xt7zs756hr45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zs756hr45/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 200301 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2003 text GLSO News, January 2003 2003 2019 true xt7zs756hr45 section xt7zs756hr45 "“ GAY and
m 1e t. s o M5 ws
' v met
Winston. Kentucky January 2003
A publication 0F the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation
Volume 18 Number 1
515111150va SINGS OF LOVE Falmess Annual Meeting
‘ In a musical tribute to the joys and sor- The Bluegrass Chapter 0f the Kentucky
rows of love, SisterSound presents its win- Fairness Alliance Wi" be conducting its
ter concert, "Love Changes Everything", on Annual Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 28, at the
Saturday, January 25. The Lexington Lexington Public Library, 140 Main from 7
women's chorus will per-form selec- to 9 pm. We will be in conferance room A
l’ttehe that range from swing to soul which is on the lower level. There is free
and that map the landscape of romance parking in the lot behind the Library. We
from the first pangs of attraction to the are interested in hearing from all members
delight or regret that only true love can Of our community and everyone is wel-
bring. comed and encouraged to attend.
The selections will be familiar. Audience Refreshments Wi” be served.
members will tap toes to "When VWI | Be The purpose Of this meeting is to elect .
Loved?", swoon to ”Cheek to Cheek", and UP to three members to serve 0“ the
"Second That Emotion" right along with the Steering Committee for a term 0t three
singers. Playfulness and fun are the trade- years. The current members Wi" give a
marks of a SisterSound concert. V\fith the brief report about Bluegrass activities dur—
expert direction of John Roark and the ing the past year including our involvement
feisty accompaniment of Lib Wilson, this in the highly succeSStUi Hate Free
chorus puts out a full sound and contagious Lexington Rally. Representatives from the
spirit. state organization will also give a report
Those who have already joined about the upcoming General Assembly .
SisterSound's local following will enjoy the session and the efforts to P353 a fairness
bigger sound of this growing chorus. New ordinance in Covington.
fans will be glad they discovered it. Finally, steering committee members
The concert Will be held at the Singletary Wt” be on hand to _,,continued on next page
Center for the Arts on the UK campus at
8:00. Tickets are available from the Font“), Of the MOW
Singletary Center for the Arts box office,
257-4929. Tickets are also available from o
Chorus members, and prices are $15, $10 5151'61‘5014143
for students and seniors, $5 for children. .
if you enjoy this concert, consider join- Winter (”mm
ing us as we start rehearsing again in Saturbau, lam 25'
February. More info about SisterSound on
website: www.geocities.com/sistersound. 8 pm
e ,\

 -_ receive your ideas as to what our priorities should be
.,fi- GAYand . . .. .
- during the upcoming year. This is your opportunity to
‘ f5" LESBIAN give us much needed input as to how we work to achieve
3:93 SERVICE fairness in the Bluegrass Region. If you need further
.. WHON information feel free to call our new telephone number
Lexington. KGMUCKY 859-806-4114 or e-mail Jim Dickinson, Co-Chair at. .
Ews JLD50ALJ@qx.net. ‘
Tessa iv ,
Volume 18 Issue 1 MOVEABLE FEAST: 100,000 MEALS SERVED ,
In October 1998, Moveable Feast Lexington opened .
published monthly by its doors in humble quarters in the basement of St. ,
The Lexington Gay Lesbian Augustine's Chapel. That first day, Moveable Feast
Service Organization served 25 households in Lexington/Fayette County,
389 Waller Ave. delivering food to people who were infected/affected by
HIV disease.
Editors On December 4, 2002 Moveable Feast delivered its
_ 100,000th meal. Over the four years, more than 2,000
Mary Crone John Ridener volunteers helped prepared and deliver hot, freshly
cooked dinners, lunches and twice-weekly grocery bags.
Board Members This nutritional support program has improved the lives
Terry MUIlins! President of many people living with HIV disease and their
Jerry Neff, Vice President dependent children
Sharon Howard, Treas. On a typical day, Moveable Feast delivers meals to 75
Mary Crone, Editor households. A core group of 200 volunteers puts in 200+
John Ridener, Secretary unpaid hours per week doing everything from food
Thomas Collins preparation to delivery and kitchen clean-up. From
Cary Sudduth kindergarten-age children to great-grandmothers, from
Tom Collins Kentucky natives to Indonesian international students,
Bill Chandler from gays and lesbians to Christians and Jews, volun-
Sarah Martin teers have come in all shapes and sizes to help provide
Lee Noble this essential nutrition service. We always can use more
Marc Roland volunteers, call us at 254-2867.
Joan Branon Moveable Feast Lexington receives funding from a
wide variety of sources and supporters. While a small
amount comes from federal grant funds, Lexingtonians
GLSO Annual Dues 8‘ open their hearts and their pocketbooks to give more
hlevvsletter. than $60,000 annually. Through events such as Dining
IndIVIdual '$15 Out for Life and regular donors in the Kitchen Sink
COUPIG ' $25 Brigade, Moveable Feast continues to deliver meals.
"Moveable Feast succeeds because Lexington and
Opinions expressed in the GLSO our volunteers see firsthand the need for hot nutritious
gjmsnaerfe;:::f itcgszgthtafsani meals for those living with HIV/AIDS in our community,"
the GLSO Boar’s. gubmissions ease said Michael Thompson, executive director of the organiza-
welcome and staff reserves the right tion. "Our volunteers and donors see every day the effort
toeetdsit sua'Te‘IifZiEQEeagdhfigs/:32: and the love that we collectively put into Moveable
Elb'hszins or advemsfments. ’ Feast," Thompson added. "Our clients see it in every hot
meal they eat."
GLSO Page 2

 .. I
be Commumt .News
ve ‘
ler Tiffany & Co. Benefit Show Miss Bag Laalu 2003
'2: Another year has come and gone. On January 15th, MorGay Productions
' Tiffany & Company would like to take this will present a “Bag Lady” pageant at Club
Opportunity to thank everyone in the com- 141 that will benefit the Children’s Miracle
’ munity Who made 2002 our most success- Network. The evening will be filled with
ful year ever! Your kindness, generosity, lighthearted fun and the comedic talents of
9d and support of our benefits at Crossings the contestants. The show promises
3t allowed us to donate hundreds of dollars to laughs for the audience as the contestants
:St Moveable Feast. compete for the title of Miss Bag Lady 2003.
b}; After three very successful years at According to the rules, there will be no
Crossings, it has become necessary to glamour drag allowed with facial hair
its begin the New Year at a new venue. We acceptable. However, the rules specifically
00 are pleased to announce that our new recommend contestants bathe prior to the
fly home for 2003 will be Club 141! This will contest. The contestants will compete in
,5. allow us to reach more people and raise area of Bag Drag (Presentation wear),
es more money for Moveable Feast! Our first Beggar’s Battle (Talent), and in Best Bag
eir benefit will be Tuesday, January 21. Drag (Evening wear). The best part is the
Doors open at 8:30 and there will be a it’s all “tongue in cheek” so anyone who '
75 $5 donation. Show begins promptly at 10 wants to, can participate. Prizes will range .
3+ pm. We will be having a 50/50 raffle and from “personal care” items to cash.
3: will also have prizes to be raffled through- Club 141 will be the host site forthe con-
,m OUt the evening. Come and join US in our test and will be open from 8:30 pm until 1
ts, new home as we celebrate another fabu— am. Silverado Jewelry and Gift Shop will be
m_ Ious year of love and charity! sponsoring some of the prizes to contest-
:le , . , ants. There will be a $5 cover at the door
ire Slglahg I" The Life with profits going directly to the children’s .
Sistahs in the Life is a support group for Miracle network. Anyone interested in an
a Black Lesbians and Bi-sexual women. application can pick them up at Club 141 or
all Join us for provocative discussions about by emailing Fredia Morgan at
ns our lives and experiences. We meet at 7 MorGayPro@aol.com.
:3 pm every first Tuesday at the Pride Center. The evening promises fun and laughter
nk For information, contact Joan at 859—539- with a few surprises thrown in for good
2657 or email Jweslie@aol.com measure.
a: Valentines ijt Sale erx DRESS ANd GENdm AlliANCE
Yr" There W“ be another opportunity to buy The next meeting of the Lexington
:a- or sell craft and pride items at the Pride Dress and Gender Alliance (LexDGA) will
th Center on Saturday, February 1st from 11 be Saturday, Jan 4 at 8 pm. Please email
lie to 2. If you would like to set up a table, call LexDGA@aol.com or call (859) 433-8388
'Ot Mary Crone for details at 266'5904 or for the location. See web site below. L
email marycrone@aol.com. ..Continued on page 4
_ ________________________._———————
GLSO page 3 ‘

 LexDGA is a peer social support group ing their gender identity or sexual prefer-
which meets monthly to discuss how gen- ence. The group will focus on many topics
der affects our lives, to help members net- and will incorporate some of the inherent
work with others with similar interests, and struggles in dealing with GLBT issues such
to assist members with the difficulties they as shame, coming out, and self-esteem.
face in navigating our bi-gendered society. If you are interested, please come to 301
Meetings are open, dress any way you feel Frazee Hall and complete a schedule so Anne
comfortable. can determine a time that will accommodate

If you live in Ky and want to know more the largest number of people. Please call if
about issues related to gender, check us out you have any questions. 257-8701
at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TGinKY. _

You can subscribe by following directions Lexmgton Men’s Chorus
at the website or jUSt send an email to The Lexington Men's Chorus wishes all
TGinKY-subscribe@yahoogroups.com a Safe and Prosperous New Year 2003.
LMC will be on hiatus for the months of
Men Of A” COIOFS Toge’fher' January and February, with weekly

Kentucky Men of all Colors Together rehearsals for its Pride/June 2003 Concert
(MACT) is meeting again in Lexington. MACT ’0 start on Sunday, March 8th-
is a national gay multiracial organization The Pride Concert Will be held in June at
which foster a supportive environment the new downtown Art Center. For mem-
where friendships and partnerships can be bership and/or concert info, call: Kenneth
celebrated free of racial and cultural barri- 255-1974, E-Mail:kenneth@lmcky.org, ViSit
ers. For more information mactky.com, Web: www.|mcky.org.
email mactky@aol.com, telephone Jon at If YOU are disappointed 00" to be able to
359 351-445 see us again until June, take advantage of

Of related interestzThe NationalAsso. of our Big CD Sale! LMC LIVE! (15 songs)
Black and White Men Together, Inc. have CD=$5, FACETS (12 SOhQS) CD=$5,
released a statement opposing the "black- Cassette=$3. SPECIAL3 Both CD'S for $8-
face" performances of female impersonator Send name and return address With
Chuck Knipp. It is printed on page 11. check or money order made payable to

Lexington Men's Chorus, add $2 per item
GL1 W (Faun/ting for Postage & Handling. Mail to: Lexington

Anne Edwards, a therapist at the UK Men's Chorus, Attention: Music Sale, P.O.
Counseling and Testing Center, is offering BOX 1913’ Lexmgton, KY 405884913
a therapy group for gay lesbian bisexual .
and transgender students. To qualify you Lyons Ifiathcr/ Lew Club
have to be taking 5 or more credit hours Curious about the leather lifestyle or the
next semester. Edwards describes herself hiStOFY 0f leather and BDSM? The
as an out, gay woman, active|y involved Lexington Lyons Leather/Levi ClUb Wl” hOSt
with Lambda and interested in reaching out a meeting open to all those thinking about
to the GLBT community. joining orjust wanting to satisfy their curios-

The group will consist of 5 to 12 mem- ity. We'll meet at the Pride Center on
bers with a variety of backgrounds and pre- Monday Jan.13th at 8 Pm- YOU don't have
senting concerns. All members will either to be a member to attend; everyone is wel-
be self—identified as GLBT or be question- come. Dress is completely casual.

"If presents
all . .
“3', .LOVE Changes everything
ten music to Make Your 5eart gent ~,lfaster
:3} .
'isit _»
no I
88. ..
to 1
Z: $aturday annular” 25
8 pm
the .
If; $ingletary Center for the guts
out '
0°: W" 859-257-4929 for tickets

 PRJDG aemen News
$ 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3 fl
W m Young Adult Group
If you want a little time and a place The Amazing Race 3, a CBS reality TV
where you can be yourself for a couple show has come to an end and competitor
of hours, please join us on any or every Andrew Hyde is back in Lexington Beginning
Wednesday from 7 to 9 at the pride this month Andrew will be hosting 'Andrews
Center. The GLSO Discussion/Support CIUh'i a social SUPPOTt group for GLBT folks in
Group is always open to new people their twenties. Andrew is 21 years old and sees
dropping in to join us in interesting dis- a need for a fun alternative to the bar scene.
cussions. We meet at the Pride Center, Sponsored by GLSO; Andrews CiUb Wi” begin
389 Waller Ave. For info contact the Jan. 11th and meet the 2nd and 4th Saturdays
pride Center at 859-253-3233, or Jane at the Pride Center. The group will plan activ-
at email |adyjaneky@yahoo.com. ities and may go on road trips to Gatlinberg or
even New York City!
Are you looking for a way to warm Tales Of the Clty, by Armistead Maupin
up a cold winter night? Join us for les- Book Review by Mary Crone
bian video night Friday, January 10 at
7:00 pm. We'll be showing the 2001 In 1976 Armistead Maupin began a news—
independent film Kissing Jessica Stein. paper serial that captivated readers of the San
Jessica Stein lives an ordinary life. She Francisco Chronicle, became a series of best-
has a secure job as a copy editor. She selling novels, and finally a television miniseries.
jogs daily. She lives alone. She is begin- Since all six books in this series were pub-
ning to believe she will spend the rest of lished by 1989, it is time to alert younger read-
her life alone. _ .until she does some- ers, and perhaps others who missed them, to
thing surprising. When Jessica answers these outrageously funny and engaging stories. i
Helen's ad in the women seeking Maupin creates delightful characters that i
women personals, her life is changed are often ridiculous, but also loveable. They
forever. Heather Jueregensen and are of all persuasions and weave in and out of t
Jennifer Westfeldt’ who also wrote the each other's lives in unpredictable ways: lov- i
screenplay, star in this smart, fresh and ing, plotting, celebrating, grieving, and retuning 1
funny romantic-comedy. This 'film is to surprise the reader in the next book. i
rated R for sexual content and language. There are fantastic adventures, contrived
coincidences, and...well what can you say
QA?7IZES 37¢” about novels that include Jim Jones in one of
the plot lines. It all adds up to tremendously
Remember the Pride Center is enjoyable books.
opened the fourth Friday ofevery month We do not have a complete set of this
for Gaymes Night. Bring a deck 0f series on our library shelves; if anyone has a
cards or your favorite board game and few to donate, it would be appreciated. We
Join us. Singles or COUPIeS welcome have Tales of the City, Sure of You, and
Bring a snack to share if YOU are 50 Significant Others. We need More Ta/es..,
inclined. All the fun begins at 7:00 pm. Further Tales..., and Babycakes.
GLSO Page 6 ‘

'9 E i
W \Sevved 100,000 men ls... ,
tor . f
ng and C :ountmg r
es v 1 V
ie. t .

in ‘ ‘0‘
Vs ingress” 353%
iV- xu-hn..“.“
or .
noveahte Feast *.
tcxlnaton inc
We always need volunteers. call 252—2867
3" IWI
st— ‘ g _ V _
as. V ' I i I y
Bluegrass Fairness
to _ '
5. Promoting equality for all peopie ' ;
'at regardless of their sexuai orientation or gender identity _
30‘; in thirteen centrai Kentucky counties
iV- V ‘ .
19 Upcoming Events: L
ad January 20: March with Us at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day '
;y i Parade ~— in the morning downtown (contact us for more info) :
of 1 January 28: Meet with Us at our Annuai Meeting with speciai
. speakers and updates M at the downtown library at 7an _
February 1: Learn with Us during our Training for Lobbyists

IiS during; Generat Assembly —- Pride Center at me
a L_._W__.._ :
V8 RD, Box 22032 -—-\ www.bluegrasstairnessiorg 3
1d , Lexington, Kentucky 40522 Ngw ' , www.kentucfiyfairnessorg l
859—806—4114 . W! info@bluegrassfairnessorg :-
— GLSO Page 7 5: I


 DO Sodomy Laws Affected You? harms caused by Texas's law and others
[I A h I. like it. Sodomy laws are used as an excuse
y s a Bang for generally denying basic rights and equal
This is a historic moment for our com- treatment to LGBT people. We are branded
munity __ the US. Supreme Court has as criminals and treated as second-class
agreed to hear Lambda Legal's challenge citizens.
to Texas's "Homosexual Conduct" [aw’ These laws are also widely used to justi-
which criminalizes oral and anal sex by W discrimination in our everyday llVeS -- to
consenting gay couples and is used wide- deny US employment, to blOCk CUStOdY or
ly to iustify discrimination against LGBT visitation with our children, and even to
people. intimidate us out of exercising our First
In the middle of the night, John Amendment rights. Now is the time to strike
Lawrence and Tyron Garner were dragged the final blow in a decades-long struggle
out of John's apartment, arrested, and against these laws and for justice and
forced to spend the night in jail, after offi- equality.
cers responding to a false report found the We need your help. Tell us hOW sodomy
men engaged in private, consensual sex. laws have affected YOU- Speak UP- Speak
John and Tyron were frightened, shocked, OUt- Make history. .
and humiliated. Once convicted, they were Asha Leong ’3 the Outreach Assocrate
forced to pay fines and are now considered for the Southern Regional Office of Lambda
sex offenders in several states Legal Defense in Atlanta, GA. Web page at
' . www.lambda/e
We now have atremendous opportun'i- There is another article and contact
ty " a chance to convmce the nation 5 information from Lambda Legal on page 17.
highest court to address the Widespread
Real Estate Serwce With
é? INTEGRITY a a _
Scott Ackerman .. emm
Mobile: 859-338—8483 ENTHUSIASM
V0ice Mail: 859-294-2055 _ _
Office' 859-269-7331 SW“ Lex'"9t°"
.' 8:
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
GLSO Page 8

se The holidays have come and gone. We're well on our way into the New
1:: Year. And you haven't replaced your shabby old calendar yet? i
e i
88 1
Get 'em while wow still can: ;
{'0 The 2003 "Working Girls" Calenbar ,
to While last year's calendar sent up old movie stars, the 2003 calendar is a
{it tribute to "Working Girls." Hush, now, not that kind of working girl.
Isle We're talking doctors, waitresses, judges, mechanics
i ; . é Each calendar is full color and features
[1 " f ‘ many of your favorite local entertainers,
is, a "’ N , just a $14 donation. Find them at sev-
ate is; . '3' i - , eral Lexin ton locations, includin
ida ,. g, _ . _ g g
eat i}. . 7, . . Silverado Jewelry and Gifts, and The
act .,: ' , _ V {,3 1 Bar Complex (see Kenneth), or from
17. gm, 5. ,. any Imperial Court Board member. You
. gfl it i. may also purchase them online using
PayPal at www.feastlex.org.
All Proceeds benefit Moveable Feast Lexington. i
I Hear we, Hear we...
You are cofbiallu inviteb to ioih the ICK as it welcomes
l Regent Emperor XXI Lam Stanleq 2‘
‘3 lnvestitures Reception
. Tuesbew lamiam 7. 2003
(11413141 '
Look for more info at htqa://lre Seeking a Diverse Congregation
:an Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
if 1513 Nicholasville Road
5| -

WindyKnoIIFarm .........................299-741O

Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
at Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter. . . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
:9 Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255-1974
53- Rehearsal every Sunday
3:; PegasusTraveI ..........................253-1644
ne. Donating 10% to GLSO
5r. —__——__________________
GLSO page 11

 Call number in Jan [Jary 2003
Directory for Location.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10'3
Pride Center Pride Center (Call for place)
7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7PM Wiccan/Pagan (Call 8 Pm LDGA (08" for place)
(Call for place) for Place)
9 pm Rainbow Bowling
Southland Lanes
5 6 7 8 1o 11.
9:30 & 11:15 uu Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Sistah’s 7 pm Discussion Group 7;” (mm Prlde Center Open 10-3

Worship Service 7 pm P‘FLAQ Berea Pride Center Pride Center Mill/ll],

6 pm Imperial Courl Public leraw-Berea 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7pm Andrew ’5

Pride Center 8 pm AA Step StUdV (Call for place) mm Group-for anyone
6 pm SisterSound (05” for place) 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA in their 208 _

(Call for Place) Southland Lanes (Call for place) .
7P Dignity (Call for Place) Pr'de Center
1 2 1 3 14 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7PM Lexington Lyons 7 Pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
6 pm Imperial Court Pride Center Pride Center Pn'de Center (Call for place)

Pride Center 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7PM Wiccan/Pagan (Call
6 pm SisterSound (Call for place) (Call for place) for Place)

(Call for Place) 9 pm Rainbow Bowling
7P Men of All Colors Southland Lanes
1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25
9:30 & 11 :15 UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study 7PM GSA (Call for Place) 7 pm Discussion Group Pride 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
6 pm SisterSound (Call for place) Center Pride Center (Call for place)

(Call for Place) 7 pm GLSO Board Meeting 10pm Tiffany and 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7PM GAYMES 7PM Andrew"s
7PM Dlgnlty (Call for Place) CompanyBenefit _ (Call for place) NIGHT Group-for anyone
7P Men ofAlI Colors CI b 141 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Prid C be . th . 20,

Together u Southland Lanes e on r m ‘ e" S ‘
Pride Center Pride Center
26 27 28 29 . . 30 , . 31

9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Fairness 7 pm DISCUSSlon Group 7 pm Jubllee Fellowship 7PM lmBolc/chcan Pot-

6 pm SisterSound 8 pm AA Step Study _ Pride Center Pride Center Luck

(Call for Place) (Call for place) Annual Meetlng ' 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ’ 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA

6PM lmperial Court Pride Downtown Pub|ic (Call for place) (Call for place)
Center - 9 pm Rainbow Bowling
L'brary Southland Lanes -
W W—
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 NABWMT Opposes Together joins more than 60 community 4
"Blaoltfaoe" Drag Performance organizations that have taken a similar
The National Association of Black and Founded in 1980, the National
White Men Together, InC. have released a Association of Black and White Men
statement opposing the "blackface" per- Together is the oldest multiracial, multicul- da
formances of female impersonator Chuck tural gay men's organization in the United ha
KhiPP- Mr. Knipp, a white gay man from States. The NABWMT Statement of ev
Mississippi, is currently touring the United Purpose reads as follows: The National be
States, performing in blackface makeup Association of Black and White Men pli
as one "Shirley 0- Liquor." Mr. Knipp Together is a gay, multiracial, multicultural St‘
describes Ms. Liquor as an "ignunt" organization committed to fostering sup- ev
unmarried woman, raising 22 "chirren" on portive environments wherein racial and ,
PUhhs assistance. cultural barriers can be overcome and the Ch
"We find the Shirley 0- Liquor per— goal of human equality realized. To these :0
formance objectionable on three fronts," ends we engage in educational, political, :
stated NABWMT National Co-Chair cultural, and social activities as means of fh,
Wendell Reid. "First, this performance dealing with the racism, sexism, homopho- be
resurrects distorted racist caricatures bia, HIV/AIDS discrimination, and other nc
common to the blackface performances inequities in our communities and in our er
that became popular in nineteenth centu- lives. di:
ry American vaudeville. Second, the m;
Shirley Q. Liquor Character is constructed CIE
on a negative and degrading image of im
women Third, the Character is based on 9:? GLSO News DEADLINES: It)
the classist stereotype that people who Articles and Ads : tNl
need publlc aSSlstance are fundamentally
lazy. On all three counts, this act offends January 15 Ht
current sensibilities of what is appropri- Eli . “ ,, . 1;:
ate, put. newsletter in the sub- 9‘? 3
"Although we recognize Mr. Knipp has JeCt “"9 and send to
a right to free speech, we also recognize lexingtonglso@yahoo.com
that the owners of the performance ven- f and marycrone@aol_com ff; igl
ues where he is being scheduled have , , 3;: ar
the right to refuse this kind of speech," 'We are asking for ads earlier at
added NABWMT National Co-Chair Paul ,5: so we will have time to work g, thl
Cloutier. "Particularly given the LGBT 5;} out any problems. Question? °t
community's collective experience with Call Pride Center 253.3233 2;:
heterosexist oppression, we call on , _ .7? 8F
establishment owners in our community We often print articles that 123'
notto extract monetary-profit from suchua . arrive late, but you are not 1?} er
raCIst, seXIst and CIaSSISt performance. a. _ _ .2 Ar
in opposing the Shirley Q. Liquor per— guarenteed Space unless It IS pli
formance of Chuck Knapp, the National here 0" t'me' 0L
Association of Black and White Men , V sc
GLSO page 14 IE:

r Rev. Martin Luther King, ]r. they gag With superfluitY-
I929 _ 1968 “There is nothing but a lack of social
l by man] crane vision to prevent us from paying an ade-
quate wage to every American
I Every January we celebrate the birth- citizen...There is nothing except shortsight-
' day of Martin Luther King, Jr. I am glad it edness ’0 prevent US from guaranteeing an
I has become a national holiday and yet annual minimum—and livable-income for
I every year I sense the man and his beliefs every American family.”
I becoming more distant, replaced by a sim- .. —
I plified version of who he was and what he ' I r eceived 5? letter this m'orningfrom a
I stood for_ And his message was narrowed white brother in Texas which said: "All
. even during his life time. Christians know that the colored people will
I . King was a charismatic leader of the receive equal rights eventually...(but 'you
. civil rights movement of the late fifties and expect too mUCh too soon.) The teaChthS
' sixties. Not the only leader by any means, of Christ take time to come to earth." All that
' . but the one that the press and the white he said here grows OU" Of a tragic miscon-
i_ power structure in general seemed to be ception of time. It is the strangely irrational
' the most comfortable with. Some people notion that there is something in the very
' beIieve that he was not radical encugh’ did flOW 0f tIme that WIII IneVItany cure a“ III8...
' not ca” for fundamental change, or soft- I am coming to feel that the people Of III-WI”
' ened his words when speaking to power. l have used time mUCh more effectively than
disagree. King spoke compellingly, about the people Of 900d WIII- We WI" have to
many issues, chief among them racism, repent in this generation not merely for the
' _ classism, the immorality of war, and the vitriolic words and actions of the bad peo-
importance of nonviolence. Non-violence ple, bUt for the appalling silence of the 900d
in itself is such a revolutionary concept that people. We mUS" use time creatively, and
it is difficult to grasp in a world dyed red forever realize that the time is always ripe to
with the blood of hu