xt7zw37kqm6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37kqm6x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19190923 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-09-jul23-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-09-jul23-ec. 1919 2011 true xt7zw37kqm6x section xt7zw37kqm6x 

     Minutes of the regular meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, for July 23, 1919c

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University
of Kentuoky, met in regular monthly session in the President's
office at the University at 11:00 o'clook a. m., Wedncsday, July
23, 1919.   On roll call the following members were present:
R  C, Stolld R. G. Gordon and P. P. Johnston, Jr.    President F.
L; MoVey and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board, were also

     (1) R. C. Stoll elected Chairman of the Exeoutive Committee.
On motion -by Mr. Gordon seconded by Mr. Johnston, R. C. Stoil wrs
elected chairman of the Exedutive Committee for the fiscal year
ending July 1, 1920.

     (2) Contract for a University Book Store.   On motion duly
made and seconded, the President was authorized to enter into the
following contract with Mr. J. Frank Battaile of Lexington, Ken-
tucky, for the operation of a University Book Store:

     WHMREAS a committee has been appointed by the President of
the University of Kentucky to look into the question of the advis-
ability of establishing upon the crampus a sotre for the handling
of books and other materials used by the student body, to locate
a room in which to operate a store for that purpose and to find a
manager who would take oharge of samejon terms that might be agreed
between such person and the University authorities, and whereas
the University committee has arranged to use the room at the north-
,44& corner of the basement of the Main Building, aPd arrangements
Lwve been made with J. Prank Battaile to take charge of and handle
the business upon terms hereinafter set out,

     NOW, -THEREFORE, this oontraet, made and entered into by and
between J. Frank Battaile as party of the first part and the Uni-
versity of Kentucky as party of the second part,

     WITNESSETH: that the said party of the first part will be-
come manager of the said store and store room and will furnish all
the necessary oapital for conducting the business.    That party of
the second part shall furnish said room for the business, inolud-
ing heat, light and water, for whioh no charge will be made and
the party of the first part shall furnish all equipment necessary



to aonduot the business.   It is agreed and understood by both
parties, so far as the handling of books is oonoerned, only new
books will be sold except in speoial oases whet the faculty oomr-
mittee consents to the sale of seoond-hand books.   That said
party of the first part, for his oommission on all sales shall
iaot exceed ten per cent of the cost price of books and upon other
a5ticles as may be agreed upon by the parties to this contract.

     As to what articles may be sold other than books, will be a
matter which shall from time to time be submitted to and decided
by the committee above referred to.   It is further agreed and
understood that the entire business carried on between the parties
hereto, shall be constantly open for inspection by the said com-
mittee, and there shall be an audit of the accounts made by the
business manager of the University9 at such time as may be agreed
upon by the party of the first part and the said committee.

     It is further agreed that all books ordered by the University
instructors for classes khall be ordered thru this business manage-
ment and be, the manager,. shall act promptly upon all orders when
sent in, so as to have them filled and ready for use when required
by those giving the orders.   It AS further understood that the
contract between the parties hereto shall be terminated at any time
that it may appear unsatisfactory to eitfher, when it is so reoom-
mended to the President of the University, and receives his approval.

     It is further understood that no indebtedness of asks kind shall
be made by the said manager on University account; nor shall be re-
oeive any compensation for services from the University,

     IN WITNESS WREREOF the parties hereunto set their hands this
Yu]ly ._     919.

                                            University of Kentucky,

                                                   President -.   .

     (3) i9s Carrie Bean ftp~laed An Book Stere and Postoffice.
A motion was made, seoonded, a-nd adopted -that Miss Carrie Bean be
employed by the University as post mistress at a salary of $600 a
year and that she be givenathe privilege of being employed in the
book store by Mr. Battaile.



     (4) Contract for Coal.  Bids for the purchase of coal were
presented -to the Committee and after consideration the President
of the University was authorized to enter into a contract with the
Kinkead Coal Company of Lexington, Kentucky, for the purohave of
coal for the coming year provided a contract satisfactory to the
President -Is entered into.

     (5) Doctor Patterson's Claim.  A communication from Dr.
James K. Patterson regarding his claim against the University was
read to the Committee and ordered filed.

     (6) Purchase of Land.  Authority was given for the purchase
of two houses and four lots on Rose street at the rear of the Ex-
periment Station, known as the Havenhill property and the Grimes
property, the Havenhill property to cost $5,300 and the Grimes
property $6,700.  Authority was given the President to purchase
the Shurfius lot at the end of the Mulligan property on the oor-
ner of Rose street and Washington avenue at an approximate cost
of $2,000,

     (7) Tax on Salaries of Bxtension Division Employes,  A com-
munication was -read -from Dean Cooper regarding federal income tax
on salaries of employees of the Extension Division in which the
point as to whether they were State or Federal employees was raised.
The matter was referred to the President with the request that he
give a statement of facts to the Treasury Department.

     (8) Land for Fraternity Houses.  A communication was read
from A. En -Ewan -of the Mu Iota -Ghapter of the Alpha Tau Omega
Fraternity submitting a proposed contract for rent of land for fra-
ternity houses.  The Secretary of the Board was directed to have
prepared oopies of the proposed contract and sent to the members
of the Committee for consideration.

     (9) Changes in Organization of Experiment Station and College
of Agriculture. . The following changes in the organization of the
Experiment Ststion and College of Agriculture were recommended by
the President and approved by the Committee:

          1'. Professor S. J. Hooper, Professor of Animal Bus-
     bandry, Read of Department. of Animal Busbandry (dairy
     cattle, horses and poultry) to Professor of Animal Hus-
     bandry, in charge of Dairying and Dairy Manufaotures.

          2. Professor W. S. Anderson, Professor of Genetics-
     and Assistant in Horse Husbandry, to Professor of Genetics,
     in charge of Horse Husbandry.



          3. J. B. Martin, Assistant Professor in Poultry Hus-
     bandry, to Assistant Professor in Poultry Husbandry, in
     charge of Poultry Husbandryn

          4. E, S. Good, Chairman of Animal IndustryjGroup,
     Professor of Animal Husbandry, Head of Department of
     Animal Husbandry,(beef oattle, sheep and swine), to
     Chairman of Animal Industry Group, Professor of Animal
     Husbandry and in charge of Animal Husbandry in the Ex-
     periment Station.

     The other members of the Department of Animal Husbandry are
not affected by the changes.

     The foregoing changes do not involve demotions cr promotions.
They do, however, provide for the greatest freedom in the work of
the Institution and make possible the elimination 56 oertAin dup-
lioation of effort and at the same time materially strengthen the
Animal Husbandry Department as a whole.

     (10) Professor C. VI. Mathews.  President MoVey reported to
the Committee that Professor C. WI. Mathews, who has been on duty
with the United States Barean of Eduoation for the past year had
returned to duty on July 1, 1919, as Eead of the Department of

      (11) Appointments, Transfers, Resignations, Changes in Status,
and Leave of Absence.  The fol.owing list of appointments, trans-
fers, and resignations, changes in status and leave of absence
was recommended by the President and approved by the Committee:


     Fellowshipq, Scholarships Assistantships.    Bessie T. Conk-
wright, Fellowship in History; Louis Reusoh, fellowship in Botany;
E. E. Gotherman, scholarship in lIduoation; C. R. Denker, scholar-
ship in Laaw; L. 0( Werking, W. J. Edmonds,7Lelah Gault, assistant-
ships in Chemistry; C. B. Fisher, assistantship in Economies; W. E.
Armentrout, assistantship ini Mathematics; Virginia Graham, assist-
antship in Psychology; L. A. Taylor, assistantship in Physics; I. C.
Miller, assistantship in Agriculture; W. L. Threlkel&, assistantship
in Baoteriology.

     Appointment of Miss Aileen Kavanaugh,_ stenographer in the Steno-
graphic Bureau, effective June 16, 1919, at a salary of $60 a month.


     - Appointment of Miss Irene H. Clopton, stenographer in the
stenographic Bureau, at a salary of $65 a month, effective June
23, 1919, and transferred to the Department of University Exten-
sion, effective July 1, 1919.

     Appointment of E. P.. Kelley, assistant in the Department of
Zoology, at a salary of $30 a month0

     Appointment of James Byron Keltey as Professor of Agricultural
Engineering, College of Agriculture, at a salary of $2,300 a year,
effective August 15S' 1919; on a twelve months' basis.  He reoeived
the degree of B. S. in M. E. from Iowa State College in June, 1912,
and the degree of B. S, in Agricultural Engineering from the Same
college in June 1913.   Sinoc September 1912, he has been connected
with the Agricultural Engineering Department of the Iovra College
of Agriculture and since 1917, with the rank of assistant professor.
During that period, he~ has had entire charge of the work in farm
engineering and farm motors and fias also developed work in farm
structures and dairy engineering.

     Appointment of Wellington Patrick as Director of the Depart-
ment of University Extension.   For the past year and'a half he
has been Secretary to the President of the University. H e is a
graduate of George Washingtcn University, Washington, D. C., with
the degrees of A, B, and A, M. in Education.

     Appointment of W. SO Hamilton as Professor of Law, effective
with the beginning Pf the next semester, at a salary of $2,200 a
year.   He is a graduate of the University of Kentucky with an
A. B. degree.   He taught two years at this Institution in the De-
partment of Education.   He was a Rhodes scholar and was graduated
in law from Ox-ford University.  Upon his return from England, he
entered the firm of Barrett, Allen and Atchison, and has been with
then fox, more than fivet years.  He se'ved several months drrint
that time in the navy.   He is Secretary of the Rhodes Scholar-
ship Committee in Kentucky.   At the present time he is attending
summer sohooi in law at Chicago University for the purpose of
studying methods and policies in law school work.

    Appointment of C, C. Buchditj instructor in Physical PEduoation,
for the year 1919-20, at a salary of $1,,650, t6 be paid from the
funds of the Athletio Assooiation.

     Appointment of Miss Lois Warren, stenographer in the Steno-
graphic Bureau, at a salary of $70 a month, effective July 7, 1919.
She in employed to handle the work of the Memoorial Building Committee.



     Appointment of C. J. Hupphreys, instructor in Physics, at a
salary of $800 a year, effective at the beginning of next semester.

     Appointment of Dr. Harry Best as Professor of Sooialogy to
handle Red Cross courses in the University which will be given dur-
ing the coming year, at a salary of $2,000 a year, to be paid by
the American Red Cross.   Doctor Best was born in Millersburg,
Bourbon County, Kentucky, and is the son of Dr. Isaac Reynolds
Best.   In 1901 he received the A. B. degree from Centre College
at Danville, Kentucky,   In 1902 he received the degree of H. A.
from Gallaudet College, where he was in training for teaching deaf
and dumb.   In 1902, he also received the degree of M. A. from
George Washington University for work in Economics.   In 1908 he
received the M. A. degree from Columbia University for work in
Social Economics and Political Soience.   In 1912 he received the
degree of LL. B. from the New York Law Sehool and in 1914 the de-
gree of Ph. D. from Columbia University.   For sometime past he
has been engaged in settlement work in New York City

     Appointment of Miss Dora Sonnenday, specialist in the Exten-
sion Division, for a period of one year, effective July 1, 1919,
at a salary of $1,800 a year.   She is a graduate in Home Eoonom-
ios from the University of Cincinnati.

     Reappointment of W. D. Sutton, farm demonstration agent,
Boone County, Kentucky, for a period of twelve months, effective
July 1, 1919, at a salary of $1,700 a year.

     Appointment of Miss Zula Ferguson, assistant home demonstra-
tion agent, Ballard County, Kentucky, for a period of two months,
effective July 1, 1919, at a salary of $75 a month.

     Appointment of E. 3. Gott, assistant professor of Baoteriol-
ogy, for one year.

     Reappointment of 3. R. Mitchell, assistant professor of Chem-
istry, for one year.

     Reappointment of Gordon Thurman, instructor in shops, for one

     Reappointment of M. H. Bedford, assistant professor of Chem-
istry, for one year.

     Reappointment of J. B. Dicker, superintendent of shops, for
a period of three years.   (Correction of minutes of Board of Trus-
tees for June 17, 1919.



     Appointment of E. R. Wood as Assistant Professor of Education
and Principal of the NModel High School at a salary of $1,800 a year,
effective with the beginning of next semester.  He has the degree
of A. B. from Ohio University, a B. S. in Education from Ohio State
Normal College, and the degree of A. M. in Education from Clark
University.  He was assistant and instructor in the Department of
Paidology and Psychology in Ohio University for over a year.  He
was elected head of the Department of Education and Psychology there
for the year 1917-1918 but resigned. in July, 1917, and joined the
colors.   In the army he was psychological examiner.  Since his
discharge from the army he was Assistant Educational Director of
the Tidewater District which embraces over twenty army and navy
camps.   He is 28 years of age and married.  He takes the plaoe of
Professor Fred C. Walters who has resigned.

     Appointment of Miss Mary Frierson of Knoxville, Tennessee, in
the Model High School.  She has just received her bachele s degree
in history at the State University.  She has had all of bwr edu,.*fi-
tion and experience in the South except one term at ColurILia Univer-
sity.  She was graduated from a private school in Nashville, Ten-
nessee, in 1902 and has taught since that time until the last two
years which were spent at the University of Tennessee.    She will
have charge of all of the history and civics work, being well trained
in this field as well as political science, sociology and economics.
President Hoskins of the University of Tennessee says of her, 'She
was successful as a teacher and gave up her position to come to the
University to complete her work.   She is a very capable student,
has a good personality, is thoro in whatever she undertakes and is
by nature and by training well equipped for the work of teaching.
I do not hesitate to recommend her to you heartily.'

     Appointment of Miss Viola Cosby Lewis as teacher of English in
the Model High School.   She is a native Kentuckian and a graduate
of the Ubiversity of Zentucky.  She has had her teaching experience
in the Louisville Public Schools.  She attended the University of
Chicago one year where s he received her bachelor's degree.

     Appointment of Miss Anne Lockhtrt as University nurse at a
salary of $100 a month for nine months.   She is a graduate of a
nurses' training school; has done hospital work in Philadelphia;
has done private nursing in Lexington; had charge of a surgical
hospital in Danville, Kentucky.   She was waith the Barrow Unit in
France and England during the war.               ,,

      Appointment of M'1iss L. Maybelle Cornell as instructor in textiles
and clothing, Department of Rome Economics at a salary of $1,500 a
a year on a ten months' basis, effective September 1, 1919.   She is
a graduate of Ohio State University, in 1919, with the degree of B. S.
in Home Economics.  She has had trade experience in dressmaking and
has worked with retail trade.



     Appointment of S. C. Jones as Superintendent of Experiment
Fields at a salary of $2,250 a year effective January 1, 1920.
He was formerly employed in the Experiment Station leaving to take
a position in Indiana.   He is a graduate of the University of
Kentucky (1908).   In 1912 he was assistant professor of Agronomy
in the University of Kentucky.  In 1914, he accepted a position
as Superintendent of Experiment fields in Indiana University.

     Appointment of Samuel H. DeVault as instructor in Farm Manage-
ment and Agricultural Economics at a salary of $1920 a year, effective
August 1, 1919.  He is at present employed in the agricultural divi-
sion of the Bureau of Census.  He is 30 years of age.   He received
his master's degree from the University of North Carolina in 1915
and for a year was assistant in agricultural economics and rural
sociology in that institution.  In 1916, he entered the University
of Missouri as a graduate student, taking work in economics, sociology
and education.   In January, 1917, he accepted the position of re-
search assistant in agricultural economics in Massachusetts Agricul-
tural College.

     Appointment of W. D. Valleau as pathologist of the Experiment
Station and with the title of assistant professor of pathology in
the College of Agriculture, at a salary of $2,100 a year, effective
August 15, 1919.   Doctor Valleau is a graduate of the University of
Minnesota in 1913 and received his doctor's degree in 1917.

     Appointment of Miss Eva Marie Boterf as instructor in some
Uconomics, College of Agricultures effective September 1, 1919, at
a salary of $680 a year, on a ten months' basis with the equivalent
of board and room additional.

                         Change in Status.

     Promotion of Miss Prances Jewell from instructor to assistant
professor at the same salary# effective with the beginning of next

     Professor E. F. Farquhar to be acting head of the English Do-
partmcnt for the coming yoar.

     Transfer of Miss Virginia Anderson to instructor in mechanical
drawing, College of Engineering, 'fWactive with the beginning of the
next semester, at a salary of $900 a year.




     Resignation of Dr. P. L. Blumenthal, chemist in the Dcpartmcnt
of Chomistry at the Experimant Station, effcctive Juno 5, 1919.
He resigns to engage in commercial work.

     Resignation of Professor Mark Haveohill, Professor of Farm
Mechanics, effectivc June 30, 1919.   He resigns to engage in com-
mercial work and has accepted a more lucrntive position as DUivisional Educa-
tional Director for the Cleveland Tractor Company.

     Resignation of A. E. Ewan, superintendent of Experiment fields,
effective December 31, 1919.   He resigns to engage in more lucra-
tive business work.

     Resignation of Armiel Carman, county agent, Hickman County,
cffectivoeuly 1, 1919.

     Resignation of L. S. Van Niatta, county agent, Anderson County,
effective June 30, 1919.

     Resignation of Derlic Winton, county agents Hancock County,
effective July 1, 1919.

     Resignation of Dr. Mabel L. Roe, assistant plant pathologist
at the Experiment Station, effective June 30, 1919.

     Resignation of C. R. Wilkey, county agent, Trigg County1
effective July 1, 1919.

                         Leave of Absence

     Sabbatical leave of absence is granted to T. T. Jones, Head
of the Department of Ancient Languages for the scholastio year
1920-21, for the purpose of study in one of the mnerican univer-

     (12) Report of the Business Agent.   The report of the bu i-
neSs agent was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes.    The
report was as follows:



                                        July 22, 1919

President Frank L. McVCy,

     University of Kcntucky.

My dear President McVey:

     I call your attention to the following matters, some of which
you may desire to present to the Executive Committee:

     Coal.   The contract was let to the Kinkead Coal Company.   I
have given you the contract for presentation to the Executive Com-
mittee.  We had no separate bid for delivery except a verbal one
from the Kinkead Coar Company at 900 a ton during the summer months,
and $1.00 a ton during the winter months.

     Commandant's House.  The Commandant's House was sold to Joe
Self for $160.00. -Paymcnt has been made, and Mr. Self is to remove
the house within thirty days.

     Latrines Building Advertised.  The Latrines Building on former
camp site has been advertised for sale, but no bids have as yet been

     Cash Received. We have received since July 1, 1919, $25,916.03,
State Tax, and $6,532.59, Vocational Education Fund.  These imounts
are credits on last year's operations.

     Collections for Summer School.   The collections for Summer
School amounts to $2,380.00- That does not include the amount due
for Government students, nor does it include any amount thnt may be
duc for the Rod Cross pork.  No.roport of that has been made to
this office.  In addition to this we have collected on 1919-1920
funds, $4,322.25 interest on bonds.  The $42,750.00 Federal Fund
has been received by the State Treasuror.  It will be sent to the
Unitersity Treasurer at once, according to information given me by
Mr. Jones, Assistant State Auditor.   The delay in Agricultural
Appropriations Bill may cause some delay in payment of other Federal

     The General Education Board sent $600.00 to the University as
a 20% bonus to be paid to Professor MoHenry Rhoads on 1918-1919 salary
It appears that a similar amount was allowed by the General Education
Board on all salaries paid by it.



    It has been necessary to execute a note of $20,000.00 in order
to prevent overdraft at the bank.

    Financial Renort.  I am submitting herewith Financial Report
in part, Vs.., Report of Budget Ledger; Statement of Cash Receipts
and Disbursements, and Statement of Income and Expenditures.

    We have not closed our Genetal Ledger for two keasons: First,
the inventory is not yet completed, and second, we are expecting the
Auditor and Marwick, Mitchell, Peat and Company at any time, and as
this is the end of the first year after the new system has been in
Operatiot, we think it is advisable to have the benefit of his advice.

    Garnishment of Laborers' Wages.  On several occasions the wages
of laborers emploved by the University have been attached, and service
has been made on the Business Agent.  I attach a copy of such garnish-
ment, (this one, however, has been settled).  This is annoying and
sometimes it causes us to have trouble with the employee.  I would
like to have the opinion of the Executive Committee as to whether or
not the wages of employees of the University are exempt from attach-


                                            D. H. Peak,

Business Agent.



Statement of Income and Expenditures.

       Month of June, 1919.


Reported -

Current    , Fiscal Ycar
Month       To Date.

General Fund
     Federal Appropriation ....... :$42,750.00 :   .......... : $42,750.00
     Vocational Education Board .... : 10,238.08:    ....... :     10,238.08
     General Education Board...... : 3,000.00 :.    .      :    3,000.00
     State Tax......              269,698.50 :   $8,541.70    278,240.20
     Interest on Endownent Bonds.. : 9,452.50 :     ..     :    9,452.50
     Student Dees................. .: 7,083.72 :    131-59     17,215.31
     Student Act. Athletic Asso..   . 3,401.21 :     (3.51)     3,397-70
     Student Act. Kentucky Kernel :   523.27 :        (.54)       522.73
     Student Act. Y. M. & Y.QI.C.A.:  261.62 :        (;27) :     261.35
     Student Act. Lectures.......     174.40 :        (.18)       174.22
     Miscellaneous Receipts.......    936.68 :       36-31        972.99
     Rentals......................    315.00 :  ..........        315.00
     Store Room Cash Sales........     14.15 :     ..      :       14.15

     First Camp..........          24,983.1 : .   .........:    24,983.81
     Second Camp......., :145,670.95 :          .......        145,670.95
     Section '. .....................- 63,200.29 : ..........      63,200.29
     S. N. T. C ...................  11,99055 5 .   ......5. . .   11,990.55
     Salvage...................... 12,676.07         15.25      12,691.32

Patterson Hall
     Board.....                    15,435.54 :      801.42  :   18,236.9d
     Room Deposits................    305.00 :     (135.00)        170.0C
     Key Deposits.................:    63-50 :.     (39.75)         23.7f
     Telephone Tolls..............     80.45 :       24.60         105.0r
     Miscellaneous Receipts .......pt3        5.33 :                 53
         Total General Fund ...... :632,260.62 :    11,371.62 : 643,632.24

Experiment Station
    gatch-Federal Appropriation..
    Milk and Butter Sales........
    Beef Cattle Sales............
    Dairy Cattle Sales,..........
    Sheep Sales,.................
    Swine Sales..................
    Poultv e    ................

:$15,000.00 :
: 11,121.48 :
: 4,686.73 :
    370.00 :
    516.62 :
* 4,506.25 :
: 1,907.32 :


: $15,000.00






             Income               Previously . Current    :Fiscal Year
                                   Reported      Month    I  To Date.
______________________________. ______________________________________-

Experiment Stattion (Continued)
    Farm Produce Sales ...  .
    Horticulture Sales........
    Seed Test.................
    House Rent ..............
    Miscellaneous Receipts
    Fees, Weeding Stuffs
    Fees, Fertilizer and
       Tag Sales .............
    Public Service, State
       Appropriation ........
    Adams, Federal Appro.
    Public Service, Miscella-
       neous Receipts ........
    Serum Sales ..............
    Virus Sales .............
    Live Stock Sales .........
    supply Sales .............
    Serum, Mis. Receipts.
    State Appropriation   .
    Creamery License Fees
    Creamery Testers License
       Fees ..................
    Creamery Glassware, etc.
       Test ...
    Creamery Mise. Beceipts
    Dept. Agri. Appro. U. S.
       Coop. i.......

    Total Experiment Station
       Fund ..................

$6,774.98 :
   416.54 :
   14.00 :
   834-98 :
 1,295-50 :



 32,541.51 :
   701.56 :
 1,973.30 :
   289.00 :
   158.47 :
43,729.73 :
1,578.00 -





    74.00 :
    30.00 :
3,731.00 :



3,496.75 :
  105.20 :
  635.25 :
  23.05 :
  43.05 :




 1., 325.50








Trust find
     Bennett Pr  ize.     ..................... :  $20.00 :      $20.00
     Fleischman Scholarship...  :    $458.33 :      41.67 :      500.00
          Total Trust ?und..... :     458.33        6i.67        52000

   -     - - - ----- - -- ---- --- --- --- -- --- --- -- - - - - -- ---- - --- --- -- - -- -----____




                Income                : Previously : Current  : Fiscal Year
                                       : Reported  : Month        To Date.

Extension Division
     Federal Smith-Lever .............. : $79,131,12 : $195.00 : $79,326,12
     State Smith-Lever ................ : 34,173.49 : 3,532.75 : 37,706.24
         Total Extension D1vtolon Punds 113,304.61 :3,727-75 : 117,032.36
    _~~~~ --          --  -_ _ __ - --_ _____________ ____ -   ------- -  -______________ _

Gross Income ..................... 1,002,894.06


    Administration Expense..........
    Patterson Hall Expgnse..........
    General Expenditures .............
    Experiment Station Expense.......
    Extension Division Expezse4......

. 187,288.01
: 86,858.84
. 19,823.30
- 216,776.80
: 89,486.00
: 801,343.88

' 25,519.06 -
:11,419.70 :
: 4,436.89 :
t (138.84):
15,123.51 :
:87,694.89 :

Net InSomw Carried
   to Surplus ALccount

: 201,550.18 (52-460.94): 149,089.24

216 637.96



Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements

              June 30, 1919



Fiocal Year
To Date.

Cash in Bank and on Hand,
  May 31, 1919 ...................

     General Pund Income..........
     Experiment Station Income...
     Extension Division Income....
     Accounts Receivable..
     Old Material, etc., Sold...
     Trust Fund Income............
     Students Uniform Account.....
     Notes Payable...............
     Refund on Insurance Premium..
     Ret'nd Checks collected......
          Total Receipts..........


    Accounts Payable.............
    Notes Payable................
    Returned Checks ..............
         Total Expenditures.  ..

Cash in Bank and on Hand,
   June 30, 1919..................
         Total ....................


633,o56.43 .
243,671.70 .
113,304.61 :
  21,095.80 :
     342.65 :
      10.03 ,
 ......... .

i,I02,419-30 :


: 65,000.00 :
     110.78 :
1,066,398.38 :

: 126,s81.19


$18,412.46  $108,472.73

i1,694.37   644,750.80
18,540.17   262,211.87
3;727.75 : 117,032.36
  2.,/27.57   24,023.37
       .50 :     480.25
    61.6'7      5Z.00
  ........       342.65
  .. ..... :  90,000.00
  ... ....:       10.03
    56.38 :      56.38
 37,008.41 :1,139,427.71

 55,420.87 :1,247,900.44


109, 346.62


:('53,925.75):  72,155.44

  55,420.87 :1,247,900.44

, Accounts Receivable to be applied to above OVerdraft, $33,107.08

     The matter of garnishment of salary referred to in Mr. Peak' s
report was ordered referred to the Attorney General for a decision
when the opinion of Attorney Genoral Logqn was given consideration.




     (13) Report of Patterson Hall Board of Control.    The report
of the Patterson Hall Board of Control was read and ordered incor-
porated in the minutes.   The report was as follows:

                                         July 23, 1919

President Frank L. McVey,

     University of Kentucky.

My dear President McVey:

     During the summer of 1918 a few improvements were made in Pat-
terson Hall.   Six extra bath tubs were installed in the bathrooms,
a number of rooms were painted, and minor repairs were made.

     In July the applications for rooms were so many that all the
rooms in Patterson were filled and more girls were a