Minutes of Called Ileeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentuck-y, June 28, 1940.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in meeting called by the Chairman in Pres-
ident McVey's office at the University of Kentucky Friday, June 28,
1940, at 10:30 a.m.  The members of the Committee present were
Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman; James Park, and H. S. Cleveland.
President Frank L. MeVey and D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Boards
were present.

     1. Monthly Meeting Date of Executive Committee.

     The Chairman stated that it is necessary to fix a date for
regular monthly meetings of the Executive Committee.   A motion was
then made, seconded and carried that the third Friday in each month
be fixed as the date for regular monthly meetings of the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky;
the meetings to be held at 10:50 a.m'. in the President's Office,
Univcrsity Campus.

     2. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Comrnittoe of Mlay 10,
1940, were approved as published,

     3. Financial Report.

     The Business Agent filed financial report for month of May,
1940.  The report was ordered recorded in the minutes,    The report
reads as follows:

                Statetmnent of Income and Expenditures
                          M1onth o0 May 1940

                                Repor tend

General Fund Income
  Federal Appro-Ilorrill.-Nelson  42,750.00
  Vocational Education Board    29,723.28
  Fed. Appro. -Bankhead-Jone s  38,686.57
  State Appro.-Suruner School    8,0.000
  Special Agr. Appro.           20,000.00
  State Appro.-General         638,350.42
  Bldg. Revenue Bond & Opera-
      tions Fund                65,495.01
Bldg. Rev. Bond & Op. Fund-1938 19,552.00
  State Appro.-Repairs to
      Buildings                  8,850.64


to Date

3,134.70 32,857.98
5,751.64 44,438.21
2,000.00 22,000.00
66,395.01 704,745.43

   149,50 65,644.51
   (12.00) 19,540.00

   (850.64) 8,000.00