xt7zw37kqn72 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37kqn72/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19240502  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  2, 1924 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  2, 1924 1924 2012 true xt7zw37kqn72 section xt7zw37kqn72 The Kentucky Kernel



MAY 2, 1924





At a meeting of Phi Alpha Delta,
honorary law fraternity, in Neville

Hall, Monday, April 29, the following



FRIDAY officers were elected: Justice, John W.


Vice-Justic- e,


Festivities Begin at End of the Secretary, Stephen Rice; Treasurer,
H. H, Grooms; Reporter, John Y.
Third Hour and Continue
Until Midnight

Women's and Men's Honorary
Senior Fraternities Will
Hold Pledge Exercises


Elaborate plans have been made for
the May Day Festival which will 'be
held on the campus Friday, May 2.
Many new features have been added
to the annual celebration making it
an unusual and interesting program.
It will afford entertainment both to
the visiting high school students and
to the public who are cordially in
Classes will be excused after the
third hour Friday so that everyon
may attend the Arbor Day exercises
which are to b held at 10:40 o'clock.
Orations will be given by the Senior
C. M. C
and Junior Class orators.
Porter will represent the Senior Class
and James Darnell the Junior Class.
The Seniors will plant a dogwood
tree on the campus across the main
driveway fro mBuell Armory.
At 1:30 o'clock there will be a May
Day parade under the auspices of the
cars entered in
There are
this parade and prizes will be awarded to the best decorated car and the
outfit creating the
most grotesque
most comment by onlookres.
judges have not been selected as yet
but they will be three prominent men
possibly including Governor Fields.
The parade will form on the Uni- -

Cochran. Plans for a formal dance
on May 16 were perfected.








Department Cannot Expand As
Now Arranged, According
to Teachers

The resignations of Miss Mary E
Sweeney, head of the department of
Economics, Miss
Cornell, professor of textiles and
clothing, and Miss, Marietta Eichelbcrgcr, professor of foods and nutrition, all of the Home Economics De
partment of the College of Agricul
ture, were placed in the hands of
Thomas P. Cooper, dean of the college, Wednesday, April 23, to be effective at the end of the present semester.
The instructors feel that the policies
of the University have prevented the
from expanding as it
should and that their resignations
were for the good of Home EconomAccording to
ics and the University.
Miss Sweeney, this condition is prevalent in institutions throughout the
country and that "it simply came to
a head here."
Miss Sweeney, a native of Lexington, was for two years President of
the American Home' Economics Association and has served as executive
secretary of the Association. She has
(Continued on page five.)
been head of the department of the
University for a numlber of years. In
1918, Miss Sweeney resigned to serve
2ETA TAU ALPHA TO BE with the Red Cross overseas and upon
her return was again elected head of
INSTALLED HERE MAY 5 the department. of 1920 she resigned
the department at
to become head
the University of Michigan, returning
Pi Alpha Theta, Local Sorority, heie last September.
Miss Cornell has Ibeen connected
Will Become Fortieth Chapwith the University for the past five
ter of Z. T. A.
years, during which time she has servAlpha Chi chapter of Zeta Tau ed as the head of the department. She
Alpha will 'be installed at the Univer- was formerly President of the State
sity of Kentucky May 5, 6, 7 and 8, it
(Continued on page 8)
was announced at the chapter house
of Phi Alpha Theta, the local at the
University, which will 'become Zeta
Tau Alpha's fortieth chapter.
"The Dakota Student," published at
'The installation program will be in
carcharge of Miss Marion Jcllicorse, na- the University of North Dakota,
ries the following notice about Registional inspector of Zeta Tau Alpha,
assisted by Mrs. W. E. Davis, Mrs. trar E. L. Gillis, who has just returnMarvin W. Marsh and Miss Anne ed from a meeting of registrars at
Riddell, Lexington
alumni of Zeta
"To carry oat this second idea RegTau Alpha, and visitors from the
istrar E. L. Gillis conducted sessions
nearby chapters.
RegThe members of the local group are: entitled, 'Opportunity for New
istrar's Work.' These sessions were
Bernicc Booth, Carlisle; Daisy Allen
a large group of old and
Taylor, Lexing-son(Gladys Booth, attended by
CarlisJe; Lucille Arnold, Owensboro; new registrars. Mr. Gillis who is an
Mavis Sternberg, Lexington; Louise outstanding leader in his
has conducted these sessions for a
Smathers, Mt. Sterling; Hazel Sullilumber of years. The first idea was
van, Mt. Sterling; Mary Page Milton, n
Lexington; Mary Riley, Morehead: developed by educators of note and
Eminence; ' by members of the association
have devoted time and study to re(Continued on page 4)
search in educatonal problems."









No poems will be published this
AAWRDED TO LOUIS DES week for lack of material. The poems REPRESENTING
submitted were handed to competent
they did not
COGNETS FORJIOO.OOO judges up to decided that
the high standard estabDelished by previous contestants.
Five Sections With Seating Ca- siring to hold this column to the high Meet in Chapel Thursday Mornstandard already established we hesing to Draw Lots and Be
pacity of 8,500 to be Comitate to publish poems that do not
pleted October 1
reach this standard. The contestants
WORK TO START AT ONCE are capable of writing acceptable ma- WINNERS WILL GET CUP
terial and we advise that they devote
Two Sections Will Be Built on more time and thought to their work. Victors to Get Gold Medals ; Sec-

North Side and Three on


Five sections of the new Kentucky
stadium with a seating capacity of approximately 8,500 an da cost of $100,-00- 0
will be completed by October 1,
according to the conract which was let
to the Louis des Cognets Co., at a
meeting of the Board of Trustees in
President Frank L. McVey's office
yesterday. Two sections will be built
on the norh side of the field and three
sections on the south side. The work
of construction will be started within
the next few days.
Tabulation of the bids was as follows:
iClark, Stewart and Wood, Sections
C. D. L. M and N. Complete with
wooden seat supports, $114,200; extra
for section "O" $17,000; extra for section "B" $17,00; extra for cast iron
supports, $1,450.
Turner Construction Company, of
Atlanta, Ga Sections C, D, E, L, M
and N, complete wih wooden section
"O" $21,700; extra for section "B"
$21,700; extra for cast iron seat supports, $1,984.
Louis des Cognets Company Sections C, D, E, L, M and N. Complete
with wooden seat supports, $115,800;
extra for section "O" $16,200; extra
for section "B'' $16,000,200; extra for
cast iron seat supports $720. Surety
bond $1,800.





will be played May 12, 13 and 14 on
the University lawn in front of the

and Seniors will meet;
Tuesday, Juniors and Sophomores
will play, and the finals will be placed
Wednesday. The captains of the teams
are: Seniors, Lucy Wilson; Juniors,
Elizabeth. Carroll; Sophomores, Mar
garet Kinney;
Freshmen, Dorothy
Kerth. The captains will select their
teams and hold practices ithe week
May 5. All girls desiring to
try out for their class team see their


ond Honor Met to Get
ver Ones.




The debates which will be held at
a part
of the program for the Eleventh Annual Interscholastic Tournament will
begin Thursday morning at 8:30 when
the debaters from sixteen schools
throughout Kentucky, wilL assemble
in the University Chapel to draw
to be photographed.
Two ses of preliminaries were held
morning and the finals will be held tonight at 8 p. m. in the chapel. Mr.
Harry Giovannoli, Editor of the Lexington Leader, will be present this
evening to present the Leader cup to
the winners.
The winners of the State Tournament in debate will be awarded gold
medals and the winners of second
honors will receive silver medals.

BECOME NATIONAL SOON the University of Kentucky as
Delta Tau Delta Will Install
Local With Impressive


The installation of Delta Tau Delta,
men's fraternity, on the campus of the
University of Kentucky, will take
fraternity which is at present Tau
place May 9, and 10. The petitioning
Delta Alpha was organized as a local
in 1919 granted a charter early this
spring. This installation will mark
chapter of Delta Tau
Delta and on that date Tau Delta Alpha will become Delta Epsilon chapter of the national organization.
On Friday. May 9, there will be an
informal smoker at the chapter house,
initiation Saturday morning and afterCup For Debate
noon, and a banquet at the Phoenix
The Lexington Leader Cup, given by
Hotel Saturday evening at 7:30, at
Giovannoli, for excellent in
, Harry
which" A. Bruce Bulaski, National Presdebate, is now held by the Lexington
ident of Delta Tau Delta, will be the High
This cup will be
principal speaker.
awarded to the school winning the
The installation will be under the 'State championship in debate. It
supervision of the Louisville Alumni rnuit be won three times betoic it
Chapter, but the actual initiation will may le retained permanently.
be put on by the active chapter of the
L:.ries in debate after winning disUniversity of Cincinnati.
trict championships are: Emory G.
Mecca For Delta Taus
Rogers, John Everett Hurst and WilIt is the plan of the Louisville liam Thompson, representing Stanton
Liiulon Coffte.
Alumni Memlbers to make Lexington Academy, Stanton;
a mecca for nearly
Delta Taus on Louise Galbreath and Emma D. Hu- that occasion. The plan of the alumni
(Continued on page 8.)
is to have five hundred members at
the installation, and already many of
those invited have signified their intention of being in Lexington on VANDERBILT VICTORIOUS
May 9.
Members of the active chapter are: IN DEBATE
E. Decoursey, E. P. Tichenor, J. B.
Bishop. T. R. Baker. M. E. Bunch,
R D. Bullock, W. W. Daniel. C. C. Kenneth Tuggle and H. C. Johnson Represent University on
Fortson, R. M. Honaker, G. R.
International Question
Guy Ledwidge, E. B. Moore,



on Page 4)


"Back" Williams, catcher on the
Maryville College baseball beam that
won one and lost one contest to the
University of Kentucky diamond aggregation, who crashed out numerous
hits to the sorrow of Wildcat .supporters, has Ibeen offered a contract to
play with the Philadelphia Athletics,
according to a story that appears in
the Highland Echo, student paper of
Maryville College.
Williams was
mainly responsible for the victory of
Coal Merchamt
Quick! Quick! My uic riigmanu team over tue cat squad
coal yard's on fire.
when he knocked out a hit that scored
Fireman Oh, is it? Well if the stuff one runner and then scored for the1
be the same as you sold me t'other second run of the inning a few secday, there ain't no 'urry!
onds later.
Friday, May second, is to be observed as Arbor Day and May Day. In
order to carry out the program for
that day, classes will ibe dismissed at
the end of the third hour and continuing through the day.
Signed: FRANK L. McVEY,



Vanderbilt University was the victor over the University of Kentucky
in a debate last Saturday night on the
question of: "Resolved: That the
United States should enter the permanent court of international justice,
is outFued by Pres'dent Harding in
his St. Louis speech." The local
upheld the negative side of
the question.
The first speaker on the affirmative
was Kenneth L. Tuggle, who spoke
of arbitrat'on and concil" ation as means
peace by the world
of establishing
court. The second speaker on the affirmative was Mr. II. C. Johnson, who
followed up the speech of Mr. Tuggle
with a more detailed argument in favor of the Hard'ng World Court.
Mr. Leo Bearman, Vanderbilt's first
speaker, with a "silver tongue" spoke
(Continued on page four.)


Page Two

Alumni Notes

May 3.
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
Engineers' Club.
May 10. (Second
Regular). Luncheon
at 12:30, Lafayette Hotel.
Buffalo, May 10. (Second Sat- Regular)
luncheon at
1:15 p. in., Chamber of Com- mcrcc, corner Main and Seneca
Chicago, May 19. (Third Mon- day Regular) luncheon, 12:30 p.
m., Marshal Field's Restaurant,
Men's Grill.
May 31. Annual
Alumni Banquet at 6:00 p. m.,
Phoenix Hotel.



More Than 300 Present at Alumni'
Banquet at Seelbach Hotel
The Alumni Association was well
represented at the Kentucky Educational Associatoin convention held in
Louisville last week. From every section of the Starte members of the
Alumni Association and former students of the University were present.
The Alumni Association banquet,
held Thursday night at the Seelbach
hotel in the main dining room, was
attended by 330 persons, of which at
least 275 were former students and
W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secreary,
presided as toastmaster of the banquet.
Governor William J. Fields and President McVey were among the speakers. In a few words Governor Fields
outlined his plans for assisting the educational institutions of the state and
expressed hopes that the $75,000,000
bond issue would bring the some of
the help so badly needed.
Dr. McVey preceded
Fields with an address in which he
stated that the programs of the University could only mean the progress
of education as whole in the state the
growth and expansion of the grade
schools, the high schools, normal
schools and sectarian colleges must
inevitably follow that of the University.
A particular pleasing feature of the
banquet was the fact that practically
every college and normal school in the
Members of
state was represented.
the faculties of the four normal schools
present and the interest generally
shown makes it apparent that the
institutions of the state were
more friendly towards the Uni- versity than at the present time
In an effort to present the different
phases of activities at the University
several of the campus organizations
were asked to take part in the enter- -'
tainment at the banquet.
R. L. Porter, member of the Student
Speakers' Bureau, was on the program
for an address. Tom Young and
Wickliffe Moore, both seniors, were
on the program for a blackboard
sketching act and Moore entertained
the guests with some original card
Members of the University
dec Uub were also on the program
for some musical selections.
The Alumni headquarters were maintained in the Watterson Hotel on the
mezzanine floor and more than 50
A much larger
alumni registered.
number were at the convention but
with characteristic Kentucky indifference they did not take the trouble of
coming around and registering,



I.t is now only about six weeks until
the opening of the Kentucky Home
Coming, which opens at Louisville,
Monday, June 16, 1924. The home
coming this year will be in accordance,
with the plan inaugurated a number
of years ago to have the sons and
daughters of the Blue Grass State re- turn once every ten years in a body


and renew their acquaintances with
the home folks.
A great mailing list is being prepared and invitations will be sent 'to every
former resident of the state urging
him or her to conic to Kentucky during the celebration. A big parade will
be held in Louisville during the homecoming wek and also a barbecue.
Later while they arc here the natives
will all go to their home towns and
pay their first friends a visit.
Among the notable Kentuckians expected to be in Louisville during the
home coming week is Maj. General
Henry T. Allen, formerly of Sharps-burIn a recent visit to Kentucky
General Allen promised the people
that he would be in Kentucky at that
time. He has also promised to be in
Lexington during the month of June
when a smaller celebration will be
given here.
The alumni of Old State are practically all Kentuckians and have Iby
that a stronger attachment to Kentucky than those who were only born
in the state. Why not come to the
campus homecoming the first of June
and remain over for the later celebration while here. Don't lose connections with your old home. Come on
down and hang around a while this
The Detroit and Buffalo Clubs are
working enthusiastically to be represented at the homecoming. In Detroit the committee is headed by that
Charles Planck,
old pep generator,
while in Buffalo the staunch advocates
of homecoming are led by Dr. Phil




A gift of approximately $3,000 to
the basketball building fund was made

last week at the election and meeting
of the High School Athletic Association held in Louisville while the K.
Prof. M. E.
E. A. was in session.
Ligon, of the University, was
president of the association for this
The nature of the gift is such that
the association will pay no money to
the Greater Kentucky Fund, yet the
fund will be benefitted to the extent
The University athletic
of $3,000.
committee has charge of funds collected from the high school basketball
tournament. The committee was con- siding the policy of paying part of this
back to the high school association to
help pay the railroad fare of the teams
but at the meeting the high school
facials voted to give the money to the
Greater Kentucky Fund for the
pose of finishing the basketball build-nevpur-oth-


The University
friends of the University are very much
pleased with this friendly action on
the part of the high schools of the

William B. Brock ex-- , is an adjuster of insurance losses with office in
Room 206 Security Trust Building,
Ky. He married Miss
Julia McDowell November 12, 1904.
There are two sons, William Bass
Brock, Jr., and Henry Clay McDowell Brock, aged eighteen and fourteen
respectively. The home is at 606 E.
Main Street.

and am glad to make a small centri.
bution to the Greater Kentucky Can
paign. Best wishes for its success."
T. E. Wade, 1609 Highland Avenue,
Knoxville, Tenn.


One of the "regulars" is Arlic Es
tcs McGuire, who is principal of the
high school at Spanishiburg, W. Va.
After receiving his B. S. Agr. degree
in 1918, Mr. McGuire joined the army
and served his country during the
World War. Since his discharge he ha
been teaching, first at Mt. Vernon,
Ky., and since September, 1921, in hit
present position. He married MUt
Fay Griffith, June 27, 1923.

Maria M. Brock and Mr. W.
Paul Gordon were married April 19,
at the home of the bride's brother, Rev.
Walter L. Brock, in Lexington, Ky.
Mrs Gordon will finish her term at
principal of the high school in Ashland, Ky. Mr. Gordon is connected
BottHng Works
with the Coca-Coin Lexington.
After June 1 they will
be housekeeping at 106 West Hickmaa
street, Lexington, Ky.
Mrs. Belle Walker is teaching in the
State Normal School at Murray, Ky.
Ralph H. Woods is teaching agriculture in the high school at LaCen-ter- ,
Dorothy H. Potter is assistant teacher at the Spurr Dancing Academy, on
East Main Street. Her home is at 421
Curry Avenue, Lexington, Ky.


Added to the active memlbership re'19
cently is the name of Luther Mason
A recent letter received in the Alum
who is a memlber of the
n i Office in connection with the Great
firm of Walter, Burchmorc, Collin and
er Kentucky campaign conveys the in77 W. Washington
formation that Mrs. C. W. Gordon,
Chicago, 111.
nee Ruth Duckwall, is still an active
worker in behalf of the Alma Mater.
Mr. Gordon, B. S. Mec. Eng. '20 and
One of the former students who
keeps his name on the honor roll is M. E. '23, is with the Locomotive
Company. They are livByron G. King ex- - is a dry goods
David P. Eastin who is the cashier of Superheater
ing at No. 46 Lencrif Apts., 217 West salesman. His address is 319 Occi& Trust Company,
the Union Bank
2S9th Street, New York City.
dental Building, Indianapolis, Ind. He
Lexington, Ky.
is a brother of Kenneth King, a mem'20
ber of the 1923 Wildcats.
"I azn surprised to know that your
Mrs. Jennie Rice is primary teacher
R. E. Moorman, who is with the
Company, has records fail to show that I have ma4e in the public schools at Lothair, Ky.
subscription to the Greater Kenbeen transferred from Wilson, N. G, a
tucky Campaign. I am quite positive
to Owensboro, Ky. His residence and
that I made a substantial subscription
"I enclose check for payment on my
mailing address is 817 Frederica St.
upon receipt of the first letter that was pledge to the Greater Kentucky Camsent to me concerning it. That, to- paign." 'R. Morrallee Arthur
gether with my former letter, nxntf Lieut. Coast Artillery. Address ArtillWalter S. Weaver is teaching
have miscarried.
Do not 'shake your ery Officers Mess, The Fort Monroe,
Agriculture at Caneyvillc,
Ky. The permanent address is 132 gory locks at me and say you are to Va.
blame,' but accept the subs4criptkm
Graham Ave., Lexington, Ky.
in duplicate which I hand you here'26
with. Yours for a better
is with
Robert D. Brooks, Jr.,
Edwin E. Rice, Attorney,
Edwards the W. G. Duncan Coal Company, at
"Herewith find mjy pledge to the
Building, Irvine, Ky.
Graham. Ky.
of Kentucky'
movement. I heartily endorse the pro'21
gram and am sorry that I find it inconAnnouncement is made of the marvenient to give more." Roy W.
Smarr, Kanawha Development Com- riage of Miss Maude Asfbury to Mr.
John Wesley Burton, April 19, at Burpany, Charleston, W. Va.
lington, Ky. The bride is from BurSufficient money for final paylington, and for the last two years has
ment on the Dean Lafferty por'11
been at the head of the department of
trait for the College of Law has
Oliver Aulick, for a time on the lost
home economics in Paris, Ky. Mr.
not yet been subscribed. Checks
list, is living at Wickenburg, Arizona.
and Mrs. Burton will be at home at
may be sent to W. S. Hamilton,
He married Miss Bess Makemson, of 1551
Donaldson Place, Cincinnati, O.
'07, 707 Marion E- Taylor Bldg.,
Morgan, Ky., April 27, 1916.
LouisviHe, Ky.
"Enclosed find our pledge card. We
William Muir Lane has accepted a
position as branch manager of the regret that conditions necessitated the
delay in responding and that the conCompany, 408 Gaylord
Dues and The Kernel
Building, Ashland, Ky. He has been tribution must be so small. However,
connected with the Department of our hearts are always with the UniOne Year
versity and we hope we m)ay do sometate Roads and Highways.
thing more for her in the future."
Mr. and Mrs. Uva Seldon Byrd, Lynn
Grove, Ky. Mrs. Byrd was Irma F.
Clarence H. Schwartz is assistant-engineWenzell, of the class of '22. Both are
University of Kentucky,
with the Miami Conservancy teaching
in the high school at Lynn
District with headquarters at HamGrove.
ilton Ohio. Mr. Schwartz went with
"Received your letter this morning
Engineering Company
the Morgan
after graduating.
1916 he entered the
employ of the
above company. During the World
War he served as a lieutenant in the
I hereby pledge to the GREATER KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN
engineering corps and returned to his
former position when he received his
discharge. His residence and mailing
address is 417 Y. M. C. A., Hamilton,

ex-2- 5,



ex-2- 6,


Clay-Inge- ls


Mr. James
Middleton ex-1- 5,
Miss Marian Keyes, were married at
the home of the bride's parent, in
Winchester, Ky., April 17, 1924. Mr
Middleton is a prominent young busi
ness man ot Lexington, and alter a
wedding trip to New York and Wash
ington, they will be at home in an

Last. week the Alumni Secretary sent
out a circular letter to all former stu
dents and Alumni who had not con- .r:nited to the Greater Kentucky fund
at that liine 0n the head of the
t;r ,j,ere was a p'cture of the new
b iskctball building. Perhaps you may
have received one of the letters, for a
letter was also mailed to every memPlace.
ber of the Alumni Association at the
same time.
The response to the letters has been
"Please see that our 'Kentucky Kervery gratifying for already practically
?i00 has been received from those nel' is continued. We do enjoy it so
to whom the letters were written. It much and it is ithe only link with many
bctms that some of the people were school friends. Mr. Dunkman is a
just a little afraid that the basketball 'Cincinnati man' but very interested
building and stadium would not be in the University. Best wishes for the
this 'Best University in the South.' We
built and naturally
The Alumni like that slogan.' Mrs. Walter L.
would not contribute.
Association is proud to be able to point Dunkman (Charlotte H. Scott)
cut the mew building as something that 450 West Sixth Street, Lexington, Ky.
has been done. Yesterday .bids were
opened for the first six sections of the
stadium and it is expected that work' "UCJOlM yw wui nna uii iHKnp
will soon begin. Look out for anoth- - tton card nllea out tor a small amount,
er letter with two pictures on ik this I have bttn waiting, hoping that things
might clear up so I could giv more


what I would really like te girt. II
conditions change out here it nay be
I can increase my subscription at a
later date." Theenaa B. Gordon (lute
Entomologist) Capfeel P. O. Box 72,
Oklahoma City, Okie,

Betwixt Us

Alumni Secretory



ex-1- 6,

Cut and mail to Alumni Secretary.

'Carrier Engineering Corporation

Frelinghuyscn Avenue,
Newark, N. J.

Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia


to make "Every day a good day"
with the help of the following Kentuckians :
J. I. Lyle, '9
E. T. Lyle, '00
L. L. Lewis, '07
M. S. Smith, '01
R. L. Jones, '12
Duncan, '12
Taliaferre, '13


J. E. Boiling, '15
H. Worsham, '16



J. H. Bailey, '20
W. B. Thornton, '21
N. O. Belt. '22
A. P. Ihaakka, 2'J


We Took Lexington Off Its Feet

Social and Personal
Xi Delta fraternity, observed founders' day with a beautiful banquet Saturday evening at the Lafayette Hotel.
The fraternity colors, double blue and
gold, were carried out in the
d place cards which were
with the fraternity shield, and
the tabl had vases of pink roses, the
Alpha Gam Dance
fraternity flower.
The menvbers of Alpha Gamma DelK
with a lovely
ta sorority entertained
foimal dance, Saturday evening at the
I have seen a woman who was abPhoenix Hotel. The color scheme
was carried out in the fraternity colors, solutely ignorant of her children's
red, buff and green. The illuminated habit of thought, who never felt that
shield held the place of honor at the she could spare a half hour to read
South end of the ballroom and smaller or talk to them; I have seen this
shields of the fraternity were hung woman spend ten minutes in ironing
in the panels between the windows. a sheet there were six in thewashingi
one hour in fluting the ruffles and arThese were illuminated during the
ranging the puffs and her little girl's
The programs were small buff book- "sweet white suit;" thirty minutes in
lets tied with silk cord and with the polishing tins which were already
fraternity coat of arms on the front bright and clean; forty minutes in
folder. They contained the chapter frosting and decorating a cake for
tea, because "company" was expected.
roll, patronesses and chaperones.
Hostesses for the delightful affair
When the mother a good orthodox
were: Martha Pate, Frances Halbert, Christian
shal'l appear before the
Estella Kelsall, Hawsic Knox, Anna Great White Throne, to be judged for
Fred Harbison, Helen James, Mildred "the deeds done in the body," and
Reese, Frances Price, Elizabeth Wheel- to give in her report of the Master's
er, Jean Woll, Anmelle Kelley, Martha treasures placed in her care there
Wheeler, Reginia Bryant, Frances will be questions and answers like
Ashbrook, Katherine Roberts, Lurlene these:
Bronaugh, Doris Branaman, Isabella
"Where arc the boys and girls I
VanMcter, Margaret VanMeter, Sue
gave thee?"
Luckett Mitchell, Ruth Rogers, Mary
"Lord, I was "busy keeping my house
Warren Collins, Dorcas Lyons,
Garth, Lois Hargett, Grace Dun- clean and in order, and my children
can, Louise Miller, Mary Beall and wandered away."
Ruth Harris.
"Where wert thou while thy sons
Pledges: Dorothy Jameson, Emma
learning lesand thy daughters
Bdl Price, Sarah Raine, Helen Gar- sons of dishonesty, were
malice and imrett, Bertha Rogers and Helen Hall.
Invitations were sent to all the men's
University, Centre,
fraternities of the
"Lord, I was polishing furniture and
and Transylvania. About 300 guests ruffling dresses, and making beautiful
were present, including representatives rugs."
of the women's fraternities.
"What hast thou to show for thy
life work?"
Delightful Luncheon
"The tidiest house, Lord, and the
The young women sponsors for the
best starching
and ironing in our
R. O. T. C. of the University entertainneighborhood 1"
ed with a delightful luncheon ThursHarriet M. Morris.
day at the Phoenix hotel in honor of
the three offfficers who were here to inspect the Cadets at the University.

Society Calendar
Friday, May 2 "Gingham dance" in
the New Gymnasium at 9 o'clock.
Saturday, May 3 Keys and Mystic
Thirteen dance in the New Gymnasium at 8:30.

Page Three



Adjoining Phoenix Hotel



A Fleet


of Maxwells, Overlands and Fords at Your Service Day and Night

Free Tire Service



We Insure You Againrt Wrecks






Bring in your


Lu-ci- le




All women students were excused
from classes Monday, April 28, to attend the Vocational Guidance Conference which was held in the University
Chapel. Women who are prominently nationally in various vocations deVocational Guidlivered addresses.
ance Day for women has become an
established custom on the campus,
this being the second annual conference
Mrs. Frank L. McVey opened the
conference at 9:30 with an address on
"Women of Today in Professional
Life." Mrs. Barbara Bartlett, of the
University of Michigan, spoke on
"Health Service as a Profession for
Women;" Miss Louise Fitzgerald, director of the National Dairy Council
at Chicago, on "Home Economics in
Business;" Miss Marjorie Warren, director of the School of Social Service
at Louisville, on "The Field of Social
Service for Women,'' and Miss Mary
Scrugham, of Lexington, on "Women
in Politics."
The speakers were guests of honor
Hall to
at a luncheon at Patterson
w' ich faculty and students were invited. Conferences with the various
speakers were held from 2 to 3 in the
afternoon. A large number of students took advantage of the oppor
tunity to meet the speakers in these
During the hour from
3:30 to 4:30, the speakers were taken
on a drive through the Blue Grass by
members of the Women's
The Home Economics
entertained the guests, faculty and students at tea at the University Practice
House from 4:30 to 6:00. In the re
ceiving line were Mrs. McVey, Mrs
Bartlett, Miss Fitzgerald, Miss War
ren, Miss Scrugham, Miss Mary
Sweeney and Miss Sarah Blanding
Mrs. Giles, director of residence halls,
presided at the


(or something good to eat

Excused From Classes Monday
For Conference and Meetings

Founders' Day Banquet
A girl at a public library inquired
The members of Xi chapter, Alpha if "The Red Boat" was in.
I don't think we have the book, she
was told.
Oh excuse me, said the girl. I made
a mistake.
The title is "Scarlet
After a search the library assistant
reported that no book with that title
was listed in the card catalog.
But I am sure you have the book,
the girl in