Commission On Religion In Appalachia (CORA) records
Descriptive Summary
- Title
- Commission On Religion In Appalachia (CORA) records
- Date
- 1935-1998, undated (inclusive)
- Extent
- 185.8 Cubic Feet
- Subjects
- War on Poverty in Appalachia
- Community development -- Appalachian Region.
- Arrangement
- Collection is arranged by format.
- Preferred Citation
- 1997ms352: [identification of item], Commission on Religion in Appalachia (CORA) records, 1935-1998, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
- Repository
- University of Kentucky
Collection Overview
- Biography / History
- The Commission on Religion in Appalachia (CORA) was founded in 1965. Its main purpose was "to express God's love in the empowerment of the people of Appalachia by working for justice." The organization brought economic opportunities and spread a positive religious message to the rural populations of Appalachia. Appalachian Christians came together to assemble support for labor rights, civil rights, and environmental rights. Between 1965 and December 31, 2006, CORA connected both progressive values with their religious beliefs. They joined their faith with progressive political beliefs to address the concerns of ordinary people living in rural Appalachia. They focused on issues such as poor education for the younger generation and dangerous working conditions in coal mines.
- Throughout CORA's forty-one year history, the organization distributed over 14 million dollars to community agencies and organizations in the twelve participating Appalachian region states. CORA's representation built upon several church denominations, the State Council of Churches, National Council of Churches, National Catholic Rural Life Conference and from members elected at large from the Appalachian Region. The main offices were located in Knoxville, Tennessee and Charleston, West Virginia. The most important figures during the time of CORA were Max Glenn, John McBride, Sim Sessions, and Tina Willemsma.
- Some of the organizations founded by CORA include the Federation of Appalachian Housing Enterprise, the Appalachian Ministries Educational Resource Center in Kentucky, the Virginia Black Lung Association, the Southern Empowerment Project in Tennessee, and Stop Abusive Family Environments in West Virginia. The organization of CORA also organized an Anti-Racism Team to educate people about racism and its dangers. Churches from across America built teams to travel to Appalachia to renovate and rebuild homes, work against mountaintop removal, and advocate for workers in the coal mines being unfairly treated by the coal companies. In the end, CORA began to decline when the churches who supported its mission began to fund their ministries. CORA officially ended December 31, 2006. Sources used: (CORA, a voice for justice in the mountains), acessed 2016 December
- Scope and Content
- The Commission on Religion in Appalachia (CORA) records (dated 1935-1998, undated; 185.8 cubic feet; 178 record storage boxes, 5 half-sized storage boxes, 6 flat boxes, 4 case folders) consists of operating records, ephemera, photographs, film, and audio recordings documenting the activities of CORA relating to causes such as labor, civil rights, and environmental protection in Appalachia. mobilize church support for labor, civil rights, environmental protection, and other vital causes, active from 1965 through 2006. A large portion of the collection contains the administrative, correspondence and proposal documents for the Appalachian Development Projects Committee (ADPC), an agency of CORA who selected and supported programs and projects. Also included in the collection are non-ADPC project proposals. Other committees and focus groups' records in the collection include the Appalachian Development Fund, Appalachian Religious Communications, Economic Working Group, Northern Appalachian Committee, and the Social, Economic, and Political Issues group. The Denominations and Parish Developments series and the Related Agencies series include correspondence and records of Protestant churches, Catholic churches and secular and non-secular organizations CORA collaborated with.
- The collection also documents the official statements, policies and day to day activities of the Commission on Religion in Appalachia. The office files include papers like articles of incorporation, correspondence, memos, personnel records, and reports. It also contains the office files of CORA directors Jim McBride and Tom Hughs. The Meetings Series include the annual commission meetings, board meetings, general committee meetings, and staff meetings. Financial files in the collection demonstrate the financial complexities for a large and longstanding organization. Included in these files are requests for funding, invoices, and receipts, along with financial ledgers and budget materials. The Printed Materials series includes brochures and reports by CORA and published articles, books, and magazines for reference and research. Finally, the Audiovisual series includes photographs of CORA meetings, events and projects, audio recordings of meetings, Christian music, and a film of CORA projects and about CORA committees like the Appalachian Development Committee.
Restrictions on Access and Use
- Conditions Governing Access
- Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
- Use Restrictions
- The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
Contents of the Collection
Appalachia Development Projects Committee (ADPC), 1968-1996, undated
Scope and Contents
The Appalachian Development Projects Committee (ADPC) files, 1966-1995, undated, contains administrative information, office files, information on leadership groups/partnerships under the ADPC, events, financial information, reports, proposals, and projects. The administrative information documents are alphabetized by grouping (e.g. Assembly, Bylaws, Organization descriptions, and more) and contain documents on the functional workings of the ADPC. The office documents are also alphabetized and contain documents related to the ADPC offices in Appalachia. The leadership groups and partnerships sub-series are alphabetized by the organizations and contain information on the relations between groups in the ADPC. The events are ordered by year and have information regarding meetings, fundraisers and other events run by the ADPC. The financial documents, containing information about ADPC funding and maintenance, are put in order by year. Reports are alphabetized by topic (e.g. Annual Reports, General Reports, and Narratives, etc.) and contain the reports that do not belong to any particular project. The proposals are alphabetized by the type of proposal (General proposals, Grant Funding Proposals and Proposal summaries) and also contain proposals that do not belong to any particular project. Finally, the projects were funded and/or run by the ADPC and are alphabetized by their project names.
Administrative, 1974-1995, undated
Administrative directories, funding lists, memos, 1977
Administrative project proposals, 1981
Administrative statements, 1979
Agreement with Contact Center, 1983-1987
Assembly meetings, 1984-1988
Assembly meetings handouts, 1990-1992
By-laws, 1973
By-laws, revised, 1978
By-laws, revised, 1979
By-laws, revised, 1987
Commission membership correspondence, 1976
Goals and objectives, 1978
Goals and objectives, 1974-1975
Guidelines for training legal assistants, 1975
Guidelines for securing and processing proposals, 1975
Notes on meetings and proposals, 1978
Notes on tasks to complete, 1974-1977
Organization description, 1975-1977
Presentations, 1981-1983
Project designations, 1987
Project designations, 1988
Project designations, undated
"There is a String in the Mountains" brochure, undated
Various brochures, 1983-1995
Survey of community organizations, 1989
Technical assistance proposal, 1978
Assembly presentations, 1981
Travel policies, 1991
Financials, 1973-1990, undated
Appalachian Legal Defense Fund, 1973-1975
Finance committee, budget files, worksheets, 1974-1977
Financial budget sheets, 1974-1979
Funding correspondence, 1975
Fourth quarter payments to projects, 1975
Payments to projects, 1975-1977
First quarter payments to projects, 1976
Second quarter payments to projects, 1976
Third quarter payments to projects, 1976
Fourth quarter payments to projects, 1976
Financial statements, 1976-1977
Project funds, 1976-1977
Fundraising correspondence, 1976-1978
Potential funds correspondence, 1976-1978
Expense letter and pamphlet, 1977
Payments to projects, 1977
First quarter payments to projects, 1977
Second quarter payments to projects, 1977
Third quarter payments to projects, 1977
Invoices, 1977
Meetings budgets and evaluations for funding, 1977-1978
Budget files, memos, expense reports, 1977-1978
Emergency appeals funds, 1978
On-site expenses, 1978
Project funds disbursed, 1978
Payments lists, 1978
Funding selection, 1978
Project funds disbursed, 1979
Requests for funding, 1979
Enabling budget, 1979
Receipts and reports, 1979-1980
Budget notes and statements, 1980-1981
Invoices, 1981
Payment schedules, 1981
Invoices and ledgers, 1981
Expense vouchers, 1981
Communion payments direct to projects, 1981-1983
Meeting invoices and payment requests, 1983
Statements and vouchers, 1983
Funding briefing, 1985
Staff pension packet, 1986
Proposed budget for 1988, 1987
Funding proposals, 1992-1993
Emergency funds, 1975-1976
Designated funds, 1976-1977
Project budgets, 1977
Flood recovery funds, 1977-1978
United Methodist Church funding, 1977-1978
Proposed budget correspondence, 1977-1978
Designated funds, 1978
Consultation on Church Funding, 1978
Budgets with correspondence and minutes, 1978
Funds received, 1979
Ledger notes, 1979
Ledger notes, requests for payments, 1979
Receipts, 1979
Invoices, 1979-1980
Budget ledgers, 1979-1980
Funds disbursed, 1980
Invoices, 1982
Project ledgers, 1982
Advocacy payments and funds received, 1983
Project expenses, 1984-1985
Expenses, 1989
Budgets with memos and mission statement, 1989-1990
Strategy Considerations for funding of Appalachian projects through CORA, undated
Leadership groups and partnerships, 1972-1996
Ad Hoc Task Force correspondence and report, 1975
Advocacy Committee finances, 1983
Advocacy Committee lists and budgets, 1984-1987
Advocacy Committee lists and operating procedures, 1990-1991
Advocacy Committee lists and meeting minutes, 1992
American Baptist Church response forms, 1977-1979
American Lutheran Church, 1977
Appalachian Regional School for Church Leaders (ARSCL), 1975-1976
ARSCL, 1981
Businesses, various feasible, undated
Centers and data, 1972
Economic Transformation Committee, 1985
Evaluation Committee responses, 1979
Evaluation Committee reports, 1979-1980
Evaluation of Festival on Religion and Rural Life Steering Committee, 1978
Evaluation Committee annual process report, 1978-1979
Evaluation Committee report, 1979-1980
Evaluation Committee report, undated
Evaluation meeting minutes, notes, reports, 1973-1975
Foundations correspondence and reports, 1984-1986
Foundations: Jewish Fund for Justice, 1985
Foundations: New York Community Trust, 1985
Fundraising sub-committee, 1979
Negotiations and Appeals Committee, 1979
Nominating Committee memos, 1980
Personnel Committee, 1977-1981
Personnel Committee correspondence and reports, 1980
Resource Mobilization Task Force (RMTF), 1975-1976
RMTF Carl Burke, Coordinator, correspondence and job information, 1977
RMTF member lists, memos, minutes, 1978
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (RWRC), 1973-1975
Static Working Group, 1976
Steering Committee, 1978
Steering Committee open meeting, 1978
Screening and Allocations Committee (SAC), 1981-1990
SAC, 1993
Volunteer correspondence, 1977
Volunteer Task Force, 1985
APSO board list and correspondence, 1976-1978
Community Development Corporations, 1974-1975
Design committee meeting summaries, 1980
Fundraising sub-committee correspondence, 1974-1975
Fundraising sub-committee fundraising trip to New York, 1976
Fundraising sub-committee memos, 1979
Mission, Planning and Evaluation Committee (MPE), 1990-1994
Mountain Management Institute, 1973-1979
Personnel Committee, 1979-1982
Regional Grassroots Organizing, 1974
Resource Mobilization Task Force, 1974-1980
Screening and Allocations Committee (SAC), 1980
SAC, 1989
SAC, 1992-1996
Self-Help Task Force, 1973-1975
Steering Committee, 1975-1978
United Methodist Church, 1980-1987
Various partnerships and committees, 1989
Screening and Allocations Committee (SAC) meeting minutes, 1980
SAC guidelines and minutes, 1992-1996
Ad-Hoc Committee on Disaster Response, 1979
Appalachian Regional Commission, White House conference on domestic and economic affairs, 1975
Knott County, Kentucky legal case notes, 1976
Urban Appalachian Council newsletter, 1977
Meetings, 1973-1993, undated
Meeting minute book, 1973-1977
Meeting correspondence, 1973
Minutes and notes, 1973-1980
Minutes, 1974-1975
Minutes, 1975-1978
Minutes and notes, 1976
Minutes, 1976-1977
Minutes, 1977
Spring meeting notes, 1977
Blue Ridge Assembly meeting, 1977
Wheeling College meeting, 1977
American Baptist Church tour, 1978
Meeting notes, 1978
Minutes, 1978
Project Conference notes and responses, 1978
Meeting invitations, 1979
Minutes, 1979
Projects Conference, 1979
Minutes, 1980
Minutes, 1981
Minutes, 1982
Business meeting minutes, 1982
Minutes and reports, 1982-1983
Board of Directors training meeting, 1983
Minutes, 1983
Minutes, 1983-1988
Minutes, 1984
Minutes, 1984-1988
Minutes, 1985
Minutes, 1986
Board meeting minutes, 1987
Minutes, 1987
Minutes, 1988
Minutes, 1989
Minutes, 1989
Minutes, 1990
Minutes and agendas, 1990
Hartman Center board training workshop, 1992-1993
On-site visits to projects for possible funding, 1976-1978
On-site visits, 1977
On-site visits for 1978 projects, 1977
On-site visitation teams and assignments, 1978
On-site criteria and info for 1979 projects, 1978
On-site visits, 1979
On-site project summaries, 1979
On-site worksheets, 1979
Project memos and meeting minutes, 1975-1976
Projects conference, 1975-1977
Meeting correspondence and packet, 1976
National Sharecroppers Fund meeting, 1976
Projects conference, 1976-1977
Minutes rough drafts, 1976-1978
Housing conference tour and papers, 1977-1978
Projects conference, 1978
Meeting minutes, 1978-1979
Meeting correspondence and minutes, 1979
Minutes rough drafts, 1979
Meeting agenda, correspondence and minutes, 1979-1981
Annual Projects Conference, 1980
Leadership Conference Call meeting, 1980
Spring meeting minutes and notes, 1980
Meeting packet, 1986
Meeting correspondence, notes and packets, 1986-1990
Suggested guidelines for meetings, undated
Memos, 1983
Meeting minutes, 1980
Office files, 1973-1987, undated
Directory notices, 1976-1977
Directory originals, 1977
Directory lists, 1977
Directories, 1983
Correspondence, 1973-1974
Correspondence, 1974
Memos, 1974-1978
Memos, 1975-1976
Board memos and correspondence, 1976
Memos and correspondence, 1976-1977
Correspondence regarding craft groups, 1976-1977
Correspondence and articles about Appalachian demographics, 1976-1978
Memos and general information, 1977
Memos, 1977
Correspondence, 1977-1978
Correspondence and memos, 1977-1979
Correspondence, 1978
Training correspondence, 1978
Mike Haga, Technical Assistant, correspondence, 1978
Memos, 1978
Correspondence, 1978-1979
Inter-office memos, 1979
Project letters, 1979
Memos, 1979
Memos, 1980
Memo about Chevrolet Caprice, 1981
Gene Harner, Project Coordinator, correspondence, 1987
Correspondence, 1976-1977
Project letters, 1977
Project rejection letters, 1977
Project conference memo, 1978
Project letters, 1978
Thank you letters sent to contributors, 1978
Mailing address lists, undated
Mailing instructions, undated
Mailing labels, undated
Mailing memos and Xerox labels, 1975
Mailing lists, 1986
Project Agreement forms, 1979
Tape schedules and information, 1976-1977
Budget worksheets, 1973-1975
Budget worksheets, 1977
Pamphlets, 1987-1988
Pamphlets sent to ADPC, 1980
Directory of members, 1975-1978
Directory of members, 1986
Correspondence, 1974-1980
Correspondence, 1975-1976
Proposals, 1974-1994
Project information and correspondence, 1974
Various proposals, 1974
Various proposals, 1974-1975
Resumes of projects, 1974-1976
Project information and correspondence, 1975
Various proposals, 1975
Proposal summaries, 1977
Proposal summaries, 1978
Proposal summaries, 1979
Project information and correspondence, 1980
Project information, 1983
Proposal interviews and evaluations, 1985-1987
Proposal Packet for Funding Advocacy, 1987
Proposal summaries, 1987
Proposal Packet for Funding Advocacy, 1988
Proposals and six month narratives, 1989
Proposals and six month narratives, 1990
Proposal summaries and directory, 1991
Proposal summaries, 1981
Proposal summaries, 1985
Proposal packet, 1985-1987
Proposal summaries, 1986
Projects review, 1987
Six month narrative advocated projects, 1992
Proposal requests, 1974-1977
Proposed outline for videotaping on ADPC, 1976
Proposal summaries, 1977-1978
Proposal summaries with memos and minutes, 1979
Projects recommended for funding advocacy, 1980-1981
Project proposal packet, 1981
Projects recommended for funding advocacy, 1994
HEAD Corporation, 1979
Knott County Citizens for Social and Economic Justice Program, undated
Scott Morgan Community Development Corporation, undated
United Presbyterian Church Hunger Program, 1977-1978
Charles Crank resignation from the board letter, 1977
Advance Special Program correspondence and forms, 1977-1979
Design Committee meeting summaries, 1980-1983
Directory of members, 1977
Buchanan County Farm Co-Op on-site evaluation, 1977
Projects, 1972-1996
Aid to Distressed Families of Anderson County, Tennessee, 1993-1994
Aliquippa Alliance for Unity and Development, 1986-1988
Allegheny Conference on Human Development, 1987-1988
American Lutheran Church, 1977
Appalachian Association of St. Francis, 1986
Appalachia Coalition, 1980
Appalachian Community Development Corporation, 1977
Appalachian Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Project, 1981
Appalachian Habitat Black Creek Woodworks, 1988
Appalachian Habitat for Humanity, 1979-1988
Appalachian Ohio Public Interest Company, 1983-1989
Appalachian Peace and Justice Network, 1989
Appalachian Peace and Justice Network, 1993-1994
Appalachian Peace Education Center, 1984-1989
Appalachian South Folklife Center, 1982-1994
Appalshop, 1984-1989
Appalachian Community Projects, 1975
Barwick Community Garden Cooperative, 1982-1989
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, 1989
Blue Ridge Heatside Crafts, 1986
Boone County Union Community Center, 1977
Buchanan County, Virginia Citizens for Social and Economic Justice Project, 1974-1980
Buffalo Soldiers, 1979
Camp Washington Community School, 1989
Central Pennsylvania Village Crafts, 1980-1990
Changing Human Opportunities in Cooperative Effort (CHOICE), 1977-1979
Chattanooga Community Organization, 1983-1989
Cherokee County (North Carolina) Schools Parenting Project, 1989-1992
Chevy Chase Community School, 1993-1994
Child Care Center, Inc., 1991
Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste, 1989
Clean Water Fund, 1988-1990
Coal Employment Project, 1992-1994
Coalition of American Electrical Consumers, 1985
Come-Unity Cooperative Care, 1987
Community Farm Alliance, 1986
Community Farm Alliance, 1989
Community Shares, 1986
Community Shares, 1989
Concerned Citizens for Justice, Inc., 1980
Connellsville Area Community Ministries, 1988
Contact Center, 1979-1987
Consulting for Small Organization, 1989
Council of Senior West Virginians, 1979-1995
Council of Senior West Virginians, 1993-1994
Chariots, Inc., 1987
Charleston East Community Development Center, 1989
Charleston East Community Development Center, 1991
Community Education Questionnaire, 1987
Corporate Responsibility Project, 1983-1984
Council of Southern Mountains, 1981-1989
Country Quilters, 1989
Cranks Creek Survival Center, 1978-1991
Cumberland Good Samaritans, 1989-1992
David School, 1987
David Community Development Corporation, Inc., undated
Dickenson County, Virginia Citizens for Social and Economic Justice, 1973-1979
Dickenson County Citizens Committee, 1987
Domestic Hunger and Poverty Consultation, 1978
Duggannon Development Commission, 1984-1989
East Cleveland Neighborhood Association, 1993-1994
East End Community Learning Center, 1982-1989
Eastern West Virginia Community Action Agency, 1988
Economic Development Corporation, 1989
Empowerment Through Employment, 1992-1993
Family Mediation Service, 1991-1993
Family Refuge Center, 1986
Family Service and Children's Aid Society, 1993-1994
Federation of Appalachian Housing Enterprises (FAHE), 1979-1989
Fourth and Gill Neighborhood Organization, 1980-1984
Grassroots Craftsmen of the Appalachian Mountains, 1980-1987
Grassroots Craftsmen of the Appalachian Mountains, 1986-1988
Grass Roots Economic Development Corporation (GREDC), 1975-1985
Grassroots Leadership Project, 1984-1985
Grassroots Small Farm Project, 1983-1989
Great Oak Farm, 1976-1993
Grund Fund for Technical Assistance, 1979
Habitat for Humanity, Roane County, 1987-1994
Habitat of Scott-Morgan Community Development Project, 1978-1981
Helping Our People Excel, 1993-1994
Henderson Settlement (Appalachian Mission Renewal Project), 1972
Henderson Settlement (Appalachian Mission Renewal Project), 1977-1978
Heritage Handcrafts of Appalachia, 1987
Highlands Presbytery Project, 1977
Hisel Revitalization Project, 1991-1992
Human/Economic Appalachian Development Corporation (HEAD), 1975-1976
Human/Economic Appalachian Development Corporation (HEAD), 1981-1984
Human/Economic Appalachian Development Corporation (HEAD), 1985-1987
Human/Economic Appalachian Development Corporation (HEAD)/Central Appalachian People's Federal Credit Union (CAPFCU), 1988-1990
Interfaith Consortium of Greater Cumberland, 1986-1989
Interfaith of Bell County, 1979-1980
Interfaith of Bell County, 1982-1984
Interfaith of Bell County, 1990-1993
Ivanhoe Civic League, 1989
Jackson Mill Commission, 1989-1991
Jonesville Center, 1987
Kentucky House Coal Project, 1977
Kentucky Mountains Feeder Pig Cooperative, 1970-1979
Kentucky Mountain Housing Development, 1982-1989
Knott County (Kentucky) Citizens for Social and Economic Justice, 1978-1979
Knott County (Kentucky) Citizens for Social and Economic Justice, 1982-1984
Knott County Food Association, 1977
Land Research Homesteading Organization, 1984-1988
Lee City Garden Project, 1977-1979
Lee City Garden Project, 1981-1985
Lee City Garden Project, 1985-1989
Lee County Child Care Council, 1993-1994
Livingston Economic Alternatives in Progress, 1989
Lonesome Pine Hillbilly Crafts Guild, 1986
Lower Anthracite Project, 1993-1994
Lower Price Hill Community School Project, 1980-1989
MACO Crafts, Inc., 1979
Madison County Crafts, Inc. Projects, 1980-1987
Marketing Appalachia's Traditional Community Handcrafts (MATCH), 1978-1989
McClure River Valley Community Service Ministry, 1985-1989
Minority Health Education Delivery System (MHEDS), 1993-1994
Minority Groups, 1983-1985
Model Valley Economic Development Corporation, 1976-1979
Morgan Scott Project, 1977-1978
Mountain Communities Child Care and Development Center, 1979-1991
Mountain Community Union, 1981
Mountain Education Management Institute, 1978
Mountain Women's Exchange Project, 1980-1989
Multi-Cap, Inc., 1987-1990
Neville's Ark Food Bank, 1987
New Neighborhoods, Inc. Project, 1977-1984
North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Project, 1980-1989
Northside Community School, 1986-1989
Otsego Urban Rural Self Development Associates (OURS) Delaco, 1980-1987
Organizing Sponsoring Committee of Knox County, 1988-1989
Outreach Center, Gallipolis, Ohio, 1993-1994
Partners Against Hunger Program, 1975
Pennsylvania Public Interest Coalition, 1980-1984
Pennsylvania Ridge and Valley Arts Center, 1992-1994
People First of Tennessee, 1992-1994
People for Progress, 1988-1994
Pike County Community Canning Center, 1982-1984
Plan Housing Development, 1991-1996
Plateau Home School, 1980-1984
Prairie Community Center Project, 1979
Presiding Bishop's Fund, 1978
Project Dignity, Inc., 1992-1993
Project Move, 1992-1993
Promised Land of Neighborhood Housing Development, 1991-1992
Quality of Life Learning Center, 1993-1996
Richard (Yogi) Crane Memorial Scholarship Fund, 1989
Reach, Inc., 1992-1994
Red Bird Mission Renewal Mission, Inc., 1972-1973
Rock Forge Neighborhood House, 1989
Rock Forge Neighborhood House, 1991
Rockcastle River Community Land trust, 1984-1987
Rural Cumberland Resources, 1987-1994
Russell-Tazewell Counties, Virginia Citizens for Social and Economic Justice, 1979
Safe Space Organization, 1990
Save Our Cumberland Mountains, 1984-1989
Save Our Mountains, 1980
Saw Mill Project, Chase Options, 1979
Senior Craftsmen Shop of Northeastern Pennsylvania, 1992-1944
Shuqualak Community Action Group, 1980-1989
Sign of the Cross, Inc., 1980
Solutions to Issues of Concern to Knoxvillians, 1985-1991
Sonshine Ministries, 1993-1994
Sorghum Alliance, 1978-1979
Southwest Women's Employment Coalition, 1988
Southern Appalachia School Labor Foundation, 1982-1989
Southern Empowerment Project, 1986
Southside United Neighbors, 1983-1985
Southside United Neighbors, 1985-1989
Southwest Virginia Housing Coalition Project, 1978-1980
Spring Creek Community School, 1990-1991
Swain County Safe, Inc., 1988
Telamon Corporation, 1988
Tennessee Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, 1982-
Tennessee Family Farm Alliance, 1988-1989
Tennessee Valley Energy Coalition (TVEC), 1983-1989
Trace Company Developers, 1992-1994
Tri-State Conference on Steel, 1987-1990
United Neighborhood Organization, 1984-1987
Urban Appalachian Council, 1980-1989
Urban Community Vision, 1990-1994
Virginia Action, 1981-1986
Wellspring Artistry, Inc., 1987-1990
West Eighth and State Teen Council (West-C), 1982-1986
West Eighth and State Teen Council (West-C), 1986-1989
Widow's Mile Ministry, 1993-1994
Western North Carolina Alliance, 1983-1989
Western North Carolina Legal Services, 1986
Western North Carolina Crafts Federation, 1979
West Virginia Citizens Action Group, 1989-1990
West Virginia Economic Transformation Committee, 1989
West Virginia Education Project, 1986
West Virginia League on Human Needs, 1988-1990
Wise Scott County (VA) Flood Recovery Program, 1977
Women and Employment, Inc., 1981-1990
Women's Technical Assistance Project, 1989
Women's Work World, 1981-1983
Work of Rural Kentucky, 1988-1990
Worker Owned Network, 1988-1989
Appalachian Community Development, 1975
Appalachian Ohio Public Interest Group, 1986-1988
Appalachian Peace Education Center, 1987-1989
Appalshop, Inc., 1986-1989
ARCA Foundation, 1976
Barwick Community Golden Co-Op, 1987-1989
Buchanan County Citizens for Special and Economic Justice, 1976
Camp Washington Community School, 1987-1989
Central Pennsylvania Village Crafts, 1987-1988
Chattanooga Community Organization, 1987-1989
Church Based Economic Ministry, 1989
Citizens for Social and Economic Justice, Wise, Virginia, 1976
Community Farm Alliance, 1986-1989
Community Shares, 1986-1989
Compass, Inc., 1974
Council of the Southern Mountains, 1974-1980
Cranks Creek Senior Center, 1986-1989
Creekside Corporation, 1976-1979
Cut Cane Associates, 1974
Dickenson County Laundromat and Recreation Center, 1976
Dugannon Development Corporation, 1986-1989
East End Community Learning Center, 1987-1988
Federation of Appalachia Housing Enterprises, Inc. (FAHE), 1985-1988
Georgetown (Harlan) Improvement Corporation, 1975-1978
Grassroots Small Farm Project, 1982-1985
Great Oak Farm, 1985-1989
Habitat for Humanity Roane County, 1987-1994
Henderson Settlement, 1972
Hill'n Hollow Crafts, 1974
Holston Mountain Arts and Crafts Co-op, 1974
House Coal Project, 1976
Human/Economic Appalachian Development (HEAD) Corporation, 1974-1979
Kentucky International Disaster Recovery Program, 1977
Kentucky Mountain Feeder Pig Corporation, 1975
Kentucky Mountain Housing Development Corporation (KMHDC), Inc., 1986-1989
Kentucky Mountain Housing Society, 1973-1975
Knott County Citizens for Social and Economic Justice Program, 1976
Knott County Farm and Garden Co-op, 1976
Knott County Benevolent Coal Corporation, 1976
Land for Appalachia's New Development, 1980
Lee City Garden Project, 1987-1988
Legal Action Program, 1973
Livingston Economic Alternatives in Progress (LEAP), 1986-1988
MACO, Inc. Crafts, 1974
Madison County Council, Inc., 1974
Montgomery County Virginia Citizens for Social and Economic Justice, 1975
Morgan Scott Legal Project, 1976
Mountain Communities Child Care and Development Center, Inc., 1974-1975
Mountain Management Institute, 1974
Mountain People's Work Craft Cooperative, 1974
Mountain School of Living, 1975
North Knoxville Fellowship for Community Service, 1975
Operation Match, 1975-1976
Rockefeller Foundation HEAD project, 1971-1972
Roman Catholic Church Inventory of Mission, 1971-1972
Rural Development Council Housing Renovation Project, 1974
Save Our Cumberland Mountains Development Project, 1975
Scott County, Virginia Transportation Project, 1975
Self-Help Human Economic Development project, 1988
Southern Appalachian Ministry in Higher Education (SAM), 1978-1979
Tazewell County, Virginia Artists and Craftsmen Guilds, Inc., 1976
Trinity Grants Program, 1975-1977
United Methodist Hunger Task Force, 1977-1978
Urban Appalachian Council, undated
Volunteer Knoxville, 1979
World Council of Churches, 1973-1979
Clear Fork District Community Center of Artie, West Virginia, 1975
Coordinating Committee on the National Crises, American Lutheran Church, 1974
Council of the Southern Mountains, 1973
Council of the Southern Mountains, 1978-1979
Reports, 1968-1991, undated
AMRP report, 1972
AMRP memos, 1972-1973
Appalachia Research Project: A Study of Background Factors for Programs in Christian in Appalachia, 1966
Appalachia Research Project: Research Report, 1968
A Handbook and Research Guide for New Craft Groups, 1970-1972
Surface Mining and Land Reclamation in Germany printed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1972
ADPC reports, 1973-1974
ADPC reports, 1974
ADPC report correspondence, 1974
Projects accepted for 1975, 1974
Funding Search Report for National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, 1974
Don Prague separation from CORA critiques report, 1974-1975
Urban Appalachians: Cultural Pluralism and Ethnic Identity in the City master's thesis by Tommie R. Miller, 1976
HEAD grant report, 1976
Fourth quarter project reports, 1977
ADPC reports, 1977-1978
ARSCL reports, notes and correspondence, 1977-1978
Annual report summaries, 1977-1978
Quarterly progress reports, 1977-1978
Reports, notes and correspondence, 1977-1979
Reports, notes and correspondence, 1978
Kentucky organizations annual reports, 1978
Fourth quarter projects reports, 1978
ADPC annual reports, 1979
Fourth quarter projects reports, 1979
Reports, notes and correspondence, 1979-1980
Reports, notes and correspondence, 1980
Project reports and proposals, 1980-1984
ADPC annual reports, 1981
Cooperatives: A Tool for Community Economic Development report, 1983
Monthly projects reports and financial reports, 1984
Project narrative reports, 1984
First quarter summary project reports, 1985
Project and six month narratives, 1986
Project reports, 1986-1987
Project and six month narratives, 1987
Project reports, 1988-1989
Part D reports, undated
The Church in Town and Country papers and study documents printed by the Indiana Council of Churches, undated
L-O-V-E: A Sacred Duet for Alto and Tenor songsheet, undated
Resumes of projects, 1974
Projects Annual Report, 1979
Annual Report and correspondence, 1980
Semi-Annual Narrative Reports, 1985
Report of the ADPC to CORA, 1974
Problems with the problems of ADPC as commented on by several people involved, 1974-1979
Various reports, 1977-1979
Report to CORA Concerning the Evaluation of the Impact of Church Funding in Appalachia, 1980
Reports of the ADPC to CORA, 1978-1979
Revised Report of the Committee to Evaluate the Impact of Church Funding
Report from the Spring Appalachian Development Committee Projects Assembly, 1982
Monthly consolidated reports, 1982
Strategies Considerations for Funding of Appalachian Projects through CORA, 1983
Rockefeller Foundation Background report and third quarter report, 1970
Quarterly project reports, 1975
Quarterly project reports, 1976
Quarterly project reports, 1978
Quarterly project reports, 1978-1979
Fourth quarter report, 1984
Quarterly project report, undated
Developmental Strategy: A five year plan of a working paper for ADPC, undated
Projects accepted for advocacy, 1974-1975
Project descriptions, 1975-1976
Denominational committed funds for ADPC projects, 1976-1979
Project guidelines and evaluations, 1975-1977
Project guidelines, 1978
Project rejection letters, 1978
Project lists and labels, 1980
Criteria for projects, undated
On-site information and evaluation outline, 1974
On-site visit assignments and instructions, 1975-1976
On-site visit follow up, 1976
On-site visit guidelines, 1976-1977
On-site visit results, 1977
On-site questionnaires, 1979
On-site hearing suggestions and questionnaires, 1979
Evaluation instrument proposal, 1979
Program unit evaluations, 1989-1991
On-site evaluations, undated
Project resumes, 1974
Project resumes accepted for advocacy, 1974-1975
Project resumes, 1975-1976
Project guidelines, 1977
Policies for funding advocacy, 1977-1979
Project resumes, 1979
Policies and project recommended, 1980
Appalachia Development Fund (ADF), 1968-1990
Scope and Contents
The Appalachian Development Fund (ADF) series, 1968-1990, includes ADF official documents, directories, correspondence and bulk mailing information. It also contains fundraising letters, brochures, and newsletters, sent to churches and individuals, about the organizations supported through ADF and asking for donations. The Appalachian Development Fund (ADF), Inc., an independent affiliate of CORA, was established in 1972 to distribute funds to various organizations dedicated to improving Appalachia. The ADF helped fund organizations like the Educational Program on Mine and Safety and Health in Central Appalachia, Council of the Southern Mountains, Mountain Management Institute, and Operation Coal.
A-D, 1971-1982
Account book, 1972-1986
Address corrections for computer donor list, 1975
Annual report brochure and correspondence, 1973
Annual report and solicitation letters, 1973-1974
Appeal letter, 1977-1979
Appeal letter and recipient list, 1982
Articles concerning Max Glenn and CORA, 1968-1972
Assorted brochures, annual report, progress report, 1973
Assorted newsletters to contributors, 1975
Assorted newsletters to contributors, progress report summer 1974, 1974
Assorted poverty topics, booklets, brochures, newsletters, 1965-1970
Appalachia economic research paper on issue of the Tennessee Christian, 1972
Background information, criteria and guidelines for operation, undated
Balance sheets and assets, 1973-1976
Bills, 1974-1975
Bishops mailings, suggested "A" and "B" letters, correspondence, 1974
Brochures, undated
Budgets, 1979-1980
Budgets, 1982
Bulk mailing information and receipts, 1974-1975
By-laws, Appalachian renewal project, budget projects, budget projection, correspondence, 1971-1975
By-laws, IRS information, incorporation papers, 1972-1974
Charter and by-laws, 1971
Foundation for Appalachian Development, charters, by laws, 1971-1972
Charters and tax exemptions, 1971
Churches and correspondence re: donations, 1974-1975
Clear Creek Baptist correspondence, The Mountain Voice and Gleanings newsletter, 1973-1974
Code 18 letters to donors re: difference between ADF and the Christian Appalachian project, 1975
Computer center instructions and information, 1975
Computer general file, reports, 1974-1975
Computer program, direct mail, list of bills, 1973-1975
Correspondence, 1971-1980
Correspondence, 1971-1975
Correspondence with foundations for funding, 1971-1974
Correspondence, financial statements, direct mail outline, 1973-1974
Correspondence and donor list, 1971-1974
Correspondence and budget information, 1971-1972
Correspondence, 1972
Costs of brochures and their mailing, 1974-1975
Foundation for Appalachian Development, correspondence, article, 1970-1971
Daily mail breakdowns, 1975-1976
Daily mail log, 1974-1975
Data relevant to Patrick Gorman Consultants (PGC) and ADF, 1973-1974
Direct mailing replies, alphabetized by surnames, 1972-1975
Direct mail, better business bureau and inquiries, undated
Direct mail, better business bureau and inquiries, correspondence, 1971-1975
Direct mailing plans, fundraising brochures, 1974
Direct mail plan, income reports of house mailing, CORA house mail plan, 1974-1975
Publicity direct mail activities, letter on fundraising organizations, 1974
Direct mail, replies, deposits, 1972-1974
Direct mail, financial reports, Patrick Gorman Consultants (PGC) affiliation, 1972-1975
Direct mail report, 1973-1974
Direct mail report, house results, 1974
Samples of direct mail, Christian Appalachian Project, Emergency Fund Service, Inc., 1973-1974
Samples direct mail, Christian Appalachian Project, Emergency Fund Service, Inc., 1973-1974
Direct mail samples, non-Appalachian related, 1973-1974
Samples of direct mail, correspondence, solicitation by various agencies, 1972-1974
Direct mail services, correspondence, Appalachian Mission Renewal Project budget collection, 1973-1974
Donor letters and thank you notes, 1973-1974
Donors to be deleted from computer list, 1975
E-H, 1968-1990
Education clippings, 1972-1973
Environment work, 1968-1973
The Effect of the Private Foundation Provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 on Community Development Corporations, 1969
Financial analysis, deposit tickets, balances, 1977-1980
Financial bank statements, balance sheets, financial statements, correspondence, 1975
Financial balance sheets, assets, proposed budgets, project funds, 1973-1975
Financial notes and documents, 1969-1972
Financial statements, 1985-1986
Forms, undated
Foundations and organizations for donation list, 1974-1975
"Friends of Appalachia" donor sheet, 1972-1973
Fundraising committee task list and fundraising plans, 1987-1990
Fundraising letters, 1974-1975
Fundraising pamphlet "In Appalachia, Where Inflation Tightens the Grip of Hard-Core Poverty", 1975
Fundraising reports, 1972-1974
Glenmary Home Missioners, 1972-1974
House number one, annual report, correspondence, Brookside Mine inquiry, booklets, 1974-1975
House report number one, reports, 1973-1974
House results number one of direct mailings activities, brochures, 1974
House mailing drafts, 1975
House results number two of direct mailing activities, brochures, 1974
House number two, prospecting brochures, mailings, Appalachian project folders, 1975
I-L, 1971-1982
Inventory sheets, 1974
House results number three spring through September, 1974
"If I Could Have Three Wishes" ADF solicitation brochure, undated
In-state solicitation law, 1971
Inter-office memos, staff duties, obligations, procedures and correspondence, 1972-1975
Inventory, 1975
Jim Ulseth correspondence and notes, 1974-1975
KRC development council material, 1973
Ledger sheets and continuing donor information, 1974
Letters and balance sheet, 1979-1982
Letter ideas, brochures, information on strip-mining, undated
Letters of interest and correspondence, 1972-1975
Letters sent to contributors and potential donors, list of contributors, 1973
Lists of donors, 1975
List of donors by area, 1972-1974
M-P, 1971-1979
Mailing lists, Epilepsy Foundation, Ed Burnett consultant firm, 1974
McGovern direct mailing campaign, 1973
Mail asking support for other organizations, 1975
Mail for support for other organization, 1975
Meeting minutes, board meetings, officers information and directors, 1971-1975
Minute book and background, 1974
Monthly reports, 1973
Monthly reports and cumulative totals, 1974
National mailroom service information, 1975
National sharecroppers fund, undated
Newsletters and ads of John Zeigler, Inc., 1971-1972
Pamphlets, 1980-1993
PGC correspondence, 1972-1974
PGC correspondence with ADF Max Glenn and other consulting firms, 1972-1975
PGC contract and correspondence from ADF to PGC, 1972-1975
PGC contract and termination of consultant agreement, 1972-1973
PGC direct mail, memo and correspondence, 1972-1974
Performance reports, direct mail, 1972-1975
Pickering, Hensley and Pickering certified public accountants, 1983-1984
Poverty newspaper articles, 1967-1973
Poverty magazine articles, 1965-1973
Project proposals and prospectus, 1972
Prospecting correspondence, financial statement, 1974
Prospecting fundraising brochures, 1975
Prospecting information, 1973-1974
Prospective mail correspondence, and weekly report, 1974
Prospecting mail schedules of SISK mailing services and KRC associates (brokers), brochures, 1975
Prospecting mailings, mail schedules for 1975, 1975
Prospect ADF weekly financial report, 1975
ADF prospectus, pleas for donations in aiding Appalachian community projects, 1976
Prospectus mailing, 1974
Project correspondence and budget, 1976-1979
Q-W, 1968-1987
Questions and answers, Christian philanthropy proceedings, 1972
Receipts, 1973
Religion church clippings, 1968-1973
Funding requests, 1986-1987
Richard J. Crohn, KRC associates newsletter, house mailing, correspondence, 1973-1975
Rough draft of letters, 1973-1974
Sample appeals, 1973-1975
Sample letters, 1973-1974
SISK mailing service, correspondence and invoice, 1974-1975
S.B. Newman printing and SISK mailing service, 1974-1975
Statement of purposes, exemption application, criteria and guidelines, 1971-1974
Strip-mining clippings, 1972-1975
Supplies inventory, 1974
Thank you letters to contributors, follow-up correspondence, Joint Strategy and Action Committee (JSAC) Grapevine issues, 1974
Three program components: role and functions of ADF, role and functions of ADF Projects Committee, Cooperative Strategy and Action Planning report, 1974
Welfare newspaper clippings, 1969-1973
Appalachia Religious Communications (APRECOM), 1965-1994, undated
Scope and Contents
The Appalachian Religious Communications (APRECOM) series, 1965-1994, undated, includes correspondence, clippings, letter and project drafts and reports. Appalachian Religious Communications (APRECOM), led by Gary Slaats, CORA's Director of Communications, formed in 1971 with the purpose to disseminate news about unique church activities through Appalachian religious media outlets. APRECOM also served as a consultant for churches and community agencies interested in developing media or utilizing available media. APRECOM also built awareness of Appalachian projects through its newsletter, " CORAtizing" and in national publications like Coal Age Magazine and Intellectual Digest. APRECOM played a crucial role in writing the script and directing a filmstrip about CORA.
Organizational study, clippings, Kaiser Aluminum publication, 1965
Proceedings publications, 1966-1969
Christian churches (Disciples of Christ) press releases and news services, 1967
Communications and magazines, 1967-1970
Periodical articles about developing Appalachia, 1967-1971
Church clippings from newspapers and periodicals, 1967-1973
Newspaper clippings concerning mining disasters and the coal industry, 1967-1973
"Listen Christian" poem book, 1968
Publications about Appalachia, 1968
Publicity of Max Glen being announced executive of CORA, 1968
Publicity for meeting, 1968
Appalachian crafts clippings, "Crafts: The People Who Make Them" and Courier Journal, 1968-1972
Press releases and publications, 1968-1974
Encounter tape information from Human Development Institute, Inc. and letter from Philips S. Arnold to Max Glenn, 1969
Publicity for CORA meeting, 1969
Newspaper articles, 1969-1971
Newspaper articles concerning such events as the Buffalo Creek Disaster in West Virginia, 1969-1971
Communication consultants, "Movies More People" booklet, 1969-1971
Correspondence with Gary Slaats, CORA fact sheet detailing CORA functions and purpose APRECOM, 1969-1972
Press release and mailing list for CORA news release, 1969-1973
Communications data, 1970
Gary Slaats, Director of CORA Communications, correspondence, 1970
Grant requests, 1970
Magazine articles on the coal industry and miners, 1970
Papers, CORA first annual report, grant requests, 1970
Film correspondence, 1970-1971
Appalachian Filmstrip: correspondence and notes, 1970-1971
Proposals and mailings, "News Releases", correspondence, 1970-1971
CBS documentary: Bill McClurken, 1970-1972
Brochures and published articles, 1970-1973
"Curarizing" newsletter, 1971
The communication division of CORA, legal documents, 1971
Correspondence and memoranda, 1971
The Douglas Visual Workshops, correspondence between Gary Slaats and Philip Douglas, informative data on the Douglas Firm, 1971
Film: revised script, correspondence, 1971
Coal Age magazine, 1971
Information on broadcasting, correspondence between Gary Slaats and others, 1971
John McBride, Gary Slaats, Max Glenn correspondence, program objectives itinerary communications, 1971-1972
Church women's response to film: correspondence, list of denominational women's church groups, 1971-1972
News releases, issues of "Christian Messenger", correspondence, photograph, 1971
News releases, clippings from church newsletters, 1971
News releases, Christian periodicals, 1971
Christian newsletters, special feature from APRECOM's editor Gary Slaats, summer shows and festivals calendar, 1971
News releases, Gary Slaats completed service for the condition at the end of 1971, 1971
Biographical sketch of Reverend Mex Glenn, Director of CORA, correspondence, 1971
Publications, 1971
Religious news press in Appalachia, 1971
Gary Slaats correspondence, 1971
Magazine articles on the coal industry, undated articles, and article titled "Buffalo Creek Aftermath", 1971-1973
Information describing the function and purpose of APRECOM, release forms of APRECOM article reprints, correspondence, 1972
Newspaper articles on coal mining industry, 1972-1973
Gary Slaats correspondence, brochures, 1972-1973, undated
Communications correspondence, 1972-1978
Don Prange article and engage/social action, 1973-1974
Magazines and intellectual digest, 1973-1974
Writing of Thomas Bentz, 1974
Vantage point, CORA communication, 1974
Communication objectives, 1975
CORAspondent newsletters, 1976-1980
Citizens for Southwest Virginia, 1978
CORA stationary, 1980
Communication lists: papers, radio, television stations, 1981
Publications, 1981
1985-1994, undated
Communications Advisory Committee report, 1988-1990
Communications committee meetings and notes, 1988-1990
CORA communications, 1990-1992
Communications Advisory Committee reports and meetings, 1994
Billy Barnes communication consultant and articles, undated
CORA fact sheet, undated
Features on strip-mining, property taxes, and welfare, undated
Office copy of Loven W. Kramer's, "Settlement Institutions in Southern Appalachia", undated
Filmstrip on Appalachia by Billy E. Barnes, communication consultant: script copies, undated
Appalachian filmstrip: evaluation and suggestions concerning the presentation and contents of the filmstrip, undated
Film: script orders, undated
News releases, undated
Releases for filmstrip, undated
Publications, "People Speak Out On Strip Mining", "The Role of CORA in Political Action", and "Atlas Of the Church in Appalachia", undated
Publications, "Fatalism on the Coal Industry", by Helen Lewis, "Picking Poverty's Pocket", by Barry Barkan and R. Baldwin Lloyd, undated
Audiovisual, 1968-1992, undated
Scope and Contents
The Audio/Visual series, 1970-1992, undated, primarily comprises of photographs, cassette tapes, vinyl records, and film reels. Important photographs include portraits of Reverend Max Glenn, Executive Director of CORA, Reverend John B. McBride, and Assistant Director of CORA, Charles O. Gipson, Director of Appalachian Development Fund, and protests of the War on Iraq. The cassette tapes are recordings of interviews conducted during the various CORA committee conferences in the 1970s through the 1980s. An interesting vinyl record included in this collection is Stan Freberg Asks…Ecumenical? (1978-1979), which is a comedy by comedian, Stan Freberg. The series also includes a program called The Story of Match, with script and recordings.
Audiocassettes, 1970-1992, undated
HEAD Project Training Meeting, May 1970
Interview with Widner, October 1971
NBC Radio Network: Faith in Action - CORA is More Than a Name, April 1972
Working Group Committee Report, 1974
W. Lee Hicks interview Monroeville, Pennsylvania Parts 1 and 2, June 1983
W. Lee Hicks interview Monroeville, Pennsylvania Part 3, June 1983
Mike Maloney and Lorentho Wooden interview, June 1983
Carroll Wessinger interview Wytheville, Virginia Parts 1 and 2, June 1983
Carroll Wessinger interview Wytheville, Virginia Part 3, June 1983
Mike Maloney CORA Evaluation Group interview Parts 1 and 2, June 1983
Mike Maloney CORA Evaluation Group interview Part 3, June 1983
CORA Evaluation interview Between Mike Maloney and Reverend Alan Mitchell, June 1983
David L. Lollis interview Berea, Kentucky, June 1983
Judy Morelock interview Knoxville, Tennessee, July 1983
Pat Ronan interview Abingdon, Virginia Parts 1 and 2, August 1983
Pat Ronan interview Abingdon, Virginia Part 3, August 1983
Tim Limburg interview Middlesboro, Kentucky, 1983
Terry interview Sonshine Ministries Loysville, Pennsylvania, November 1992
Arnold Miller and Buffalo Creek interview, undated
Chaplin Presentation by Larry Hoffman, undated
Chaplin Presentation by Larry Hoffman, undated
CORA Design Plan and Community Involvement, undated
CORA Is More Than A Name, undated
CORA Meeting Questions and Concerns, undated
HEAD Funding Conference, undated
How SEPI Keeps From Becoming Its Own CORA and Youth Task Force, undated
Interview about Leadership and Education Programs in CORA, undated
Interview: Max Glenn, Executive Director CORA - Office of Communication, Christian Church, undated
Meeting on CORA Mission and Staff, undated
Monday Evening Staff Reports, undated
Ohio SEPI interview, undated
The Other Side of Appalachia The Other Side of Appalachia, Office of Communication, Christian Church, undated
Tuesday Afternoon and Evening Budget Discussions Before Recessing for Caucuses, undated
Wednesday Morning Report, undated
Wednesday Afternoon Report of the American Baptist Convention in Regards to the State and National Conventions, undated
Wednesday Afternoon Conference of Churches, undated
What Does America Know of Appalachia?, undated
Widner and Sanders interviews, undated
Working Group Report and Summary Session, undated
CORA interviews with Dick Hettrick, Bob Puckett, Jane Weeks, Eldora Parr, Penny O'Dell, and Vickie Quatman, undated
Film, 1973, undated
7" film reels, undated
5" film reels, undated
3" film reels, undated
16 MM Film National Council of Churches Report on CORA, Lutheran Church Synod, undated
U-Matic Color The People are Stirrin' by the Appalachian Development Projects Committee, undated
Memorex/Chroma 5" Reel, May 1973
The Story of Match: Folk Art, Community and Cooperatives Script, undated
The Story of Match Cassette Tape Recording, undated
The Story of Match Photo Film, undated
Grooved audio disks, size 7, 1978, undated
Stan Freberg Asks...Ecumenical? Stan Freberg Asks...Ecumenical?, 1978
Bill Christopher Nature's Lamentation and Psalms of Victory, undated
The County Men Four Looking for a City and Rainbow of Love, undated
Presbyterian Appalachian Broadcasting Council Presents The Future of P.A.B.C Narrated by Bos Johnson, undated
Presbyterian Appalachian Broadcasting Council Presents Tennessee Ernie Ford in Remember Way Back, undated
Photographs, 1968-1990, undated
Photo of a pastor, undated
War on Iraq protest, undated
Conference in Black Mountain, North Carolina, undated
Photo of a pastor, undated
People dancing, undated
People writing notes and listening at a conference, undated
Reverend John B. McBride, Assistant Director of CORA, undated
Charles O. Gipson, Director of Appalachian Development Fund, undated
Men talking, 1969 October
Man standing at a podium, 1969 October
Man standing at a podium speaking to a group of people, 1969 October
Group of people, 1969 October
Two men talking, 1969 October
Man speaking at a podium, 1969 October
Man at a podium, 1969 October
Man speaking at a podium, 1969 October
Man with pictures in the background, 1969 October
Two men and a woman, 1969 October
Man talking with pictures in the background, 1969 October
Pastors sitting in the front row of a conference, 1969 October
Group of people at a conference, 1969 October
Man talking with pictures in the background, 1969 October
Group of people at a conference, 1969 October
Four men talking, 1969 October
Three pastors on stage, 1969 October
Preacher at the pulpit, 1969 October
Three preachers on stage, 1969 October
Woman and two men, 1969 October
Four men on stage, 1969 October
Preachers and others at a conference, 1969 October
Group of people, 1969 October
Preacher preaching, 1969 October
Group of people, undated
Group of people writing notes and listening at a conference, undated
People dancing, undated
Small groups of people, 1969 March
Group of people, undated
Woman with wallet and three people with her, undated
People listening at a conference, undated
People dancing and a woman standing still, undated
Train and railroad tracks, undated
People holding protest signs, undated
Group of people in a small meeting room, undated
Group of people in the cafeteria, undated
Woman presenting to group, undated
Group of people with their arms in the air, undated
Group of people sitting in a circle outside, undated
Two kids playing basketball, undated
Two kids and man playing drums, undated
Man smiling, undated
Presentation at People United Conference, undated
Preacher preaching, 1969 October
Preacher raising his hand, 1969 October
Preacher at a pulpit, 1969 October
People attending a conference, 1969 October
People talking and eating snacks, 1969 October
Man talking with pictures in the background, 1969 October
Two woman and a man talking, 1969 October
Women playing music, undated
Women sitting on a couch, undated
Woman with coffee cup, undated
Four women sitting in rocking chairs, undated
Women playing music, undated
Group of women listening to and playing music, undated
Woman writing notes, undated
Two women talking at a table, undated
Child with a dog, undated
Large group of women, undated
Four women eating and talking at a table, undated
Man's portrait, undated
Man and woman looking at each other, undated
Man and woman smiling, undated
Three men eating and laughing, undated
Three women eating, undated
Man eating, undated
A man and woman eating, undated
A man and woman talking while eating, undated
A woman cutting her sandwich, undated
Two men talking and eating, undated
Man eating and looking at woman, undated
Small group of people, undated
Man with hand to his ear, undated
Man and woman smiling, undated
Two men and a woman, undated
Two men, undated
Two men talking, undated
Two men smiling, undated
Man smiling, undated
Small group of people talking, undated
Man and woman laughing, undated
Man standing at a podium, undated
Woman laughing in a kitchen, undated
Three people sitting around a table, undated
Group of people sitting around a table, undated
Small group of people, undated
Two people playing music, undated
Man standing at a podium, undated
Man and woman smiling, undated
Man and a woman, undated
Group of people sitting around a table, undated
Two men talking, undated
Three people sitting around a table, undated
Woman presenting to a group of people, undated
Woman giving a presentation to a group of people, undated
Women serving food from kitchen, undated
Woman presenting to a group of people, undated
Split Vain Coal Company sign, undated
Utility trucks at coal company, undated
Operating coal mine, undated
A truck moving coal, undated
Two women and a man, undated
Two women talking, undated
Duplex housing, undated
A group of people, undated
Two women and a man, undated
Three people for radio interview, undated
Woman speaking, undated
Two men laughing, undated
Man and woman hugging; woman smiling, undated
A man and woman, undated
Woman holding a book, undated
A man in a plaid shirt, undated
A group of people looking at a paper, undated
Two kids and a goat, undated
People holding hands standing in a circle, undated
Woman and children with a storybook, undated
Woman giving speech at microphone, undated
A large group of people, undated
Three women announcing the passage of S.B. 351, 1984
Coal mine, undated
Two women laughing and holding hands, undated
Little boy smiling, undated
Three men and a woman, undated
Child looking out a window, undated
Mountains and river, undated
Row of houses, undated
Woman looking at camera, undated
People listening to presenter, undated
Four people wearing coats, undated
Five people sitting at a table, undated
Women exercising in a circle, undated
Women exercising, undated
Women stretching in a circle, undated
Group of children with a book, undated
Two kids and man with drums, undated
Group of people outside, undated
Girl laying on grass, undated
Group meeting with notes on a white board, undated
Group of kids playing outside, undated
Two adults and three kids outside, undated
Group of people at a meeting, undated
Man speaking to group at a meeting, undated
Group of people having lunch in a cafeteria, undated
War on Iraq protest, undated
Project founders panel, 25th anniversary, 1990
Bishop Fredrick Wertz, undated
Reverend Shirley Edward Greene, undated
O. Richard Bowyer, undated
A woman and man, 1977
Woman in from of a kettle, 1977
Woman standing at a table, 1977
People at a quilting table, 1977
People at a craft fair, 1977
Woman working with wheat, 1977
Achieving community conference at Hotel Andrew Johnson, undated
Man giving speech at Hotel Andrew Johnson, undated
Four men talking at a conference, undated
Conference attendees listening and writing notes, undated
Four men talking, undated
Man and woman at conference, undated
Man speaking at Hotel Andrew Johnson, undated
Man smiling, undated
Man looking down, undated
Man with hand on his chin, undated
Man holding clipboard talking, undated
Three people looking at information, undated
Two woman laughing, undated
A group of people, undated
Reverend Max Glenn, undated
Woman walking down dirt road, undated
Appalachian Alliance Conference, undated
Man holding paper speaking, undated
Appalachian Alliance Conference, undated
Achieving community conference at Hotel Andrew Johnson, undated
Roundtable at a conference, undated
Group of people at a conference, undated
Two men eating snacks, undated
Conference at Hotel Andrew Johnson, undated
Two men with an Appalachian region map, undated
Roundtable at a conference, undated
Arnold Miller, UMWA (United Mine Workers Assosiation) President and Reverence Max E. Glenn, undated
Child on woman's lap, undated
Stills of conference, undated
Man and a woman, undated
Women and children, undated
Stills of various people, undated
Homes, gardens, and people, undated
Stills of various people, undated
Two men discussing a map, undated
Man sitting at a conference, undated
Man laughing, undated
Group of people at a roundtable, undated
Three men at Hotel Andrew Johnson, undated
Group of people at a roundtable, undated
A man, undated
Group of people at a roundtable, undated
A group of people, undated
Men attending a conference, undated
Group of people at a conference, undated
Meeting Of the Commission at the Hotel Andrew Johnson, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1968 October
Group of people at a roundtable, undated
A man, undated
A man with hand on his face, undated
Four men, undated
Group of people at a conference, undated
Roundtable at a conference, undated
Man eating cake, undated
Roundtable at a conference, undated
Women smiling at a conference, undated
Photo Film, undated
Rolls of film, undated
Denominations and Parish Developments, 1963-1997, undated
Scope and Contents
The Denomination Files and Parish Development series, 1966-1994; undated; [7 cubic feet] contains various church denomination meetings and notes, along with some denominational history and background. Denominations include American Baptist, Southern Baptist, Episcopal, Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Methodist. Also provided is information on the Coalition of Appalachian Ministry. The series included inventories of denomination programs and theological statements. Finally, the Parish Development files include meeting minutes, correspondence, and news articles. One such article is "Churches Need Love: Those Churches Showing Compassion Thrive."