University of Kentucky Athletic Player Files
The University of Kentucky Athletic player files (dated approximately 1904-2019, undated; 69.9 cubic feet and 4.93 Gigabytes; 1 record storage carton, 156 document boxes, 2 slim document boxes, 220 photograph boxes, 2 flat boxes, and 625 digital files) consist of files kept on UK athletes in the Sports Publicity and Athletics Media Relations Departments.
Descriptive Summary
- Title
- University of Kentucky Athletic Player Files
- Date
- approximately 1904-2019, undated (inclusive)
- Extent
- 69.9 Cubic Feet
- Subjects
- College athletes -- Kentucky.
- Women college athletes
- Athletes -- United States
- Football players -- Photographs.
- Sports -- Photographs.
- Track and field athletes -- Photographs.
- Basketball players -- Photographs.
- Arrangement
- Collection is arranged alphabetically by last name of athlete. Boxes are not in consecutive order.
- Preferred Citation
- 2007ua023: [identification of item], University of Kentucky Athletic Player Files, approximately 1904-2019, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections.
- Repository
- University of Kentucky
Collection Overview
- Scope and Content
- The University of Kentucky Athletic Player Files (dated approximately 1904-2019, undated; 69.9 cubic feet and 4.93 Gigabytes; 1 record storage carton, 156 document boxes, 2 slim document boxes, 220 photograph boxes, 2 flat boxes, and 625 digital files) consist of files kept on UK athletes in the Sports Publicity and Athletics Media Relations Departments. The files contain applications, photographs, newspaper clippings, and biographical materials. Among the sports represented are men's and women's basketball, football, baseball, swimming, gymnastics, tennis, golf, soccer, track, volleyball, wrestling, and rifle.
Restrictions on Access and Use
- Conditions Governing Access
- Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
- Use Restrictions
- The physical and intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections with one exception. One photographer owns copyright to his images and must be contacted before they are used in publication. This is marked on the back of the specific images. Also, for commercial use, UK Athletics must grant permission for use. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.
Contents of the Collection
Abbott, Bobby (football), 1965-1967
Abbott, Jeff (baseball), 1992-1994
Abdul, Aziz Aseel (track and field), 1992
Abdullah, Muhammad (football), 2003-2005
Abercrombie, Jill (swimming), 1989
Able, Lindsey Jr (football), 1961
Able, Wayne (baseball), 1983-1984
Abner, Becky (softball), 2002-2003
Abney, Derek (football) (2folders), 2000-2002
Abraham, Richard (football), 1979-1981
Abren, Ricky (football), 2004-2006
Acham, Cheddi (football), 1990-1998
Acheson, Kevin (football), 1973-1974
Ackerman, Jill (volleyball), 1983-1986
Ackerman, Ron (track), 1976-1979
Ackiss, Frederick (football and track), 1978-1980
Acree, Jason (track and X-country), 1991-1992
Acuff, Aaron Lee (baseball), 1993-1996
Adair, Christian Wesley (track), 1991-1993
Adams, Alaine
Adams, Brad (football), 1977-1978
Adams, Brian (baseball/football), 2010-2012
Adams, Brooke (swimming), 1994-1996
Adams, E.J. (football), 2006-2008
Adams, Greg (tennis)
Adams, George (football) (2folders), 1981-1984
- Box 02, folder 10-11
- Box 14, item 48-52
- Box 346, folder 1, item 14-15
- Box 44, item 47-54
- Box 382, folder 69
Adams, James (track), 1968-1969
Adams, John R. (men's basketball), 1962-1965
Adams, Keith Michael (swimming)
Adams, Richard (football), 1979-1980
Adams, Rita (basketball), 1999-2005
- Box 125, item 38-39
- Box 02, folder 15
- Box 14, item 54-96
- Box 15, item 1-13
- Box 377, folder 60
Adams, Scott (swimming), 1993-1994
Adams, Tom (basketball), 1989-2001
Adams, James Victor (football), approximately 1986
Addo, Roseline (track)
Adeagbo, Olubusola (track and field/cross country), 2003
Adeagbo, Simidele (track and field/cross country), 1999-2003
Adeagbo, Temitayo (cross country/track and field)
Adelt, Karla Lawlor (gymnastics), 2000-2002
Adeyemi, Eric (football), 2008-2012
Adkins, Adrian Trent (baseball), 1990
Adkins, Earl (basketball), 1958
Adkins, Greg (tennis), 1973
Adkins, Tommy (football), 1952-1954
Adkisson, Don (football), 1956
Adolph, Dave (football), 1968-1969
Adolph, Matthew (football), 2010-2012
Agboke, Adetayo Ahmed (football), 2001-2002
Agboke, Babatunde (football)
Agee, Alfred (track), 1979
Agnich, Mike (baseball), 1983-1984
Agomuo, Christopher (football), 2008-2012
Agostinelli, Bruno (Men's Tennis), undated
Aguilar, Nick (soccer), 2001-2002
Ahumad, Kamaal (football), 2002-2004
Airhart, Katrina (volleyball), 1986-1989
Aiken, Andrew (swimming)
Aitcheson, Michael (football), 2006
Akers, Marvin L. (men's basketball), 1941-1943
Akins, C.B.
Alaman, Paul Richard (football), 1971
Albers, Andrew (baseball), 2005-2008
Albert, Charles (Speedy), 1923-1926
Albert, Steve (baseball), 2003
Alberts, Marcie
Albertson, Bruce (swimming and diving), 1992-1993
Albiez, Julia, 2001-2002
Albright, Leonard (football), 1985
Alcius, Nastassia (basketball), 2005-2007
Aldrich, Aaron Lee (gymnastics), 1987-1990
Aldridge, Betsie (volleyball), 1990-1992
Aleksa, Roger
Aleksinas, Chuck (basketball), 1977-1979
Alexander, Andrew Pierce (men's scoccer), 2004
Alexander, Barry (football), 1982
Alexander, Buddy (baseball), 1985
Alexander, Carolyn Marie (basketball), 1998-2000
Alexander, Harry (basketball)
Alexander, James (football), 2005-2009
Alexander, Rick (football), 1962-1964
Alexander, Warren (football), 1979
Alexandro Andres, Bravo Claverie (swim and diving), 2003-2004
Alfaro, Vernee (soccer)
Algood, Chet (tennis), 1973-1975
Ali, Dele (football), 1997
- Box 346, folder 2, item 12
- Box 17, item 2-14
- Box 03, folder 29
- Box 378, folder 20
- Box 380, folder 1
Allegretto, Edmund (football), 1977-1978
Allen, (rifle), undated
Allen, Bill (football)
Allen, Brian (football), 1978-1980
Allen, Chase (swimming), 1980
Allen, Chris (swimming), 1993-1994
Allen, Courtney (Tennis), 1993-1996
Allen, Dave (football), 1955-1956
Allen, Dougie (football), 1998-2001
Allen, Edmund Jr. (football), 2010-2011
Allen, Ermal (football, golf)
Allen, Jeff
Allen, Jim (football), 1960
Allen, Lisa
Allen, Marie (golf)
Allen, Moncell (football), 2007-2011
Allen, Nicole (gymnastics), 1999-2002
Allen, Rich (football), 1970-1973
Allen, Ron (basketball), 1972-1978
Allen, Todd (baseball), 1988-1989
Allen, William Cully (tennis), 1973
Allen, William Charles (football), 1984-1988
Allenbaugh, Richard
Allenne, Shagari (basketball), 2004-2006
Allgeier, Todd (football), 1984
Allin, Ed (men's basketball), 1944-1946
Allnutt, Ben (track), 1970
Allison, Desmond (basketball), 1998-2000
Allshouse, Don (indoor track), 1974-1976
Alroy, Tony (tennis), 1979-1980
Alvarez, Jack (football), 1970-1973
Alvey, Rich (football)
Amason, Justin, 2001-2002
Amato, Bob (golf), 1985
Amerson, Glenn (football), 1978-1980
Amshoff, Jay (football), 1985-1987
Andas, Ron (tennis)
Anders, Kelly (golf), 2000-2001
Andersen, Morten (swimming), 1991-1992
Anderson, Alfred Richard Jr. (football), 1956-1957
Anderson, Amy (softball), 1997
Anderson, Andy (basketball), 1936
Anderson, Chad (football)
Anderson, Darryl (track), 1991-1995
Anderson, Derek (basketball), 1992-1997, undated
Anderson, Dwight (basketball), 1978-1980
Anderson, Evan Miller (men's soccer), 2004
Anderson, Ian (football), 2010-2011
Anderson, Janna (track/cross country), 1978-1979
Anderson, Joe (football)
Anderson, Kelly (golf)
Anderson-Rydz, Mary (unknown sport), undated
Anderson, Richard (football), 1960
Anderson, Richard (baseball), 1968
Anderson, Thomas (football), 1963-1967
Anderson, Tim (baseball), 1978-1980
Anderson, Tobin (football), 1996
Andreoni, Mike (basketball)
Andrew, Audre (basketball)
Andrews, Jim (basketball), 1971-1973
Andrews, Paul (basketball), 1987
Andrews, Stephen (diving), 2007
Andriacchi, Fabian (football), 1974
Andrighetti, John (football), 1962-1965
Andrus, Leander (basketball)
Angel, Frank (tennis), 1941
Angeli, Leslie (rifle), 2006
Angell, Mary (Track and field), 2010
Angelo, Mike (football), 1962
Angus, Lyndsey (softball), 2000-2003
Ansley, Ben (football), 1979-1981
Antleitner, Mark
Anthony, Myron (basketball), 1997-1999
Antonini, Frank (football), 1963-1965
Antonini, Frank and Ball (football), 1965
Antonini, Frank and Bird (football), 1965
Antonini, Frank and Danko (football), 1964
Antonini, Frank and McGraw (football), 1965
Antonini, Frank and Seiple (football), 1964
Antshel, Kevin (swimming), 1994
Appel, Amy (gymnastics), 1990-1991
Appel, Jack
Appleby, Al (football), 1957-1958
Applegate, Barry
Arce, Aniceto Richard (swimming), 1960-1962
Acre, Michael (Swim and Diveing), 2001-2003
Archer, Beckwith (tennis), 1984-1987
Archer, Jeff (baseball, football), 2001-2005
Archer, Mike (football), 2003-2007
Archer, Zack (baseball), 2003
Argento, Phil (basketball), 1965-1969
- Box 23, item 1-28
- Box 46, item 14-34
- Box 06, folder 12
- Box 22, item 91-94
- Box 346, folder 3, item 16-18
Armbrester, Matt (football), 1997
Arnold, Michael (football), 2010-2012
Ariza, Daniel (football), 1990
Arling, Eric (football), 1999-2001
Arman, Jeanne (tennis), 1979-1980
Armitage, Deborah (swimming), 1994-1995
Armour, Ashley (Gymnastics), 2007
Armsey, Tom Dr.
Armstead, Brad (football), 1988-1992
Armstrong, Jay (soccer)
Armstrong, Jocelyn (gymnastics), 1986-1988
Arnold, Charles (Chuck) (football), 1963-1966
Arnold, Clint (baseball), 1983-1986
Arnold, David (baseball), 1988-1989
Arnold, Ken (baseball), 1959
Arnold, Robert (baseball), 1975
Arnsparger, Bill (football), 1954-1956
Arp, Bennie (football), 1963-1964
Arthur, Bill (track), 1962
Arulogun, Shamseldeen (football), 1996
Asbury, Frank (football), 1954
Asbury, George (baseball), 1955
Ash, Dave
Ashburn, Richard J. (track), 1973
Ashcraft, Drew (football)
Asher, David (football), 1969-1970
Asher, Jay
Ashley, David (golf), 1961
Ashley, Jeff
Ashworth, Bob (football), 1963-1966
Askin, Mark (football), 1990-1995
Askren, Dana Brice, 1985
Atkerson, Jay
Atkins, Barry (football), 1975
Atkins, Frank (golf), 1950
Atkins, George Jr. (basketball), 1959-1960
Atkins, Jason (football)
Atkinson, Joe (football)
Atkinson, Ken (swimming), 1988-1989
Atkinson, Robert Price (swimming), 1994-1996
Attig, Elizabeth (cross country/track and field), 1999
Atwell, Travis (football), 1999-2004
Aubrey, Janis, 1997-1998
Audino, John (football), 1982
Augspurger, Gina (gymnastics), 2000-2003
Augustus, Mary Kelly (swimming), 1989
Augustyn, Bill
Ault, Stephen, (football), 1970-1971
Aumiller, Jordan (football), 2009-2013
Austin, Brent
Austin, Chris (soccer), 2000-2002
Austin, Evan (tennis), 2001-2003
Averitt, Don (football), 1964
Avington, Bethany (tennis), 1991-1995
Axel, Amy (volleyball), 1989
Azubuike, Kelenna (basketball), 2002-2004
Babb, Jim (football)
Baber, William Brock (baseball), 2008
Back, Adrian G. (men's basketball), 1941-1942
Baesler, Henry Scott (basketball), 1960
Bailey, Charlie (football), 1975-1980
Bailey, Chelsea (swimming), 2004-2007
Bailey, Cliff (football), 1996-1997
Baliey, John (football), 1952
Bailey, Mark (tennis)
Bailey, Mychal (football), 2010-2012
Bailey, Roy (baseball), 1986-1989
Bailey, Sam (track)
Bair, David (football), 1966-1969
- Box 47, item 1-10
- Box 346, folder 4, item 10
- Box 07, folder 16
- Box 27, item 1-28
- Box 46, item 93-105
Baird, Betty (golf), 1981
Baird, Kerry (football), 1980-1981
Baird, Tony (football), 1984
Bake, Jim (football)
Baker, Al (football), 1986-1990
- Box 27, item 68-99
- Box 07, folder 21
- Box 28, item 1-22
- Box 346, folder 4, item 21-23
- Box 382, folder 68
Baker, Bill (football), 1959-1960
Baker, Gregory (football), 1984
Baker, Jay (golf), undated
Baker, Jenny (diving), 1994-1996
Baker, Jerry (football)
Baker, Lee (soccer), 2000
Baker, Robert (football), 1962
Baker, Stephanie (basketball), 1993-1995
Balduf, Mandy
Baldwin, John (football), 1949-1952
Baldwin, Paul (cross country/track), 1970
Bailker, Ken (swimming), 1980
Ball, Brian
Ball, Russell (track), 1968-1970
Ballance, Robert (football), 1954-1955
Ball, Sam (football), 1862-1865
Ball, Shane (football), 1990
Ball, Stephen (football), 2006-2009
Ballenger, Mike (basketball), 1982
Balitsaris, Mike
Baltzell, Bill (football), 1949
Baltzell, Victor Brian (scooer), 1994
Baluyut, Arlene (tennis/basketball walk on), 1978
Bankhead, Terrell (football)
Banks, David (Track and Field), 2010
Banks, Eric Anthony (football), 1985
Banks, Greg (football)
Banks, Jeff (football)
Bannon, Thomas (baseball), 1969
Baranowski, Frank Joseph (football), 1956
Barantovich, Joe
Barber, Cathy (basketball and track), 1979
Barber, George (basketball), 1994
Barber, Jason
Barber, Jesse (baseball), 2002-2004
Barber, Joe (baseball), 1959-1960
Barber, Philip Robert III (baseball), 1978
Barber, Richard (swimming), 1994-1996
Barber, William Brock (baseball), 2004
Barbour, Antwain (basketball), 2002-2004
Barclay, Trey (football), 2000-2004
Bardo, Brad (football)
Barfoot, Haley (Swim and Diving), undated
Barga, Ray (football), 1971-1973
Barger, Richard (track), 1953
Barger, Rick (golf), 1976-1978
Barker, Avis (cross country/track and field), 1999
Barker, Bill (baseball), 1979-1982
Barker, Cliff, 1946-1949
Barker, Jamie
Baker, Lee (soccer), 1998-1999
Barlow, Bill (men's basketball) (Died 1990 Aug 19), 1942-1943
Barlow, Carey (football), 1994
Barnes, Ben (track), 1962
Barnes, Clarence (football), 2000-2002
Barnes,Coelman (football), 2001-2002
Barnes, Doug (basketball), 1985
Barnes, Jaye (basketball), 1998-1989
Barnes, Joyce (basketball), 1997-1999
Barnes, Lori
Barnes, Parry Cole (football), 1984-1985
Barnes, Robert Andrew (basketball)
Barnett, Harold (Coach) (Swim and Diving), 1977
Barnett, Kenton (football), 1959
Barnett, Kerri (tennis), 1991-1992
Barnett, Oliver (football), 1986-1989
- Box 08, folder 37
- Box 30, item 51-92
- Box 31, item 1-35
- Box 346, folder 6, item 20-23
- Box 382, folder 70
Barnette, Patrick Jr. (football)
Barnett, Tim (football)
Barnhart, Mitch (basketball), 2003
Barnhart, Norman (golf), 1971-1974
Barnhill, Bobby (footbll), 1973
Barnhorst, April (volleyball), 1999-2001
Barnstable, Dale, 2001
Baron, Dave (swimming), 1973
Barr, Bobbie (football), 1972
Barr, John (track), 1982
Barr, Robbie (football), 1973
Barrass, Scot (football), 1965
Barret, Anne (soccer), 1997
Barrett, Blair (swimming), 2004-2007
Barrington, John (football), 1973-1974
Barros, Fernando (swimming/diving), 1998-2000
Bartholomew, Andy (football), 1963-1965
Bartholomew, William (football), 1968
Bartkow, Robert (football), 1965-1966
Bartl, Susan (tennis), 1991-1992
Bartlett, Chuck (baseball), 1994
Barlett, Scott (track), 1976
Bartlett, Thomas
Bartlett, Todd (football)
Bartley, Rodger (football), 1962-1964
Barton, Robert (basketball/football), 1975
Barton, Rodney (football), 1949
Bartos, Bill (football), 1973-1974
Bartos, Brad (football)
Bartosiewicz, Ted (football), 1964-1965
Barwick, Calvin (tennis), 1960
Bash, Sheryl (tennis), 1992-1993
Baslam, Michael (football), 1961
Basham, Owen (track)
Baskette, Don (football), 1955-1956
Bass, Jeannie
Bassett, Claude (football)
Bassett, Jed (football), 1997-2002
Bassitt, Robert (football), 1952-1953
Bates, Ben (football)
Bates, James (track), 1970
Bateson, Amy, 1983-1985
Bathiany, Jeff (track), 1979
Batizy, Szaboles (swimming), 1971-1972
Batley, James (swimming), 2005-2007
Batson, Barry Lane (wrestling), 1976
Battle, Kem (swimming), 1970
Batt, Kristen (volleyball), 1999-2002
Bauer, Bill (football), 1971-1973
Bauer, Martin (track)
Baum, Matthew S. (men's soccer), 2004
Bauman, Jason
Bawano, Edo (tennis), 1941
Baxter, Cheri (swimming), 1986-1989
Baxter, John (track), 1959-1962
Bayless, Jay (basketball), 1954
Baylor, Doug (wrestling), 1981
Bazzell, Chad (baseball), 1993-1995
Beach, Arliss (football), 2002-2005
Beach, Bob, 1987
Beadles, Terry (football), 1963-1967
Beadles, Terry and Britton (football)
Beadles and Gann (football)
Beadles, Terry and top recievers
Beadles, Terry and Winsor
Beahn. Al (baseball), 1979-1980
Beake, Chip (football)
Beal, Dicky (basketball) (2 folders), 1980
- Box 10, folder 5-6
- Box 36, item 5-19
- Box 346, folder 5, item 20
- Box 48, item 91-93
- Box 382, folder 2
Bean, Justin (football), 2009-2013
Beard, Ralph Milton Jr. (basketball), 1948-1949
Beard, Arthur (golf), 1989-1990
Beard, Dicky (football)
Beard, Ken (baseball), 1959-1961
Beard, Ralph M. (men's basketball), 1945-1949
Beard, Randy (football), 1961
Beard, Richard (football), 1966-1968
Beard, Swain (golf), 1991
Bearup, Bret (basketball), 1979-1980
Beasley, Greg (track)
Beatty, Jerry (football), 1952-1954
Bearup, Bret (men's basketball), 1979-1980
Beauchamp, Diane (basketball), 1978
Becherer, Tom (football), 1962-1965
Bechtold, Bruce (football), 1964-1965
Beck, Edward (basketball), 1954-1958
Beck, Norman (basketball)
Becker, Elisabeth (gymnastics), 1978-1979
Becker, Jillian, 2002-2003
Becker, Sheryl (swimming), 1988-1989
Beckett, John Gordon (golf), 1997
Beckham, Antiquan (Twany) (basketball), 2011-2014
Beckham, Mike (football), 1970
Beckman, Tim (football), 1984
Beckmann, Ted (golf), 1987-1988
Beecher, Robert (basketball), 1951
Beehn, Zane (football), 1989-1994
Beer Keg rivalry UK vs. UT (football), 1952-1958
Beets, Jess (football), 2007-2008
Begley, Brandon (Track and Field), 2010
Begley, Taylor (football), 2002-2005
Behlmer, Richard (track), 1976-1977
Behr, Steve (track), 1971
Beima, Doug, 1984-1986
Beirne, Mike (football), 2000-2001
Beirne, Mike (football), 1964-1967
Belanger, Elizabeth (soccer), 2000
Belanger, Jane (volleyball), 1990-1992
Belcher, Gerald (baseball), 1974
Belding, Scott (baseball), 1985-1986
Belin, Ralph
Bell, Bruce (football), 1958
Bell, Cecil (basketball), 1930-1932
Bell, Charlie (football), 1952
Bell, Herold (football), 1996
Bell, Harry (football), 1960
Bell, Heather (diving), 1990
Bell, Jason (soccer), 1998-2000
Bell, Jerry (football), 1987-1989
Bell, Matthew (football)
Bell, Napoleon (football), 1982
Bell, Quincy (football), 1996
Bell, Sandy (basketball), 2002-2003
Bell, Tommy (football), 1986
Benard, Paul (football), 1963-1966
Bender, Ryan (women's golf), 2018-2019
Bendix, Andrew (baseball), 1995-1997
Benedict, Robert (track), 1967
Benefield, Jerry (football), 1969-1970
Benjamin, Michael (football), 1996
Benmansour, Karim (tennis), 2002-2003
Bennett, Al (football), 1967
Bennett, Jerard (football)
Bennett, Leeman (football), 1965
Bennett, Robert (football), 1953
Bennett, Scott (football)
Bennett, Tim (soccer), 2002
Bennett, William (football), 1952
Bennett, Winston (basketball), 1994
Benrendt, Jaque (Gymnastics), 2007
Bensema, Dave (track), 1979-1980
Benson, Dan (football)
Benson, Danny (baseball), 1987
Benson, James
Benson, Pascal (football)
Benson, Richard (tennis), 1986-1987
Bentley, Charley (football), 1949
Bentley, Jerry (football), 1968-1971
Benton, Mike (football), 2010-2012
Benzinger, Craig (football), 1988-1989
Berger, Clifford (Cliff) (basketball), 1964-1968
- Box 41, item 45-52
- Box 49, item 95-116
- Box 136, item 1-9
- Box 346, folder 6, item 9
- Box 12, folder 2
- Box 380, folder 50
Berger, Dan (football), 1971-1973
Bergman, John (football), 1962
Bergstrom, Dan
Berkheimer, Gerry
Berkowitz, Tad (tennis), 1992-1993
Berles, Lauri (golf), 1993-1996
Berlin, Ralph
Berling, Jim (golf), 1959
Bernard, Chris (football), 1958
Bernard, Chris (football), 2002-2003
Bernardy, Dave (track), 1975
Bernier, Jon (football)
Berquist, Darron (swimming), 2000
Berringer, David (football), 1998-1999
- Box 12, folder 16
- Box 41, item 78-81
- Box 346, folder 6, item 10-11
- Box 378, folder 18
- Box 380, folder 1
Berry, Buddy, 1996
Berry, Davion, 1997
Berry, Dorion (football)
Berry, Dottie (basketball), 1981-1982
Berry, Edward (football), 2010-2011
Berry, Steve (football), 1990
Bersot, James Louis (basketball), 1961
Berthold, Sonny (football)
Bertleson, Bob (track)
Bertram, Mark (track), 1985-1987
Bertram, Michael (baseball), 2003-2006
Bertram, Mort (golf), 1979
Bertsch, Ronald (baseball), 1959-1960
Beshara, Mike (football)
Beshears, James Thomas (basketball), 1958
Best, James (football), 1958
Bethea, Keith (football), 1977-1978
Bethune, Evertt P., 1972
Beting, Amy (volleyball)
Bettle, Leonie (women's golf), 2015-2019
Betz, Damon (football), 1987-1989
Beuke, Denise (volleyball), 1979
Beymer, Alan
Bezku, Bob (football), 1949-1953
Bianconcin, Luca (football), 1987
Bibb, William C. (basketball), 1952
Bice, Douglas (football), 1984
Bickel, Tom
Bieber, Bradley (track), 1998-1999
Bierwirth, Matt (swimming), 2005-2007
Bigelow, William Bryan (swimming), 1990
Biggers, Alan (football), 1973
Biggers, Andy (football), 1975
Biggerstaff, Jim (baseball)
Bilberry, Darren (football), 1987-1989
Billips, Douglas (basketball), 1969
Bingham, Don (football)
Binion, Mike (baseball), 1969-1970
Biondi, Kathleen (softball), 2002-2003
Birch, Rowlando (track), 1980
Bird, Angela, 1997-1987
Bird, Benjamin (football), 1993-1996
Bird, Billy (football), 1960
Bird, Calvin (football), 1957-1960
Bird, Jerry (basketball), 1954-1956
Bird, Roger (football), 1962-1965
Bird, Steve
Birindelli, Joseph Ray (track and cross country), 1986-1989
Bironas, Greg (soccer), 2000-2002
Bishop, Brian (football)
Bishop, Darryl (football, freshman basketball), 1969-1970
Bishop, Debbie (volleyball)
Bishop, Derek (football), 2011-2012
Bishop, Eric (baseball), 1995-1996
Bishop, Fred (football), 1973-1976
Bishop, John (football), 1971
Bishop, Kevin William (baseball), 2004
Bisson, Chris (baseball), undated
Bitler, Todd (football), 1984
Bivin, Arvon (football), 1952-1953
Bjork, Jan (swimming), 1998
Black, Adrien (football), 1997
Black, Edward (wrestling), 1981
Black, Hugh (Bonnie), football)
Black, Thomas (football), 1952
Blackard, Frank (basketball), 1962
Blackburn, Charles (football), 1965-1969
Blackburn, Ernest (football), 1949
Blackport, Ross, 1998
Blackledge, Ronald (football), 1972-1973
Blackmon, James (basketball), 1983-1987
Blair, Crittenden D. (men's basketball), 1931-1934
Blair, Edsel, (football)
Blair, Russell (football)
Blair, William III (football)
Blake, Debbie (soccer), 1998-1999
Blake, Deborah (soccer)
Blake, Jim
Blakefield, Mark (Golf), 2004
Blakely, Eddie (football)
Blakey, Tenesha (track), 1995-1996
Blakwelder, Bryan
Blaylock, Daron (football), 2012-2016
Blaylock, Sefo Mailau (football), 2005-2006
Blaylock, Zack (football), 2012-2015
Blanchard, Dwayne (track), 1978-1979
Bland, Hugh (football), 1965-1968
Bland, Rob (baseball), 2003
Blanda, George (football), undated
Blandford, Paul (baseball), 1994-1995
Blank, Debbie (golf), 1987-1988
Blankenship, D'Ann, 1997-1998
Blankenship, Jill
Blankenship, Joseph (football), 1961
Blanton, Bud (baseball)
Blanton, Jerry (football), 1975-1978
Blanton, Joseph (baseball), 2000-2002
Blassingame, Ray (track), 1955-1959
Bledsoe, David (golf), 1987-1988
Blesdoe, Eric (basketball), 2009-2010
Blevins, Carter Lee (track), 1968
Blevins, John P. (basketball)
Blizzard, Bobby (football)
Block, Randy
Blocker, Dick (football), 1953-1955
Blodgett, Michael (baseball), 1972
Bloomfield, Jamie (diving), 1987-1988
Bloomingdale, Bill (football), 1957
Blount, David
Bloyd, Larry (track), 1968
Blubaugh, James (football), 1962-1963
Blume, Stephen (swimming), 1970
Blythe, Homer, 1955
Blythe, Mark (baseball), 1986-1989
Board, Allan Keith (football), 1978
Bocard, Kendall (football), 1959-1960
Boddy, Colleen (baseball), 1999
Bodem, Robin, 2004
Bodenheimer, Fritz (football)
Boeck, Greg (basketball)
Boeckmann, Stephen (football), 1981-1984
- Box 83, item 87-100
- Box 137, item 1-4
- Box 346, folder 7, item 17
- Box 50, folder 37
- Box 136, item 111
Boevers, Colin (Track and Field), 2010
Bogans, Keith (basketball), 1999-2003
Bogarty, Maurice (football)
Boggs, Christopher T. (rifle), 2004-2006
Bogue, Ross (football), 2005-2009
Bohorquez, Sandra (swimming), 1988-1989
Bojalad, Ronald (football), 1981
Bokovoy, Lisa (volleyball), 1986-1989
Bolden, John (football), 1988-1990
- Box 84, item 27-85
- Box 346, folder 8, item 1-2
- Box 51, folder 4
- Box 346, folder 7, item 22-23
Boling, Michelle (Student trainer), 2000s
Boliver, Margie (swimming), 1989-1990
Boller, William (football), 1948-1949
Bolling, Jim (football), 1963-1964
Bollinger, Mark (swimming)
Bollinger, Paul Parker (swimming), 1953
Bologna, Leigh anne (soccer), 1994
Bolton, Fiona (volleyball), 1994
Bolton, Rod (baseball), 1989-1990
Bolus, James (football), 1961
Bond, Darryl (football), 1979
Bond, David (football), 1977-1981
Bond, Del (football), 1960
Bond, Erika (swimming), 1993-1994
Bond, Marsha
Bond, Octavius (football), 1998
Bondor, Tibor Kalman (swimming), 1960-1962
Bonets, Alisha (basketball)
Bonfiglio, Donald (track), 1989-1990
Bonich, Bob (football), 1954
Bonner, Dustin (Dusty) (football), 1997-2000
- Box 51, folder 24
- Box 85, item 36-48
- Box 346, folder 8, item 8-11
- Box 378, folder 18
- Box 380, folder 2
Bonets, Aisha (basketball), 2000-2001
Booker, Bill (football)
Booker, Brad (football), 2001
Booker, Devin (basketball), 2014-2015
Booker, Karen (basketball)
Booker, Karl (football)
Boone, Aaron (football), 2001-2002
Boone, Bryan (wrestling), 1984
Boone, George (football), 1954-1961
Boone, Hilary (tennis), 1941
Boone, Robert Daniel (golf), 1954
Booth, Charles (Tony) (football), 1956-1957
Booth, Glen (tennis), 1973-1976
Booth,Scott (football), 1989
Boots, Chris
Bord, Robin
Borders, Jesse
Borg, Thomas (football), 1964
Borne, Al (football), 1965-1969
Borne, John Matthew (baseball), 1996-1997
Borowski, Christine (rifle), undated
Borro, Michael (football)
Bortnick, Paul (football), 1979
Bostick, John (basketball), 1991
Boswell, James (soccer), 1994
Boswell, Marckus (football), 2005
Botkin, Michael (baseball), 1979-1982
Bottoms, Ricky
Boulrie, James (football)
Bouis, Kevin Edward (football)
Boulware, Michael (football), 1966-1967
Bourgeois, Amanda (swimming), 2001-2003
Bounds, Brad (basketball), 1963
Bow, John (football), 1976-1979
Bowden, Tommy (football), 1990
Bowen, James (football)
Bowens, Cecil (football), 1969-1970
Bowie, Jeremy (football), 1997-1998
Bowie, Jim (football), 1954-1956
Bowie, Sam (men's basketball), 1979, undated
Bowland, Trey (football), 2006-2010
Bowler, Kathleen (volleyball), 2004-2006
Bowling, John (baseball), 1972-1974
Bowman, Chante (basketball), 2005-2007
Bowman, Don (football), 1953
Bowman, Ryan (swimming), 2001-2002
Boyd, Arron (football), 2008-2012
Boyd, Augustus (football)
Boyd, Curtis (football)
Boyd, David
Boyd, John (swimming), 1991-1993
Boyd, John Thomas (football)
Boyd, Leman (football), 1992-1996
Boyd, Lester (football), 1975-1979
Boyd, Partice (basketball), 1995-1998
Boyd, Ritchie, football), 1977-1979
Boyd, Shane (baseball), 2000-2002
Boyd, Shane (football), 2000-2004
Boyd, Tom (trainer), 2002-2003
Boyd, Tommy
Boyken, Sandy
Boyle, Jill (soccer), 1994
Boyle, John Thomas (football), 1980-1981
Boyle, M.
Boyle, Michael (football), 1976-1979
Boyle, Therese (volleyball), undated
Boyles, S.A. (football)
Bowles, Allen Matthews (baseball), 1993-1994
Bowman, Brook (softball), 2001-2003
Bowman, Lance (swimming), 2005-2006
Bozeman, Riley (football)
Bozick, Bruce (football), 1981-1984
Brabender, Mark (wrestling), 1977
Bradds, Gary (basketball), 1960
Braddy, Junior (basketball)
Braddy, Nehemiah (basketball and baseball), 1989-1993
Braden, Jona (volleyball), 1998-2002
Bradford, Dennis (football), 1961
Bradford, Heather (swimming), 2004-2007
Bradford, Jenifer (Jenny) (swimming), 2004-2007
Braddord, Robert (football), 1956
Bradford, Vic (football), 1951
Bradley, Bob (football)
Bradley, Burton (football), 1954
Bradley, Charles (Chuck)(football), 1988-1990
Bradley, Michael (basketball), 1997-1999
Bradley, Ramel (Men's Basketball), 2004-2006
Bradshaw, Charlie (football), 1949-1963
- Box 53, folder 27
- Box 346, folder 9, item 22-23
- Box 88, item 49-84
- Box 346, folder 10, item 1-3
- Box 138, item 94-109
Bradwell, Leigh (tennis), 2000-2003
Brady, Jeff (football), 1989-1990
Brady, Joe (football)
Brady, Matthew Joseph (Baseball), 2004
Braddy, Nehemiah (men's basketball), 1992
Braga, Milton (swimming), 1991-1992
Bragga, Matt (baseball), 1992
Brainard, John (football), 1949
Brandel, Joe (football), 1958
Brandenburg, Tim (baseball), 1979-1980
Brandstatter, J.J. (swimming), 1992-1993
Brandt, Ron (football)
Branham, Willie (football), 1981
Brankin, Chris (football)
Brannum, Bob (basketball), 1944
Bransom, Ben (football), 1971-1974
Branson, Phillip (football), 1961-1962
Branum, Matt (football), 1988-1991
Brasher, Brent (football), 1994
Brassow, Jeff ( basketball), 1989-1993
- Box 89, item 92-103
- Box 90, item 1-18
- Box 54, folder 15
- Box 346, folder 10, item 12-14
- Box 380, folder 54
Bratt, Kristen (volleyball), undated
Bratton, Keith (golf), 1980
Braun, David Charles (tennis), 1960
Braungardt, Brett (unknown sport), undated
Brause, Tyler (football), 2010-2014
Brawner, Phil (football), 1954
Brazley, Nik (football), 2007-2011
Breeden, Wayne
Breeding, Sheila
Breiding, Lisa (track), 1986-1989
Breitenstein, Jason (baseball) (team manager), 2002
Brennan, Mike
Brennenstahl, Phil (football), 1959
Brent, Calvin (football), 2015-2017
Brenzel, Jennifer (golf)
Bressler, Jerry (football), 1967
Brett, Cathey
Brewer, Donald Ray (football)
Brewer, Gary (golf), 1949
Brewer, John (basketball), 1953-1956
Brewer, Mel (basketball), 1944
Brewer, Ron (football), 1978
Brewster, Ben (track and field), 2000s
Brewster, John (track), 2003
Brewster, Josef L. (track), 1950
Breyman, Mike (baseball), 2003
Bridges, Susan (lady Cat mascot)
Bright, Crossby (football)
Bright, Katie (volleyball), 2001-2004
Bright, Kenneth W. (football), 1984
Bright, Robert H.
Briggs, Donald (football), 1963-1964
Briggs, William (track), 1992
Brinson, Latty (football), 2007
Brislin, James (football), 1984
Bristo, Jerry (football), 1959
Britenriker, Nicole (volleyball), 2004-2006
Britt, Robert Andrew (football), 1991-1995
Brittingham, Todd
Britton, Donald (football), 1963-1967
Britton, Phillip Michael (baseball), 2004-2005
Broadwater, James (football), 1966-1968
Brock, Caleb (baseball), 2001-2003
Brock, Jeff (football)
Brock, Mark (football), 1984-1986
Brockwell, David (track), 1986-1989
Broderson, Richard (basketball), 1962
Brogdon, Scott (football), 1961
Brokeshire, James O. (football), 1949
Bromley, Rob
Bronski, Brett (golf), 1988-1991
Brooks, Bobby (football), 1948-1950
Brooks, Delray (basketball), 1996-1997
Brooks, Eddie (baseball), 1993-1994
Brooks, Effley (football), 1979-1981
Brooks, Eric (football), 1976-1977
Brooks, Heather (swimming), 1989-1992
Brooks, Jerry (basketball), 1952
Brooks, Mary Beth
Brooks, Penny
Brooks, Randy (football), 1977-1980
- Box 140, item 7-12
- Box 91, item 1-6
- Box 55, folder 17
- Box 346, folder 11, item 1-4
- Box 375, folder 30
Brooks, Takia
Broughton, Charles (Chuck)(football), 1985-1989
Browdy, Charlotte (swimming), 1989
Brown, Aimee (soccer), 1998-2001
Brown, Allan (track), 1976-1977
Brown, Allan (football), 1978
Brown, Amanda (softball), 2001-2003
Brown, Anita (track)
Brown, Ann Catherine (golf)
Brown, Anthony (rifle team), 1975
Brown, Antoine (football), 2007
Brown, Claude (golf), 1961
Brown, Chris (football)
Brown, Colby Warren (baseball), 2005
Brown, Emma (swim and diving), 2010
Brown, Hugh (football), 1959
Brown, Jack (track), 1956
Brown, Jack (football), 1971
Brown, Jeff (track), 1973-1974
Brown, Jewell Wayne (football), 1995
Brown, Jim (football), 1993
Brown, Joe (football), 1976
Brown, Joe (football), 2005
Brown, Joellen (Joey) (diving), 2005-2007
Brown, John (Locky) (football), 1952-1953
Brown, John William (football), 1967-1970
Brown, John Young (golf), 1953-1954
Brown, Jud (tennis)
Brown, Kelly (tennis), 1990s
Brown, Ken (baseball)
Brown, Kenneth Ray (football), 1983-1984
Brown, Kory (football), 2012-2014
Brown, Lisa (golf)
Brown, Locky (football), 1953
Brown, Maltbie Stephen (football)
Brown, Mary Jane (swimming), 1988-1990
Brown, Matt (football), 1998-2001
- Box 91, item 84-95
- Box 55, folder 42
- Box 346, folder 11, item 15-17
- Box 378, folder 18
- Box 380, folder 2
Brown, Michael Sheldon (baseball), 2004-2006
Brown, Michelle (swimming), 2002-2003
Browm Michelle Denise (track), 1993-1994
Brown, Neal (football), 2000-2001
Brown, Robert (football), 1961-1964
Brown, Robert Shaun (football), 1992
Brown, Sean (swimming), 1990
Brown, Shawn
Brown, Stephen, 1996-1997
Brown, Thomas (track), 1991
Browning, Alfonzo (football), 1992
Browning, Antoinette (track), 1978-1979
Browning, Charlie (football)
Browning, Chase (football)
Browning, Earl (football), 1978
Browning, Kent (football)
Browning, Lizette (track), 1978-1979
Browning, Pam (basketball), 1974-1978, undated
Brucato, John
Bruce, Robert (football)
Bruce, Steve (basketball)
Brueck, Joe (football), 1956-1959
Brueser, Raymond (football)
Bruestle, Michael (track), 1969
Bruestle, Randall (track), 1967
Brummett, Richard (football), 1966
Brummett, Thomas (football)
Bruner, Buck, 1972
Bruner, Vince (football), 1976
Brunel, Jonathan Paul (men's soccer), 2004
Brunet, Jonathan (men's soccer), 2002
Brungardt, Brett
Bruno, Al (football), 1947-1950
Bruno, Michael (football), 1973-1974
Brush, Bob
Brush, Tommy (football), 1959
Brveckbaver, Catherine (swim and diving), 2010
Bryan, Joel (football), 2000-2001
Bryan, Todd (swimming), 1970-1973
Bryant, Cisco (football), 1982-1984
Bryant, Charles (football), 1960-1961
Bryant, Danny (football), 1960
Bryant, Dawn (basketball)
Bryant, Derek (baseball), 1970-1973
Bryant, Joe (football), 1976-1977
Bryant, J.P.
Bryant, Keith (football), 1972-1973
Bryant, Olin (Buddy) (golf), 1980-1981
Bryant, Perry (football)
Bryant, Warren (football), 1973-1976
- Box 346, folder 12, item 12-15
- Box 56, folder 30
- Box 93, item 44-67
- Box 141, item 1-25
- Box 378, folder 30
Buban, Jerry (football), 1973-1976
Bucci, Kim (soccer), 1994
Bucci, Michelle (baseball), 1998
Buchanan, Don (football), 1955
Buchanan, John (football), 1989-1990
Buchanan, Kristin (tennis), 1985-1986
Buchanan-Mattingly, Lisa (unknown sport), undated
Buchanan, Robbie (baseball), 1985-1988
Buchheit, George (basketball) (1919-1924), 1953
Buckley, Jill (tennis), 1999-2003
Buckman, Chad (baseball), 1995-1996
Buckman, Charles (track), 1972
Buckman, John (football)
Buckner, Allen (football), 1949
Buckvar, Nicholas (football)
Budd, Kyle (football), 2010-2014
Budvitis, Chris (swimming), 1986-1989
Buehler, Donald (football), 1960
Buehner, Rick (football), 1980-1981
Buell, James (Jim) (track), 1974-1977
Buemi, Melinda (soccer), 1999-2002
Buerkle, Amy (soccer), 1993-1994
Buettner, Jeff
Buffington, Susan (gymnastics), 2000-2001
Buising, Jeff (football)
Buley, Sade (basketball), 2006
Bullock, Jeff
Bullock, Josh, 1999
Bullock, Tedd (football), 2003-2004
Bumgarner, Jill (swimming), 1989
Bumgarner, Sheri (track), 1990-19935
Bumpous, Michele (track), 1991-1992
Bunch, Greg (swimming), 1980
Bunch, Justin (baseball), 19971998
Buncic, Mike (track), 1980-1987
Bundy, Adrienne (track), 1993
Bundy, Jack (football), 1953
Bundschuh, Ross (swim and diving), 2010
Bunke, Todd (football), 1998-1999
Bunton, Linda, 1982
Burbage, Cornell (football), 1983-1986
Burch, Dan (tennis)
Burch, Joseph
Burchan, Jayne
Burchert, Abbey (volleyball), undated
Burchett, Carroll (basketball), 1958-1962, undated
Burchett, Michael (football), 2010-2011
Burden, Chandler (football), 2008-2012
Burden, Randall (football), 2007-2011
Buress, Leonard (Football), 1999-2001
Burford, Michael (football), 1979
Burger, Bud (basketball), 1948-1956
Burgin, Lucy (gymnastics), 2003-2007
Burke, Frank (football), 1973
Burke, Johnny (swimming), 1952
Burke, Matt (football)
Burke, Meghan (basketball), 1988-2000
Burke, Randy (football), 1973-1976
Burke, Reggie (wrestling), 1978-1979
Burke Terry (golf), 1980
Burke, Todd, 1998
Burkett, Beth (track), 1998-1999
Burkheimer, Jerry (tennis)
Burkholder, Ashley (gymnastics), 1998
Burkholder, Horace (football), 1956
Burkley, Josh (baseball), 1993-1994
Burks, Albert (football), 1988-1989
Burks, Walt (football), 1973
Burnam, Buzz (football), 1969-1973
Burnett, Daniel (football), 2002-2003
Burnett, Edwin (track), 1949-1950
Burnette, Mike (football), 1972
Burnette, William (football), 1961
Burney, Linda
Burns, Doug (football), 1972
Burns, Robin (volleyball), undated
Burns, Vincent (football), 2002-2003
Burrell, Stacey (football), 1991-1984
Burrelli, Angello (football), 1954
Burress, Leonard (football), 2000-2003
Burridge, Tom (track), 1976-1979
Burries, Mike (football), 1985
Burrow, Bob (basketball), 1952-1955, undated
Burrows, Elvis Nereance (swimming), 2006-2007
Burrows, Kirsten (tennis), 1992-1993
Burrus, Jim (football), 1952
Burse, William (football and track)
Burton, Christopher Conner (baseball), 2004-2005
Burton, Keenan (football), 2000-2003
Buschbom, Ronnie (football), 1962
Busey, Bill (basketball), 1966-1969
- Box 58, folder 6
- Box 142, image 27-55
- Box 346, folder 13, item 20
- Box 96, item 67-77
- Box 380, folder 56
Bush, Jeffery Allen (swimming), 1988-1991
Bush, Jeffery John (football), 1978
Bush, Steven (baseball), 1972-1975
Buushallow, Denise (track/cross country), 1987-1991
Bushong, Bill (football), 1967-1970
Bushong, Paul (football), 1971
Buske, Emily (swimming), 1996
Butcher, Donnis (basketball), 1955
Butcher, John (basketball), 1954
Butcher, Max (football), 1958
Butler, David (golf), 1960-1962
Butler, Jackie (football), 1952-1956
Butler, John (football), 1970
Butler, John A. (baseball), 1978-1994
Butler, Jonathan (football)
Butler, Joseph (track), 1987-1989
Butler, Liz (soccer), 2001
Butler, Marshall (golf), 1989-1993
Butler, Regina (track), 1979
Butler, Robert (football), 1958-1961
Butler, Ronald (football), 1961
Butler, Travis (basketball), 1966
Butler, Tyler (soccer), 1994
Butts, Bernard (basketball), 1959-1960
Butz, Mike (football), 1962
Bwenge, Alexis (football), 2004
Byars, Ryan (football)
Byene, Greg
Byrd, Kenneth (Ken) (basketball), 1995
Bryd, Leroy (basketball), 1983-1986
Byrd, Robert (football), 1979-1980
Byrne, Toni
Byzet, Matthew Stephen (baseball), 2004-2005
Caborn, David Dr.
Caffey, Marcus (football), 2011-2012
Cagle, Jerry (football), 1972
Cahill, Mike (football), 1985-1988
Cain, Danny William (football), 1956
Cain, Eugene (football)
Cain, Johhny (football), 1962-1964
Cain, Ronald (football), 1955-1959
Caldwell, Carmichael (football), 1981
Caldwell, Jody (football), 1972
Caldwell, Kevin Thomas (baseball), 2004
Calhoun, Paul (football), 1981
Calhoun, Ronald Paul (football), 1981-1984
Calhoun, Terrence (football), 1999
Callahan, Kenneth Ray (football), 1952-1954
Callahan, Ray (football), 1953
Campos, Aldvin (Men's Tennis), 1990
Calton, Tamara
Calvert, Gerry (basketball), 1953-1957
Calvert, Timothy (football), 1991
Camara, Souleymane (Jules) (basketball), 1998-2003
Cambron, James (football), 1955-1956
Cambron, Thomas (swimming), 1960
Cameron, Chris (basketball), 1988-1989
Cameron, Lindsay (gymnastics), 2001-2002
- Box 59, folder 20
- Box 99, item 23-30
- Box 375, folder 32
- DigitalFolder 2007ua023_15
- DigitalFolder 2007ua023_16
Camp, Jared (baseball), 1993-1994
Campassi, Steve (football), 1974-1979
Campbell, (no first name) (unknown sport), undated
Campbell, Alexander C. (Whitey) (football)
Campbell, Brian (baseball), 1995
Campbell, Derrick
Campbell, James Gill (football), 1978-1981
Campbell, Jim (football)
Campbell, Joe Bill (football), 1961
Campbell, Katie
Campbell, Kayla (basketball), 1990-1992
Campbell, Mark (football), 1970
Campbell, Monte (football), 1959-1960
Campbell, Rick (baseball), 1982-1985
Campbell, Whitey
Campbell, William (Bill) (football), 1989
Campos, Aldvin (Men's Tennis), 1990
Camunas, Keary (softball), 1996-1997
Canfield, Sissy (volleyball), 2002-2004
Cannon, Crissy (gymnastics), 2004
Cannon, Willie (football), 1990
Capen, Jeffery (football)
Capo, Bruce (track)
Carbone, Don (tennis)
Carboni, Stephen (football), 1973
Carby, Kevin Kristopher (baseball), 2007
Carder, William (baseball), 1959-1960
Cardwell, Dennis (football), 1960-1963
Carey, Burgess (basketball)
Carlig, Clyde (football), 1952
Carlin, Clarie (women's golf), 2015-2019
Carlisle, Ralph E. (men's basketball), 1935-1937
Carlsen, Gretchen
Carmen, Bill (track), 1969
Carmany, Brian (soccer), 2002
Carmicle, Christopher (swimming), 1974
Carmody, Jim (football), 1964
Carney, Conrad (football), 1984
Cantrell, Amie (golf)
Carpenter, Bruce (football), 1972
Carpenter, Monte (football)
Carpenter, Sherry (golf), 1978-1979
Carr, Chad (football)
Carr, Darin
Carr, Fletcher (wrestling), 1973-1977
- Box 60, folder 16
- Box 143, item 86
- Box 100, item 38-45
- Box 100, item 31-37
- Box 346, folder 14, item 18
Carr, Gerald (football), 2001-2002
Carr, Jim (wrestling), 1973-1975
Carr, Joe (wrestling), 1973-1976
Carr, Ray (football), 1973-1976
Carrier, Josh (basketball), 2001-2005
Carreiro, Bridget (gymnastics), 2007
Carroll, Arvel (football), 1969-1970
Carroll, Chris (baseball), 1982-1985
Carroll, Dan (baseball), 1983
Carroll, Joseph (football), 1963-1966
Carroll, Michael (football), 1963-1964
Carroll, Swain "Sawyer" (baseball), 2007-2008
Carruth, Rashaad (basketball), 2001-2002
Carson, Donald (football), 1958-1959
Carstenn, T.
Carter, Al (football), 1982-1984
Carter, Craig Thomas (football), 1996
Carter, Daymond (football)
Carter, Earl (football), 1952-1953
Carter, Eric (football), 1989-1990
Carter, George Robert (swimming), 1962
Carter, H. (football) (# 53), 1993
Carter, Howard JR (football) (#92), 1992-1994
Carter, James (Jimmy) (football), 1996-1998
- Box 100, item 84-90