xt7zs756fd31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zs756fd31/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19400528 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1940-05-jun28-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1940-05-jun28-ec. 1940 2011 true xt7zs756fd31 section xt7zs756fd31 Minutes of Called Ileeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentuck-y, June 28, 1940. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity of Kentucky met in meeting called by the Chairman in Pres- ident McVey's office at the University of Kentucky Friday, June 28, 1940, at 10:30 a.m. The members of the Committee present were Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman; James Park, and H. S. Cleveland. President Frank L. MeVey and D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Boards were present. 1. Monthly Meeting Date of Executive Committee. The Chairman stated that it is necessary to fix a date for regular monthly meetings of the Executive Committee. A motion was then made, seconded and carried that the third Friday in each month be fixed as the date for regular monthly meetings of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky; the meetings to be held at 10:50 a.m'. in the President's Office, Univcrsity Campus. 2. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Comrnittoe of Mlay 10, 1940, were approved as published, 3. Financial Report. The Business Agent filed financial report for month of May, 1940. The report was ordered recorded in the minutes, The report reads as follows: Statetmnent of Income and Expenditures M1onth o0 May 1940 Previously Repor tend General Fund Income Federal Appro-Ilorrill.-Nelson 42,750.00 Vocational Education Board 29,723.28 Fed. Appro. -Bankhead-Jone s 38,686.57 State Appro.-Suruner School 8,0.000 Special Agr. Appro. 20,000.00 State Appro.-General 638,350.42 Bldg. Revenue Bond & Opera- tions Fund 65,495.01 Bldg. Rev. Bond & Op. Fund-1938 19,552.00 State Appro.-Repairs to Buildings 8,850.64 Current Month Fiscal Yo.`r to Date 42,750.00 3,134.70 32,857.98 5,751.64 44,438.21 8,000.00 2,000.00 22,000.00 66,395.01 704,745.43 149,50 65,644.51 (12.00) 19,540.00 (850.64) 8,000.00 Interest on Peabody Endovment Student Fees Student Fees - Summer School Student Fees - Un. H. S. Student Fees - El.Tr.School Student Fees - Un. Exten. Misc. Receipts Athletics Rentals Men's Dormitories Engineering Equipment Sci. and Lab, Equipment Library Equipment Int. on Land Grant Bonds Total Expenditures Instruction Adm.,Expense & Maintenance Additions and Betterments Total Excess of Income over Expend. Patterson Hall Income Board Miscellaneous Room Rent - Summer School Total Expenditures Expense Additions and Betterments Total Excess of Income over Expendi. tures Gencral Fund Income 1 General Fund Expenditures 1 Excess of General Fund Income over Expenditures Excess of Receipts over Expend. for General Ledger Accounts Accounts Payable Excess of Receipts over Expendi- tures for the fiscal year to date - General Fund Excoss of Receipts over Expendi- tures for the fiscal year to date Goncral Fund 500.00 207, 174.21 62,797.25 10,166.00 7,315.00 11,255.92 12,448.87 40,370.64 1,615.00 19,474.08 52,455.93 60,000.00 12,885.70 4.322.25 500.00 6,015.24 20.75 615.00 270.00 433. 50 407.51 2400.00 1053.19 3,505.23 3,358.68 4,322.25 1,000.00 213,189.45 62,818.00 10,781.00 7,585.00 11,689.42 123856,38 40,370.64 1,855.00 20,507.27 55,961,16 60,000.00 16,244.38 8,644.50s 374,188.77 97,309.56 1,471,498.33 849,349.51 89,366.37 938,715.88 417,492.68 25,108.80 442,601.048 571854.10 7,618.34_ 65,472.44 324,696.29 122,093.51 1,446,789.80 49,492.48 (24,783.95) 24, L708.535 85,263.24 2,699.85 87,963.09 81.75 81.75 1,147.08 1,147.08 86.49-207 2,699.85 89,191.92 52,759.58 7,262,38 60,021.96 17,472.12 _ 17,472,12 70,231.70 7,262.38 77,494.08 16,260.37 (4.562.53) 11,697.84 .160.680,84' 100,009.41 1.560.69C,26 39-,927.99 129,355.89 1.524.283.88 65,7521,85 (29,3416.48) 36,406.37 16,891.37 7,25'1.91 24,146.28 (1,811.35) (14,811.35) 67.832,87 (22.091.57) 45,741.30 45,741.30 374188.77 97$309.56 l..471,498.33 Experiment Station Income Hatch-Fedoral Appropriation 15,000.00 111ilk and Butter - Cash Rec. 10,582.67 Beef Cattle Sales 937. 50 Sheep Sales 1,217.88 Dairy Cattle Sales 1,329.63 Swine Sales 2,032.38 Poultry Sales 2,2*83.52 Farm Produce Sales 2,557.32 Horticultural Sales 1,144,.08 Seed Tests 1,458.18 Seed Inspection 24,131.85 Rentals 5,417.12 Miscellaneous 623.46 Fertilizer-Fees 43,609.52 Public Service - State Appro. 15,519,00 Public Service - Misc. 60.00 Feeding Stuffs - Fees 58,273.38 Adams - Federal Appro. 15,000.00 Serum - Sales 1,213.62 3erum, - Virus Sales 32.30 Serum - Live Stock Sales 1041.35 Serum Supplics 37.80 Serum - Miscellaneous 22.17 Horticultural Appropriation 6,865.19 State Appropriation 40,678.92 Creamery - License Foes 8,648.50 Creamery - Testers Licenses 3,146.02 Creamery - Glassware Tested 458.31 Creamery - Miscellaneous 13.68 Robinson - State Appropriation 10,796.02 Robinson - Misc, Receipts 3,083.90 West Ky._State Appropriation 11,617.16 West Ky.-Misc. Receipts 5,968.93 Purnell - Federal Appro. 60,000.00 Bankhead-Jones - Fed., Appro. 78,938.04 Nursery Inspection - State Appro. 1,600.00 Nursery Inspection - Fees 2,025.00 Total 436,633,40 3, 14, 1 1 3 J 1 15,000.00 920.88 11,503.55 937.50 1,217.88 100.00 1,4'29.63 16.03 2,048.41 359.38 ,842. 90 31.00 ,2,588.32 1,144,08 3.75 1,-61,93 0341". 27 27,169.12 119.67 5,536.79 42,93 666.39 ,073.75 57,683.27 ,598,96 17,117,96 60.00 ,466.22 64,739,60 15,000.00 27.76 1,241.38 .30 32.60 104.35 13.80 51.60 1.09 23.26 09,3.75 7s958.*94- ,665.24 44,344.16 13.50 8a,662.00 25.50 3, 171. 52 14.90 473.21 13.68 0278,.50 12,074,52 262.26 3,1349,16 ,072.72 12,689.88 273.27 6$242.20 60,000,00 78,938.04 20o.00 1,800.00 95.00 -2120,0 .804.43 471,437.83 Expenditures Expense Additions and Betterments Total Excess of Income over Expend. Accounts Payable Excess of Expend. over Receipts for General Ledger accounts_ Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Experiment Station 349,284.56 5,879.51 355,164.07 81,469.33 (7,246.44) (21.268.66) 52,954.23 39,661.51 654. 61 40,316.12 (5,511,69) 388,946.07 6 6,534.12 395,480.19 75,957064 (7,246.44) (4265) (21 ,311.31) (5 554. 34) 47, 3399,,89 47,1399.391 34 4. Extension Division Income Federal - Bankhead-Jonos Federal - Smith-Lever Federal - Cappter-Ketcham, State Smith-Lever County and Other Total Expenditures Expense Excess of Income over Ex- penditures 443,610.87 148,508.76 36,800.97 99,983.50 21,928375 750,657.85 6242133.68 126,504.17 Excess of Income over Expend- itures for the fiscal year to date - Extension Div, Trust Fund Student Loan Fund 1,299.03 Student Notes Paid 2,570.4:5 Total Receipts_3,869,;'-8 Expenditures Expense Student Notes 893.63 870.00 Total Expend._ 1,-73.63 Excess of Receipts over Expenditures 2105,.85 9,988.50 2,574.87 12,563.37 64,078.40 443,610.87 148,308.76 36,800.97 109,977.00 24,503.62 763,201.,22 688,212.08 (51,515.03) 74.989,14 74,989.14 184.45 1,483.48 248.80 2,819.25 433.25 4,302.73 70.12 963.75 275.00 1.145.00 3'15,12 2,108.75 88.13 _ 2193.98 Excess of Receipts over Expendi- tures for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund 2,193.98 Summary General Fund income Experiment Station Income Extension Div. Income Trust Fund Income Totnal General Fund Expenditures Exp. Sta. Expenditures Extension Div. Expenditures Trust Fund Expenditures Total 1,460,680.84 436,633,40 750,637.85 1,299,03 100,009.41 1$560,690.25 354t8041-.43 471,437.83 12,563.37 763,201.22 184.45 1.483.48 264 9,251.12 147. 561.662.796.812.78 1,3940927.99 129,355.89 1,524,283.88 355,164.07 40,316.12 395$480.19 6 24,133.68 64,078.40 688,212.08 893.63 70.12 963.75 2,375,119,37 233,820.53 2.608.939.90 Excess of Income over Expendi- tures Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for General Ledger Accounts Petty Cash Account 274,131.75 (4,577.29) (2,200.00) (86,258.87) 187,872.88 7,212,26 2,834.97 (S C00.00) 5. Accounts Payable Student Loan Fund Notes (22,057.79) 1.700.45 (26.20) (2''2,057.79) 1.674.25 Excess of Receipts over Ex- pendSitures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund 247a197,12 (79,072.81) Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund 168 124.31 Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expenditures as "Excess" of Reccipts over Expenditures for General Ledger Accounts $2,834.97. Debit Accounts Receivable Credit 18,257.18 Sundry Accounts Notes and Bills Payable 18,257.18 6,950.49 14,141.66 21,092.15 1,4257,18 20834. 97 4. Requisition Committee Report, The Requisition Committee filed written report of its action each week from May 2, to June 27, 1940, closing the business of the fiscal year. The report showed orders made by the Business Office on authority of the Requisition Committee in the manner prescribed by the board of Trustees and State Laws, running from No. 6296 to 10983. . The report was examined, and, on motion and second, the orders named therein were ratified and approved and payments on said orders wore authorized and approved, Budget additions: to balance budget expenditures for the year. 5. Povters of Acting President -- Check Signing, On motion and seconds Thomas P. Cooper, who at the meeting of the Board of Trustees June 7, 1940, Was appointed acting president of the University of Kentucky to succeed President Frank L. McVey, was given all powers authorized to be exercised by the president of the University of Kentucky. He was authorized to have his 6. secretary or assistant sign his name to University of Kentucky war- rants and checks at his discretion. 6. Expenditures Authorized on Basis of Balance of Income. The Business Agent reported an estimate of balance of income over commitments for fiscal year 1939-40 to be in excess of a min- imum of $1700.00. The Acting President was authorized to appro- priate such balance to expenditures for completion of buildings and small constructions and to notify the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds to proceed with such work as funds become available. 7. Audit. a. Approval of Accountants - Suggestion Entries Suggested by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company's Auditor Haggin Trust Fund 1.00 General Capital Account 1.00 To record, at a nominal value, the interest of University of Kentucky in the Trust Fund To write off to Surplus University Commons-Operating Account 2.00 Heating Plants-Murray and Western Kentucky Colleges 26.38 Patterson Memorial 49.91 Public Welfare, 1938-39 Account 8.50 To close Old Account - Commons Equipment Transfer to the following equipment accounts on Property Ledger Buildings and Grounds 4,828.88 Patterson Hall 3,475.00 Home Economics Department 27.05 Men's Dormitories 1.985.88 10,316.81 Transfer to Union Building 195.05 Kentucky Kernel 55.00 10,566.86 Transfer to Training School Cafeteria on Sundry Ledger 4,000.00 Write off to Surplus 2.977.00 Balance now on Account $17,543.86 7. b. Business effice's Report REPORT ON ENTRIES CARRIED AS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1. Accounts payable Balance due on 1931-32 Salaries $13,075.42 2, Accounts receivable Amount advanced to P. W. A. Constructiion Accounts 4,697.14 c, Resolution On motion, seconded and carried, the suggestions made by the Accountant shown in report, marked "a", were approved and the Busi- ness Agent was directed to make entr'i0s as indicated thereon. It was further ordered that item 1, report, ruiarked b, be charged by the Business Agent to surplus and that there be reserved from misa collancous collections or fees for the fiscal year 1940-41 an amount sifficient to discharge item 2, report marked b, provided it is not paid within the year. 8. Funds not Remitted to State Treasurer. Business Agent's Report. The Business Agent reported a list of collections and funds not remitted to State Treasurer but ordered to be controlled and expended by direction of the Board of Trustees. 'ie filed with the list copies of the minutes of the Board and Executive Committee continuing such resolutions, No changes were made in the resolutions, but the Business Agent was directed to compile the resolutions and send copies to members of the Board of Trustees, 9. Coding Funds and Expenditures b Department of Finance. Letter of Director of Division of Accounts and Control: 8. Commonwealth of Kentucky DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Frankfort June 13, 1940 President Frank L. McVey University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear President McVey: I am enclosing the suggested re-classification of ex- penditures of the state institutions of higher education, with the suggestion that you delegate someone connected with your institution, possibly the Business teanager, to go over this suggested classification with the view of accepting or recommending changes. It is my definite conviction that the classification the State is now using is inadaptable, if not worthless, and I believe it is highly desirable to adopt a classification which can be adapted to all the state institutions of higher education. At the present time the State is trying to code expendi- tures of your institution. I am definitely of the opinion that expenditures should be coded at the institution of ori- gin. To get the best results we should have a uniform classification of expenditures that will meet the needs of the institutions of the State, and I request that you notify me if it will be possible for your representative to meet in Frankfort, Monday, June 24, 10:30 a.m. to discuss with representatives of other institutions of higher education and with Dr. Maney, representing my Department, the enclosed proposed re-classification of expenditures. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreci- ated and I believe the results will work towards a satisfactory solution of this problem as it relates to your Institution, Yours very truly, (Signed) Frank D. Peterson Director of Accounts and Control. 9. The Business Agent stated that at President McVey's request, L. H. McCain, of the Business Office, Coleman Smith of the Experi- ment Station, and D. H. Peak, Business Agent, attended the meeting called by the above copied letter. He reported that representatives of each of the institutions of higher education were present, and the proposed reclassification was discussed at length. It was stated by Mr. Peterson that the object was not to put additional burdens of labor and expense on the institutions, that no additional account- ing will be required of the institutions, that all bookkeeping will be done within the Division of Accounts and Control, and that the object is to better systematize the accounting of groups of state institutions of similar nature. A coding system is to be set up and perfected, and the institutions are asked to place the code numbers on each requisition and each voucher, including reports of collections, sent to the Department of Finance. The Business Agent was authorized by the Executive Committee to comply with the request of the Division of Accounts and Control in so far as that may be done without conflict with the accounting of the University of Kentucky, under resolutions and orders of the Board of Trustees. 10. Fees, 1939-40,Aot Collected. a. Report of Business Agent UNCOLLECTED FEES 1939-1940 First Semester $1,680.20 Second Semester (Estimate) - 4.500.00 $6,180.20 This is about $1,200.00 in excess of last year's uncol- lected fees, This amount of uncollected fees for 1939-40 is about 2% of total estimate of fees for the two semesters, $310Q,00000. The per cent last year was 1.8, This increase is due partly to about $1,700.00 delin- quency of N. Y. A. students. The delinquencies in second semester are due largely to students who work during the summer, consequently the large amount of collections in fol- lowing year. 10. Old fees collected during this fiscal year a-mount- ed to $4,117.18, which does not include amount credited to activities. The amount charged off last year was $4,954.10, and most of the collections were for 1938-39 fees. I estimate the actual loss for that year at less than two-fifths of one per cent. I suggest that an order be made similar to that made June 29, 1939, which reads as follows: b. Resolution It was ordered, on motion and second, that the amount of uncollected fees for the year 1938-39 be charged off and not carried as assets on the books of the University, and that the part thereof distributable to General Fund of University that may hereafter be collected, be set aside for P. W. A. Building and Revenue account. It was suggested that charging off accounts receivable or charg- ing accounts to surplus, in no wise changes obligations of payment of such accounts. 11. Fees - Out-of-State. a. Report on Graduate Students. 1. President McVey, complying with the order of the Board of Trustees, Sec. 8, minutes of June 7, 1940, filed communication copied as follows: June 18, 1940 President Frank L. McVey University of Kentucky My dear President McVey: Pursuant to your request the Committee on Graduate Work and Research met to consider recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the increase in fees to out-of-state students in the Graduate School. For the reasons set forth by the committee's chairman, Professor E. N. Fergus, in a letter to you dated June 4, 1940, and because of the Universityls published an- nouncements regarding the fees to be expected in the Graduate School, the committee unanimously approved the following recommendation: 11. The Committee on Graduate Work and Re- search at the University of Kentucky recommends that the ruling of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity regarding the increase of fees for out-of-state students be not applied to scholars, fellows, graduate assJstants, or graduate student technicians for the academic year of 1940_41. Very truly yours, (Signed) C. C. Ross Secretary of Committee On motion, seconded and carried, it was ordered that the com- pensation of non-resident scholars, fellows, graduate assistants and graduate student technicians employed for the academic year of 1940-41, be increased in each instance in the amount of the in- crease in non-resident fee of such fellow, scholar, assistant or technician, b. Registrar's Letter. President McVey presented a communication from the Registrar regarding the difficulties that arise in the collection of non-resi- dent fees, especially as regards the determining of what is called legal residence. The communication was accompanied by a state- ment of "Rules and Policies Governing Residence and Non-Residence at the University of Kentucky." The question of residence was debated at some length by mem- bers of the Committee. It was stated that facts and the intention of the party must be considered in each case of establishment of legal residence, It was suggested that the acting president and registrar consult Dean Evans, of the Law College, and try to got the rules of the University Senate and the interpretation thereof in line with what really constitutes legal residence. 12, Engineering Equinment--Report of 1939-40 Purchase, a. Letter of Dean Graham June 3, 1940 President Frank L. McVey University of Kentucky My dear President McVey: I attach hereto a condensed statement of expenditures 12. for engineering equipment under "Account No. 2430" as compiled under date of June 1, 1940. You viewed and inspected personally the results of these expenditures in your Inspection of the College of Engineering on May 7. The individual requisitions representing these ex- penditures have been approved during the fiscal year 1939-40 by the Board of Trustees of the University or by the Executive Committee thereof; but we believe it proper to furnish you with this condensed summary at this time. You will recall, in this connection, that through the aid of Governor Johnson, a further appropriation of $25,000 for each of the fiscal years of 1940-41 and 1941- 42 was made specifically by the 1940 General Assembly in order to round out and to complete the equipping of the laboratories and shops of the College of Engineering in accord with the program inaugurated in September, 1935. The first sum of $25,000 will be available for expendi- ture on July 1, 1940. In anticipation of this, the sev- eral departments of the College have studied their further needs in relation to the program and the equipment already installed, have written specifications and have obtained prices thereon, and I am ready to make the several allocations therefor, all of which is predicated upon and in accord with the aforesaid program. However, we may expect some adminis tration changes shortly and something in the nature of a "twilight zone" during the next few months and as I find that I am in duty bound to remain with the University until I have concluded finally P. W. A. Docket No. KY-1305 and also execute certain as- signments or responsibilities given me by Governor Johnson, I request some expression from the Board of Trustees as to its desire concerning procedure for the allotment and ex- penditures of the aforementioned appropriation. In other words, shall I proceed with the plans as formulated, by and with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Board, under the practice in effect for the first two fiscal years? I may state in this connection that to do otherwise will cause probable delays in execution, which will render the equipment in question non-effective during the next College year. In like case is the appropriation of $20,000 for scientific equipment. You and I have discussed the al- lotments of this sum to the several departments and in accord therewith, we have planned and specified certain purchases with Dean Funkhouser and others interested and these are now ready for execution promptly in order that the new equipment may be available for use in the Biolog- ical Sciences Building when the University opens next September. Yours truly, (Signed) James H. Graham Dean. 13. b. Report of Expenditures STATEMENT ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT Account No. 2430 Compiled - June 1, 1940 PARTICULARS ITEM SUB-TOTAL TOTAL CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: 300,000# Testing Machine 7,729.50 Dynamometer 1,658.15 Water Turbine 1,358.29 Sub-Grade Soil Testing Equipment 375.68 Bentzel Velocity Tube 92.00 Current Meters 22.00 Surveying Camp Buildings 1,532.24 Marchant Calculator 212.50 13,180.36 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPART ENT: Dynamometer 1,850.00 Camera, etc. 462.96 Pre-Amplifier Equalizer 153.26 A. C. Polyrangers 136.80 Cathode-Ray Oscillograph, etc. 316.71 Winding Study Motor, etc. 192.59 Ampro Projector 296.25 Rheostats 120.12 Meters 881.12 Miscellaneous Radio Equipment 701.08 Transformers 279.49 5,390.38 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: Steam Turbines 3,932.06 Condensers, etc, 2,319.00 Torsion Dynamometer 585.00 Diesel-Electric Set 1,401.25 Air-Receiver Tank 167.00 Psychrometers 200.00 Platform Scales and Weights 112.50 Micrometer and Level 122.75 Reduction Gear Assembly 225.00 Strobolux and Strobotac 270.00 9,334.56 MINING AND METALLURGY DEPARTMENT: Motor Driven Crane 1,135.58 Ore Dressing Equipment 4,951.17 Optical Pyrometer 247.91 Analytical Balance 135.00 Varlacs 98.24 Hardness Testing Machine 97.50 X-Ray Diffraction Tube and Cathodes 38.O0 6 ,773.40 14. PARTICULARS ITEM GENERAL (All Departments): Photographic Developing Tank 196.50 Glass Optical System 575.00 Grinder and Quills 228.44: Magnetic Chuck, etc. 238.50 Self-Centering Chuck 86.40 Furniture, etc. 397.81 Wood Laboratory Furniture 345.78 Cabinets, Lockers, Shelving, etc. 1,9249.20 Miscellaneous Lab. Equipment 2,521.51 Labor Constructing Laboratory Equipment 11,072,06 Materials to Construct Lab. Equipment: Pipe, Fittings, etc. 1,675.03 Steel, Sheet Metal Floor Plates, etc. 1,031.27 Electrical Supplies 1,488.89 Paint, etc. 386.18 Lumber 220.66 Building Materials 701.96 Miscellaneous 2,778.35 8,282.34 UNEXPENDED PORTION OF FUND TO DATE SUB-TOTAL 25,194.01 TOTAL ACCOUNT NO. 2430 SCHOOL YEAR 1939-1940 TOTAL 591872.24 127.76 60,000.00 c. Order The report was received and ordered recorded in the minutes, 13. Scientific Equipment Appropriation - Budget Approved. a. Submission June 24, 1940 President Frank L. McVey University of Kentucky My dear President McVey: I attach hereto a tentative budget for the expendi- ture of the appropriation in the sum of 820,000 for sci-n entific equipment, and available for he fiscal year be- ginning July 1. This distribution has been studied and drawn in accord with our several discussions of this problem since last February and the various items listed 15. comply with the desires of the several departments in- volved. You will note that the largest item ($10,200) is for microscopes for the Department of Zoology, which is in accord with the wishes of Dean Funkthouser and the Department. You will remember that we discussed together and re- viewed the needs of the Department of Art$ which will occupy one wing of the Biological Sciences Building. Accordingly we have listed the sum of $2,200 wrhich will be largely expended for materials wherewith the Depart- ment of Buildings and Grounds may manufacture the equip- ment. I am not familiar with just how far you instructed the Department of Buildings and Grounds to proceed in the planning of this particular item, but I suggest that they prepare a bill-of-material for purchase as promptly as possible. I can state that all other items are in readiness for prompt execution and installation. If it should be your desire, we can place the orders, in due form, for the equipment during the coming week, as we have secured prices, etc., In accord with specifications prepared in consultations with the departments. Yours truly, (Signed) James H. Graham Dean b. Budget BUDGET - APPROPRIATION OF $20,000 FOR SCIENTIFIC AND LABORATORY EQUIP. IENT ACCOUNT NO. 2420 DPMARTIENT OF ZOOLOGY: Photomicrographic Camera and Accessories 6 cu.ft, refrigerator Slide boxes 2 special steel cabinets Models Laboratory chick hatchery Misc, display jars, etc. Balances Ovens and accessories Mi~icroscopes MItsc. apparatus $335.00 102*00 113.00 240.00 353.00 42.00 600.00 45.00 700.00 10,S00.00 370.00 $13,000.00 DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Machinery & Installation Constant Temperature Rooms 2,500.00 DEPARTMENT OF ART: Art laboratories, furniture and apparatus 2,200.00 DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY 1,700.00 MISCELLANEOUS LABOR, MATERIALS FOR CONNECTION OF SERVICES, ETC,: 600.00 TOTAL $20,000.00 c. Order On motion, seconded and carried, the budget was pproved as set out in Section 13-b. 14. Haggin Fund. The President reported receipt from Haggin Trust Fund as shown in com