xt7zs756hx63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zs756hx63/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-03-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1994 1994 1994-03-23 2020 true xt7zs756hx63 section xt7zs756hx63  

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MAR 2 3 1994







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By Jackie Flegle
Staff Writer


UK psychology professor
Greg Smith has been on a nine-
year quest to determine the ori-
gin of alcohol abuse among
young people.

Through his research, Smith
discovered a cycle of expecta-
tions about drinking that may be-
gin forming as early as the third

Smith's first study, published
in 1989, found that expectations
about alcohol already are in
place by the seventh grade.

His most recent study, a fol-
low-up to determine the age at
which these expectations begin
to take root, was completed in
1990 and currently is being re-
viewed for publication.

Smith said the most important
long-term implication of his re-
search, as well as that of others
in the field, is prevention. He


also said the best way to prevent
abuse is by starting to change peo-
ple‘s views on alcohol at an early

“Before they even begin to drink.
there is this mind-set in place that
becomes a vicious cycle," Smith
said of alcoholics.

His latest study, involving 800
suburban Detroit ninth- and 10th-
graders whom he surveyed annually
for three years, indicated that those
students who held the highest ex-
pectations about alcohol during the
seventh and eighth grades were
most likely to be drinking in the

Of the 10th graders be surveyed
in the third year, 35 percent of the
boys and 20 percent of the girls
consumed at least four alcoholic
drinks per week.

The expectations that alcohol
would enhance their social. cogni-
tive and motor skills led to early
drinking, which then led to even
greater expectations and more

Prof studies alcohol abuse

Psychologist says prevention
is ultimate aim of his research


UK professor Greg Smith has spent the past nine years
studying children's views about about alcohol.

drinking, Smith said.

He added that the students’ nega-
tive experiences didn‘t seem to in-
terfere with their rising expecta-

On the other hand, those students
who did not carry positive expecta-
tions about alcohol in earlier grades
were not as likely to be drinking,



and apparently their expecta-
tions had not increased, he said.

“The influences are so broad
that cultural attitudes toward al-
cohol will need to change before
we'll see very wide spread
changes," Smith said.

See ALCOHOL, Back Page


Debate team
falls short
of first place
at tourney


By Don Puckett
Senior Staff Writer


Everything was going UK’s way
at this weekend‘s national debate

UK’s top team, juniors Paul
Skiennont and Jason Patil, had sev-
en wins and one loss after the eight
preliminary debates and were the
toumament’s top seed entering
elimination rounds.

Skiermont had been named the
toumament‘s most valuable speak-
er, an honor he had achieved many
times already this season.

But the top speaker award was
the highlight of the weekend for the
UK squad.

After winning a debate in the
sweet 16, Patil and Skiermont ran
into a tricky Wake Forest team and
lost the debate on a four-to-one de-

never heard of,” Skiennont said.
“We didn‘t have the arguments to
beat it. There was nothing we could

The loss was a blow to the hopes
of a team determined to bring home
a national championship.

it entered the tournament ranked
No. 1, ahead of heavy competition
by teams from Harvard and Emory.

“We‘re not too disappointed,"
Skierrnont said.

“Our goal was being the top seed
at the (National Debate Tourna-
ment). Once you get here, things
are too unpredictable to count on
winning it all."

UK fell short of one other goal:
becoming the first squad in history
to advance three teams to elimina-
tion rounds at the nationals.

UK‘s third team, senior Cy Kiani
and junior Jay Finch. won only four
rounds in preliminary debates and
did not advance to elimination
rounds for the first time this season.

UK‘s second team, senior Trevor
Wells and sophomore Jason Ren-
zelrnann, won five preliminary de-
bates before losing in the sweet 16
to the top team from Harvard.

The UK squad breathed a collec-
tive sigh of relief after the twrna-
ment, glad that the long season fi-
nally is over.

Now. they say. they can finally
can forget about long research ses-
sions and concentrate on school.

The squad loses three key mem-
bers next season.

Two seniors. Kimi ltd Wells.
will graduae, ltd Patil plans to
transfer back to Stanford.







V Materials engineering freshman Alexander Wright plays the guitar at Haggin Field yester-
day as music freshman Boy Gernhardt listens.




' Ti” ' WednesdavMarchza ‘994

des of April

a taxing time
for students


By Brian Knauer
Contributing Writer


As the April 15th tax deadline
looms over the heads of many UK
students like the spectre of final ex-
ams, several students have ques-
tions with about filing.

Topping the list of frequently
asked questions for perpetually
poor college students: How much
can I earn without being taxed?

According to Charles Hines,
owner of Hines Tax Service, most
students fall into one of two catego-
ries. Students who are dependent on
their parents belong to the fust cate-

They are not required to pay tax-
es on the first $3,700 of their in-
comes, Hines said.

To be claimed as a dependent, a
student must be 24 or younger and
enrolled in school full-time.

The second category obviously
applies to those students who do not
meet the previous requirements. A
student in this category does not
have to pay taxes on the first $6,050
of his or her income.

“Most times students are better
off to let their parents claim them,"

Hines said.

Other frequently asked questions:

-Are scholarships and other
forms of financial aid taxable?

“Generally speaking, scholar-
ships for tuition and fees are de-
ductible," said Bob Halsey, director
of Student Financial Aid.

Hines added that, in most cases.
financial aid that students receive is
not taxable because, when com-
bined with their incomes, it still
does not exceed the non-taxable

But Hines also said that. in some
eases, aid designated for room and
board may be taxable.

-Why should 1 file?

Other than to avoid jail time,
many students are eligible for re-

“Most students file to get their
withholdings back," Hines said.

Anyone who has ever had a job
knows that, when you receive your
paycheck, a significant amount
mysteriously disappears. That is the
money the lRS calls “withhold-
ings." At least some of this money
often is rightfully yours.

Students with tax questions may
contact the IRS tax information line
at (800) 829-1040.

Applicants sought
for 1994-95 SAB


Staff report


The Student Activities Board will
be accepting applications beginning
today for 13 leadership positions in
the 1994-95 academic year.

“Of the entire year, this is prob-
ably the most important thing we
will do," SAB President Wes Butler
said of the group that is responsible
for planning social and entertain-
ment programming on campus.

The positions include SAB presi-
dent, vice president and secretary-

Deadline for applications is April
1 at 4:30 pm, and interviews for
the positions will be held April 6
and 7. .

Butler said applicants who are in-
terested should try to talk to the stu-
dent who currently holds the job to

get a feel for the responsibilities in-

"Two things that should be
stressed about SAB is that it is easy
to get in, and the positions are im-
portant on the campus,“ Butler said.
“(Committee chairmen) decide the
campus atmosphere for a full year."

SAB’s president has the “ulti-
mate responsibility for everything
that goes on with the board," Butler

The president is a member of
every committee on the board and.
therefore, has influence over every
aspect of SAB‘s programming.

Butler said the president also
serves as spokesman for the board
and is the liaison between SAB and
UK’s administration.

The vice president serves as the

See SAB, Back Page

Conflict with N. Korea at ‘critical point’


By Robert Burns
Associated Press


WASHINGTON — Diplomatic
efforts to end the nuclear standoff
with North Korea have reached a
“critical point," Secretary of State
Warren Christopher said yesterday.
The administration left open the
possibility of eventual military ac-

North Korea called the US.-
South Korean decision to deploy
Patriot missiles a “declaration of
war," but Clinton administration of-
ficials emphasized they prefer to
gradle increase the pressure
without resorting to force.

It remained unclear when, and
even whether, the Clinton adminis-
tration would press for UN. eco-
nomic sanctions against North Ko-
China cautioned that sanctions
could prove counterproductive, al-
though it did not explicitly reject
the idea.

“Sanctions will be an option soon
to be considered." Christopher told
the Senate Foreign Relations Corn-
mittee, unless the communist North
Korean government cinnges course
and allows full U.N.-sponsored in-
spection of its nuclear facilities.

A preemptive U.S. military
strike against Na'th Korea's nuclea
complex. catered north of the capi-

tal at Yongbyon, appears to be
among the least likely options, but
Christopher suggested Washington
was prepared to turn up the heat.

“Our diplomacy has reached a
critical point," Christopher said.
“We have made it clear to North
Korea that it must become a respon-
sible member of the intemational
community or that community will

have no choice but to pursue other

“These other options include pro-
gressively stronger measures."

North Korea maintains that its
nuclear program is entirely peace-
ful, but the United States and others
contend it is being used to manufac-
ture nuclear weapons.

At the Pentagon. spokesman Den-

nis Boxx said the formal go-ahead
for shipment of Patriot missiles and
an air-defense battalion to operate
them in South Korea was given

He said it would take four to six
weeks for the missiles and the batta-
lion to reach South Korea, set up
and begin operations.

Boxx said the Patriots are a new-



By Ju-Yeon Kim
Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea —-
Weaving his white cab through
the streets of downtown Seoul,
Kim Chang-won sniffs at North
Korea’s weekend threat to engulf
his city in a “sea of fire."

“Sheer bluff, that's what it is,"
said the 54-year-old driver.

It South Korea‘s 44 million

people are partiarlarly worried
over the current crisis with their


Many in Seoul not shaken
by threat of nuclear attack

belligerent neighbor, caused by
North Korea denying U.N. inspec-
tors access to a critical nuclear lab,
they give few outward signs.

Daily life in Seoul, which was de-
stroyed in the 1950-53 war with
North Korea. remains lively and
congested. and tourists are still
flocking to the heavily fortified bor-
der an hour's drive north of Seoul
for guided tours.

News headlines mostly concern
inflation, the arrest of a heeclnmter
who took bribes to boost grabs,
and the weather forecast for the ap-

proaching cherry blossom sea-

As improbable as it sounds.
South Koreans are more exer-
cised about the Uruguay Round
of the GATT trade talks, which
will force them to open their
economy to the outside world.
than about saber rattling across

in past periods of tension, peo-
ple stockpiled food and consu-
lates nowd increased applica-
tions for exit visas. This time.

See SEOUL, Back Page





-t'MW — .


er version of those used in the Per-
sian Gulf War in 1991.

They have greater range, contain
software improvements and can in-
tercept missiles at higher altitudes
than the older Pac-l version of the

They would be intended for de-
fense of airfields and ports against

See U.S., Back Page
I N S | D E '

:men. ‘i 1
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cloudiness this after":
high around 75. -

-A 70 percent chance of q .
showers tonight; low in the.“ , 1‘
lower SOs. ‘
-C|oudy tomorrow with a ,
chance of morning showers, («if
decreasing cloudiness int M ‘
afternoon; high around :




Classified "





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2 - Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. March 23. 1094

Spielberg celebrating with vacation

After finally winning Oscar,
director will take sabbatical


By John Horn
Associated Press


LOS ANGELES —— Now that
Steven Spielberg finally got his
Academy Award, he's in a position
to do anything. So he'll do nothing.

The director of Monday's top
Oscar winner, “Schindler's List,"
said he’ll take a sabbatical, hang
out with his family and contem-
plate his next movie project.

“The only way I'll top it is by
producing a year of Spielberg
said after the Oscar ceremony.
“And that'll be the biggest produc-
tion yet, 1 think."

Although Spielberg's production
company has a busy slate with up-
coming feature-length versions of
the “Flintstones," “Casper" and







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“The Little Rascals." the director
won‘t be stepping behind the came-
raanytime soon.

Instead, he'll spend time with his
wife, actress Kate Capshaw, and
Jessica, Max, Sasha, Sawyer and
Theo —— their five children and

Money is not an issue for the 46-
year-old filmmaker, who has direct-
ed the blockbusters “Jaws," “Close
Encounters of the Third Kind," the
“Indiana Jones" trilogy and “ET.
the Extra-Terrestrial.”

Because he enjoys a huge share
of his films' profits, he‘s worth an
estimated $500 million.

His share of the “Schindler’s
List" earnings will be donated to
Holocaust causes.

Spielberg's Amblin Entertain-
ment is one of the busiest produc-
tion companies in Hollywood.

With its hits have come a fair
share of bombs, though. including
the animated movie “We're Back:
A Dinosaur's Story" and the televi-
sion series “seaQuest DSV."

In a 20-year directing career,
Spielberg’s films have been far
more popular at the box office than
at the Academy Awards.

“Getting an Oscar has never been
a goal of mine." he said after
“Schindler’s List" won a leading
seven statuettes.

“But anyone who has ever been
nominated for an Oscar, who de-
nies it ever being a goal at that
time, is loopy."

To win that Oscar, he spent 92
days in Krakow, Poland, telling the
story of how the German business-
man saved the lives of more than
1,000 Jews by bribing the Nazis
into letting them work at his facto-











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, JASMMAWMae . .

Spielberg also directed “Jurassic
Park," the highest-grossing film
ever made.

The dinosaur drama won Oscars


, orgy way I'll top it
" pioducing a year
off. And that'll be the
biggest production yet,
I think.

— Steven Spielberg,

director ét

‘Schindlerfs Liér



in all three of its nominated techni-
cal categories.

Monday night’s ceremony was
the highest-rated entertainment

program of the season. earning a
31.1 Nielsen rating and a 49 per-
cent audience share -— roughly
comparable to last year’s 31.2 rat-
ing, 51 share, ABC reported.

“We're estimating a total audi-
ence of 78 million people who
watched all or part of it, which is
about the same as last year," ABC
spokesman Steve Battaglio said.

Beyond its best picture win,
“Schindler's List" may fill a criti-
cal role in education about the Hol-
ocaust —— the systematic destruc-
tion of over 6 million Jews by the
Nazis during World War 11.

High school students across the
country — including all of Flori-
da's Dade County school district,
the nation‘s fourth-largest — are
watching the film as pan of their
world history curriculums.

California students will see it in
special screenings starting April

Holocaust survivors say the mo-

vie's educational impact
scends awards and ticket sales.

“It means more people will un-
derstand," said Lola Krumholz, 77,
a former Schindler employee who
watched the Oscar ceremony with
other Holocaust survivors at the Si-
mon Wiesenthal Museum of Toler-
ance here.

“When it comes to ‘Schindler's
List,‘ I get shivers all over my
body," said Lola Orzech. 68. who
began working for Schindler at 16.

Spielberg acknowledged the dif-
ficulties he faced it bringing the
epic to the screen.

“The subject is nearly impossi-
ble for any medium to portray."
Spielberg said backstage at the cer-

“I was terrified of the responsi-
bility of putting it on a big movie
screen. But it would have been
more of tragedy if I was so intimi-
dated that I didn't create the possi-
bility of remembrance."


Immunologist tackling
nation’s AIDS research


By Lauran Neergaard
Associated Press


BETHESDA, Md. — Dr. Wil-
liam Paul was quite content experi-
menting in his laboratory, trying to
unravel the mysteries of a key
chemical that stimulates the im-
mune system.

A world-recognized immunolo-
gist. he didn’t apply to lead the na-
tion's AIDS research efforts — he
wasn't even doing AIDS work

But his boss thought that was a
plus, so Paul now finds himself
head of the National Institutes of
Health‘s Office of AIDS Research,
about to lay out the nation's re-
search agenda on AIDS and dole
out $1.3 billion to fight the killer

“I’m giving this my most enthu-
siastic effort, in case anyone be-
lieves I'm a reluctant bridegroom,"
the affable scientist said with a

“But no one individual can be
wise enough to spend this money,
so we’re going to marshall the best
scientific minds possible to help."

Paul, 57, will be the first full-
time director of an office that Con-
gress decided would oversee re-
search on AIDS.

He replaces prominent AIDS re-
searcher Dr. Anthony Fauci, who
has done double-duty in the past
and will concentrate on his job as
director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Until now, a hodgepodge of NIH
agencies provide money for AIDS
research independently.

Activists argued that a lack of
central planning wasted research
dollars and possibly allowed prom-
ising work to slip through the
cracks, and Congress last year

Starting this fall, the office will
control all of NlH's AIDS money,
sending its budget straight to the
president for approval.

Paul will have a $10 million dis-
cretionary fund for emergencies or
promising projects that appear after
the budget is set. He also will work
with Kristine Gebbie, the AIDS
czar who sets broad policy issues.

And while the average American
will never have heard of Paul, the
scientist has quietly made his mark
from a tiny office at NIH, where he

appears each morning at 7:30 and
chips away at the mysteries of im-
munology until dark.

“He’s a brilliant scientist," said
Nobel laureate Dr. Baruj Benacer-
raf, a Harvard University professor
emeritus who is Paul’s mentor,

“Taking this job was a sacrifice
on his pan because it will slow
down his own work. It was thrust
upon him. But he felt it was his
duty to respond when he was need-

Paul. chief of immunology at
NIH, is known for his 1980 discov-
ery of a key chemical that regulates
the immune system.

Interleukin-4, an important mem-
ber of the cytokine chemical fami-
ly, triggers the growth of vital im-
mune cells that fight lethal
bacteriainfections like streptococ-

But other diseases, like tubercu-
losis, are killed by immune cells
triggered by a relative cytokine,


No one, Individual can
betwiseonough to
spend this (research)
money, so we’re going
to marshall the best
scientific minds
possible to help.

— Dr. William Paul,
director of
AIDS Research

for modicum
Institutes ""f‘i-lealth


and the presence of lL-4 in those
cases can actually hinder recovery.
Paul was busy trying to figure out
how cells decide which cytokine to
respond to when NIH Director Dr.
Harold Varmus tapped him last
month to head AIDS research.

“Dr. Paul has the scientific acu-
men and leadership qualities need-
ed to re-evalute and shape our ap-
proach to AIDS,” Varmus said.

Paul wasn't investigating HIV,
the AIDS virus that decimates the
immune system.

But colleagues are testing various

forms of interleukin to see how it
reacts at different stages of infec-

They say it's too early to tell, but
manipulating these biochemicals
might one day be another weapon
against AIDS.

Paul aspired to be an endocrinol-
ogist, studying hormones during
his residency at Massachusetts Me-
morial Hospital.

He moved on to teaching at New
York University, where he met
Benacerraf and switched to immu-

He came to NIH in 1968 and
two years later was named immu-
nology chief, at 34 the agency‘s
youngest lab director.

He wrote a landmark textbook
on the immune system, headed nu-
merous national and international
organizations and was elected to
the prestigious National Academy
of Sciences.

But research is his pmsion, and
he hopes to squeeze in some while
serving as director.

He fears he won’t have time for
much else, even his only real hob-
by — learning to play the flute.

“I'm not good.” he said, blush-
ing. “1 do it for personal gratifica-
tion, but I won’t give any con-

Paul is not sure what to expect in
his new job.

So he’s educating himself, and
met last week with activists to hear
their concems.

“He's coming in in a particularly
challenging time," said Jeff Levi of
the AIDS Action Council, who
praised' Paul.

“There's an increasing recogni-
tion and disappointment that we
have to go back to basic research

before we're going to find new

Paul, a basic researcher himself,
sounds positive.

“We don‘t want to disrupt work
that’s going forward,” he said.

“But we certainly want to foster
work that will have an immediate
impact," like the new discovery
that the AZT drug helps prevent
pregnant women from transmitting
the AIDS virus to their babies.

“I have no reason to believe we
will not be seeing very real and
tangible progress of that type in the
next few years."







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was..- ...... . .-.


By Brett Dawson
Assistant Sports Editor


Marshall University‘s athletic
learns are known as the Thunder-
ing Herd. But the only thundering
heard at Cliff Hagan Stadium yes-
terday came from Wildcat bats as
the UK baseball team used a three-
nm eighth inning to put away
Marshall for a 9-5 win.

UK (12-7) got home runs from
shortstop Eddie Brooks and sec-
ond baseman Mark Etter in the
bottom of the eighth to pull away
from the Herd.

UK head coach Keith Madison
said home wins are vital for his
team. In 19 games this season, the


the scoring was
achieved on the
strength of a pair
of two-nm dou-
bles. In the second

inning, it was
sophomore third
baseman Chris

Gonzalez ringing
a two-bagger into
II maul left center field
that scored Brad
Hindersman and Pookie Jones.

In the third inning, center fielder
Jeff Abbott duplicated the feat,
pounding a 1-0 pitch off the wall in
left center to bring in Chad Green
and Matt Bragga. The double ex-
tended Abbott‘s hitting streak to


. _ seven games.

cats have played I" ”‘0 “friendly In the fourth frame. RBI singles
confines" from junior
only three left fielder
times. Chris Combs

“It was a and Abbott
good feeling put UK on
to be back at ~ ' ' -‘ top to stay at
Shively 6-3.
Field, that’s But the
for sure." Cats' win
Madison didn't come
said. “(Play- without a
ing at home) . fight. Mar—

helps (the
players) get
into the feel
of their

We've been
in a lot of



shall scored a
pair of runs
in the top of
the fifth to
sneak within



hotel rooms TURNING TWO: UK’s Eddie Brooks pitch by Matt


field or not, the Thundering Herd
trampled UK in the early going.

Marshall (7-9) jumped on top of
the Cats 3-0 in the first inning,
then allowed UK to slowly chip its
way to a lead. The Cats scored two
runs each in the second, third and
fourth innings to go on top 6-3.

In the second and third innings,

trles to break up a double play.

UK’s third
pitcher of the game. allowed the
first run of the inning before Mar-
shall shortstop Brent Burke lined
an RBI single to right to cut UK’s
lead to 6-5.

UK went quietly in the fifth,
sixth and seventh innings, but the
Herd failed to capitalize. Marshall



MARSHALL 5 (7-9)



5 1 1 0
ROSS LF 3 1 1 O
REYNOLDS 28 3 O 0 0
BALLOU 28 1 0 0 0
HAGY 1 B 5 1 1 0
FANNING 3B 4 0 2 0
BURKE SS 4 0 2 1
WINT E R5 P O O 0 0


TOTALS 40 5 11 2


In] in: I'll! [ma
Marshall Unlverslty 300 020 000 5 11 1
Kentuc WIldcats 022 200 03X 9 12 4



KENTUCKY 9 (12-7)



4 2 1 0
M. BRAGGA 18 4 1 o o
J. ABBOTT CF 4 o 2 3
HINDERSMAN c 3 1 1 o
P. JONES RF 4 1 1 o
c. GONZALEZ 38 4 1 2 2
E. BROOKS SS 3 2 2 2
c. COMBS LF 4 o 2 1
M. ETTER 28 4 1 1 1
C. RHEA 28 0 o o o
C. WHITNEY P 0 O 0 0
G. REID P 0 0 0 O
M. BOWLES P 0 0 0 0
B. REED P o o o o
P. MORSE P 0 o 0 O


TOTALS 34 9 12 9






Marshall University



l -\
7.0 10 7
1.0 2 2

E - Reynolds, C. Combs, C. Gonzalez, E. Brooks 2. DP - Marshall 1.
LOB — Marshall 16, Kentucky 5. 23 - Ross, Hagy, Henzler, C. Gonzalez 2
(11), E. Broola; (5), J. Abbott (6). HR - E. Brooks (4). M. Etter (4). SB - C.
Combs (1), C. Green (2). CS - C. Combs (1).





ownrmev 2.0 4 a 2 1 2
oneroiww) 2.0 1 o o 2 o
M.BOWLES 2.0 a 2 2 2 2
BREED 1.0 1 0 O 2 2
PMORSE 2 o o 1 2


IVL fENSLEV/Komel erhlee

Wildcats’ bats thunder
past Marshall’s Herd


left the bases loaded in the top of


the seventh as UK ace Brian Reed '

struck out two Herd hitters to work I II

onlofajam- MQM a...
The Cats finally exploded in the

eighth. Gonzalez crushed the first ng'gHYSIASYTagMI-l '11::

pitch of the inning well out of the Tickets on'Salo at



park. but well foul.

He sent the next offering deep
into left center for his second dou-
ble of the game.

Four pitches later, Brooks’
fourth homer of the season sailed
just over the right field fence. After
Combs popped out to center, Etter
smashed his fourth big fiy of the
year over the left field wall.


Downtown In the Clvlc Center
Lower Level - Phone 23178889


YOU SEND ME SWINGIN': UK rlghttlelder Pookle Jones takes a
out against Marshall yesterday at Clm Hagan Stadium.




fensc. I\I\I‘I\I I I I I I I I I I I I I" (\I‘l I I I I\I I I\I I I I I I\/\r\ \
Mad. ‘ _d [h . :l\/\I\I\I:I:l:l:l\l\ ‘1:/:I:l:I:I\I:I\I‘I:I:I:I:I‘I:I:I‘I:I:I\I‘ \t\"/\I\J
. ISOI’I 58.] , 6 IRS . CC runs The Cats committed four errors \’\’\’\’\’\’ ’ ’:®’\’s’\’\’ ’\’\’\’\’\’\’\’\’\’\’ I I \ ’\’\’\:
In LDC Clghll‘l inning WCI'C JUSL what h 1 ’\’\’\’\’ ’s ’ I I I ’ ’\’\’\’\’ ’s’x’ I \ \ \ \’\’ ’ ’\
the Cats needed to get over the top. 2"»)? I 2 ’5‘, ‘ I 2")» ‘ 2 ,‘I‘ ‘ 2
st , u . ’\’\’\’\’\ ’\ \ \ \ , I‘l‘l‘ \’\ \ I ’\’\ \ \I \’\I 4
We kind of gave them the mo- (Defense) IS the pan of our ’\’\l\’\’\ I I 2 I p ‘2 I ’\’\’\’\ \ ’\’
mentum back III the fifth inning,” game that really needs work right ,‘ ‘ w ‘, ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ \,\,‘2:2:,
Madison said. “It was anybody's now, and that's obvious,” Madison ’ , t’t’t’ ’x’t’
. . , u , I I I I I I I I
game at that pomt. But that big said. We just need to get some ,
eighth inning sealed it for us." practice on our home field and I ’
Pan of the reason the game was work out the glitches in our de- :


up for grabs was UK's shoddy de~ fense."


\\ \
\\\ \ \\\
\\ \ \ \\\
\ \\
\\ \\\\







The Department of Chemical Engineering in
conjunction with the Center for Applied Energy
Research and the College of Engineering is pleased to
anounce a Special Seminar entitled


Ami-léiiihei‘it: dentistry


alt-liiiobal {innate ‘

Professor-John H. Seinfeld
California Institute of Technology
on‘iir’ll‘calisv, ‘ latch. “1", ‘zl... p.17
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Professor Seinfeld i: a number aft!!! National Academy adema'r and

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1 7'"

0 First (it-Iteration (‘01!ch Student
0 Economic Need 0 Disabled

Stop by Or Call Student Support Services

















1994 Majorette, Feature Twirler
and Flag Corps 'Ii‘youts

April 9th, 1994 - Memorial Coliseum
9:00 am - 12:00 Majorettes & Feature Twirlers
1:00 pm - 4:00 Flag Corps

Wind & Percussion auditions by appointment


Call 257-BAND or write
Director of Bands
University of Kentucky
33 Fine Arts Building
Campus 0022







is coming to


Playboy Magazine will be coming to University of Kentucky to interview female students for a fall
pictorial, Girls of the Southeastern Conference. Playboy's annual pictorial features a different
college conference each year, and has become one of the most popular and talked-about mag-
azine features in the country. Since Playboy’s first college pictorial 17 years ago, more than
15,000 coeds coost-to-coast have tried out. Many have gone on to become Playboy Playmates,
actresses and models. '


To be considered for this pictorial and to arrange for an interview, candidates should send a recent
full-figure photograph and a headmnd-shoulders portrait to the Playboy offices in Chicago.
Polaroids, snapshots or color slides will be accepted. Candidates should also write a brief state-
ment supplying th