xt7zpc2t7t2t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t7t2t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1912-06-01 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, June 1, 1912 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, June 1, 1912 1912 1912-06-01 2020 true xt7zpc2t7t2t section xt7zpc2t7t2t mnwflmmww CTHlD W V L -t 1", .C‘ lOn-T )1 J C glxm Hr ,_ 1 mm (‘i L A 1. 1 IV.J__ V ’1 J Vauhenru UTCm “h k/ , o V.T +u D)! «I. U“ I C 0 .OD an .1 4 b 1p. 10 +¢ C A7,. I 7.. 7 C p L 3'," 4, fi A 1.7 r \ v), Q r L hsgnq K.._ Wu AK. in F. .\y a +qum 11* .II. .P: u..v Crwkb 9m 1 fl‘, 3 ,.,b +; D mm 0; 1 1r . .1. +dyv” 9:? _:UC rco 71‘. For "t I ~\ 4L SCI 0' ”89D 1 L ha( 1 m aL h n A cu a 81 LOTH: 4 no 2 . « C n C; t L"- .‘1 J .. uerson ssor A t) ( 1‘ ut Prc mwam - 'r' v u 9 [‘1 n I F) C}, l. ,r‘ /k A .1 1; ~\ 1, H1312.“ 1., x; ; 1,, .n fi 7 .M ‘37“ U a v» “ a 4-% g: 1753 n1. \1 r ,, q "/- . II 1‘. { ‘4'; J. ‘uxK r: 'j. «mm-“um __ .. Ll" , $3- a 1. n he F} 11,191- m :u 1 ‘ 711 '11 #14 J Ar :19 um \ 1,1u 6C” -A. H87 11 UU:9 T 4-3- .._ 4. Ull .L_ u .5, —,r. i) q. uRCl, no.” r nwv A v;” \( M-mwvmv—nr— 03.1" :l" T n t Du n: :4. k“ COVV 7 4,1 :V' OJ n3? ,.H_ 3 n l r) Kr 1:. L4 \1 29:11.12“ f" x /4 IL «w-Mwanqwmp-"mhmm S .3 (V ," .. (D Q 1.1 VJ- (1817 1.1 L1 V: LT 0 m m w (‘flT‘ vv u f: n th 1 :Y ,3 Ju "l “s A v1 9v9a OH 5. ' y, -| L! P. 1 T1 “f LA 1 ‘! 4va4“: .Jh ,, Counc . l ,k .3 F T 8 LL «5 .H, Wb%_d.t 9 S E f .m.” T, T An w». 3,. 3 ELL 01 .. .\v:l n .3 an. 3 1.0 A: S O h h 1 ions 5 b ‘1; t “L C m.wmanw.m...m.m. & 1 ‘nhw u- ‘ O U (‘1 U - r- A , :. I) cur 0 #1 .f [3, J_-« u. 10m, commas 117.4 C 7 O V Lb . m...” 6,». 5 Au v... r... a n. . , . MN, m. .. . a 15. no O“. W. 1i 0 9 «IA. CV ~I_ 9m 0 O «O f V. t a a. e 2.. NH «Q «i no .. n p a .1 .fl .1 T. A S .1 : .C n. a T. 3Q. I.“ . v t 1 £1. .74 S S a .1. C on n k .) U 0 S +d O _ O T. U MD M. 1 a... 10 .fl . . .n .T; . . ) 3 u T. K O t ., mu _U my T. ml 9,. O... ".r. M C :1. w... W. a .. ., . l M r u. E... V. WL Wu at. 1 ; +u O .1». 1H. . a BM mt... ml ”15 1 a G, in 3 4 -n k. "‘5 omi ‘V Cr ONYX»: I1; "0 ml 1‘ mmwnvqw.m- m an *3 (a "W'W'mmmmAu-Mw Upon motion of Dr ,. ., n .Dryor, it "as oroerez PTwJ“ 3 of havinL 3 D19n 0‘ V m3 a hrvinx the 3tude;t bo in'. _ up 310 z tho lirect101 o. a foo b1 conwldored separate from fihe raft of the r was then furth r moved by Dr fessor Frarkol, seconded, that the faculty efilorso and adopt of the minutes of th‘ Council. The motion or Frankel was then carried, and Prisilent Park» ' o ~11 ita tr the offic; 5 Evan of r ob 0+1o to the s3 of the Q) {.1 ,._1 :3 3c4 g J o u .v‘ term p salon" be inta t th' o: r r i ‘53 r .ntl o. e e’. fihe: s'omitt.3d fhe lo tnfi 593r993 dared Whioh We lnvzxed to the board 0 V‘.‘ 1 _ I. r17 l..L\. 11 Walter He Flmer EW‘ ?hite Cary Ray Duncan Leonard Edelen CL velanfl Galloway 1m Ammerman tty Llewellyn Coons Hardesty Orie lillari Hollar William Henrv Jaegle Robert Le.slia Jones Fred Stone {arm Harry w=otvs Korflaae E::nual To=eph Kohn i1zte s for_ Meo1anioal v”; 11 3 L 1‘, 8 y?“ .2 o w_,-~.31} dv divided 3eotion Professcr 1r {voojnted Dr. .€:‘lO ; L men a ._ . L llo’lnr llSu ,. .L‘ r— upon “ou:o r3, #1..» .J‘ - lzukuaes lo: n‘: mwuummwm Minutes of the 5—0; followinc list 0 of Law: m «.7 11'3"? b‘d—‘il A1101 August A.Pablitz Joeeth P1renel Campbell Carl U.CToft Harry ,arzley DeAtley Richard Vinson Garred Jones Otho Gill Thome~ Jeffereoh Lee Alexand1r St.Cleir Mao'enZWe ‘ Ho¢erd P.Uc€lroy John Elvis Miller Herbert Holbiook Moore ain ~orrieon MT ovrt Iutter » Otev lament Penn ell e‘f‘kin rf’weld Pfa ens tiel l Abn3r Stanfill 1 liam Henry Townsend ewton Willard Utlev, Jr. (4‘ ngarf Perry Wesley P.A.Whitaore James Azure Filmore '«4 Some qu . v u refe”enoe t t t r» . tLe 11W cardidatesj‘ ”T“ ,. . .t h. . e se : candidate be readmneided wLen the 100k: of the Pegietrar showed that all oonditiore have oven reroved, and tLe entire liet W03 thpr with this exoegtion, adopted and recommended to t10 Poerd. Up: n mot1OL of Lieut.Kelly, duly seconded, t 1 was ordered that the rule just adopted be made to to The candid 3 3 ml? “at e in ell departments of the Univ iW E32 Tn-u 4-1 _ a The following list of ca didatee for the degree C.F. end the degree B. C F. was presented hv P33? P038, and was upon motio , dulj seconded, recorwendei to the Board of Trustees for the degree name": 1’ Benje min Duncan Hil (fl. S.amuel Poi.n Col: m an James :loyd Chamoers Cott C.Kelley Benjenin Ellis Warre Stout (A \_ 6‘5 W-WaWWm-mAm-W ”inuteq of the Faculty, June first,l?1?. '3 :41 ti lam Dante Parrowe Ernest Louie Becker (61833 of lcll) Harry Northoott Cla¢3tt Thomas Evans Earle - Joseph Millett Lewis John Dallas ECMvrtrey Herbert hinooln Ya_le Floyd "-ed Raylor (Clrss o: 1911) John Edward Robertson » Robert Amtroee Foh.noon Ernest Prrker Fob1nron Ralph Skiff Erneet Fran otimpeler John Barret as John Henry w.t.t rtL John PuColph Watson Alge‘non Sidney Ninrton William Ahitha. Wallace feeeor Mathews presented the followinv list @331. P"oh? or of Selene) in Agriculture: Some objeotlon was roieed my Professor oarman to the inoluelon o: the name 0? V.?.Taylor in this l1st, Nlth tne statewent that l»'1~."i'aVlor ha? not finis ed th3 required work 1n intomwlogy. After home d1seresion of Mr.Taylor's case, 1t was ordered upon motion t it tLe matter be r°f3rrel to tho Hollere of Agr13ultur= to report hack t th1s faculty at its next Leetlng. T e letWWE?”€ttt Ennrovei and reoormenued to t e Board - A. _L 1 - of Tru~tees for the leqr e nawed. Pr for the adopted .or Miller presented the fol lo"1qn names fess degrg er na.med, which WB’C upon mo 1on duly ommonded to the Board of T1. not es: (‘1 a p H (D o . the. Qggr__e Artg Mary Scott upe1o James Russell ”W J L .C‘ J.‘ , A .~ Ca u- Wletas le-zD Decree Mae _ter ormfiqrgnce C arenoe Alvin William Tudo or William .up‘e' .5 . ‘flMi. Robert Hoove .L Spahr " ”W.M, W...”- list fOr tre d which wer~ dul 53. Faculty, JUTE fi:st,191?. Cznfijggteg for the Egg-b.9192" of A339 Faulkner b4bw®3 ' 3 -_,\ ’7‘ : .,,.-,.\.'. .‘ 15w 2 izuchh Glnn .r\ . V 1;- n:e ,puen G0102n «A .- » Tn A L J. idbkfn ‘JLLGT-t y ‘e Hughe~ :poei 1+» Tm nq Lr JL}L/.. eon {Junk-L. Eh19.1 9v 9 v Tcrrxr 3 JV,_J c T75“ni L! < 8888 r 4..L' flubl Dolly Taylor Pttta,1e Arnie Louise Déan Cleo Gillis Clarlcs Byrcn Gnadinq€r Marion Mryl Harrison Joseph Vefte Humble Ruby Lac“ Harcum Lilly Brandenburg Firk F3anL Hereford Tokaieso r—v‘ :44 reduirsd which 5, B951 number are strar. 'fiO I;+ O ’41. O Eorwcod the presented the following eqrflfi c: Pache f ‘ anineerlng, v arpvovel abd to the Hoard. J m " ' tom Giltne 7,3,“ VLLA;.L er Thiesing esented to the faculty tudsnt @overnrent Aasbciztion gm MA M «mmnfi‘mn~uuwuhmmrm zinu 6:: 0” tie Vaoulty, June 1,1?13. gpgjtigttipJ~itbdept 3ovejnmeJt Associat101 Artie f,;- This Otfienizetign shall he nown as the "Student Fovsrnmeni Organization" of Vent Olky State Vniversity. Agtioleflj}. The ”‘WOC s 0: th i_s orveni7ati0h shall consist of ever; Wutiioilou in? in KentuokV Rtite Univereity. Art iol~ Ill. _,s the out ies or its members are End, To report to the Executive Committee all. dishonorable conduct 0 shy student in the institution. 3rd. To create sentinent ageinht all forms of (sheetinr on tests ‘ exeninttiors, by reporting same to the Executife Chs'tteee tV that tend to Section 1. The qov. n) hldy of tlie orseanQtion ehel‘ be en T :eoutive Conmi te ocmposed o” e Presiaent, Vice—President, Secretary, and ten members “lectel as follows: Thrs= th, Senior Class, thrte from the Junior ClaS' each ’r01 the Pophomore and Freshmen Cl, flection “. There shell he one young lady member from each olezs included in the Fweontive Co nit ee. KEN“ bV a Cootlon 4. The Vice—DreSWdeht shall be a young men elected in Lay of he preceding year from the Sonncmore Class, and he shul have all the authority of the President ence. Section 5. T e Secretary swh ll be e youn? lady lected in May of he preceding year from the Tunmor Class and her duties shall be those usually performed by a Secrete IV. Section 6. The oorw1tteamcn other than those rentioneo in Article IV, Sections 5, 4 and 5, shall be elected at the oonveniencw of the respective classes, Within two weeks after the beginnitg of the school year excent that committeemen from the Freshman Class shall be electe:d between Jan.let she 15 th. ction 7. The ten committ =emen providefi for in IV, Section 1, shall holo office th_oughout their 1111517 t Arti.o IV V career, exec pt in cases provided :cr in Sxflo ions F and 9. Se Articl er 1 8 S] e m M «mmwwmm’..wn~m~. 55. Minutes June 1,191?. 1 section 8. If e ccmmitteeman proves inefficient or Cieloyal, he must be removed by a majoritv vote of the class which he rehyeeents, C,\:C+j(‘r ) T? q p <.~,\ +11 ”1'1": 45‘ «‘n J,— -, r.» -.‘$-. 1,.1 ,1 1. -1 u 1omL1tUeeu1n 1311; to r;vc.n e Wlbh the class, or groves inef13cw=nt or fielcfal, another :CMFlitVHN nuet be 3130161. Rection "O. A governing board, whose term of :ervice Shall terminate With the 31033 of th3 colleoiate veer 1711—18, con3 ituted and 3hosen (exc3pt as to t:n3) ae prov1ued in the previoue section 3 of Artiole 1V, 3hill be chosen between the let and “0th of Eecember 1911. g; ig_k_Y. 1t en11‘ he tha luty of the Conm1tt3e: let. To oarwfullv consider all forr: of thert or oth31 oiehcnoron t3ste end examinatic one reported to th3m by anv r3mb r o1t.e organization or bv any instructor holding an 3 (amine tion of test, if he hTHB reasonable ground 1or 3:11‘V1r0 the studert has b 3n unfeii. 5rd. It shall reouire a two~third3 vote of the Txecutive Committ tee to eteflll 133 the guilt or the aecueede 4th/ avery case of dis honorabl—: conduct of a young man, except ”or cheatin‘ or attempting to cheat on a test or examination, when reported to the Committee, shall be .red by th3 W313 W3bbere of the ommittee. 5th. Every case of dieionoreble cond11ct of e‘young lady, except cheating or attempting to cheat on a test or examination, 1henr3ported to the 10mmittee, shell be coneide red by the young women nerbers of the ExecutiVJ Committee 1 (D C 1th. In all cases of tests r examinetionn, 1 Committee ehall act in one body. 7th. In all 038 of 1n3etigg on tests of examine— ticn, he committee 3‘ 3 bv sealed l3tt 3r the o d‘ 3:.“ party found guilty t 1 eve t1: Lni ve reity week, or in 1333 tim;, i; the Committee 3333 8th. In all cases of dishonorable conduct, the degree of the o ense and the punishment shall be lert to the decie ion c1 the Committee. 9th. 1f the accused believes he was not given a fair trial by the Committee, he may eubrit his aseV to a jury oomnosed of twelve students of the DIVET“ r3 easonable care being taken to see that the jury is an impartial one. Artiple Ll. In case a student b liev3e that an examine tion was unreasonably dif‘icult or unfair, he may, in conjunction with the President, Vioe~Preeident or Secretary of the Executive Committee, report the fecte to the President of the University, who will, if he 1‘ 1- the examination was unfair, provide for a new examination. MWGWR*mI»—n—nhl~m~ Ar_tiole prop‘r execution o: the : {+CV‘“‘??‘ , the Eyeout1ve Committie m2? at any almé, tive vote 07 ten of its w¥mb rs, adop' * ae it mav éhooee. grtigiefiflill. Thie const1tut ion mav, wiih the ‘ . ' of the faculty, be alteIed bv a tho—tiirne vote $15 of the membere oi the organization present at a meeting called to consider xuoh alteration, v provided: _ \ I a ‘b d1 13" T) I a) Tlnit the n1¢=tin, aniz the ohernota o. grew posed alteration be 1‘V‘Tt1’ed in at least three conspicuous % places 01 the Univer rei ity oamtus For lot less than tlree L day; inmodiatolj [recei1nr he pr