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The Univeywixy 06 Kew/tucfzg ‘L»€b.¤cUz.£czs. Smuigwaganizactécn Auppliemcmi to the
` ‘ ‘ Oc/tobvn 1983 ·
mm Lso  
The next brown bag luncheon will be held at noon, Friday November
11th in the conference room on the 3rd flonor of King North. Bring your
winter wear and join us in the Arctic zonef to hear this month's presen-
tation by Jean Baugh entitled "Holidays fo Holidaze." It's sooner than
, you think. XY
The annual LSO Christmas bazaar (i.e. Lraft/bake sale) will be held
at 10 a.m. Tuesday Nov. 22 in the Staff Lounge of King North. Come get
some goodies as well as help raise money for LSC, including the Christ- 4
mas Luncheon. See you there!  
This year's Christmas luncheon is tentatively scheduled for Friday,
T Dec. 16. Because of popular demand, we will be back in the paperback
y readingrfitrhis year. If you have not paid§.-your LSO dues, now would be a
good time to do so in order to avoid paying at the door.
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CORRECTION -- It was inadvertently reported in last month's Wax Bean
that Ruth Baynard replaced Valerie Boggs. 1 Ruth did not replace Valerie
but works along with Valerie in CSR. Laura Douglas took Valerie's old
job in Periodicals/Newspapers/Microtext. x
Welcome to our newest staff members:‘ Michael Markiw, a new cata-
loger, and Mary Warner, a filer. Both are located in the Cataloging
KAREN CRONEIS, Mathematical Sciences Librarian and current LSC
president, has been at UK since July 1981. She received her B.S. in
Math Eduction from Ohio State and survived a year's stint as a
junior/senior high school teacher. She then worked as an AV technicia.n
in a public library for a year before getting her M.S.L.S. from Case
Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Before coming to
Lexington, Karen was in the Peace Corps for four years, teaching
calculus and coordinating library activities in Mamfe, Cameroon, West
Africa. Here at UK, she is also teaching Math 123, Elementary Calculus,
and taking courses toward a masters in statistics. (Now we all know FOR
SURE she's weird--and she knows it too!) Among her hobbies is writing
cutesy little ditties for the WAX BEAN, certainly a sign of a frustrated
Harlequin writer. A
Contrary to rumours that abound, the Mathematical Sciences Library