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Federal WorksA enc - John M. Carmod ,Administrator Vol.1 No.42 - Ma 28,1940 U. S. Housm Authorlt - Nathan Straus,Adm|nIstrator
C F Palmer Elected R 1 H St d h NAH O
' ' ura OUSlIlg I‘6SS6 y
New NAHO PreSIdent I 3 1 M t. t Pott ] I
At the business session concluding the I]. nnua ee lng a 1 S urg
Ei hth Annual Meetin of the National As- . . . .
g- ~ ~ g - The first seSSion of the Eighth Annual ing movement for its own success, perhaps
soc1ation of Housmg OIfiCials, C. F. Palmer, . . . . . . .
' - . Meeting of NAHO (held in Pittsburgh May tor the success of its continued eXistence,
Atlanta busmessman and Chairman of the 7. 4 . . .
- - - 3- , , 19—18) was devoted excluSively to rural must quickly find some way by which to
Housmg Authority of the City of Atlanta, . . . . . . ,,
' was elected President for the coming year housmg'. Gathered in the ballroom of the begin to meet the rural housmg Situation.
The new list of officers follows ' Hotel William Penn, several hundred hous— .
P 'd t C F P 1 Ch . ' H . ing‘ officials from all parts of the country Dr. LOUISE Stanley
res1 en : . . a iner, airman, ousmg _ , . - _ , ,
) .1 ts . .
Authority of the City of Atlanta. 35511156313211.25255153521525.5315 £53.:ng Dr- Lou... Stanley, Chief of the Bureau
Vice Presidents; George E, Evans, Chair— )roblem of Home Economics, U. S. Department of
man, Housing Authority of the City of l ' Agriwlturei was the DEX'C speaker.
Pittsburgh. Edward Weinfeld, New York Dr. W W Alexander In her discuss10n of farm housmg, she
State Commissioner of Housing. H . _ , . made extenswe use of the data from the
' Board of GovernorS' Adlhe Administratgl 0f ghelFal-m Security Farm-Housmg Survey of 1934, the farm
' . . ministration ad resse tie meetin' as _
Nathan Straus, Administrator of USHA. follows “I think erha s there ma be Eome part of the Consumer Purchases Study, car
John Fahey, Chairman, Federal Home . ‘ 'fi ’ _ . t1 pf ‘01:] t tl fi'yt f _ l ¥16d on by the Bureau Of Home Economics
Loan Bank Board. 518“} canfutll'n iefac 1a, 1e 15 {101”}; in cooperation With the National Resources
. . sessmn o 115 con erence is concerne Wi -
Bleecker Marquette, Consultant, Cincm- Rural Housing Board, and also referred to 51190131 data on
‘ nati Metropolitan Housing Authority. “I think most of the co le don’t al' farm homes in sub—'margmal areas: collected
Nicola Giulii, Chairman, Housing Author— p P ' 1‘9 128 by the Farm Security Administration.
ity of the City of Los Angeles. the POVel’ty Of 0111‘ farm POPUIaUOn- Rural In farm areas, Dr. Stanley pomted out,
C.-E. A. Winslow, Chairman, The Housing housmg Is for 13891318 least able to express you do “Qt buy or. rent a home, but a 'farm.
A th st . f th C't f N H the need f01 housmg and least able to sup- The house goes With the land. The kind of
u Oiiyo e iyo ew aven, th . Ith'kth . fth .
and Chairman, Committee on the Hy— DOI‘ ousmg. 1T1_ e experience 0 e house the farm Will support depends upon
giene of Housing American Public last 2 years has conVinced us that the hous- (Continued on next page)
Health Association. 7M. , u rs .. ,1 "r M_ , .
James L‘ StephenSOH’ Executive Dn‘eCtorv ; A'LgtmlEN‘t (own Housmc AUTHORI‘IY
. Housmg Authority of the City of Dallas.
W. W. Alexander, Administrator of the 7! W, ‘ ”fiat
Farm Security Administration. ;’ ' $1,,“ , 7 .L, , 37:33
Ernest J. Bohn, Director, Cleveland Met- i M‘ 43333th
ropolitan Housing Authority. . ,_ We”??? _
Miles L. Colean, Director, 20th Century 4’2}. ; ' WW
. Fund Housing Survey. ”a... ..- . _ .,..-.,..,“‘?_.,.,,.c._w__-7 “MM. , . . f‘mt‘ A U ---.
Jesse Epstein, Executive Director, Hous— , é ‘ ‘ , 7 ', " ’
ing Authority of the City of Seattle. , ’ , ,(_,«,,~»7,3;§ ”134% m
. . . - ’7‘; ' ’0’ / , ,
Col. L. Kemper Williams, Chairman, Hous- _ '3 “55‘3’5' M~ " r M! u
ing Authority of New Orleans. .’, I M ' . ‘
Carleton F. Sharpe, Manager of Green 3 . i a ..
Hills, Cincinnati, and Chairman of Man— ' 1:7 ., tax! I I w
agement Division of NAHO. ~ 2 , '3 f} .
Director of NAHO: Coleman Woodbury. = V7... ' ””0‘”)’»{’»2-:£,§7 .. ,- , “a;
- - ,, “Men/e, Mme, ; «Me-,4,» V,» "veg, ' y,n,;;,,, _Mu-,M7‘ M7;
Ass15tant Director of NAHO: Edmond ‘ MM, ..,_«”£,*‘";,,,“,,”,) 3‘
Hoben. Chief of Field SerVice of NAHO: ‘i , " ,m “9,,” we. . 1- .. ,M; 4,},ng
I car} Henry Monsees‘ / - “a,""efiwéa‘i‘géwfiw,aa’hramaez%ifiz{we =
fhe Management D1Vis10n of N AHO, in ,# ,g,“lm;i;i,¢€§§rw 23:94 3?"? 7 am% ' M? MyaMégg
its First Annual Meeting, elected the fol— :M‘” MW,,,WM Jr“. 1%»
lowing officers: 74$,«.,§”%Wmn , M,WWWM (
Carleton F. Sharpe of Cincinnati, Chair— , V , ' ' ' ’ ' ' ~ .1 " ””1
. . . w, ,.,, M.
man; B. J. Hovde of Pittsburgh, Vice—Chair— , . ./ , / . , , A [LEG H E NY COUNTY W NM” ;,:,.~Mw,.M-M,~..,z_:,,g
man. Members of the Executive Council, hm..,,WWW..WM " wfl~xwzw§e,,wm S;
. 3—year term, Abraham Goldfeld of New ”7“* H0 U C j 9“: g A U T H F R i {T $3,233,,me ~, g: ' ’2 njt" HY
York and Raymond A. Voigt of Milwaukee; if: , , .,,l - 5 ~ i i =, J w , ‘ M :‘”‘:i‘ “’1.
for ”5,119 Z'Yeal' term: Llonel Al'tls 9f Indlal?‘ Miss Barbara ROSIen, ASSIStant Secretary of the Los Angeles housing author-
apolis and J. Stanley Raffety of Cincmnati; . . . . . . .
for the 1-year term, Eugene Oppermann of ity, Views the Allegheny County Housmg Authority exhibit at annual N AHO,
Detroit and James L. Stephenson of Dallas. meeting in Pittsburgh. UK LIBRARJES