xt7zw37kt366 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37kt366/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-07-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 19, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 19, 1983 1983 1983-07-19 2020 true xt7zw37kt366 section xt7zw37kt366 ,,
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VO'. LXXXVI, NO. 8 TUCSdOy. JU'Y '9, 1983 A" independon' s'udon' new‘pop.r
“ -:. .i f 1.2-5, :. at}: .t 322-, ” i‘ \o* \s s M..;§r=§5‘f.5= N '
_. l i suggested In report
—————————1 ‘ r‘:=~ I ’ = l s§ m h -
i - - 1 -*‘. .- .. s M ‘
, :3 5;: ‘N ;_ Managing Editor tucky College of Dentistry, The annual ;
' '- 1- - - , ~: ;“i“°°~ott,., grisly: A consultant’s report recommends that UK and UL dental school officials
__t , w 5 21*- d «that "j i ' the state Council on Higher Education agreed in 1%1 that entering class sizes
- f“ -- awfwe ._._ consider the merger of the dental schools would be reduced from 146 in 1900 to m
. w“ 3 ;-1==_ we, ;_ , at UK and the University of Louisville in 1983. The entering class sizes of the
; .i 'E-f-f' a Q s r and suggests that the concept of a single two schools are fixed at 68 at UL and 6
' z ', - y " “View; "‘F‘ g . * " governing board for the two schools be at UK.
___ $9"? ' " at '. examined. The report says student interest in a
' if . - 5. . tg . t §‘ The report, presented at last Thurs- dental career is sharply decreasing both
1‘." is , w. - t ~ -» . day's CHE meeting. was prepared by nationally and in Kentucky and the cur-
-- s»- it ' t ‘ y MGT of America Inc., a Tallahassee, rent level of graduates would probably
., -" Fla” educational consulting {inn It meet the state‘s needs through 19%. In

. , . g, e ' gate states that a merger of the two medical the past year, the number of applicants

. 'e k "* AM " ~ ktttf ’ , schools should also be given consider- to US dental SChOOtS has decreased

' - t it ‘ ation. from 8.852t07.724.

s _ , '1, - . M .... f“ The overall finding of the report, which Nationally, the number 0t active den~

* a» ___; an studied the needs for higher education in tists has been increasing since 1950.
' Kentucky, was “that significant im- “Since 1970, however, the rate of
s w l ‘ provements are needed in the level of as- growth of the number of dentists has sig-
. ; _ - WM“? ““ fl sociate and bachelors level education, nificantly excceeded the rate of growth
. \ education in math and science oriented of population, resulting in an increase in
' -- ' - -_ . ‘ ; disciplines, and graduate/research pro- the number of dentist per 100,000 popula-
, , grams." tion from 46.8 in 1970 to 53.5 in 1980," the ..
a _:;j-"i{, - While the report says some efforts for report sayS. . y
anthem ignites“, » __g " ; progam cooperation between UK and In a list of comparative states in the
“ 7 fig? "we " UL have occurred, the savings of money southern and eastern United States, the
' " new . M ... as a result have been minimal. report says Kentucky is the only relative-
" ; -- hexane :. M '- we The report says the state could benefit 1y small population state with two public
. _ .. ... . ”5..., ».---~-»=--.\~:
State 5 umversutles % 0% « =====
- // /// \ ' '/." //
I need Improvement 7/ Q .
A private consultant’s report to one medical student at UL said, // '/// ’ s
the Kentucky Council on Higher “Nobody wants to go to Appala- , , I. . ,4 :. .
Education that significant im- chia and live on welfare” ‘m
provements are needed in the The situation with UK’s and , Eu , :7: _- ‘ {an
state’s higher education may be UL’s dental schools may the ,3) a . , ,\
only the beginning of a long, most urgent problem facing the '5? 5 ~ * hi ~ m
hard look at Kentucky’s inade- professional graduate schools in It" / ////
quate educational system. the state. a”), . //
The study conducted by M.GT The two dental schools are 32w: a1” //
Of America, 1110-, was a reView both small in entering class en- -/ ,r I. _. it" 1”, i" ‘ //
0f the Medical, Dental, Law & rollment, and it is becoming in-~ ’5 t" a (JV-
Engineering programs in Ken- creasingly evident that the state ; ii” 3* '
tucky’s public institutions of cannot and should not support m “I - . .
higher education. The report re- two dental schools. UK has the . .3 Dow w” \
vealed some known, but also fifth smallest enrollment of in- . , 9/11 { ,-
some unknown, embarrassing coming first-year dental stu- /, ;; 1“} i tori. 0‘
facts to Kentuckians. dents, just ahead of such note- a ”Q :1) W/ Mk“ ,. ‘i‘g
What has been known is the worthy institutions as the w , ,\§ g is» - ‘\\ ' tit;
., overabundance of lawyers in University of Stony Brook. The . 77,; ; \\ \\\.\ \‘W‘ 5
~ Kentucky, but the solution may most feasible solution to . the . It. . ,7 , , ,. Eff-t \ ‘\\‘.‘te.h ”\i W33}:
not lie in closing one of the three state and dental students is a “‘ ‘ __ , .‘f. ,,,,. a”: ’3 \ Lix‘i‘li’itxlili'l‘uli}.flli
law schools. Of the three, Chase merger of the two schools: The newsman IT'--No!viaemu Dam-- - NOSEMRACT-"DRlLL'"
Law School standsothe greatest quality of comprehensive educa-
chance of being eliminated. tion would thus beimproved. the nation and a smaller per-
The report also stated that the The merger, according to the reduce the current level of state centage of its graduates are en-
state is not producmg en,°u-gh report, would in all likelihood tax. expenditures on dental edu- rolled in college than any nearby
doctors a year for the state s in— spell the end of UK s dental cation.” or Southern state.
creasing demand. Only 45_ per— school. The report says, “Com- Kentucky’s deficiencies in edu- If quantity can be replaced by
cent of those who earn their de- bining the two dental schools cation is evidenced in a 1980 Cen- quality in Kentucky education,
gree in the state, and 40 percent would result in a Single school sus Bureau statistic that says then it should be. Being the na-
Of those who take their reSidency With a mid-range enrollment only 51.9 percent of Kentuckians tion’s last is embarrassing.
traimng in Kentucky, remain 1n (compared to all US .dental 25 and older had completed high There’s only one way to go and
the Bluegrass to practice. But as schools) and would Significantly school, the lowest percentage in the time is now,not later.
I . .
UK clearly has ten dens/es to devalue educa tion
‘ t. . f. 11 aki to “1 fl -
gait; gignehsorigtaiug eiiducangohgl probii ' . fancy new 13b buildings or in those other This is the bulletin that helps recruit stu- '
lems UK is slithering along in the Annallese rooms of the Chem-Physics building dents to UK. The students who seek
abysmal rut of devaluing that elusive GRIFFIN while another semester’s worth 0f PHY knowledge, imagination, perspective, _
quality called “education.” 242 students are struggling With the bI'O' etc.,had better settle for IBMs.
At this “institute 0f higher learning” -———————— ggguegnrgostdifledcmt‘i bequipment that In response to the national tragedy of .
" ' " - 5 enas. decl' 'ed t',UKhade°dedto
educfltion Ismcem‘mlth’enma1:!xiiiinniisrtlit'gt0:: Board Of- Trustees was'loud ,and clear _ UK recruits people from all over the accelgte 1:5 stifling] The message; again
fighting), th:t fiat group who are in so what If l-t were Robinson s forest. and world to do research. ““59 same ihdi‘ is clear — make them get an education
charge of “the business of running the he wanted it to’be used for educational viduals grace the classroom. Many don’t before they come here because they cer-
University” — money is the number one P, I — that s too damn bad because speak English well, others have no pro- tainly can’t exceptus to educate them. ..
priority and battle cry it 312“” now. f d t h tested pensity for teaching, and a notorious What has UK prepared to meet the in-
Money — any way they can get it —the .e group O stu en 5 w (1) pro ted group have absolutely no desire to teach. coming uneducated, their best minds to
cries are familiar. More taxes! Higher fitfinfitcg'nsngt‘ffigci gamii’t :58 our O_f theBlatter 31'3“!) is tilth teacher who be- confront this national tragedy? No, the