xt7zw37kqm35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37kqm35/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19840310 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1984-03-apr10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1984-03-apr10. 1984 2011 true xt7zw37kqm35 section xt7zw37kqm35 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, April 10, 1984. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 2 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday, April 10, 1984 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus. A. Meeting Opened and Roll Called Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. T. A. Lassetter. The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill (Chairman), Mr. William R. Black, Mr. David T. Bradford, Professor Timothy A. Cantrell, Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler (Honorary Trustee), Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr., Mr. R. Larry Jones, Professor James D. Kemp, Mr. T. A. Lassetter, Mr. W. Bruce Lunsford, Mr. Robert T. McCowan, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Jr., Mr. Bobby Watson, and Professor Constance P. Wilson. Absent from the meeting were Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. Ronald G. Geary, Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr. Brereton C. Jones, and Mr. A. Stevens Miles. The University administration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Mr. James 0. King, Vice President for Administration; Chancellors Peter P. Bosomworth and Charles T. Wethington; Mr. David I. Carter, Associate Vice President for Business Services; Mr. Edward A. Carter, Associate Vice President for Planning and Budget; Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel; Mr. Henry Clay Owen, Controller and Treasurer; and Dr. Paul G. Sears, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs. Members of the various news media were also in attendance. The Secretary reported a quorum present, and the Chairman declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 2:08 p.m. B. Minutes ApDroved The Minutes of the March 6, 1984 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees were approved as written. -2- C. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1) President Singletary reviewed briefly some of the items in his monthly report to the Trustees, calling particular attention to (1) the recipients of the 1984 University of Kentucky Alumni Association Great Teacher Awards: Professors Dibakar Bhattacharyya (College of Engineering), Joseph L. Fink, III (College of Pharmacy), Daniel L. Fulks (College of Business and Economics), and Mike Zalampas (Jefferson Community College, Southwest); (2) the gift from Mr. John R. Gaines to help launch a new humanities center; (3) the 43 National Merit Semi-Finalists who have announced their intentions of entering the University of Kentucky in the Fall of 1984; and (4) the number of patents attributed to the research efforts of Professor Anwar Hussain, College of Pharmacy, which last year returned $75,000 in license fees to the University and this year is expected to return more than $100,000. He also called attention to the Hecht S. Lackey, Sr. Administration Building which was dedicated at Henderson on March 19, and reported that he had received a letter from Mrs. Lackey thanking the members of the Board for naming the building for her husband. President Singletary recommended that the report be received and filed. Without objection, it was so ordered. D. Professor Constance P. Wilson Reelected to the Board President Singletary indicated his pleasure in announcing Professor Constance P. Wilson's reelection to the Board of Trustees for a three-year term ending June 30, 1987. He congratulated Professor Wilson, and Mr. Sturgill welcomed her to another term of office on the Board. E. Mr. David T. Bradford Honored President Singletary also indicated his pleasure in reporting that Mr. David Bradford received the Outstanding Senior Male Award at the Honors and Recognition Program on April 8. F. Kentucky Kernel Receives Honors President Singletary also called attention to the honors recently awarded the Kentucky Kernel by the Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association: Special Projects Editor John Voskuhl received a first-place award in investigative reporting; Editor-in-Chief Andrew Oppmann received second-place honors in continuing news; and Day Editor Robbie Kaiser was awarded second place in personality profile. The Kerne design was presented second-place honors for front-page design and layout, and Artist J. Tim Hays received third place for original story illustration. -3- G. Personnel Actions (PR 2) After noting that the personnel actions in PR 2 were routine in nature, President Singletary recommended its approval. On motion by Mr. Black and second by Mr. Jones, the appointments and staff changes recommended in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.) H. Acceptance of Gift from Mr. John R. Gaines (PR IA-1) President Singletary noted it was with much pleasure that he recommended the Board formally accept the gift of $500,000 from John R. and Joan B. Gaines to endow the Gaines Fellowships in the Humanities. Professor Wilson so moved. Her motion was seconded by Mr. Clay and passed unanimously. (See PR 3A-1 at the end of the Minutes.) I. Acceptance of Gift from the Estate of Gertrude B. Robinson (PR IA-2) President Singletary also indicated his pleasure in recommending that the Board accept the gift of $469,264.89 as partial settlement of the Estate of Gertrude B. Robinson. This gift, per the instruction in Mrs. Robinson's will, is "for the purpose of establishing and endowing the Earl Parker Robinson Chair in Engineering. The area of Engineering to which this chair shall apply shall be designated by the Dean of the College of Engineering in conjunction with the President of the University." On motion made by Professor Wilson, seconded by Mr. Clay, and passed unanimously, the Board accepted the gift from the Estate of Gertrude B. Robinson as recommended in PR 3A-2. (See PR 3A-2 at the end of the Minutes.) J. 1983-84 Budget Revisions (PR IB) Mr. Watson moved that the 1983-84 budget revisions recommended in PR 3B be authorized and approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed without dissent. (See PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.) K. Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR IC) With President Singletary so recommending, Professor Wilson moved approval of the proposed amendments to the Governing Regulations in PR 3C. Her motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed without dissent. (See PR 3C at the end of the Minutes,) -4- L. University Research Professorshins (PR ID) President Singletary said it was with much pleasure that he was recommending approval of four University Re3earch Professorships for 1984-85 to be awarded to Professor Lance Banning, Department of History; Professor Richard R. Clayton, Department of Sociology; Professor Robert E. Rhoads, Department of Biochemistry; and Professor Thomas L. Roszman, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, in recognition of their outstanding research achievements. He reminded the Board that the first Research Professorships were awarded in 1977. Following introduction of the four recipients by President Singletary, Professor Kemp moved approval. His motion was seconded by Professor Cantrell and passed unanimously. (See PR 3D at the end of the Minutes.) M. Honorary Degree ReciDients (PR 1E) President Singletary recommended that approval be granted to awarding the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters to Dr. Carl B. Cone and Mr. William S. Monroe; the Doctor of Science to Dr. F. Story Musgrave; and the Doctor of Laws to Mr. Warren W. Rosenthal. The Committee on Honorary Degrees has recommended to the Graduate Faculty and the University Senate that these honorary degrees be awarded, and these two bodies have expressed their approval of the recommendation. On motion made by Mr. Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Lunsford, and passed unanimously, approval was granted for the awarding of the honorary degrees as recommended in PR 3E. (See PR 3E at the end of the Minutes.) N. Naming of University Building (PR 5A) On motion made by Mr. Clay, seconded by Professor Kemp, and passed, approval was given to the name of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY RESEARCH LABORATORY for the new Agricultural Engineering research facility. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.) O. Name Change of Educational Unit (PR 5B) With President Singletary so recommending, Mr. Black moved a change in name of the James W. Martin Graduate Center for Public Administration to the James W. Martin School of Public Administration. Mr. Black's motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously. Mr. Sturgill recognized Dr. James W. Martin and thanked him for attending the meeting. Governor Chandler praised Dr. Martin for his help in running State Government during Governor Chandler's terms of office as Governor of Kentucky, and expressed his profound gratitude for his monumental contributions to the Commonwealth. Dr. Martin responded by expressing his thanks to Governor Chandler and by extending best wishes to Governor Chandler and his family. Dr. Martin was given a round of applause. (See PR 5B at the end of the Minutes.) -5- P. Naming of University Building (PR 6A) Actng on President Singletary's recommendation, Mr. Bradford moved that the new building for the College of Pharmacy be named the COLLEGE OF PHARMACY BUILDING. His motion was seconded by Mr. McCowan and passed without dissent. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.) Q. Amendment of Bylaws, Medical Staff, University HosDital (PR 6B) President Singletary recommended that the amendment of the Bylaws of the Medical Staff, University Hospital, in PR 6B be approved. Professor Kemp so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Lassetter and passed unanimously. (See PR 6B at the end of the Minutes.) R. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1) Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the Committee had met on the morning of April 10 and considered three routine items to be presented for action, the first of which was the interim financial report for the eight months ended February 29, 1984. The Committee found the University to be "on target," and Mr. Clay moved acceptance of the report. His motion, seconded by Mr. McCowan, carried and the financial report was accepted, (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.) S. Disnosal of Personal Property (FCR 2) With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Clay moved that the Board approve the disposal of personal property as recommended in FCR 2. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed without dissent. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.) T. Delegation Authorizing the Treasurer to AD-rove Documents Relating to Donor Life Insurance Policies (FCR 3) The Finance Committee so recommending, Mr. Clay moved that the Treasurer be authorized to sign and execute appropriate documents related to donor life insurance policies, and that the Treasurer also be authorized to surrender life insurance policies for cash value and direct reinvestment in a new replacement policy upon request of the donor as recommended in FCR 3. Mr. Clay's motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed without dissent. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.) -6- U. Amendment of Code of Student Conduct (SCCR 1) Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Student Code Committee, reported that the Committee had met on the morning of April 10 and considered the proposed revisions in the Code of Student Conduct. He added that Mr. Bradford, who is a member of the Committee, is also a member of the Advisory Committee on Student Code Revision, a committee composed of faculty, administrators, and students. Mr. Bradford indicated there was no opposition to the suggested revisions and stated that he heartily supports the proposed amendment. The Student Code Committee so recommending, Mr. Griffin moved adoption of the proposed revisions to the Code of Student Conduct. Mr. Griffin's motion was seconded by Mr. Bradford and passed unanimously. (See SCCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.) V. Meeting Adjourned There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, George W. Griffin, Jr. Secretary Board of Trustees (PR's 2, 3A-1, 3A-2, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 5A, 5B, 6A, and 6B; FCR's 1, 2, and 3; and SCCR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.) Office of the President April 10, 1984 PR?2 Members, Board of Trustees: PERSONNEL ACTIONS Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached appointments and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted. Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These recom- mendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate chancellor through the President and have his concurrence. Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other administrators who are required to report their actions to the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board approval. Action taken: Approved Date: April 10 x Disapproved Other_ 1984 -1- CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION I. BOARD ACTION A. Early Retirement Controller and Treasurer Amburgey, Mary E., Account Clerk III, Preaudit, after 20.5 consecutive years of service, effective April 1, 1984. -2- COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM I. BOARD ACTION A. RETIREMENT Hopkinsville Community College Fulford, Helen G., Office Assistant IV in the Community College System, after 16 consecutive years of service, effective June 30, 1984. II. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION A. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Jefferson Community College Anderson, Gladys, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. Bell, Darlene, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. Davis, Dianne C., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. Hall, Mary, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. Higdon, Mary Ann, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. Huber, Jan, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. Lawrence, Elizabeth L., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. McCreary, Heidi, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. Price, Renita D., M. D., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. B. ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS Southeast Community College Scopa, Patricia M., Associate Professor in the Community College System (with tenure), appointed Division Chairman, 7/1/84 through 6/30/87. Simpson, Faye, Associate Professor in the Community College System (with tenure),appointed Division Chairman, 7/1/84 through 6/30/87. -3- C. REAPPOINTMENTS Jefferson Community College Brown, Dolores J., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), l/1/84 through 6/30/84. Brownfield, Wilma, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. Cooper, David, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), l/l/84 through 6/30/84. Gibson, Samuel R., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. Henley, Connie, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), l/l/84 through 6/30/84. Montoya, Ophelia, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. Payne, Mary Ann, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), l/l/84 through 6/30/84. Pressley, Brenda, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), l/1/84 through 6/30/84. Quinn, Wanda Sue, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/l/84 through 6/30/84. Scrivner, Mabel I., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), l/1/84 through 6/30/84. Stewart, David, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), l/l/84 through 6/30/84. Wabner, Nancy, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), l/l/84 through 6/30/84. Wertheim, Phyliss, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary), 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. D. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Ashland Community College Reed, Sharon, Assistant Professor in the Community College System, Sabbatical leave with half salary, 7/1/84 through 12/31/84. Maysville Community College Shires, James C., Associate Professor (with tenure) and Director in the Community College System, leave without pay, 7/23/84 through 6/12/85. -4- LEXINGTON CAMPUS I. BOARD ACTION A. PROMOTIONS College of Agriculture Christensen, C. M., from Associate Extension Professor (with tenure)*, Entomology, to Extension Professor (with tenure)* Entomology, effective 7/1/84. Fountain, William M., from Assistant Extension Professor (without tenure)*, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, to Associate Extension Professor (with tenure)*, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, effective 7/l/84. Maruyama, Fudeko, from Associate Extension Professor (with tenure)*, Home Economics Extension, to Extension Professor (with tenure)*, Home Economics Extension, retroactive to 7/1/81. College of Arts and Sciences Demski, Leo S., from Associate Professor (with tenure), Biological Sciences, to Professor (with tenure), Biological Sciences, effective 7/1/84. Janecek, Gerald J., from Associate Professor (with tenure), Slavic and Oriental, to Professor (with tenure), Slavic and Oriental, effective 7/1/84. College of Education Angelo, Richard, from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Social and Philosophical Studies, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Social and Philosophical Studies, effective 7/l/84. Riggs, Richard, from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Health, Physical Education and Recreation, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Health, Physical Education and Recreation, effective 7/l/84. B. CORRECTION IN MINUTES College of Social Work Dhooper, Surjit S., Assistant Professor*, 1/1/84 through 6/30/85. Asterisk was inadvertently omitted in January 25, 1984 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. It should have been included to indicate that Dr. Dhooper's appointment is in the Special Title Series. -5- C. RETIREMENTS College of Arts and Sciences Brown, William R., Professor (with tenure), Geology, after 39 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/84. Hargreaves, Mary W. M., Professor (with tenure), History, after 29 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/84. Vice Chancellor for Administration Burberry, Roy D., Disabled, Employee Benefits and Risk Management, after 27.5 consecutive years of service, effective 5/l/84. Carper, Floyd R., Assistant Superintendent, Grounds, Physical Plant Division, after 27 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/84. Watkins, Louis A., Supervisor I, Services, Physical Plant Division, after 17.5 consecutive years of service, effective 6130/84. White, Cardis J., Supervisor, Upholstery Shop, Physical Plant Division, after 17 consecutive years of service, effective 6/1/84. D. EARLY RETIREMENTS Vice Chancellor for Administration Barker, Blanche G., Staff Assistant V, University Club, Services, after 17 consecutive years of service, effective 6/l/84. Littral, Beatrice, Disabled, Employee Benefits and Risk Management, after 22.5 consecutive years of -service, effective 1/l/84. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Foushee, Marius C., Student Affairs Officer I, Student Financial Aid, after 20.5 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/84. II. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS College of Arts and Sciences Collins, Clyde A., Instructor (part-time), Chemistry, 1/1/84 through 5/31/84. Cogswell, Thomas E., Assistant Professor, History, 8/16/84 though 6/30/85. *Special Title Series -6- College of Social Work Barone, Anthony J., Lecturer (part-time), 8/29/84 through 12/20/84. Isenhour, Lenora H., Lecturer (part-time), 8/29/84 through 12/20/84. B. ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS College of Education Bickel, Frank C., Jr., Associate Professor (with tenure), Curriculum and Instruction, appointed Chairman, Curriculum and Instruction, 7/1/84 through 6/30/88. Vice Chancellor for Administration Barbella, Richard A., Sector Budget Director, Office of Assistant Vice Chancellor for Resource Management, effective 3/1/84. C. REAPPOINTMENTS College of Arts and Sciences Ades, Harriet, Instructor (part-time), Chemistry, 1/1/84 through 5/31/84. Cetrulo, Christine L., Instructor (part-time), English, L/1/84 through 5/31/84. Chase, Dorothy, Instructor (part-time), English, l1//84 through 5/31/84. Hogan, Patrick Colm, Assistant Professor, English, 7/1/84 through 6/30/86. Ralph, Margaret, Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/84 through 5/31/84. Shafer, Paul, Instructor (part-time), Computer Science, 1/1/84 through 5/31/84. Smith, Patricia Y., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/84 through 5/31/84. Weick, George P., Instructor (part-time), English, 1/1/84 through 5/31/84. Libraries Aken, Robert A., Librarian IV, Reference, 3/1/84 through 6/30/85. Campbell, Anne G., Librarian III, Special Collections, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Coutts, Brian E., Librarian IV, Reference, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Crowther, Karmen N. T., Librarian III, Reference, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. *Special Title Series -7- Hale, Barbara Sue, Librarian IV, Documents, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Harken, Henry, Librarian III, Reference, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Markiw, Michael, Librarian III, Cataloging, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. McAninch, Sandra, Librarian III, Government Publications, 711/84 through 6/30/85. McComb, JoEllen S., Librarian IV, Law Library, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Mesner, Lillian R., Librarian III, Agricultural Library, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Schaplowsky, Alan, Librarian III, Acquisitions, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Sexton, Ebba Jo, Librarian III, Law Library, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Shaw, Margaret M., Librarian IV, Art Library, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Wiza, Judith M., Librarian III, Business and Economics Library, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. College of Social Work Byars, Lauretta F., Assistant Professor*, 7/1/34 through 6/30/85. Ford, Harriet L., Librarian IV (part-time), 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Krause, Robert L., Assistant Adjunct Professor, 7/1/84 through 6/30/86. Shipman, Patricia, Lecturer (part-time), 8/29/34 through 12/20/84. Worful, Barbara Lee, Assistant Adjunct Professor, 7/1/84 through 6/30/86. D. CHANGES College of Arts and Sciences Goshtasby, Ardeshir, Assistant Professor, Computer Science. To change ending date of appointment from 6/30/85 to 8/15/84. E. TERMINAL REAPPOINTMENTS College of Arts and Sciences Hershberger, Robert L., Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy, 1/1/84 through 5/31/84. College of Fine Arts Schraeder, Thomas H., Assistant Professor*, Theatre, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. *Special Title Series -8- F. LEAVES OF ABSENCE College of Arts and Sciences Blythe, Joan H., Associate Professor (with tenure), English, Sabbatical leave with full salary, 7/1/84 through 12/31/84. Clark, Frank 0., Associate Professor (with tenure), Physics and Astronomy, Sabbatical leave with half salary, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Eklund, Peter C., Associate Professor (with tenure), Physics and Astronomy, Sabbatical leave with half salary, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. Gariepy, Ronald, Professor (with tenure), Mathematics, Leave without pay, 1/1/85 through 6/30/85. College of Education Nelson, C. Michael, Professor (with tenure), Special Education, Sabbatical leave with half salary, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. *Special Title Series -9- MEDICAL CENTER I. BOARD ACTION A. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS College of Medicine Davidson, Jeffrey M., Assistant Professor, Medical Microbiology & Immunology, 4/1/84 through 6/30/85. Spires, Susan E., Assistant Professor*, Pathology, 3/1/84 through 6/30/84. Wilson, Dianne, Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time), Pathology, 4/1/84 through 6/30/85. B. ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS College of Medicine Martin, William R., Professor (with tenure), and Chairman, Pharmacology, joint as Professor, Psychiatry, reappointed Chairman, Pharmacology, effective 7/1/83 through 6/30/89. C. JOINT APPOINTMENTS College of Medicine Kotchen, Theodore A., Professor (with tenure), Medicine, joint appointment as Professor (without tenure), Physiology & Biophysics, 2/1/84 through 6/30/85. D. TENURE College of Medicine McClain, Craig J., Associate Professor (with tenure), Medicine, effective 7/1/84. College of Nursing Stanhope, Marcia, Associate Professor* (with tenure), effective 7/1/84. E. PROMOTIONS College of Medicine DeWalt, Kathleen, from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Behavioral Science, joint as Assistant Professor, Anthropology, College of Arts & Sciences, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Behavioral Science, effective 7/1/84, joint remains Assistant Professor, Anthropology, College of Arts & Sciences, 7/1/84 through 6/30/85. *Special Title Series -10- Flanigan, Robert C., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Surgery, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Surgery, effective 7/1/84. Hall, Bryan D., from Associate Professor (without tenure), Pediatrics, to Professor (with tenure), Pediatrics, effective 7/1/84. Turco, Salvatore J., from Assistant Professor (without tenure), Biochemistry, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Biochemistry, effective 7/1/84. F. CHANGES College of Medicine Elliott, Edward C., from Instructor (temporary), Pathology, to Assistant Professor*, Pathology, 3/1/84 through 6/30/84. G. RETIREMENTS College of Medicine Manon, Dorothy L., Staff Assistant V, Department of Behavioral Science, after 18 consecutive years of service, effective 6/30/84. II. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION A. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS College of Allied Health Professions Fromherz, William A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Physical Therapy, 3/15/84 through 6/30/85. College of Dentistry Boster, Joseph M., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Community Dentistry, 5/1/84 through 6/30/85. Bunce, George W., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Community Dentistry, 5/1/84 through 6/30/85. Harris, Michael E., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Community Dentistry, 5/1/84 through 6/30/85. Morgan, Ballard F., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Community Dentistry, 5/1/84 through 6/30/85. Simmons, David G., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Community Dentistry, 5/1/84 through 6/30/85. White, Michael G., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), * Community Dentistry, 5/1/84 through 6/30/85. *Special Title Series -11- College of Medicine Gibson, Ray Allen, Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice, 3/1/84 through 6/30/85. B. ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS College of Medicine Cowen, David L., Professor (with tenure), Rehabilitation Medicine, and Interim Dean, joint as Professor, Medicine, reappointed Interim Dean, 2/29/84 through 6/30/84. Woods, William L., Business Manager IV, Department of Surgery, effective 1/30/84. C.