Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Committee Reports, Correspondence, Financial Report..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Correspondence, Memoranda, 1947 February 1-19
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Constitution and By-Laws, Correspondence..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Correspondence, Meeting Agendas, Memoranda..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, ADA Organizing Committee, Correspondence..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Correspondence, Financial Statement, "ADA Reporter"..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Analysis of Pending Legislation, Chapter Charters..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes, News..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Correspondence, Memoranda, Minutes, News..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Correspondnece, Financial Statement, Memoranda, Minutes..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Correspondence, Memoranda, Reports, Wyatt's..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Correspondence, Memoranda, 1947 October-December
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - ADA Convention Rules and Agenda, Chapter Addresses..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Correspondence, Memoranda, 1948 February-March
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Correspondence, Memoranda, News Releases..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Correspondence, Memoranda, 1948 July-December
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Chapter Addresses, Congressional Testimony, ..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Correspondence, Memoranda, News Releases..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Correspondence, Dr. Walter Courtenay Sermon..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Correspondence, ADA World, 1951 November
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Correspondence, ADA World, 1952 June
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Correspondence, ADA World..., 1953
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Correspondence, ADA World, The Progressive ADA Edition, undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clipping, Correspondence, Meeting Schedules, ADA World, undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Correspondence, 1958-1060
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, Invitations, 1963-1969
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Cleveland, Ohio Convention, 1951
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Clippings, National Board Meetings Agendas, Reports, 1947-1948
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Invitations, 1947-1953
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Kentucky General Assembly - Recognition Dinner, 1954
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Students for Democratic Action (SDA) - ADA World..., undated
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) - Wyatt's New York Times Article "Creed for Liberals"..., undated
Jimmy Carter - Correspondence, 1977-1983
Correspondence - Congratulatory, 1957
Democratic Congressional Dinner - Correspondence, Program, 1960
Democratic Congressional Dinner Committee, 1964
Democratic National Committee - Advisory Council - Dinner Tribute to Eleanor Roosevelt, 1959
Democratic National Committee - Advisory Council - Economic Policy - Clippings, Corresondence, Plan..., undated
Democratic National Committee - Advisory Council - Economic Policy - Clippings, Correspondence, Report, undated
Democratic National Committee - Advisory Council - Economic Policy - H.H.Fowler Remarks, Press Release ..., undated
Democratic National Committee - Advisory Council - Economic Policy - Clippings,Correspondence, 1958-1959
Democratic National Committee - Advisory Council - Economic Policy - Clippings, Correspondence..., undated
Democratic National Committee - Advisory Council - Fund Raising - Correspondence, 1958-1959
Democratic National Committee - Advisory Council - Sub-Committee - "Democratic Programs for Action...", undated
Democratic National Committee - Advisory Council - Sub-Committee - Clippings, "Democratic Programs...", undated
Democratic National Committee - Annual Dinner - Correspondence, Program, 1950
Democratic National Committee - Annual Dinner and Committee Meeting - Agenda, Correspondence..., 1953
Democratic National Committee - Clippings, 1957
Democratic National Committee - Conference - Agenda, Correspondence, 1953
Democratic National Committee - Membership Lists, 1961, 1963
Democratic National Committee - Correspondence, Meeting Schedules, 1961
Democratic National Committee - Correspondence, Financial Report, Meeting Schedules, 1962
Democratic National Committee - Correspondence, Meeting Schedules, News Releases..., undated
Democratic National Committee - Promotion and Fund Raising - "Operation Grass Roots", 1959-1960
Democratic National Committee - Research Division - "Scare Words: A Compilation of Republican Attacks...", undated
Democratic National Committee - Research Division - Paul Butler's "A Democratic Convention in 1954?", undated
Democratic National Committee - Research Division - Fact Sheets, 1953 May-July
Democratic National Committee - Research Division - Fact Sheets, Chairman's Report, 1953 September-December
Democratic National Committee - Research Division- Fact Sheets, 1954 January-May
Democratic National Committee - Research Division - Fact Sheets Congressional..., 1954 June-December
Democratic National Committee - Research Division - Fact Sheets, 1955 February-June
Democratic National Committee - Research Division - "Democratic Fact Sheet", 1957 April-1958 October
Democratic National Committee - Clippings, Correspondence, County Pamphlets, 1956-1960
Election - Presidential - CIO Political Action Committee - "Speakers' Book of Facts", 1948
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Correspondence, 1948 January-June
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Correspondence, 1948 June-September
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Correspondence, 1948 October-December
Election - Presidential - Correspondence - Congratulatory, 1948
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Clippings, Correspondence, Wyatt's, 1948
Election - Presidential - Inauguration - Correspondence, Lists, 1948
Election - Presidential - Inauguration - Invitations, 1948
Election - Presidential - Inauguration - Inaugural Programs and Invitations, 1948
Election - Presidential - Louisville Democratic Rally - Clippings, Correspondence, 1948
Election - Presidential - W. W. Wyatt - Speech - Grand Rapids - Correspondence, Notes, 1948
Election - Presidential - W. W. Wyatt - Speech - Kansas City - Correspondence and Notes, 1948
Election - Presidential - American Medical Association - House Resolution 8390 and ..., 1948
Election - Presidential - William Benton - Fund Raising Idea, 1952
Election - Presidential - California - Clippings, Correspondence, Memorandum..., 1952
Election - Presidential - California Itinerary, 1952
Election - Presidential - Campaign Contributors, 1952
Election - Presidential - Campaign Itineraries and Arrangements (Folder A), 1952
Election - Presidential - Campaign Itineraries and Arrangements (Folder B), 1952
Election - Presidential - Campaign Itineraries and Arrangements (Folder C), 1952
Election - Presidential - Campaign Itineraries and Arrangements (Folder D), 1952
Election - Presidential - Campaign Itineraries and Arrangements (Folder E), 1952
Election - Presidential - Campaign Itineraries and Arrangements (Folder F), 1952
Election - Presidential - Campaign Itineraries and Arrangements (Folder G), 1952
Election - Presidential - Chicago Democratic Rally, 1952
Election - Presidential - Clark Clifford - Memoranda, "The Politics of 1948", 1952
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Newspaper Endorsements and Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Newspaper Endorsements and Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Committee for Agricultural Progress, 1952
Election - Presidential - Connecticut - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "A", 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "B" (Folder A), 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "B" (Folder B), 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "C-D", 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "E-F", 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "G", 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "H" (Folder A), 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "H" (Folder B), 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "J", 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "K", 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "L", 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "M-N", 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "O-P", 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "R" (Folder A), 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "R" (Folder B), 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "S" (Folder A), 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "S" (Folder B), 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Correspondence "T-Z", 1952-1953
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Committee - Correspondence (Folder A), 1952
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Committee - Correspondence (Folder B), 1952
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Committee - Research Division - Campaign Issues, 1952
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Comittee Publications - "How to Win in 1952...", 1952
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Clippings, Pamphlets, Publications..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Correspondence, List of Delegates, 1952
Election - Presidential - Eisenhower Speaks, 1952
Election - Presidential - Election Results, Robert A. Taft Article, 1952
Election - Presidential - Florida - Correspondence, Reports, 1952
Election - Presidential - Georgia - Clipping, 1952
Election - Presidential - Kaye Hendrix (Wyatt's Personal Secretary) File - Correspondence, Minnesota..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Idaho - Clippings, Memoranda, Report on Lewiston, Idaho, 1952
Election - Presidential - Illinois - Clippings, Correspondence, News Releases, Report by ..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Indiana - Correspondence, Stevenson Itinerary, Memoranda..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Iowa - Correspondence, Report on Fort Dodge, Iowa, 1952
Election - Presidential - Kansas - Address of James G. Patton Before Kansas Farmer's..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Kentucky - Campaign Progress Committee of Louisville - Reports, 1952
Election - Presidential - Kentucky - Correspondence (Law Practice and Political), 1952 August
Election - Presidential - Kentucky - Correspondence (Law Practice and Political), 1952 September
Election - Presidential - Kentucky - Clippings, Correspondence (Law Practice..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Kentucky - Correspondence - Congratulatory, 1952
Election - Presidential - Kentucky - Democratic National Committee - Research Division..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Louisiana - Correspondence, Report on New Orleans, 1952
Election - Presidential - Maggazine and Newspaper Articles, Stevenson and Wyatt Speeches..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Maryland - Correspondence, Report on Baltimore, 1952
Election - Presidential - Massachusetts - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Michigan - Clippings, Correspondence, Reports on Detroit, 1952
Election - Presidential - Minnesota - Clippings, Correspondence, Federal Equality..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Minnesota - National Soil Conservation Day - Clippings..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Missouri - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Montana - Clippings, Correspondence, Report on Billings, 1952
Election - Presidential - Wayne Morse - News Releases, 1952
Election - Presidential - National Foundation for Consumer Credit, 1952
Election - Presidential - New Jersey - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - New Mexico - Report on Albuquerque, 1952
Election - Presidential - New York - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - New York - Itineraries, 1952
Election - Presidential - New York - State Democratic Committee - Analysis, 1952
Election - Presidential - New York Herald Tribune - Televised Forum - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - News Analysis, 1952
Election - Presidential - Richard M. Nixon, 1952
Election - Presidential - North Carolina - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Ohio - Itineraries, Report on Ohio, 1952
Election - Presidential - Oklahoma - Report on Oklahoma City, 1952
Election - Presidential - Oregon - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Pennsylvania - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Physicians for Stevenson, 1952
Election - Presidential - Position Papers, Press Release, 1952
Election - Presidential - Adam Clayton Powell, 1952
Election - Presidential - Publicity Material - Index and Items 1-5, 1952
Election - Presidential - Publicity Matierial - Items 6-15, 1952
Election - Presidential - Publicity Material - Items 16-30, 1952
Election - Presidential - Publicity Material - Items 31-41, 1952
Election - Presidential - Publicity Materials, 1952
Election - Presidential - Puerto Rico - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Radio and Television - Clippings, Correspondence, Notes, Speeches, 1952
Election - Presidential - Radio and Television - Memoranda, 1952 August-September
Election - Presidential - Radio and Television - Memoranda, 1952 October 1-25
Election - Presidential - Radio and Television - Memoranda, 1952 October 27-November 3
Election - Presidential - Republican National Headquarters - Clipping, Correspondence, News..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Republican Party Platform, 1952
Election - Presidential - J. Louis Reynolds - "A Plan Submitted to Governor Adlai Stevenson", 1952
Election - Presidential - John J. Sparkman - Itinerary, 1952 September-October
Election - Presidential - State Campaign Headquarters List, 1952
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches, 1952
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume I Copy 1, 1952 July 21-September 1
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume I Copy 2, 1952 July 21-September 1
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume I Copy 1, 1952 September 5-12
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume I Copy 2, 1952 September 5-12
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume II, 1952 September 18-29
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume III Copy 1, 1952 October 3-7
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume III Copy 2, 1952 October 3-7
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume III Copy 1, 1952 October 7-12
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume III Copy 2, 1952 October 7-12
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume IV Copy 1, 1952 October 14-15
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume IV Copy 2, 1952 October 14-15
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume IV Copy 1, 1952 October 16-18
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Speeches - Volume IV Copy 2, 1952 October 16-18
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign - Eastern Midwest, and Southern Trips..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign - Eastern Rail Trip Itinerary, 1952 October 21-November 4
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign - Eastern Trip - State Information, 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign - Indiana - Kentucky Trip - Correspondence..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign - Michigan Labor Day Trip - Itineraries, 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign - Staff Biographies, Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign - Western Trips, Itineraries, Reports on States, 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign Committee - Correspondence, Memoranda..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign Finanical Statement, 1952 November
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign Headquarters - Calendars, 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign Headquarters - Correspondence, Memoranda..., 1952 Augest
Election - Presidential, 1952 - Stevenson Campaign Headquarters - Correspondence, Memoranda..., 1952 September
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign Headquarters - Correspondence, Memoranda..., 1952 October
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign Headquarters -Directories, Form Letters, Lists, 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign Headquarters - Form Telegrams, 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign Headquarters - Maps, 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Campaign Headquarters - Press Conferences, 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Election Committee - Correspondence, Memoranda..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Stevenson Memo to Alben W. Barkley, 1952 July 22
Election - Presidential - Texas - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Tidelands Oil - Memoranda, "The Truth About the Tidelands," Wyatt..., 1952
Election - Presidential - Time Magazine, 1952 October 27
Election - Presidential - Virginia - Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Volunteers for Stevenson - Publicity Material, 1952
Election - Presidential - Washington D.C. - W. Randolph Burgess "Economic Yardsticks for...", 1952
Election - Presidential - Wisconsin - Letter, 1952
Election - Presidential - Wilson W. Wyatt - Chicago Daily News Editorial, Correspondence, 1952
Election - Presidential - Wilson W. Wyatt - "October Campaign Strategy", 1952
Election - Presidential - Wilson W. Wyatt - Speeches, 1952 October 1, 18
Election - Presidential - Wyatt's Appointment as Stevenson's Personal Campaign Manager, 1952
Election - Presidential - Wyoming - Clipping, 1952
Election - Presidential - Campaign Recommendations, 1956
Election - Presidential - Campaign Staff and Press, 1956
Election - Presidential - Civil Rights - Clipping, Correspondence, News Release, 1956
Election - Presidential - Clippings, 1953, 1956
Election - Presidential - Clippings, 1954, 1956
Election - Presidential - Clippings, 1955-1956
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Correspondence, Publications, 1956
Election - Presidential - Conservationists for Stevenson - Kefauver, 1956
Election - Presidential - Correspondence, Campaign Strategy Papers, 1954 November-1956 Febuary
Election - Presidential - Correspondence, 1955-1956
Election - Presidential - Correspondence, 1956 March-September 3
Election - Presidential - Correspondence - Washington Office, 1956 September 12-30
Election - Presidential - Correspondence - Washington Office, 1956 October
Election - Presidential - Correspondence, 1956 November-1957 January
Election - Presidential - Correspondence Analysis - Memoranda, 1956
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Committee - Publications - "How to Argue With...", 1956
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Committee - "The 1956 Democratic Fact Book", 1956
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Correspondence, Convention..., 1956
Election - Presidential - Democratic Primary - Analysis of Eisenhower's First Administration..., 1956
Election - Presidential - Finance Strategy Committee - Fund Raising Proposals, 1956
Election - Presidential - Fund Raising - Literature - Ruml & Geiger "The Five Percent," Ruml "The $5...", 1956
Election - Presidential - Fund Raising - Small Contributors - Clippings, Correspondence, Reports, The Radnor Plan, 1956
Election - Presidential - Estes Kefauver - Tentative Campaign Schedule, 1956 September-November
Election - Presidential - National Business Council for Stevenson - Clippings, Correspondence..., 1956
Election - Presidential - Polls - Clippings, Correspondence, Memoranda, 1956
Election - Presidential - Presidential Administrative Transition Brief, 1956-1957
Election - Presidential - Presidential Administative Transition Brief - Chronology of Transition Correspondence, List..., 1952-1953, 1956
Election - Presidential - Presidential Administrative Transition Brief Research Material - Federal Executive Department..., 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meeting, Chicago - Correspondence, 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meeting, Chicago - Telegrams, 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meeting, Hartford - Clippings, Correspondence, Government..., 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meeting, Knoxville - Attendance List, Correspondence..., 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meeting, Knoxville - Telegrams, 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meeting, New York City - Attendance Lists, Correspondence, 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meeting, San Francisco - Judy B. Conley Report, 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meeting, Santa Fe - Attendance List, Correspondence, Stevenson's Itinerary, 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meeting, Sioux City - Attendance List, 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meeting, Vancouver - Attendance List, Correspondence, Itinerary, 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meetings Planning - Clippings, Memoranda, 1956
Election - Presidential - Regional Meetings Planning - Lists of Invitees, 1956
Election - Presidential - Reynolds Metals Company - Correspondence, 1955-1956
Election - Presidential - State Election Analysis, 1956 August 7
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Official Campaign Schedule, 1956 September 22-November 3
Election - Presidential - Adlai Stevenson - Tentative Campaign Schedule, 1956 October 21-November 3
Election - Presidential - "Stevenson Speaks", 1956
Election - Presidential - Stevenson's Itinerary - Cincinnati, Lexington, Louisville, 1956 October
Election - Presidential - Television and Radio Schedule, 1956
Election - Presidential - Textiles Tariff - Correspondence, Federal Reserve Bulletin..., 1956 September
Election - Presidential - Volunteers for Stevenson - Correspondence, 1955 July-September, 1956
Election - Presidential - Volunteers for Stevenson - Correspondence, 1955 October-December, 1956
Election - Presidential - Volunteers for Stevenson - Correspondence, 1956 January-June
Election - Presidential - Wilson W. Wyatt - Expense Statement, 1956
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Correspondence, 1956
Election - Congressional, Gubernatorial, Senatorial - Clippings, Correspondence, 1958
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Publications, 1960
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Committee - Agendas, Correspondence, President ..., 1956
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Kentucky Delegates, Directory..., 1956
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Clippings, Correspondence, Kentucky..., 1956
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Clippings, Correspondence (Folder C), 1956
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Clippings, J. Bruce Miller "May We...", 1956
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Democratic Party Platform, "The...", 1956
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Wyatt's Seconding Speech for..., 1956
Election - Presidential - Inauguration Invitations and Program, 1956
Election - Presidential - John F. Kennedy's Visit to Kentucky - Clippings, 1956
Election - Presidential - The New York Times Magazine - Article Submitted by Wyatt, 1956, 1960 May 16
Election - Presidential - Presidential Administrative Transition - Clippings, Correspondence, Federal Bar News Article "Gerald...", 1956
Election - Senatorial - Louis Harris Poll, 1960
Election - Senatorial - Keen Johnson - Clippings, Correspondence, 1960
Election - Presidential - Camden, New Jersey - Wyatt Speech - Clippings, Correspondence, 1964
Election - Presidential - Clarksburg, West Virginia - Wyatt Speech - Clippings, Correspondence, 1964
Election - Presidential - Cleveland, Ohio - Wyatt Speech, 1964
Election - Presidential - Clinton, Iowa - Wyatt Speech - Clippings, Correspondence, Culver for..., 1964
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Speeches, 1964
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Wyatt's Notes, 1964
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Committee - Correspondence, Kentucky Delegates to Democrats..., 1964
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Agendas, Correspondence, Delegate Info..., 1964
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Democratic Party Platform, "One...", 1964
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Publications, 1964
Election - Presidential - Denver, Colorado - Wyatt Speech - Clippings, Correspondence, 1964
Election - Presidential - General Electric Company - "Dollars for Citizenship", 1964
Election - Presidential - Inauguration Invitations and Program, 1964
Election - Presidential - Jefferson City, Missouri - Wyatt Speech - Clipping, Correspondence, 1964
Election - Presidential - Jefferson County Citizens Committee for Johnson - Humphrey, 1964
Election - Presidential - Lynda Bird Johnson - Louisville Luncheon and Rally, 1964
Election - Presidential - Johnson - Farnsley Dinner, 1964
Election - Presidential - Kentucky - County Chairman, 1964
Election - Presidential - Kentucky - State and Local Voting Records, 1964
Election - Presidential - Kentucky Citizens for Johnson - Humphrey Luncheon, 1964
Election - Presidential - Kentucky State Democratic Central Executive Committee - Clipping..., 1964
Election - Presidential - National Committee of Small Businessmen for Johnson Humphrey, 1964
Election - Presidential - "President's Club", 1964
Election - Presidential - Publications, 1964
Scientists and Engineers for Johnson - Humphrey, undated
Election - Presidential - United Fund Raising Jamboree, 1964
Election - Presidential - Young Democratic Club of Jefferson County, 1964
Election - Presidential - Clippings on Chicago Demonstrations, Correspondence Election..., 1968
Election - Presidential - Correspondence, Cippings, Humphrey Endorsements, 1968
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - Clippings (Folder A), 1968
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention - (Folder B) - Correspondence, Democrat Manual..., 1968
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention (Folder C) - Correspondence, Clippings..., 1968
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention (Folder D) - Convention Passes..., 1968
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention (Folder E) - Democratic Party Platform, 1968
Election - Presidential - Democratic National Convention (Folder F) - Democratic Party Platform..., 1968
Election - Presidential - Hubert H. Humphrey - Correspondence, 1968
Election - Presidential - Hubert H. Humphrey Louisville Fund-Raising Dinner Comm - Guest..., 1968
Election - Presidential - Hubert H. Humphrey Washington, D.C. Fund-Rasising Dinner-Invitation, 1968
Election - Presidential - David W. Katz - Correspondence, 1968
Election - Presidential - Kentuckians for Humphrey, 1968
Election - Presidential - Thruston B. Morton - "Capitol Comment" - Vietnam War, 1968
Republican Party Platform - Clippings, undated
Election - Senatorial - Katherine Peden Dinner, 1968
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Correspondence, Democrat and Republicab Party Platforms, Endorsements..., 1972
Election - Presidential - Jimmy Carter - Clippings, Correspondence, Louisville Luncheon, 1974-1976
Election - Presidential - Carter Mondale Presidential Committee - Kentucky Campaign Headquarters - Correspondence, 1980
Election - Kentucky - Congressional and Senatorial - Correspondence, 1984
Election - Illinois - Gubernatorial - Adlai Stevenson III - Clippings, Correspondence, 1986
Election - Kentucky - Congressional - Romano Mazzoli - Correspondence, 1986, 1990
Election - North Carolina - Senatorial - Terry Sanford - Clippings, Correspondence, 1986
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Correspondence, 1988
Election - Presidential - Clippings, Correspondence, The Concord Coalition Pamphlet, 1992
Election - New Hampshire - Senatorial - John Rauh - Letter, 1992
George D. Ellis - Platforms of the Two Great Political Parties, 1856-1932
General Correspondence, 1949
General Correspondence, 1950
General Correspondence, 1951-1952
General Correspondence, 1953 January-October
General Correspondence, 1953 November-December
General Correspondence, 1954 January-August
General Correspondence, 1954 September-December
General Correspondence, 1955
Gridiron Club Dinner, Indianapolis - Wyatt's Speech - Correspondence, Informal Clippings, L. Johnson's..., 1953
Gridiron Club Dinners - Clippings, Correspondence, Program, Adlai Stevenson's Address, 1948-1958
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner - Agenda, Correspondence, Seating Arrangements, 1948
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner - Clippings, 1948
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner - Correspondence, 1948
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner - Invitations, 1948
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner - Programs, 1948
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner - Southern California - Correspondence, Program, Wyatt's Speech, 1948
Jefferson - Jackson Day Victory Dinners - Clippings, 1948
Jefferson - Jackson Day Victory Dinners - Correspondence, 1948-1949 January
Jefferson - Jackson Day Victory Dinners - Correspondence Wyatt's Opening Dinner Remarks, 1948-1949 February
Jefferson - Jackson Day Victory Dinners - Correspondence, 1948-1949 March-August
Jefferson - Jackson Day Victory Dinners - Programs, 1948
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinners - Clippings, Correspondence, Programs, 1950
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinners - Correspondence and Programs, 1951
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner - Wyatt Speech, 1953
Dick Jenkins - Correspondence, 1952-1954
David Lilienthal - "Big Business," Collier 's Article on Anti-Trust - Correspondence, Wyatt's Review, 1952
National Defense - Clippings, 1955-1958
Puerto Rico - Clippings, 1952
Puerto Rico - Clippings, Correspondence, Message of the Governor L.M. Marin, Puerto Rico..., 1952, 1955-1959
Puerto Rico - Commonwealth Status - Correspondence, 1952
Puerto Rico - Inauguration of First Governor - Invitation, 1949
Puerto Rico - Taxation Issue - Correspondence, "Operation Bootstrap" in Puerto Rico Pamphlet, undated
Radio - Edward R. Murrow - "This I Believe" Program - Wyatt's Invitation, Research Clippings and..., undated
Beardsley Ruml - Clippings, Correspondence, Reports, 1952-1953
Beardsley Ruml - Clippings, Correspondence, Reports, 1954-1960
Beardsley Ruml - Publications, 1946-1957
Robert Sevey - Correspondence, 1947-1951
Adlai E. Stevenson - Articles and Tributes, 1965-1969
Adlai E. Stevenson - Correspondence, 1953 January 1-July 31
Adlai E. Stevenson - Clippings, Correspondence, Speeches, 1953 August 1-December 31
Adlai E. Stevenson - Correspondence, Clippings, 1954
Adlai E. Stevenson - Correspondence, 1957-1960
Adlai E. Stevenson - Correspondence, 1962-1964
Adlai E. Stevenson - Kenneth Davis Biography, "The Politics of Honor" - Clippings, Correspondence, Wyatt Review, undated
Adlai E. Stevenson - Death - Articles, Correspondence, Wyatt Eulogy, 1965 July 14
Adlai E. Stevenson - Dinner, 1970 February 4
Adlai E. Stevenson - John Martin Biography - Wyatt's Corrections, undated
Adlai E. Stevenson - National Committee Memorial Fund, undated
Adlai E. Stevenson - United National Association Bust Project, undated
Adlai Stevenson Institute - Correspondence, 1966-1972
Adlai Stevenson Institute - Reports, 1968-1972
The Papers of Adlai Stevenson - Correspondence, undated
Stuart Symington - Biographical Information, Correspondence, News Releases, "The Progressive", undated
John W. Taylor - Antioch College, UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, 1952-1953
Prentiss M. Terry - Correspondence, 1954-1957
Harry S. Truman Library, undated
Fred Tucker - Correspondence, 1954-1957
Wilson W. Wyatt - Political Speeches, 1946, 1948
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner Programs, Louisville, 1960 March 19
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner Programs, Washington, D.C., 1952 March 29
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner Programs, Washington, D.C., 1952 February 24
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner Testimonial, Washington, D.C., 1948 February 19
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner Programs, Washington, D.C., 1947 April 5
Jefferson - Jackson Day Dinner Programs, Washington, D.C., 1946 March 23