Ronald D Eller papers
Descriptive Summary
- Title
- Ronald D Eller papers
- Date
- 1852-2013, undated (inclusive)
- 1977-2008 (bulk)
- Creator
- Eller, Ronald D., 1948-
- Extent
- 38.2 Cubic Feet
- Subjects
- Rural development -- Kentucky.
- Regional Planning -- Kentucky.
- Regional Planning -- Appalachian Region.
- Kentucky -- Economic conditions -- 20th century.
- Community development -- Appalachian Region.
- Community development -- Kentucky.
- Historians -- Kentucky.
- Video tapes.
- Audiotapes.
- Arrangement
- Collection is arranged into 10 series by subject or by format: Appalachian Center; Uneven Ground: Appalachia Since 1945; Correspondence; External committees and consultant work; Mars Hill College; Papers, speeches, and other writings; Research Files; Personal; Audiovisual materials; and Electronic records.
- Preferred Citation
- 2013ua007: [identification of item], Ronald D. Eller papers, 1852-2013, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
- Repository
- University of Kentucky
Collection Overview
- Biography / History
- A former University of Kentucky distinguished professor of history (2011-2012), Ronald D Eller dedicated much of his life to the study of Appalachian history, rural economic development, and social change. Born in southern West Virginia in 1948, Eller received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1979. He taught at Mars Hill College (North Carolina) from 1977 until 1985, when he relocated to Lexington upon his appointment as the second director of the University of Kentucky's Appalachian Center, founded in 1977. Eller served in this capacity until 2000, when he resigned as director in order to focus on teaching and scholarship. During his tenure with the Appalachian Center, Eller administered research and service programs on an array of Appalachian policy issues, fulfilling the outreach, scholarly, and instruction missions of the Center. Under his leadership, the Appalachian Data Bank project was established (1986), wherein information on education, social services, and unemployment issues was collected and disseminated to Appalachian communities and scholars; leadership training and community development were promoted via the Appalachian Civic Leadership Project and the Commonwealth Fellowship Program; and the Appalachian Center worked collaboratively with the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) on regional economic development initiatives.
- The recipient of numerous accolades, Eller was named by Kentucky Governor Brereton Jones as chairman to the Kentucky Appalachian Task Force in 1994; he then served as the first chairman of the Kentucky Appalachian Commission. Due to Eller's guiding role with the Task Force, the Appalachian Center published Communities of Hope: The Report of the Kentucky Appalachian Task Force and subsequently worked at the behest of Governor Brereton to implement the report's recommended strategic plan for regional development. In 1998, Eller was selected to be the John D. Whisman Visiting Scholar for the Appalachian Regional Commission, a position in which Eller's scholarly research and expertise on regional development in Appalachia informed and guided ARC programs. This esteemed scholarship also allowed Eller to offer an economic development seminar to UK students in the 1999-2000 academic year. In this course, students actively participated in assessing the needs of select distressed counties in several Appalachian states, with a final presentation to ARC officials in Washington D.C.
- In recognition of his service to Appalachia, Eller was the 1997 recipient of Hazard Community College's Jim Wayne Miller Award, the recipient of two East Kentucky Leadership Foundation Special Awards (1999 and 2009), and the 1998 recipient of the University of Kentucky's William E. Lyons Award. Known locally and nationally for his engagement and leadership in Appalachian studies scholarship and Appalachian economic development, Eller consulted with numerous organizations, including working with the Rural Community College Initiative to evaluate the efficacy of programs to expand access to higher education in economically unstable rural communities. In his many years teaching history at the University of Kentucky, he was widely recognized for the thoughtful mentorship he provided to his students and for his frequent chairmanship and service on Ph.D. committees.
- Eller is the author of two seminal books on Appalachia: Miners, Millhands and Mountaineers: The Industrialization of the Appalachian South, which won the 1982 Willis Weatherford Award in Appalachian Studies and the 1982 Thomas Wolfe Memorial Literary Award, and Uneven Ground: Appalachia Since 1945, winner of the 2009 Willis D. Weatherford Award for best publication about Appalachia and the 2009 V.O. Key Award winner for best book on Southern Politics.
- Scope and Content
- The Ronald D Eller papers (dated 1852-2013, undated; 38.2 cubic feet; 36 record storage cartons,, 1 half record storage carton, 3 flat boxes, 1 wrapped item) comprise administrative files, research files, and correspondence that primarily document Eller's academic and administrative career in Appalachian studies with the University of Kentucky's Appalachian Center and his professional projects with national and regional organizations to improve Appalachian economic development.
- The majority of the collection comprises records relating to Eller's professional life as a scholar of Appalachian history and development. Administrative files and correspondence from Eller's years at Mars Hill College (1977-1985) and at the University of Kentucky (1985-2013) describe Eller's long academic involvement with the communities and issues of rural Appalachia. Published reports and unit reviews detail the many projects undertaken by University of Kentucky Appalachian Center staff, including its accomplishments in the areas of research, service, and instruction for distressed communities and for the Commonwealth. Director's office records include the briefcase of Harry Caudill, bequeathed to Eller as Caudill's successor in Appalachian Studies at the University of Kentucky.
- Correspondence written by and to Eller throughout the entirety of his career signifies his recognition as a preeiminent Appalachian studies scholar, with numerous invitations extended to him to lecture, publish, and review documents and programs on Appalachia.
- Eller's main scholarly projects include the publication of two books on the history and development of Appalachia: Miners, Millhands and Mountaineers: The Industrialization of the Appalachian South, and Uneven Ground: Appalachia Since 1945. Working drafts of both texts are represented in the collection. Extensive research files for Uneven Ground indicate the book's major themes of rural poverty and the impact of industrilization and coal mining on the environment and local communities.
- A substantive portion of the collection is composed of research files of newspaper clippings, published reports, and grey literature on the poverty, economy, industry, development, and culture of the Appalachian region. The collection includes research files specific to Eller's second major publication, Uneven Ground, research files maintained by the University of Kentucky's Appalachian Center, and research files of materials that Eller collected for his own reference.
- Other projects in which Eller participated, and which are not always directly affiliated with UK's Appalachian Center, document his support of Appalachian development and his record of service to Appalachian communities. Eller assumed many leadership roles in organizations aimed to assist rural areas in implementing sustainable programs to combat poverty and promote industry. Correspondence and meeting materials with the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community program, the Kentucky Appalachian Commission, the Kentucky Appalachian Task Force, and the Rural Community College Initiative demonstrate Eller's commitment to the land and citizens of Appalachia.
- In addition, there are personal files that reflect Eller's contributions and dedication to Appalachian studies and community engagement, including a promotion dossier compiled by Eller that specifies the many projects of his career, research files relevant to his personal interests on Appalachia, and appointment books that provide a broad outline of Eller's professional schedule.
- Processing Info
- Much of the collection was received in boxes and folders labeled by Eller. His folder titles and organization have been maintained wherever possible. Unlabeled folders were assigned titles by the archivist.
- The series for the Appalachian Center and for Uneven Ground are the largest in the collection that primarily contain materials written or annotated by Eller; these series are positioned as the first series of the collection. Subsequent series are arranged alphabetically by series name, with the smaller Personal records, Audiovisual materials, and Electronic records as the final series.
- Duplicate published reports and books and commercially-produced audiovisual materials that Eller collected for research purposes have been removed from the collection. Titles for all research material originally gathered by Eller are included in the bibliography prepared by Special Collections in the "Research materials received with collection" file of the Personal Records series.
- University of Kentucky Special Collections gratefully acknowledges the support of the Ezra Gillis family in funding the Ezra Gillis University Archives Fellow position and the processing of this collection.
Restrictions on Access and Use
- Conditions Governing Access
- Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
- Use Restrictions
- Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.
Contents of the Collection
Appalachian Center, 1918-2013, undated
Scope and Contents
Comprises administrative, financial, and professorial records from the Appalachian Center's director's office; reports, proposals, and evaluations of Appalachian Center projects; and Appalachian Center published research and data reports, newsletters, and conference proceedings that document Center activities and staff research interests. Director's office records include the briefcase of Harry Caudill with a signed letter from Caudill in which he bequeaths the briefcase to his successor. A facsimile of this letter was printed for the occasion of the donation of Eller's papers to UK at the Margaret I. King Library on November 8, 2013; limited edition print number 93 of 200 is maintained in this collection. Arranged in three subseries: Director's office records, Publications, and Research files.
Processing Information
Eller's labeling for Appalachian Center files has been mostly maintained, including the distinction between director's office files and Appalachian Center research files. Appalachian Center published reports that were originally located throughout the collection were grouped into the Publications subseries within the Appalachian Center records. Files that pre-dated Eller's time at the University of Kentucky and are addressed to or from Appalachian Center staff were separated into a subseries of the Director's office records: Inherited files from previous Appalachian Center staff.
Director's office records, 1918-2013, undated
Administrative records, 1976-2000, undated
Administrative regulations, 1989-1999, undated
Annual plans and budgets 1991-1999, 1992-1998
Annual report and strategic plan, 1991-1992, 1992
Appalachian Center issues 2000, 1999-2000, undated
Appalachian Center planning, five year plan, 1986-1991
Appalachian Center tenth anniversary celebration, 1988
Appalachian Consortium railroads exhibit, 1989, undated
Appalachian educational resources project, 1986, undated
Appalachian heritage project in public schools, 1983-1986, undated
Appalachian journalism chair, Ron Eller, 1993
Appalachian leadership development, 1977-1987, undated
Appalachian Regional Commission library collection, 1988-1989, undated
Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative (ARSI), 1998-1999
Appalshop's proposal to National Endowment for the Humanities, 1997
Building renovation, 1985-1986, undated
Brunn survey, 1999
Canadian studies conferences and research grants, 1990-1991
Capital campaign, 1994, undated
Central Appalachia Foundation (proposed), Tom Miller, 1996-1998
Commonwealth Fellowship Program (CFP) capital campaign, 1993-1994, undated
Data Bank applications, 1985, undated
East Kentucky teachers network, 1987-1989, undated
Empowerment zone/enterprise community (EZ/EC) evaluation contract, 1995
Endowment for Appalachian artists, 1982-1986, undated
Environmental policy team, 1997-1998, undated
Environmental survey of Appalachia, 1998, undated
Faculty associates, 1999
Fifth congressional district UK programs, 1986-1987, undated
James Goode, 1992-1997, undated
Kentucky agriculture marketing, 1996-1998, undated
Kentucky forest products industry development plan, 1987-1988
Kentucky transportation center and issues, 1992, undated
Mission statement and early history, 1976-1985, undated
New southern Appalachian regional survey, 1982-1989, undated
Personnel, 1985-1987
Photographs, undated
Robinson fund, UK community partnership, 1994, undated
Robinson scholars program, 1996
Rockefeller Foundation proposal, humanities fellowships, "Gender, Region and Community", 1987, undated
Rome exchange applicants 1999-2000, 1999, undated
Rome exchange program, 1987-1988, undated
Staff evaluations 1992, 1992-1993
Staff issues, 1999, undated
Strategic plan, 1986-1995, undated
Student leadership grant, 1996, undated
Travel vouchers, 1997, undated
University of Kentucky rural initiatives, 1989-1990, undated
University of Kentucky scholarships and Eastern Kentucky students, 1985, undated
University Press of Kentucky, 1983-1989, undated
Welfare reform, 1996-1998, undated
Appalachian Regional Commission sponsored economic development seminar, GS 600, 1977-2001, undated
2000-2001 State of Kentucky's Environment: A Report on Environmental Trends and Conditions, The Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission, 2001 June
Abstracts, 2000, undated
Eastern Kentucky innovation region strategic plan, 2001
Eastern Kentucky new economy region strategic plan, 2001
GS 600-001 Spring 2000 binder, 1998-2000, undated
GS 600-003 Spring 1999 binder, 1992-1999, undated
Human resources and economic distress in rural communities: essays from a seminar on Appalachian development, spring semester, 2000
Listserv correspondence, 2000, undated
Low socioeconomic status forum, 1992-2000, undated
Spring 1999, 1991-2000, undated
"To Make a Life: Settlement Institutions of Appalachia", 1977
Appalachian studies program, 1979-2006, undated
Appalachian collection videos, 1994
Appalachian History 580, 2004
Appalachian History (Eller), 2006
Appalachian students at the University of Kentucky, 1979-1986, undated
Appalachian studies courses at the University of Kentucky, circa 1986-1991, undated
Appalachian studies minor, 1993, undated
Appalachian studies topical majors, 1993-1994
Budgets, 1984-2010, undated
1985-1986, 1984-1986, undated
1986-1987, 1986-1987, undated
1990, 1990-1992, undated
1992-1996, 1990-1996, undated
1993-1994 review, 1990-1991, undated
1996-2000, 1996-2010, undated
University of Kentucky conference on Appalachia budget reports 1990-1992, undated
Conference materials and notes, 1985-1994, undated
Hosted by the University of Kentucky, 1985-1989, undated
Community studies conference [April 3-4, 1986], 1985-1986, undated
Demographic change in Appalachia symposium, 1988-1989, undated
Education in Appalachia conference [October 23-24, 1987], 1986-1987, undated
Health in Appalachia conference [November 3-5, 1988], 1987-1988, undated
Land and economy conference [October 30-31, 1986], 1986, undated
Hosted elsewhere, 1986-1994, undated
Appalachian Regional Commission Conference on children and youth [October 18-20, 1990], 1988-1990, undated
Institute for Mining and Minerals Research (IMMR) conference, 1986
Rural development conference, Berea College, 1994
National Governors' Association notes, 1991, undated
Projects, 1960-2000, undated
Annenberg challenge, 1996-1999, undated
Appalachian Civic Leadership Project (ACLP), 1960-1997, undated
Administrative files, 1990-1997, undated
Appalachian leadership development project (Kellogg), 1960-1988, undated
Kellogg Foundation budget reports, 1990-1993
Kellogg Foundation proposal, 1988-1989, undated
Newsletters and reports, 1991-1994
Project binder, 1991-1993, undated
Proposal binder, 1989-1992, undated
Appalachian community colleges faculty development, 1996, undated
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) civic leadership inventory project, 1996-1998, undated
Appalachian Studies Curriculum Development Project, 1978-1980
Appalshop community development project evaluation, 1997-1999
Appalshop's community development project, undated
Breathitt County development project, 1996-1997, undated
Coal mining oral history project, circa 1986-1990, undated
Community and economic development organizations serving eastern Kentucky, 2000
Environmental Protection Agency proposal, "Environmental State of Appalachia," Darlene Wilson, 1994
Ford Foundation Rural Community College Initiative faculty development proposal, 1996, undated
Kentucky Civic Leadership Project proposal, 1992
Kentucky River Area Development District proposal to the Ford Foundation, 1994
Leadership program, area development districts, ARC 1997-1998, 1994-1998
National Endowment for the Humanities proposal, regional humanities center, 1999-2000, undated
New Kellogg Foundation grant proposal, 1996, undated
Proposals, 1977-1992
"Status of Educational Reform in Appalachia," ARC contract proposal, 1985-1987, undated
University of Kentucky community service projects in eastern Kentucky, 1989
War on Poverty in Eastern Kentucky oral history project, 1989-1991
Research files, 1970-2012, undated
Appalachian historiography, undated
"An Appalachian Reader," volumes 1-2, by Richard B. Drake, 1970
Appalachian Regional Commission economic status maps 2000, 2000
Appalachian Regional Commission economic status maps 2001, 1999-2001
"Appalachians Speak Up," compiled by Irmgard Best, 1972
Berea College southern Appalachian archives, 1978-1980
Book reviews, 1982-1999, undated
"Charting a New Course: National Forests in the Southern Appalachians", by Peter A. Morton, The Living Landscape volume 5, The Wilderness Society, 1994 May
Commission on Religion in Appalachia annual report, 1990
Community Colleges of Appalachia membership directory, 1997
Data, 1992-1993, undated
Data, general economic indicators, 1996
Distressed communities data, 1998-2000, undated
"The Forest Service and Appalachia," by Si Kahn, 1974
Higher education in Appalachia data, circa 1990
A History of Emergency Services in Owsley County by Dustin Cooper 4-28-05, 2005
"A Landless People in a Rural Region: A Reader on Land Ownership and Property Taxation in Appalachia," edited by Steve Fisher, 1979
Modernization of the mountains, Appalachia since 1940, undated
"Mountaineers and Americans," by Richard B. Drake, 1976
North Carolina, Madison County and local history bibliography, 1972
"Progress and Challenges in Reducing Economic Distress in Appalachia", 1999
"Pursuit of Happiness: Individualism and Community in American Life", 1987
Southern Appalachian regional conference position papers, 1974, undated
Southern Appalachians conference summary, 1987
"Strategies for Economic Improvement in Appalachia's Distressed Rural Counties," by Tim Ezzell et al., 2012
"A Study of the Organized Labor Movement in Western North Carolina," American Federation of Labor, 1971
Sustainable community indicators, 1995, undated
"This Is Madison County," by Jinsie Underwood, 1974
Would You Like to Swing on a Star?: A Report to the Shakertown Roundtable Conference on Economic Development and Education in Kentucky's Fifth Congressional District, Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, 1986 May 23
Unit reviews and assessment reports, 1993-1998, undated
University of Kentucky committee meeting minutes and notes, 1984-1998, undated
Academic excellence committee, 1984-1989, undated
Advisory board, 1985-1986, undated
Board of advisors meeting spring 1987, 1987, undated
Research and graduate studies (RGS) directors' meetings 1991-1992, 1990-1991, undated
Research and graduate studies (RGS) centers needs assessment, 1997-1998, undated
Research unit directors meetings, 1986-1990
Unit directors meetings 1989-1990, 1989-1990, undated
University of Kentucky / Eastern Kentucky leadership meeting, Hazard, July 24, 1989, 1988-1989, undated
University of Kentucky self study, public service committee, 1989-1992, undated
University of Kentucky Thomas R. Ford committee think tank on Kentucky public policy, 1986-1988, undated
Inherited files from previous Appalachian Center staff, 1918-1986, undated
Administrative files, 1976-1983, undated
Database development and economic issues in Kentucky, 1979-1983, undated
Flood planning, 1977-1978, undated
Kentucky Youth Research Center, Cratis Williams, 1981, undated
Letters received, 1977-1978, undated
Notes from field visits, 1976-1977
Notes, memos, and papers to Dwight Billings, 1978-1979, undated
Conference materials and notes, 1977-1983, undated
Appalachian Alliance, Appalachian citizens' energy conference, October 7-9, 1977, 1977, undated
Appalachian Alliance conference, December 4-6, 1977, undated
Appalachian Development conference, Morehead, Kentucky, June 19-21,1978, 1978, undated
Appalachian Land Festival (first), October 27-29, 1978 Jackson's Mill, West Virginia, 1978
Appalachian Land Festival (second), October 24-26, 1980 Jackson's Mill, West Virginia, 1980-1981, undated
Appalachian Regional Commission, Appalachia into the 80s, October 22-24, 1979, 1979, undated
Appalachian Regional Commission Appalachian conference on balanced growth and economic development, 1976-1978, undated
Appalachian Regional Commission workshop with Governor Robert Scott, March 8-9, 1978, 1978
Appalachian research roundtable November 4, 1977 Berea, Kentucky, 1977
Appalachian studies conference, November 5, 1977 Berea, Kentucky, 1977, undated
Appalachian studies conference March 16-18, 1979 Jackson's Mill, undated
Coal severance tax conference, October 6, 1977, 1977
Community economic development conference, 1977, undated
Conference on alternative state and local policies "new Directions in State & Local Tax Reform" April 15-17, 1977, 1977, undated
Conference on Appalachian children and families, Morehead, Kentucky,June 23-25, 1983, undated
Conference on Appalachian children and families (third annual), raising a new generation in Appalachia ARC conference in Asheville, North Carolina, November 15-17, 1978, 1978-1982, undated
East Kentucky task force housing conference December 4-5, 1978, Carnahan House, UK, 1978-1979, undated
Forum on the future of Appalachia (second), July 14-16, 1981 LMU Harrogate, Tennessee, 1981
Kanawha Valley occupational and environmental health conference June 1-2, 1979, 1979
Local development roundtable, 1977
Modernization and dependence in the Appalachian context conference Cullowhee, North Carolina, 1977, undated
Morehead State University 7th annual Appalachian celebration, 1983, undated
Mountain Association for Community Economic Development conference, 1977
Rural America, Strategies for Rural Action December 5-7, 1977, 1977
Rural caucus conference November 10-11, 1977 UK campus, 1973-1977, undated
Taxation of natural resources, New Market, Tennessee, September 30-October 2, 1977, 1976-1977, undated
Research files, 1918-1986, undated
1982 World's Fair Knoxville, Tennessee, 1982
Adams, Robert Barth, 1978, undated
Appalachia: book reviews, 1963-1981, undated
Appalachia: films, 1976-1977, undated
Appalachian Center, 1970-1985, undated
"Appalachian Policy, The Corporate State, and American Values" Herbert Reid, circa 1980
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), 1976-1984, undated
Appalshop: History of Appalachia, 1979-1981, undated
Berea College, 1983-1984
Blacks in Appalachia, 1982-1985
Buffalo Creek, 1982
Church sources, 1977-1978, undated
Coal industry, 1976-1986, undated
Acid rain, 1982-1984
Black lung, 1976-1982
Coal miners, general, 1976-1985
Courier Journal's "Dying for Coal" series, 1982
Disasters, fatalities, injuries, 1976-1986, undated
Disasters, Scotia, 1976-1983, undated
Ecological consequences, 1976-1984
Illegal mining, 1977-1983, undated
Litigation, politics, corruption, 1977-1986, undated
Mine safety, general, 1976-1985, undated
Notes and clippings, 1978-1979, undated
Production, employment, unemployment, 1976-1985, undated
Regulation and legislation, 1976-1984, undated
Roads, transportation, 1976-1984, undated
Robinson Forest and UK, 1980-1983
Strikes, general, 1976-1982
Strikes, violence, 1977-1983, undated
Strikes, winter 1977-1978, 1970-1981, undated
Stripmining, 1976-1984, undated
Stripmining and floods, 1977-1984
Taxes, 1977-1984, undated
University of Kentucky (also see Coal Industry/Robinson Forest), 1982
Women in the mines, 1977-1982, undated
General, 1976-1986, undated
Communities, Kentucky, 1976-1982, undated
Council of the Southern Mountains catalog piece, 1981, undated
Courier Journal education crises series, 1983
David Walls, dissertation, 1978
Ecology/environment/land, general, 1978-1984, undated
Economic conditions/lifestyles, Appalachia, 1975-1985, undated
Economic conditions, nation, general, 1976-1984, undated
Economic development, 1951-1984, undated
Economic development, Appalachia, 1983-1984
Education, 1969-1981, undated
Education and child care, Appalachia, 1976-1984, undated
Education and literacy, 1984-1986, undated
Education, national, general, 1977-1984, undated
Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program (EKCEP)/BMS man power report charts, undated
Energy, Tennessee Valley Authority, nuclear, general, 1977-1982, undated
Film, media: Appalachia, 1976-1984
Floods 1984, 1976-1984
Floods and water control, 1982
Folklore, 1976-1981, undated
Graduate school research program, 1976-1978, undated
Grady Stumbo, 1981-1985, undated
Harry Caudill, 1976-1983
Health, 1962-1981, undated
Healthcare, Appalachia, 1976-1985
Helen Lewis report, 1977-1979, undated
Housing, 1974-1979, undated
Housing, Appalachia, 1978-1982, undated
Human/Economic Appalachian Development Central Appalachian Land bank study, 1978-1980, undated
Hunger in America (schools, Appalachia, general), 1969-1986
Institutions, social services, Appalachia, organizations, 1978-1983
Inventory notes, 1977, undated
Jonestown, Guyana - Peoples Temple clippings, 1978
June Appal Recordings, 1981
KEIS data obtained from CJS system, 1981, undated
Kentucky State University, 1982
Ku Klux Klan, 1982
Labor, general, 1979-1980
Land ownership, circa 1977, undated
Linguistics, 1977-1981, undated
Literature, Appalachia, 1976-1985, undated
Louisville and Nashville Railroad series, Courier Journal, 1979-1982
Miller, Jim Wayne, undated
Miscellaneous, 1977-1984, undated
Music, Appalachia, 1977-1983
Oil and shale mining, 1980-1983
People of Appalachia, 1930-1986, undated
Plaut, Tom: "Interpretations of Appalachian Land in the Political Process", 1978-1979, undated
Politics, 1968-1983, undated
Politics and law enforcement, Kentucky, 1976-1983, undated
President's reorganization project, 1977, undated
Religion, 1968-1978, undated
Scottish files, 1981-1983, undated
Devolution, 1981
Economy, 1981, undated
Higher education, 1981
Miscellaneous, 1981
Oil (North Sea), 1981
Politics, 1981-1983
The Scotsman, 1981, undated
Scottish National Party (SNP), 1981
Synthetic fuel, 1976-1983, undated
Tourism, 1977-1981, undated
Toxic wastes, 1982-1985, undated
Traditions: crafts, folkways, history, 1918-1984, undated
United Mine Workers, general, 1976-1984, undated
"What Say'd These Stones?" in appreciation of our Appalachian Heritage, flyer, undated
William B. Sturgill, 1979-1981
Harry Caudill briefcase and letter, 1985-2013, undated
Publications, 1979-2000, undated
Appalachian Center News, 1988-1989
Appalachian Data Bank Reports, 1985-1989
- Box 15, folder 30-32
"Cancer Mortality in Rural Appalachian Kentucky", 1988
"Dropout and Functional Illiteracy Rates in Central Appalachia", 1985
"Education and Financial Resources in Appalachian Kentucky", 1985
"The Elderly of Appalachia", 1986
"Greater Appalachian Regional Databank (GARD): Agricultural Change in the Mountain South at the Turn of the Century", 1989
"Poverty in Appalachia", 1987
"The Status of Health Care in Appalachian Kentucky", 1986
"The Status of Pre-School Children and Their Support Systems in Central Appalachia", 1988
Conference proceedings, 1986-1988
Research reports, 1979-2000, undated
- Box 15, folder 35-38
- Box 16, folder 1
"Appalachian Students at the University of Kentucky", undated
"A Baseline Assessment of Coal Industry Structure in the Ohio River Basin Energy Study Region", 1979
"Coal Severance Taxation: A Comparison of State Strategies for Collection and Distribution", 1992
"Economic Analysis of a Proposed Property Tax on Unmined Minerals in Kentucky", 1983
"Educational Performance in Central Appalachia: Statistical Profiles of Appalachian and Non-Appalachian School Districts", 1982
"Employment Patterns and Projections: Toward an Economic Development Strategy for Appalachian Kentucky", 1981
"The Impact of Welfare Reform on Kentucky's Appalachian Counties", 2000
"Kentuckians' Views on Educational Reform and Revenue Increase: Comparisons by Education Attainment, Region, and Satisfaction", 1984
"Kentuckians' Views on Educational Reform and Revenue Increases: a 1984 Updated", 1984
"Kentucky Highways: Some History and Prospects for Planning", 1996
"Kentucky River Area Development District: Historic Trends and Geographic Patterns", 1996
"Kentucky's Distressed Communities: A Report on Poverty in Appalachian Kentucky", 1994
"Precapitalist Modes of Social Cooperation: A Reinterpretation of Family and Community Bonds", 1984
"Report on the Community Issues Gatherings on Sustainable Development", 1993
"Unemployment Rates as Measures of Economic Distress: How Reliable Are They, and What Are the Alternatives?", 1992
"Wheelwright, Kentucky: Community in Transition", 1982
Research files, 1963-2010, undated
Files by subject, 1963-2001, undated
Economics stuff - Ron, 1982-1990, undated
Eller, Ron, 1985-1987, undated
John D. Whisman, 1963-2001, undated
"Kentucky's Distressed Communities", 1994
Social change in the central Appalachian highlands, 1996, undated
Socio-economic review summary, 1995
Strategic planning keeps you from doing the wrong thing right, undated
Originally unlabeled files, 1976-2010, undated
An Analysis of Appalachian Institutions of Higher Education, by the Appalachian Regional Commission, circa 1970
Andalex Resources, undated
"Appalachia: An American Tomorrow: A Report to the Commission on Religion in Appalachia", 1984
"Appalachia Leadership Initiative on Cancer", undated
"Appalachia's Changing Economy: The Economic Education Project, Highlander Center with the Working Group on the Economic Crisis of the Commission on Religion in Appalachia" binder, 1986
Appalachian Ministries Education Resource Center (AMERC) reader notebook, 1986-1987, undated
"Appalachian Project: Rural Women and the Economics of Hunger, a Summary Report", 1986
"Appalachian Research and Defense Fund of Kentucky, Inc. Summary of Major Case Activities and Litigation", 1986
"Appalachian Struggle: The People's Story," by Earl W. Hall, undated
"Assessment of Water System Issues in Appalachian Kentucky", undated
Atlas of the Church in Appalachia, produced by the Center for Social Research in the Church for the Commission on Religion in Appalachia, 1983
Branch Plants and Rural Development in the Age of Globalization, by Amy Glasmeier, Amy Kays, and Jeffery Thompson, with Rob Gurwitt, 1995
"Building a Crafts Industry in Kentucky: Kentucky Commerce Cabinet 1985 Study", 1985
"Central Appalachian Institute for Research and Development (CAIRD): Business and Operations Plan", 2010
Change in the Mountains: Elderly Migration and Population Dynamics in Appalachia, Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, 1991
"Children in Appalachia: Current Conditions and Recent Trends", 1990
Christian Appalachian Project, 1986-1987
"Coal and Renewables in Central Appalachia: The Impact of Coal on the West Virginia State Budget," by Rory McIlmoil and Evan Hansen, 2010
Communities by Choice: Economy, Ecology, Equity: An Introduction to Sustainable Community Development, Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, 1997
Community Farm Alliance, 1993, undated
Consultation on Appalachian ministries binder, 1989, undated
David Walls papers, 1976, undated
"The Diverse Social and Economic Structure of Nonmetropolitan America," by Lloyd Bender et al., undated
"Divided We Fall: A Comparison of Appalachian Kentucky and Statewide Industrial Development Patterns", 1987
"Eastern Kentucky: The Politics of Dependency and Underdevelopment,"undated by Doug Arnett, 1991
Economic and Community Development: A Southern Exposure, by J. Mac Holladay, 1992
"The Economic Impact of the Kentucky Craft Industry", 1993
"Economies of Size in Commercial bBanks: The Appalachian Kentucky Experience," by Bernard Davis and Susan Martin, 1983
Elderly Migration and Economic Development: Guidelines for Appalachian Communities, by Graham D. Rowles and John F. Watkins, with Mark Fagan, 1992 January
"The Enhancement of Community Resiliency by Community-Based Workers in Central Appalachia," by Judith C. Kulig, 1998
"Evaluation of Water Supplies in the Upper Forks of the Kentucky River Basin", prepared for the Kentucky River Authority by the University of Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, 1996 June
"The Farmer Speaks: Kentucky Farm Change, 1986-1988," Kentucky Agricultural Survey, 1990
A Flexible Results-Oriented Approach to Rural Development: A Case Study of the Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, by Sandra E. Miller, 1991
The Genuine Progress Indicator: Summary of Data and Methodology, by Clifford Cobb and Ted Halstead and Jonathan Rowe, Redefining Progress, 1995 September
"The Invention of Appalachia," by Allen W. Batteau, 1990
Kentucky Association for Environmental Education, 1996
"Kentucky Craft Study: Outreach and Development of New Craft Businesses Proposal", circa 1994
Kentucky Energy Cabinet reports, John Abell, 1983
"A Kentucky Furst (Full Utilization Resource Strategy and Technology) for Timber Development", undated
Kentucky Revenue Cabinet Strategic Plan: 1994-1997, undated
"Kentucky Tourism Master Plan: A Strategic Plan for Tourism Development" binder, 1995
Kentucky's Low Road to Economic Development: What Corporate Subsidies are Doing to the Commonwealth, by Jason Bailey and Liz Natter, 2000
"Justus" manuscript draft, 1994-1995
"Long-Run Economic Trends," by Robert Menefee, 1985-1986
Making the Best of It: Kentucky's Dislocated Coal Miners Face the Future, Mountain Association for Community Economic Develpment, 1987 June
"Measuring Community Capacity Building: A Workbook-In-Progress for Rural Communities" binder, 1996
"A Mighty Fortress: Protestant Power and Wealth", circa 1976
Mountain Ridge and Steep Slope Protection Strategies, Mountain Ridge and Steep Slope Protection Advisory Committee, 2008 April
"New Directions: Responses to the Rural Economic Crisis", 1986
"Possibilities for Sustainable Development in Elliott County, Kentucky," by Eric Olson, 1995
"Poverty Along the Mississippi: Down and Out in the Delta," by Clay Hathorn, 1990
"A Proud Past, a New Vision: Profile of a Program," Appalachian Regional Commission, 1995
"Public Policy for Farm Structure and Rural Well-Being in the South," by Jerry R. Skees and Louis E. Swanson, 1985
Realizing the Dream...Fulfilling the Potential: A Report by the Lower Mississippi Delta Development Commission, 1990 May 14
"Recessionary Employment Instability in Rural Manufacturing Industries," by Eldon D. Smith and David R. Peters, 1987
"Redbird Tri-County Rural Development Action Team: Initial Action Plan", 1992
"Report of the Economic Transformation Committee to the CORA Commission", 1988
"Reports from USDA's Economic Research Service", Fall, 1985
"Richmond, Kentucky: A City in Transition," an urban enterprise community application, 1994
"Secondary Wood Manufacturing in Kentucky", 1994
"Sharing Successes Along the Appalachian Way: A 13-state Symposium on Appalachian Rural Development", 1983
The Southern Appalachian Assessment Technical Report: Social, Cultural, Economic, report 4 of 5, 1996 July
Strategies for the Economic Future of Western North Carolina: An Agenda for Action: Report on the Initial Phase of the Regional Economic Strategy Project, 1989 January
Tobacco states transition fund, 1994
"Tri-Cities Area Report: Including Upper East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia", Pace Magazine, 1986 February
Understanding Achievement in Science and Mathematics in Rural Schools, conference proceedings of the Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative, circa 1993
"The Utility of Using Maps in the Presentation of Data on Health Information in Appalachia", undated
The Weston Way for Environmental Solutions, 1995 April/May
"Working Toward Community Goals: Helping Communities Succeed," a draft workbook for community action teams, 1996
"Yes, We Can! An Economic Diversification Plan for Owsley County, Kentucky", 1994
Uneven Ground: Appalachia Since 1945, 1932-2008, undated, 1964-2007
Scope and Contents
Comprises drafts and research materials that document Eller's published book, Uneven Ground: Appalachia Since 1945 (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2008). Drafts consist of working versions of Uneven Ground chapters, chapter outlines, photographs for the book, and correspondence related to editorial comments on both grammar and content. Research materials consist primarily of handwritten notes, published reports by various federal and Appalachian agencies, and news clippings on the poverty, economy, industry, development, and culture of the Appalachian region. Research materials also contain some drafted chapters, VHS videocassette tapes, audiocassette tapes and transcripts of oral history interviews, and an electronic copy of a scrapbook of newspaper clippings on Ollie "Widow" Combs and family. Arranged in two subseries, Drafts and Research. The Research subseries is further arranged into four subseries: Files for Uneven Ground chapters, Files by Subject Grouping, Ungrouped Subject Files, and Originally Unlabeled Subject Files.
Processing Information
Eller's original order and labeling for his research files has been mostly maintained, including those files that he grouped into subject categories, those files that had existing folder labels, and those files that were unlabeled. For the latter, the archivist assigned folder titles in line with Eller's folder labeling scheme. Some of the words in the existing folder titles have been rearranged in order to group like materials together to facilitate easier research access. Also, some folders of photocopies or other reproductions include two sets of dates. The first set refers to the dates of the content of the folder. The second set refers to the dates of the compilation of the folder.
Drafts and reviews, 1998-2008, undated
Early draft materials, 1998, undated
Chapter one, undated
Chapter two, undated
Chapter three, undated
Chapter four, undated
Chapter five, undated
Chapter six, undated
Third draft: chapter six, 2000
Fourth draft: chapters one-five, undated
Chapters one-three, electronic records, 2003
Manuscript, undated
Manuscript with handwritten edits, undated
Manuscript with typed edits, 2008
Photographs, 2006-2008, undated
Peer review, undated
Book reviews, 2008, undated
Research, 1932-2007, undated
Files for Uneven Ground chapters, 1938-2007, undated
Introduction (includes drafts), 1998-2007, undated
Chapter one (includes drafts), 1938-1998, undated
Chapter two bibliographies, undated
Chapter four, 1995, undated
Chapter five (includes drafts), 1964-2007, undated
Absentee landownership in Appalachia, 1967-1981, undated
Appalachia in 1970s, 1970-1973
Appalachia in 1980s, 1981-1989
Appalachian Community Service Network and ARC communications by satellite project, 1980
Appalachian data 1980-1990, 1988, undated
Appalachian economy, jobs, strikes, 1989-2007, undated
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)
1964-1975, 1964-1985
1990s, 1993-2000, undated
Audiocassettes, undated
Biographies, 1967-1973
Brief history and earliest drafts, 1993-1994, undated
Controversies of mid-1970s, 1971-1973
Criticisms 1965-75, 1965-2004, undated
Earlier drafts of ARC history, 1999, undated
History, 1968-2000, undated
Later years, 1977-1999
New alternate briefing book, undated
Oral history interviews, 1983
Positive perspectives, 1968-1986, undated
Project history, 1989, undated
Publications and reports, 1966-1999
Structure: local development districts, 1972
Appalachian Regional Development Act, 1965-1985
Bank of America protests, 2007
Carter administration, 1977-2003
The Distressed Counties Program 1991-1999, undated
Edward B. Krause correspondence and proposed novel excerpts, 2004-2005
Growth center development (includes drafts), 1965-2000, undated
Knoxville News Sentinel, "Appalachia: Land of Pain and Poverty", 1985
Migration - return in 1970s, 1974
Pikeville cut project, 1994
Ralph Widner essays, 1967-1990
The Reagan years, 1980-88, undated
Sago mine and other disasters, 1993-2007
Water resources in Appalachia, U.S. Corps of Engineers, 1969
Western North Carolina development, 1983-1988
General (includes draft), 1988, undated
Chapter six, 1932-2007, undated
Appalachian economy in the 1990s, enterprise zones, 1990-2006, undated
Appalachian floods 1957 and 1977, 1972-2002, undated
Appalachian Regional Commission, Appalachian economy 1998, 1998-2002
Appalachian Regional Commission expenditures in Kentucky 1966-1999, 2000
Broad form deed struggle, 1988
Education in Appalachia in 1989, 1989-2007
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, 1987-1990
Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation, 2003-2007, undated
Politics, 1989-2004, undated
Red River Gorge project 1967-1968, 1991
Strip mining in Appalachia, 1932-2002, undated
General (includes drafts), 1999-2005, undated
Files by subject grouping, 1961-2007, undated
Coal: health, safety, and decline, 1980-2007, undated
Culture, 1961-2006, undated
"Babbitt Comes to the Mountains;" the advent of consumerism, 2005, undated
Consumer culture and development, 1961-1970, undated
Education, school consolidation, 2004
Kanawha County, West Virginia, school book crises, 1975-1983
Recent Appalachia: since 2000, 1997
General, 2002-2006, undated
Economy, 1986-2007, undated
HandMade in America, 2007
Impacts of Appalachian coal industry, 2001
Kentucky, 1989-2006
North Carolina, 1990-2007
Poverty and income trends, 2004-2007, undated
Prisons and economic development, 2002-2005
Unemployment, 1992-2005
West Virginia, 1986
General, 2000-2007, undated
Ungrouped subject files, 1935-2007, undated
Appalachia in the 1940s, 1935-1955, undated
Appalachia in the 1940s and 1950s, 1950-1968, undated
Appalachian Leadership and Community Outreach, 1971-1993, undated
Appalachian lecture notes binder, 1941-2004, undated
Appalachian Regional Healthcare and United Mine Workers hospitals, 1992-1995
Appalachian Volunteers, 1960-1989, undated
Area Redevelopment Administration 1961, 1960, undated
Black lung movement, 1978-2007, undated
Buffalo Creek, 1972-1999
Christian Appalachian Project and "The Selling of Bobbie Sue", 1987-1994, undated
Commission on Religion in Appalachia 1966-1985, circa 1973-1986, undated
Community action programs, 1966-1994, undated
Annotated bibliography, undated
Grantees, 1966-1986, undated
Agencies, 1968, undated
Compiled lists for Southern Appalachia, undated
Comprehensive lists state by state, undated
Ohio, 1966-1971
General, 1966
General, 1967
General, 1968-1986
General 1994, undated
Conference of Appalachian governors 1960, 1960-1999
Early Appalachian studies movement, 1970-2003, undated
Eastern Kentucky, 1960-1980, undated
Development strategies 1963-1965, 1965, undated
Housing Development Corporation, 1970-1980
Resource Development Project (UK Extension), 1960-1964
Welfare Rights Organization 1966-1967, 1967-1971, undated
Health, 2003-2006
Homer Bigart, "Kentucky Miners: A Grim Winter, "The New York Times, 1963
Hurricane Creek mine disaster December 1970 and mine explosion near Hyden Kentucky kills 38, 1971
John D. Whisman and Eastern Kentucky Regional Planning Commission, 1956-1995, undated
Labor issues in 1960s and 1970s, undated
Lyndon Johnson, 1964-2005, undated
Mountain radicals - youth - people's Appalachia 1968-72, 1968-2004, undated
Non-profit community development work in Appalachia, community development corporations 1972, undated
Office of Economic Opportunity rural development task force 1965, 1968, undated
Outmigration, 1972-1997, undated
Pike County sedition readings, Joe Mulloy and Alan and Margaret McSurely, 1967-1998
President's Appalachian Regional Commission 1964 (includes draft), 1964, undated
Presidential primary 1960, 1959-1998, undated
Roving Pickets movement 1962-1964, 1963-1987, undated
Severance tax, 1966-1998
Tim Berry, Save Our Cumberland Mountains, 1977-1996, undated
Tom and Pat Gish and The Mountain Eagle, 1972-1974, undated
University of Kentucky mountain program 1960s, 1969-1971, undated
War on Poverty, 1960-2007, undated
Appalachian poverty, national articles, 1960-1998, undated
Culture of poverty articles, 1964-1998, undated
Eastern Kentucky 1968, 1965-1993, undated
Eastern Kentucky, Herald-Leader articles: evaluation of ARC, OEO, 1964 Lyndon Johnson visit, 1989-2005
Education (video project) Anne Johnson, 1986, undated
Final years 1969-1970, 1965-1972
National articles, 1967-2001
Poverty in North Carolina: N.C. fund report, 1964, 1964, undated
Western North Carolina, 1983, undated
General, 1984-2007, undated
Originally unlabeled subject files, 1959-2007, undated
Appalachia in the twentieth century, 2002
Audiocassette copies of oral history interviews, 1997-2000, undated
Corruption in mountain politics, 1988-2007
Dead Pigeon River, 2007
Development and modernization, 1990-1997
Discovery of Appalachia, media reports, 1959-2004, undated
Documentary films on Appalachia, circa 1984-1995, undated
Kentucky Appalachian Task Force, 2004
Substance abuse, 2004-2007
Scrapbook on Ollie "Widow" Combs and family, electronic record copy, 2004, undated
VHS video cassette tapes, undated
Warren Wright and the Council of Southern Mountains, 1971
Correspondence, 1973-2013, undated
Scope and Contents
Primarily comprises professional correspondence written by and to Eller related to his academic work at Mars Hill College (1977-1985) and at the University of Kentucky (1985-2013). Includes written invitations to lecture and serve as keynote speaker at regional colleges, invitations to publish scholarly articles and to review and evaluate manuscripts for historical accuracy, notes of appreciation for teaching and mentorship, and general communications with colleagues and friends. Also includes correspondence related to Eller's University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill dissertation under the direction of George Tindall, agreements for contracted positions, a typescript memorial speech by Eller in honor of John D. Whisman, letters from the University of Tennessee Press about his first book, Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers, and a controversial 2009 keynote speech at the East Kentucky Leadership Conference in which Eller called for the abolition of surface mining. Arranged in two subseries, Professional and Personal, and thereunder chronologically.
Processing Information
Eller's original labeling for correspondence has been maintained. Letters received and sent after Eller stepped down as the Director of UK's Appalachian Center in 2000 were labeled personal, although the majority appear to relate to professional and scholarly obligations. Folders include two sets of dates. The first set was taken from the original folder title. The second set refers to the dates of all of the materials within the folder. Contract agreements were maintained, with redactions made for sensitive personal information.
Professional, 1973-1999, undated
1973-1974, 1973-1974, undated
1975, 1975
1976, 1976, undated
1977 (first year), 1976-1980, undated
1978, 1977-1985, undated
1979, 1978-1979, undated
1980, 1979-1981, undated
1981, 1980-1981, undated
1982, 1981-1982, undated
1983, 1982-1983, undated
1984, 1983-1985, undated
1985, 1984-1986, undated
1986, 1985-1986, undated
1987, 1986-1987, undated
1988, 1987-1988, undated
1989, 1987-1989, undated
1990, 1980-1991, undated
1991, 1990-1992, undated
1992, 1991-1992, undated
1993, 1993-1995, undated
1994, 1992-1994, undated
1995, 1994-1996, undated
1996, 1995-1996, undated
1997, 1991-1997, undated
1998, 1997-1998, undated
1999, 1992-1999, undated
Personal (after Appalachian Center directorship), 1999-2013, undated
2000, 1999-2000, undated
2001, 2000-2001, undated
2002, 2001-2002, undated
2003, 2003, undated
2004, 2004-2005, undated
2005, 2005, undated
2006, 2004-2006, undated
2007, 2007, undated
2008, 2008, undated
2009, 2009, undated
2010, 2009-2010, undated
2011-2013, 2011-2013, undated
External committees and consultant work, 1916-2007, undated
Scope and Contents
Comprises correspondence, reports, meeting materials, and agendas that document Eller's professional engagement, usually in leadership roles, in regional and national organizations with missions to improve conditions in Appalachia, especially the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community program, the Kentucky Appalachian Commission, the Kentucky Appalachian Task Force, and the Rural Community College Initiative. Also includes grant application materials and correspondence related to projects on which Eller consulted. Arranged in five subseries and thereunder alphabetically by organization name: Appalachian organization, Kentucky organizations, Universities and colleges, and Other organizations.
Appalachian organizations, 1978-1999, undated
Appalachian Consortium, 1977-1988, undated
Appalachian Studies Association, 1978-1986, undated
Appalachian sustainable development initiative, 1999, undated
Central Appalachian Alliance, C. B. Slemp, 1993-1994
Kentucky organizations, 1916-2007, undated
Appalshop, 1977-1995, undated
"Appalachian Kentucky Education Reform (AKER) project", 1995
"Ethnics and Migrations-History of Appalachia Film Series", 1983
"History of Appalachia Film Series" phase three production, 1983
Kentucky Humanities Council proposal, "Fat Monroe" and "Roots", 1988, undated
National Endowment for the Humanities proposal, "Film History of Appalachian Economy", 1977-1989, undated
Commodity Growers Cooperative Assocation, tobacco communities reinvestment fund advisory board 1997-1998, undated
East Kentucky Corporation, 1988-1996, undated
Gordon Smith project, Kentucky coal, 1997, undated
Inez Deposit Bank Summer intern program, 1996-1999
Jesse Stuart Foundation, 1985-1988, undated
Kentucky Appalachian Commission (KAC), 1964-2002, undated
Biographical / Historical
Kentucky Governor Brereton C. Jones issued an executive order on October 2, 1995 to establish the Kentucky Appalachian Commision. This order, made to administer ongoing support for strategic development planning in Appalachian Kentucky, was a result of heeded recommendations outlined in the 1995 Communities of Hope report of the Kentucky Appalachian Task Force, published by the University of Kentucky's Appalachian Center under the supervision of Dr. Eller.
1995-1997, 1994-1996, undated
1998, 1998
Appalachian development funding resources, 1996
Building Kentucky's new Appalachia, 2001-2002
Civic leadership working team, 1996
Community development initiative, 2000, undated
Community development initiative program summary and working team assignment and goals, 1997
Development plan, 1994-1996, undated
Economic advancement resource group, 1997-1999, undated
Hindman community development initiative, 1998-2000, Patton administration, 1993-2000, undated
Issues and trends in Appalachian Kentucky, circa 1998
Kentucky Appalachian Advisory Council, 1993-1997, undated
Culture committee, 1995, undated
Familes and children committee, 1996
Health committee, 1994-1996
Infrastructure and housing committee, 1995
Justice committee, 1994-1995
Reports, circa 1997, undated
Social services committee, 1993-1995, undated
Tourism steering committee, 1996-1997, undated
General, 1995-1996, undated
Kentucky Appalachian CDI applications, 1st round (Important proposals for community development intiative of Kentucky Appalachian Commission during Paul Patton administration, plus rankings), 1997-1998, undated
Kentucky Appalachian Development Institute, 1964-2001, undated
Kentucky's Appalachian development plan, 2000-2001
Patton, Appalachian development, 2001, undated
Pursuing the potential of Appalachian Kentucky, 2000-2001
Quarterly reports, 1995-1996, undated
Structure and relationships, 1995-1996
Technology committee, 1998
Transparencies 1994-1995, undated
Kentucky Appalachian Task Force, 1993-circa 2004
Biographical / Historical
Kentucky Governor Brereton C. Jones issued an executive order in December of 1993 to establish the Kentucky Appalachian Task Force and appointed Eller its chair in August of 1994. The Task Force was charged with suggesting ways to maximize funding for the state through the Appalachian Regional Commission, assessing regional development programs, and outlining a strategic plan for the Commonwealth. As chair, Eller sought active participation from citizens and led the Appalachian Center in its facilitation of regular public meetings across eastern Kentucky.
Committees, 1994-circa 2004, undated
Eco-tourism, 1995, undated
Economic development, 1995, undated
Governance and organization, 1994-1995, undated
Natural resource, 1994-1996, undated
Recommendations, 1994, undated
Reports, 1994-circa 2004, undated
Communities of hope: a period of progress, 1994-2001, undated
Governor's Appalachian Task Force 1993, 1993-1996, undated
Interim report to Governor Breteon C. Jones, 1994
Kentucky Appalachian development plan, circa 1995
Kentucky Appalachian Task Force 1993, 1992-1993, undated
Kentucky Appalachian Telecommunications Consortium, 1996-1997
Kentucky film history project, 1916-2007, undated
Kentucky Humanities Council grant, "The Pursuit of Happiness", 1986-1987, undated
Kentucky poverty task force, 1993-1994, undated
Kentucky River Area Development District (KRADD), 1994-1996, undated
Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, Women's Initiative Networking Group (WINGS), 1995
Rural Telecommunications Institute (Somerset), 1999
National organizations, 1976-2007, undated
3M, 2006-2007, undated
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), 1989-2003, undated
Biographical / Historical
The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) was established by an act of Congress in 1965 in order to plan and manage economic development across the region. Eller consulted for the ARC on a variety of economic issues pertaining to Appalachia throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. He was named the ARC's third John D. Whisman Visiting Scholar in October of 1998.
Appalachian ARC highways, 1998, undated
"The Appalachian Regional Commission: A Brief History", 2000
Appalachian scholar, 1998-2000, undated
Bill Turner, ARC research project, 1997
Binder of administrative materials, 1995-1996, undated
"Building on Past Experiences: Creating a New Future for Distressed Counties", 1999
Consultation on Appalachian research, 1999
Consultation on civic capacity, 1997-1999, undated
Consultations, 1999-2000, undated
County economic levels, 1994-1999, undated
Data collection by Ben Weber, undated
Distressed counties allocation formula, 1998-2000, undated
Distressed counties maps, undated
Distressed counties, partial binder, 1999-2000, undated
Distressed counties planning, 2000, undated
Economic case studies of Appalachian communities, 1998
Economically distressed counties fiscal year 2000, undated
Education, undated
"The Evolving Appalachian Economy", 1995
Handbook, undated
Health in Appalachia, undated
Human resources and economic distress in rural Appalachia, undated
Indicators of community capacity, 1999
Intern study on technology transfer capacity in Kentucky, 1998
Issue papers, 1995-1996, undated
John Whisman strategic development proposal, 1991-1992, undated
Maps/data - Kentucky, undated
Maps/data - national, undated
Meeting in West Virginia, 1999
Migration proposal, 1989-1990, undated
Performance Plan for the Appalachian Regional Commission: Fiscal Year 1999, 1998 February
Policy development committee, 1999
Policy development committee meeting, 2003
Population estimates and statistics, 1999
Poverty report, 1999, undated
Presentation notes, 1995-1996, undated
Programs and strategic plans, 1994, undated
Regional distress, 1996-1997, undated
Regional initiative proposals, 1995, undated
Resolutions, 1999
Setting a Regional Agenda, ARC Strategic Plan, 1996
Status of the Appalachian Development Highway System, 1999
Transparencies, undated
Whisman scholar agreement, 1998-2000
Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community (EZ/EC) program, 1990-2000, undated
Biographical / Historical
The EZ/EC federal program was enacted in 1993 in order to create jobs, expand business opportunities, and engender economic growth in distressed rural areas based on community-made decisions and goals. Eller participated in program development and evaluation via several community EZ/EC working teams.
Building communities together binder, 1994, undated
Championship communities, 1996, undated
Community learning team criticism and response, 1990-1997, undated
Cumberland Gap empowerment zone, 1994
Evaluation project binder, 1993-2000, undated
Final report, empowering persistently poor communities, 1998
Kentucky Highlands empowerment zone, 1996-2000
Learning initiative workbook, 1996
Proposal for Support of the National Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community Evaluation and Learning Initiative, Phase II, undated
Rural Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Communities: Lessons from the Learning Initiative, Volume VI, 1998
Rural Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Communities: Lessons from the Learning Initiative, Volume IX, 1998
General, 1993-1998
National Science Foundation, Appalachia Rural Systemic Initiative (math and science), 1995-1998, undated
President's Council on Sustainable Development, 1994
Rural Community College Initiative (RCCI), 1976-2001, undated
Biographical / Historical
The Rural Community College Initiative (RCCI), funded by the Ford Foundation and managed by MDC from 1994-2001, aimed to help community colleges in distressed rural areas to expand access to postsecondary education and to help foster regional economic development. Eller served as a consultant for the documention and assessment of the initiative.
Access program development, 1997-1998, undated
American Council on Education, RCCI Ford Foundation initiative, 1976-1996, undated
Audiocassettes of American Association of Community Colleges team meetings, 2000
Capacity building, 1995-1999, undated
Contract, 1997-2001
Data, 1993-1997, undated
Directory, 2000
Memorandums, 1994-2002, undated
Phase one reports, 1996
Phase two, 1996-1998, undated
Phase three, 1997-2001, undated
Project Briefs, 1998-1999
Publications, 1996-2002, undated
Reference articles and reports, 1995-2001
Reports, 1994-2001, undated
American Association of Community Colleges, RCCI documentation and assessment team reports, 1997-1999, undated
Kentucky RCCI capacity assessment report, campus memos and minutes, 1994-1997, undated
RCCI monthly reports, 1997-1999, undated
RCCI 2001 report, draft, 2000-2001, undated
RCCI 2001 report, research documents, 1998-2001, undated
Rural Community College Alliance, 2000
Rural development and increased access to education, strategies toolkit, 1998-1999, undated
Rural economic development, 1989-1997, undated
Southeast Community College, 1996-1997, undated
Team building, 1997-1998, undated
Team building protocol, 1993-1998, undated
Vision, 1998
General, undated
War on Poverty commemorative planning committee, 1983, undated
Universities and colleges, 1980-2002, undated
Berea College, "Settlement Institutions of Appalachia and Berea College Research Resources" project, 1983
Center for Appalachian Studies, Appalachian State University, "Conference on Land Ownership and Community Values", circa 1981
Mars Hill College regional studies workshop, 2001-2002, undated
Southwest State University, "A Summer Institute in Rural Studies", 1988
Tennessee Wesleyan College, "Magistrates, Justice, Law, and Order in East Tennessee, 1830-1880", circa 1990
University of Mississippi, "The Mississippi Delta Planter" project, 1980
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, "Workshops in North Carolina Social History", undated
University of Southern California, challenge grant for library collections, 1987
University of Tennessee, "Fifty Years of Continuity and Change within the Tennessee Valley", 1983
University of Tennessee, Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 1986
University of Tennessee Press manuscript reviews, 1995-1998
Other organizations, 1973-circa 1990, undated
Huntington Galleries, "Coal: History, Technology and the Arts", 1979
Huntington Museum of Art, "The Railroad in West Vrginia, 1850-1950" project, circa 1990
Madison County planning board, 1973-1984, undated
Ohio Humanities Council, Upstream/Downstream, 1988
Mars Hill College, 1973-1989, undated
Scope and Contents
Primarily comprises correspondence and administrative records that document Eller's professorial work at Mars Hill College and his administrative work with the school's Appalachian scholar program and the oral history program of its Southern Appalachian Center. Also includes essays by Eller on oral histories and transcripts of oral history interviews conducted by Eller. Files are arranged alphabetically by subject.
Appalachian scholars class of 1982, 1978-1979, undated
Appalachian scholars newsletters, 1978-1981, undated
Appalachian scholars program, 1978-1982, undated
Appalachian studies task group, 1977-1978, undated
Budget and expenses, 1978-1981, undated
History 449 papers, 1979-1982, undated
History and mission, 1983, undated
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and other grants, 1977-1985, undated
North Carolina humanities public history project, 1980, undated
People interested in Appalachian scholarship or studies, 1976-1978, undated
Seminars, 1979-1983, undated
Southern Appalachian Center, 1973-1989, undated
History and mission, 1976-1979, undated
Oral history program, 1973-1989, undated
Appalachian oral history, 1971-1981, undated
Elaine Tiller Duty interview, 1976
Interview transcripts, 1973, undated
Liston Ramsey project, North Carolina (Hoffman), 1989, undated
Major William Purviance Tams, Jr. coal operator, 1973-1975
General, 1973-1981, undated
Preservation task group, 1974-1978, undated
Symposium on women in Appalachia, November 18-19, 1977, 1977, undated
Papers, speeches, and other writings, 1867-1995, undated
Scope and Contents
Comprises drafts, book reviews, newspaper clippings, and correspondence related to scholarly papers, essays, and books that were published and/or presented by Eller in his capacity as an Appalachian studies scholar. Also includes notes for lectures and courses on Appalachia. Arranged in three subseries: Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers: Industrialization of the Appalachian South, 1880-1930, Papers and speeches, and Lecture notes.
Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers: Industrialization of the Appalachian South, 1880-1930, 1977-1981
Version one draft, 1977-1979
Version two draft, 1981
Book reviews, 1982-1985, undated
Maps, Appalachia (original maps drawn for Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers), 1975-1977, undated
University of Tennessee Press correspondence, 1980-1984, undated
Papers and speeches, 1867-1994, undated
Appalachian Ohio, 1992, undated
Berea lectures June 1984, 1984-1985, undated
"The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Mountain Branch: 1870-1873", 1867-circa 1973, undated
"Coal Barons," History 377, Sitterson, spring 1975, undated
"The Coal Barons of the Appalachian South, 1880-1930", 1977-1986, undated
Correspondence from folks in the region (unsolicited), 1985, undated
Craig Phillips Youth Institute, Asheville, 1980-1987, undated
Health issues in Appalachia, 1999-2001
Hunger in Appalachia speech, 1985, undated
Images of struggle in Appalachia, 1979-1980, undated
Industrialization and the forests "Land as Commodity", undated
"Industrialization and Social Change in Appalachia: A Look at the Static Image", circa 1976, undated
Kentucky Appalachian Ministry (KAM) speech, 1993, undated
Leadership Asheville lecture materials, 1987-1990, undated
Lecture / article on "place", 1994, undated
Looking to the future, 1985, undated
Pew award, 1986
Preface, undated
Rural health care - notes for speeches, 1996, undated
"The Search for Community in Appalachia", 1956-1987, undated
Southern Historical Association paper, undated
Sustainable development/communities, undated
"TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) and the Headwaters", 1938-1983, undated
"Toward a New History of the Appalachian South," The Appalachian Journal, 1976, undated
University of Kentucky speech, circa 1991
Miscellaneous, circa 1979, undated
Lecture notes, 1938-1995, undated
Appalachian Ministries Educational Resource Center (AMERC) course, Berea, 1979, undated
Current Appalachia lecture notes, 1988-1992, undated
General Appalachian lecture notes, 1938-1983, undated
General lecture notes, 1986-1995, undated
Research files, 1852-2009, undated
Scope and Contents
Primarily comprises newspaper clippings, notes, bibliographies, and grey literature on the poverty, economy, industry, development, and culture of the Appalachian region. Arranged in three subseries, Files by subject, Originally unlabeled subject files, and Note cards.
Processing Information
Eller's original labeling for research files has been mostly maintained. Unlabeled folders were assigned titles by the archivist. Some of the words in the existing folder titles have been rearranged in order to group like materials together to facilitate easier research access. These research files were originally housed in unlabeled boxes and boxes with the following labels: Research, notes, speeches; Research files; Various Appalachian history files; Miscellaneous Appalachian files; and Miscellaneous files. Some folders of photocopies or other reproductions include two sets of dates. The first set refers to the dates of the content of the folder. The second set refers to the dates of the compilation of the folder. Finally, the published books, journals, newspapers, and reports gathered by Eller as research material have either been kept in the collection or, if they were duplicates of items already held in the Library, removed. A full bibliography of all of the research material originally collected by Eller is included in the "Research materials received with collection" file of the Personal Records series.
Files by subject, 1852-2008, undated
Alternative development, worker-owned industry, 1978-1986, undated
Appalachia: general articles, 1970-1981, undated
Appalachia hand craft catalog, circa 1974
Appalachia: myths and realities, 1979, undated
Appalachia: the revolutionary period, 1976
Appalachian bibliography, 1927-1981, undated
Appalachian coal fields, 1982-1983, undated
Appalachian culture and values, circa 1976
Appalachian economy, statistics, quotes, reports, etc., 1986-1987, undated
Appalachian films (From Appalshop project), circa 1991
Appalachian folklore, undated
Appalachian life in 1930, 1926-1974
Appalachian maps, 1968-ca. 1973, undated
Appalachian mineral and industrial development (non-coal), 1906-1977, undated
Appalachian oral history projects, indexes and calendars, 1975, undated
Appalachian out-migration, undated
Appalachian Regional Hospitals (ARH), 1968-1979, undated
Appalachian tourist industry and good roads movement, 1909-1926, undated
"The Appalachian woman", 1973-1985, undated
Appalshop, 30th anniversary, circa 2000-2002
Appalshop's "Voices From Home", 2000, undated
Articles on Appalachian ethnicity, 1973-1994, undated
"Bad "John Wright (Eastern Kentucky), 1989
Berea College Appalachian Center, 1978-1988, undated
"Beyond the Mainstream: The Ethnic Southerners" by George B. Tindall, presidential address to the Southern Historical Association, 1973-1976
Bibliography on southern Appalachia, undated
Big Bend Tunnel, John Henry C and O Railroad, 1985
Blacks in Appalachia, 1979-1987, undated
Breathitt County proposal 2001, Warrix, 1997
Census data, 1883-1933, undated
Charles Henry Edwards, "My Appalachian Heritage", undated
"Children of the Kentucky Coal Fields" Mabel Brown Ellis, American Child vol. 1, 1919
Coal communities, 1903-1974, undated
Coal industry in Appalachia, present data and facts, 1977-1988, undated
Coal industry in eastern Kentucky, 1880-1985, undated
Coal industry in southwestern Virginia, 1891-1955, undated
Coal industry in West Virginia, 1880-1977, undated
Coal mining - Knox/McCreary County, Kentucky, undated
Coal severance tax, 1980-1991, undated
Colonialism in Appalachia, 1970-1977, undated
Commonwealth of Kentucky executive budget 1996-1998, 1996
Community and higher education, 1989-1990, undated
Community resettlement in a depressed coal region, West Virginia in the 1930s, undated
Company towns and logging camps, 1981-1983, undated
Crafts, 1970-1981, undated
"Culture and Poverty in Appalachia," by Dwight Billings, circa 1974
Current Appalachian economic development, 1985-1988, undated
Dissertations on the Appalachian south, undated
Economic diversification, Kentucky Mountains Development Corporation, 1952-1984
"Federalism" - public forums, 1981-1982, undated
"Feuding and Cultural Hegemony in Appalachia," Hatfield-McCoy feud, undated
Feuds in Appalachia, undated
Fifteenth Anniversary Salute to the People who are Martin County Coal, 1986
Good Samaritan Foundation, Inc. county profiles, 1995
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1901-1977, undated
Harry Caudill, 1981-1989, undated
The Hawkeye/Eastern Kentucky Welfare Rights Organization (EKWRO), 1969-1972, undated
Health in Appalachia, 2004-2008, undated
Healthcare in Appalachia, 1991-1993, undated
Healthcare in Appalachia, bibliographies, 1987
Henry Shapiro, "Regional Identity and Regional Culture" essays of American culture, 2000
Higher education in Appalachia, circa 1976-1991, undated
Highlander Folk School, 1940-1972, undated
Highway 23 corridor, 1996, undated
"How Can You Buy or Sell the Sky?," by Mike Clark, circa 1977
Human values and economic growth, 1981, undated
Impact of industrialization, 1907-1977, undated
Industrial relations in the coal industry, 1978, undated
Jim Wayne Miller, Appalachian literature since 1960, "A People Waking Up", 1985-1986, undated
John Caldwell Calhoun Mayo, 1982
Kentucky coal severance tax, 1991-1996, undated
Kentucky economic development, 1989-1991, undated
Kentucky economy, 1989, undated
Kentucky economy booklet, 1992, undated
Kentucky fair tax coalition, 1986
Kentucky River Area Development District, 1989
Kentucky strategic plan for economic development, 1994
Leadership development articles and issues, 1987-1991
Lee Pennington (plays, etc.), 1981, undated
Lexington Herald-Leader "Appalachian Voices" columns, 1987-1988
"Life in a West Virginia Coal Field," American Constitutional Association, 1923
Lost cove, 1976
Maps of southern Appalachia, 1852-1977, undated
The Marion strike 1929, 1972, undated
Morehead State University Institute for Regional Analysis and Public Policy, undated
Mountain agricultural data, 1926-1976, undated
Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED) coal and economic development, 1986
The mountain family, ca. 1970, undated
Mountain feuds, 1909-1950, undated
Mountain labor working conditions, strikes, etc., 1904-1981, undated
Mountain music, 1970-1978, undated
Mountain politics, 1927-1976, undated
Mountain religion, 1968-1986, undated
National Archives microfilm records, 1986-1987, undated
National forests and Appalachia, 1984, undated
National Institute for Work and Learning, 1980
Norfolk and Western Railway archive, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1983
North Carolina Humanities forums on Appalachia, 1974-1978, undated
Nuclear News: A Publication of West Virginians for a Non-Nuclear Future, 1980 November
Oral history, eastern Kentucky, undated
Out-migration, undated
Part-time farming in Appalachian south, 1986, undated
Photographs of Appalachia circa 1910-1939, undated
"Place" in Appalachia, 1981-1988, undated
"The Plight of the Distressed Jurisdictions: Barriers to One Maryland", circa 2000
Population statistics, 1934-1959, undated
"Poverty of Place", 1993
Public history, alternative approaches to history, 1977-1985, undated
Quillen, Dennis E., Eastern Kentucky University, undated
Race relations, 1936-1974, undated
Railroads in Appalachia, 1988
Reading material, 1972-1977, undated
Recreation, 1981-1983
Red River Gorge, 1983
Reference material to bibliographies and directories in American history, humanities division, University of North Carolina library, 1970-1972, undated
Regional resource centers, 1998-2000, undated
Regionalism, Jim Wayne Miller, 1984
Religion, 1978-1982
Rory Kennedy, "American Hollow", 1999-2000
Save the Children report, "America's Forgotten Children: Child Poverty in Rural America", 2002, undated
Scholars program (high school), 1983
Small Community Quarterly, newsletter of the National Center for Small Communities, 1998
Socio-economic atlas of Kentucky, 1995
Sociology, general, 1946-1977, undated
Southwest Virginia manuscripts at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1985-1986
"Southern Appalachian Dialect," Kathy Peffer, 1974
"The Status of Appalachian Studies", undated
Stearns Coal and Lumber Company, Big South Fork area, undated
Temporary guide to the Wheelwright coal camp collection, 1980
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 1938-1984, undated
Tennessee Valley Authority and the North French Broad Defense Association - headwaters development, 1981
Thomas Lewis Walker memorandum (C. P. Huntington and C and O Railroad), circa 1874, undated
United Mine Workers Association (UMWA) health and retirement benefits controversy, 1992, undated
United States Department of Agriculture rural development strategic plan for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1997
United States forest service overview report on Pisgah/Nantahala area, 1971-1978, undated
The Waldension Colony, North Carolina, undated
West Virginia bibliography, 1975, undated
Western North Carolina economic statistics, 1977-1987, undated
Western North Carolina Farmers Federation, undated
Western North Carolina, historical descriptions of, 1875-1984, undated
"Work, Culture, and Society in Industrializing America, 1815-1919," by Herbert Gutman, 1973
Originally unlabeled subject files, 1886-2009, undated
Accounting for Impact: Economic Development Spending in Kentucky, Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, 2005 September
America's Forgotten Children: Child Poverty in Rural America, a report to the nation by Save the Children, 2002 June
Andrew Isserman papers on Appalachian economy, 1994-1996
Appalachia: Similarities to the Third World, by Harold W. McSwain, 1986
"Appalachia Still on our Minds?: The Emergence of Regional Self-Consciousness," by Roberta Campbell McKenzie, 1989
"Appalachian Land Ownership Study: Volume IV: North Carolina", 1980
"Appalachian Metamorphosis: From Agrarianism to Industrialism: McDowell County, West Virginia, 1880-1900," by Randall Lawrence, 1977
"Appalachian Policy, Social Values, and Ideology Critique" by Herbert Reid, circa 1985
Appalachian Studies Conference papers, 1982, undated
Appalachian Studies Conference papers, 1985-1986
Carl Ross proposal for summer seminar, Appalachia: American myth and reality, circa 1988
Center for Living Democracy learning tools catalog, undated
"Comparison of Forest Cover Prior to and Following Disturbance in Two Areas of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park," Weaver McCracken, 1978
Connections, Kettering Foundation, volume VII, issue 3, 1996 July
County Health and Social Indicators, Health Data Branch, Division of Health Systems Development, Frankfort Kentucky Department for Public Health, 1996 October
"Cultural Dynamics: Connections and Conflicts" participants list, 1983
"Dropout Issues and Problems in Rural America, With a Case Study of One Central Appalachian School District," by Alan DeYoung, undated
"Economics, Experts and Risk: Lessons from Aberfan," by Richard Couto, undated
Economy, class, industrialization, 1983-1985, undated
The Economy of Canton, N.C. prepared by the Department of Conservation and Development Division of Community Planning, State of North Carolina, 1963 January
Enhancing Health Status: The Role of Academic Health Centers, Marian Osterweis and Suzanne Finn Eichhorn, Association of Academic Health Centers, 1992
"Extended Family and the Role of Women in Early Industrial Societies," by Anthony Wallace, 1988
Farm Service Agency photograph suggestions, 1973
"Faulkner, Race, and Appalachia," by John C. Inscoe, undated
"Fruit and Vegetable Market Development in Kentucky," by Grace Zilverberg, 1985
"Gender and Poverty in Central Appalachia," by Ann R. Tickamyer and Cecil H Tickamyer, 1986
Glen Edward Taul, circa 1994
"The Growth of a Working-Class in Eastern Kentucky, 1870-1930," by Alan Banks, undated
"History of Early Settlement and Land Use on the Bent Creek Experimental Forest, Buncombe County, North Carolina," by William A. Nesbitt, 1941
"Internal Review of MSHA's [Mine Safety and Health Administration] Actions at the Big Branch Refuse Impoundment, Martin County Coal Corporation", 2008
James Lane Allen articles, 1886-1890
John Shelton Reed, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, undated
"The Kentucky Appalachian Task Force: Re-Democratization of Appalachia," by James B. Goode, undated
The Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center: Purpose, Publications, and Products, 2000
Land of Sky Urban Center: An Economic Atlas, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Urban Institute, 1983
"Liberating our Past: 400 Years of Southern History", Southern Exposure,volume XII, no. 6, 1984 November/December
Limited Access: Health Care for the Rural Poor, by Laura Summer, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 1991 March
"Long Range Income and Employment Patterns in Southern Appalachia," by F. Steb Hipple, 1982
"The Mineral Rights Buyer in Pre-Industrial Appalachia: A Study of Richard M. Broas," by Randall Lawrence, 1975
Modernization: The Transformation of American Life, 1600-1865, by Richard Brown, 1976
"Naming the Appalachian Mountains: An Ethnohistoric Approach," by Lathel Duffield, 1983
Perceptions of Home: The Urban Appalachian Spirit, photographs by Malcolm H. Wilson, interviews by Don Corathers, 1996
"Recurring Crisis: Evolutionism and Creationism in the Public School Curriculum," by William Ellis, undated
"Risk Perceptions After a Coal Waste Impoundment Failure: A Survey Assessment," by Stephanie McSpirit et al., 2007
Robert D. Putnam articles on community and civic life, 1993-1995
"The Rural/Farm Crisis in Kentucky Appalachia," by Ben Poage, undated
Seeds, a magazine for Southern Baptists concerned about world hunger, 1980 October
Sojourner, William H. Turner, 1987-1988
"Some Effects of Rural Road Improvement in Appalachia: A Case Study in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Fields," by Eldon D. Smith, J. Keith Wilkinson, and Kurt R. Anschel, 1973
"The Star Fire Project: A Report on Work Started During 1987 and Directions for Research & Development 1988, 89," a project update for Cyprus Minerals & Cyprus Coal Company by University of Kentucky, 1988
Suggested list of foundations for potential support of Appalachian development and redevelopment, Appalachian Ministries Educational Resource Center, undated
"They're Not All Sitting Back and Taking It: Fighting for Change in Eastern Kentucky," by Joe Szakos, undated
Thomas Arcury papers, University of Kentucky Center for Developmental Change, 1990
Thomas Plaut, Mars Hill College, 1979-1983
"Uncivil Society, Healthy Communities and Civil Learning," by Stephen Viederman, undated
University of Kentucky resources for economic development, 2008-2009
Who Owns Appalachia? Land Ownership and Its Impact excerpt, 1983
Wilma Dunaway papers on southern Appalachia, 1989, undated
Workforce development paper, undated
Note cards, undated
Appalachian bibliography (small box)
- Box 36
Cards grouped by topic
Coal industry
Pre-industrial mountain life
Coal industry, development of
Timber industry
Textile and other industries
Coal miners
Company towns
Unionization and labor disputes
Mountain politics
Conditions in 1930
Industrialization and social change
Cards for bibliography of works cited
Cards not grouped
Unlabeled (large box)
- Box 35
Cards grouped by subject
Static image
Mountain culture, pre-industrial society
Statistics - population
Textile and other mountain industries
Coal promotion and early development to 1900
Coal - development
Coal - communities
Coal - miners
Coal - miners, mountain whites
Coal - miners, negro
Coal - miners, immigrants
Mountain politics
Coal - strikes
Industrialization - impact on culture
1926-1933: Depression and bust
Loose note cards (not in box)
- Box 35
C & O Railroad (Chesapeake and Ohio Railway)
Early history of C & O
Kanawha Committee to Huntington, 1867-1869
1869 Huntington gains control
White sulphur
Construction, 1870-1872
Labor - life of laborers
Completion - 1873, 1873-1878 History
Colonialism and the C & O RR
West Virginia - gen. ing. (?)
Description of West Virginia along route of C & O
Statistics and effect upon people
Coal industry
Personal records, research files, and day books, 1871-2011, undated
Scope and Contents
Comprises files labeled personal by Eller that include some of his early scholarly writings, newspaper clippings pertinent to his personal research interests on Appalachia, a promotion dossier detailing his teaching, research, and service projects, and appointment books that reflect Eller's contributions and dedication to Appalachian studies and community engagement. Arranged in four series: Personal records, Personal research files by subject, Personal research files originally unlabeled, and Day books.
Personal records, 1972-2009, undated
Autobiographies (written for the adoption of son Justin in 1980), undated
Eller, Ronald D. personal file, 1972-2009, undated
Promotion dossier, 1983-2008, undated
Research expenses, 1975-1976, undated
Research materials received with collection
Personal research files by subject, 1871-1997, undated
Appalachian caucus, 1987, undated
Charles Nordhoff, New York Tribune, "West Virginia: A Horseback Journey Through the Wilderness", 1871
Cherokee history, 1976, undated
Cotton mills, 1907-1930
Economic and Social Problems and Conditions of the Southern Appalachians, 1935, undated
Economic development, Canada, 1989-1991, undated
For Ben Weber (ARC), undated
"The Invention of Appalachia, 1885-1915," by Henry D. Shapiro, 1974, undated
Kentucky Appalachia encyclopedia, 1997, undated
Logging and timber industry, 1911-1978, undated
Mountain railroad development, 1882-1950, undated
"Our Contemporary Ancestors" (1899) and other such articles, Frost, 1889-1976, undated
Pre-industrial mountain life, 1874-1978, undated
Southern textile industry, "Mountaineers in Mill Village]", 1910-1933, undated
Speeches/lectures, undated
A Tree, the forest, perceptions and references, 1913-1979
Western North Carolina timber industry, 1903-1978, undated
Personal research files originally unlabeled, 1874-1990, undated
Arkansas Democrat, "The Delta: A Special Report", 1988
Coal mines and production, 1874-1976, undated
College roles in Appalachia, 1976, undated
Harry Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader lifestyle feature, 1990 April 29
Higher education in Appalachia, 1976, undated
"Monroe County, West Virginia: Life and Work Where There Is No Coal," by Barbara Rasmussen, 1989
"Neither Eden Nor Egdon Heath: Man's Relationship to the Land in Selected Appalachian Fiction," by Edwin R. Cheek, 1979
Response Ability no. 25, Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, 1985
"The Socialization Values of Low-Income Appalachian White and Rural Black Mothers: A Comparative Study," by Gary W. Peterson and David F. Peters, undated
Day books, 1976-2011
1976-1977, 1991
2007, 2007-2008
2010, 2010-2011
Audiovisual materials, 1986-1993, undated
Scope and Contents
Primarily comprises slides of images and transparencies relating to Appalachia. Also includes photographs of mountains, videocassette tapes relating to Eller, and audiocassette tapes. Arranged alphabetically by format into five series: Audiocassettes, Photographs and negatives (aerial views of mountains), Slides of Appalachia, Transparencies, and VHS tapes.
Audiocassettes, undated
Photographs and negatives (aerial views of mountains), undated
Slides of Appalachia, undated
- Box 38-39
Appalachian Civic Leadership Project (ACLP)
Coal camps
Family, work, land
James Still
L and N
Miscellaneous with words
Numbered slides
People, extra
People (general)
People and politics
Railroads, trails, streets, wagon ruts
Tourism/recreation/second home development
Unlabeled group (rubber banded together)
Tourism, etc.
Groups with few slides
Numbered slides with Roman numerals
Roman numeral slides
Loose slides with no group label
Transparencies, undated
VHS tapes, 1986-1993, undated
- Box 34, folder 14-15
- Box 40, folder 38-40
Community Based Economic Development Workshop VHS, Dr. Salim Kublawi, Local Panel, Dr. Ron Eller, 1986
Community Based Economic Development Workshop VHS, Dr. Ron Eller, Dr. Jonathan Sher, Guy Briggs, Armand Opitz, 1986
Dr. Ron Eller: Appalachian Conference VHS, 1993
Images of Appalachia VI: Appalachian Workers/Appalachian Writers VHS, Ronald D. Eller
"Economics", "Annenburg", "60 minutes" rough cut, undated
"Dr. Jim Wayne Miller, Appalachia Conference", 1993 November 16
"Out Sangin'"/"In These Hills" by Steve and Jennifer Mooney and Tom Thurman, undated
"UK Television. Series: Sanders-Brown Center on Aging. Program: Elderly Migration in Appalachia" November 27, undated
"University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service: Community Issues Gatherings on Sustainable Development, a Prelude", undated
Electronic records, 1988-2006, undated
Scope and Contents
Primarily comprises floppy disks, CDs, and DVDs of Eller's writings and presentations, including course materials and drafts for Uneven Ground. Also includes documents relating to Eller's consultant projects with the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Kentucky Appalachian Task Force, and the Rural Community College Initiative. Arranged alphabetically into two series: Appalachian Center personal data files (floppy disks), and CDs and DVDs.
Processing Information
Digital copies of files from floppy disks will be accessible upon completion of digital processing. Floppy disks are currently physically housed with the collection, but will be removed once the digital files are available.
Appalachian Center personal data files (floppy disks), 1988-2004, undated
- Box 36
Chapter One (Final) Chapter Two, undated
Chapter Three Final Version number 2 disk, 2004 August
Chapter four, undated
ARC Project Spending South Carolina WV.xls, 1999 May 13
ARC Project Spending Alabama MD.xls Mississippi PA.xls, 1999 May 13
2000-History Docs Vital FMER, 2000
R. Eller 2001 HIS 579 HIS 700 Tams- Introduction Full Disk, 2001
Eller (Full) 2001, 2001
Appalachian map, undated
Chapter one, 1998 April 27
Research notes (1997-98), Chapter One, (2/16/98) Introduction, Drafts, 1997-1998, undated
Chapter One, Drafts to 3-25-98, 1998, undated
Chapter three, undated
Modernization of Appalachia Tradition-Modernity PowerPoint, 2001-2002
General documents, 2001-2004
Letters of recommendation, undated
Word Files: History-579 -Eller, History-656, -580 Syll, -580 Bib, undated
1999 Files HIS 656 syl, His 650 syl Address to Southeast CC Commencement, 1999
AV Cene, undated
Eller, Word Perfect 94/95, PhD exams, AV, 1994-1995, undated
Data number 1, 1988-1992, General files correspondence, etc., 1988-1992, undated
1994-95 AV, 1994-1995
1992-93, 1992-1993
ARC-99 Challenges Facing App. Students, 1999
Matthew's Data, ARC Policy, ARC Graduate Seminar, Hannah and Matthew, 1999
Appalachian Ohio, 1992 November 16
Severance Tax, 1991-1992
History Courses Appalachian History, new South WP 5.0, 1988-1993
General Files -RE Wordperfect Files, 1992
History Courses: Appalachian History, new South WP 4.1, 1998-1993
Ron's Data Disk General, 1995
Eller-Various Essays, 1997
Eller- Data, 1995-1996
Chapter Two, undated
War on Poverty Bibliography, undated
Research number 1, 1940-Present, undated
Netscape-Office BKMKs MDC-RCCI-lessons, undated
RCCI, III, undated
RCCI, I, undated
RCCI, II, Bad disk sectors!!, undated
RCCI Protocols, 1995
RCCI Project, undated
Distressed Communities RCCI-Team Brief, undated
ARC Reminder of American P. Association, undated
ARC Research Seminar App. Centers, 1999
ARC History 2000, ARC Origins 16, ARC docs, Mt. Empire Speech, 99 review, 1999-2000, undated
BK Mark Research Bibs, undated
Ron's Report: Task Force Files, undated
Appalachian Eco. Data 1940-1980, Scan disk-undo file, undated
Appalachian Child Poverty Data, Pop. Data 1970-1995, Soc/Econ Data, Excel, undated
"Strikes" UMWA Movements, "Disaster" Minding Disasters 1940-1990, "ARC" Projects, 1965-1990, "Databank" Census Data on ARC Counties, undated
1/23/93 Word Perfect 5.1, RGS Performance Evaluation, Insteval.Doc (Instructions), Pre Eval.Doc (Pre-Evaluation), Eval.Doc (Evaluation), Prodev.Doc (plan), 1993
App. Data-1940-1980, Appalachian Mailing List Addscomb.93, undated
EKY ECO.Report: Economic Tables-Title Table 1-8, Eco Tables 9-20-Title-TB9-20, Eco Narrative-Title ECONAR, undated
Draft of A Migration Bibliography, Phil Obermiller Sept 1966, 1966
App. KY Eco. Report: Tables 1-8 on separate file entitled Table 1, Table 2...Table Setc., Table 9-20 on One File-TB9-20, Narrative on a File entitled-ECONAR, Cover on a File entitled Cover, undated
Data on "deficit" Counties, deficit.wky, undated
Bibliography (Word Perfect), undated
Sources of Help, Bill Keesler, UK Appalachian Center, undated
Low Income Citizen Participants, Task Force Committees, undated
Word perfect 5.1: Rediscovering Democracy Syllabus, Eller, undated
Kellogg, undated
Kellogg II, undated
Kellogg Regrant, undated
Ron Husttedde Report 1991, 1991
Ron-2002-04, 2002-2004
Unlabeled, undated
Unlabeled, undated
Unlabeled, undated
War on Poverty Seminar at EKU, undated
Appalachian Journalism Chair, WORD PERFECT, Jour-Ell, undated
Oral History Summaries, undated
CD-ROM Drivers Adaptec EZ-SCSI for DOS/Windows ver 2.02L, undated
American Online for Macintosh, 1999
ARC Approvals by State 1966-1988, undated
CDs and DVDs, 2003-2006, undated
- Box 36
Family scrapbook of Ollie "Widow" Combs, 2004
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 2003
An Analysis of Disparities in Health Status and Access to Health Care in the Appalachain [stet] Region, Appalachain [stet] Regional Commission, 2004 November
Appalachian History 580, 2004
Appalachian History (Eller), 2006
A History of Emergency Services in Owsley County by Dustin Cooper 4-28-05, 2005
Contemporary Appalachia PowerPoint (Leadership EKY), undated
Songs and Ballads of the Bituminous Miners, Library of Congress Music Division 1940, undated
R. Eller PowerPoint presentations (old - first year), undated
Dr. Eller's Appalachian Center Files, undated
Appalachian History Photos, undated
R. Eller PowerPoint presentations, Appalachian culture and health care, tradition and modernity, undated
The Electricity Fairy: Coal and America's Energy Future broadcast on WMMT Dec. 16, 2003, undated
"The Electricity Fairy" March 2004, undated
"The Electricity Fairy" preview copy, undated
"The Electricity Fairy" slow voltage juice 6/06, undated
Final version Uneven Ground: Appalachia Since 1945, undated
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Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Descriptive Summary
- Collection Overview
- Preferred Citation
- Restrictions on Access and Use
- Contents of the Collection
- Appalachian Center, 1918-2013, undated
- Uneven Ground: Appalachia Since 1945, 1932-2008, undated, 1964-2007
- Correspondence, 1973-2013, undated
- External committees and consultant work, 1916-2007, undated
- Mars Hill College, 1973-1989, undated
- Papers, speeches, and other writings, 1867-1995, undated
- Research files, 1852-2009, undated
- Personal records, research files, and day books, 1871-2011, undated
- Audiovisual materials, 1986-1993, undated
- Electronic records, 1988-2006, undated
You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.
If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at