Gilbert H. Friedell papers, 1953-2005, bulk 1965 - 1995
This collection consists of paper materials.
Descriptive Summary
- Title
- Gilbert H. Friedell papers, 1953-2005, bulk 1965 - 1995
- Creator
- University of Kentucky
- Extent
- 52 Boxes, 52.5 cubic feet
- Repository
- University of Kentucky
Collection Overview
- Biography / History
- Dr. Gilbert Friedell was born on February 28, 1927 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He graduated from University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1947; a Masters degree in 1949; and a Doctorate in 1950. He received his American Board of Pathology diploma in 1955. He interned at the Minneapolis General Hospital, 1949 - 50 and his assistant residency was through the Mallory Institute of Pathology, 1950 - 52. He was an American Cancer Society fellow in pathology at the Free Hospital for Women, 1952 - 53 and a teaching fellow at Harvard Medical School, 1952 - 53. He worked at the Pondville Hospital and Salem Hospital, 1953 - 1955. At Boston University, he was an instructor 1958 - 61 and a fellow at the Strangeways Laboratory, England 1961 - 62. He also instructed at the Harvard Medical School 1962 - 67 and was the associate pathologist representing the Mallory Institute of Pathology at the Boston City Hospital, 1967 - 69. Dr. Friedell was an associate professor and lectured at the Harvard Medical School, 1967 - 69. He became Chief of the Department of Pathology at Saint Vincent Hospital, 1969 - 78. He was professor of pathology at University of Massachusetts, 1970 - 82 and at the University of Massachusetts, Worchester School of Medicine, 1970 - 73. In 1971 - 84, Dr. Friedell was the Director of the National Cancer Institute's National Bladder Cancer Project. He was the Medical Director of Saint Vincent Hospital in 1978 - 82 and between 1983 - 90, he was the Director for Cancer Control at the Markey Cancer Center, University of Kentucky (UK), Lexington, Kentucky. As of 2002, Dr. Friedell is both professor emeritus of Pathology at UK and Director Emeritus of Cancer Control at the UK Markey Cancer Center. Dr. Friedell's research is for the most part concerning bladder, ovarian and cervical cancers and he has a special reference to cancer screening for underserved populations.
- Facts for this biography are based on the publication entitled American Men and Women of Science, 2005, 22nd edition.
- Scope and Content
- This collection consists of paper materials. Dr. Gilbert H. Friedell was both a professor at the University of Kentucky (UK) in the College of Medicine, and the Director of Cancer Control at the UK Markey Cancer Center. In 2007, he is the professor emeritus and Director Emeritus of Cancer Control at the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center. The collection is divided into five series and two sub-series. The series are: correspondence, organizations, research, subject, and oversized / flat printed material. Correspondence, organizations, research, and subject series are divided into one sub-series: General. Oversized / Flat Printed Material series is divided into one sub-series: Charts. The date span of the collection is 1953 - 2005, bulk 1965 - 1995. Approximate dates are denoted by square brackets, and items not dated are marked "n.d."
Contents of the Collection
Correspondence (A-Be) 1978-1995
Abalos, Antonio, MD
Abe, Kaoru
Abraham, C. V.
Achenback, MD, Hart
Acland, Peter
Adams, Noah
Ahn, Dr. W. S.
Akaza, Hideyuki, MD
Akin, Alberta
Alderete, John F.
Aldrich, Tim
Allen, Curtis
Allen, David
Alpern, Eugene W. Ph. D.
Alpert, Dr. Laurence
Alvarez, Victor M., MD
Amberg, Dr. John R.
American Society of Clinical Oncology - 1968
American Society of Cytology - 1965-1968
American Society of Cytology - 1968-69
American Society for Experimental Pathology
Amon, Rodger J.
Anderson, Tom, MD
Anderson, Virginia
Angervall, L., MD
Anthony, Peter P.
Arculli, Regina
Armentrout, John
Askov, Eunice N.
Aso, Yoshio Prof.
Association of Community Cancer Centers - 1979-83
Atkins, Davis, MD
Austin, Don
Austen, George Jr., M.D. - 1969-
Austen, Dr. George - Giant Sections
B - General
B - Miscellaneous
Bachner, Paul
Bailar, John C.
Band, P.R.
Banks, James
Bannon, Paul - 1963-66
Baquet, Claudia
Barkin, Martin, MD
Barlebo, Henrik, MD
Barlebo, Henrik
Barnett, Russ
Barrett, P.D.
Barry, Matthew
Barton, Bruce
Barton, Bruce, Dr. Prout - Oct. 6, 1995 - Baltimore
Barton, Bruce A., Ph. D.
Barton, Bruce A., Ph. D.
Barton, Bruce - August 1991
Barton, Bruce - Data Review
Barton, Bruce - TAGI
Barton, Bruce A., Ph. D.
Bastin, Sharon
Bates, Artie Ann, MD
Bathija, Nankumar R., MD
Bauer, James L., MD
Bauer, Joan
Bean, Michael A., MD
Becker, Samuel
Bedwell, Mary
Behringer, Bruce
Behrman, Ned - 1964-67
Behrman, Professor Ned
Bell, John R.
Bennett, Charles
Berlin, Nathaniel
Bernard, Louis
Bertalanffy, Felix - 1967-68
Betts, Anthony
Betts, Anthony, MD - 1969-
Beyer-Boon, Dr. M. E.
Correspondence (Bi-Burg) 1969-1994
Bibbens, Terry E.
Bickford, James (Secretary)
Bishop, Bill
Bird, Richard, MD, FACR
Black, Maurice
Blackshear, Payst B.
Blackbourne, Brian, MD
Bladder Cancer
Blair, Dr. - Atlanta, GA, EPA
Bloom, H. J. G.
Bloom, H. J. G.
Bloom, Selwyn
Blum, Diane
Blumberg, Baruch
Boling, Kathryn
Bolt, David
Boon, Mathilde E.
Borbon, Angelina
Bosomworth, Peter
Boston Cancer Research Association - 1966-68
Boston City Hospital - 1966-68
Boston City Hospital - Cancer Control Program
Boston City Hospital - Staff Meeting - 1967
Boston City Hospital - Tumor Committee - 1967
Boston School of Cytotechnology - 1967-68 GHF Lecture
Bostwick, David G., MD
Boswell, John, MD
Bow, Stephen T.
Bowen, Dr. G. E. - Fallon Clinic
Bowen, Robin
Boyce, Kate
Boyes, David A.
Boyland, Eric
Boyle, Peter, Ph. D.
Brady, Kevin
Brady, Luther
Brandon, Catherine Jordan
Brandt, Tom
Braun, Susan
Brawley, Otis W.
B. C. T. F. - Central Laboratory
Breast Cancer Task Force - Consultant Appointment
BCTF - 1970-
BCTF Contract at St. Vincent - 1969-70
BCTF Renewal Proposal - 1969
Breeden, Laura
Brennan, Michael
Brickner, Abraham, Ph. D.
Brinker, Nancy
Brooks, Deborah
Brooks, John S. J., MD
Brosman, Stanley A., MD
Brown, Dr. Arnold
Brown, Gretchen
Brown, Helene
Brown, Martin
Brown, Dr. R. R.
Brown, Viola
Brownstein, Nell
Bryan, Terry
Bryan, George T., MD
Bryan, Dr. George T and Connesa
Bryant, Carol
Buchanan, Jerry, MD
Buell, Donald, MD
Buford, Tom
Buhle, E. Loren, Jr., Ph. D.
Bulbrook, R. D., Ph. D.
Bulger, Roger J., MD
Bunning, Jim (Congressman)
Bultinck, Dr. J.
Burch, Tom
Burghardt, Eric, MD
Correspondence (Burh-Cli) 1963-1997
Burhansstipanov, Linda
Burke, Ken, MD
Burney, S. W.
Bushhouse, Sally - Quality Control
Butcher, Fred
Cady, Blake, MD
Calabresi, Paul
Calendar 1990
Calendar 1991
Calendar 1993
Calendar 1993
Calendar 1994
Calendar 1995
Calendar, 1996
Calendar 1997
Caldwell, Glyn G., MD
Calhoun, Pat
Canellos, George P., MD
Cannon, Andy
Carbone, Paul P., MD
Carmody, Scott
Carrese, Mr. Louis M.
Carroll, Mr. John
Case, R. A. M.
Carter, Anne, MD
Carter, Stephen K., MD
Carter, Stephen K., MD
Cartwright, R. A., MD
Cary, Margaret
Cassidy, Karen
Casto, James
Castro, Salvador, MD
Ceccacci, Luigi, MD - F.A.C.P.
Chacko, Anna K.
Chaisson, Dr. Richard
Chaney, Dennis
Chapel, Tom
Charles River Breeding Laboratories - 1964-68
Chasteen, Don
Chen, Vivian
Chiarodo, Andrew
Childers, Masten
Chiles, Jane
Chisholm, G.D., Ch. M. - FRCS
Christopherson, MD, Wm. M.
Clapp, Donald
Clapp, Dr.
Clapp, Don
Clapp File
Coc, Clair E., MD
Clark, Danny M., MD
Clark, Wallace
Clark, Westley, MD
Clarke, Dr. Geoffrey - 1970-
Clayson, Prof. D. B.
Clayton, Richard
Clemmesen, Dr. Johannes
Clinton, J. Jarret
Correspondence (Co-De) 1967-1995
Cohen, Samuel M.
Cohen, Shepard
Cohill, Andrew
Cohn, Isidore, Jr., MD
Cole, Phillip
Cole, Phillip
Coleman, Mary Sue
Combs, Greta
Combs, Rowena
Commentary for Calendar - October 15, 1981
Community Health Advisors National Legislation - 1994
Community Health Advisors National Legislation - 1994
Community Health Advisors National Legislation - 1994
Connolly, John G., MD
Constantian, Harold, MD
Consultation - 1967
Coogle, Carole
Cook, Clinton
Cook, Judi
Cook, William MD
Cooper, Professor Edward H.
Coopey, Jerry
Copeland, Murray M., MD
Cornett, Sharon K. S.
Costanza, Mary, MD
Couto, Richard
Crabbe, J. G. S.
Crandall, Robert L.
Crase, James
Crichlow, Robert, MD
Crouch, Helen Jinx
Crowder, Francis
Crum, Christopher
Culp, David A., MD
Cummings, Frank, MD
Cummings, Kenneth, MD
Curran, Robert
Curran, Dr. William J.
Cytology - Pondville
Cytopathology Letters
D - General - 1964-68
Dalen, James E.
Daley, Ron
Daly, James, MD
Danon, David
Danon, Dr. D.
Darcy, Dr. Douglas
Darwell, John
David, Miriam L.
Davidson, Ellen
Davidson, Nancy
Davis, Kara (Porter/Novelli)
Davis, Patricia
Davis, Steve
Day, Thomas, MD
Deaconess Hospital
Deaconess Hospital USPHS Training Grant - 1965-66
Deaconess - Pathology Department
DeBor, Marydale
Debruyne, Frans
Deckers, Peter, MD
Deets, Jane K.
DeGirolami, Ettore, MD
Deichmann, Prof. William B.
DeKernion, Jean B., MD
DeKosky, Allison
DeLambre, Jules
Delaney Foundation
DeLellis, Ronald
Denis, Professor Louis
Denis, Louis
Correspondence (De-Ell) 1967-1991
Denis, Professor Louis (3)
Denis, Louis (4)
Denis, Professor Louis (5)
DeSimone, Phil
DeVita, Vincent, MD
Dickson, John A.
Dignan, Mark
DiPietrantonj, Dr. Francesco
Dodd, Gerald D., MD
Dodds, E. Jane
Dodson, Dr. James
Donaldson, Sue
Dowd, Joseph, MD
Drane, J. Wanzer
Droller, Michael, MD
Dubilier, Louis, MD
Dunn, Ronnie
Dunning, Dr. Wilhelmina
Durant, John
Dusseau, John L.
Dyer, Gerri
E - General - 1985-87 (1 of 3)
E - General - 1985-87 (2 of 3)
E - General - 1985-87 (3 of 3)
Eager, Ginny
Eddison, Grace
Edsmyr, Folke, MD
Edwards, Bob - "All Things Considered" (National Public Radio)
Edwards, Brenda
Edwards, Michael J.
Ehrmann, Robert
Einstein, Jr., Albert B.
Elam, Jane
Elashoff, Robert M.
Eller, Rand
Ellis, Tom
Ellwein, Leon, MD - File 1
Ellwein, Leon, MD - File 2
Ellwein, Leon, MD - File 3
Ellwein, Leon, MD - File 4
Ellwein, Leon, MD - File 5
Ellwein, Leon, MD - File 6
Correspondence (Ell-Fuj) 1964-1994
Ellwein, Leon, Ph. D.
Ellwein - Modelling CaCx
Englander, Lenore, MD
Engstrom, Paul
Erickson, Charles
Erwin, Deborah
Espinoza, Susan
Esposti, Pier L., MD
Evans, Gay
Everson, Dr. Lloyd
F - 1964-68
Fahey, John, MD
Fair, William R., MD
Faulkner, Mike
Fallahzadeh, Hossein, MD
Fallon, William C.
Farber, Manny, MD
Farley, Betsy
Farndon, J. R.
Farrow, George M., MD
Farrow, George M., MD
Feinstein, Alvan R.
Fedder, Donald
Fennell, Mary L.
Fennell, Robert H.
Ferber, K. H.
Ferlan, Mary
Feuer, Rocky
Fielding, Dr. J.
Fields, K.
Finch, Thomas
Fine, Manette
Fink, Diane J.
Fisher, Bernard, MD
Flanagan, Malachi, MD
Flanigan, Robert, MD
Flavell, Judy
Fleming, Juanita W.
Fleming, Steve
Fletcher, Ernest L. (Rep.)
Florence, Joe
Flowers, Linda
Flynt, J. Wayne
Folkman, Judah
Fomas, Karen
Fontham, Terry
Ford, Thomas R.
Ford, Wendell
Ford-Roegner, Pat A., RN
Forester, Darlene
Fortier, Julia Puebla
Foster, James H., MD
Foster, Thomas
Fouser, Nancy
Fowler, Marcellyn
Fox, Mary, MD
Frable, W. Jack, MD
Frable, William J., MD
Fragiligraph Correspondence
Frame Articles
Francis, Arlayne
Frank, Arthur
Frank, Dr. R.
Franks, L. M.
Fraumeni, Joseph F.
Fraumeni, Joseph
Frazier, Mr. Myra
Freeman, James
Frei, Emil, III, MD
Frelick, Robert, MD
Friedel, Elizabeth
Friedell, Gerald (GHF's brother)
Friedell, G. H. - Review of Monograph
Fujii, Dr. J. I.
Correspondence (Fuk-Gur) 1968-1993
Fukushima, Shoji, MD
Fulgoni, Victor
Fulmer, Hugh
G - General - 1964-68
Galaty, Carol
Gallager, H. Stephen, MD
Gallivan, Juanita
Gally, Eric
Garland, Donna
Garner, R. C.
Garrett, Robert
Gastineau, Clifford F.
Gates, Dr. Olive
Gates, Olive
Gatz, Carolyn
Gaudette, Leslie
Gebbie, Kristine
Geertsen, Reed
Geiger, Bob
Geiger, Jack
Gerow, Annabelle
Giblin, Paul
Gil, Gidean
Gillis, Dr. C. R.
Ginsberg, Dr. James P.
Glanz, Judith
Glass, Margaret
Glatstein, Eli, MD
Glazer, Eva
Glore, Theresa
Glucksmann, Alfred
Glucksmann, Dr. Alfred
Goddark, Dr. James W.
Goldberg, Stanley M.
Golden, Abner, MD
Golden, Patricia
Goldenberg, Dr. Ira S. - 1963-68
Goldenberg, Ira S., MD
Goldhaber, Paul
Goodin, Robert
Goodman, Ellen
Goodman, H. Maurice, MD
Goodman, Dr. Robert
Gordon, Barry
Gorman, Martha
Gorstein, Fred, MD
Goswami, M., Ph. D.
Gottlieb, Leonard S., MD
Gowin, N. F. C., MD
Grace, Connie
Grace, Connie
Graham, Lani
Graham, Ruth M.
Gramarossa, Gail
Granitsas, Mr. James
Granoien, Wendy
Graves, George
Graves Gilbert Clinic
Graves, Rosemary
Gray, Bob
Gray, Paulette S.
Green, Paul E.
Green, Susan
Green, Terry
Green, Dr. Thomas
Greenberg, Elin
Greenberg, Jonathan B., MD
Greenberg, Raymond (Dean)
Greene, David A., MD
Greenfield, R. E. (1)
Greenfield, R. E. (2)
Greenfield, R. E. (3)
Greenfield, R. E. (4)
Greenfield, R. E. (5)
Greenfield, R. E. (6)
Greenfield, R. E. (7)
Greenfield, R. E. (8)
Greenlaw, Robert H.
Greenwald, Peter
Greenwood, Mary
Greiner, Laura
Grier, Emily
Griffith, G. Wynne
Griggs, Dr. John
Griggs, Ruby L.
Grimes, Allen
Grissom, Rhonda
Gritz, Ellen
Grover, Dr. John
Gschwendtner, Alford B.
Guarnieri, Mr. Bernard A.
Gurley, David
Correspondence (Gur-Herd) 1963-1994
Gurley - 1963-1968
Gurley-Fordham Correspondence - 1967
Gurley-Fordham Correspondence - 1964-1966
Gurley - Scudder, Stevens & Clark
Gurley - Veterans Administration
Gutierrez, David
Guzzi, Paul
H - General - 1964-69
Hacker, William D., MD
Hadley-Smith, Barbara
Haferman, Mark D., MD
Hagen, Michael
Hahnemann - Symposium - 1965
Haines, Carlton
Hair, Pat
Hakala, Thomas, MD
Hahala, Thomas, MD
Hall, Geri
Hall, Jack
Hall, Dr. Thomas C.
Hall, Thomas C., MD
Hamburg, Joseph
Hamilton, Sandy
Hammond, Elizabeth
Hancock, Diane
Hankey, Ben, Sc. D.
Harlan, Christina
Harley, John
Harmon, Jan
Harrelson, Jim
Harris, Prof. Jesse
Harris, Rosalind
Harrison, Jim
Hart, Marsha - Staff Assistant
Hartmann, Dr. William
Hartmann, William, MD
Harvard - 1960-1966
Harvard Medical School - Endocrine Block - 1964-66
Harvard Medical School - Hematology Section 2nd Year Course- 1967
Harvard - Path. Dept.
Harvey, Catherine
Harvey, R. L.
Harville, W. E. MD
Hastings, Dr. Baird
Hatfield, Mark (Senator)
Haukebo, Kirsten
Hauswald, Kenneth R., MD
Hawkins, Ileana
Haynes, Audrey
Haywood, John L., F. R. C. S.
Hedberg, Kersti, MD
Hedberg, Kersti
Hedin, Todd
Heller, Leonard E.
Hellman, Dr. Samuel
Hellman, Samuel, MD
Helzlsouer, Kathy J.
Heney, Niall, MD
Henson, Donald
Henson, Maria
Heppner, Gloria H., MD
Herbst, Arthur, MD
Herda, Sister Leanne
Correspondence (Herm-Jaw) 1963-1992
Herman, Carla
Herovici, C.
Herovici, Dr. C.
Herr, Dr. Harry
Hertig, Arthur MD
Hertig, Arthur T.
Hicks, Julia
Hicks, Kay
Hight, Donald, MD
Hilgar, Arthur
Hill, Sharon
Hinds, M. Ward
Hinton, Martha
Hirota, Dr. T.
Hojavat-Gallin, Nara
Holtzman, Bonnie
Holwerk, David
Holwork, David and Henson, Maria
Holzhauser, Elizabeth
Hoover, Robert
Hoovis, Marvin L., MD
Hopkins, Sidney
Horton, John, MD
Hoskins, Daniel
Hougland, James
Howard, Frank
Howard, Jennifer
Howe, Holly
Howe, John P.
Howze, Elizabeth
Hoyler, Suzanne
Hudgings, Carole
Hueper, William C.
Hueper, W. D., MD
Hueston, William J., MD
Hughes, Allison
Hughes, Sarah
Hullett-Robertson, Sandral
Humble, Janice Walker
Humphrey, Sen. Hubert
Hutchinson, M. D.
Hutchison, Dr. George
Hutt, Professor M. S. K.
Hutt, Mike - 1963-68
Hutt, Michael S. R., MD
Hutt, Michael S. R.
Hutter, Robert V. P., MD
Hutter, Robert V. P., MD
Hutton, Mary
I - 1965-68
Iacino, B. J.
I. B. M. 1965-67
IBM Laboratory Information System Seminar
Iglehart, John K.
Illbach, Robert
Information International, Inc.
Inui, Thomas S.
Ireland, Mary
Issell, Brian F.
Ito, Nobuyuki, MD
Ito, Nobuyuki, MD
Ito, Nobuyuki, MD
Jackson, Anne
Jacobs, Mike
Jacobson, Dr. Werner - 1962-65
Jaffee, Stuart R., MD
Jakse, Dr. Gerhard
James, Jo Anne
James, Kenneth
Janerich, Dr. Dwight
Jarboe, Stacy G.
Jaros, Sandi
Javer, Jacqueline
Jaworski, Richard C., MD
Correspondence (Jea-Krau) 1963-1994
Jeanette, Sister Mary
Jenkins, Chris
Jennings, Jr., Edward T.
Jessup, J. Milburn (Dr.)
Johanssen, Dr. Sonny
Johnson, Dr. Jean
Johnson, Peggy L.
Johnson, Robert
RW Johnson Foundation
Jones, Andrea
Jones, Peter A.
Joseph, Anne
Joslin Clinic - 1964-68
Journal of Urogenital Pathology
K - General - 1964-68
Kadish, Dr. Sidney P.
Kadlubar, Fred F.
Kafensgtok, Ruth
Kafoglis, Dr. Nick
Kahne, Merton
Kahne - Project Material
Kakizoe, Tadao
Kakizoe, Dr. Tadao
Kakizoe, Dr. Tadao
Kammer, Anne
Kampschmidt, Ralph - 1963-68
Kaplan, Stephanie
Karem, David (Senator)
Kasuk, Lia
Kay, Steve
Kean, Thomas J.
Kelly, Lewis A.
Kelly, R. Emmet, MD - 1966-68
Kelly, Tim
Kelzer, Pauline J.
Kempson, Richard
Kennedy, Daniel, MD
Kendrick, Lola
Kennedy, Harry, Jr., MD
Kensler, Charles J.
Kenton, Carolyn
Kerlikowske, Karla
Kerman, Dr. Herbert
Kerner, Jon
Key, Charles
King, Charles
King, Eileen
King, James
Kirstaetter, Dawn - see Mt. Maternal Health League
Klett, MD, earl - 1965-68
Kine, Tilde S.
Knatterud, Genell, Ph. D.
Knox, W., Eugene - C.R.I. - 1962-69
Knutson, Hugo, MD
Kobbe, Anna Mae
Koch, Erna J.
Koch, Finn
Koerner, Dr. James D.
Koerner, James D.
Koerner, James D.
Kohler, Heinz
Kohrs, Dr. Francis P.
Konyha, Marvin
Koontz, Warren, MD
Koontz, Dr. Warren
Koopey, Jerry
Kopans, Daniel
Koplan, Jeffrey
Koss, Dr. Leopold
Koss, Leopold G.
Kotake, Dr. T.
Kotin, Paul, MD - NCI National Institute of Health
Kraus, Dr. Robert
Correspondence (Kreu-Maria) 1963-1984
Kreuter, Marshall W., Ph. D.
Krieger, Nancy
Kuebler, Walter, MDKulig, Judith
Kuller, Lewis
Kurman, Robert J., MD
Kurth, Karlheinz
Kury, Dr. G. - 1965-66
Kushner, Rose
Kushner, Rose
Kyriazis, Andreas P., MD, Ph. D.
L - General - 1962-70
Lacey, Loretta
Lachman, Barry
Lackey, Henry G.
Lackland, Daniel
Ladenson, Paul W.
Lam, William
Lamm, Donald L., MD
Lanctot, Melanie
Lang, Jim
Laning, Dr.
Lankford Ronald, MD
Lanksky, David
Lasker, Mrs. Albert (Mary)
Laszlo, John, MD
Lawrence, Walter
Lawson, Blanche
Layard, Dr. Maxwell
Lazar, Irving
Leavell, Jr., Ullin W.
LeCompte, Philip M., MD
Lee, Jin Moo, MD, Ph. D.
Lee, Kyong, S., MD
Lee, Nancy
Legg, Hilda G.
Legg, Merle A., MD
Legg, Dr. Merle
Lehrer, Jim - MacNeil Lehrer News Hour
Leichardt, Brett
Leighton, Joseph
Lembo, Robert M.
Lemon, Henry M.
Lenhard, Raymond E.
Lerchen, Dr. Mary
Levene, Dr. C. I. - 1961-65
Levene, Max, MD - 1962-69
Levine, Peter
Levy, Barry, MD
Lewis, John N., MD
Lewis, Ron (Congressman)
Lewis, Sally
Librach, Larry
Liebermann, Philip
Lincoln Laboratory
Lincoln, Sharonne
Linder, James, MD
Lindsay, Judy
Liotta, Lance, MD
Little, Arthur D - Current Consultation and Misc. - 1967-68
Little, Linda
Lloyd, Marilyn
Lobugllo, Albert F.
Lokey, Julian L.
Lomard, Miss Olive
London, W. Thomas
Lovi, Anthony O.
Lowell, David
Lower, Dr. Gerald M., Jr.
Lowell, David
Ludewig, Nancy
Luecke, Pam
Luff, Paula
Lund, Flemming
Lundberg, George D.
Lustbader, Edward D., Ph. D.
Lynch, Henry T.
Lyon, George Ella
M - General - 1964-68
Maccorquodale, Donald W.
MacKinnon, Jill A.
Magalhaes, Professor Hulda
Magid, Dr. Lee
Mallory Institute of Pathology - 1967-68
Mallory - Space Committee - Floor Plans
Malmgren, Richard
Malnar, Karen
Mancuso, Thomas F., MD
Marchant, Douglas
Marconi, Katherine, Ph. D.
Marcus, A. C.
Marcus, Charlotte G.
Mariano, Joseph, MD
Correspondence (Marik-Mona) 1983-1997
Marikovsky, Yehuda
Markey Cancer Center
Marks, James S.
Martin, Linda
Martinez, Karen
Martinson, Peggy
Maruyama, Yosh, MD - 1984-80 (1)
Maruyama, Yosh, MD - 1988-85 (2)
Maruyama, Yosh, MD (3)
Maruyama, Yosh, MD (4)
Maruyama, Yosh, MD (5)
Maruyama Committee, Cowen-
Masamitsu, Cathy
Masnyk, Ihor, Ph. D.
Mason Research Institute - 1968
Massachusetts Cytology Society
Massachusetts Medical Examiner
Massachusetts Society of Pathologists - 1966-67
Matheny, Samuel
Matsumura, Yosuke, MD
Mattingly, Ruth
Mauer, Alvin
May, William D.
Mayall, Brian, MD
Mazan-Duffy, Kate
Mazurki, Joanne
Mazzoli, Romano
McAuley, Robert - Pondville
McCarthy, James
McCarthy, Larry A.
McClure, Craig
McCoy, Clyde B., Ph. D.
McCredie, Margaret
McCurdy, Joyce
McGinnis, J. Michael
McGowan, Wanda
McGrath, Patrick
McGrew, MD, Elizabeth A.
McIntyre, Deborah
McIntyre, Rosemarie
McIntire, Ross
McKay, Arthur R.
McKee, Julie
McKenna, Matthew
McKenzie, Betty
McKnight, Robert
McManmon, Edward, MPA
McRoberts, Bill
McWhorter, William
Mead, Mary Margaret
Medical Foundation, Inc., The
Meehan, Edward
Meissner, William A., MD - 1962-68
Meister, Joel
Melamed, Mike, MD
Mendiondo, Dr. Oscar
Meng, Kwang-Ho, MD
Menkin, Dr.
Merrifield, Juliet
Messing, Edward
Mettger, Wendy
Meyer, Bud
Meyer, Michael
Mikulski, Barbara
Miller, Anthony
Miller, Frank
Miller, Gary J., MD, Ph. D.
Miller, J. F. A. P.
Miller, Mary Helen
Millis, Rosemary
Millner, Lawrence
Mills, Sherry L.
Minkler, Meredith
Minnesota, University of
Modu, MD, Raghuram S.
Monahan, John
Correspondence (Moor - P-General) 1963-1994
Moore, Condict, MD
Morris, Claudia
Morris, H. Ramsey (Representative)
Morris, G. Scott
Morrison, Alan S., MD
Morse, John W., Jr.
Morse, Leonard, MD
Mortenson, Lee
Morton, Donna
Moser, Michael, MD, M. P. H.
Moskowitz, Myron
Moss, Meredith
Mosteller, Frederick
Mostofi, F. K.
Moulder, Judy
Mozden, Peter J., MD - 1963-66
Muir, C. S.
Mullins, Sue B.
Munn, Dr. Alexander - 1968
Munro, Ross
Murphy, James P.
Murphy, William - 1986-85
Murphy, William - 1984-83
Murray, Charles, MD (1)
Murray, Charles, MD (2)
Music, Stanley
Myer, H. C. (Bud)
N - General - 1965-68
Nall, Donna
Narayan, Dr. P. I.
Nash, Stephen K.
Nasty Letter Division - 1956-67
Naval Reserve - Current
Nebraska Training Program
Nelson, Gary D.
Newberry, Jim
Newell, Edith
New England Cancer Society, The
Newton, Louise E.
Nickerson, Brenda
Nieburgs, H. E.
Nieburgs, Herbert E., MD - 1967-68
Nijima, Tadao, MD - 1991 (1)
Nijima, Tadao, MD - 1986-83 (2)
Nodler, Donald
Nomura, Abraham, MD
Northup, Anne Meagher
Notkin, Leonard
Nunnelly, Preston
O'Conner, William, MD
Office Depot
Okajima, Dr.
Olivia, Martha E.
Ossorio, Robert C.
Ostenberg, Paul van (JCAHO)
Osterweis, Dr. Marion
Owen, Ronald, MD
Owens, Joanna M.
Oyasu, Bob, MD
P - General
Correspondence (Pa-Rie) 1957-1997
Page, David
Page, Dr. James
Pagi, Virve
Paine, Dr. Christopher
Palmer, Dr. Clarkson
Pamucku, Dr. A. M. - 1964-68
Paris, Nancy
Park, Judge James, Jr.
Parker, Karen Davis
Parkes, H. Guy, M.B., Ch.B., F.F.O.M.
Parkes, H. G. - 1965-69
Parkin, D. M.
Parkinson, M. C.
Parsons, Lagndon, & Misc. Big Tissue Section
Partridge, Edward
Partridge, Edward
Partridge, John
Patel, Kirit T.
Patten, Dr. S. - 1964-68
Patterson, Bradford W., MD
Pavlik, Edward J.
Pavone, Ann
Pearson, Cynthia A.
Pearson, Thomas A.
Penberthy, Lynn
Percy, Connie
Peterson, Olaf - 1962-64
Peterson, Ross
Phillips, George, MD
Phillips, Jacqueline
Pierce, Barry
Pisaneschi, Janet
Pisano, Etta
Pita, Alice
Pitino, Rick
Pitot, Henry
Pizzano, Winnie
Plott, Elizabeth
Poley, Janet
Politics - 1964-65
Polk, Reed
Pollack, Earl, Sc. D.
Pommerenke, Forrest, MD
Pommerenke, Forrest
Pondville, Active Research - 1965-68
Pondville Hospital, 1957-68, General
Pondville Hospital Research Committee - 1967-68
Pope, Robert
Popp, Kathy
Portune, JoAnn
Poulis, Alexander
Poundstone, Dr.
Powell, Ralph
Powell, Robin
Powell, Robin
Press, O. Leonard
Pressman, Norman, Ph. D.
Preston, James E.
Prewitt, Judi
Price, James
Price, Dr. James
Price, Dr. J. M. - 1964-68
Prince, Masahito
Probyn, Christopher
Prothrou-Stith, Deborah
Prout, George, MD
Provaznik, Christine
Pullen-Smith, Barbara
Purcell-Gates, Victoria
Purtilo, David
Purtilo, Dr. Ruth
Pyle, Hugh, M.
R - 1964-68
Rabson, Alan
Rack, Kathy
Raghavan, Derek
Railey, Elda
Randall, Katherine
Rapp, Fred
Rash, Alleen
Rasmussen, Kirsten
Rauscher, Ph. D.
Reagan - 1961-69
Reeves, G., MD - 1961-68
Reid, Dr. Bevan L. - 1965
Reif, Arnold
Relman, Dr. Arnold
Rennolds, Edmund
Reser, Ellie
Rev-Kury, Dr. - Anemia in Cirrhosis
Rev-Kury, L., MD - 1965-66
Reynolds, Barbara
Reynolds, Dr. Moira - 1964-65
Rice, Rose
Richardson, Carolyn
Ricketts, Thomas C.
Rie, Gloria Blitzer
Correspondence (Rig-Smith) 1964-1997
Rigby, P. G. - 1963-68
Rigby, Perry, MD
Rigsby, Cindy
Robards, Trudy
Robbins, Dr. Stanley L.
Roberts, Ellen
Robinson, MD, Stephen H. - 1966
Rodes, Dr.
Roe, MD, Joseph
Rogers, John C. - 1967-68
Romney, Seymour
Romond, Edward H.
Rose, Burton "Bud"
Rose, Eck, Senator
Rosenbaum, Doris
Rosenberg, Mark
Rotkin, I. D., Ph. D.
Rowe, Melinda
Rowe, Dr. Wallace P. - N. I. Allergy and Infectious Diseases N. I. H. - 1964
Rowles, Graham D.
Rozek, Susan
Ruddell, Teresa
Rufenbarger, Connie
S - 1964-68
Sakamoto, Dr. Goi
Sanderson, Tamara L., MD
Salomon, Kurt - Schistosomiasis and Bladder cancer
Sandberg, Avery A.
Sanders, Jerry
Scarborough, Ruth
Schade, A. - 1964
Scheen, S. Randolf
Schiffman, Mark, Ph. D.
Schimke, R. Neil - 1964-67
Schindler, Irene
Schindler, N. A. - 1966-67
Schneider, Elizabeth
Schosser, Robert
Schroeder, Steven A.
Schuette, Herb, Ph. D.
Schuhmann, Alan
Joel Schwartz, D.M.D., D.M.Sc.
Schwartz, Myron R.
Schwartz, Randall
Schwendtner, G.
Schwinn, MD, C.P. - 1965-68
Scott, Bill
Scott, Ralph
Seifer, Sarena D.
Segaloff, A.
Sexton, Karen
Sexton, Robert
Shahad, Tariq
Khaka, Dr. James
Shambaugh, Evelyn M.
Shannon, Gary
Sharp, Gerald B.
Sheahan, Joan - 1966-67
Shedd, MD, Donald F. - 1967
Shepherd, Philip
Sherman, Amanda
Sherman, Dr. Joseph D. - 1964-69
Sherwin, Russell P.
Shields, Mark
Shingleton, Hugh
Shingleton, William W., MD
Shipley, William U.
Shirai, Tomoyuki
Shively, Eugene
Shklar, Dr. Gerald
Showalter, Charles - FDA
Shuler, Pam
Shwab, Thomas
Sigfried, Ms. Juliette
Silberberg, Stephen G.
Silberner, JoAnn
Silverman, Richard
Simon, Ken
Simpson, Nancy
Sinks, Lucius
Sizemore, Judy
Skonicki, Phyllis
Slan, Linda C.
Slattery, Martha
Sloan, David
Sloan, Lisa
Sloan, Margaret, MD
Smart, Charles
Smith, Chandler
Smith, Mr. Curt
Smith, Helen
Smith, Ms. Helen - 1974-77
Correspondence (Smith-Swan) 1970-1994
Smith, Jim
Smith, Joe
Smith, Philip, MD
Smith, Robert
Smith, Robert
Smith, Thomas J.
Snavely, R. L.
Snodgrass, Jan
Soergel, Konrad H.
Solomon, Diane, MD
Solomon, Diane
Soloway, Mark, MD (1)
Soloway, Mark, MD (2)
Sommers, S. C., MD - 1968-
Sommers, S. C. - 1965-68
Sonnen, Barbara
Sontag, James M., Ph. D.
Sorensen, Bent L., MD - 1970-
Sorrell, Ms. Connie
Soutter, Dr. Lamar
Speer, Paul W.
Spencer, Herbert H., MD
Spires, Susan
Sporn, Michael
Spratt, John, MD
Srivastava, Sudhir
St. Vincent Hospital - 1977-80 - file 1 of 2
St. Vincent Hospital - 1981-82 - file 2 of 2
St. Vincent Hospital - Medical Directors Report 1979
St. Vincent Hospital - Medical Directors Report 1979
St. Vincent Hospital - Medical Directors Report 1980
St. Vincent Hospital - Medical Directors Report 1980
St. Vincent Hospital - Medical Directors Report 1981
St. Vincent Hospital - Medical Directors Report 1981
St. Vincent Hospital - Medical Directors Report 1981
Stallones, Lorraine
Stanton, Mearle F., MD
Stark, Dr. Charles R.
Staszewski, Jerzy, MD
Steckel, Richard J.
Stein, Harvey
Steiner, Dr. Gil
Stelling, Carol
Stemmermann, G. N., MD
Stemmermann, Grant
Stephens, Mike
Stephenson, Jane B.
Steverson, Debra
Stewart, Joseph
Straile, William, Ph. D.
Strax, Dr. Phillip
Strong, Dr. Jack P.
Suemasu, Keiichi, MD
Sugimura, Takashi, MD
Sundwall, David
Suter, Teresa
Suver, James
Suzuki, Toru
Swan, David
Swan, Rosalie
Correspondence (Swan-Wall) 1979-1982
Swanson, Louis
Swinton, Dr. N.
Tassie, Tim
Tannenbaum, Myron, MD
Tannock, Dr. Ian
Tatematsu, Dr. Masae
Taylor, Dr. D. Jane
Taylor, Frank
Taylor, Dr. Herbert
Taylor, Patricia
Terracini, Benedetto, MD
Terris, Milton
Terry, William D., MD
Thomas, John
Thomas, Louis
Thomas, Sue
Thompson, Sakina
Throne, Holst
Tiltman, A. J.
Trapido, Edward
Travis, Russell
Trott, Dr. Peter
Tulinius, Hrafn
Turner, Terry
Twiggs, Leo
U - General
Upshur, Norma
Upton, Artjur C., MD
Urtasun, R. C., MD
Utz, David C.
V - General
Vaitkevicius, Vainutis K.
Vance, Terry
Van der Werf-messing, Dr. Bright
Van der Werf-messing, Bright, MD
Vander Wilt, Daryl
Van Hook, Robert
Van Nagell, J. R.
Van Willigan, John
Vaughn, Tom
Veenema, Ralph J.
Vega, Dr. Alberto
Veno, Donna
Victor, Maurice
Vollmer, Erwin P., Ph. D.
Vore, Mary
Vucanovich, Barbara
W-Wh - General
Wi-Wz - General
Wahren, Britta, MD
Waisman, Jerry, MD
Waite, Peter
Wallace, David - 1965-69
Wallerstein, Nina
Wall Street Journal
Correspondence (Wals-Zub) 1975-1991
Walla, Walter
Walsh, Patrick
Walton, Anna
Walton, Tracy, MD
Wang, Ching Y.
Ward, David
Warram, James H., MD
Warren, Shields, MD
Warren, Dr. Shields - 1962-68
Warren, Shields - AEC, Supported Work
Warren, Shields - SW Club
Wasserman, Todd
Wasserman, Todd H.
Watanabe, Shaw
Waters, Francis, MD
Watkins, Greta
Watkins, Sue
Wattenberg, Lee
Weakley, Sam D., MD
Weber, James
Weidner, Noel
Weiner, Diane
Weinstein, Ronald S.
Weisburger, John H., Ph. D.
Watkins, Greta
Weisman, Norman
Weiss, Mark A., MD
Weldon, E. Durward - see Wigginton, Katie H.
Wells, Raymond D.
Welsh, Frederico
Wernicke, Mario, MD
Wertheimer, Michael
Wertlake, Paul
Westbrook, Kent C.
Wewers, Mary Ellen
Weyhrauch, Ernest
Wheeler, H. Brownell, MD
Whitehead, Corrine
Whitfield, Eward (Congressman)
Whitmore, Willet
Wiggins, Deb
Wigginton, Katie H.
Wilbanks, George
Wilcox, Pam
Wildman, Bob
Wilkinson, Kenneth
Williams, A. F.
Williams, Carolyn
Williams, Edward
Williams, Eugene
Williams, Leodrey
Willis, Paul
Willis, Wells
Wilson, Memos to Dean (and from him)
Wilson, H. David
Wilson, H. David
Wilson, Jane
Wilson, Jim L. (MD)
Wilson, John, Ph. D.
Wilson, Judy
Wilson, Maureen
Winnett, Richard
Wizenberg, Morris J., MD
Wolf, Hans
Woll, Lisa
Wong, Faye
Wood, David
Woodruff, Susan
Woodward, Virginia
Woolridge, Joyce
Wright, William E. (Bill)
Wylie, Sue
Wynder, Ernest L.
Yalciner, S., MD
Yang, Dr. James P. S.
Yates, Jerome W.
Yelton, Kay
Yohn, David
Yokoro, Kenjiro
Yoshida, Osamu
Young, Alvin
Young, Byron
Younge, Paul A., MD
Younge, Paul A., MD
Z - General
Zahniser, Christine
Zavala, Diego
Zelizer, Mr. Gary
Shu, Bowei
Ziegler, John
Zimmerman, Joy
Zinberg, Stanley
Zinman, Leonard, MD
Zoeller, R. Patrick
Zubrod, Gordon, MD
Correspondence 1966-2003
American Cancer Society 2001-2003
Arkansas Consultation Report 2002
Brown Cancer Center 1991
Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. 1998
Lawther, Greg-Kentucky Department for Public Health
Lawther, Greg-Kentucky Department for Public Health 1994-1999
Leach, Rice-Kentucky Department for Public Health 1992-1999
Leach, Rice Department for Public Health 1994-1997
Leach, Rice Department for Public Health 1993-1999
Leach, Rice-Kentucky Department for Public Health 1995-1997
Main, Karen-Regarding S1880 and the NIH Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities and The National Rural Health Association Policy 2000
Main, Karen-Regarding S1880 and the NIH Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities and The National Rural Health Association Policy 2000
Main, Karen-Including materials concerning Kentucky Homeplace, Department for Public Health and other matters 1992-1995
Main, Karen-Including materials concerning Kentucky Homeplace, Department for Public Health and other matters 1996-2000
Markey Cancer Center Authority of Director Defined 1998
Markey Cancer Center (ARH) Cancer Program 1987-1989
Markey Cancer Center Appalachian Regional Healthcare Recruitment 1994
Markey Cancer Center Appalachian Regional Healthcare 1994
Markey Cancer Center Norris Cancer Center-McDowell Cancer Network 1984-1985
Markey Cancer Center Planning Session 1982-1987
Markey Cancer Center Renewal of Core Grant Form-National Cancer Institute 1988-1999
Markey Cancer Center M. Ernest Marshall, M.D. 1988
McClure, Dianna-Kentucky Legislative Research Commission-LRC Health and Welfare Section Regarding Kentucky Health Legislation 1993-1994
McClure, Dianna-Kentucky Legislative Research Commission-LRC Health and Welfare Section Regarding Kentucky Health Legislation 1993
McClure, Dianna-Kentucky Legislative Research Commission Regarding Kentucky Health Legislation
McDowell Cancer Network-Markey Cancer Center Table of Organization Friedell Appointments 1983
McDowell Cancer Network-Markey Cancer Center Friedell Report to the Board November 2, 1982
McDowell Cancer Network-Markey Cancer Center Appointment as Executive Director August 1982
McDowell Cancer Network-Markey Cancer Center Appointment 1982
McDowell Cancer Network operational Understanding of McDowell Cancer 1983
McDowell Newsletter-Markey Cancer Center Friedell Honored 1985
Nadel, Marion 2001
Participation in Planning Meeting for "Eliminating Disparities" October 2001
Senator Frist AHRQ 1999
Veterans Appointment Information 1992-1994
Younge, Paul 1966
Organizations 1965-1995
Across the Ridge
American Association for Cancer Research
American Association for Cancer Research
American Association of Central Cancer Registries (A.A.C.C.R)
A.A.C.C.R. - First Meeting 1988
American Association of Retired People (A.A.R.P) Breast Care Program
American Cancer Association
American Cancer Society - Conference on Urological Cancer - 4-9-86
American Cancer Society - Massachusetts Division - Application
American Cancer Society - Massachusetts Division Grant Application - Head & Neck Cancer
American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (A.C.O.G.)
American College of Surgeons (A.C.O.S.)
A.C.O.S. - National Cancer Data Base (N.C.D.B.)
A.C.O.S. - Physician Referral Policy
American Medical Association
American Medical Center (A.M.C.) - Cancer Center
A.M.C. Cancer Research Center - External Advisory Group
American Pathologists
American Public Health Association (A.P.H.A.) - 1995 Meeting
American Society of Clinical Oncology
American Urological Association, Inc.
Appalachian Leadership Initiative on Cancer
Association of Community Cancer Center (A.C.C.C.)
A.C.C.C. 1988
A.C.C.C. 1982-83
A.C.C.C. 1983
Boston Cancer Research Association
Boston College School of Medicine
Boston College School of Medicine
Boston University College of Medicine
Boston University College of Medicine 1965-67
Cancer Data Management Committee
Cancer Patient Data Management System - Kentucky Cancer Registry
Cancer Preservation and Control Database
Cancer Research Institute - Animal Information
Central Highlands Appalachian Leadership Initiative on Cancer (CHALIC) - site to coalitions
C.P.L. - Boston Meeting - January 11, 1986
C.P.L. - CCGA - Site Visit - Boston - July 12, 1982
C.P.L. current
C.P.L. current
C.P.L. Grant # CA 15490-comp. April 12, 1982
C.P.L. CA 15490-0952 Final Progress Report
C.P.L. - General Correspondence
C.P.L. - General Correspondence
C.P.L. - General Correspondence
C.P.L. - Cancer-Bladder Progress Report 1983 - Worcester, MA
C.P.L. Review - 1988
C.P.L. - Database Meeting at MMRI - 3-18-87
C.P.L. - GHF's file
Cervical Cancer Workgroup Kentucky Cancer Consortium
College of American Pathologists - Guidelines
Combined Health Information Database (C.H.I.D.)
Community Health Advisor (C.H.A.)
C.H.A.: Commentary - Community Health Workers: Integral Members of the Health Care Work Force (see S. D. Seiter)
C.H.A.: Co-Sponsors
C.H.A.: Co-Sponsor Focus: Women and Children
C.H.A. - Co-Sponsor HR 4024
Organizations 1966-1996
C.H.A. Documents
C.H.A. - HR 2245 - See Katie Clark
C.H.A. Legislation
C.H.A. - National - Correspondence
C.H.A. - National - Hypertension Control
C.H.A. - National - See Judy Linsay
C.H.A. Program - Contract - Kentucky Division of Health Services (DHS) with University of Kentucky Center for Rural Health
C.H.A. - Program in Kentucky
C.H.A. - Working Group - Minutes
Community Program Reports 1985-86
Council of State Governments
Cytology Acidic Orange
Cytology, Boston School - 1966-68
Experimental Pathology - General
Family Health Care Advisor (F.H.C.A.) - Affiliation Agreement - Louisville
F.H.C.A. - General
F.H.C.A. - Kentucky
F.C.H.A. - Programs - KY
F.C.H.A. - Project
First Health
Health Care Policy Council Meeting - 8-29-95
International Association of Cancer Registries
Intercultural Cancer Council
International Society of Urological Pathology
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (J.C.A.H.O.) Cancer Clinical Indicators
June 1995 - KY Center for Public Issues - Health Care Policy Council Meeting
Kentucky African Americans Against Cancer (K.A.A.A.C.) - Lexington
Kentucky Appalachian Science Enrichment Program
Kentucky Cancer Consortium
Kentucky Cancer Consortium
Kentucky Cancer Program (K.C.P.) - Cancer Control Award
K.C.P. - Caregiver Presentation - 4-25-96
K.C.P. - Coordinators, Conference Call, March 24, 1994
K.C.P. Coordinators Meeting - October 21, 1992
K.C.P. Coordinators Meeting - Bowling Green, KY - Dec. 2-3, 1993
K.C.P. Coordinators Meetings - 1994
K.C.P. East - January 1992
K.C.P. Literacy
K.C.P. March 1992
K.C.P. March 8-9, 1993 Meeting
K.C.P. Outreach Coordinators Meeting - 3-8-93
K.C.P. - Planning 1982
K.C.P. - Quarterly (Statewide) Meeting
K.C.P. Spring Meeting - March 7-8 1990 (Shakertown)
Kentucky Cancer Project - Brown Cancer Center Program Planning Conference July 1986
Kentucky Cancer Registry - Planning 1985
Kentucky Center for Public Issues
Kentucky Community Cancer Program (K.C.C.P.) - Legislation
Organizations 1972-1996
K.C.C.P. - History and Accomplishments
K.C.C.P. - Biennial Report - 1982-84
K.C.C.P. - Biennial Report - 1984-86
K.C.C.P. - Correspondence
Kentucky Department for Health Services - Cancer Program (File 1)
Kentucky Department for Health Services - Cancer Program (File 2)
Kentucky Department Public Health
Kentucky Health Care Access Foundation Inc.
Kentucky Health Policy Board - 1994-96
Kentucky Primary Care Association Inc. - Saturday, October 28, 1989
- Box 21