University of Kentucky. College of Agriculture records
Descriptive Summary
- Title
- University of Kentucky. College of Agriculture records
- Date
- 1901-1974
- Extent
- 45.0 Cubic feet
- Subjects
- Agriculture--Kentucky.
- Fairs--Kentucky.
- Home Economics -- Kentucky.
- Livestock--Kentucky.
- Tennessee Valley Authority -- Kentucky.
- Tobacco--Kentucky.
- Arrangement
- The College of Agriculture records are arranged in nine series by subject and format
- Preferred Citation
- 0000UA014 : [identification of item], University of Kentucky College of Agriculture records, 1901-1974, University of Kentucky Special Collections.
- Repository
- University of Kentucky
Collection Overview
- Biography / History
- In 1862, President Lincoln signed the Land Grant College Act (the Morrill Act) to foster the founding of a college in each state supported in part by public funds. Three years later, the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky University was formed. Studying agriculture however, was difficult as the subject as an academic discipline had not yet come into being. It wasn't until after the agricultural experiment stations were established and in operation that a sufficient body of knowledge of agriculture would be learned. In 1862m President Patterson hired the first professor of agriculture, William Ashbrook Kellerman as professor of economic botany, agriculture, and horticulture. This was the beginning of the Agricultural Department. However, Kellerman resigned after one year and over the next decade, four different men were to hold the agricultural professorship.
- In 1885, President Patterson attended a convention to consider the question of experiment stations. Patterson immediately recommended to the Executive Committee that the State College establish an experimental station, to which they agreed and special agent for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Melville Amasa Scovell was hired as director. Scovell quickly set up the station in the basement of the College Building (the present Scovell Hall) and began publishing bulletins reporting the results of their experiments for farmers. In 1890, the first Agricultural Experiment Station Building was completed (now Ezra Gillis Building).
- With the name change of the State College to "State University, Lexington, Kentucky" in 1908, six divisions were formed including the College of Agriculture. Two years later the College of Agriculture and the Experiment Station merge under the leadership of M.A. Scovell. As the two continue to grow and new research activities are conducted, leadership changes occur with the new Dean and Director J.H. Kastle in 1912, then Thomas Poe Cooper in 1918. In 1923, Robinson Forest is given to the University of Kentucky (name officially changed in 1916) by E.O. Robinson Mountain Fund. A year later the Robinson Substation is founded as a branch of the Agricultural Experimental Station. In 1955, the Eden Shale Farm is given to the College of Agriculture by the people of the area to further research. In the next three years, three more farms are purchased by the College of Agriculture; South Farm, Coldstream Farm, and Maine Chance Farm.
- Scope and Content
- The College of Agriculture records are comprised of both paper and photographic materials dating from 1901 through 1974. The paper materials were created by individuals associated with Agricultural Extension at the University of Kentucky as well as agriculture throughout the state. Correspondence, reports, public papers, soil studies, and personal papers were created by University of Kentucky professors, employees of the Experiment Station, and state employees. Other topics include home economics, ESAR, soil study, Experiment Station, and tobacco materials. The photographic portion of the collection is comprised of lantern slides, negatives, glass negatives, transparencies, and prints. Subjects include Tennessee Valley Authority, crops, livestock, farm operations, farm structures, advertisements, 4-H, Agriculture Train, the Kentucky State Fair, and home economics.
Restrictions on Access and Use
- Conditions Governing Access
- Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
- Use Restrictions
- The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections.
Contents of the Collection
Administration, 1905 - 1974
Scope and Contents note
The Administration series consists of various papers divided into 8 subseries. A description of each subseries follows.
William Darney Valleau, 1905 - 1956
Scope and Contents note
The William Darney Valleau subseries consists of personal papers in connection with the school of Agriculture. Papers include correspondence, reports, lists, and contracts with various tobacco companies. William D. Valleau was Distinguished Professor of Plant Pathology for the College of Agriculture.
Bacterium Pruni of Peaches
Correspondence - General, 1919-1935
Correspondence - Valleau, 1939-1948
Agriculture - Agronomy, 1940-1944; 1957
Correspondence found in Publications
Correspondence, 1949-1965
American Tobacco Company, 1944-1953
Black, L.M. re: club root, 1945-1947
Tobacco By-Products Company, 1944-1946
Aromatic Tobacco, 1943-1946
Blue Mold, 1936 - 1959
Valleau, W.D. - Blue Mold, 1938, 1944-1945, 1960-1961
Blue Mold Eradication, 1944 - 1954
Low Nicotine Tobacco, 1945 - 1959
Frank Borries, Jr., 1960 - 1965
Scope and Contents note
The Frank Borries, Jr. subseries consists of personal and public papers in connection with the school of Agriculture. Papers include news articles, lists of courses, and military material.
Public Information, 1966 - 1968
Special Stories, 1962 - 1965
Courses, 1949
Tape Tips
County News
Dana G. Card
Scope and Contents note
The Dana G Card subseries consists of papers pertaining to various committees and clubs Card was involved in. There are also correspondence, bulletins, and other miscellaneous material. Dana G. Card was Professor of Agricultural Economics for the College of Agriculture.
Marketing Clinic Programs
Misc., bulletins, etc.
Agriculture Economics Reports, 1963-1967
Research Club, 1934-1965
Post-War Salary Planning, 7/30/1954
AAUP, leaves of absence, correspondence, 1960 - 1962
Postwar Needs and Opportunities
Alpha Zeta, 1938 - 1960
Manuscript Committee, 1938
Correspondence, 1936-1937; misc. 1924-1961
Founder's Day Committee
Banquet Material
Dinner for President Donovan
New York Tobacco Exchange, 1934
Earl Robert Young, 1953 - 1974
Scope and Contents note
The Earl Robert Young subseries consists of correspondence dealing with various topics. Earl R. Young worked for the Agricultural Engineering Section of the College of Agriculture.
January 1958 - December 1959
September 1967 - August 1968
September 1968 - August 1969
September 1969 - August 1970
September 1970 - August 1971
September 1971 - December 1972
January 1973 - June 1974
Miscellaneous, 1953 - 1967
T.R. Bryant, 1911 - 1944
Scope and Contents note
The T.R. Bryant subseries consists of correspondence and reports in connection with Agricultural Extension. Thomson R. Bryant was Associate Director of Extension for the College of Agriculture.
Correspondence 1912
Correspondence 1913 - 1944
Weekly County Agent Reports 1912 - 1913
Correspondence 1912 - 1914, 1938 - 1944
Miscellaneous 1911 - 1912
E.J. Nesius, 1950s-1960s
Scope and Contents note
The E.J. Nesius subseries consists of reports in connection with Agriculture Extension and his foreign assignments dealing with several countries including the Middle East. Ernest J. Nesius worked for the Experiment Station Farm Economics Department.
Foreign Agriculture Official Study at U.K.
Foreign Assignment - E.J. Nesius
Yugoslavia - Austria
Nesius, Ernest - personal
ICA Consultant trip
Reports on foreign assignment
Nesius - Middle East assignment
Cooperative Extension Work 1955 - 1958
Extension Work 1959
Extension Work 1960
Extension Work 1961 - 1963
Extension Education Guiding Program
Bob Ford, 1947-1955
Scope and Contents note
The Bob Ford subseries consists of correspondence and other papers dealing with various state fairs held in Kentucky.
Correspondence -- C. A. Lewis
State Fair 1947
State Fair 1948
State Fair 1949
State Fair 1950
State Fair 1951
State Fair 1952
State Fair 1953
State Fair 1954
Joe Williams, 1955-1960
Scope and Contents note
The Joe Williams subseries consists of correspondence and visual aids pertaining to various state fairs held in Kentucky.
Audio Visual 10/55 - 6/56
Audio Visual 7/56 - 12/56
Visual Aids 1957
Correspondence 1958
Correspondence 1959
Correspondence 1960
State fair UK photos 1941 - 1960 (paper copies)
State Fair 1956
State Fair 1957
State Fair 1958
State Fair 1959 - 1960
J. Allan Smith, 1950-1962
Scope and Contents note
The J. Allan Smith subseries consists of papers pertaining to several committees including the Centennial committee, as well as correspondence between Smith and President Dickey, the Board of Control, and others. J. Allan Smith was editor of publications for seventeen years and head of the Department of Public Information for fifteen years in the College of Agriculture.
Blazer Lecture the L-G coll, February 15, 1962
Address by President Dickey - An Educational Revolution
Article for Alumnus Magazine, 1962
Centennial Committee - Land Grant correspondence with National Office and others
Correspondence with National Office and others
Centennial Committee - Plans for UK; notes & corres.
Consult with President Dickey, May 13, 1961
Centennial Committee - Johnson to Smith on Kansas City Meeting, November 1961
Centennial letter nos. 1-14 (missing 3,1) 3/1960 - 10/10/1961
Correspondence of Director 9/1950 - 7/1951
Constitutions 1915, 1958 revision
Correspondence from President George Church's File 10/5/1950 - 7/30/1952
Correspondence; Secretary-Treasurer 8/1951-7/1952
"Charters-By-Laws, Agenda" Kellogg Fund Proposal
Correspondence of Directors and officers 7/29/1952-6/19/1953
President's column in ACE 1952-1953
Correspondence 9/1954 - 4/16/1957
A.A.A.C.E. Board of Control Project
Board of Control Correspondence 2/1953-3/1955
Train the Trainer Program 1955-1960
Take-over Committee 8/1956
Correspondence (end of project) 1953-9/1962
NPAC-AAACE, Board meeting in Chicago, 2/12-13/1959 Annual Reports to board of Control 3/5-6/1954
Annual Report of NPAC (18 months) 2/28/1955
Program development conference - fact finding reports, correspondence 5/52
Kellogg Proposal 1st (7/52) and 2nd drafts
Proposal Brief and covering letters notebook 1952
Kellogg Proposal Materials correspondence 1952
Correspondence on location of Agriculture Comm. Center 7/29/1952-3/1953
Soil Study
Scope and Contents note
The Soil Study series consists of soil studies conducted by Dr. Peters in every county of Kentucky. Each county has its own folder and are arranged alphabetically. There are also small, handwritten notebooks documenting Dr. Peters' studies before he put them into report format.
Shelby - Woodford
Miscellaneous soils
Chemical Analysis
Other States
Handwritten Notebooks
Agricultural Extension, 1920 - 1949
Scope and Contents note
The Agricultural Extension series consists of several folders dealing with public relations for the College of Agriculture as well as programs from banquets and conventions. There are also a few folders with public information dealing with personnel and also reports and correspondence from the Home Economics Department.
Home Economic Reports
Home Economic and Demonstration Misc.
Home Economics Correspondence 1940-1968
Agriculture Economics Correspondence
Agriculture Economics Reports
Banquet Programs
Agriculture Economics - H.B. Price
Farm Economics Personnel 1920 - 1931
Farm Economics Personnel 1935 - 1940
Farm Economics Personnel
Marketing and Rural Finance 1928 - 1937
Personnel Questionnaires by County 1936
AAA Farmington KY News Stories Washington 1937
Corn, cotton, potato, rye, tobacco, wheat
Experiment Station Celebration 1936-1937
AAA 1936
Questionairs of Agriculture students by county
Fayette, Jeff, Boone, and out of state
Graduates of Agriculture Coll. 1934
Reports to CWA
Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace
State Farm records
Tennessee Valley Authority
Banquet Programs
Correspondence, 1905-1974
Scope and Contents note
The Correspondence series consists of letters and memorandums arranged alphabetically and in some cases by subject pertaining to the College of Agriculture.
Agriculture Economics A - Individuals
American Institute of Cooperation
Articles - Miscellaneous
D & E
H - J
K - L
Miscellaneous, 1904-1969
Scope and Contents note
The Miscellaneous series consists of several different formats including committees, reports, and programs that were conducted around a variety of topics including tobacco, printing, postwar activities, and dedications. There are also a number of folders dealing with courses offered as well as articles or reprinted publications that were distributed among the classes.
ARC 122-23 Tobacco Barn Risher, Wells Spring 1967
ARC 122-23 Addenda & Modifications, Spring 1967
ASAW Editor's Section sec./trea. 1966-67
A.D.S.A. Publicity Comm. 6/20-23/1965
Committee on Printing 1966-67
Committee on University Printing 1963
Committee on K.P.A. luncheon 1/1968
Committee on Public Relations for Agriculture
Committee on filing manual 1967
Post-War needs & opportunities in KY Agriculture Experiment Station 12/1943
Views of College and Station Exhibit - St. Louis 1904
Dedication of W.A. Seay Auditorium (with reel of tape)
50th Anniversary of Agriculture Experiment Station 9/25/1935
Lectures; 1st & 2nd Annual Stud Managers Course 1951-52
Course in Scientific Agriculture
Preliminary Report Postwar Programs for Agriculture
First Approximations for a Unified State Agricultural Program to Meet Impacts of War
Coldstream Farm
Annual Livestock Field Day 7/17/1957
Handbook for Students and Advisors
Tobacco & Health Workshop 2/5-6/1969
VITAE 1967; Food Processing Opportunities in Kentucky
Burley Tobacco
Papers on Agricultural Economics, markets, & rural finance
Animal Husbandry & Animal Science
Entomology & Botany articles
Forestry - Articles & Pamphlets
Poultry - Misc. Publications
Tobacco - Misc. Publications
Veterinary Service - Misc. Publications
Agriculture Experiment Station - Chemistry
Agricultural Train 1912
Animal Husbandry
Cattle - Dairy, Beef
Farm Engineering
4-H Club History
History of Kentucky Extension Experiment Station 1952
Home Demonstration
Limestone Fertilizer
Pig Clubs
Plan for Educational Program for Bluegrass Area
Animal Husbandry Seminars
ESAR, 1922-1962
Scope and Contents note
The ESAR series consists of several boxes arranges chronologically and alphabetically and are labeled with either a name or a subject. File contents are mainly correspondence, but also include reports.
Bryant, T.R., 1922
Elliott, N.R., 1922
Good, E.S., 1922
Graddy, C, 1922
Matthews, C.W., 1922
Robert, George, 1922
Agriculture Engineering, 1922
Agronomy, 1922
Animal Industry, 1922
Junior Agriculture Club, 1922
County Agent Work, 1922
Dairying, 1922
Farm Economics, 1922
Home Economics Extension, 1922
Markets, 1922
Moveable Schools, 1922
News Service, 1922
Personnel Division, 1922
Poultry, 1922
Veterinary, 1922
Administration, 1923
Agriculture Extension, 1923
Agronomy, 1923
Beef Cattle, 1923
County Agent Work, 1923
Dairying, 1923
Extension Division, 1923
Farm Economics, 1923
County Home Demo., 1923
Home Economics Division, 1923
Farm Crops, 1923
Horticulture, 1923
Junior Agriculture Club, 1923
Marketing, 1923
Movable Schools, 1923
Pomology, 1923
Poultry, 1923
Public Information, 1923
Bohanan, S.C., 1923
Hansen, V.K., 1923
Ranta, R.R., 1923
Seay, W.A., 1923
Smith, J. Allen, 1923
Administration, 1924
Anderson, W.S., 1924
Burnam, Anita, 1924
Enright, Eleanor, 1924
Fish, E.E., 1924
Garside, M.S., 1924
Harris, C.E., 1924
Harris, W.J., 1924
Hooper J.J., 1924
Horlocker, F.J., 1924
Humphrey, J.E., 1924
Lacy, Edith, 1924
Mahan, C.A., 1924
McKenney, G.J., 1924
Miller, M.M., 1924
Miller, R.C., 1924
Nicholas, W.D., 1924
Piedalue, I.M., 1924
Rhoads, Wayland, 1924
Roberts, George, 1924
Sellards, Grady, 1924
Smyth, J.R., 1924
Story, J.M., 1924
Weldon, M., 1924
Wilford, E.J., 1924
Baird, Thomas, 1925
Bryant, T.R., 1925
Enright, E., 1925
Elliott, N.R., 1925
Gardner, J.S., 1925
Good, E.S., 1925
Hooper, J.J., 1925
Jesness, O.B., 1925
Jones, S.C., 1925
Kelley, J.B., 1925
Kenney, R., 1925
Kilpatrick, E.J., 1925
Lacy, E., 1925
Magill, W.W., 1925
Mahan, C.A., 1925
Mathews, C.A., 1925
Miller, M.M., 1925
Nicholls, W.D., 1925
Roberts, George, 1925
Smyth, J.R., 1925
Story, Isabelle, 1925
Ward, H.A., 1925
Welch, E.G., 1925
Weldon, M., 1925
Wilson, W.C., 1925
Whitehouse, J.W., 1925
Agriculture Extension, 1926
Barkman, J.O., 1926
Burnam, A., 1926
Elliott, N.R., 1926
Feltner, J.M., 1926
Fish, E.E., 1926
Gardner, J.S., 1926
Garside, M.S., 1926
Good, E.S., 1926
Graddy, I.C., 1926
Harris, C.E., 1926
Harris, D, 1926
Harris, W.J., 1926
Horlocher, L.J., 1926
Humphrey, J.E., 1926
Jones, S.C., 1926
Kelley, J.B., 1926
Kenney, R., 1926
Kilpatrick, E.J., 1926
Lacy, E, 1926
Lewis, C.A., 1926
Link, H.F., 1926
Magill, W.W., 1926
Martin, J.H., 1926
McKenney, 1926
Miller, R.C., 1926
Nicholls, W.D., 1926
Piedalue, I.M., 1926
Prewitt, Ed, 1926
Rhoads, W, 1926
Roberts, George, 1926
Sellards, G, 1926
Smyth, J.R., 1926
Story, J.M., 1926
Ward, H.A., 1926
Welch, E.G., 1926
Whitehouse, J.W., 1926
Wilford, E.J., 1926
Wilson, W.C., 1926
Burnam, Anita, 1927
Burnette, A.C., 1927
Elliott, N.R., 1927
Feltner, J.M., 1927
Fish, E.E., 1927
Gardner, J.S., 1927
Garside, M.S., 1927
Good E.S., 1927
Graddy, J.C., 1927
Harris, Dixie, 1927
Jones, S.C., 1927
Kenney, R, 1927
Kilpatrick, E.J., 1927
Lacy, E, 1927
Magill, W.W., 1927
Mahan, C.A., 1927
McKenney, G.J., 1927
Miller, M.M., 1927
Miller, R.C., 1927
Nance, G.R., 1927
Piedalue, I.M., 1927
Prewitt, Ed, 1927
Rhoads, W, 1927
Roberts, George, 1927
Smith, J.R., 1927
Story, I.M., 1927
Welch, E.G., 1927
Weldon, Myrtle, 1927
Whitehouse, J.W., 1927
Wilford, E.J., 1927
Wilson, W.C., 1927
Farm Eco, 1927
Veterinary Science, 1927
Agronomy, 1928
Barkman, J.O., 1928
Bryant, J.R., 1928
Burnam, A, 1928
Feltner, J.M., 1928
Fish, E.E., 1928
Gardner, J.S., 1928
Garside, M.S., 1928
Good, E.S., 1928
Harris, C.E., 1928
Harris, D, 1928
Humphrey, J.E., 1928
Jones, S.C., 1928
Kelley, J.B., 1928
Kenny, R, 1928
Lacy, E, 1928
Lewis, E.A., 1928
Link, H.F., 1928
Magill, W.W., 1928
Martin, J.H., 1928
McKinney, G.J., 1928
Miller, M.M., 1928
Miller, R.C., 1928
Movable Schools, 1928
Nagotte, Joe, 1928
Nance, G.B., 1928
Poultry Section, 1928
Prewitt, Ed, 1928
Rhoads, W, 1928
Roberts, George, 1928
Sellards, G, 1928
Smyth, J.R., 1928
Story, J.M., 1928
Welch, E.G., 1928
Weldon, M, 1928
Whitehouse, J.M., 1928
Barkman, J.O., 1929
Bryant, T.R., 1929
Fish, E.E., 1929
Gardner, J.S., 1929
Garside, M.S., 1929
Graddy, J.C., 1929
Hagman, Ida, 1929
Harris, W.J., 1929
Imlay, Flo, 1929
Jones, S.C., 1929
Kelley, J.B., 1929
Kenney, R, 1929
Kilpatrick, E.J., 1929
Lacy, E, 1929
Link, H.F., 1929
Magill, W.W, 1929
Mahan, C.A., 1929
Martin, J.H., 1929
McKenney, G.J., 1929
Miller, R.C., 1929
Negeotte, J, 1929
Nance, G.B., 1929
Nicholls, W.D., 1929
Polk, T.P., 1929
Roberts, George, 1929
Sellards, G, 1929
Story, I.M., 1929
Vaught, E.C., 1929
Welch, E.G., 1929
Weldon, Myrtle, 1929
Whitehouse, J.W., 1929
Wilson, W.C., 1929
Projects 15, 1930
Barkman, J.O., 1930
Besh, T, 1930
Burnam, A, 1930
Caton, S, 1930
Elliott, N.R., 1930
Feltner, J.M., 1930
Fish, E.E., 1930
Galloway, S.L., 1930
Gardner, J.S., 1930
Garside, M.S., 1930
Good, E.S., 1930
Graddy, J.C., 1930
Hagman, J.C., 1930
Harris, C.E., 1930
Humphrey, J.E., 1930
Imlay, Flo, 1930
Jones, C.W., 1930
Jones, S.C., 1930
Kelley, J.B., 1930
Kenney, R, 1930
Kilpatrick, E.J., 1930
Lacy, E, 1930
Lewis, C.A., 1930
Link, H.F., 1930
Magill, W.W., 1930
Mahan, C.A., 1930
Martin, J.H., 1930
McKenney, G.J., 1930
Miller, R.C., 1930
Nance, G.B., 1930
Proctor, R.E., 1930
Rhoads, W, 1930
Sellards, G, 1930
Story, J.M., 1930
Barkman, J.O., 1930
Besh, Ted, 1930
Brewer, J.C., 1930
Burnam, Anita, 1930
Bryant, 1930
Graddy, J.C., 1930
Caton, Stanley, 1930
Elliott, N.R., 1930
Feltner, J.M., 1930
Fish, E.E., 1930
Galloway, Z.L., 1930
Gardner, J.S., 1930
Garside, M.S., 1930
Good, E.S., 1930
Hagman, I.C., 1930
Harris, C.E., 1930
Humphrey, J.E., 1930
Hunt, R.A., 1930
Imlay, F, 1930
Johnson, E.A., 1930
Jones, S.C, 1930
Kenney, Ralph, 1930
Kilpatrick, E.J., 1930
Lacy, E, 1930
Lewis, C.A, 1930
Link, H.F., 1930
Magill, W.W., 1930
Bailey, J.Y., 1932
Barkman, J.O., 1932
Besh, Ted, 1932
Bondurant, J.H., 1932
Brewer, L.C., 1932
Bryant, T.R., 1932
Burnette, A.C., 1932
Caton, S, 1932
Elliott, N.R., 1932
Feltner, J.M., 1932
Fish, E.E., 1932
Gardner, J.S., 1932
Garside, M.S., 1932
Good, E.S., 1932
Graddy, J.C., 1932
Hagman, Ida C, 1932
Harris, C.E., 1932
Humphrey, J.E., 1932
Hunt, R.A., 1932
Imlay, Florence, 1932
Johnson, E.A., 1932
Jones, C.W., 1932
Jones, S.A., 1932
Kelley, J.B., 1932
Kenney, R, 1932
Kilpatrick, E.J., 1932
Lacy, Edith, 1932
Lewis, C.A., 1932
Link, H.F., 1932
Magill, W.W., 1932
Mahan, C.A., 1932
Matson, H, 1932
McKenney, G.J., 1932
Miller, R.C., 1932
Vaughn, E, 1930
Vennes, L.A., 1930
Welch, E.G., 1930
Weldon, Myrtle, 1930
Whitehouse, J.W., 1930
Wilson, W.C., 1930
Mahan, C.A., 1931
Martin, J.A., 1931
McKenney, G.T., 1931
Miller, R.C., 1931
Matson, H, 1931
Nicholls, W.R., 1931
Polk, T.P., 1931
Proctor, R.E., 1931
Story, I.M., 1931
Vaughn, E.C., 1931
Vennes, I.A., 1931
Welch, E.G., 1931
Weldon, Myrtle, 1931
Wilson, W.C., 1931
Whitehouse, J.W., 1931
Nicholls, W.C., 1932
Polk, T.P, 1932
Proctor, R.E, 1932
Purcell, Mary, 1932
Rhoads, W, 1932
Roberts, George, 1932
Sellards, G, 1932
Vaughn, E.C, 1932
Welch, E.G, 1932
Weldon, M, 1932
Vennes, 1932
Whitehouse, I.W, 1932
Wilson, W.C., 1932
Miscellaneous, 1932
Bryant, T.R., 1933
Elliott, N.R, 1933
Gardner, J.S., 1933
Magill, W.W., 1933
Mahan, C.A., 1933
Market Finance, 1933
Home Demo Work, 1933
4-H Club, 1933
Lewis, C.A., 1933
Soils, 1933
Beef Cattle, 1933
Annual Poultry, 1933
Farm Business, 1933
Veterinary Science, 1933
Preliminary Rep, 1933
Besh, Ted, 1933
Barkman, J.O, 1933
Bondurant, J.H., 1933
Brewer, S.C., 1933
Burnam, A, 1933
Elliott, N.R., 1933
Feltner, J.M., 1933
Fish, E.E., 1933
Gardner, S.S., 1933
Garside, M.S., 1933
Good, E.S., 1933
Graddy, J.C., 1933
Hagman, I.C., 1933
Hunt, R.A., 1933
Imlay, Flo, 1933
Johnson, E.A., 1933
Jones, C.W., 1933
Jones, S.C., 1933
Kelley, J.B., 1933
Kinney, R, 1933
Kilpatrick, E.J., 1933
Lacy, E, 1933
Lewis, C.A., 1933
Link, H.F., 1933
Logan, Lulie, 1933
Magill, W.W., 1933
Martin, H.J., 1933
Mahan, C.A., 1933
Matson, H, 1933
McKenney, G.J., 1933
Monroe, Z, 1933
Nicholls, W.P., 1933
Polk, T.P., 1933
Proctor, R.E., 1933
Purcell, M, 1933
Roberts, George, 1933
Vennes, L.A., 1933
Welch, E.G., 1933
Welson, Myrtle, 1933
Whitehouse, J.W., 1933
Wilson, W.C., 1933
Barkman, J.O., 1934
Besh, T, 1934
Brewer, C.C., 1934
Bryant, T.R., 1934
Burnam, A, 1934
Davenport, T.S., 1934
Elliott, N.R., 1934
Feltner, J.M., 1934
Fish, E.E., 1934
Gardner, J.S., 1934
Garside, M.S., 1934
Good, E.S., 1934
Graddy, I.C., 1934
Hagman, I.C., 1934
Harris, C.E., 1934
Humphrey, J.E., 1934
Hunt, R.A., 1934
Imlay, Flo, 1934
Johnson, E.A., 1934
Jones, C.W., 1934
Jones, S.C., 1934
Kelley, J.B., 1934
Kenney, R, 1934
Kilpatrick, E.J., 1934
Lacy, E, 1934
Lewis, C.A., 1934
Link, J.F., 1934
Magill, W.W., 1934
Mahan, C.A., 1934
Martin, J.H., 1934
McKenney, G.J., 1934
Miller, C.E., 1934
Miller, R.C., 1934
Nicholls, W.P., 1934
Phillips, C.D., 1934
Polk, T.P., 1934
Proctor, R.E., 1934
Rhoads, W, 1934
Roberts, George, 1934
Sellards, G, 1934
Vennes, L.A., 1934
Weldon, M, 1934
Welch, E.G., 1934
Whitehouse, J.W., 1934
Wilson, W.C., 1934
Administration, 1936
Barkman, J.O., 1936
Bondurant, J.H., 1936
Brewer, L.C., 1936
Brooks, J, 1936
Brown, H.C., 1936
Bryant, T.R., 1936
Burnam, A, 1936
Caton, Stanley, 1936
Davenport, I, 1936
Elliott, N.R., 1936
Feltner, I.M., 1936
Fish, E.E., 1936
Gardner, J.S., 1936
Garside, M.S., 1936
Good, E.S., 1936
Graddy, I.C., 1936
Hagman, I.C., 1936
Harris, C.E., 1936
Harris, G.M., 1936
Humphrey, J.E., 1936
Hunt, R.A., 1936
Imlay, Flo, 1936
Johnson, E.A., 1936
Jones, C.W., 1936
Jones, S.C., 1936
Kelley, J.B., 1936
Kenney, R, 1936
Kilpatrick, E.J., 1936
Lacy, E, 1936
Lewis, C.A., 1936
Link, H.F., 1936
Magill, W.W., 1936
Mahan, C.A., 1936
Martin, J.H., 1936
McKenney, G.J., 1936
McKitrick, 1936
Miller, C.E., 1936
Nicholls, W.D., 1936
Phillips, G.D., 1936
Polk, T.P., 1936
Proctor, R.E., 1936
Robert, George, 1936
Threlkeld, Dor, 1936
Weldon, Myrtle, 1936
Wilson, W.E., 1936
Whitehouse, J.W., 1936
Preliminary Reports, 1936
Barkman, J.O., 1936
Brewer, L.C., 1936
Brooks, J.B., 1936
Brown, H.C., 1936
Bryant, T.R., 1936
Burnam, A, 1936
Caton, S, 1936
Davenport, I.S., 1936
Elliott, N.R., 1936
Feltner, J.M., 1936
Fish, E.E., 1936
Gardner, J.S., 1936
Good, E.S., 1936
Haak, P.J., 1936
Hagman, I, 1936
Harris, C.E., 1936
Harris, G.M., 1936
Humphrey, J.E., 1936
Hunt, R.A., 1936
Imlay, F, 1936
Johnson, E.A., 1936
Jones, C.W., 1936
Jones, S.C., 1936
Kelley, J.B., 1936
Kenney, R, 1936
Lacey, E, 1936
Lewis, C.A., 1936
Magill, W.W., 1936
Mahan, C.A., 1936
Martin, J.H., 1936
McKenney, G.J., 1936
McKitrick, T.L., 1936
Miller, C.E., 1936
Miller, R.C., 1936
Nicholls, W.D., 1936
Polk, T.P., 1936
Poundstone, B, 1936
Proctor, R.E., 1936
Rhoads, W, 1936
Roberts, George, 1936
Sellards, G, 1936
Threlkeld, D, 1936
Vennes, L.A., 1936
Welch, E.G., 1936
Weldon, M, 1936
Whitehouse, 1936
Barkman, C.O., 1937
Brewer, L.C., 1937
Brooks, J.B., 1937
Brown, H.C., 1937
Bryant, T.R., 1937
Burnam, A, 1937
Caton, S, 1937
Curnutt, V, 1937
Davenport, I, 1937
Elliott, N.R., 1937
Feltner, J.M., 1937
Fish, E.E., 1937
Gardner, J.S., 1937
Garside, M.S., 1937
Good, E.S., 1937
Haak, P.J., 1937
Harris, C.E., 1937
Hagman, I.C., 1937
Humphrey, J.E., 1937
Hunt, R.A., 1937
Imlay, Flo, 1937
Johnson, E.A., 1937
Johnston, W.C., 1937
Jones, C.W., 1937
Jones, S.C., 1937
Kelley, J.B., 1937
Kenney, R, 1937
Lacy, E, 1937
Lewis, C.A., 1937
Magill, W.W., 1937
Mahan, C.A., 1937
Martin, J.H., 1937
McKenney, G.J., 1937
McKitrick, J.L., 1937
Miller, R.C., 1937
Nicholls, W.D., 1937
Polk, T.P., 1937
Poundstone, B, 1937
Proctor, R.E., 1937
Rhoads, W, 1937
Roberts, George, 1937
Sellards, G, 1937
Smith, F.R., 1937
Threlkeld, D, 1937
Vennes, L.A., 1937
Welch, E.G., 1937
Weldon, M, 1937
Whitehouse, J.W., 1937
Brewer, S.C., 1938
Brown, H.C., 1938
Bryant, T.R., 1938
Burnam, A, 1938
Caton, S, 1938
Curnutt, V, 1938
Davenport, I, 1938
Elliott, N.R., 1938
Feltner, J.M., 1938
Fish, E.E., 1938
Gardner, J.S., 1938
Garside, M.S., 1938
Good, E.S., 1938
Haak, P.J., 1938
Hagman, Ida C., 1938
Harris, C.E., 1938
Harris, G.J., 1938
Humphrey, E.J., 1938
Hunt, Russell A, 1938
Imlay, Flo, 1938
Jackson, W.E., 1938
Johnson, E.H., 1938
Johnstone, W.A., 1938
Jones, C.W., 1938
Jones, S.C., 1938
Keller, J.B., 1938
Kenney, R.B., 1938
Lacy, E, 1938
Lewis, C.A., 1938
Magill, W.W., 1938
Mahan, C.A., 1938
Martin, Holmes, 1938
McKenney, G.J., 1938
McKitrick, J.L., 1938
Miller, R.C., 1938
Nicholls, W.D., 1938
Polk, T.P., 1938
Poundstone, B, 1938
Proctor, R.E., 1938
Rhoads, W, 1938
Roberts, George, 1938
Sellards, G, 1938
Threlkeld, D, 1938
Whitehouse, J.W., 1938
Barkman, J.O., 1939
Brewer, L.C., 1939
Brown, H.C., 1939
Bryant, T.R., 1939
Burnam, A, 1939
Caton, S, 1939
Curnutt, V, 1939
Davenport, J.S., 1939
Elliot, N.R., 1939
Feltner, J.M., 1939
Fish, E.E., 1939
Gardner, J.S., 1939
Garside, M.S., 1939
Good, E.S., 1939
Hagman, I, 1939
Harris, C.E., 1939
Harris, G.M., 1939
Humphrey, J.E., 1939
Hunt, R.A., 1939
Hutchinson, M, 1939
Imlay, F, 1939
Jackson, W.E., 1939
Johnstone, W.C., 1939
Jones, C.W., 1939
Jones, S.C., 1939
Kelley, J.B., 1939
Kenney, R, 1939
Lacy, E, 1939
Lewis, C.A., 1939
Magill, W.W., 1939
Mahan, C.A., 1939
McKenney, G.J., 1939
McKitrick, J.L., 1939
Miller, R.C., 1939
Nicholls, W.D., 1939
Polk, T.P., 1939
Poundstone, B, 1939
Proctor, R.E., 1939
Rhoads, W, 1939
Roberts, George, 1939
Sellards, G, 1939
Smith, F.H., 1939
Threlkeld, D, 1939
Vennes, L.A., 1939
Weldon, M, 1939
Whitehouse, J.W., 1939
Barkman, J.O., 1940
Brewer, L.C., 1940
Brown, H.C., 1940
Bryant, T.R., 1940
Burnam, A, 1940
Caton, S, 1940
Curnutt, V, 1940
Davenport, J.O., 1940
Elliott, N.R., 1940
Feltner, J.M., 1940
Fish, E.E., 1940
Gardner, J.S., 1940
Garside, M.S., 1940
Good, E.S., 1940
Hagman, I, 1940
Harris, C.E., 1940
Humphrey, J.M., 1940
Imlay, F, 1940
Jackson, W.E., 1940
Johnstone, W.D., 1940
Hunt, R.A., 1940
Jones, C.W., 1940
Kelley, J.B., 1940
Kenney, R., 1940
Lewis, C.A., 1940
Magill, W.W., 1940
Mahon, C.A., 1940
McKenney, G.J., 1940
McKitrick, J.L., 1940
Miller, R.C., 1940
Nesius, E.J., 1940
Nicholls, W.D., 1940
Polk, T.P., 1940
Poundstone, B, 1940
Proctor, R.E., 1940
Rhoads, W, 1940
Roberts, George, 1940
Sellards, G, 1940
Smith, F.H., 1940
Threlkeld, D, 1940
Vennes, L.A., 1940
Weldon, M, 1940
Whitehouse, J.W., 1940
Atwood, M.C., 1941
Barkman, J.D., 1941
Brewer, L.C., 1941
Brown, L.C., 1941
Brown, H.C., 1941
Bryant, T.R., 1941
Caton, S, 1941
Curnutt, V, 1941
Davenport, I.S., 1941
Davis, A.B., 1941
Elliott, N.R., 1941
Feltner, J.M., 1941
Fish, E.E., 1941
Gardner, J.S., 1941
Garside, M.S., 1941
Good, E.S., 1941
Hagman, I.C., 1941
Harris, C.E., 1941
Harris, G.M., 1941
Humphrey, I.E., 1941
Hunt, R.A., 1941
Imlay, Flo, 1941
Jackson, W.E., 1941
Johnstone, W.C., 1941
Jones, C.W., 1941
Jones, S.C., 1941
Kenney, R, 1941
Lewis, C.A., 1941
Lacy, E, 1941
Magill, W.W., 1941
Mahan, C.A., 1941
McKenney, G.J., 1941
McKitrick, J.L., 1941
Miller, R.C., 1941
Nicholls, W.D., 1941
Polk, T.P., 1941
Poundstone, B, 1941
Proctor, R.E., 1941
Roberts, G, 1941
Sellards, G, 1941
Smith, F.R., 1941
Threlkeld, D, 1941
Vennes, L.A., 1941
Welch, E.G., 1941
Weldon, M, 1941
Whitehouse, J.W., 1941
Barkman, J.O., 1942
Brewer, L.C., 1942
Bryant, T.R., 1942
Curnutt, V, 1942
Davenport, I.S., 1942
Elliott, N.R., 1942
Gardner, J.S., 1942
Garrigus, W.P., 1942
Hagman, I, 1942
Humphrey, J.E., 1942
Hunt, R.A., 1942
Imlay, F, 1942
Jackson, W.E., 1942
Johnstone, W.C., 1942
Lewis, C.A., 1942
Magill, W.W., 1942
Mahon, C.A., 1942
McKitrick, J.P., 1942
Miller, R.C., 1942
Nicholls, W.D., 1942
Polk, T.P., 1942
Poundstone, B, 1942
Proctor, R.E., 1942
Roberts, George, 1942
Smith, F, 1942
Vennes, L.A., 1942
Welch, E.G., 1942
Weldon, M, 1942
Whitehouse, J.W., 1942
Barkman, J.O., 1943
Brewer, L.C., 1943
Bryant, T.R., 1943
Copeland, L, 1943
Curnutt, L, 1943
Elliott, N.R., 1943
Gardner, J.S., 1943
Good, E.S., 1943
Haak, P.J., 1943
Hagman, J.G., 1943
Humphrey, J.E., 1943
Hunt, Russell, 1943
Jackson, W.E., 1943
Johnstone, W.E., 1943
Jones, S.C., 1943
Kelley, J.B., 1943
Kenney, R, 1943
Lewis, C.A., 1943
Magill, W.W., 1943
Mahan, C.A., 1943
Miller, R.C., 1943
Nicholls, W.D., 1943
Pifer, W.R., 1943
Polk, T.P., 1943
Proctor, R.E., 1943
Smith, F.H., 1943
Survant, W.G., 1943
Threlkeld, D, 1943
Vennes, L.A., 1943
Weldon, M, 1943
Whitehouse, J.W., 1943
Wyatt, C.E., 1943
Barkman, J.O., 1944
Brewer, L.C., 1944
Bryant, T.R., 1944
Cooper, T.P., 1944
Copeland, L, 1944
Curnutt, V, 1944
Elliott, N.R., 1944
Gardner, J.S., 1944
Garrigus, W.P., 1944
Good, E.S., 1944
Haak, P.J., 1944
Humphrey, J.E., 1944
Hunt, R.A., 1944
Hurt, Florine, 1944
Jackson, W.E., 1944
Johnstone, W.C., 1944
Jones, S.C., 1944
Kenney, R, 1944
Kelley, J.B., 1944
Lewis, C.A., 1944
Magill, W.W., 1944
Mahan, C.A., 1944
McKitrick, J.L., 1944
Miller, R.C., 1944
Nicholls, W.D., 1944
Pifer, R.W., 1944
Polk, T.P., 1944
Survant, W.G., 1944
Threlkeld, D, 1944
Vennes, L.S., 1944
Weldon, M, 1944
Wilford, E.L., 1944
Administration, 1945
Barkman, J.O., 1945
Brewer, L.C., 1945
Copeland, L., 1945
Curnutt, V, 1945
Elliott, N.R., 1945
Gardner, J.S., 1945
Good, E.S., 1945
Haak, P.J., 1945
Hagman, Ida, 1945
Humphrey, J.C., 1945
Hunt, R.A., 1945
Imlay, F, 1945
Jackson, W.E., 1945
Johnstone, W.E., 1945
Jones, S.C., 1945
Kelley, J.B., 1945
Kenney, R, 1945
Lewis, C.A., 1945
Magill, W.W., 1945
Mahon, C.A., 1945
McKilnak, J.L., 1945
Miller, R.C., 1945
Nichols, W.D., 1945
Pifer, R.W., 1945
Smith, F.H., 1945
Survant, W.G., 1945
Threlkeld, D, 1945
Weldon, M, 1945
Whitehouse, J.W., 1945
Wilford, E.J, 1945
Barkman, T.O., 1946
Beers, H.W., 1946
Brown, Ross, 1946
Bryant, T.R., 1946
Brooks, J.B., 1946
Cooper, T.C., 1946
Curnutt, V, 1946
Elliott, N.R., 1946
Gardner, J.S., 1946
Garrigus, W.P., 1946
Good, E.S., 1946
Haak, P.J., 1946
Hagman, I.C., 1946
Humphrey, J.E., 1946
Hunt, R.H., 1946
Imlay, R.C., 1946
Jackson, W.E., 1946
Johnstone, W.C., 1946
Jones, S.C., 1946
Keegan, W.J., 1946
Kenney, R, 1946
Lewis, C.A., 1946
Magill, W.W., 1946
Mahon, C.A., 1946
McKitrick, J.C., 1946
Miller, R.C., 1946
Nesius, E.J., 1946
Ramsey, R.J., 1946
Sellards, G, 1946
Smith, F.H., 1946
Survant, W.G., 1946
Threlkeld, D, 1946
Vennes, L.A., 1946
Weldon, M, 1946
Whitehouse, J.W., 1946
Wilford, E.J., 1946
Admin & Misc, 1947
Alexander, Elmer, 1947
Barkman, J.O., 1947
Curnutt, V, 1947
Elliott, P.R., 1947
Ford, R.H., 1947
Gardner, J.S., 1947
Good, E.S., 1947
Humphrey, J.E., 1947
Hagman, I.C., 1947
Hunt, R.A., 1947
Imlay, Flo, 1947
Jackson, W.E., 1947
Johnstone, W.C., 1947
Jones, S.C., 1947
Kelley, J.B., 1947
Kenney, R.B., 1947
Lewis, C.A., 1947
Magill, W.W., 1947
Mahan, C.A., 1947
Miller, R.C., 1947
Nesius, E.J., 1947
Ramsey, R.J., 1947
Survant, W.G., 1947
Sellards, G, 1947
Threlkeld, D, 1947
Vennes, J.A., 1947
Weldon, M, 1947
Whitehouse, J.W., 1947
Administration, 1948
Barker, J.O., 1948
Curnutt, V, 1948
Daniel, E.F., 1948
Elliott, N.R., 1948
Ford, R.H., 1948
Foster, J.H., 1948
Gardner, J.S., 1948
Haak, P.J., 1948
Hagman, J.D., 1948
Hopper, R.C., 1948
Humphrey, J.C., 1948
Hunt, R.A., 1948
Imlay, F, 1948
Jackson, W.E., 1948
Johnstone, W.C., 1948
Jones, S.C., 1948
Lewis, C.A., 1948
Kelley, M.J., 1948
Kenney, R, 1948
Leonard, L.B., 1948
Magill, W.W., 1948
Mahon, C.A., 1948
Miller, R.C., 1948
Ramsey, R.J., 1948
Sellards, G, 1948
Smith, F.H., 1948
Survant, W.G., 1948
Threlkeld, D, 1948
Vennes, L.A., 1948
Welch, E.G., 1948
Weldon, M, 1948
Whitehouse, J.W., 1948
Wyatt, C.E., 1948
Barkman, J.O., 1949
Binkley, W, 1949
Bryant, T.R., 1949
Clifton, C.M., 1949
Curnutt, V, 1949
Daniel, E.F., 1949
Elliott, N.R., 1949
Ford, R.F., 1949
Gardner, J.S., 1949
Haak, P.J., 1949
Hagman, L, 1949
Hopper, R.C., 1949
Humphrey, T.E., 1949
Hunt, R.A., 1949
Imlay, Flo, 1949
Jackson, W.E., 1949
Jones, S.C., 1949
Kelley, J.J., 1949
Kenney, R, 1949
Leonard, L.B., 1949
Lewis, C.A., 1949
Magill, W.W., 1949
Mahon, C.A., 1949
Miller, R.C., 1949
Ramsey, R.J., 1949
Sellards, G, 1949
Smith, F.H., 1949
Threlkeld, D, 1949
Vennes, L.A., 1949
Welch, E.G., 1949
Weldon, M, 1949
Whitehouse, J.W., 1949
Wyatt, C.E., 1949
Barkman, J.O., 1950
Binkley, W, 1950
Bryant, T.R., 1950
Curnutt, V, 1950
Daniel, E.F., 1950
Elliott, N.R., 1950
Ford, R.H., 1950
Foster, J.W., 1950
Gardner, J.S., 1950
Haak, P.J., 1950
Hagman, I.C., 1950
Hopper, R.C., 1950
Humphrey, J.C., 1950
Hunt, R.H., 1950
Imlay, F, 1950
Jackson, W.E., 1950
Johnstone, W.C., 1950
Jones, S.C., 1950
Kenney, R, 1950
Lewis, C.A., 1950
Kelley, M.J., 1950
Magill, W.W., 1950
Mahan, C.A., 1950
Miller, R.C., 1950
Ramsey, R.J., 1950
Rider, R.R., 1950
Threlkeld, D, 1950
Vennes, L.A., 1950
Welch, E.G., 1950
Weldon, M, 1950
Whitehouse, J.W., 1950
Wyatt, C.E., 1950
Barkman, C.O, 1951
Bryant, T.R., 1951
Covey, J.E., 1951
Curnutt, V, 1951
Daniel, E.F., 1951
Elliott, N.R., 1951
Flannery, R, 1951
Ford, R.H., 1951
Gardner, J.S., 1951
Haak, P.J., 1951
Hagman, J.C., 1951
Hopper, R.C., 1951
Humphrey, J.E., 1951
Hunt, R.A., 1951
Imlay, F, 1951
Jackson, W.E., 1951
Johnstone, W.E., 1951
Kelley, M.J., 1951
Kelley, J.B., 1951
Kenney, R, 1951
Leonard, L.B., 1951
Lewis, C.A., 1951
Magill, W.A., 1951
Mahan, C.A., 1951
Miller, R.C., 1951
Ramsey, R.T., 1951
Rider, R.R., 1951
Sellards, G, 1951
Threlkeld, D, 1951
Vennes, L.A., 1951
Weldon, M, 1951
Whitehouse, J.W., 1951
Wyatt, C.E., 1951
Farm & Home Convention, 1952
Barkman, J.O., 1952
Bryant, T.R., 1952
Corder, G.D., 1952
Curnutt, V, 1952
Daniel, E.F., 1952
Elliott, N.R., 1952
Flannery, R.L, 1952
Ford, R.H., 1952
Gardner, J.S., 1952
Haak, P.J., 1952
Hagman, I.C., 1952
Hopper, R.C., 1952
Hunt, R.A., 1952
Imlay, Flo, 1952
Insko, W.M., 1952
Jackson, W.E., 1952
Johnstone, W.C., 1952
Kelley, J.J., 1952
Kenney, R, 1952
Lewis, C.A., 1952
Leonard, L.B., 1952
Magill, W.W., 1952
Mahan, C.A., 1952
Miller, R.C., 1952
Newman, J.H., 1952
Ramsey, R.I., 1952
Sealth, D.M., 1952
Sellards, G, 1952
Threlkeld, D, 1952
Vennes, L.A., 1952
Welch, E.G., 1952
Weldon, M, 1952
Whitehouse, J.W., 1952
Wyatt, C.E., 1952
Bryant, T.R., 1953
Curnutt, V, 1953
Daniel, E.F., 1953
Elliott, N.R., 1953
Fortenbury, B.W., 1953
Foster, J.W., 1953
Gardner, I.S., 1953
Haak, P.J., 1953
Hagman, I.C., 1953
Hopper, R.C., 1953
Hunt, R.A., 1953
Imlay, F, 1953
Jackson, W.E., 1953
Kelley, M, 1953
Leonard, L.B., 1953
Mackey, E, 1953
Magill, W.W., 1953
Mahan, C.A., 1953
Miller, R.C., 1953
Newman, J.H., 1953
Ramsey, R.I., 1953
Sealth, D.M., 1953
Sellards, G, 1953
Threlkeld, D, 1953
Vennes, L.A., 1953
Welch, E.G., 1953
Weldon, M, 1953
Whitehouse, J.W., 1953
Wyatt, C.E., 1953
Administration, 1954
Armstrong, W.D., 1954
Bondurant, C.O., 1954
Bryant, T.R., 1954
Button, M, 1954
Corder, G.P., 1954
10Duncan, J.G., 1954
Elliott, N.R., 1954
Fortenbury, B.W., 1954
Gardner, I.S., 1954
Haak, P.J., 1954
Hagman, I.C., 1954
Hopper, R.C., 1954
Hunt, R.H., 1954
Imlay, F, 1954
Jackson, W.E., 1954
Kelley, J.B., 1954
Kelley, M.J., 1954
Latzke, V, 1954
Leonard, L.B., 1954
Magill, W.W., 1954
Mahan, C.A., 1954
Miller, W.W., 1954
Newman, J.A., 1954
Phillips, S.H., 1954
Ramsey, R.J., 1954
Scherdenhelm, E.C., 1954
Sellards, G, 1954
Vennes, L.A., 1954
Welch, F.J., 1954
Weldon, M, 1954
Whitehouse, J.W., 1954
Young, H.M., 1954
Allen, S.Q., 1955
Armstrong, W.D., 1955
Bartlett, M, 1955
Corder, G.D., 1955
Kelley, J.B., 1955
Farmer, W.I., 1955
Fortenbury, B.F., 1955
Gardner, J.S., 1955
Graddy, L.C., 1955
Hunt, R.A., 1955
Hibberd, M.W., 1955
Hopper, R, 1955
Hagman, I.C., 1955
Haak, P.J., 1955
Logan, M.M., 1955
Leonard, L, 1955
Latzke, V, 1955
Imlay, F, 1955
Phillips, S.H., 1955
Parsons, A.R., 1955
Newman, J.A., 1955
Miller, R.C., 1955
Mahan, C.A., 1955
Magill, W.W., 1955
Ramsey, R.J., 1955
Scheindenhelm, E.C., 1955
Sellards, Graddy, 1955
Smith, J.A., 1955
- Box 67, Folder 4