xt7zs756hz8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zs756hz8t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 2005 2005 2005-09-08 2020 true xt7zs756hz8t section xt7zs756hz8t "Kentucky Kribs" explores the joys and

Football team intent on not having a letdown
pains of off-campus living. PAGE 3

like last year's Homecoming game. PAGE 0




ky Ke rnel


Thursday. September 8, 2005

Celebrating 34 years of independence


Trustees want new contract for Todd

Chairman says board wants president back;
vote expected to come at Sept. 20 meeting

By Troy Lyle

The board of trustees conduct-
ed the first of two closed session
meetings yesterday aimed at dis-
cussing the terms of a contract ex-
tension for President Lee Todd.

The special meeting lasted
nearly two hours, with 11 of the

board’s 20 members present. The
remaining trustees will meet at
2:30 pm. today.

Board chairman James Hardy-
mon said over the course of the
two meetings. he wants to give
each board member a chance to
express concerns and provide
feedback to Todd.

“We want (Todd) to carry on

with his service." Hardymon said.
“And we want a new contract that
lets him know we want him to con-

Hardymon said after he has
everyone's input. he’ll go back to
the president with the trustees’

“The objective is to incorpo-
rate everyone‘s thinking in this
matter," he said, adding that “this
is the board’s contract, not mine."

Because the meeting involved a
personnel matter, it was closed to
the press and the public. Hardy-

mon declined to answer specifics
about any contract proposal the
group discussed.

The process of evaluating Todd
began this past June, with each
trustee writing an evaluation of
his performance.

Those evaluations were com-
piled into a single document and
presented to Todd. He then noted
the board‘s recommendations and
began working to address its con-

Hardymon said the board’s
suggestions were overall “very

positive," citing increased funding
at the state and corporate levels
and higher-quality incoming stu-
dents as two of the many positives

The board also said Todd need-
ed improvement on internal com-
munications with faculty. staff
and students.

Tom Harris, associate vice
president of external affairs. said
UK’s public relations department
is partly to blame for people not

See Board on page 2




“We recognize that Blackboard is a
mission-critical system. It plays a very


Kelli Fuzy, kinesioiogy senior, tries to extinguish a fire with the hel
demonstration meant to educate students on fire safet
National Campus Fire Safety Month.

Catching fire

to illuminate campus safety concerns

8y Bobbi Vowels

The Lexington Fire De-
partment and campus fire
safety officials had a very
simple motto when conduct-
ing a fire safety demonstra-
tion yesterday at Commons

“When you hear the
alarm. move your butt so
you won‘t be an ash.”

That slogan, printed on
the backs of free t-shirts.
was part of a demonstra-
tion yesterday to teach fac-
ulty, staff and students the
importance of fire safety.
how to use a fire extin-
guisher and what to do in

case of a fire.

“The No. 1 safety tech-
nique we want people to
learn is that if a fire starts,
pull the alarm and evacuate
the building," said Greg
Williamson, assistant fire
marshal for the Lexington
Fire Department.

“That is the message we
are trying to get across.”

In April 2005 alone, six
students were killed in four
fires at Miami University in
Ohio, Southern Adventist
University in Tennessee,
Penn State University and at
the University of Maryland.

As a result. fire safety
and prevention has been
promoted on campuses na-


Future Demonstrations
Sept. l4, Patterson Office Tower
Sept. 21, North Campus Dorms
Sept. 28. Medical Center Plaza




tionwide during the month
of September, which Con-
gress designated as National
Campus Fire Safety Month.

The demonstration at
Commons Plaza was the
first in a four part series set
to take place across UK's
campus this month.

Williamson said he
wants everyone to know that
fire safety is their responsi-

“Throughout the nation


museum | STAFF

p from UK assistant fire marshal Greg Williamson. The fire was part of a
y. This is the first of four demonstrations during the month of September, which is

there are fires everyday that
injure and even kill people."
he said.

Fire Marshal Gary
Beach elaborated on the
dangers of candles when
asked about the items that
are not permitted in resi-
dence halls.

“We don’t permit candles
in dorms because they are
dangerous," he said. “About
four years ago, a couple of
girls in Donovan Hall had
candles in their room and
left them burning. The can-
dles melted and their room
caught on fire as a result.

“They were no longer

See Safety on page 2


Washington bids farewell to chief justice

significant role on campus."

Norman Pedigo

director of Uil's Teaching and Academic Support CentertTASCi

slow down

By Sean Rose

Lines of students 10 to 15
deep have recently formed at
the Information Technology
customer service desk in
McVey Hall over problems
with Blackboard, the online
system used to assist courses
in colleges across the coun-

Many of the problems
came from students being
unable to log in to Black-
board, causing them to miss
classwork, in some cases.

“The information a stu-
dent needs to be able to use
(Blackboard)... is available
to them." said Sidney Scott.
a manager in the Informa-
tion Systems customer ser-
vice center.

This is UK’s fifth year us-
ing Blackboard. and the sys-
tem has close to 23,000 users
according to Norman Pedi-
go, director of Teaching and
Academic Support Center
(TASC). one of the organiza-
tions that manage Black-
board at UK.

Earlier in the year. Black-
board shut down when it
was overloaded with users.
Pedigo said all the known
problems with the system it-
self, like this one, are solved.

“We recognize that
Blackboard is a mission-crit-
ical system." Pedigo said. “It
plays a very significant role
on campus."

But the confusion is not
always the students‘ faults,
he said.

“It is not a simple sys-
tem," Pedigo said.

He said that this com-
plexity was due to the needs
of Blackboard to provide se-
curity and to serve 17 differ-
ent colleges and Internet stu-


Scott said the primary
problem students are having
is that they are omitting the
first step, which is creating
an account. A student must
request a new account from
the system using their social
security number and their
PAC number. Then the stu-
dent can use their user ID
and a default password to
change the default password
to a personal one.

After this step. the stu-
dent can access Blackboard,
but must change their pass-
word every 180 days for secu-
rity reasons. Scott recom-
mended that students
change their password every
semester to avoid getting
locked out of the system.

UK will be making two
changes to ease the problems
of Blackboard. The cus-
tomer service desk will be
expanding into a 24/7 system
“within the next 10 days,“
Pedigo said. The students
can reach it through an 800
number, through their cus-
tom Web site or through e-

UK is working on a new
system to manage Black—
board and other UK infra
structure that will activate a
student’s account automati-
cally, removing the most
troubling step of accessing
Blackboard. These changes
will be in effect in January.
but the overall system will
not be complete until 2007.

Students having trouble
with Blackboard are encour-
aged to go to the IT customer
service desk in McVey Hall
or go to the IT website at



Born: Oct. 1, 1924
Died: Sept. 3. 2005

Court service:
33 years
Years as chief
justice: in

By Charles Lane
Tut “summon POST

WASHINGTON -- President
Bush led official Washington yes-
terday in remembrance of Chief
Justice William Rehnquist at a
funeral service that offered an
unusual personal glimpse of a
man whose 33-year Supreme
Court tenure made him one of
the more consequential figures
in US. judicial history.

“Many will never forget the
sight of this man. weakened by
illness, rising to his full height
and saying. ‘Raise your right
hand. Mr. President, and repeat
after me,’ " Bush said, referring
to Rehnquist‘s appearance at
Bush's swearing-in on Jan. 20,
three months after the chief jus-


tice first learned that he had thy-
roid cancer. Rehnquist died at 80
on Saturday

The service took place at the
Cathedral of St. Matthew the
Apostle in Northwest Washing-
ton, and Rehnquist was later laid
to rest at a private burial at Ar-
lington National Cemetery.

His friend of more than five
decades, Justice Sandra Day 0‘-
Connor. spoke admiringly of his
leadership as chief justice. after
he was elevated to that job by
President Reagan in 1986. “He
never twisted arms to get a vote
on a case," she said. Instead. like
the expert horsemen on the
ranch where she grew up. “he
guided us with loose reins and
used the spurs only rarely"

For the most part, however,
the chief justice‘s official per-
sona was not the focus of the
two-hour service, which was at-
tended not only by the president
and first lady Laura Bush. but
also by Vice President Dick Ch-
eney and his wife, Lynne. all
eight associate justices of the
court. the Republican and Demo
cratic leaders of the Senate, fed-
eral judges. dozens of the chief
justice’s former law clerks and
members of his Lutheran con-

Hardly any mention was
made of the content of the many
opinions he wrote on the court,
or of the deep and often contro-
versial impact on the law he had



nine-nu mn

Melissa Gentry, an undecided freshman. looks to Sidney Scott, Customer
Service Center manager for UK information Technology, for help with
getting her e-maii password at McVey Hall Tuesday.








Pu: | Thursday.Sept.8 , zoos



Continued from page 1


knowing about Todd’s campus activi-

“We need to document more of
what he is doing around campus and
communicate this to the faculty. stu.
dents and board." he said.

Todd said he understands the
board’s concerns and added that his
office is working on ways to increase
his visibility and accessibility across
the campus.

“We are already planning several
additional meetings with faculty and
students throughout the semester." he


Continued from paqei


able to live in their room for the rest of
the semester due to the damage. Can-
dles smell good. and look pretty. but
they are extremely dangerous." he said.
“The most important part of fire pre-



Continued from page 1

during a Supreme Court tenure that be-
gan with his nomination as associate
justice by Richard Nixon in 1971.

Rather. amid frequent laughter.
speaker after speaker recalled the chief
justice‘s 'rich personal and family life. a
life that was. as they told it. free of con-
flict but full of jokes. family vacations
and parlor games.

What emerged from the eulogies
was a kind of parallel biography sepa-
rate and distinct from his amply docu-
mented official record and much dif-
ferent from the sometimes stern face he
showed while running oral arguments
at the court. The service made plain
Rehnquist had left as much of an im
pact on his loved ones as he did on the
country. if not more.

Rehnquist. Bush said. “was devoted
to his public duties. but not consumed
by them."

“To say that family came first with
my Dad is to say .there was competition.
There wasn’t." said Nancy Spears. his

said. "We're also looking at initiating
a social breakfast and luncheon where
I can meet with faculty regularly.“

Todd said this summer's inaugural
“Dream Tour." which took UK officials
to 16 cities around the state. helped
him fulfill many of his off-campus
obligations. freeing up more time for
faculty and student functions this se-

Hardymon said he‘s glad to hear
Todd is addressing the board’s con-
cerns and reiterated that the purpose
of the two special meetings wasn't to
conduct further evaluations. but to let
Todd know the board's final thoughts.

Todd‘s current contract is set to ex-
pire on June 30. 2006. He was appoint-
ed president in 2001.

His total compensation package for

vention is the students."

Students who visited the demon—
stration yesterday received “hands-on“
training in the proper use of fire extin-
guishers and were able to watch a sprin-
kler demonstration by John Bradley
with Brown Sprinkler Corp. a fire pre-
vention company that serves Indiana.
Illinois and Kentucky

UK Emergency Management Direc-
tor Christy Giles urged people to visit


Among the new insights was the fact
that Rehnquist. music lover. first sus-
pected his illness when he found that he
couldn‘t sing hymns at church. accord-
ing to the Rev. (leorgc Evans. pastor of
the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
in McLean. Va. where Rehnquist at-
tended services for many years.

Evans also said in his sermon that
as recently as “a week ago Monday."
Rehnquist was still intending to return
to the court for the term that begins
Oct. :1.

O'Connor. who recalled first meeting
the future chief justice when he was
bussing tables at a Stanford dining hall
during their student days. remembered
an unpublicized emergency room visit
in the last week of his life. when a
physician asked him who his primary
care doctor was.

“My dentist." Rehnquist quipped.

Perhaps the most touching account
of Rehnquist's family life came from
Rehnquist‘s granddaughter. Natalie
Ann Rehnquist Lynch. who has the
same first name as Rehnquist‘s late

She read from a letter she had writ-
ten to him earlier this summer. noting
that. before he died. the chief justice
had asked her to read it at his funeral.

Lynch. a high school student. spoke

of Rehnquist's passion for croquet

2005. including the 4 percent salary
pool raise given to faculty and staff
this past spring. a car and a house. is

Hardymon said he hopes to have
the entire process finalized before the
next regularly scheduled board meet-
ing on Sept. 20 so that the board can
take a vote at that time.

If that isn't the case. the issue may
be tabled until the board‘s following
meeting. set for Oct. 25.

Todd‘s current contract is good un-
til this coming summer.

“I would. however. like to go
ahead and get it finished." Hardymon

(I yleta k ykernel. com

the demonstrations to raise fire safety

“We just encourage students. faculty
and staff to come to these demonstra-
tions to ask questions and voice their
concerns about fire safety." she said.
"Being part of this campus means be-
ing safe. and we want to help everyone
achieve that.“

newsm kykernelrom

games with his grandchildren and his
taste for baloney. jelly and mayonnaise
sandwiches. '

He would offer a “shiny quarter" to
any child who could memorize all 50
state capitals. and taught them that they
could sometimes improve their chances
at cards by looking at a reflection of
their opponent's hand in a window.
Lynch said.

Rehnquist's son. James. said that
“no one smelled the roses more than my
Dad." He said that. during Rehnquist's
time in Washington. he made it home
for dinner with his family by 7:15 pm.
For half a century. Rehnquist had never
missed a performance of Handel's Mes-
siah at Christmas time.

He also revealed that Rehnquist.
“vaguely dissatisfied" with law practice
in 1968. bought a house in Colorado.
“built a weird boat." and took his family
for a summer of picking fruit alongside
migrant workers.

James Rehnquist said his father con-
sidered making the new lifestyle perma-
nent. but changed his mind and eventu-
ally went to Washington in 1969 as assis‘
tant attorney general in the Nixon ad-

Spears also spoke of her father's
ability to enjoy the simple pleasures in
life. from “a ripe pear“ to “a distant
View of the mountains.






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Sept. 8. 2005
Pilot 3

Doug Scott
Features Editor
Phone: 257-l9l5

E‘mail: dscottt’lliiyilemelcom



Features W

WHAT'STHEDEAL? I Demystifying campus trends

“Kentucky Kribs”

A glimpse into the off-campus life and style of UK students

What is it about college
that makes “the life" so spe-
cial and unforgettable? Is it
the fact that you are finally
on your own? Is it the peo-
ple we meet along the path
to class? Or, is it that drunk-

en a-hole puk-
ing his guts
out in the
bushes out-
, side Kirwan
Tower at 4 o'-
clock in the
morning? You
bet it‘s that
, last one. I
guarantee we
have all seen
it. or some-
thing similar.
But that is all
part of living in the dorms
and the college experience.
Like all great things though.
life in the dorms can’t last

However, the next
biggest decision you will
have to make, besides vodka
or whiskey. is where to live
for the next “x“ number of
years you are here at school.

In my four years here, I
have pretty much experi-
enced every possible living
condition there is to offer in
college. The dorms. the frat
house, the. apartment and
now, the off-campus house;
all of which have taught me
something different about

In respect to college
housing, I‘ve decided to rec
ognize a couple houses this
week. and share some of the
reasons why we will honor
them as the “ultimate col-
lege houses.“

When my eyes first
caught glimpse of the 3,500
square foot, two-story home
on Ridgeway Road in Chevy
Chase, I couldn‘t help but
consider it a dream. Home
to seniors Bobby Corey.
Ryan McCorry, Aaron Met-
ten, Ken Myers and first
year law student Justin Pet-
terson, this well-designed
piece of property sits deli-
cately in a young neighbor-
hood just minutes from
campus. The floors are
made of solid wood, the
kitchen is decked out in
brand new granite counter-
top and stainless steel appli-
ances. and a finished base-
ment caps off the well de-
signed layout. The master
bedroom offers a wide vari-
ety of surprises, but the jet-
powered. three-foot-deep
Jacuzzi takes the cake.

Although this house is
much suitable for lavish liv-
ing, it does have some down-
sides. For instance. the land-
scaping must be maintained
by the tenants, and the
group must abide by neigh-
borhood rules and regula-
tions. Nevertheless, a night
at this house will leave you
with bizarre storytelling in
the morning, for the beauty
of this house resembles
something you would think
as a myth. Tell me these

Kenny A


.. i , ,
«at, " -' .n..“ .





This modern-st‘yle kitchen is located in the basement and is full
cheese sandmch or food and drinks fora Friday night party.

midnight grille

guys aren't having the time
of their life.

The next house on the
chart is a wonderful one-stoA
ry house located off Univer~
sity Avenue (notice I don‘t
use specific addresses, for
safety from paparazzi).
Home to juniors Brian
Allen, Aaron Ellis and se-
nior Kyle Reed, this elegant
half-acre estate sits draped
by beautiful trees and con-
tains a front porch overlook
ing the scenic avenue.

When entering through
the front door. you are im-
mediately enchanted by the
comfortable feeling and aro-
ma of college. The living.
dining and game rooms are
all connected. with bed-
rooms adjacent. The refrig—
erator in the basement
kitchen is where the house
hold keeps a fully stocked
case of Keystone and a Mad
Mushroom pizza box from
the night before.

A house in this neigh-
borhood is not expected to
maintain its landscaping:
however, it does have the
chance of undergoing “par-
ty-plan" limitations. No
worries though _, a night
spent at this house will al-
low you to truly feel at col-
lege. and not remember
your name in the morning.

Now that you have heard
about a couple different
types of houses around the
campus area, let me share
with you some insight on see
lecting a place to live for the
years to come.

I Location. The closer
to campus, the better. at
least in my book. Makes it
easier to get to class.

I Roommates. We‘ve all
experienced bad room—
mates. The random one who
never talks. the best friend
who disowns you after see—
ing you live a it all hap-

Here are a few questions
to ask yourself about a po—
tential roommate:

I Do they pee on the
seat (or leave the seat up)?

y stacked to fulfill any culinary desire,

mm mm L snrr
e it a






This glamourous Spanish mosaic-themed bathroom in the Ridgeway
house features a three-foot-deep, jet-powered jacuzzi.

I Do they shave their
back hair over your sink?

I Do they use your
washcloth when bathing?

If a prospective room‘
mate scored yes on any of
these. I‘d look elsewhere.

Choosing a roommate is
almost as important as
choosing a spouse.

I Cost. Yes. living can
become expensive. Be sure
you are receiving the most
for your buck. Consider all
factors of the living condi-
tions and determine if you
got the best deal. Some
things to consider: number
of bathrooms per person.
size of bedrooms. location
to campus and neighbors.

I Neighborhood. There
are many types of neighbor-

hoods associated with col-
lege living. There are your
Waller through Conn Ter-
race (off South Limestone)
type streets. all of which
considerably resemble
Bourbon Street. just with-
out the bars. Many streets
are similar to those above.
but for the most part, things
get quieter the further you
get from campus. Also, be
wary of any neighborhood
associations and jerk neigh-
bors who will call the cops
even if you are throwing a
football off your property.

The bottom-line is: wher-
ever you live. live it up.

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for more information.

We are looking for undiscovered singers, songwriters and
musicians to perform in an upcoming show in the Cat’s Den.

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Past shows have included rock, folk, bluegrass, and pop
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to all our lovely, new :

0\ Kappas! /“3

Lauren Abney
Melissa Bell
Charlotte Bender
Lindsey Berghouse
Bobbie Jo Beyerle
Casey Blades
Ashley Bochnovich
Louise Bowden
Laura Braiiier
Lindsey Cassell
Sally Chambers
Emily Cox
Catie Cundiff
Katie Daehler
Katie Dillon
Laura Duggan
Anne Eifler
Kate Fischer
Erin Gardner
Hillary Hargis
Melissa Hauntz
Sarah Hogue
Kaitlyn Horowitz
Kristen Houghtlin
Whitney Jolitz
Caroline Kallman

Chelsy Kokenge
Michelle Kurland
Jennifer Lawrence
Katie Manning
Sara McCullough
Jennifer McLaughlin 0
Elizabeth Mondelli '

Betsy Moore .
Rachel Nestor
Leigh Nuckols

Erin Oakley

Kara Pierce

Sarah Roehr

Courtney Roehrs
Cassie Rogers
Erin Schroering

Ali Smither
Grace Soards
Shannon Spivey
Abbi Stewert

Kristin Stichweh
Christy Vieyra
Amanda Wiggins
Erin Witte

Marcy Woods

Jacklyn Zakin





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 mm | tnursday. Sept.8,2005

Europe called overlooked
terrorist recruiting area

By Walter Pincus
m: memoir POST

ern Europe is a core recruit-
ing ground for Muslim terror-
ists that is being overlooked
given the US. focus on Iraq
and the Middle East. accord-
ing to Francis Rikuyama. aca—
demic dean of Johns Hopkins
University‘s Paul H. Nitze
School of Advanced Interna-
tional Studies.

The failure of European
countries to assimilate their
large and growing Muslim
populations in the era of glob
alization has caused an alien.
ation among the young that
has created a “hard core for
terrorism," Fukuyama said in
Washington at a bipartisan
policy forum on terrorism and
security, sponsored by the
New America Foundation.

“Fixing the Middle East is
only part of the problem. It is
a West European problem,
too." Fukuyama said. He
pointed out that the leaders of
the Sept. 11. 2001, attacks came
out of a cell in Hamburg and
that most of the extremists
participating in the more re-
cent bombings in Spain and
England were born in those

Fukuyama‘s analysis
squares with recent CIA con
clusions about the importance
of Western Europe. where. as
one former senior intelligence
official put it yesterday. “there
are 10 million Muslims that
are not integrated into their

Fukuyama called this one
area of the war against terror-
ism in which US. and Euro-
pean interests merge and joint
cooperation has begun to be
productive. The Europeans
“need to understand Ameri-
can assimilation" because
their approach of “multicul-
turalism has been a failure."
Fukuyama said.

The security and terror-
ism conference drew more
than 100 legislators. acade-
mics and former policymak-
ers. who expressed a broad
range of views and concerns
about extremism and the
strategies for confronting it.

Robert Pape. a University
of Chicago professor and au
thor of “Dying to Win." a
book based on a study of 460
suicide bombers. told his audi-
ence that Osama bin Laden‘s
alQaida network decided two
years ago to target Western
European countries that had
allied themselves with the
Ifnited States in Iraq. I’ape
said Norwegian intelligence
obtained a September 2003
document frotn a Web site re-
portedly affiliated with al-Qair
da. The document discussed
hitting Spain before its elec-
tions and. thereafter. the

British. the Italians and the
Poles, all of whom have had
troops in Iraq.

In his book. Pape de-
scribed the situation. saying:
"Every suicide terrorist cam-
paign has had a clear goal that
is secular and political: to
compel a modern democracy
to withdraw military forces
from the territory that the ter-
rorists view as their home—

Retired Army Col.
Lawrence Wilkerson, who was
the chief of staff of then-Sec-
retary of State Colin Powell,
described to the conference
what he called the “rightful
paranoia“ that senior Bush
administration policy-makers
have regarding the prospect
that terrorists might some-
how obtain nuclear, chemical
or biological weapons.

“Katrina gives us no confi-
dence." Wilkerson said. in US.
preparations for a terrorist
nuclear explosion in a major
city “I am 10 times more wor-
ried about what happens to
civil liberties after that at-

Wilkerson then drew the
picture of Bush or a future
president forced to act "to sat-
isfy demands of the American
people." He said the likely
steps after such a dramatic at-
tack would include “closed
doors and closed borders no
foreign students at all" and
would ”make the Patriot Act
pale." a reference to the post—
Sept. 11 law designed to give
law enforcement agencies
more latitude to investigate
would-be terrorists.

Princeton professor John
Ikenberry criticized the Bush
administration‘s counterter-
rorism policies. saying that its
unilateralism has become a
“provocation and unsettling
element in the world." His so»
lution is “to rediscover bar-
gaining withe Supreme Court

are even more crucial to
the confirmation process now
that he is under consideration
to lead the court.

“The documents we have
requested frotn Judge Roberts‘
time in the most senior execu-
tive branch position he held
are of unparalleled relevance
to our evaluation of his fit-
ness for the position to which
the president as now decided
to nominate him. that of chief
justice of the United States."
the Judiciary Committee's
eight Democrats wrote.

Democrats believe the doc-
utnents will shed light on
whether Roberts was an ideos
logical architect of the first
Bush administration‘s poli-
cies in such controversial ar-
eas as affirtnative action and
abortion. They iy that if he
proVes to be too rigid in his be-
liefs. that would disqualify
him to serve on the Supreme


White House officials have
provided more than 60,000
pages of documents from
Roberts’ years as an associate
White House counsel in the
Reagan administration. But
they have insisted that releasv
ing documents from his time
in the Office of the Solicitor
General would have a “chill-
ing effect" on the department.

“The documents from the
Office of the Solicitor General
are privileged.“ said Brian
Roehrkasse. a Justice Depart-
ment spokesman. “Just as sev~
en former solicitors general
from both Democratic and Re
publican administrations
have stated. the confidentiali-
ty of these documents allows
the solicitor general‘s office to
defend and represent the peo-
ple of the United States and
can‘t be sacrificed as part of
the confirmation process."

The Judiciary Commit-
tee‘s chairman. Sen. Arlen
Specter. R»Pa.. who will pre-
side over the confirmation
hearings for Roberts. en-
dorsed the administration's

Democrats expressed dis-
may that administration offi-
cials have declined to meet
with them to discuss ways of
resolving the impa. . .. such as
redacting the names of staff
attorneys. They argued that
when Reagan nominated
Rehnquist as chief justice. his
administration released about
two dozen documents related
to Rehnquist's service as an
assistant attorney general in
charge of the Justice Depart
ment‘s Office of Legal Coun-

Administration officials
who spoke on condition of
anonymity said that the two