‘ ’ IE “3"" "K21"? te "Sui esey, Bea ‘5’ edges Show lve :aye 8% 3d
sive. as some of his paintings are texturing. is obviously well-devel- . * ~ 1 y 5 fig?“ » an e ll’ Pa and Mary. Accord- mnamlc fil ormarstfre 0dve en char.
.‘ ‘ ‘ owned by corporate collections such oped and his color combinations are " ' I; ". ‘ % .. fl.» «fr “28mm his press release, Hedges “T'tot: owers m em gul r m
> ' as Cincinnati's AT&T and ARCO of surprising and effective. The points, ‘ '3' ' ’ ' fig 1] ,‘x’, ' in fd casSlca guitar at the Na- mg. n. ~ of th' t of
- Columbus. however, are only evident under . ,e’a' ’ ’ ”3‘11“,“ ‘9'“. Music Camp at lnterlochen, Th? inception ‘5 ype con-
: g - . - , t f 3 f2 _,.,_g g ' ,,~. . Michigan. ‘ I started learmng a little cert in the Center for the Arts met
From a distance of eight feet or closeobservationsofthework. , ,. a a {‘H' ~ hn' . . h , “Th
, ‘ " so, the paintings, which incorporate These paintings are excellent : 1 j p EC lque lthere. 13““ I was m the Willi grea popularthléesponsle. le
' colors ranging from earthtones to “foyer art.“ which lends itself to ’ 2" ",. 5 figtdlnter o‘chen‘jafzz 3:"? I also 3‘; ence WES) no 'd grab ”0pr
K . brights to pastels to primaries. are continual discovery by guests a . dr a 0:: muSIc .0, Inglme ‘t’tvlixkcolTeehalle' 5:1 “‘5 llhyth'
‘_ , ‘ nothing more than a painted geome- looking at the painting while waiting ,2” \-. ‘ an start composing more ings . t . wor s we w'. . Is
I. . try text run amok. foran interview. .. a _ . . a in odd tlme’ signatures With less of a kind of mu5lc. I want the facility to
. . ' However, upon closer observation, If you have 31,500 to $4,000 (Her- 7 ' ,1 2» _. It‘ae'y centier. He later went on to 0b' have all.“ broah: 0‘ a conceptdhaWe
- , nuances of Herrmann‘s craft dislin- rmann‘s work is priced according to l is l a? ,.- Pmbzd W intcornposrtlion from woluld .lke to five m3: WW, m
2 ', . guish each painting as artwork if not canvas size) and a fairly large “WAWAN/Kflmlm" ea yconserva oryInBa timore H] I artists here. . Win . m "'1 Re-
., ' a work of art. foyer, one of these abstract intrigues Accounting senior Brad Kni ht s - $3 000“ k Hedges style defies dass‘."°‘“°'?‘ cords met-.5 a “dc mime? (if "9‘.”
Shades of khaki and tangerine couldbeagood investment. 3 plcsa ’ ermann wor ' He calls .n "019'“ acoustical 3“" ”11.3 instrumental ta'enl, prl-
_ 2 turn up in pieces which are done In addition to teaching at the Uni- and his MFA. at University of Cin- The Rasdall Gallery‘s hours are tar. Various percussrve sounds pro- mug] 9““?t 50B]; few-:3; 1mg!“
otherwise in clean blues and yel- versity of Cincinnati, Herrmann has cinnati. noon to 5 pm. weekdays, and noon duced by tapping on the guitar body mtg; musrc. as" (12,- I" m;
- , lows. Lines and squiggles lost in the recently exhibited at the Henri Gal- “Paintings," an exhibition by t06p.m.onweekends. m different places are used With the if ts are more a lona n
, mass of abstraction to the viewer at lery in Washington, DC. Frank Herrmann, will be on display :3: [$5831.11 fifiggflfégfi edges.
3 distance are suddenly interesting Herrmann earned his BA. in fine at the Rasdall Galle in the Student .
elements by themselves. arts at Western Kentucky University Center through Feb. g KAKIE URCH song and never repeats tunings MICHAEL DRAWER
. MM
' . ace-our g?‘g‘6"flf§,vm'“n°fs' ”eKo
. MI I
' , im...°."e."n, “mm“ Student Governomont Association Black History Activist
“warms jun-moo til-im- m uu . A"°rmy: Pu, Rusu|l
M; "'°" W On Campus...
“'01.. Id...“
“mum m Pat Russell
3”,.-.‘1‘2 mm: mm “5'0th 19- "35
-D‘m IK”‘\VH|I‘III [Mil '0‘ "‘ hu‘ . I!
gem-”m muddy, February 19 1:00 pan. 7:00 p.m.
'°°‘m.."°"....°..' Old stud-m Cantor theatre Old Student Cantor Theatre
w m
“a.“ m In unlunctlon with OM.- ol minority Ail-in
- t

 KWYKM M. Mr M. 1‘4
Sports idttor
T ' t h rt —— ' '
enms cam ll S -- -- - 0 opens in spite
top opportunity III-III"III . 0f sub-par weather
0 ' ‘ 1 V I‘ W
1“ loss to ' I '31- Heels .I' III Men, women 5 team members eager
r" , , .,
By Knlsmpuan RUSSELL with a solid 7-2 thumping over Wis- I.- g AI. [0 g et In the SWlng ofa new season ‘ .1 ' ‘
W m"- MW w III ' III . ' ~ ~ - ' -
. yJOHN JURY rapidly, he said. But we re still '
. team The 1°“ t° N°'.th “”1"“ k...‘ .‘ StaffWriter about twoweeks behind.“ ‘ , ;

1W it won two out of three prevented UKfrom playing the best ’ The squad will play in the Palmet- _ .. .
matches overthe weekend at the ln- m m the 8'8 Ten: No. Maranked "J...- ‘ The last thing Tom Simpson and to Invitational March 7-10 in Orange— 3 ‘ j '. . ,
diana Invnatlonal m, Bloomington, lana. . . Bettie Mu Evans want to see is burg. SC. and then will travel to . ' ‘-

Ind.. the UK women S tennis team Taniaka Takagl continued her I. ." ‘I'... more snow. Pensacola. Fla. to play during ' , ' ’ . ' !
broke its undefeated streak and lost winmng ways as