xt7zw37kqm4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37kqm4r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19661021 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-10-oct21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-10-oct21-ec. 1966 2011 true xt7zw37kqm4r section xt7zw37kqm4r 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee. of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky, Friday, October 21, 1966

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met in regular session in the Board Room of the Administration Building
on the campus of the University at 10:00 a. m. , EST, on Friday, October 21, 1966,
with the following members present: Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Chairman, Dr. Hershell
B. Murray, Secretary, Dr. Harry Denham, and Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer. Mr.
Smith Broadbent was absent. The administration was represented by President John
Oswald and Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, William R. Willard, Robert F. Kerley,
and Dr. Glenwood L. Creech. Representatives of the various news media were also

     A. Meeting Opened

     Dr. Angelucci called the meeting to order and asked that those present join
him in a silent prayer for peace. Following the roll call, Dr. Murray indicated a
quorum was present, and the meeting was declared officially open for the conduct
of business at 10:10 a.m.

      B. Minutes Approved

      On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Denham, and without ob-
jection the reading of the Minutes of the August 19, 1966 meeting was dispensed
with and the Minutes were approved as published.

      C. Report on Activities

      President Oswald called attention to his report to the Trustees, copies of
which were available to all those present, and commented briefly on each item in
the report.

      Dr. Angelucci asked for clarification of item 11 which was concerned with the
expanding program in the Department of Animal Sciences necessitated by the in-
creased demand for riding instructors and other specialists in light-horse husbandry.
Dr. Oswald replied that the need for instructors stems from the growing popularity
of horseback riding in state parks and other recreational areas and the demand from
a large number of colleges and military schools for instructors in this area. He
emphasized that the University's program was an instructional and researchprogram
and not a rec reational program.

Dr. Oswald concluded his report by mentioning an item which was not given in



the written report--that the University of Kentucky had retcntly been presented a
merit award for the new Engineering Building. Thrf e national groups--the
American Institute of Architects, the Educational Facilit`es Laboratory financed
by the Ford Foundation, and the Department of Health, Education. and Welfare--
have established an annual award system for buildings financed wholly or in part
under the Higher Education Facilities Act of 1965. The Univ-ersity of Kenttucky's
Engineering Building was one of 20 selected for merit awards and it is the only
building in the state of Kentuckv which has received national recognition through
such an award. Mr. Kerley indicated that it was his plan to submit the classroom-
office building for consideration for an award next y-ear.

     Dr. Angelucci, having determined that there were no addlitional Items to be
reported, accepted the President's Report to the Trustees and ordered it filed with
the usual understanding that copies would be distributed to members of the faculty
and key alumni.

     D. Recommendations of the President 'PR 2'

     Dr. Oswald indicated that he wished to call special attention to items VI (A)
and VI (B) in PR 2, Recommendations of the President. The first was rtlative to
the appointment of Dr. William McBeath as Spec-al Assistant to the Vice President
for the Medical. Cente~r for Regional Prograrmis, and the second concer"led the es-
tablishment of the position of Assistant Dean of the College of Engineebring and the
appointment of Professo-r Warren Walton to the pos.titon. He asked Dr. Willard
to comment on Dr. McBeath's appointment and Dr. Willard explained that the
Regional Medical Program is a new program and will be faxnd-d by NIH. Con-
current with his appointment at the University of Kentucky w.ill be appointments at
the University of Louisville School of Medicine and the Urc- or rsity of Cincinnati
School of Medicine. Dr. Angeluicci asked the length of the appointment and Dr.
Willard replied that -it was an annual appoiritmfnt.. Dr. Oswald then indicated that
the establishment of the position of Assistant Dean oI the Col .e.ge of F. n,"-,e_ rJg
was made at the request of Dean Rrbert Drake and it. was his recommmendation that
Dr. Walton be named to the position. Dr. Walton has performed the f-znction.s as-
signed to the position and is well qualified for the des ination as Assistant Dean.

      Mr. Kerley, at the request of Dr. Oswald, indicated that he had no special
comment to make relative to the financial report unless there were q uestions. He
did call attention to the quarterly report on changes in thte investment portfolios and
said that it had been possible to place new investments at a higher interest rate and
that efforts were being made to keep the investm.nt~s on short term bases ao take
advantage of higher rates. In answer to a qu.ery from Dr. Angelacci. relative to
total earnings, he estimated that it was close to $225, C0O from short term invest-

      Having determined that there were no qu-stions f-ro.m membs-rs of the Fxecu-
tive Committee, Dr. Angelucci called for a motirm for approval. The mof:tn was



made by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and passed that PR 2, Recom-
mendations of the President, be approved as a whole and made an official part of the
Minutes of the October 21, 1966 meeting of the Executive Committee. (See PR 2 at
the end of the Minutes. )

     E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

     Dr. Oswald indicated that the only item contained in PR 3 was concerned with
appointments and other staff changes which had been received too late for inclusion
in PR 2.

     After allowing a few moments for the members of the Executive Committee to
study the report and to ask any questions, Dr. Angelucci ordered the report approved
and filed as an official part of the Minutes of the October 21, 1966 meeting. (See
PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

     F. Organization of Community College System Approved (PR 4)

     Dr. Oswald reminded the members of the Executive Committee that in January
of 1964 the Board of Trustees formally established the Community College System
and implemented this action with the appointment of Dr. Ellis F. Hartford as the
first Dean of the Community College System on July 1, 1964. The Community
College System. has now grown in size and complexity with a present enrollment of
nearly 5, 600 students, with nine active colleges, three in the planning stages, and
negotiations underway with the Paducah Junior College Board of Trustees concern-
ing a possible affiliation of that college with the Community College System. Because
of the increasing complexity of the system, it is deemed advisable to establish two
new principal officers- -an Associate Dean of the Community College System and a
Business Manager of the Community College System. He indicated that the general
responsibilities of the two positions were outlined in PR 4 and said that at this time
he wished to recommend that Dr. Stanley Wall presently Associate Dean of the
College of Agriculture and Home Economics be named Associate Dean of the Com-
munity. College System. The person to be named as Business Manager will be
recommended later.

      President Oswald continued that the change in position for Dr. Wall had the
wholehearted endorsement of both Dean Seay and Dean Hartford. In the event the
Executive Committee approved Dean Wall's appointment as Associate Dean of the
Community College System, it was Dean Seay's recommendation that Dr. W. G.
Survant be named as Acting Associate Dean of Instruction, College of Agriculture
and Home Economics until a permanent appointment might be made. Dean Wall, who
is also Director of the Summer Session, would continue to serve in this capacity for
the present.

On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Murray, and without objection,



the recommendation presented as part of PR 4 was approved and PR 4 was ordered
made an official part of the Minutes of the October 21, 1966 meeting. (See PR 4 at
the end of the Minutes. )

     G. Philip D. and Elsie 0. Sang Award Established (PR 5)

     In order to emphasize the significance of the gift, President Oswald indicated
that he had not included as a part of PR 2 a contribution from Mr. Philip D. Sang of
$3, 000 to be used to establish the Philip D. and Elsie 0. Sang Award for Outstanding
Contributions to Graduate Education. Mr. Sang has agreed to contribute this amount
anrnually for a five year period to underwrite the award, which would recognize each
year the teacher in our Graduate School who contributes most to the graduate program
of the University and demonstrates his concern for his graduate students and their
progress. A committee, appointed by the Graduate Dean, will establish the pro-
cedures and criteria to be used in the selection of the award recipient.

     Mr. Sang, although not connected with the University in any way, is a long-
time benefactor of higher education, not only at the University of Kentucky but at
several other universities. His contribution, to the University of Kentucky library
collection has been substantial. His great concern for improved teaching and its en-
couragement at the graduate level has led to his sponsorship of the proposed award.

     Dr. Denham made the motion that the Board of Trustees establish the Philip D.
and Elsie 0. Sang Award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate Education and
that an expression of appreciation be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Sang for the financial sup-
port making this award possible. His motion was seconded by Dr. Murray and,
without objection, it was so ordered by Dr. Angelucci. (See PR 5 at the end of the
Minutes. )

      H. Resolution, Community College Construction Financing Adopted (PR 6)

      Mr. Kerley reviewed briefly with the Executive Committee the present financial
structure of the fee system as it relates to bonding capacity and indicated that the
background statement of PR 6 explained the matter in some detail. The resolution
presented for the members' consideration has the effect of establishing the full value
of the registration fee in the Community College System as the amount pledged for
purposes of retiring Community Colleges Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds. If
adopted the resolution will be directed to the Council on Public Higher Education and
will simplify the financing program at the community colleges.

      On motion duly made, seconded, and carried the Resolution, Community
College Construction Financing was adopted and PR 6 was ordered mnade an official
part of the Minutes of the October 21, 1966 meeting. (See PR 6 at the end of the
Minutes. )



     I. Approval "ln Principle" Given to Elizabethtown Community College
Preliminary Development Plan (PR 7)

     Since members of the Executive Committee had had an opportunity to examine
the preliminary development plan for the Elizabethtown Community College prior
to the meeting, Dr. Angelucci asked if there were any questions which the members
would like to have answered.

     Mr. Hillenmeyer asked if land acquisition was getting some priority and Dr.
Oswald responded that enough land was purchased originally by the North Central
Educational Foundation at Elizabethtown to take care of expansion; in plans for the
other colleges land needs are being given primary consideration. In answer to a
question relative to future plans, Dr. Oswald replied that architectural firms have
been appointed to develop a plan for each college and would be engaged to design the
individual buildings. In the case of the new colleges, the development plans would be
prepared initially. He mentioned that the Luckett and Farley firm would be the
architects for the Maysville Community College and the firm of Lewis and Henry
would be charged with preparing the plan for the Jefferson Community College.

     Taking note of the fact that the Elizabethtown Preliminary Development Plan
had been endorsed by the Elizabethtown Advisory Board, Dr. Denham moved that
the Elizabethtown Community College Preliminary Development Plan be approved
Vein principle with the understanding that the plan will be periodically revised as
the program requirements of the College become more fully expressed. His motion
was seconded and passed unanimously. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

     J. Appropriation of Fund Balances Approved (PR 8)

     At the President's request, Dr. Albright presented PR 8, Appropriation of
Fund Balances. He reminded the Executive Committee members that in earlier
years the balances cr lapsed funds were anticipated ahead of time and were in.-
corporated in the internal budget. Two years ago this practice was discontinued
and anticipated fund balances were not used in building the budget except in part for
two non-recurring equipment items. Due to income realized above the estimate
made last spring from increased enrollment and from under-expended funds a sum
of $1, 492, 000 is available for appropriation to non-recurring expenditure items. A
part of the sum applies to Restricted Funds balances for expenditures which are not
properly chargeable to the General Funds of the University. He briefly explained
the purpose for which each appropriation would be used and indicated that the back-
ground statement of PR 8 contained this same information.

     On motion duly made, seconded, and carried the recommendation in PR 8 was
approved and it was ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the October 21,
1966 meeting of the Executive Committee. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )



     K. Appointment of Dr. Joseph Hamburg as Dean of the School of Allied
Health Personnel Approved

     As part of a reorganizational pattern for the Medical Center, the Board of
Trustees at the Recessed Meeting on November 19, 1965 approved the establish-
ment of a School of Allied Health Personnel, effective January 1, 1966, and
authorized the President to appoint a committee to seek leadership for the new
School. The committee recommends and Dr. Willard concurs, that Dr. Joseph
Hamburg, Assistant Professor of Medicine be named to serve as the first Dean of
this School, effective November 1, 1966. President Oswald expressed his con-
currence in the recommendation and his pleasure in presenting it to the Executive
Committee and asked Dr. Willard for his comments.

     Dr. Willard said that various programs have developed without coordinated
planning; rather they have developed in response to recognized needs and to inter-
ests within the faculty. Currently there are ten different programs either
operating or in the process of development. These include Clinical Nutrition,
Laboratory Technology, Physical Therapy, Dental Laboratory Technology, Inha-
lation Therapy within the Technical Institute, X-Ray Technology, Medical Social
Work, Hospital Chaplaincy Program, a ilospital Administration Internship, and
Operating Room Technology. It is important that the relationships of these
programs to the new School of Allied Health Personnel, the Technical Institute, the
College of Arts and Sciences, and the Graduate School should be re-examined and
regularized where this has not been done. In addition, the appropriate roles and
relationships of the School of Allied Health Personnel need to be defined vis-a-vis
vocational education programs of the public schools and the Community College
System. In addition, a systematic study is needed prior to the authorization of new
programs for which there seems to be a need and apparent interest. It appears that
the School will have to offer a degree for some students and the requirements and
policies, as well as curri.cula, will need definitfon and development to a better de-
gree than is now available in some instances.

      Dr. Willard said that Dr. Hamburg has a deep interest in and appreciation of
the importance of the allied health fields and their future significance in medicine
and is concerned with the development of proper training programs for them. He
said that he felt he was an excellent choice to assume the leadership of the new
School and that he wholeheartedly endorsed the recommendation that he be appointed
the first Dean of the School of Allied Health Personnel.

      In answer to a question by Dr. Denham, Dr. Willard indicated that the two-
year nursing program was separate from this and already has a coordinator within
the Community College Systeem. Dr. Murray asked if persons completing the two-
year program were qualified as registered nurses. Dr. Willard replied that the
program prepared those who completed it to take the examination for registered
nurses and if they passed the examination they became registered nurses.

Dr. Angellucci. questioned how many students were presently in the ten programs



mentioned by Dr. Willard and was told that at the present there are sixty-two. In
addition, as many as 100 students in various four years of the undergraduate school
have expressed interest in medical technology, although there are only 13 presently
taking the work. Dr. Willard estimated there would be several hundred students in
the various programs within two or three years.

     On motion duly made, seconded, and carried Dr. Joseph Hamburg was named
as Dean of the new School of Allied Health Personnel, effective November 1, 1966.

     L. Statement by Dr. Oswald Relative to Investigations of Alleged Use of Drugs

     Dr. Oswald asked permission to amplify an earlier statement which had ap-
peared in the local press. His statement follows:

           There is one matter I would like to mention to the members of the
    Board. You have undoubtedly read of the statement made by the University
    concerning the investigations currently underway in the Lexington area con-
    cerning alleged use of drugs of various kinds. I just want to emphasize that
    in dealing with any possible charges that may involve University personnel--
    faculty, staff, or students, established University policies will be followed.
    This was implied in the statement but was not actually set forth. For ex-
    ample, in connection with the faculty, there is a Statute--KRS 164. 230--that
    relates to procedures and, in turn, there is the Board's own policy of
    September 15, 1964 which implements this in connection with privilege and
    tenure. In connection with staff, there are Board established procedures
    adopted in March 1962; and for students there are regularly established pro-
    cedures which have been followed in connection with disciplinary cases
    involving the Student Judicial Board, the Dean of Women, and the Dean of
    Men--all of which are under the office of the Vice President of Student Af-

       I merely wish to emphasize that this was meant but was not spelled out
    in the statement,

    M Recommendation of Real Estate Committee Approved

    Mr. Hillenmeyer, as Chairman of the Real Estate Committee, said he wished
to recommend that the Vice President-Business Affairs and Treasurer, with the
approval of the President, be authorized and directed to acquire, at fair market
value, for the purpose of expanding the plant and extending the usefulness of the Uni-
versity, the properties generally known as 900, 904, and 912 South Limestone
Street, Lexington, Kentucky, with all the improvements located thereon, including
the Town House Motel, and the Center Motel, and the small brick and frame building
located on the Center property used for a dwelling and a laundromat,



        As a background for his recommendation he indicated that the properties to be
.acquired are needed for the expansion of the Medical Center-Agricultural Sciences
complex in accordance with the general development plan of the campus. At the
present time the Medical Center urgently needs to occupy the properties in their
present state to provide additional faculty and administrative offices to accommodate
the expanding medical program. The structures now on the property can thus be
used until the land is needed for new construction.

        Dr. Denham questioned whether condemnation proceedings would be involved
 and Mr. Hillenmeyer replied that it was a possibility but that it might not be neces-

        Dr. Willard amplified Mr. Hillenmeyer's statement saying that the Medical
 Center had been struggling with the space problem for quite some time. At present
 they do not have available space for faculty offices and laboratories and for adminis-
 trative offices. In addition, space has been used in the hospital area for purposes not
 originally intended and this space must be vacated when the hospital becomes fully
 activated. It is important that laboratories be in the Medical Center complex; there-
 fore, the space provided by the motels could be used for some of the administrative
 offices, including those of the Vice President-Medical Center, offices for the School
 of Allied Health Personnel, and the administrative offices of the College of Nursing.
 Hospital space has been used to provide sleeping quarters for on-call house staff and
 for the infirmary. Both of these could be moved to the motel area.

        Mr. Kerley said that acquisition of the properties has been discussed with the
 owners and the properties have been appraised at a maximum value of $755, 000.
 The two motels would provide 100 rooms--68 in the Center Motel and 32 in the Town
 House Motel.

        In answer to a question relative to the College of Nursing, Dr. Willard replied
 that only the administrative offices would be moved--those which were concerned
 with the academic functions only; the nursing services offices would remain in the

        On motion duly made, seconded, and passed the recommendation of the Real
 Estate Committee as presented in paragraph one was approved.

        N. November Meeting of Executive Committee Scheduled for Prestonsburg

        Dr. Angelucci indicated the interest of the members of the Executive Com-
 mittee in holding the November meeting at one of the community colleges. Dr. Oswald
 suggested the Prestonsburg Community College and it was agreed that the November
 meeting of the Executive Committee would be held on Thursday, November 17, 1966,
 and Dr. Oswald was instructed to work out the arrangements for the meeting with
 Dr. Ellis Hartford and Dr. Henry Campbell, Director of the College. It was suggested
 that a convocation be planned for the morning with a luncheon for the members of the



Executive Committee and the Advisory Board of the College at noon, followed by the
meeting of the Executive Committee at 1:30 o'clock.

     Dr. Oswald was also requested to make arrangements for the February
meeting of the Executive Committee at the Elizabethtown Community College follow-
ing the same pattern as the Prestonsburg meeting.

     0. Meeting Adjourned

     Dr. Angelucci, having first determined that there was no further business to
come before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. The motion being
duly made, seconded, and carried the meeting adjourned at 11:10 a. m.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              H. B. Murray, Secretary
                                              Board of Trustees

PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, PR 6, PR 7, and PR 8 which follow are official parts of
the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees on
Friday, October 21, 1966.


                            PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES

                                     October 21, 1966


      Guidelines to direct the University's private fund-raising efforts were
established by the Development Council at a recent meeting on campus, the second
since the Council's organization last April.

      Members of the advisory group suggested that the University should emphasize
and recognize quality in students and faculty. "The pervading principle through-
out our program," said Chairman C. R. Yeager, "should be a concern for people and
concentration on ways in which UK can attract and hold topflight faculty and

      Among other guidelines, the Council also suggested that the University's
development program should help build and strengthen a broad base of public
understanding concerning the University's aspirations and the vital need for
private financial support.


      A University medical team has announced its plans, expected to materialize
next year, for connecting the blood system of a healthy person to that of one
dying of shock. They hope thereby to save the life of a victim of massive trauma
or excessive blood loss.

      Dr. Lester R, Bryant, associate professor of surgery and a member of the
team, reported last week in San Francisco to the 52nd annual Clinical Congress
of the American College of Surgeons on successful cross-circulatory experiments
on dogs, He said that extension of the experimental project to humans requires
only construction of a new pump and possible reduction of the rate at which
blood must be transferred to the patient from the donor,

      With blood circulating through a healthy person, Dr. Bryant said, the tissues
and organs of the donor do the work for both bodies temporarily, and recovery
of the victim is begun with repair to his affected tissues.  The technique involved
includes connecting an artery of the donor to an artery of the victim to deliver
blood and connection of veins between the two for return of the blood to the
healthy body.


- 2 -


      An exhibition of printed and engraved materials from England's Stanbrook
Abbey Press now is the featured display in the Rare Book Room of the University
Library. The collection includes books, Christmas cards, altar cards and other
religious works representative of the Abbey Press output since 1876. The Abbey,
in Worcester, England, houses a congregation of Benedictine nuns who operate the
press as part of their religious vocation. Their work is known for its distinct
typography and high-quality printing and engraving.


      Dr. Howard W. Beers, a member of the University faculty since 1939, has
been appointed director of the Center for Developmental Change. The appointment
will become effective next February 159 when the Center's present director, Dr,
Edward W. Weidner, leaves to become chancellor of the new Northeast campus of
the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay,

      Dr. Beers was chairman of the Department of Rural Sociology from 1948 to
1959 and from 1952-59 was chairman of the Department of Sociology as well, He
has an extensive record of service in international affairs, including programs
related to the postwar economic recovery of Europe and to the emergence of new
nations in Asia, Since returning to the campus last year after three years as
head of the University's technical assistance team at Bogor, Indonesia, he has
been associated with the Center for Developmental Change in a research capacity.


      The University Senate has approved a change in the College of Medicine
grading structure from the five-letter system to one of Honors, Pass, or Un-t
satisfactory. The plan becomes effective this year. Purpose of the conversion
is to encourage medical students to take more responsibility for their own
learning and to remove unnecessary emphasis on grade achievement, The new
system will be evaluated over the next few years to see if the desired results
have been achieved. As in the past9 students who have failed one course at the
end of the academic yea. will he considered for supplementary summer work,
depending on their level of achievement in the remainder of the curriculum,


-3 -


      The president of the American Bar Association, Mr. Orison S. Marden of
New York City, was a recent guest of the College of Law. Mr. Marden, who was
in Kentucky to address a meeting of the Legal Aid Society of Louisville, met
with law students and faculty members at an informal session on October 5.


      The first in a series of exchange concerts arranged by the Department of
Mu~sic and the University of Louisville gave Central Kentucky concert-goers an
opportunity on October 10 to preview a performance that will be given next week
at New York's Carnegie Hall. The visiting artist was tenor William Whitesides,
a member of the U. of L. music faculty, who will appear at Carnegie next Monday
night. For its part of the exchange agreement, the University will send members
of its music faculty to perform before Louisville audiences,


      The Department of Forestry has published its semi-annual forest utilization
survey. The report discusses the demand for lumber and other wood products in
seven geographical regions of the state--the Purchase, Western, Central, North
Central, Cumberland, Northeastern and Southeastern sections, The current report
predicts that furniture manufacturers' present heavy demand for hardwood is
likely to continue through the autumn, Copies of the report may be obtained
at the Department of Forestry or at the State Division of Forestry in Frankfort.


      Members of the UniversityVs dairy judging team won top individual honors
in competition at the recent Mid-South Fair in Memphis. Jack McAllister, a
Shelby County student, captured first place in over-all judging as well as in
the Jersey and Guernsey divisions of the intercollegiate event, which drew
judging teams from seven states, Placing first in the Ayrshire division was
Bruce Cocanougher of Washington Ccunty.

      The team, which is coached by Dr. Oliver Deaton, assistant professor of
animal sciences, will compete next month at the International Dairy Judging
Contest in Chicago.


- 4 -


      Plans are nearing completion for one of the most all-inclusive arts
festivals ever held in Kentucky--an 18 day salute to music, art and drama
that will be presented on campus next April. Sponsored by the College of
Arts and Sciences and the School of Fine Arts, the April 4-22 event will
feature appearances by many outstanding figures from the worlds of art, drama
and music-

      As part of the pre-festival planning, three of America's leading com-
posers--John Vincent, Norman Dello Joio and Vincent Persichetti--have been
commissioned to write music that will be Dremiered during the observance,
Also scheduled are performances by the Merce Cunningham Dancers, the Louisville
Actors Theater, the Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra and the Lexington Singers,
and productions by the University's Guignol Theater and a professional company
now in residence at the University of Michigan.

      Making guest appearances on campus during the festival will be composer
John Cage, artist Jack Tworkov, and novelist Elizabeth Hardwick. Other vis-
itors will include Peter Selz, director of the University of California art
museum; William Doty, dean of the University of Texas College of Fine Arts;
Lawrence Alloway, curator of the Guggenheim Museum, New York City; Richard
Schechner. editor of the Tulane Drama Review, and William Hull, executive
director of the new Kentucky Arts Commission.

      On exhibition throug