xt7zw37kt41t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37kt41t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 1988 1988 1988-10-17 2020 true xt7zw37kt41t section xt7zw37kt41t  





Today: Chance at rain
Tomorrow: Chance of rain







Kentucky Kernel


Vol. XCll, No. 48

Established 1 894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

independent srnce 197i


Roselle won’t release names involved in NCAA allegations

By JIM Wlll'l‘li
Assix'iate Editor

UK President David Roselle did not re-
lease to the public the full text oi‘ the
NCAA Supplemental ()l‘t'icial lnquiry in
order to protect the privacy of individuals

0n the advice of L'K legal counsel Judge
James Park. Roselle elected to omit the
names of those mentioned in the 17 additior
rial allegations against the [‘K basketball

Roselle said he \iorild guess there are
"more than ten” people named in connec
tion with violations of .\'(‘;\A rules

“Based upon the toregoing consider
atrons, it is ill} advice and reconnhenda
tron that you release only a suthinari ot
the Supplemental tii'iicial Inquiry at the

present time," l’ark said in a letter given
to Roselle Saturday morning "The sum
mary should delete the names and other
identifying intorinatioh from the ott'icial lll

Park. who read the letter to the media
Saturday atternoon. adirsed Roselle that
releasing the names "ma_\ possibh eonstr
tute a elearb unwarranted rn\asion oi per
sonal privac} ”

. . 'l‘he l'niversiti obligation to protect
the privaci ot indiuduals requires that he
not release the iull text oi the \(‘AA alle
gallons at the present tirne' Roselle said
Saturda) atternooh when the allegations
were announced to the pillillt‘

l’ark did saj houeier. that iniliiiduals
named ill the allegations should be gixen
the opportunity to release their names it
the) san in

Basketball team


with 17

more allegations

I!) J \Y BI. \\'l't)\

Editor iht'hiet

[K has until llet 12 to respond to 11‘
additional allegations oi -.i'rongdoing
against it basketball program bi the
\'(‘.\.\. Mirth I'K l’resrdeht liai‘id Roselle
said Sat'rritai BU‘l't" the cause ot grati-

The allegations ‘.\lll(‘ll range in seieri
ty trom illegal payments to one l't't'l'tlll to
improperli providing transportation tree
lodging. 'l‘-s'hirts and other items to seieral
others were released at a press eohter
ehce ~\‘aturdm at l'K's Patterson lllllt't'

'l‘lie ttt‘“ allegations came almost three
months :riter‘ the \(‘AA iormallx alleged
that assistant basketball coach Duane
('asei had sent $1.1M! ill an limeri oier
tiight package to the rather oi basketball


The allegations

Here are the allegations against the
UK basketball program of violations of
NCAA rules. Allegation No. l was an-
nounced in July 1988. The rest were an-
nounced Saturday. Items No. 19 and No.
20 are still under investigation by the

i. It is alleged that on March 30, 1988.
while recruiting prospective student-
athlete Chris Mills (has Angeles. Cali-
fornia). men's assistant basketball
coach Dwane Casey sent a package via
Emery Worldwide Overnight Service
that contained a videotape and 20 $50
bills to Cloud Mills. the young man‘s fa-
ther. at the prospect's home; further, at
approximately 11:57 am. (PST) on
March 31. 1988. this package. which
contained 20 $50 bills and the videotape,
was delivered to the Mills home. and’a
receipt for the package was signed by

the prospect.

2. It is alleged that, while recruiting a
prospective student-athlete during the




lt’t'l'llt' t‘lrris \lilis lrl'lltLllltS the total alle
utilitins to 1:1

Roselle told reporters that he :~ even
more saddened 'tiv the additional allega—
tions' against the basketball prwgr till

like all lxentuckiaiis 1 wine the tradi
tron ot 'he i K basketball program ”
Roselle said \nd all oi iis iii-mt 8» main—
tarnthirt tradition"

Hut Roselle said the
Hons will change
approach iii the investigation

iiiir resolie to thoroughb .llVi‘sllL’Hlt‘
allot the allegations made bi the \i'\\ is
tirm.‘ Roselle said What is learned in
the iniestrgation uill serie as the basis tor
our deiense against an} unsubstantiated
alleg.‘rtion.s about the program
irons rt‘e iridged to haie 'ti't'lll'l‘i’tl this
:hslltllltott ninst at'i'epi t'espotisiliiliti.

\iter the l'hivet‘siti.
the additional allegations i' :aee a
meeting ot 'tie \(‘v\i\ itttl‘ai‘tioris nothtttt'
tee 'l'he i‘ttlllllllllt‘t‘ meets t’l l-‘ebi'iiari and
again in ;\pl'll

Roselle said he (ll(l not knoii :i the l in
\ers‘iti could request a special riieetrhg o:
the ‘llll‘i'ti'ltiills ltllllllllllt’t' .ihn-h does not
meet in .lanui'ari or March

While also evpressrng roiicern and \“i
iiess‘ about the release ol additional allega
trons against the basketball program head
coach l‘:tllllt‘ Sutton said iii a release that
he is relieved that the allegations have i:
hall} arriied’

.\lthough the \t'.»\,\ thiestrgatioh prolra
bl} \i‘ill continue ltil‘ st‘\t‘l'1il rhore months
Sutton said he behmed the basketball pro
gram alreadi \\ as on probatrorr

‘ l have told many people that iie have
It] ett'ect been on probation slllt‘t‘ \pril'
.s‘utton said \\e liaie .rll't‘llll} been pun
ished a great deal. and I hope iio\i iii re

Hit the advice oi independent I'l\t‘\'llL‘tl'
tor. Judge James Park. the 1. ni\ersit\ de-
clined to give the names oi iini people
named in the allegations

In a prepared statement l’ark said si)llll‘
ot the names in the rniestigatioh tannot lN'
released because it \Hillltl rrieaii t ilearh
iiimat‘t‘ahted 'hvasion oi personal

l riiiei‘sit\”s


not the

’t ‘. rota

tias responded vi


The 17 additional allegations range trorh
oiier‘ihg recruits ears and morn-i to inr
proper use ot t’t'ltltllllit‘ltl.ll"\ basketball

Allegatron \o in states that “academn‘
hand has itiltrtt..lli'il b; one oi the t nixer
sitvs sttiiliiri‘ athletes ill rtit’i' and that
during an .ii‘-.estrgatiorr ot alleged
trarrd. the striderrt athlete acted rttiltllrilW to
stun rims. gm,
‘iltllllL’ tt.‘

or.» on etlriral \illiitltl
t 4w

i‘ i’.. . ~ii'.iilt:,f ','ii

.not it‘llllilll ”in in ailr
'rl l\ Jillil’l l-.;
si.r;.‘it'!l li'. ’lrr trans. \
:ar. .\::riraai to:

'les'hriw' 'l,"\ti;,"tt.' ~ :i pi"'.:.‘

liiisi iii .‘y :m;
gatii-i'. lira; two: \laisrir-I
“lit; i‘,\ law's.“ l...t‘
itil’ iilii'ili‘ilr'». i', x. i; "t
Ht littiT

Manuel has decided to \iithliold lirii'iselt


has s‘itrt‘tititfed iv


7? (Z ‘9“ r

23L: s got silll'i i,’ t’ t‘ totiii’ii l": il‘

’rr i‘jitlt‘nl'i "inni't. ,-ri;rl‘ i it‘lti' 't.

lttsi'tl .itiil l‘ or. i‘ t'at ‘iilt'L‘JliIrh ~,. .,

mirror" :x't‘ltle illlll lil‘sittii

‘t‘trllllt'ilir' lilill't'tl ‘tt .t false lust?!

tamed, i

liosetle sort l ore ”no ‘i-iieoiiii-

,erf ‘i ”ii it'lilll'wlltil .i no: il‘ =t‘s

the T'l.iliil' all-eirtioris nearnst

settiatl irroilrah- are
c \‘ hit.

ter'ati'm'. [ aim

,' :illeileit t“:rt ‘ t‘ii'ititirtr‘


'u't‘s‘m s iski‘t’liall

‘ t l‘t, .‘trt

s..ill t'ri

'tririiei ,ioi l;i~i to \ pi
(iit’hatiii‘ tit \leti‘i to: “J;
V) t.‘ l l\



‘.t|tlltl ; atrd trie’ iiiioitiitritxi

at'aiti-rt t" , 'b it
‘he 'si‘-\\
i, s‘eried
\‘r \ \ lt'llt‘l‘ t‘l


l i ,itilitov'
iriiit '
lilsltliilllit i‘

i-ini \r

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l'ltlllli". s _i t'\ "
‘Eie taskettvali s:a:i : 1311.1",

'li"‘s ;,L {m

ml the ":l
li't'l'tlll .:rr‘.
oi ttiei iiiiers'H s ililllt'ltt interi-s’s

\lllltil.:;ll 'a ilil\t'l\ll\
lease ani taint-s »' i- brought that s i
legation li‘i‘l‘llll sean Higgins
who t'\i"iltl.iii\ erred \ itli the l taxi-"s ’*

' l-llt‘ \(


_.til>ii'llllllt'tl toiiresen'i:


r“i'ts -r


tlll‘rlllt‘il l‘t

i- iltl‘.ll“

in,- t .i

itli' -'
,rlltl lill'lllL‘

traiid’ mrs \i

selliali :tiiwts r


'roii. ,v ;.'rir Hui {minim-2'.- t.


:trl:\ alum hr» .‘tt i



Fans not optimistic about basketball season, investigation

B) 'l‘ti.\l SP-HJDIM;
Sports Editor

The) didn‘t call it "Midnight Sadness.‘
but it has obvious b_\ tan reaction Friday
night that the announcement oi more alle-
gations irom the NCAA against the l'K
basketball program had dampened some
of the enthusiasm at l'K‘s i'irst basketball

Many. like Jim l)utton of Louisville. said
the investigation had ruined what is tradi-
tronally one at the biggest times oi the
year tor Wildcat tans

"l tee] like ithe investigation) has put a
damper on ithe seasoni." Dutton said
"People are uncertain who‘s going to pla)
and they‘re uncertain whether the games
are gomg to count, "

l'niveisity President l)avrd Roselle told
a group of reporters Saturday that UK had
been notified by the NCAA of 17 additional
allegations against the basketball pro

gram. including a tailure oi the l'nivers‘rii'
to monitor its basketball progra in

Fans said on Fruit!) night the)
heard about the press eonierehce
that it turned away mam people

"I had prett} much \\'l'lllt‘ll oii the sea
son because I ligured lh('\ were going to
get the death penaltv' said liarril llal
broks oi Richmond

Sarah ('oursev. an English iiinior at l K.
had a similar tear.

"I know when l was coming over tonight
i was wondering even it there‘s gorng to be
a season" she said

(‘oursey said a lot oi students said thei
decrded not to come to the midnight prae
lice because oi the investigation and be-
cause it was held on a Friday night

Memorial Coliseum. which seats over
11.000 had many empty seats by it pm
Most were tilled by midnight. but the turn
out did not match last year's. when the tire
marshal closed the doors at 10 pm be»
cause it had filled up.


\cveral this were -tis;ippiirtiti‘it ’\ ‘ii‘
laek oi attendant-e
l think the nnestigatroh kept some i'
the tans home said ( arol \lohroe oi iika
tha \nd l don teail them tans
lion \lagee oi ltrirlrngton i'i‘ltin'ii \‘ior:
i‘oe's thoughts. saiing the ones that
tailhtiil are here
\nother reason riiani tans rniri rot late
shoued up. ‘lagee said
doors closed earb last war and main peo
ple may have thought it they did not shoii
iipearlv the\ \ioiildh I get in
.loseph 'l‘honipson ot ltardstoxin was t‘lll'
oi those
We got here around i; .to .p iii and t'\
pected it to tie tull.' he said I’ s rot iiiii
lint the tact that there \iere that h ah\
Ill the r roud. said Larry 'l‘onilinson ot l r s
nigton. was enough to proie to him ‘hat
l'K support is still great
l'K is is going to draii people regard
less oi what happens." he said Their


was because the

ting in'i- ,4'.‘ i.|\l' i.,iitiirii‘ it t‘ ow: _ \.

't“ie\ 'iv e tlltL‘ tn tolloa 'l en: r'r-it rl'i'i's
\‘awia ijllttllL‘fiJll. . w
I ttr hk regai'iiiess o ii-
Ext-:i'ln kx i

i\t'silg.i':‘ilr isnit'tviii
r,“ k\ l..isketti.iil a at \mi.‘ .. \‘Hi'vs. t »-

\~"[\t'_ i

- i‘iiiiit'

'\ .r l s iiil .i'tit " ‘lit' "iii l t

.olrniiasiia‘ioi: i a: r- i r~ r

\l.|l1_\ ”iorign‘ ' l\ ~ r~ -»l'iL' i
punished ii the \t \\ \\ ha i 'ner s. with

l' t’tsl appears the \i \ \ i» i’eieirtii-s-
it‘ «ire isentiit in
Me potent

\lagee sarii
better it i

ii LtiWH‘ltl‘tllH'N t.rsse'tvar. ‘-,;‘e
l i"lllli i'


imtrt'sot 'fl.lll .l l» i'

sillit'dn‘v t ri'.l’l
t t:ea‘rne

iii "\'\ll“lt'

‘lit l\t‘§ti"li kit

'hought itre allegations apn-

fhat start is going on and on. kl \i

ll! l\ l‘ iize V







2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. October 17. 1888




Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the
Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The

publication date.


information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with editorial privi-
lege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organizations or Uni-
versity departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus Calendar form
must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the






M. v..4.___v._..‘ r; .4 .. ....






- Other Judo Club Meeting. Free; Alumni Gym; 5-
6:30pm Caii233-3923

~0thei (through 10 23) Alcohol Awareness Week

'EXNDITS (through 10 30) "liluminations" featur-
ing the seriograpns of Grace Perriah; Free; SCFA
Prestdents Room regular hours or by appointment;
Call 7-1706

-Other Cycling Club Ride Free Seafon - front;
2:3ODm Call233-i438

-Movies The Morning After
Theatre 8pm Cali ‘ 8867

vSerninars Dr Mary D Barkley U of LA. "Fluores-
cence Probes for Peptides and Proteins", Free; MN
463 4pm. Call 77060

oOlher Cornerstone Music Practice" no talent
required - lust energy Free 508 Columbia Avenue;
7-30pm Call 254-3714

- Religious Worship SerVice a casual time of sing-
ing and worship Free 506 Columbia Avenue; 9
pm..Caii 254-3714

-Other Study Abroad information Session: Pro-

Free. Worsham

_ grams in France (bring lunch, drinks provided);

Free; Bradley Hail 207 Noon. Call 7-8139
-Other Alcohol information Table. Student Cen-
ter - front oi Arcade 1 1 a m 2 p m. Cali 7-6597
~Reiigious Penance Sewice Free. Newman Cen-
ter - Main. 7 3C b m 1311112558566



oMowes (through 10 22) Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes $105 Worshgr“ Theatre 7 30 pm.. Call 7-

oMowes (through '0 22) Bedroom Window;

Si 95 Worsham Theatre 10 p m . Cali 7-8867

oReiigious Student Fons Sharing Free- Newman
Center 9pm Caii255:6566

OOther Judo Club Meeting Free Alumni Gym. 5-
6.30 pm Cal1233 3923

-Other ADBD Free Student Center 205; 7 pm;
Call 76636

~Religious Holy Euctiarist. Free St
Chapel 5-30pm {20112543726

-Other Call of Cthulhu Role Playing; Free; Student
Center 205 9 l‘ 30 pm Student Center Game
Room: Call 76630

- Concerts Joseph Fratianni Faculty Classical Gui-
tar Recrtal Free SCFA ReCital Hall; 8 pm. Call 7-

00ther Table Tennis Meeting, Free; Seafon
Squash Room. 7 30-10 p.m..Cali 76636

vSeminars Ms Jana Patton. UK. "An Example of
Mitochodrian-dependent Photosynthesis Free;
MN 463:4pm. Call 77060

~Other- Food tor Thought "Beginning 0 Personal
Journal". Free; Student Center 231: Noon; Call 7-

- Seminars “Molecular Views of Carcinogens and
DNA" by Dr Suse Broyde. NVU: Free; POT. 18 west
board room. 4 pm. Call 787 37

OOther Study Abroad Information Session: Pro-
grams in Great Britain (bring lunch; drinks pro-
vided); Free; Bradley Hall 207 Noon: Call 7-8139

-Other: Program on DUI and the Law. Alcohol
and its Effects and a Breathalyzer Demonstration;
Free; New Student Center 203. 5—7 pm; Call 7-3191

- Meetings Archaeiogical Society: introduction to
Faunai Bone Analy5is Free Latterty Hall; 7:30 pm;
Call 252-3942

tiecture- German Assembly Series Herbert Mar-
cuse '1968 Ten tears Later Free: Games Humani-
ties Center 5 30 b m Call 74641






osports (through 10 23) UK Women's Tennis
Woodside Plantation invrtationai Aiken. SC: Cali 7-

' Concerts Lexington Philharmonic Arax Davttion.
Soprano 51250 $15 51750 $20 Concert Hall: 8
pm.Call 7A ’29

OSeminars Thomas Richmond University of Utah.
"Breaking Bonds and Making Polymer with transition
Metals .FreeCP137.4mealI7-7060

oOther Gallery Series investigating the Super-
natural - Joe Nickell Free Peal Gallery; Noon; Call

-Other Study Abroad information Session: Pro
grams in Spain and Merrico (bring lunch; drinks pro-
vided). Free Bradley Hall 207 Noon;Cail 7-8139

-0ther UK Cycling Club Ride; Free; Seafon -
tr-ji’i’ 2 30 b m Call 233- 7438

-Other iFC and Panhelienic present a non-aica
hoiic mixer (free food and drinks). Free; Fraternity
Row Parking Lot 4 7 p n: Call 75723

OOther Best non-alcoholic party contest PRIZE a
3-hour show by 100 FM Free. Call 76597



0 MOT/195 Bedroom Window
Theatre 7Dm Cali 7886 7

- ReligiOiis Collegiate Worship Service; Free; 502
Columbia Avenue 11 a m Call 233-0313

0 Other Sunday Obligation Masses; Free. New-
man Center; 8 10 11-30 5 and 9-30 Call 255-

- ReligiOUS Holy Eucharist Free. 51
Chapel. 10 30 a m Call 254 3726

-Religious Holy Eucharist Free. St
Chapel. 5 30 D m . Call 254-3 726

oSports (through 10 29) UK Men's golf vs Col-
lege of Charleston. Charleston. SC. Call 7-3838

- Concerts Center Sunday Series UK Chorale — "A
Shaker Worship Seryice Free. SCFA Recital Hall; 3
p m . Call 74900

- Concerts Octubafest Concert 4: Roger Behrend.
euphonium. Free. Rectal Hall. 8 pm. Call 7-4929

'Other UK Chortsiers-Roger Wesby. Director — CS.
Free; SCFA Recrtal Hall 3 pm . Call 74900

°Concerts OctubafestrRoger Behrend. euphoni-
um; Free; SCFA Recital; 8 pm . Cali 7-4900

OOther. Pig Roast with live band: 53/52 with cou-
pon; South Campus; Noon. Call 86772

0 Sports; UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs. University of
Georgia: 53, Lexington ice Center. 10 am. Call

51 95 Worsham




291933, .. -41..



oOther: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-House. 4:30-
530 pm; Call 254-7765

OReliglous; Tuesday Night Together- informal
Worship: Free. 429 Columbia Avenue. 730 pm.

oReilgious; Genesis 11; Free. Newman Center. 7.9
pm; Call 272-2486

-Reilglous: Rite of Christian initiation of Adults
(RCIA), Free: Newman Center. 7 30 pm, Call 255-

~0ther (through 1020): Aerobics; Free; Newman
Center Room 3; 5:50-7 p.m.;C01126(>6920

~Concerts: RM 22 Jazz BanalDale E. Warren. di-
rector; Free; SCFA ReCitai Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4900

-Other: Game Night; Free Student Center Game
Room; 7:30 pm; Call 76636

oOther: SAB indoor Recreation Committee Meet-
lng; Free; Student Center Game Room. 7-8 pm;

. Other; Bridge Lessons and Games; Free; Student
Center Game Room; 7:30-10 pm; Call 76636

OOther; UK Fencing Club - beginners welcome.
equipment provided; Free; Alumni Gym. 7:30-9:30
pm; Call 8-5564

-Movies: Bright Lights. Big City 5195 Worsham
Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867

-Meetings: UK Cycling Club Meeting; Free; Sea-
fon 207; 8 pm. Call 233-7438

oAcademics: Japanese Writing Classes; 540: yd-
rious locations; Call 71525

-Other- Residence Halls‘ Mocktail Contest and
Reception; Free; Blazer. Commons and Donovan
4:306:30; Call 7-4401

~Meetings: Infertility Support Group Meeting
Free; Chandler Medical Center C303 730 pm

0 Lecture; "Why Sould Anyone Believe Anything at
All?"; Free; Student Center 206 7 30 p m.


-Other: Campus Aerobics. Free K-House 430»
5:30 pm; Call 254-7765

~Reiigious: D 8 L Grill — Devotion and Lunch 51
429 Columbia Avenue; 12:15 pm . Call 73989

0 Religious: Christian Student Fellowship Bible
Study; Free; 502 Columbia Avenue; 7 p m_ Call

OOther; Art at Lunch. Free. UK Art Museum. Noon.
Call 7-5716

00ther: Chess Club; Free; Student Center Game
Room; 7.30 pm; Call 76636

-Academics: Japanese Writing Classes Eimen-
tary and Intermediate Classes. $80. various loca-
tions:Call 7-1525

OOther; Nine-Ball Tournament. $1 adv reg. S2
other: Student Center Game Room; 7.30 pm; Call

-Other: “Cornerstone Drama Practice“ no talent
required — lust interest; Free; 508 Columbia Avenue:
6:30 pm; Call 254-3714

ORellgious. ”Decision Point - Bible Study". Free.
508 Columbia Avenue; 8 pm. Call 254-3714

oOther: ”Fetal Alcohol Syndrome" a presentation
by Robert Bratton and Scott Black. MN 263 — Chan-
dler Medical; Noon; Call 233-5261

- Meetings: College Bowl Captain's Meeting; Free.
Student Center 228; 7 pm: Call 8-1512

~Workshop: "Drug Awareness" Recognizing and
Responding to Manifestations of Student Drug Use.
Free; P.O.T. 18th floor board room; 3-4:30 pm. Call

. Religious: Myth and symbol. Free; Newan Cen-
ter Room 3 and 4; 7:30 pm. Call 254-5577

- Special Event- Women in Leadership Panel Free
Student Center Small Ballroom Noon-2 pm: Call .7-





oReiigious: Sunday Obligation Masses; Free; New-
man Center; 6 pm: Call 255-8566

i-Sports: Wildcat Football vs Georgia; Free with
UKiD: Commonwealth Stadium. 730 pm. Call 7-

~0ther: ADBiD Varients; Free. Student Center
Game Room: 10 am .3 pm; Call 76636

oOther: Star Trek-Role Playing; Free. Student Cen-
ter 205; 7-11;30 pm. Call 76636

COther: Twilight 2000/Role Playing. Free; Student
Center 205; 7-11;3O pm: Call 76636

OOther (through 1023) “Collage with Waterco-
lor" class presented by UK Community Education. 1-
5 am; Cali 7-3294

OOther; Phi Pst Chariot Race Free Seaton Field
10 pm; Call 86881

OOther- "A First Course in Computers presented
by UK Community Education 9 d.m.-noon; Cali 7-

OSports: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs. University of
Georgia; 53. Lexington ice Center. Midnight. Call

OOther» SADD live-mile waik-a-thon (money for
substance abuse prevention). begin at New Stu-
dent Center; 9 a.m.. Call 7-5724

- Other; Daylight Service in dedication to anyone
touched by alcholoism. drinking and driving. etc.
Free; Student Center patio. 11 30 a m

0 Sports: UK Rifle Team vs Xavier. LERlC; Cincmnati.
OH;Cali 7-3838



OOther: .kido Club Meeting; Free; Alumni Gym; 5-
6:30 p.m.;Cai1233-3923

OOttier UK cycling Club Ride Free. Seafon -
front; 2:30 pm; Call 233~7438

0Concerts: Octubafest UK Tuba and Euphonium
Recital; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm ; Call 74900

IOther "Cornerstone Music Practice' no talent
required - lust energy; Free. 508 Columbia Avenue.
7:30 pm; Call 254-3714

- Worn; Worship Service a casual time or sing-
lng and worship; Free: 508 Columbia Avenue. 9
pm; Call 254-3714

0Other: Study Abroad information Session pro—
gram in Germany and Austria (bring lunch. drinks
provided); Free; Bradley Hall 207. Noon; Cali 7-8139

«Other; College Bowl. Free. Old Student Center
Theatre; 7 p.m.;Cd18-1512





special events







-Academics — 10118: Japanese wilting Classes:
$40; various locations; Cali 7-1525

«Academics — 10120; Japanese Writing Classes:
Eimentary and intermediate Classes; 580; various
locations; Call 7-1525

0 Other — 10117-10123: Alcohol Awareness Week

-Other — 10117: “Cornerstone Music Practice”: no
talent required — lust energy; Free. 508 Columbia
Avenue; 7:30 pm; Call 254-3714

-Other — 1017: Study Abroad information Ses-
sion; Programs in France (bring lunch; drinks pro-
vided); Free; Bradley Hall 207; Noon; Call 7-8139

00ther — 10117: Alcohol information Table; Stu-
dent Center — front oi Arcade. 11 a.m.-2 pm; Call

~Other - 10 18: Residence Halls' Mocktail Contest
and Reception; Free; Blazer. Commons and Dana-
van; 4:306:30; Call 76401

-Other - 10119: Food for Thought; ”Beginning 0
Personal Journal". Free. Student Center 231. Noon;
Call 7-3383

OOther — 1019; Study Abroad information Ses-
sion; Programs in Great Britain (bring lunch; drinks
provided). Free; Bradley Hall 207; Noon; Call 7-8139

-ther - 1019; Program on DUI and the Law. Al-
cohol and its Effects and a Breathalyzer Demonstra-
lion; Free. New Student Center 203. 5-7 pm. Call 7-

00ther — 1020: Art at Lunch. Free. UK Art Mu-
seum; Noon. Call 7-5716

00ther — 10"20 "Cornerstone Drama Practice"~
no talent required - just interest. Free; 508 Colum-
bio Avenue; 6:30 pm. Call 254-3714

-Other - 1020. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome“ a pre-
sentation by Robert Bratton and Scott Black. MN
263 — Chandler Medical. Noon. Call 233-5261

00ther — 1021; Gallery Series: "Investigating the
Supernatural" — Joe Nickeil, Free. Peal Gallery.
Noon; Call 78634

00ther - 10121; Study Abroad information Ses-
sion; Programs in Spain and Mexico (bring lunch;
drinks provided); Free: Bradley Hall 207. Noon. Call

OOther - 10121: UK (Nciing Club Ride. Free: Sea—
ton — front; 2:30 pm. Call 233-7438

'Other — 10’21. iFC and Panheilenic present a
nonalcoholic mixer (free food and drinks). Free:
Fraternity Row Parking Lot. 4-7 pm. Call 7-5723

~Other — 10121; Best non-alcoholic party contest:
PRIZE a 3-hour show by 100 FM. Free; Call 76597

-Other - 10122-10523: "Collage with Watercolor"
class presented by UK Community Education. 15
pm: Call 7-3294

~0ther — 10'22. Phi Psi Chariot Race; Free Seafon
Field; 10 p m; Call 86881

-Other - 10122; "A First Course in Computers"
presented by UK Community Education. 9 am.-
noon; Cali 7-3294

00ther - 10122 SADD five-mile waik-a-thon
(money for substance abuse prevention). begin at
New Student Center 9 am. Cali 7-5724

00ther — 10:22; Daylight Service in dedication to
anyone touched by alcholoism drinking and driv-
ing. etc. Free: Student Center patio. 11:30 am.

oOther — 10123 UK Choristers’Roger Wesby. Di-
rector - CS; Free. SCFA Recital Hall. 3 pm. Call 7-

'Other - TO 23 Pig Roast with live band. $3 $2
with coupon; South Campus; Noon- Call 86772

-Other — 1024 UK Qciing Club Ride Free; Sea—
fon — front; 2:30 pm. Call 233-7438

-Other — 1024 “Cornerstone Music Practice " no
talent required - iust energy: Free. 508 Columbia
Avenue; 730 pm; Call 254-3714

oOther - 1024: Study Abroad information Ses-
sion- programs in Germany and Austria (bring
lunch; drinks provided). Free. Bradley Hall 207.
Noon; Call 7-8139

OOther — 10124. College Bowl. Free. Old Student
Center Theatre; 7 pm. Call 81512

OReligious — 1017 Worship Service a casual
time of singing and worship. Free. 508 Columbia
Avenue; 9 pm. Call 254-3714

~Religious - 10'17 Penance Service. Free; New-
man Center - Main 7:30 pm: Call 255-8566

OSpeciai Event - 1020 Women in Leadership
Panel; Free. Student Center Small Ballroom Noon-2
pm. Call 7-1109



looking ahead




10127-1030 - Theatre Miss Lille by August
Strindberg, directed by Charles Oates; $4. $5; Briggs
Theatre. FA. 8 pm. Call 7-1385

10127 - Other Coors Light Comedy Commandos
sponsored by Student Activities Board. Free; Stu-
dent Center Ballroom. 8 pm. Call 7-8867

10"27 — Other; Boyd Hall Haunted House (Dro-
ceeds to United Way). 52. Boyd Hall. 8 p.m.-mid-
night. Call 8-8407

10:27 - Other: Role of U.N.O in Solving the Prob
lerns of World Hunger. Free. LCC Oswald - 230;
7 30 pm; Call 7-3680

10128-10130 - Other» Parent's Weekend; UK
Campus; Call 7-8867

10129 - Sports: Wildcat Footbdi vs. Southern lili-
nois; Free with 1100: Commonwealth Stadium; 7:30
pm. Cdi 7-3838


fl, ,_ A _.4





OConcerts — 10118: RM 22 Jazz Band/Dale E. War-
ren. director; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-

0Concerts - 10119: Joseph Fratianni/Faculty Clas-
sical Guitar Recital; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm;
Call 7-4900

OConcerts - 10121: Lexington Philharmonic: Arax
Davttion. Soprano; $12.50. $15. $17.50. 520; Can-
cert Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4929

oConcerts - 10123; Center Sunday Series: UK
Chorale — "A Shaker Worship Service"; Free; SCFA
Recital Hall; 3 pm; Call 7-4900

0Concerts — 10123: Octubafest Concert 4; Roger
Behrend. euphonium; Free; Recital Hall; 8 pm. Call

-Concerts — 10123: Octubafest/Roger Behrend.
euphonium; Free; SCFA Recital; 8 pm; Call 74900

~Concerts — 10124; Octubafest/UK Tuba and Eu-
phonium Recital; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call

°Exhiblts - 1017-10 30: “Illuminations" featuring
the seriographs of Grace Perriah; Free; SCFA Presi-
dents Room; regular hours or by appointment; Call
~Movies - 10.17: The Morning After. Free.
Worsham Theatre; 8 pm. Call 7-8867

-Movies — 1018. Bright Lights, Big City. $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 8 pm. Call 7-8867

0Movies - 10119-1022: Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 730 pm; Call 7-

-Movies - 10 19-1022: Bedroom Window, 5195;
Worsham Theatre; 10 p m.. Call 7-8867

oMovies — 10’23; Bedroom Window. $1.95.
Worsham Theatre; 7 pm: Call 7-8867







. Sports - 10121-10323: UK Women's Tennis Wood-
side Plantation invitational; Aiken. SC; Cali 7-3838

0 Sports — 10’22: Wildcat Football vs. Georgia;
Free with UKlD; Commonwealth Stadium; 7-30 pm;
Call 7-3838

- Sports - 10122: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs. Uni-
versih of Georgia; 53; Lexington ice Center; Mid-
nir ;i Call269-4873

-Sports — 10122: UK Rifle Team vs. Xavier. LERiC:
Cincinnati. OH; Cali 7-3838

'Sports — 10/23-10129. UK Men's golf vs. College
of Charleston; Charleston. SC; Call 7-3838

. Sports — 10123: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey vs. Uni-
versity of Georgia; S3; Lexington ice Center; 10
am. Call 269-4873


7&3 iii-1%-









oLecture — 1018: "Why Souid Anyone Believe
Anything at A117". Free; Student Center 206; 7:30

oLecture -~ 10119: German Assembly Series: Her-
bert Marcuse "1968. Ten Years Later". Free; Gaines
Humanities Center. 5:30 pm; Call 7-4641

oMeetings - 10118; UK (Nellng Club Me -' a;
Free; Seafon 207; 8 pm; Call 233-7438

oMeefings - 10118: Infertility Support Group
Meeting. Free; Chandler Medical Center. C303:
7:30 pm. Call 233-5410

oMeetings - 10119: Archaelogical Society: intro-
duction to Faunai Bone Analysis; Free; Lotterty Hall;
7-30 pm; Call 252-3942

oMeetings - 10120 College Bowl Captain's
Meeting; Free; Student Center 228: 7 pm; Call 8-

-Seminars - 10117: Dr. Mary 0. Barkley, U of M.
“Fluorescence Probes for Peptides and Proteim”;
Ft”: MN 463; 4 pm; Call 7-7060

OSemlnars - 10119; Ms. Jana Patton. UK. “An Ex-
ample of Mtochodrlandependent Photosynthesis
...'; Free; W 463: 4pm.; Coll 7-7060

oSeminars - 10119: "Molecular Views of Carcino-
gens and DNA“ by Dr. Suse Broyde. NYU; Free; POT.
18 west board room; 4 pm; Call 7-8737

oSemlnars - 10121: Thomas Richmond. University
Transition Metals"; Free; CP 137; 4 pm; Call 7-7060

oWorkshop — 10120: "Drug Awareness": Recog-
nizing and Respondng to Manifestations of Student
Drug Use; Free; POT. 18th floor board room; 34:30
pm; Call 7-8701






 The allegations

Continued from Page |

1986-87 academic year, a member
of the university‘s basketball staff
offered the young man improper
inducements in order to obtain his
signature on a National better of
Intent. Specifically, it is alleged
that the staff member told the
prospect that, if he would sign a
letter of intent, he would receive a
monthly allowance of $300 cash
from the time he signed the letter
until leaving the university. an au-
tomobile at the time of signing, the
opportunity to obtain a different
automobile after enrollment at the
university, and that financial assis—
tance for the prospect's mother
would be provided It is also al-
leged that during the recruiting of
this young man a member of the
univcristy‘s basketball staff con-
firmed these offers to a relative of
the young man. it is further al~
leged that a named representative
of the university's athletics inter-
ests confirmed these offers and
that during the prospect‘s official
visit to the campus an unidentified
representative of the university's
athletics interests also confirmed
the offers

3. it is alleged that during the re-
cruiting of the prospect mentioned
in Allegation 2 a member of the
university's basketball staff had an
improper facetosface recruiting
contact with the young man in vio-
lation of contact rules and that on a
different occasion the staff mem-
ber illegally shot baskets with the
young man at his high school prac»

4 It is alleged that on otie occar
sion during the summer of 1987 a
representative of the university‘s
athletics interests. provided trans
portation to a prospective student